Pertempuran Medan Area (Teks Inggris)

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Pertempuran medan area

On October 9,1945,under the leadershipof T.E.D.kelly.the landing of allied troops

(Britain)was followedby allied t troops asnd NICAwho were prepared totake over the
government. The arrival of the allied troops ad NICA apparently provoked various
incidents that occurred at the hotel located on jalan bali , Medan City, Nort Sumatra on
October 13,1945.
At that time, an occupant stole and trampled on the red and white badge worn by
Indonesia youths. This angered the indonesianyouth.on October 13,1945, youth groups
and TKR fought again the allies and. NICA in an effort to seize and take over
government buildings from Japanese hand
The british issue d an ultimatumto the Indonesia people sirender thei weapons to the
allies. This ultimatum was never heded . on december1,1945, the allied put up board
that read “ fixed boundaries medsn area” in vaius suburbs of medan. The allied action
was a challenge ti the youths. On December 10,1945 , the allies and NICA launched a
massive attas=c on the city of medan. This attack causedheavy casualties on both
In April 1946, the Allies succeeded in controlling the city of Medan. The center of the
struggle of the Medan people was moved to Pematangsiantar. Then, a meeting was
held between the commanders of the troops fighting in the Medan Area. The result was
to form a command called the People's Troops Regiment Command to strengthen
resistance in the city of Medan. So in August 1946, the Medan Area People's Troops
Regiment Command was successfully formed. This command continued to attack the
Allies in the Medan area. Until finally, the rebellion against the Allies in Medan continued
until the end of Dutch rule in Indonesia in 1949.

In the process of subsequent history, the People's Army Command then changed to
BKR (People's Security Agency) which is the government's official military, where
Djamin Ginting was appointed as the Commander of the Teras Troops together with
Nelang Sembiring and Bomb Ginting and other members such as: Selamat Ginting,
Nahud Bangun , Rimrim Ginting, Ancient Captain, Looks Seshadow and others.
In general, the members of BKR were former members of Gyugun or Heiho and other
groups formed by Japan. Djamin Ginting is a former Gyugun platoon commander who
was appointed as the Battalion Commander of the BKR Tanah Karo. To continue the
struggle in Medan, in August 1946 the Medan Area People's Army Regiment Command
was formed. The command of this regiment continued to carry out attacks on the Allies
in the Medan area. In almost all parts of Sumatra there was popular resistance against
the Japanese, the Allies and the Dutch. The battle took place in several areas of
Berastagi, Padang and Bukit Tinggi.

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