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University of Nueva Caceres

College of Engineering and Architecture

Summer 2021



Submitted to the College of Engineering and Architecture

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Engineering Management Subject

Submitted by:

Pardiñas, Rhea M.

Engr. Edwin Badiola, MSCM RMEE, Assistant Professor III




LESSON 1: Introduction to Management Organization

Learning Activity 1.1 1

Learning Activity 1.2 3

Learning Activity 1.3 5

Exercise 1.1 7

LESSON 2: Historical Background of Management

Learning Activity 2.1 12

Learning Activity 2.2 13

Learning Activity 2.3 14

Learning Activity 2.4 16

Learning Activity 2.5 18

Exercise 2.1 20

LESSON 3: Constraints and Challenges of Management

Learning Activity 3.1 25

Learning Activity 3.2 26

Learning Activity 3.3 27

Learning Activity 3.4 30

Exercise 3.1

LESSON 4: Management Functions

Learning Activity 4.1 34

Learning Activity 4.2 36

Learning Activity 4.3 37

Exercise 4.1 38

LESSON 5: Management Functions

Learning Activity 5.1 44

Learning Activity 5.2 46

Learning Activity 5.3 47

Learning Activity 5.4 48

Exercise 5.1 49

LESSON 6: Productions and Operations Management

Learning Activity 6.1 54

Learning Activity 6.2 56

Learning Activity 6.3 57

Exercise 6.1 59

LESSON 7: Marketing Management

Learning Activity 7.1 62

Learning Activity 7.2 63

Learning Activity 7.3 65

Learning Activity 7.4 66

Learning Activity 7.5 67

LESSON 8: Financial Management

Learning Activity 8.1 68

Learning Activity 8.2 69

Learning Activity 8.3 70

Learning Activity 8.4 71

Exercise 8.1 72


Quiz for Lesson 1 74

Quiz for Lesson 2 75

Quiz for Lesson 3 76

Quiz for Lessons 4 & 5 77

Quiz for Lesson 6 78

Quiz for Lesson 7 79



Explanation Video Link 86

Essay Rubrics 87


Lesson 1 88

Lesson 2 88

Lesson 3 89

Lesson 4 89

Lesson 5 90

Lesson 6 90

Lesson 7 91

Lesson 8 92

Introduction to Management

(Learning Activities and Exercise)

Learning Activity 1.1
Answer the following questions:

1. How do managers differ from non-managerial employees? (Explain in not less than 100

We know that when we used the word non, we are referring to a negation or absence of

something which is why using it as prefix for managerial employees already suggest the difference

of the two classifications. Furthermore, managers and non-managerial employees differs in their

own duties and responsibilities. Managers are those individuals who give or designate workloads

for other employees while non-managerial employees are those solely responsible for their own

designated tasks and do not have the authority to give commands to his/her coworkers. We can

also take into consideration the difference of their salaries, whereas, managers draw higher pay

because of their critical roles compared to non-managerial employees. Another thing we can

differentiate the two is by its educational attainment requirement, usually managerial positions

require professional degrees while in non-managerial positions accepts a lower range of


2. “The manager’s most basic responsibility is to focus people toward performance of

work activities to achieve desired outcomes.” What’s your interpretation of this
statement? Do you agree with it? Why or why not? (Explain in not less than 200 words)

The statement is about the essence of a manager where he/she uses his/her people to

achieve the desired outcomes. Personally, I agree with the first and last part of the statement but

I beg to disagree in the middle part. As you can notice in the statement, “manager’s most basic

responsibility is to focus people toward performance of work activities to achieve desired

outcomes”, it emphasizes the fixation to the people alone. I firmly believed that the most basic

responsibility of a manager is to lead his/her people toward quality performances to attain best

results. The statement is somehow implying that managers are there just to point people where

they need to go but it should be more than that. I believed that being a manager is not only about

focusing to people, as a manager, you also have to deal with the environment and the materials

needed by these people. Let’s say, yes, you did focus on boosting your workers moral and working

capacity but you disregarded the state of their place of work and the quality of the materials they

are using, so eventually you will not really going to have the desired outcome. Honestly, the

statement is subjective, it’s understanding lies within the reader but I will still stick with my stand

above. Moreover, managers should be always holistic at all times.

Learning Activity 1.2
Answer the following questions:

1. Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of managerial functions,

managerial roles, and skills. (Explain in not less than 250 words, give situational examples if

Indeed, my course instructor was/is a manager. I can still remember his stories about his

previous work-related experiences. He told us that it was never easy climbing up the ladder but it

was worth the effort and hard work. He is a manager because there were opportunities that were

given to him to oversee and facilitate certain groups to achieve its goals. He told us that when he

was in other countries he experienced the challenge of planning, organizing, leading, and making

sure the flow of the works is in lined. The pressure of dealing with a lot of people makes it even

harder. He told us that if we wanted to be someone, we must learn how to standout in a way that

people will acknowledge you as a person capable of leading. He shared that how the planning

sessions happen during meetings, they brainstormed and presented ideas that would benefit the

entire body. The organization and the controlling of workloads were also vital when he was

appointed as manager. He said that the communication barriers and culture differences should

always be considered. I literally can imagine how things were when my instructor was telling his

story, given that his managerial roles can also be discerned. These include his interpersonal,

informational, and decisional roles. I remembered that he told us that managers must know all

sides of the stories whether it’s his personal view, workers’ view, or the customers’ view. A

manager must not make any decisions based on things that do not favor the masses. Being

flexible is a key to being a good manager. You do not only communicate but you also gather

related data and then you decide. Apart from the functions and roles, my instructor’s technical

and conceptual skills were visible. I also admire his interpersonal skills whereas a manager should

really possess. He has this ability to interact with people effectively. I believe the things I’ve said

above supports my claim that my course instructor was/is a manager.

2. In today’s environment, which is more important to organizations—efficiency or
effectiveness? (Explain in not less than 150 words)

I think both qualities must be present in all organizations especially in this time. People

are not settling for less anymore. Many industries are also being established through time so

having only one of these two will really have a huge setback. An organization without efficiency

or effectiveness will fall down in the competition. We cannot always say that being effective is fine

eventhough we were not efficient and we cannot always say that it’s fine being efficient

eventhough we were not effective. These two are like partners in crime where one affects the

other. The best example of efficiency and effectiveness is the reduction of labor and material

costs of a certain company but still provide quality services to its consumers. The use of solar

energy to power machines and the whole working environment entails efficiency and also

maintains its effectiveness. This generation is already a battle of diversity and creativity. No one

can be left standing having only one bullet.

Learning Activity 1.3
Answer the following questions:

1. Is business management a profession? Why or why not? Do some external research in

answering this question. (Explain your answer in not less than 150 words)

According to some sources, an occupation is considered a profession if it has a common

body of knowledge, a system of certifying individuals who possessed such knowledge before

being able to practiced, a commitment to use specialize knowledge for the common good, and a

code of ethics. These characteristics must be present for us to be able to categorized an

occupation as a profession. Considering the above statements, I can say that business

management is not a full-pledged profession. It means that although it has a well-defined body of

knowledge, it still just needs a minimum number of qualifications, meaning there are fewer stages

to reach the title, no board exam, distinct number of formative years, and many more. Moreover,

a certain article pointed that business management is just a term that overlays a wide range of

professions but it is not impossible for it to be reformed and become a true profession, it would

be good if the higher ups will to something about it.

2. Is there one best “style” of management? Why or why not? (Explain your answer in not
less than 150 words)

Definitely no, I always believed that there is no superiority when it comes to style because

I think it’s a subjective matter. We cannot always stick with a single common style but not all the

time we are facing the same situation, people, and problems. We should always bear in mind that

the key factors of being an effective manager are adaptability and flexibility. Personally, I see

management styles as part of an individual’s personality. It differs among people. We can have a

results-based style, autocratic, authoritative, participative, coaching, transformational,

collaborative, visionary, and many more. It can also be a combination of the different styles. This

is mainly the reason why a manager should have enough skills to foresee and read the entire

body. If you think authoritative style works with the first group you handled, what are the chances

that it might not in the next. The way how the clock’s hands change its positions should also be

the way you adjust your perceptions not just for you but for everyone around you.

3. Researchers at Harvard Business School found that the most important managerial
behaviors involve two fundamental things: enabling people to move forward in their work
and treating them decently as human beings. What do you think of these two managerial
behaviors? What are the implications for someone, like yourself, who is studying
management? (Explain your answer in not less than 150 words)

These two managerial behaviors show common decency. A manager who tries his/her

best to transform his/her people by means of organizing team building activities, seminars, and

trainings indicate care and support. The idea of inhibiting improvements for each and everyone is

one of the essences of being the point person in a certain organization. The second idea here is

that a manager treats people decently as what a normal human being should do. This is a basic

concept that everyone must know. A manager that exhibits respect, understanding, and

compassion to others will eventually improve the whole workforce not just the bond but so is the

trust. Both of them entails a wholesome result. As a student who is studying engineering

management, I see these as an advantage in the future. Knowing the two most important

managerial behaviors can help me comprehend and handle things in the future effectively.

Exercise 1.1: Case Study
Read the case study on page 15 – “Lesson 1: Introduction to Management and


1. As the top managers of their company, what types of issues might Bert and John have
to deal with? Be as specific as possible. Which management functions might be most
important to them? Why?

Even though Bert and John already have a good management style today, they can still

face some challenges in the future given the fact that one of the principles of business

management is continual improvements.

Being the top managers, we can expect that they may face issues about consistency in

leadership, communication, diversity, and competitions. The thing about the consistency in

leadership is that being together for a long time will somehow develop personal greed and desire,

one may feel dominant over the other, and this may be a serious issue in the future. They should

be able to set terms and agreement in order to ensure both of their rights. Another issue is about

communication, given the fact that their revenue is increasing annually, it is expected that their

workplace will also be expanding so the faster their business grows the bigger their network will

be and will eventually pose threat in the bridge of information dissemination. Moreover, the issue

about communication may also be about being over the boundary’s situations. Based on the

description of Bert and John they seem to have a pleasing and kind personalities which made me

assumed that they can be easily attached to their employees making it a little bit harder because

they may develop unintentionally special treatments to some that may initiate misunderstandings

between the employees. Next issue is about diversity, since their business was mainly established

in Boston, doing partnerships and collaboration will be a big step for both of them. This may be

challenging because they should be wiser than anyone else who they open their doors for, after

all, business is a game. One wrong move, everything that they’ve worked on may go to someone

else’s possession. The last issue that I can think of is about competitions. Being the top managers

will make their decisions more democratic. They always need to think of everyone else before

indulging to a whole new path. As I’ve said a while ago, the bigger their business becomes, the

bigger their competitors will be. They should always think of more improvements in order to stay

in trend.

Apart from these issues, they also need to focus on the different management functions

to be able to at least lessen the chance to face the different issues I’ve stated above. Since we

already discussed that there are five management functions which include planning, organizing,

leading, and controlling, this already gave me an idea to what Bert and John must focused on.

The nature of business of the two is customer-centered, meaning their business is dependent on

their customers so this made me think that the most important factors are maintaining and

satisfying their recipients. In short, controlling is the most important management functions for

them. They already have a good plan, a good flow of their business as well as a good cause, and

they are already good leaders what left is controlling what they already have. I think their business

will continue to prosper if they can sustain the good management style they already have.

2. Using descriptions from the case, describe Bert and John’s managerial style. Would this
approach work for other organizations? Why or why not?

Bert and John’s statements about life is good with conviction and about the fact they look

for people who possess optimistic outlook on life like Jake both suggest a visionary management

style. They lead through inspiring their employees. I’d say that this approach may or may not work

on other organizations. It actually depends on a lot of factors. The personality of the managers,

the nature of business, and the size of the organization. As I’ve said in the previous learning

activities, managerial style is a personality. It’s still worth a try to use this approach after all there

will be no regrets.

3. How do you think the company’s motto “Do what you like. Like what you do” might affect
how managers manage? Be specific.

As I’ve said before, Bert and John’s business is a vision-driven one, having something to

look into is a good way to keep the body united. This will affect them in a sense that they will set

their standards on what their company believed on. Moreover, having this vision will create a good

environment for all the staffs because they will be easily reminded of their purpose in the

company. This will give them identity and pride. It can also be said that this motto will be the one

to facilitate growth and improvement not just with the company but with its people as well.

4. What managerial challenges might there be in having friends work for your business?
How could these challenges be kept inconsequential?

Having friends work for your business can be both beneficial and challenging. Beneficial

in a sense that communicating will be a lot easier but challenging enough when it comes to

confrontations and failures. Having someone you personally know is truly relaxing and comforting

but deeper emotional connections can be very delicate when you mixed personal attachments

and work. Sometimes people are so bad identifying which one should matter in situations.

Additionally, there are people who feel liberated when they know that they have someone above

them that they thought they are with, making them feel that they are somehow above others and

this may initiate jealousy and misunderstandings. In order to avoid consequences, both parties

can talk this specific issue intimately and set terms and conditions. In this way, they can officially

set boundaries and limitations that they may use as reference to their future feelings and

decisions. This will help them clear things up so that there will be no regrets in the future. You

should also be knowledgeable enough to know if it’s worth a try to let someone you think is close

to you in a world full of unexpected situations.

5. Would you want to work for a company like this? Why or why not?
Definitely I would want to work for a company like this because I am always a fan of vision-

oriented people or environment. I am a kind of person who likes assurance and reliance. I bet it

will be awesome if Bert and John will be my managers. Another factor is the story of how their

business started, it makes me wanted to be with people who knows the feeling of having nothing

to having everything. Their involvement with Project Joy is also a factor. Having a company that

cares about others is a big turn on, if they can care about others that do not work in their company

how much more they care to people within their reach.

6. In what ways would the life is good managers (corporate and retail store) have to deal
with the challenges of customer service, innovation, and sustainability? Be specific in your
There are many possible ways the managers can deal with the challenges about customer

service, innovation, and sustainability. The fast growth of the company also demands a faster

response to customers who needs help and assist them with their queries and this call for the

improvement of the customer service interventions. Creating a specific department for customer

service can be an option for the managers to address the concern or they can also hire a BPO

company to at least help them cater the concerns that exceeds their number of agents in the

company. These options can help them minimize or manage the issue about their customers

seeking answers for their queries. Of course, it does not end here, having a good and functional

receiver will also give the company a good and credible feedbacks. These can help them

accumulate the responses of their customers and help them plan their next interventions. A good

customer service will also pave way in dealing with the different challenges about innovation and

sustainability. Innovation can be handled using enough credible data and creative ideas.

Managers can host open forums from all levels of employees in the company to gather inputs

from different point of views. They can also create competitions within the company that exhibits

new ideas which is open for everyone so that those brilliant staffs can also be acknowledged and

rewarded. The challenges about sustainability can be handled if the managers will facilitate based

on their people. Selfish managers will never attain sustainability. Attaining sustainability requires

patience, understanding, and versatility. In this world full of what ifs make sure to be the it is. A

positive outlook within the company will help everyone to do the same. Moreover, sustainability

can only be attained with change. You change but you maintain. Managers should be able to

cater all sides of situations and come up with a universal decision. Improving the products by

means of knowing the trends of the customers, continuously conducting trainings to staffs to

maintain performance-quality, and connecting with possible business partners will help them

achieve sustainability.

Historical Background of

(Learning Activities and Exercise)

Learning Activity 2.1
Answer the following questions:

1. Explain why studying management history is important. (Explain your answer in not less
than 100 words).

Knowing history is a basic standard when we’re dealing with someone or something that

we are greatly affected. The main purpose of doing so is, it makes us aware and can explain why

things are like these in the present. Studying management history is important so that future

managers may be wary of what are the dos and don’ts they may consider or encounter in the

future. In short, studying management history is an advantage. It gives us a huge head start on

how we can take things differently from the previous ones but effective enough to not experience

again failures. Moreover, just by knowing what happened in the past can make you even wiser in

the future.

2. What early evidence of management practice can you describe? (Explain your answer in
not less than 100 words)

Upon reading and understanding the learning module, some early evidences of

management practice include the construction of the Great Wall of China, Egyptian Pyramids,

and the port transactions in the City of Venice. The famous Great Wall of China shows a great

division of labor and dexterity which we can do conclude that there was someone above every

worker that facilitate instructions and work divisions. The same thing with the different pyramids

in Egypt, given their traditional methods and tremendous workloads, the workers managed to

complete these phenomenal structures. The organized assembly line at the arsenal of Venice

also suggests that people work on a certain instruction from someone or from a group of people.

These things are indeed evidences of early management practices. These structures and

methods wouldn’t be possible without managers.

Learning Activity 2.2
Answer the following question:

1. Describe the important contributions made by the classical theorists. (Explain your
answer in not less than 150 words)

The classical theorists include Frederick Taylor, Frank Gilbreth, Lillian Gilbreth, Henri

Fayol and Max Weber. Frederick Taylor was known to be the father of scientific management

where he believed that we can use scientific methods to determine one best way to do a job. He

conducted experiments to prove his theory and soon established his own four principles about

scientific management. His idea became popular to a lot of different countries which also inspired

other people to conduct their own researches. This is where Frank Gilbreth and Lillian Gilbreth

decided to devote their lives with. They studied the variation of work to eliminate inefficient hand

and body movements. They also devised their own classification scheme called therbligs to label

the different basic hand motions. Another phenomenal theorist was Henri Fayol where he

identified the different functions that a manager must perform. These include planning, organizing,

commanding, coordinating, and controlling. He also developed his own principles of management

which are widely used by many organizational institutions. Lastly, we have the German

sociologist, Max Weber. He developed his own theory of an ideal type of an organization which

he called bureaucracy. He described this as a form of organization which venture to equal division

of labor, clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships.

These classical theorists greatly contributed with today’s concept of management and these will

for surely continue to impact the next generations of managerial state.

Learning Activity 2.3
Answer the following questions:

1. What did the early advocates of OB contribute to our understanding of management?

(Explain your answer in not less than 150 words)

To name a few, we have Robert Owen, Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and

Chester Barnard as the early advocates of organizational behavior. These people contributed in

our understanding of management differently providing us varied and distinct concepts. In the

late 1700s, Robert Owen studied about the deplorable working conditions of the employees and

he proposed an idealistic workplace to improve their performance. He was also able to argued

that when an organization invest in improving labor quality, they can expect to have better results.

After him, it was Hugo Munsterberg who established his name in early 1900s by being one of the

scientists pioneering the scientific study of people at work. He theorized using psychological tests

for selecting employees as well as establishing good employee trainings. He was with the same

time with Mary Parker Follett who also was one of the first who recognized that organizations

could be viewed from varying perspectives whether an individual or group behavior. She was also

the one who proposed more about people-oriented ideas than focusing on scientific management

schemes. Another early advocate of organizational behavior is Chester Barnard. It was in 1930s

where he thought that organizations were social systems that requires in-depth cooperation. He

was an actual manager and believed that it was a manager’s job to stimulate employees’ effort to

its maximum. He was also the first one to argued that organizations were an open system. These

people had contemplated deeply to come up with something that may help the field of

management prosper. They established theories and principles to at least provide the world a

foundation of what management can be if we try to look at its behaviors intimately. Some of them

were the pioneering people of the concepts we’re using today and also in the future. They are as

important as their contributions were, without them we might be still doing some digging until now.

2. Why were the Hawthorne Studies so critical to management history? (Explain your answer
in not less than 100 words)

Based on our discussion about the Hawthorne Studies, this is so critical to management

history because it opened a whole new path for a new management belief where social norms

greatly affects individual behaviors. These was composed of a series of researches that studied

a lot of factors that can affect the performance of the employees at the Western Electric Company.

The discoveries of these studies were used to come up with a conclusion that people’s behavior

and attitudes are closely linked. Factors like incentives, workplace, security and many more are

subjective to the characteristics of each individual. Experts believed that human behavior is a

huge factor that needs to be considered in managing organizations. These studies provided us

the foundation of today’s theories about employees’ motivation, leadership, development, and

behavioral approaches.

Learning Activity 2.4
Answer the following questions:

1. Explain what the quantitative approach has contributed to the field of management.
(Explain your answer in not less than 100 words)

Quantitative approach or also called the operations research contributed a lot to the field

of management. This approach uses statistics, optimization models, information models, and

computer simulations to improve managerial decision-making process. It was believed that this

approach evolved from mathematical and statistical solutions that were developed during World

War II to solve military logistics and quality control problems. Having quantitative approach made

the whole planning process even better. Managers now have certain statistical methods to use in

order to make sure that their products are being guided with numbers and figures. The

development of this approach vastly transformed the traditional techniques to a more efficient

one, work scheduling, data analysis, optimum inventory levels, and many more are linked with

this one.

2. Describe total quality management. (Explain your answer in not less than 100 words)

Total quality management was defined as a management philosophy to continually

improve and respond to customer needs and expectations. This mainly means that the

organizational growth depends on what and how their customers react. The philosophy that this

approach promotes is a good way to establish holistic managerial planning and controlling where

it targets a long-term success through customer satisfaction and feedbacks. It also includes the

relationship of inputs and outputs of the company throughout the chain reaction. Managers should

always come up with a way to base their decisions that evenly favors the customers and its own

staffs. This can also be used to detect and reduce errors that the organization may encounter in

the near future. It is expected that all members of the organizations are included in improving as

well as planning processes to have the best possible solution.

Learning Activity 2.5
Answer the following questions:

1. How do systems theory and the contingency approach make managers better at what
they do? (Explain your answer in not less than 100 words)

Systems theory and contingency approach make managers better at what they do in a

sense that they provide a set of interrelated ideas and stages arranged in a manner that anyone

can easily keep track with. We know that systems theory suggests that an organization functions

as cooperative system which can either be an open or a close system. This guides the managers

that an organization always takes its inputs from the outside and then transformed it to achieve

their desired outputs. With this coordinated flow, managers can have an assurance if things are

going well or an idea that things are not going well. Also, this theory can be able to provide

managers a blueprint of processes to at least have an idea where to do the troubleshooting when

problems occur. Similarly, with its benefits to fellow managers, contingency approach also

provides a method to make sure that the organization maintains its functionality throughout its

journey. It laid down facts that management is subjective and organizations require different ways

of managing. This will help managers come up with something that suits their own companies.

The assurance of there’s no universal rules for managers to follow is already a good way to

establish their own managerial identities.

2. How do societal trends influence the practice of management? What are the implications
for someone studying management? (Explain your answer in not less than 150 words)

The fact that management let us deal with people, the tendency to continuously adapt is

already given. These societal trends are mainly the catalyst of discoveries and improvements,

may it be in the field of management or not. The diversity of the society forces the behavior of its

constituents to change making it a huge factor in managing. Trends that involve new likes and

dislikes, urgent needs, fashion, industry, and many more must be able to withstand by the different

organizations in a sense that they can accommodate abrupt changes. As a student studying

management, I can say that these trends will help me decipher the essence of the different

principles that we’ve studied. I think these will help me develop my versatility and enhance my

perspectives in almost any aspect of life. I come to realized that there’s so much more about

management. It’s not static or stagnant and it should not settle for less.

Exercise 2.1
1. Pick one historical event from this century and do some research on it. Write a paper
describing the impact that this event might be having or has had on how workplaces are
managed. (Minimum of 600 words, based your paper content on the rubric which will be provided)

The most evident historical event in this century would be our battle against coronavirus

pandemic. As we can all see, this occurrence has transformed the whole world permanently. The

novel coronavirus was believed to be a new strain of coronavirus that has been previously

identified in humans. This causes severed pneumonia and has infected the entire world. It was

last February 12, 2020 when the World Health Organization (WHO) officially announced to call it

Coronavirus Disease 19 or as we all know COVID-19. Although this battle is far enough to be

over with, its toll on economic, population, and lifestyle is taking effect in a very fast rate. The

number of infected people and deaths are way higher than we thought it would be. Its unexpected

appearance surprised the entire humanity reinforcing changes specifically in the workforce

management field.

As we can see, the gradual change from face-to-face setup to virtual setup, wearing of

facemasks and face shields, frequent usage of disinfectants, and social distancing has limited the

reach of every individual but with these new enforced protocols, COVID-19 can be acknowledged

as the catalyst of reinvention. The way we responded from its risks resulted the transformation of

some workplaces to cater the basic safety protocols and help prevent the spread of the virus. The

new normal enables a lot of managerial positions to digitize work processes from planning to

controlling stages. The occurrence of this pandemic has pushed governing individuals to create

a whole new approach to managed their people and work processes remotely. Aside from the

transformation of workplaces, COVID-19 also calls for the rapid reskilling of employees whereas

they need to be refreshed or reeducated to build a stronger mindset and keep their sanity with

the abrupt changes in the environment. Their technological skills are expected to be challenged

and the change in their workloads may also affect the allocation of resources. Another major

impact of this pandemic is about the changes in leadership and management competencies. It’s

quite challenging because no one knows how to handle things smoothly in situations like these

especially in business industry. There were already a lot of businesses who decided to shut down

for good because of either bankruptcy or they just became hopeless. Pandemic has also opened

a lot of doors to even develop a culture of trust, transparency, and openness with one another.

Workplaces nowadays are surely not utilized 100% of the time because of the different restrictions

laid by the IATF but little did we know that it’s actually a good way to develop one’s ability to

believe to other people as we all face uncertainty. This venture will eventually enhance both

managerial and non-managerial positions to stay connected not just virtually but also behind the

screen. Another point to state is about how business leaders find simpler and less expensive

ways to still operate despite of the ongoing fight with the virus. A lot of leaders chose doing

partnerships with delivery companies to minimize expense in resources and some tried investing

on commercials and digital posters instead of tarpaulins and brochures to boosts their businesses’

publicity. These things are some examples of the noticeable changes this pandemic has brought

to us and indeed, the role of managers in today’s era become extra challenging.

Nevertheless, COVID-19 has its own unexpected benefits especially to standard and

traditional practices of everyone. It’s like it’s somehow saying that “it’s time”, it’s time to do

something, it’s time to change, and it’s time to manifest good deeds for the greater good. The

change in today’s workplaces has open for more rooms of improvements. It’s time to reassess

everyone’s mental and physical health. Maybe this is the time to remember that there might be

things we’re missing. Overall, the impact of COVID-19 is so lethal that it made us immune to adapt

rapid changes.

2. Choose an organization with which you are familiar and describe the job specialization
used there. Is it efficient and effective? Why or why not? How could it be improved? (Write
a paper report with minimum of 800 words, based your paper content on the rubric which will be

McDonald’s is a business organization I’m quite familiar with because of its popularity and

maintained image. It was founded in 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino,

California. It was said that for every five hours, a new McDonald’s is being opened somewhere in

the world and there’s no doubt that I see it as one of my favorite fast-food chains at all times. I

like how they present themselves as a whole and manage to capture my palate until now. There

are a lot of things that makes McDonald’s a good example of a successful business organization.

One outstanding characteristics of McDonald’s is that they integrate job specialization into the

next level. Job specialization is defined as the process where employees gain enough knowledge

and experience in a specific area. Their main expertise is in food service and retail level. Although

there was an abrupt success for the company, it was also bombarded with a lot of criticisms may

it be about the conservation of the environment and health. It’s amazing to see how the company

survived its ups and downs.

Apart from providing delicious food, the company’s organizational structure utilizes

different job specializations to attain maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The designation

starts from the managerial positions, cashier, chefs, pantry employees, server, and security. The

cashiers are there to use computers to take and compute for the total amount the customer has

to pay, the chefs are there to make sure that there are enough supplies for the incoming order

demands, the pantry employees that make sure the inventory of the ingredients and resources

are right and enough, the servers which mainly interacts with the customers, and the security

guard which make sure that peace and order are always maintain at all times. There are other

duties a certain worker can do and apply on but the positions I’ve mentioned a while ago are the

ones that we often see as we visit their physical stores. We know that the nature of the company

mainly depends on its customers, so the longer they can maintain a longer streak of fast delivery

and processing of orders to their customers, the bigger the trust of their recipients will be. As we

can see, there are different work designations present in the organizations which makes it easier

to facilitate smooth workflow.

I can say that they have an effective job specialization because the tasks of each

employee are clearly designated but what makes McDonald’s a good example for an effective

work designation is that they make sure to have a rotation of work responsibilities. For example,

if you’re a server now you can be a cashier after a week or a month, meaning, the organization

makes sure that each employee fulfills their duties efficiently but can also be trained to take other

duties if situation permits. This is efficient in a way that workers will become proficient at their own

tasks because it’s simple and easy to grasp because the narrower the task is defined the easier

a person can work. In this sense, they already narrowed their employees’ segment and have them

develop versatility. The job specialization of the company breaks down tasks to its lowest level

which makes it a lot easier and this will eventually develop mastery. It’s also a good thing that

non-managerial positions does not involve complex processes so it can be easily taught to new

workers in just a short period of time. It is believed that this approach can lower the quality control

costs and improves its production efficiency. I think the only improvement that McDonalds’ can

consider is about maintaining the drive of their employees. I’ve noticed that most of McDonalds’

employees doesn’t stay for too long and we can’t blame them because job specializations can

lead workers to boredom and dissatisfaction. There are studies that shows there are people who

sees repetitive tasks so draining and a dead-end. Things like these can increase workers’

absenteeism or resignations and may lower the quality of their work although McDonalds’ already

have the rotation of tasks which I’ve mentioned a while ago, planning and executing activities that

can boosts workers’ mental being can help them lower the risks of employment decreased.

Overall, McDonald’s as a company is a phenomenal one. Of course, they also did face a

lot challenges when it comes to establishing their company’s workflow but throughout their

existence in the business industry, they manage to have a long-term approach for their

employees. I believed it’s safe to assume that this company uses societal trends to design their

own strategic book. The studies about what the masses wanted and executing it by doing various

experiments to redesign the designation of duties are all part of continual improvement. Venturing

to job specializations is not applicable to all companies, some instances it’s already just fine to

stick with the traditional all-around field of expertise. Furthermore, this is subjective, we decide on

what the situation needs.

Constraints and Challenges of

(Learning Activities and Exercise)

Learning Activity 3.1
Answer the following question:

1. Describe the two perspectives on how much impact managers have on an organization’s
success or failure. (Explain in not less than 100 words).

The two perspectives differ in a sense that they have their own point where to blame

specific outcomes. Based on our discussion, omnipotent view states that managers are directly

responsible for an organization’s success or failure but the symbolic view blames the external

factors outside the manager’s control. The first perspective can be seen as a more specific view

being the manager is solely responsible for the future of the organization, with this thought,

managers should be a well-rounded person that can withstand lethal effects of the decisions for

the majority. It doesn’t matter if employees had their own lapses or mistakes, the managers will

always be blamed or they’ll be the absorber of everything that happened under their custody. On

the other hand, the impact of managers in the symbolic view is not much of a focused. It’s not the

managers’ fault if the company or organization failed or succeed.

Learning Activity 3.2
Answer the following question:

1. Why is it important for managers to understand the external environmental

components? (Explain in not less than 100 words).


From the discussion a while ago, we’ve learned that these external environmental

components include specific and general factors which are the broad economic, socio-cultural,

political/legal, demographic, technological, and global conditions. It was also stated that these

factors affect the performance of an organization. It is important for the managers to understand

the external environmental components because it can help them to look beyond what’s in front

of them to avoid conflict that may result to failure. If a manager can be able to understand these

external environmental components, then he/she can analyze the organization's strategies and

actions thoroughly that will greatly help to improve their performances. Aside from that, it can also

help them to recognize qualitative information in advance, which can then be use in the planning

process of the organization. Moreover, we should bear in mind that these external environmental

components are the lifeline of any organizations that exists because of the demand and inclusivity.

In summary, the importance of understanding these components serves as the key factor for long

term planning and survival.

Learning Activity 3.3
Answer the following questions:

1. Classrooms have cultures. Describe your classroom culture using the seven
dimensions of organizational culture. Does the culture constrain your instructor? How?
Does it constrain you as a student? How? (Explain in not less than 300 words)

The culture that we have includes a lot of rules and regulations that ought to be followed.

Whenever we’re inside our classrooms we are expected to participate and provide adequate

attention to facilitate effective learning and this fall under the first dimension of the organizational

culture which is the attention to details. The second dimension is the outcome orientation. It’s a

fact the we are being evaluated by series of tests and performance tasks. Our future somehow

depends on what numerical grade we’re going to have and most of the time it what matters the

most rather than how we go through the process. It’s the determining factor if we did learn or not.

The third dimension is called people orientation, in a typical classroom culture, our instructors

always first do their own assessment to the level of the students so that somehow, they will be

able to provide suitable intervention on how will they handle the whole class effectively. I can still

remember how Engr. Badiola told us in our first meeting that he’s going to observe how we answer

our learning activities to somehow have an idea on what level where in and he’ll be the one to do

the adjustment on his approach. The fourth dimension is about team orientation, group activities

are very much practiced inside the classrooms because classroom culture suggests that all the

students must be united. This dimension is followed by aggressiveness, this is where class

rankings or standings fall. Students are geared to have their own competitiveness inside to survive

in the academe. We have our usual top ten students, awards, and contests that initiate

competitions among students. The sixth dimension is stability, educators always make sure that

their learners are continuously learning. They always try to maintain a dynamic environment

towards their students to have an effective and stable progress. The last dimension is about

innovation and risk tasking, these are my favorite stages when dealing with classroom culture.

Teachers that encourage students to dream more and try things out are the best ones. I can still

remember some of my remarkable teachers that made a huge impact on who am I today. These

are the different classroom cultures that we often encounter in our day-to-day journey inside our


To answer the first question, I would say that yes it can constrain my instructor in a sense

that he will of course, only be doing things that he’s expected to do. Best example of this one is

the school calendar. It’s a culture that instructors are expected to do their lessons on the time

frame they were given. He is constrained to do everything in a very short period of time even

though it can compromise the learning progress of the students. He is then obliged to do things

only from the time he has and nothing more and nothing less. These statements will support my

answer with the second question. Yes, it also constrains me as a student. This culture is

sometimes too much. It constrained me in a sense that it’s unconsciously telling me that I can’t

be someone out of their context of a good student. The feeling of constantly thinking that I can’t

be a failure, a quitter, or even a lowkey student. There are moments where pressure and anxiety

are just way too much to handle because culture is most of the time became expectations but

nevertheless, it’s good that I can still manage to reflect on things and regain my purpose as a


2. Can culture be a liability to an organization? (Explain in not less than 100 words)


Since culture is regarded as a fundamental base of an organization it can be said that it’s

a huge asset but at the same time it becomes a liability when it starts to prevent the growth and

improvement of the body. Knowing that culture can sometimes be exclusive and dictates

limitations, the challenge mostly lies on how the organization will encapsulate it to genuinely serve

its purpose. One of these limitations is that culture can hinder some changes necessary in

businesses due to the demand in today's dynamic environment. If the required changes do not

conform to its existing organizational culture, then it's the time that culture can become a

drawback. Another point is that it limits the organization's function by the means of its continual

practice or adapting its framework, plan of activities, and scope of audience. Liability is not only

about owing but also about acknowledging responsibilities it may have contributed. The fact that

sometimes culture can limit the organization’s capabilities to develop and adapt to unfamiliar

changes suggests that it must be subjected to reevaluation. The beauty of creativity and

innovations will be compromised, for culture may consider it as taboos or out of the line concepts.

To answer the question above, yes, culture can be a liability to an organization but let’s bear in

mind that there are many factors that need first to be considered before concluding that it’s now

more of a liability than an asset.

3. Discuss the impact of a strong culture on organizations and managers. (Explain in not
less than 100 words)

Strong culture affects the different organizations and managers positively. Specifically, it

can create a stable commitment of its employees to the organization. Apart from establishing

commitment, it can also help in attracting potential staffs and facilitate dynamic interaction within

each other. Moreover, having a strong culture promotes proactive performances to every sector

in the organization. Managers are guided on how to handle situations because they can use

culture as their main basis for contemplating solutions and innovations. The organization itself

can establish their values and norms for a more determined management. According to Amy

Xiong, a research leader, your culture has to be yours and you need to be loyal to it. She

emphasized that we must recognized that one culture won’t fit for everyone but despite of having

this lapse, having a strong culture is necessary for an organization to be successful and maintain

its own identity.

Learning Activity 3.4
Answer the following question:

1. Explain why workplace spirituality seems to be an important concern. (Explain your

answer in not less than 100 words)

Workplace spirituality is an important concern because in workplaces, we are dealing with

people and these people both have their own inner and outer beings. Given the fact that workplace

spirituality is defined as the compassion towards others while practicing inner consciousness to

have an effective transcendence is already enough to explain its importance. According to a study

of Misbah Hassan, where he determines the impact of workplace spirituality on job satisfaction

suggests that there is a positive relationship between the two and the trust between staffs are

subjected for improvement. The results of this study can be good support to claim why workplace

spirituality is an important concern. Apart from improving the well-being of everyone in the

organization, we can also see noticeable effects on the workers productivity, commitment, job

satisfaction, stress management, and performances if we invest on improving workplace

spirituality. This philosophy became popular when corporations started to realized that when their

employees have a clearer understanding and context of what they do, they can achieve optimum

performances within and outside their jobs.

Exercise 3.1:
1. Choose an organization with which you’re familiar or one that you would like to know
more about. Create a table identifying potential stakeholders of this organization. Then,
indicate what particular interests or concerns these stakeholders might have. (Based your
paper content on the rubric which will be provided)

I chose McDonald’s as the organization I’m familiar with and would like to know more

about because of its continuous growth but at the same time faces a lot of criticisms especially

when it comes to their impact in today’s generation as well as on the next. There are various

potential stakeholders that comprises this company some of which are listed in the table. I’ve also

included the particular interests and concerns of each stakeholder.

Potential Stakeholders Interests or Concerns

Employees It is believed that the main concern of these stakeholders are their

career development and enough compensation. The company

makes sure to provide different training programs to continuously

improve their employees but the thing about enough compensation

is not well addressed by the company which make these

stakeholders partially satisfied.

Customers The main interest of the customers as potential stakeholder is about

having affordable and healthy food options. The company ensures

lower prices of their products by standardization. However, the issue

about healthy food options is not much considered by McDonalds’

making also these stakeholders partially satisfied.

Investors This is the main group where McDonald’s really work hard to fulfill

their demands. The main interests of these people are profits and

growing revenues. The company is effectively fulfilling the concerns

of their investors being the major stakeholder group.

Communities The main interests of these stakeholders include community

development and effective environmental programs. There are

various programs that the company manages to satisfy their


2. If you belong to a student organization, evaluate its culture by answering the following:
How would you describe the culture? How do members learn the culture? How is the
culture maintained? If you don’t belong to a student organization, talk to another student
who does and evaluate it using the same questions. (Write a paper report with minimum of
500 words, based your paper content on the rubric which will be provided)

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers - UNC Chapter or also known as PICE-UNC is the

student organization I considered myself belong to for now. Honestly, I’m not much familiar with

the culture of PICE-UNC given the fact that I’ve recently transferred here last August but I’m

familiar with how PICE as an organization and how it works because of my previous school. The

culture of the student organization I belong to right now is not that far to the culture I had in my

formative years. We elect officers, we gather members, we plan activities, we execute and we

reach out. The only difference that I can think of is the level of extent things are now in. I can still

remember how we as high school students are being bounded by school-based activities to avoid

unexpected happenings but being part of an organization now, with this age, is better than before.

The scope is wider and the drive to facilitate change not just with its members but also with the

extended communities are very evident

Being a certified member of this organization, I was required to submit my membership

forms together with my identification card to be acknowledged and accepted. I’m quite amazed

how this student organization can cater internal and external affairs simultaneously. The elected

officers of the body last school year would always conduct orientation for the new members,

usually first year students, and explain everything about the things a member must know about

his/her chosen organization. The most evident culture of being a member of this organization is

the paying of the organizational fees or what we called the PICE fee, these are used to finance

the different activities planned and prepared by the officers that will surely benefit its club

members, us. Monthly meeting is also practiced to make sure that everyone will stay connected

and updated. The planning as well as the reports of each activity or projects are disseminated to

everyone to ensure transparency. There were also unique activities or happenings that only CE

students can experience, just like what we had on our first general assembly where new members

were gathered in the middle and instructed to pose for a picture taking but after a moment all the

seniors threw some flour and some vinegar, it’s gross but it’s funny and unforgettable. We we’re

told that it’s part of being a CE student in my previous school, all the sophomores, juniors, and

seniors experienced the same thing they did to us. This led me to a realization that it’s part of the

culture of the organization I belong to and the only way that they can teach us that culture is to let

us experienced it. Another good thing of being in this organization is that officers yearly organized

different team building activities and make sure that new and old members can interact with each

other so they can foster teamwork and long-term bonds to everyone.

Moreover, the culture of my student organization is maintained because the students in

charge make sure to do things repetitively. In a sense that the established environment, rituals,

activities, and responsibilities are not gradually changed but instead they only do some

improvements and manage to implement it over and over again. I’m happy how organizations are

now, this is the only time I felt like being a member is just as important as the students in charge.

I felt valued and accepted. This is what I truly envisioned about student organizations.

Management Functions

(Learning Activities and Exercise)

Learning Activity 4.1
Answer the following question:

1. Describe the eight steps in the decision-making process. (Explain in not less than 200

Decision making is the process of effectively choosing a stand from various choices with

the aid of adequate information and assessment. The decision-making process is composed of a

total of eight stages, we have the identification of the problem, identification of the decision criteria,

weighing of the criteria, developing the alternatives, alternatives analyzation, alternatives

selection, alternative implementation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the decision. The first

step is the identification of the problem. Here, we are expected to determine the problem we have

that needs to be addressed. Problems are commonly those things that call for the presence of

authority to facilitate. The next step is the identification of the decision criteria whereas we identify

the different standards to judge the alternatives that we’re about to have in the next steps. The

third step is about the weighing of these criteria. We need to provide each criterion their own value

and importance to have the best and correct prioritization. The next step is the development of

alternatives, here, we list down all the possible options we can have without evaluating them first.

The fifth step is the analyzation of alternatives, this is now the step where we will use the decision

criteria we setup in the second and third steps to evaluate the alternatives we listed in the fourth

step. We are also expected to understand and be able to identify the different strengths and

weaknesses of the alternatives to effectively demonstrate fair analysis. The sixth step is now the

selection of the alternatives, we need to choose the alternative with the highest total score in the

criteria we’ve made. This is then followed by its implementation where we put our decision to

action and we ensure commitment to what we have decided. The last step is to evaluate the

effectiveness of the decision, we analyze the different outcomes of the decision we’ve made so

that we can conclude if we did the right thing or not.

In summary, decision making process is similar with the basic research process we’ve

been doing since Junior and Senior High School. These things must be always followed to always

have an informed action. Carelessness has no room here. Standard operating procedures are

there to guide everyone about how to achieve results with higher probability of success and at

the same time maintains integrity.

Learning Activity 4.2

Answer the following question:

1. Explain the four ways manager's makes decisions. (Explain in not less than 200 words).

There are four ways managers can make their decisions. It can be by rational decision

making, bounded rationality decision making, intuitive decision making, or by evidence-based

management. The first way is by rational decision making. Here, the managers faced the problem

with clear and specific goal by means of knowing all the possible alternatives they have and doing

necessary analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. Thinking things rationally will help them

maximize the possibility of achieving their goals successfully. The next way to make decisions is

the bounded rationality in which the thinking process is rational but is limited by the capabilities of

the person to process the different information present. Most of the managers that resort in this

way settle for good not with the best. They are already satisfied with any alternative that they think

will get them through the day. The third way is the intuitive decision making where managers

based their decisions on their experiences, feelings, and built perceptions. There are five different

aspects of intuition discussed in the module, the experience-based, affect-initiated, values or

ethics-based, subconscious mental processing, and cognitive-based. These aspects contribute

on how managers can choose to rely on their previous experiences and accumulated knowledge.

The last way managers can make decisions is the evidence-based management. This is a

systematic way of using evidences to improve decision making processes. There are also some

essential elements of this method that helps them come up with an effective settlement, we have

the expertise and judgement, external proofs, opinions and preferences, and relevant

organizational internal factors. These four ways paves way in accommodating different

managerial styles and personalities.

Learning Activity 4.3

Answer the following question:

1. What does it take to become a good decision maker? (Explain in not less than 200 words)

A good decision maker for me, is something we refer to someone who can always

effectively execute the different steps we’ve described in the first learning activity. Being a good

decision maker takes a holistic view in almost every aspect of life to always maximize every

opportunity he/she has. He/she must also know how to understand cultural differences in a sense

that his/her view is not bounded from what he/she is only aware of. A good decision maker fairly

acknowledges the different alternatives he/she might have within the situation that challenges

his/her managerial capabilities. It also makes you a good decision maker if you know how to admit

failure and can restart without being discouraged and distracted by the previous decisions you’ve

made. A good decision maker is someone who can decipher based on what the situation is

actually calling for. You should never settle for less if you are given the chance to decide for

something that will affect a lot of things and people. Being a good decision maker is not being

selfish but it’s about being open. In short, it takes a lot of things to become a good decision maker

which makes it an honor to be called as one.

Exercise 4.1

1. For one week, pay close attention to the decisions you make and how you make them.

Write a description of five of those decisions using the steps in the decision-making

process as your guide. Also, describe whether you relied on external or internal sources

of information to help you make the decision and whether you think you were more linear

or nonlinear in how you processed that information. (Based your paper content on the rubric

which will be provided)

These were the five major and frequent decisions I’ve done in the past week. Some were

personal but some were just a typical dilemma. It was nice that I to rethink about the decisions

I’ve made in the recent week.

• Deciding if I’m going to do grocery alone or with a family member.

This is quite a dilemma for me given the fact that we’re in MECQ and the movement

of everyone is being limited. I’m aware that bringing another family member with me to

buy some supplies will just increase the possibility of exposure to the virus but I’m also

aware that going alone will surely give me a hard time holding and pushing the cart

wherever I go. This is where I take things slowly and analyze every aspect of my dilemma.

Since I already stated the problem and its risks, I shall now gather alternatives to decide

what’s the most feasible and safe decision. There were no other alternatives but I created

conditions that alleviate my burden. I made up my mind that I’ll do the grocery alone but I

told my mother that I’ll do it in the nearest grocery store not with the usual store we go to.

Second, I told her that I will only buy things that I can carry and is appropriate with my

physical power. These conditions help me decide as well as realize that if two equally

choices we’re given we can still choose one and set conditions to at least lessen its

impacts. After deciding that I will go alone, I did go alone and it turned out just fine because

I managed to bought all the needed supplies at home and we also managed to lessen the

possibility of exposing more family members outside. I believed that I’ve relied on both

internal and external resources because I recognized the risks of my family members

going outside and knowing the nearest grocery store. I also think that I used both linear

and nonlinear thinking style in the processing of information in front of me because I used

both internal and external resources that I have and processed this information through

rationalizing it and at the same time I relied on my personal insights to be able to come up

with a good decision. In summary, I think I did the right thing and will do the same decision

if ever I’ll face this dilemma again.

• Deciding if I’ll continue to play mobile games or will take a rest.

This is surely a typical dilemma but I honestly faced this a lot in the past week. I’m

torn if I’m going to continue playing mobile games or will now take a rest. The decision-

making process here was very fast. I didn’t think about this much because I have no class

or incoming dues that will be affected. I only think about what time I might wake up in the

next day if I’m going to play more. In the end, I chose to continue playing more mobile

games rather than taking a rest. I did wake up late the next day but my mother was not

mad because she knows that I only play games all night once in a while. The only

consequence is that my body clock was adjusted making my day, my night and vice versa.

I’ll admit that I only relied on my internal resources here because I only think about myself

and my schedule. I could have just used the time doing some household chores. Also, I

think I’ve use more of the nonlinear thinking style for I, again, have used internal resources

and personal insights only. I think I’m going to this again in the future and I know it’s not

wise but somehow, I find peace in choosing fun rather than progress sometimes.

• Deciding if I’m going to do the dishes this evening or not.

The same with the previous one, this is also a typical dilemma most of us may

encounter. Recently, I’ve been stuck if I’m going to delay my responsibilities because of

laziness and mood swings. I did first think about the consequences if I’m going to the

dishes tomorrow or some other time. The fact that my mother will get angry if I will not do

it and my siblings will pester me are already enough to convinced me that I should do the

dishes this evening. I’m glad that I really did because we ordered some food outside and

there were only few utensils used. I’m happy that I did my responsibility and at the same

time did not get too tired while doing it. I’ll say that I used both internal and external

resources because I thought about first the consequences and that my family, we’re

convinced that we ordered food for dinner. I think I both used linear and nonlinear thinking

style because of the resources I’ve incorporated and of course the personal factor of

processing my personal preference in as a person in that very situation.

• Deciding if I’m going to exercise or not.

This dilemma always keeps me awake at night, and yes, I’ve been thinking about

this every single day. The idea of losing weight excites me but the idea of waking up early

to sweat out discouraged me. I’m quite lost if health or morning hassle-free. I decided to

list down all the possible benefits of doing morning exercises to me and also the negative

effects that may arise. It’s quite hard because I honestly do not have any motivation to do

it as of the moment. I reflected and realized that I should start maintaining a healthy

lifestyle for I’m becoming older day by day and I need to live longer. I also listed down the

different alternatives, I could do exercises maybe in the afternoon or in the evening so that

I can find the best time I’m comfortable with, I could also do it before taking a bath for the

day so that I can get rid of the sweat as soon as possible after working out, and I could

just earn money and go on a surgery if I got too fat in the future. In the end I chose doing

it anyway but I did it in the morning so that I can lighten up my entire day and it was the

most feasible thing I can do. The things I wrote down were really helpful in deciding in

situations that somehow, I’m not that much motivated doing. I can say that I used only my

internal resources to decide, my schedule and my own mood. I think I’m more nonlinear

in processing the information I have for I have decided based on my internal feelings and

insights in that very moment.

• Deciding if I’ll buy my longtime dream bicycle or a new battery for my broken laptop.

This is really a dilemma, recently I’ve been struggling in using my phone and my

brother’s personal computer to do academic tasks because the battery of my laptop gave

up but at the same time the idea of me having my own bike excites me throughout the

previous months. These two options were calling me to decide as soon as possible so

what I did was, I surveyed a lot of shops if how much a battery laptop costs and then listed

all the pros and cons of the different shops. Unfortunately, there were only two shops that

said that they will get me one with the brand I’m looking for if I’m going to pre-order it first,

but it was too expensive. On the other hand, thinking about the idea that I might not get

my dream bicycle this month makes me so sad. So, I did list down again the pros and

cons of having my dream bike. After I did that, I also listed down my budget for this month

as well my savings in the previous months. Upon doing all that, I decided to set up some

criterion in order to determine what should I prioritized the most, though many would say

that it’s the laptop battery because I’m doing online activities most of the time but little did

they know, having my long-term dream bike would save me mentally and physically. Since

I can’t still decide, I talked about my dilemma with my parents. I’m glad that I’ve reached

out because they promised to help me with the costs of the laptop battery and I can use

my savings to buy what I want. I was so happy hearing those words. I honestly afraid of

telling things like this to them because I know they are already struggling with finances

especially this pandemic but I guess, parents are parents. I’m just thankful for having them.

In the end, I bought a bicycle and I’ll order my laptop battery next week. Moreover, I think

I relied on both internal and external resources in deciding. I go out and gather information

about the laptop battery at the same time look for alternatives. It can also be said that I

used both linear and nonlinear thinking style here because of the resources I’ve use as

well as relying on my insights and feelings. My adaptive way of processing information is

under the nonlinear thinking style while thinking about the importance of the two

alternatives is being rational and logical which is under the linear thinking style.

2. When you feel you haven't made a good decision, assess how you could have made a

better decision. (Based your paper content on the rubric which will be provided)

When I felt that I haven’t made a good decision I always take a step back and

reassess every single thing I did before coming up with that certain decision. I’ll think about

it for about a hundred times and sometimes imagine scenarios where I could have done it


In order to reassess my actions, I usually ask first other people’s opinion to what

I did. Upon hearing all the feedbacks, I will now start contemplating about my mistakes. It

seems that most of my bad decisions roots in deciding hastily and skipping steps in the

decision-making process. I will definitely take all the blame here, there were really times

that I felt confident so just tossing a coin is already enough as basis for my decision. I also

often rely on ‘bahala na si batman’ when doing some of my important life changing

decisions. The repetitive occurrence of this feeling ought me do something about it, so I

did something about it. After doing the regathering of information, I will try to reenact the

moment in my mind and imagine the different alternatives that I can resort to. Repetition

will help me get used to not skipping steps in the decision-making process and at the same

time when the same situation caught me again, I will be able to do it right.

Asking for advices and guidance is also a big yes for me. If there’s a chance, I

talked about this kind of things to my trusted acquaintances so that at least I’ll have some

assurance that I’m doing it right. Assessing your own bad decision is quite hard because

the disappointment is very evident and sometimes you just don’t want to think about it ever

again but it’s what makes it challenging. I’ve also said in my answer in the third learning

activity that a good decision maker is someone who can start all over again without being

discouraged and distracted by negative thoughts. Being a good decision maker is a

process and people who are called by this title also experienced a lot of failures and may

even face massive consequences. In summary, in order for me to make better decisions

next time, I will make sure to give it some time. The longer thinking process we give to a

certain decision, the better the outcome it will be because we have enough time to think

about everything that concerns it. I’m happy that I can talk about real life issues here

because I know things like this are subjective, we have our own coping mechanisms to

regain our own egos after committing a not so good decision. I will make sure to improve

and to always do better.

Management Functions

(Learning Activities and Exercise)

Learning Activity 5.1
Answer the following question:

1. Explain the nature and purpose of planning. (Explain in not less than 200 words)

Planning is one of the most important part when dealing with actions that could affect

someone’s well-being. Its nature mainly involves a systematic and well-thought processing of

information to make decisions about the different activities or goals in the future. Its main essence

is to provide us some blueprint, for us to be guided all the way through the journey of our

organization. Based on our discussion, planning can be formal and informal depending on the

nature of the organization. The concept of planning caters the establishment of the organization’s

goals, strategy, and comprehensive plans to have an effective work flow. There are steps that we

can use as guide in planning our own organizational strategy. We can first identify our objectives,

conduct further observations, gather information, identify the problems, create feasible strategic

plans, implement, and then analyze the outcomes. I’m sure we already experienced the need of

planning in our everyday lives. Planning is there because there’s a demand for its existence. This

helps us in establishing and defining our future goals, may it be in business or in life. It was also

stated in the learning module that it reduces uncertainty which I also believed to be true. Planning

can somehow lessen the pressure of overthinking and can provide us assurance. It is one of the

most important management functions because it serves as the foundation of the succeeding

steps. Poor planning will eventually lead to poor organizing and will soon lead to poor controlling.

Planning is dynamic and continuous. It does not end only in the start of your management career

but it goes along with your progress. In short, planning is a part of your preparation. It identifies

the risks, alternatives, resources, and possibilities that we may encounter in the future which can

gives us ample time to get ready and this increases the probability of our success. Absence of

this one will lead to failure.

2. Define strategic management and explain why it's important. (Explain in not less than
200 words).

Room 2
Strategic management is defined as the overall act of planning, observing, monitoring,

analyzing and assessing all necessities in order to meet all goals and objectives set by the

organization (Tucci, n.d.). It assists a decision-maker in acquiring management tools to predict

changes and steer the organizational operations in the right direction (Mausumi, n.d.) Looking

closer at how it works inside the organization, we could see that it will encourage the best way to

deploy staff and resources to attain the specified objectives. In short, it’s what gives an

organization the sense of direction to further develop the plans that could help the organization in

the future.

It’s considered important because it sets the parameter of the entire organization on how

the body will maintain its integrity and focus. Some changes in business climate will need firms to

reevaluate their success methods on a regular basis. In such situations, strategic management is

crucial because it will offer a direct path for formulating plans and policies for the intended better

outcome and then assigning resources to implement the strategies efficiently. The importance of

this management method can also be seen through one of its basic purposes which is to maintain

competitive advantage. To achieve this purpose, the organization is to assess the opportunities

and threats of decisions while considering their strengths and weaknesses before proceeding. In

conclusion, strategic management is a continual process that is critical to the organization's

growth and success. Organizations must ensure that they engage in strategic management

because the success and survival of the firm is dependent on it.

Learning Activity 5.2

Answer the following question:

1. What is the purpose of Organizing? (Explain in not less than 200 words)

We have a lot of definitions of organizing so are its purposes. According to Theo Haimann,

organizing is the process of defining and grouping activities to establish connections between

them. This definition is almost the same with the description of Lows Allen and Oliver Sheldon

that it’s the process of combining workloads to necessary perform at specific time and extract the

most efficient way to reduce unnecessary work repetitions. These definitions highlight the main

essence of the process, to provide us a systematic management of our people, works to be done,

and resources. Its main purpose is to create a methodical approach to attain the organization’s

goals and objectives. There are some articles that specified some of the importance of organizing

in an organization. It said that having a good organizing technique will foster efficient

management, optimization of resources, promotes effective communication, builds transparency,

and initiate growth. I agree with all the statements in the article because it’s true and even I

personally experienced why there’s a need to organize, not only in organizations but also with our

lives. We do not only organize to show arrangement and order. We organize because it’s what

we need to do to effectively reduce the stress and burden of the future. I am happy because at

such a young age, my parents and my mentors successfully taught me how to organize my tasks

and responsibilities. I even considered it now as one of the most essential skill a person should

have. Nevertheless, organizing is there because there’s a need for it. It keeps us ordered and


Learning Activity 5.3

Answer the following question:

1. What does it take to become a good leader? (Explain in not less than 200 words)

Being a leader is easy but being a good one is a process. I firmly believed that being a

leader is a title anyone can have. You lead a group of people, you’re already a leader but when

we talked about being a good leader, we deal with how well you lead these people. To be honest,

the question above is quite hard to answer because I myself doesn’t have one firm answer that

would represent the different rays of leadership. Our definition of being a good leader is subjective,

my kind of good may not be your kind of good but nevertheless we can still meet in the middle by

talking about what qualities an individual should have so that he/she can earn the title of being an

effective leader. I personally believe that in order to become a good leader, one should know

his/her self first. A person who’s having trouble understanding and knowing oneself will not have

any consistency. A good leader is capable of convincing people to believe him/her without much

effort because it comes naturally. If you’re a good leader, you attract trust and credibility. I would

also like to mention the things I’ve read at a certain website that a good leader must also have

the ability to effectively communicate with a lot of different people, he/she should have a strong

and firm goals, must be passionate, sees the importance of the different values, and it’s a huge

head start if you have a lot of positive adjectives that you can describe yourself.

As you can see it takes a lot of things to be a good leader, it’s not an overnight

transformation, it’s a long-term process. It’s funny how I was able to decipher by reading some

articles that the most important asset to become a good leader is patience. If one cannot wait and

endure, he/she will never settle for he/she will always choose an easier route which most of the

time, a trap. Additionally, being a leader is natural, we’re born to be one, but being a good leader

is a choice. If you can take that choice, you have what it takes to be one. A good leader is someone

that knows how to be one.

Learning Activity 5.4

Answer the following question:

1. Describe how control compliments all the other management functions. (Explain in not

less than 200 words)

Control is about our dominance to ensure that the different activities within our strategic

thorough planning are being followed. It can also be defined as the process of monitoring activities

to ensure the accomplishment of the different goals and objectives of the organization. Given

these definitions, control greatly suggests that it plays a significant role in the management

functions. It reflects commitment and stability of a well-thought plan.

Control compliments planning, organizing, and leading by providing adequate linkages

between the beginning and at the end of the managerial journey and without it, success is

nowhere to be found. Control compliments planning in a way that planning serves as the basis of

what control function must be implemented. Its existence shows that if there is the act of

controlling, there is a plan. On the other hand, control compliments organizing by being its support

system. Control is there to oversee if the management is performing in a pace where the

organization agreed upon. It provides corrective actions to problems and mishaps that may

arrived in the future. It emphasizes the different alternatives to limit or to avoid failures and

unnecessary expenses. Control affects leading in a way that it provides power to the managers

to execute necessary actions to maintain and improve the performances of its body. Having

responsibilities is not enough to establish identity and sustainable management. It requires

authority to facilitate change and progress. As we can see, control is an integral part in

management functions because it establishes a stronger bond that connects each function to be

a constructive method of the organization’s survival.

Exercise 5.1

1. Write down three people that you consider to be effective leaders. Make a bulleted list

of the characteristics these individuals exhibit that you think make them effective leaders.

(Based your paper content on the rubric which will be provided)

1. Miriam Defensor Santiago

• Academic excellence

I personally think that a person’s academic awards and distinctions are one

of the standards that can show a person’s credibility to become an effective leader.

The late senator Miriam Defensor Santiago had earned her degrees (Bachelor of

Arts and Bachelor of Laws) at the University of the Philippines and another degree

(Doctor of Juridical Science) in the United States. She exemplified her capabilities

worldwide. She received a lot of awards and honor not just for herself but also for

the Philippines. She was described as the symbol of humor and bravery in her

time. She was a consistent valedictorian from elementary to college. Her wit and

dedication are something that I personally admired. These academic standings

alone are way more than above the required characteristics for a person to be

considered as an effective leader.

• Professional excellence

Apart from her academic excellence, the way she practiced her career

makes a huge advantage and may contributed as to why she’s an effective leader.

Her experiences molded her to become an icon and a woman of her words. She

was a law professor for 10 years at her alma mater and had written for over 30

books, many of which are academic textbooks about social sciences and law.

Moreover, she was the one who filed the greatest number of bills addressing real

problems and issues in the Philippines. These movements are evidences that

she’s indeed a remarkable and effective leader.

• Moral excellence

Because of her academic and professional achievements her moral and

values were also a big part as to why she was able to manage and fight for what

is right. In fact, there were articles that described her as a person with

unquestioned honesty. I firmly believed that as Dr. Santiago possessed these three

major characteristics, being well-educated, legit experiences and viscous woman

makes her a very effective leader. Moreover, her ideologies and arguments still

live which also an integral characteristic of an effective leader, having legacies and

can instill permanent change.

2. Nelson Mandela

• Sense of Humor and Identity

Former President Nelson Mandela was known for his continuous battle for

equality. His sense of humor and identity helped him to lead and protect the civil

rights of the masses. He fought the oppressive racist system during his time and

advocated for democracy. These characteristics made him a mindful and effective

leader as he was.

• Firsthand Experiences

He was imprisoned for 27 years where he experienced the poor treatment

of the government to black races. He then knew what he had to do, anyway

experience is the best teacher. He knows how sad, depressing, and unsafe it was

during his time so he used his experiences to be his motivation and drive to save

his countrymen from going through the same thing and I think this is also one of

his characteristics that made him an effective leader.

• Strategic, Brave, and Compassionate

These are the few of the dominant characteristics of Mr. Mandela where he

displayed during his term as the president and as a person. He leads with a strong

will but at the same sensitive enough to acknowledged cultural differences.

• Beacon of hope

As a political leader, Mr. Mandela became a beacon of hope not just in

South Africa but in the whole wide world. I can still read his name and contributions

in improving civil rights in textbooks which continues to inspire a lot people

including me. As I’ve said a while ago, an effective leader is someone who can

leave legacies and can be remembered by his/her rightful actions.

3. Jack Ma Yun

• Determination

Mr. Jack Ma Yun is very popular in business industry. As you can see, he’s

different from the two effective leaders I’ve mentioned above. The thing that I think

made him an effective leader is his determination. I’ve watched a lot of interviews

and documentaries about him where he talked about rejections and hardships,

he’s been through. It makes me wanted to follow his lead by not giving up. His

determination brought him to where he is now. He started leading only a few people

but now he’s leading hundreds or thousands of people.

• Values Attitude

Another trait the Mr. Jack Ma exhibits which made him an effective leader

is that he always values attitude. I can always notice this one in all his talks, he

often emphasized what’s he’s been looking for his employees and potential

business partners. He’s not after the revenue alone but he’s more of a charismatic

leader. He was able to show his leadership by doing his responsibilities efficiently.

• Goal-centered and Tenacious

This is one of my favorite characteristics he has. He’s goal-oriented at the

same time tenacious. He takes commitments seriously and do everything to reach

the objectives.

2. Pretend you're the manager of a customer call center for timeshare vacations. What

types of control measures would you use to see how efficient and effective an employee

is? How about measures for evaluating the entire call center? (Based your paper content on

the rubric which will be provided)

Before anything else, timeshare vacation is an ownership of a vacation product in a certain

period of time that lets you share the property cost to guarantee your future stay. As the manager

of a customer call center, it’s my job to make sure that my agents are doing well in receiving calls

and assisting customers with their concerns. I myself also experienced being an agent and I’d

say that it’s hard and challenging. The night shifts and the queuing of calls are just exhausting.

Being the manager of a call center account that deals with bookings and selling for timeshare

vacations, I must provide interventions to maintain our sales as well as clients. In order to do

these, control measures such as providing continuous training to my agents to enhance their

communication and technical skills. Doing team building activities every month would also help to

ensure that they stay motivated and will minimize the chance of them resigning. I could also do

some reward system to whoever performs the best within the week to again make sure that they

stay high-spirited. After doing these trainings and activities, I can now do some monthly

assessment with every agent based on their skills and call statistics. I will conduct some live test

where they will answer calls in front of me and will rate them based on their performance. I could

also do random checking with one of their calls in the last month given the fact that all incoming

and outgoing calls are recorded and, in that sense, I could really make sure their consistency.

Using these control measures will let me know who among my employees needs more help and

that’s the time I could do some special trainings intended for their improvements.

There are a lot of things that a manager should first consider when it comes to assessing

his/her governing body. In this situation, the way I can evaluate the entire call center and come

up with a credible conclusion is through statistics. I will let the technical department to design a

survey over the phone so that my agents can just ask the customer if they wanted to answer and

they will be just connected to the survey. This can also be observed in PLDT customer service

and I think this will help me gather numbers to see what level is the company’s customer

satisfaction is at. Another way is to get the average handling time of all the agents in all the

accounts to see how fast agents can answer the incoming calls and to see if our resources are

enough to cater all the incoming calls and if not it’s where I will do some improvements. Abandon

and transfer calls are also one of the factors I can use to assessed the company’s performance.

The number of calls being ignored or passed to other department will show how frequent my

agents denied their responsibilities, maybe they want to rest a little or just don’t want to answer

calls that’s why they are dropping them. I can do a lot of observing and calculating to see how the

entire call center is performing but it’s good if I’ll first make sure that we have a good and strategic

management to at least increase the probability that we’ll also have good results. Being a

manager is challenging but it’s a privileged to be one.

Productions and Operations

(Learning Activities and Exercise)

Learning Activity 6.1
Answer the following questions:

1. Explain the importance of production and operation management. (Explain in not less

than 200 words)

Video Link:


2. Identify the factors involved in a plant location decision. (Explain in not less than 150

Based on our discussion, determining the plant location is one of the most important stage

a company will have to go through. It is what the company decided to be their geographic site for

their entire operations. It’s like choosing a camp base or a comfortable haven for growth and

survival. There are three major factors that may affect the plant location’s decision-making

process. These are the transportation, physical, and human factors. Transportation affects the

plant location’s decision in a sense that it establishes the time constraints the company will have

to obtain its raw materials. The cost of distribution will also be an important factor to consider to

foresee additional expenses that’s why it is advisable to locate your place of business near the

source of your company’s needed raw materials. Another aspect that needs to be considered is

the physical factors which include the water and energy supplies, garbage disposal, and

equipment maintenance. These factors must be first considered to avoid or just reduced the

unnecessary expenses. Having a location that’s far from the basic commodities will give your

business additional burdens and challenges. A company should also make sure to create a well-

thought plan of their garbage disposal to avoid community disputes and at least lessen its

environmental impacts. The last major influence that we should consider are the human factors.

These includes the labor supply, local zoning regulations, and the community’s living conditions.

The company should be aware of the challenges that they may face in securing the right number

of employees with basic skills to attain efficiency and effectivity. Considering the wage pattern,

the cost of living, and the relationship of the members of the community will give a company a

good understanding to where they need to put up their business.

Learning Activity 6.2

Answer the following question:

1. Compare alternative layouts for production facilities. (Discuss in not less than 200 words)


Based on our previous discussion, there are four different alternative layouts for

production facilities. We have the process layout, product layout, fixed position layout, and

customer-oriented layout. When we say process layout, we’re talking about an operation that

establishes a workflow divided by the different workstations. The machines and equipment are

then grouped based on their functions and importance. The process layout is best for firms that

produce small numbers of a wide variety of products, typically using general-purpose machines

that can be changed rapidly to new operations for different product designs. On the other hand,

when we say product layout, we’re talking about a setup where the workloads are organized in a

systematic manner passing the different workstations. This is said to be a very efficient way of

producing large numbers of similar items. Fixed position layouts are known for being stable and

firm with their locations. In this type of layout, the major component remains in place permanently,

while other materials, parts, tools, machines, labor, and other supporting equipment are brought

to the site. In short, it attracts the different services and resources to execute the plan of

production. Moreover, this layout is common in building subdivisions, bridges, and other public or

private infrastructures. Finally, the customer-oriented layout, this layout prioritized the interactions

of the company with their consumers. A good distinctive feature of this layout is by putting

information desks on the frontline of the place of business in a sense that there is a designated

place for the different services. This further helps the customers to be guided on where to go and

what to do for a specific transaction. In summary, these four alternative layouts all differ from each

other in their usage and specialties. It’s advisable to do thorough researches and analysis to

identify what suits your production process.

Learning Activity 6.3

Answer the following questions:

1. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of maintaining large inventories. (Explain in not

less than 200 words)

Making inventories are very important to ensure the financial integrity of the company as

well as to manage the quantity of the materials to avoid shortage and excess. These inventories

can be done in small scales or large scales, mostly large companies also have large inventories.

However, based on a certain website, having a large inventory is a risk. It’s understandable that

business owners would just prefer to keep supplies just enough to serve certain number of the

demands of their customers to a specific time frame. Some believed that having more will just

give them additional expenses and possible losses in the future but little did we know that carrying

excess supplies and materials can also be beneficial. The main advantage of maintaining large

inventories is that it can help a company easily replenish supplies that are being compromised

during their operating hours. Keeping extra supplies will lessen the time the company will have to

restock and could also avail discounts for having a larger number of bought stocks. It could also

be an asset in promoting the availability of the products to the customers if the company has a

fully stocked shelves and has an effective layout display. Although it’s a win to always have

something more than you need, it’s still advisable to understand and analyze the nature of your

business as well as your company’s financial capabilities.

2. Explain the benefits of quality control. (Discuss in not less than 200 words).

Quality control is an integral part in maintaining the amount of resources needed to

produce enough products of a company. There are a lot of benefits we can get by simply

establishing quality product or services control. One of which is that it reduces the production

costs. If the workflow and workloads are being manage correctly, you can expect to have a better

inspection and control operations to all the manufactured products which can reduced production

costs by eliminating the defective ones in an early stage. Quality control can also inculcate quality

consciousness to the employees as well as to its customers. A company that establishes a

consistent standard can gain trust and commitment which also increases the customers

satisfaction. Moreover, if a good quality control is already established, it can affect the overall

status of the entire production process, the employees, and its resources. Companies that can

produce quality products often have a firm and effective promotional advertisement. They can

foster greater influence with their consumers and thereby attracting them to buy more of their

products and increase their sales. See how quality control initiates a domino effect, from the

manufacturing process to its consumers. It is something that needs to be maintained and retained

because it shows who and what your company truly is.

Exercise 6.1

1. Interview the school custodian or the laboratory custodian of your college regarding

his/her work. How does the custodian perform inventory? Is the system effective? (Based

your paper content on the rubric which will be provided)

Reference Video Link:

Due to some serious risks and restrictions, I wasn’t able to conduct a face-to-face interview

with our school custodian or with our laboratory custodian however I’ve attached here the link of

the video I’ve used to accomplished this task as well as I will incorporate my past experiences.

The video was about Mr. Robert Brooks doing a review session on some important topics

for head custodians in Wichita Public Schools in Kansas, United States. His speech does not

directly elaborate the specific steps how a head custodian performs his/her inventorying

responsibilities but he emphasized their essence as part of the school community. He reiterated

that as head custodians, they are responsible for the school’s facilities and ground maintenance

as well as making sure that their staffs are doing their respective tasks. They need to follow strict

procedures in cleaning and managing school’s equipment to avoid additional expenses in case

of loss and misplaced cases. In the middle of his talk, he mentioned about the preparation of the

summer supplies and work orders. These made me understand what a head school custodian

does. He/She must always keep his/her record updated and complete to ensure accuracy as to

how much and how many are the school’s facilities and equipment needed to replenish and to

improve. This led me to an understanding how custodians are backed up with documents, log

books, receipts, and numerical data to easily track the status of the school’s capabilities to

accommodate and perform their services. I’m quite familiar with how a custodian manage his/her

inventories because I personally witnessed it before. I was in my senior high school year where

we happened to borrow some gym and laboratory equipment and we we’re asked to fill out a form

and let our overseeing adviser signed it for verification purposes. We were also asked to returned

the borrowed equipment on the day we’ve stated in the form. As you can see, the thing I’ve

mentioned above is a good representation as to how custodians systematically process

procurements and services. Going back to Mr. Brooks, he then generally explained how important

time is to them. They always need to arrive early to cater the needs of the teachers and students.

I am well aware that the video I’ve decided to use as basis to effectively support my answer in

this task is quite broad but this only proves that custodians are not just for doing inventories and

making sure that our school’s possessions are safe and secure. They do more than enough to

keep everyone coordinated and functioning. My answer to the second question will be subjective,

I will base my answer to what I’ve experienced and watched. For me, yes, it was an effective

system, being able to prepare work orders, log books, reports, and agreement forms all

contributes to my claim. The custodian in my previous school as well as Mr. Brooks and his

company are all doing a good job. Honestly, I’m lucky that I’ve found this video. It’s overwhelming

to see how custodians do their work seriously and systematically.

2. In your respective school canteen. How the menu is decided for the week and how is

food prepared? List down the entire process from market to plate. (Based your paper content

on the rubric which will be provided)

In my own experiences, the way how food is chosen and prepared depends on what kind

of students they are going to serve. Food for elementary, high school, and college students differ

because of some health issues, trends, and school policies. The fact that University of Nueva

Caceres is a huge institution, it is obvious that it has a lot of food providers inside its vicinity.

Generally, a canteen always takes first into consideration their clientele before deciding

what will be the menu for the incoming days. Aside from the suggested menu that the department

of education or the school provided. They can also observe and gather feedbacks to students

what food and beverages they want often to be available. Usually the staffs and the head of the

canteen conducts a meeting before the start of the week or month. They then plan and raise

suggestions to what could possibly be the trend for their customers. After a thorough

brainstorming of the menu, the persons assigned to order supplies are next to do their jobs. All

ingredients and restocking of supplies are listed down so that they will have a clear tracking of

their outgoing cash flows. Fresh goods are then bought on the day they are needed to ensure

quality and safety. If the supplies and ingredients are already available, food preparation can now

be started. The head cook can now start preparing and cooking the meal few hours earlier to

finished it before the rush hours. The typical layout of a canteen whereas students will directly

choose their own food and pay to the cashier and look for a table to settle can also be observed

in the university. As you can see food preparation is not as easy as it seems. School canteen is

a business. Employees also plan, organize, lead, and control. They also follow a systematic

procedure to bring food in our plates.

Marketing Management

(Learning Activities)
Learning Activity 7.1
Answer the following question:

1. Describe what are products and how does it affect a business enterprise. (Explain in not

less than 150 words)

Video Link:


Learning Activity 7.2

Answer the following question:

1. Explain the Product Life Cycle and how it affects decisions. (Discuss in not less than 150



Based on our previous discussion, product life cycle is defined as the track of a product’s

sales starting from its launching up to its cessation. The cycle is composed of five distinct stages

namely the product development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The first stage is all

about the development of the product. This is the process of introducing or improving an idea

regarding a product for a more effective and innovative strategy. This is also described as the

continuous undertaking for developing new products or upgrading existing ones. This is then

followed by the introduction stage whereas the sales are expected to be at its lowest that’s why

market positioning are very much encouraged. The third stage is about the growth stage whereas

there is a rapid acceptance of the proposed products, this basically means that there is a

considerable increased in its market exposure with the inclusion of its fresh characteristics and

stronger focus on its competitive positioning. The fourth stage is called the maturity stage. This is

where the sales of the products will be at its peak because of the acceptance by most potential

buyers. In this stage, the product has already reached widespread acceptance in the market that

is why sales growth will start to slow down. It is believed that in order to avoid product decline,

companies might want to modify their product by changing its characteristics from time to time.

The final stage is about the declination of the product's popularity and economic uses. This is the

point in which sales begin to diminish and production eventually ceases. The profitability of the

product will dwindle until it is no longer profitable to produce. All these product life cycle stages

affect the company’s decisions by providing data to aid the company’s decision-making

processes, starting from the product’s pricing and promotion to expansion up until proposing new

product improvements. This also helps in how successful products can be positioned and

maintained by making sure that the older ones can now be repudiate.

Learning Activity 7.3
Answer the following question:

1. Describe the importance of pricing strategy. (Explain in not less than 200 words)

According to Moira McCormick, a blogger, strategic pricing is about proactively

constructing conditions that can improved and generate revenues effectively. I agree with Ms.

McCormick’s statement, indeed pricing strategy is an integral part in businesses to continuously

adapt with the society where it belongs. The fact that consumers will not patronize a product with

an unfair price already suggests that pricing needs an in-depth research and considerations to

effectively achieve a more holistic approach which can satisfy, if not all, a huge number of

customers. Additionally, pricing strategy is mainly a plan of action designed to achieve pricing

decisions successfully. This is very important because it ensures that a company’s analytics and

processes are in-lined with the company’s business standing. Some websites stated that pricing

strategy is important because it increases the company’s competitiveness, market shares, and

success rate. It also provides an avenue to attract new and more customers by creating a demand

of satisfactory amount for a certain product. It’s also used to establish branding when there’s a

need to get rid of the old stocks and introducing new ones. As we can see pricing strategy is what

business owners used to manipulate and facilitate their profits. If they have a bad pricing strategy,

they are more likely going to face failure. In summary, pricing strategy is important because it

navigates companies subsequent. It’s as important as any other factors present in businesses

and without it, success, again, can nowhere to be found.

Learning Activity 7.4
Answer the following question:

1. Explain the three methods of promotion. (Discuss in not less than 150 words)

Based on our previous discussion, promotion is the stage where a company

communicates with its consumers as well as its potential partners. This is an important part

because it sets where your business stands in the industry. It helps your products to be known

and to be acknowledge by the masses. Furthermore, I’ve also learned that there are three

methods of doing promotion which are used by companies to aggrandized their products. They

are called personal selling, mass selling, and sales promotion. Personal selling is a direct method

of communicating to a customer about a certain product. This method is very evident in

manufacturing companies of cars, computer systems, high-end bags, life insurances, and many

more. Another method of promotion is what we call the mass selling. This is a method where

business communicate in a larger range of customers using a larger and advanced platform. This

includes TV commercials, billboards, news articles, blogs, and many more. The last broad

classification is called the sales promotion. This includes ideas and techniques that can further

increase the company’s sales. It includes the creation of catalogues, product displays,

demonstrations, free samples, discounts, coupons, and hosting contests. As we can see, all

these methods are helpful in creating a broader and effective marketing system. Companies are

free to incorporate one or more strategy to effectively gain the attention of its consumers in a

positive manner.

Learning Activity 7.5
Answer the following question:

1. Describe the importance of distribution. (Discuss in not less than 150 words)

Video Link:


Financial Management

(Learning Activities and Exercise)

Learning Activity 8.1
Answer the following question:

1. Explain the function of a financial manager. (Explain in not less than 150 words)

Nowadays, companies are investing more in scouting remarkable and talented financial

managers to handle their finances. These are supported by articles which stated that financial

managers do not only produce financial reports but they now also do data analysis and generate

financial strategies to improve and maximize the company’s profits. According to the article of

Niharika, the functions of financial managers are divided into two which are the primary and the

subsidiaries functions. The primary functions include the estimation of the required and source of

funds, determination of the needed capital for certain projects, giving advice where to invest the

company’s assets, managing the company’s cashflows, and ensuring that there is financial

control. The subsidiaries functions include doing some financial liquidation, evaluation of financial

performances, and establishing connections with the other departments such as the human

resource and the planning departments. During our discussion it was emphasized that a financial

manager requires a holistic awareness in terms of the company’s financial capabilities so that

they can quantify and project the impact of the company’s financial decisions. There are also a

lot of specific functions a financial manager must do that were mentioned in the module. These

include the responsibilities to process disbursements funds, review invoices, approve purchase

orders, oversee the company’s employees’ salaries, grant permissions to execute proposals, and

many more. As we can see financial managers are not limited in just recording finances that goes

in and out of a company but they are essential in making sure that the company they belong to is

coordinated and backed up with numerical evidences in making impactful decisions. They are

there to secure the company’s future by not going over and below the company’s capabilities. In

short, financial managers are the comptroller of today’s generation of business trade, without

them, company’s success is nonviable.

Learning Activity 8.2
Answer the following question:

1. Explain the scope of financial management. (Explain in not less than 150 words)

Financial management has a wide range of scope in terms of its core functions. These

include economics, accounting, mathematics, production management, marketing, and human

resource. Financial management is link to economics because it uses economic concepts like

monetary values and discount factors to effectively create a strategic financial plan. The same

with the idea of economics, financial management also encompass accounting and mathematics

by dealing with financial information to understand the different business situations. It’s quite

obvious that without these two, financial management will not expedite. Understanding these two

will enable a financial manager to come up with the most feasible decisions supported by

computations and mathematical analyses. Another scope of financial management includes

production management. Managing the finances will be more effective if it is in lined with how

much the production process costs. Factors like machines’ maintenance, operating expenses,

employees’ salaries, and raw materials will greatly help in making accurate financial planning.

Marketing is also one of the scopes of financial management because this is where financial

managers depends their calculations as to how much profit was generated and use it to determine

the adequate funding and allocation for the different departments. The last scope of financial

management is the human resource. This is where the financial manager evaluates and makes

sure that the allocated budget for manpower is correct and exact to avoid contract breaching and

legal liabilities. These include the workers’ salaries, bonuses, pensions, and some benefits. As

we can see financial management is an obviously linked to subareas to function effectively. These

scopes are important to keep financial management grounded and realistic.

Learning Activity 8.3
Answer the following question:

1. Differentiate profit and wealth maximization. (Explain in not less than 200 words)

Profit and wealth maximization differ in terms of its definitions, aims, priorities, and uses.

Profit maximization focuses on establishing short-term plans to improve the company’s earnings

in a short period of time. It makes sure that the company can generate an income which can help

them finance expansions or other projects in the near future. Although it neglects risks and

uncertainties when planning because it only focuses on raising the financial resources of the

company alone this is still necessary for the company’s survival and growth in the existing

competitive market environment. Wealth maximization on the other hand, is the opposite of profit

maximization because it deals with long-term plans which focuses on improving the overall value

of the company’s share over time. Unlike with the profit maximization, this process considers the

risks and uncertainties of the company in order to project an efficient model of how it can increase

its own value. It also takes into consideration the different shareholders and stakeholders before

deciding what actions to make. There are articles that argued that these two are just the same,

it’s just that there are people who prefer to use a more formal description for earning more money.

In summary, these two are both part of the objectives of financial management. They differ in a

lot of aspects but both of them envisions to maintain the company’s financial health.

Learning Activity 8.4
Answer the following question:

1. Explain the significance of risks in financial decisions. (Explain in not less than 150 words)

Considering the negative meaning of risk already makes it an important factor when doing

decisions. This is formally defined by the business dictionary as the probability of occurrence of

a defined threat or damage that is caused by vulnerabilities and that may also be avoided through

preemptive actions. This general definition is vital in understanding what are the different financial

risks and how does it affect the decision-making process of a company. There are a lot of specific

risks stated in our module which includes the credit or default risks, interest rate risks, market

risks, political risks, systematic risks, and many more but I would like to use the two broad

classifications of risks discussed by Mr. Jack Maverick, an active stock trader, in his article where

he differentiates financial risks and business risks. He said that these two are both warning signs

that a company must anticipate and prepare for to avoid or to at least lessen the impact if it

happens. He said that financial risks are those risks that may arise on how a company uses its

financial leverage and debt while business risks relate to how a company can keep up with the

needed revenue to sustain its production expenses. These two are an integral part in evaluating

and making sure that when the company makes its decisions, it is supported by facts and

researches. Knowing what are the possible things that can happen after making a certain decision

is very helpful to have a clearer and wider view on the situation. It can save the company in

committing bad decisions and compromising its future. These risks also serve as a reminder that

business decisions, not just financial decisions, should always undergo thorough and in-depth

analyses. In summary, risks are there to balance the equation. Financial managers should know

how to determine these risks and weigh its impacts before doing something that can change the

whole passage of the firm.

Exercise 8.1

1. Group yourselves into two, interview two finance manager in a local business in your

locale. Ask about his/her function and what do they think is their role in the over-all

success of the business. Submit an individual narrative report. (Based your paper content

on the rubric which will be provided)

Reference Video Link:

Due to some serious risks and restrictions, I wasn’t able to conduct a face-to-face interview

with two finance managers however I’ve attached here the link of the video I’ve used to

accomplished this task.

The video runs for about seven minutes where Mr. Cody Turner asked some important

questions to Mr. Morial Vallot, a chief financial officer of Quality Companies in Youngsville,

Louisiana. The different functions, processes, and techniques of a financial manager were all

discussed in the video. According to Mr. Vallot, as the chief financial manager, he is accountable

for all the cash burns that their company is experiencing whether it’s a good or a bad one. He also

said that as financial manager, he has the responsibility of handling all the company’s

subdepartments indirectly, lowkey supporting the budgeting office. He made it clear that he’s not

responsible for the company to meet its profit quota because it’s the sales department duty but

he’s the one held responsible to manage what the sales department has generated.

Aside from the primary functions of a financial manager, Mr. Vallot said that he reports

directly to the owners of the company to discussed financial concerns and dilemmas. He

emphasized that being a financial manager, having the accuracy as well as the flexibility is a must.

You should be able to project financial reports as accurate as possible. He also said that he

always makes sure that the data he’s been using to generate analyses and evaluations are

updated and true. Additionally, he has to be flexible enough to adapt to abrupt changes in their

company’s financial status. He also explained as to how they allocate funds to the different

departments in their company. He said that the amount a department will have depends on its

size and its functions. Another part of his job is that he needs to determine what is the appropriate

budgeting time frame their company should have together with the sales department. He must

know to coordinate with the other divisions to effectively execute the company’s financial plans.

Apart from discussing the different responsibilities and functions of a financial manager,

Mr. Vallot also mentioned the different software applications he’s been using to help him do his

works. These include their common company’s software and Microsoft applications specifically

Microsoft Excel. He emphasized how powerful and helpful this application is in doing their


Upon reading all the things I’ve mentioned above, I think it’s already quite obvious how

financial managers contributes to the success of a company. As the person being held

responsible for the company’s financial decisions, it can also be said that he/she is the same

person who took a huge part for the success of the company. Mr. Vallot studies all the possibilities

that concerns their company’s financial health as well as propose suggestions to further improve

or sustain their company’s growth in the future. In short, his existence is necessary for their

company’s survival.

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LESSON 4 & 5

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• Final Score

• Summary

RHEA M. PARDIÑAS (20-20519)



Decision roles
Early practices making
process planning
Great wall of view environment layouts responsibilities
China 1. process layout
Four ways purposes 2. product layout scope
Pyramids in 1. rational 1. economics
Egypt symbolic 3. fixed position 2. accounting
2. bounded elements layout 3. mathematics
Trading in 4. customer-oriented
Venice specific rationality strategic 4. production management
layout 5. marketing
3. intuitive management 6. human resource
general 4. evidence-
Approach based organizing
Frederick Taylor Organizational effectivity structure
inventory profit
Lillian Gilbreth culture 1. perpetual maximization
frank Gilbreth 2. vendor-managed
Henri Fayol leading Wealth
Max weber benefits maximization
Current approaches:
Organizational 1. transitional leadership risks
behavior effects 2. transformational leadership
Robert Owen 3. charismatic leadership dispatching
Hugo Munsterberg 4. visionary leadership
Mary parker Follet trends
Chester Barnard control
Hawthorne studies Spirituality Follow-up
quantitative and culture purposes Stage 1: Product
Approach importance Visual tools development
W. Edwards Deming
process Gantt chart Stage 2: introduction
Joseph m. Duran
contemporary tools Stage 3: growth
Pert diagram
Approach Stage 4: maturity
Open systems
Close systems Stage 5: decline

Explanation Video Link:


100% 85% 75% 60% 50%

Presents ideas
ideas in an Ideas are too Ideas are vague or
Ideas in a consistent No Answer
original general unclear
Strong and
Organized organization; No organization; lack
Organization organized No Answer
beg/mid/end attempt at a beg/mid/end
Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows
Writing shows little
Understanding strong a clear adequate No Answer
understanding understanding understanding
structure Sentence
enhances structure is
Sentence structure is No sense of sentence
meaning; evident; No Answer
Structure limited; sentences structure or flow
flows sentences
need to flow
throughout the mostly flow
Essay should
observe proper
conventions of Few (if any)
writing such as Few errors Several errors Numerous errors No Answer
and others.




















• Adeyoyin, Samuel Olu; Agbeze-Unazi, Florence; Oyewunmi, Olatundun Oluwatoyin;

Adegun, Adewale Isau; and Ayodele, Rafiu Olabamiji, “Effects of Job Specialization and

Departmentalization on Job Satisfaction among the Staff of a Nigerian University Library"

(2015). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1295.






















• Tucci, L. (n.d.) Strategic management.TechTarget. Retrieved July 5, 2021, from

• Mausumi, P. (n.d) Importance of strategic management. Business management

ideas. Retrieved July 5, 2021, from




























































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