This document appears to be an exam for a course on sensors and transducers. It contains three sections with multiple choice and essay questions. Section I contains 15 short answer questions, each worth 2 marks, testing definitions and brief descriptions related to topics like fidelity, sensor elements, inductive transducers, transducer characteristics, dielectric constant, RVDT uses, non-contact temperature sensors, thermistor construction, continuous and discrete level transducers, sound transducers, and flow meter types. Section II has 5 slightly longer questions each worth 5 marks, requiring explanations of topics such as microphone working, comparing sensor types, photoemissive cell working, potentiometer loading effect, and pressure and flow transducer construction
This document appears to be an exam for a course on sensors and transducers. It contains three sections with multiple choice and essay questions. Section I contains 15 short answer questions, each worth 2 marks, testing definitions and brief descriptions related to topics like fidelity, sensor elements, inductive transducers, transducer characteristics, dielectric constant, RVDT uses, non-contact temperature sensors, thermistor construction, continuous and discrete level transducers, sound transducers, and flow meter types. Section II has 5 slightly longer questions each worth 5 marks, requiring explanations of topics such as microphone working, comparing sensor types, photoemissive cell working, potentiometer loading effect, and pressure and flow transducer construction
This document appears to be an exam for a course on sensors and transducers. It contains three sections with multiple choice and essay questions. Section I contains 15 short answer questions, each worth 2 marks, testing definitions and brief descriptions related to topics like fidelity, sensor elements, inductive transducers, transducer characteristics, dielectric constant, RVDT uses, non-contact temperature sensors, thermistor construction, continuous and discrete level transducers, sound transducers, and flow meter types. Section II has 5 slightly longer questions each worth 5 marks, requiring explanations of topics such as microphone working, comparing sensor types, photoemissive cell working, potentiometer loading effect, and pressure and flow transducer construction
This document appears to be an exam for a course on sensors and transducers. It contains three sections with multiple choice and essay questions. Section I contains 15 short answer questions, each worth 2 marks, testing definitions and brief descriptions related to topics like fidelity, sensor elements, inductive transducers, transducer characteristics, dielectric constant, RVDT uses, non-contact temperature sensors, thermistor construction, continuous and discrete level transducers, sound transducers, and flow meter types. Section II has 5 slightly longer questions each worth 5 marks, requiring explanations of topics such as microphone working, comparing sensor types, photoemissive cell working, potentiometer loading effect, and pressure and flow transducer construction
NOVEMBER 2021 (Regular / Supplementary / Improvement) Common Course – B.Sc. Computer Science, B.Sc. Electronics & B.C.A. A12: Sensors and Transducers
Time: 2.5 Hours Max. Marks: 80
I. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences
(Each question carries 2 Marks): (Ceiling 25 Marks) 1. Define fidelity. 2. How would you define a sensor element? 3. What is an inductive transducer? 4. List out any two characteristics of a transducer. 5. What do you mean by a dielectric constant? 6. Write any two uses of RVDT. 7. Mention the methods used to monitor changes in temperature in non-contact temperature sensors. 8. Describe how various thermistors are constructed. 9. Write the four types of continuous level transducers. 10. What are discrete level transducers? 11. Define sound transducer. 12. State Bernoulli’s principle. 13. Write the working principle of electromagnetic flow meter. 14. What is the purpose of PV cell? 15. Enlist the advantages of orifice plate flow meter.
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph
(Each question carries 5 Marks): (Ceiling 35 Marks) 16. Explain the working principle of a microphone. 17. How would you differentiate between RTDs, thermistors and thermocouples? 18. Discuss the working of photo emissive cell. 19. Explain the loading effect of potentiometer with suitable diagram. 20. Describe resistive pressure transducer. U 217309
21. Explain the construction of flow nozzle with a neat diagram.
22. Describe the construction of rotameter. 23. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of anemometer.
III. Write essays on any two of the following: (2 x 10 = 20 Marks)
24. Discuss various types of temperature sensors. 25. What is a manometer? Explain different types of manometers. 26. Explain Hall effect transducer. 27. Discuss the working principle and applications of strain gauge with suitable diagram.