Freightliner s2 Chassis Maintenance Manual 20f17479
Freightliner s2 Chassis Maintenance Manual 20f17479
Freightliner s2 Chassis Maintenance Manual 20f17479
STI-479 (8/08P)
Published by
Daimler Trucks North America LLC
4747 N. Channel Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
Printed in U.S.A.
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Performing scheduled maintenance operations is important in obtaining safe, reliable operation
of your vehicle. A proper maintenance program will also help to minimize downtime and
safeguard warranties.
IMPORTANT: The maintenance operations in this manual are not all-inclusive. Also
refer to other component and body manufacturers’ instructions for specific inspection
and maintenance instructions.
Perform the pretrip inspection and daily/weekly/monthly maintenance as outlined in the S2
Chassis Operator’s Manual. Perform the maintenance operations in this manual at scheduled
intervals based on the distance the vehicle has traveled or hours of operation. Your Freightliner
dealership has qualified technicians and equipment to perform this maintenance.
IMPORTANT: Descriptions and specifications in this manual were in effect at the time of
printing. Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation (FCCC) reserves the right to discon-
tinue models and to change specifications or design at any time without notice and
without incurring obligation. Descriptions and specifications contained in this publication
provide no warranty, expressed or implied, and are subject to revision and editions
without notice.
Refer to and for more
information, or contact Daimler Trucks North America LLC at the address below.
Daimler Trucks North America LLC distributes the following major service publications in paper and electronic
(via ServicePro®) formats.
Workshop/Service Workshop/service manuals contain service and repair information for all vehicle
Manual systems and components, except for major components such as engines, trans-
missions, and rear axles. Each workshop/service manual section is divided into
subjects that can include general information, principles of operation, removal,
disassembly, assembly, installation, and specifications.
Maintenance Manual Maintenance manuals contain routine maintenance procedures and intervals for
vehicle components and systems. They have information such as lubrication
procedures and tables, fluid replacement procedures, fluid capacities, specifica-
tions, and procedures for adjustments and for checking the tightness of fasten-
ers. Maintenance manuals do not contain detailed repair or service information.
Driver’s/Operator’s Driver’s/operator’s manuals contain information needed to enhance the driver’s
Manual understanding of how to operate and care for the vehicle and its components.
Each manual contains a chapter that covers pre-trip and post-trip inspections,
and daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance of vehicle components.
Driver’s/operator’s manuals do not contain detailed repair or service information.
Service Bulletins Service bulletins provide the latest service tips, field repairs, product improve-
ments, and related information. Some service bulletins are updates to informa-
tion in the workshop/service manual. These bulletins take precedence over
workshop/service manual information, until the latter is updated; at that time, the
bulletin is usually canceled. The service bulletins manual is available only to
dealers. When doing service work on a vehicle system or part, check for a valid
service bulletin for the latest information on the subject.
IMPORTANT: Before using a particular service bulletin, check the current
service bulletin validity list to be sure the bulletin is valid.
Parts Technical Bulletins Parts technical bulletins provide information on parts. These bulletins contain
lists of parts and BOMs needed to do replacement and upgrade procedures.
Web-based repair, service, and parts documentation can be accessed using the following applications on the website.
ServicePro ServicePro® provides Web-based access to the most up-to-date versions of the
publications listed above. In addition, the Service Solutions feature provides di-
agnostic assistance with Symptoms Search, by connecting to a large knowledge
base gathered from technicians and service personnel. Search results for both
documents and service solutions can be narrowed by initially entering vehicle
identification data.
PartsPro PartsPro® is an electronic parts catalog system, showing the specified vehicle’s
build record.
EZWiring EZWiring™ makes Freightliner Custom Chassis Corporation, Freightliner, Ster-
ling, Western Star, and Thomas Built Buses products’ wiring drawings and float-
ing pin lists available online for viewing and printing. EZWiring can also be ac-
cessed from within PartsPro.
Warranty-related service information available on the website includes the following
Recall Campaigns Recall campaigns cover situations that involve service work or replacement of
parts in connection with a recall notice. These campaigns pertain to matters of
vehicle safety. All recall campaigns are distributed to dealers; customers receive
notices that apply to their vehicles.
Field Service Campaigns Field service campaigns are concerned with non-safety-related service work or
replacement of parts. All field service campaigns are distributed to dealers; cus-
tomers receive notices that apply to their vehicles.
02/10/2004 f020152
A. Maintenance Operation Number consists of the Group Number followed by the Sequence Number
B. Group Title
C. Group Number
D. Release Date
E. Group Number/Page Number
Fig. 1, Page Example of the Printed Manual
Maintenance Schedules
After determining the schedule appropriate to your
vehicle, refer to the Maintenance Schedules to de-
termine when to perform the Initial Maintenance (IM)
and the frequency of performing subsequent mainte-
nance intervals for each schedule.
Maintenance Intervals
Refer to the Maintenance Interval Table to deter-
mine which maintenance interval(s) should be per-
formed when your vehicle reaches the mileage or
months of operation listed in these subjects.
Before placing your new vehicle in service, determine
the maintenance schedule (Schedule I or II) that ap-
plies to your intended use of the vehicle. Once a
00 General Information
Maintenance Schedules: 00-02
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