Iot - M1
Iot - M1
Iot - M1
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Introduction to Internet of Things
● Comprises things that have unique identities and are
connected to the internet.
● Existing devices (computers and mobile phones) are already
● Connecting devices or things , that are traditionally not
associated with the Internet
● These include devices such as thermostats, utility meters, a
blue tooth- connected headset, irrigation pumps and sensor or
control circuits for an electric car’s engine
● Things of IoT
➔ Refers to IoT devices which have unique identities and can
perform remote sensing, Actuating and monitoring capabilities
➔ Exchange data with other connected devices and applications
(directly or indirectly)
➔ Collect data from other devices and process the data locally or
● Things of IoT
➔ Send the data to centralized servers or cloud-based application
back-ends for processing the data
➔ Perform some tasks locally and other tasks within the IoT
infrastructure, based on temporal and space constraints
● Link Layer
➔ How the data is physically sent over the networks physical layer
or medium - wired/wireless - copper wire (UTP), coaxial cable,
➔ How the packets are coded and signaled by the hardware
device over the medium to which the host is attached
● 802.3 Ethernet
➔ Collections of wired Ethernet standards
➔ Standards provide data rates from 10 Mb/s to 40 gigabits per
➔ The shared medium in Ethernet can be a coaxial cable , twisted
pair wire or and Optical fiber
➔ Shared medium carries the communication for all the devices
on the network.
● 802.1- WI-FI
➔ collections of wireless Local area network.(WLAN)
communication standards
➔ Includes extensive descriptions of the link layer - frequency ,
speed, multiple access techniques etc
➔ IEEE 802.11a- 5 GHz, 54 Mbps
➔ IEEE 802.11b - 2.4 GHz, 11 Mbps
➔ IEEE 802.11g - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, 600 Mbps
➔ IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.11ax…
● 802.16 wiMAX
➔ Worldwide Inter-operability for Microwave Access
➔ Wireless MAN technology
➔ wireless broadband communications technology
➔ provide higher data rates with increased coverage
➔ data rates from from 1.5 Mb/s to 1Gb/s
● 802.15.4 LR-WPAN
➔ collections of standard for low rate wireless personal area
➔ provide data rates from 40 k b/ s - 250 kb/s
➔ provide low cost and low speed Communications for power
constrained devices.
➔ Eg. Zigbee
● 2G / 3G / 4G mobile communications
➔ Different generations of mobile communication standards
➔ 2G- GSM and CDMA
➔ 3G- UMTS and CDMA2000
➔ 4G - LTE
➔ 9kbps to 100mbps
➔ Websocket protocol allows full duplex communication over a
single socket connections for sending message between client
and server.
➔ Based on TCP and Allows streams of messages to be sent back
and forth between the client and server while keeping the TCP
connection open.
➔ The client can be a browser, a mobile application and IoT device
Exclusive Pair
wireless sensor
Cloud computing
➔ It is a transformative computing paradigm that involves
delivering applications and services over the internet
➔ It involves provisioning of computing, networking and storage
resources on demand and providing these resources as
metered services to the users, in a “ pay as you go” model
Cloud computing
➔ Infrastructure as a service(IAAS) - provides the user the ability
provision computing and storage resources
➔ Platform as a service(PaaS)- provides the user the ability to
develop and deploy application in the cloud using the
deployment tool
➔ Software as a service(SaaS)- Provide the user a complete
software applications of the user interface to the application
Communications protocol:
Communications protocols form the backbone of IoT system
and enable network connectivity and coupling to applications.
Communications protocols allow device to exchange data over
the network. These protocols define the data exchange formats
and data encoding schemes for devices and routing of packets
from source to destination. Other function of the protocol
include sequence control flow control and transmissions of Lost
Embedded systems
An Embedded system is computer system that has computer
hardware and software embedded perform specific task. In
contrast to general purpose computers or personal computers
which can perform various types of tasks, embedded systems
are designed to perform a specific set of tasks.
Microcontroller, memory, N/w units, I/O devices
IoT Level-1
➔ single node/device that performs sensing and/or actuation,
stores data, performs analysis and hosts the application
➔ systems are suitable for modeling low- cost and low-
complexity solutions where the data involved is not big and the
analysis requirements are not computationally intensive.
➔ No involvement of cloud
➔ Eg. controlling the lights or appliances
IoT Level-1
IoT Level-1
IoT Level-2
➔ Has a single node that performs sensing and/or actuation and
local analysis.
➔ Data is stored in the cloud and application is usually cloud-
➔ Level-2 IoT systems are suitable for solutions where the data
involved is big, however, the primary analysis requirement is
not computationally intensive and can be done locally itself
➔ Eg. Cloud based irrigation systems