2018FCS - MS27 AP Targetted PDS System Amendment

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Civil Supplies - The Andhra Pradesh State Targeted Public Distribution System (Control)
Order, 2018- Amendment - Notification –Orders - Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 27 Dated: 29-10-2018.

Read the following:

1.G.O.Ms.No:21, CAF & CS (CS-I) Department, dated:19-05-2008.

2. G.O.Ms.No:15, CAF & CS (CS-I) Department, dated: 01-08-2018.


In the G.O.2nd read above, the Andhra Pradesh State Targetted Public Distribution
System (Control) Order, 2018 was issued in supersession of the Andhra Pradesh Public
Distribution System (Control) Order, 2008, issued vide G.O. 1st read above.
2. During the Video Conference held on 7.9.2018, the Joint Collectors have expressed
the need of certain amendments to the A.P. State TPDS (Control) Order, 2018.
3. After careful examination of the matter, Govt. have decided to amend the Andhra
Pradesh State Targetted Public Distribution System (Control) Order, 2018 as indicated in
the Notification. The appended notification will be published in English and Telugu in the
A.P. Gazette.

4. The Director of Printing & Stationery, Vijayawada is requested to publish the

notification in the Extraordinary issue of the A.P. Gazette immediately. The Director of
Translation to the Director of Printing & Stationery, Vijayawada is requested to translate
the appended notification in Telugu language and furnish the same to the Director of
Printing & Stationery, Vijayawada for publication of the same in A.P. Gazette and to send
200 Gazette copies of the Notification to this Department.


The Director of Printing, Stationery and Stores Purchase (Printing Wing), Vijayawada for
publication of the Notification in an extraordinary issue of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
Copy to:-
The Commissioner of Civil Supplies, Vijayawada (2 copies)
The Director General Vigilance & Enforcement Dept, Bus Bhavan, Vijayawada.
The Director of Civil Supplies, A.P. Vijayawada.
The VC & Managing Director, A.P. State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd, Vijayawada.
The Managing Director, A.P. Markfed, A.P. Vijayawada.
Copy to the P.S to Minister for Food and Civil Supplies, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi.
Copy to the Deputy Director of Translation, Translation Cell, Sectt., Vijayawada – for
sending Telugu version to enable to publish the same in the A.P. Gazette.
Copy to all District Collectors.
Copy to the Scrutiny Cell of Law Department, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi.
Copy to the Additional Secretary to Chief Minister for kind information.
Copy submitted to the Addl. Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs,Ministry of Food
and Public Distribution, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.- 110001.
Copy to all Joint Collectors.
Copy to all District Supply Officers in the State for information and necessary action.
SF / SC.

(Issued as G.O.MS.NO.27 CA,F&CS (CS.I(1)) Department, Dated :29-10-2018)


In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 r/w section 5 of the Essential

Commodities Act. 1955 (Central Act 10 of 1955), read with G.S.R. No. 213 (E) dated 20th
March, 2015, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Department of
Food and Public Distribution, New Delhi, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby make
the following amendments to the Andhra Pradesh State Targeted Public Distribution
System (Control) Order, 2018, issued in G.O.Ms.No:15, CAF & CS (CS-I) Department,
dated: 01-08-2018.


In the said order ;

1. In Clause 2, the following shall be substituted for sub clause (mm), namely :

(mm) “Consumer Protection Council” means a council constituted to supervise

the implementation of consumer rights including distribution of commodities under
Targeted Public Distribution System and other Schemes to protect the interest of
the Consumers.”

2. In Clause 4, under sub clause (a) “Women empowerment”, the following shall be
substituted for Sl.No.(4) :

“ Any person aggrieved by an order of the designated authority, denying to issue or

renewal of a ration card or cancellation of ration card, may appeal to the District
Grievance Redressal Officer concerned, within thirty (30) days from the date of
receipt of the order.

The appellate authority i.e., District Grievance Redressal Officer shall as

far as practicable, dispose of the said petition within 30 working days from the date
of receipt of the petition under the National Food Security Act, 2013. Any person
aggrieved by the orders of the District Grievance Redressal Officer, may prefer
revision petition before the Andhra Pradesh State Food Commission within 30days
from the date of receipt of the order.

The appellant may also prefer a revision petition before the Andhra Pradesh
State Food Commission, after 30 days of filing his/her complaint before the District
Grievance Redressal Officer, in case his/her grievance is not redressed. The A.P.
State Food Commission shall dispose the grievance as per provisions of the A.P.
State Food Security Rules 2017’’.

3. In Clause 5, the following provision shall be inserted in Sub-clause “o” :-

“provided that in case any Fair Price shop dealer fails to remit the value of the
allotted scheduled commodities to the Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies
Corporation Limited on or before the date fixed, a penal fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees
five hundred only) per day shall be levied for each such occasion and the
penalized amount shall be credited to Civil Supplies receipt head of account. If the
FP shop dealer repeats the same lapse consecutively for 3 months, his/ her
:: 2 ::
authorisation shall be liable for suspension and cancellation as decided by the
appointing authority”.

4. In Clause 7 of the said Order, under sub clause (1) the following shall be
substituted to 2nd para :-

“Provided further that persons dealing with the same commodities obtained
otherwise than through State Government for supply through Public Distribution
System, on his/her name or on the name of the nominee i.e., the family member
which exists in the ration card shall not be issued authorization to run the fair price
shop. The District Collector may also on sue-mot, cancel such authorization”.

5. In Clause 8, sub clause (2), the following proviso shall be inserted:-

“Provided that the FP shop dealers who deposited Rs.7500-00 in urban areas and
Rs.5000-00 in Rural areas, pursuant to the Order issued in G.O.Ms.No.31 C.A.F.&
C.S.(CS-1) Department, dated:06-7-2012, need not deposit additional amount as
security as per this Order”.

6. In clause 8 of the said Order, in sub clause (11), the following Proviso shall be
inserted after 1st proviso :-

“Provided further that all the fair price shop dealers who are already appointed as
dealers shall pay the fee as prescribed under this sub clause and obtain fresh
authorization with in a period of five (5) months from the date of publication of this
notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette”.

7. Under Clause 8 of the said Order, in sub clause (14), the following shall be substituted
for 2nd para :-

"In case, if any fair price shop dealer has not opened the fair price shop on working
day, the appointing authority shall impose penalty of Rs.1000- 00 for one day,
Rs.1500-00 for two days and Rs.2000- 00 for three days and suspend the
authorization of the fair price shop dealer who have not opened the shop for (4) four
and above days consecutively. The appointing authority may cancel the
authorization of such fair price shop dealer duly following the procedure in vogue.

8. In Clause 10, in sub clause (g), after the words Section 420, the words “Indian Penal
Code” shall be substituted for the words “Criminal Procedure Code” .

9. Under Clause 10 of the said Order, in sub clause (h), the words “Indian Penal
Code” shall be substituted in place of the words “Criminal Procedure Code”

10. Under Clause 20, the following shall be substituted for sub clause (l) namely :-

“If any inspecting authority fails to take action as per the above sub clauses, he /
she shall be liable for punishment”

11. Under Clause 20, sub clause (n), the letter “n” shall be omitted before the words “The
provisions of” .

12. Under Clause 24, the following shall be substituted for sub clause (e) namely:-
:: 3 ::

“Any person aggrieved by the orders of the appellate authority may file Revision
before the Government ”.

13. For Clause 27 “State Consumer Protection Council”, the following shall be substituted

“The State Consumer Protection Council shall also work to protect the following
rights of beneficiaries under targeted public distribution system :

i) Delivery of scheduled commodities at correct weighment

ii)Quality of commodities.
iii) Issue of receipts.

“The State Consumer Protection Council shall also monitor the

implementation of targeted public distribution system, provisions of food security
allowance in case of non supply of food grains under National Food Security Act,

14. Under Clause 28, in third para, after the words “Sub clause 4 of “ the words “clause
8 ” shall be substituted for the words “clause 9”.

15. In the Schedule, the words “See sub-clause (hh) of clause 2) shall be substituted in
place of the words “(See sub-clause (X) of clause 2)”

16. In Annexure-III of the said Order, the words “(see clause 20)” shall be substituted in
place of the words “(See Clause 19)”.

17. In Annexure – III, Condition 6, Sl. No.v), the words “Whether DDs are obtained
from the bank advanced” shall be substituted with the following, namely:-
v) ”Whether the FPS dealer is making payment of cost of commodities to APSCSCL
as per schedule”.

18. Under Annexure – III, Condition 6(vii), after sub condition (d), the following
provision shall be inserted:-

e) “Whether the FPS dealer has kept commodities which are not supplied by the
Government authorized agencies :

a) Indicate the name of commodity.

b)Quantity of stock distributed.
c) Rate at which the stock distributed
d) Balance with the dealer’’.

19) In Annexure III, condition 10 , sub condition (e), the word “sing” shall be substituted
with the word “sign”


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