Evanp3 R Sse11,7 C - C - Branson, Case Editor-Third Year Student
Evanp3 R Sse11,7 C - C - Branson, Case Editor-Third Year Student
Evanp3 R Sse11,7 C - C - Branson, Case Editor-Third Year Student
to them in deciding the question. And this is so because of the two traditional
safeguards, namely, the requirement in EvanP3 that the misconduct be "grave
and weighty" and that there must be "injury to health" under the principle
in R~sse11,7~to which the courts are bound to give effect.
"O p .
cit. n. 59.
Op. cit. n. 58.
'(1963) 3 W.L.R. 101.
(1932) A.C. 562.
(1951) 2 K.B. 164.
' O p . cit. n. 1 at 134 per Lord Devlin.
(1963) 3 W.L.R. 101; (1963) 2 All E.R. 575; (1964) A.C. 465.
respondentss on the ground that there was no duty of care, but they miched
this conclusion on different grounds.
McNair, J. said: "I am accordingly driven to the conclusion by authority
binding upon me that no such action lies in the absence of contract or
fiduciary relationship.""
The authorities which McNair, J. had ~ a r t i c u l a r lin~ mind were Le Lievre
, ~ Candler v. Crane, Christmas & Co? He did say, however, that
v. G o ~ l d and
assuming there was a duty "I have no hesitation in holding that Mr. Heller
was guilty of negligence. . ."lo
In the House of Lords these two cases were not followed, and in fact
Candler v. Crane, Christmas & Co. was expressly overruled.ll Le Lievre V.
G o d d was felt to have been correctly decided on its facts.12 Likewise also
the House of Lords did not consider the question of negligence. The case was
argued and decided on the question of the existence of a duty of care.
Ultimately, all their Lordships relied on the disclaimer of responsibility made
by the respondents when giving the references to negative the existence of a
duty of care in the circumstances of the case.
The unanimity disappeared, however, when the respondents' liability in
negligence was considered by their Lordships on the hypothetical assumption
that it had not expressly disclaimed liability. Lord Reid said:
It appears that bankers now commonly give references with regard to
their customers as part of their business. I do not know how far their
customers generally permit them to disclose their affairs, but, even with
permission, it cannot always be easy for a banker to reconcile his duty
to his customer with his desire to give a fairly balanced reply to an
inquiry. And inquirers can hardly expect a full and objective statement
of opinion or accurate factual information such as skilled men would be
expected to give in reply to other kinds of inquiry. So it seems to me
to be unusually difficult to determine just what duty beyond a duty to
be honest a banker would be held to have undertaken if he gave a reply
without an adequate disclaimer of responsibility or other warning.13
Lord Morris, after referring to the judgment of Pearson, L.J. in the Court
of Appeal and to Robinson v. National Bank of Scotland14 and Parsons v.
Barclay & Co. Ltd.,l5 said:
There is much to be said, therefore, for the view that if a banker gives a
reference in the form of a brief expression of opinion in regard to credit
worthiness he does not accept, and there is not expected from him, any
higher duty than that of giving an honest answer16
and Lord Hodson, after referring to the same cases, spoke in similar terms.17
Lord Devlin did not specifically mention the point, but from the tenor
of his judgment1' it could be inferred that he would have fohnd a duty of
care owed by the bank.
=Id. at 109.
zs (1914) A.C. 932.
28 (1916) S.C. (H.L.) 154.
27 (1889) 14 App. Cas. 337.
" Op. cit. n. 1 at 109.
=See, for example, the passages cited in "Negligence and Liability for Statements"
reprinted by courtesy of The Law Journal, England in (1964) 5 Australian Lawyer 59
at 64.
cit. n. 1 at 124. "Id. at 154.
If, for instance, they disclosed a casual social approach to the inquiry,
no such special relationship or duty of care would be assumed (see Fish
v. Kelly32). To import such a duty the representation must normally, I
think, concern a business or professional transaction whose nature makes
clear the gravity of the inquiry and the importance and influence attached
to the answer. . . . A most important circumstance is the form of the
inquiry and of the answer?
What else can we say of these special relationships? It seems significant that
Lords Hodson and Pearce discuss in their judgments Shiells v. Blackb~rne,3~
Gladwell v. StegaEP5 and Wilkinson v. C ~ v e r d a E eof~ ~which Lord Pearce says:
In those cases there was no dichotomy between negligence in act and in
word, nor between physical and economic loss. The basis underlying them
is that if persons holding themselves out in a calling or situation or
profession take on a task within that calling or situation or profession,
they have a duty of skill and care. In terms of proximity one might
say that they are in ~articularlyclose ~ r o x i m i tto~ those who, as they
know, are relying on their skill and care although the proximity is not
Lord Morris spoke of persons ccpossessed of a special Possibly
the cases where a person exercising a common calling has been held
liable inspired this line of reasoning, but the number of persons who exercise
a common calling has been severely limited and this would not seem to offer
scope for development.39
Lord Devlin was prepared to accept any of the formulations of the special
relationship, although he preferred a relationship regarded as "equivalent to
contract". In this context he felt that De La Bere v. Pearson Ltd.40 was better
regarded as a case in tort than in contract. No doubt the search for a
consideration severely taxed the judges in many such cases.41 Most probably
:he confusion in the past has stemmed from the development of simple contract
out of the old tort action on the case.
Most of the judgments refer to the "casual approach" situation in which
a duty of care would not arise. But where it is apparent to a reasonable person
that the inquirer is reasonably relying on the informant's skill, judgment or
careful inquiry, and the informant answers or advises with this knowledge, a
duty of care will arise towards the inquirer. There can be no obligation on
him to answer and thus "consummate" the relationship, but if he chooses so
to do then he will be liable for negligent misstatement.
I t seems, therefore, that Lord Pearce's conclusion that a duty will
normally only arise when the representation concerns "a business or pro-
fessional" transaction would be in keeping with the feeling of the House. The
person sought to be made liable must be a person possessed of some special
skill or ability which he has consented to make available, by means of
information or advice, to an enquirer who could, on an objective basis,
reasonably be expected to place reliance on it. Further the information or
Touche46 he expressed the view that such an extension of liability was a matter
for statutory enactment.
Whether the decision is felt to be good or bad its weakness is that it
does not give a precise test for establishing a duty of care in statement. Yet
their Lordships do seem to be aware of this ~ r o b l e mfor they refer to regard
their decision as laying down a broad framework within which a la in tiff
may be able to place himself in a particular fact situation rather than as
setting a precise test for all situations. Lord Pearce seemed to be unusually
irank when he said:
How wide the sphere of the duty of care in negligence is to be laid
depends ultimately upon the court's assessment of the demands of society
for protection from the carelessness of others. Economic protection has
lagged behind protection in physical matters where there is injury to
person and property.47
The Lords can see no reason for a distinction between ~ h ~ s i c ainjuryl
and financial loss both stemming from negligent statement.48 This causes no
problems for in each case the real issue is the requisite degree of proximity
between the plaintiff and the defendant. Each factual situation will involve a
complex determination by the Court and it is submitted that recognised cate-
gories of "proximate" or "special" relationships will gradually develop. Two
such categories presently recognised are the contractual and fiduciary relation-
ship, while it appears that a banker does not owe a duty of care when he
gives a brief expression of opinion of a customer's credit worthiness, and, of
course, a fortiori if he disclaims liability when giving the reference. Difficulties
will always arise when a lai in tiff attempts to establish a new category outside
those already recognised.
Without further decisions of high authority in this field of the law it is
impossible to say what response the general propositions enunciated by their
Lordships will find. The trend clearly favoured by the House is that the
development of this area of the law should parallel that of negligence in deed
subsequent to Donoghue v. Stevenson. In both cases an all embracing test is
not, and probably could not be, laid down for the existence of a duty of care.
Remembering Lord Macmillan's famous statement, "The categories of negligence
are never closed",49 this is a reasonable conclusion.
Future Development
It is clear that the professional person is going to be ~ r i n c i p a l laffected
by the decision. The field of finance now seems to be open to attack from
dissatisfied investors and the courts will be faced with the ~ r o b l e mof deter-
mining what in fact induced the plaintiff to invest just as the House of
Lords had to face this problem in Derry v. Peek. Accountants and auditors
will certainly owe a duty to those persons who may reasonably be expected to
view the accounts and statements prepared by them. Some public accountants
are not now furnishing an auditor's report for the accounts of Exempt Pro-
prietary Companies whose accounts do not have to be filed at the office of the
Registrar of Companies. Likewise surveyors, and even the builder in Otto
v. B o l t s r ~ would
, ~ ~ seem to be liable in an action brought by third parties.51
I The Background
The Privy Council in Ozlerseas Tankship (U.K.) Ltd. v. Morts Dock and
Engineering Co. Ltd.3 laid down that foreseeability is the test for determining
the issue of remoteness of damage when it arises in an action for negligence:
. . . it is the foresight of the reasonable man which alone can determine
r e s p ~ n s i b i l i t ~ .I"t~ was stressed in the judgment of their lordships that the
questions of duty, breach and damage must be dealt with in relation to each
head of damage claimed separately: To hold one "liable for consequences
however unforeseeable of a careless act, if, but only if, he is at the same time
liable for some other damage however trivial, appears to be neither logical
nor j ~ s t " . ~ The question of liability for some other damage is, therefore,
The Board did not, however, suggest that the exact consequences which
occurred had to be shown to be foreseeable, since they recognized that no
one "can be assumed to know all the processes of n a t ~ r e " .Nor ~ did the case
itself determine exactly how much of what occurs the law requires to be
E. T . Sweeting & Son Ltd. (1963) 1 W.L.R. 665. A builder is liable for his negligence
to a person who comes to live in the house after it is built-provided he is not a spec.
builder. There is a duty on a man who is less in a position to do harm because h e is
likely to be under independent supervision but no duty on the spec. builder who is
under no supervision at all because the latter completes and sells the house.
The anomalous position of the spec. builder flows from the existing authority of
Bottomley v. Bannister (1932) 1 K.B. 458 and Otto v. Bolton & Norris, supra, as well as
the House of Lords decision in Cavalier v. Pope (1906) A.C. 428.
62 0 p . cit. n. 3 at 183.