Edited TG 7-Final English (30.10.2022)

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Developed by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board as a

Teachers’ Guide according to the National Curriculum 2022 for Class Six
from the academic year 2023

Teachers’ Guide
Class VII

(Experimental Version)
Writers & Editors

Rubaiyat Jahan
Md. Samyul Haque
Bijoy Lal Basu
Md. Abdul Karim
Md. Nasir Uddin
Abu Nasar Mohammed Tofail Hossain
Shakina Akter
Mohammad Delower Hossain
Md. Saiful Malak

National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh

Published by
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
69-70 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000
[All rights reserved by National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Bangladesh]

Published: December 2022

Art direction
Monjur Ahmed

Illustration & Cover

Najmun Nahar Keya


For free distribution by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Printed by:
In this ever-changing world, the concept of livelihood is altering every moment. The advancement
of technology, in accordance with the emerging knowledge and skills, has accelerated the pace
of change. There is no alternative to adapting to this fast changing world. The reason is, the
development of technology is at its zenith now compared to any time in the human history. In
the fourth industrial revolution era, the advancement of artificial intelligence has brought about a
drastic change in our employment and lifestyle and this will make the human interactions more and
more intimate. A wide range and nature of employment opportunities will be created in near future,
which we cannot even predict at this moment. We need to take preparation right now so that we can
adapt ourselves to that upcoming future.
Although a huge economic development has taken place throughout the world, the problems of
climate change, air pollution, migrations and ethnic violence have become much more intense
than before. The epidemics like COVID 19 has appeared and obstructed the normal lifestyle and
economic growth of the world. Different challenges and opportunities have been added to our
daily life.
Standing on the verge of these challenges and possibilities, implementation of sustainable and
effective solutions is required for the transformation of our large population into a resource. It
entails global citizens with knowledge, skill, values, vision, positive attitude, sensitivity, capability
to adapt, humanity and patriotism. Amidst all these, Bangladesh has graduated into a developing
nation from the underdeveloped periphery and is continuously trying to achieve the desired goals
in order become a developed country by 2041. Education is one of the pivotal instruments to attain
the goals and there is no alternative to the modernization of our education system. Developing an
effective and updated curriculum has become crucial for this modernization.
Developing and revising the curriculum is a regular and vital activity of National Curriculum and
Textbook Board. The last revision of the curriculum was done in 2012. Since then, a lot of time
has passed. The necessity of curriculum revision and development has emerged. For this purpose,
various research and technical exercises were conducted under NCTB during the year 2017 to
2019 to analyze the current situation of education and assess learning needs. Based on the results
of these research studies and technical exercises, a continuous competency-based curriculum from
pre-primary to class 12th has been developed to create a competent generation to survive in the new
world conditions.
The Teachers’ Guide has been prepared for the purpose of enabling effective and competent teaching
of the newly developed textbook for grade VII. The teaching-learning activities of class VI textbook
offer exciting opportunities for the learners to practice authentic experience driven competencies.
We hope that this Teachers’ Guide will be helpful for the teachers to make the best uses of the
textbook so that learning becomes a profound and life-long journey.
I would like to thank all who put their best efforts in writing, editing, illustrating and publishing the
Teachers’ Guide.
If any one finds any errors or inconsistencies in this experimental version and has any suggestions
for improving its quality, we request them to let us know.

Professor Md. Farhadul Islam

National Curriculum and Textbook Board
Teachers’ Guide
Introduction 1-15
1 A Dream School 16-18
2 Playing With the Words 19-26
3 If 27-29
4 The Frog and the Ox 30-34

5 Have You Filled a Bucket Today? 35-38

6 A Good Reader 39-41

7 Using Verbs Easily 42-45
8 Heroes of Bengal 46-49
9 Knowing Our Parents 50-55

10 Freedom of Choice 56-59

11 Let’s Explore the Sentences 60-68

12 Subha’s Promise 69-76

13 Be the Best of Whatever You Are 77-80
14 Our Language Movement 81-87
15 Write to Make Aware 88-90
16 As You Like It 91-97
17 Annexure 98-103
Teachers’ Guide: English

Dear colleagues,
It’s a pleasure to introduce you to the new English curriculum designed for grade
VII through this teacher’s guide. Before going into details let’s see some new
facts about this new English curriculum as well as about this teacher’s guide
designed for grade VII.

প্রিয় সহকর্মীবৃন্দ,
এই শিক্ষক নির্ দেশিকার মাধ্যমে সপ্তম (VII) শ্রেণির জন্য পরিকল্পিত ইংরেজি শিক্ষাক্রমের সাথে আপনাদের
পরিচয় করিয়ে দিতে পেরে আমরা আনন্দিত। বিস্তারিত জানার আগে আসুন আমরা এই নতুন শিক্ষাক্রমের
কিছু বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং সপ্তম (VII) শ্রেণির শিক্ষক সহায়িকার ব্যাপারে কিছু তথ্য জেনে নেই।

About this English curriculum -

» This English curriculum is based on the National Curriculum Framework
» It is competency-based
» The pedagogical approach for this newly designed curriculum is built on
the theory of experiential learning
» It focuses on assessing the process of learning
» It promotes local values as well as cultural diversity
» It questions stereotypes of the society
» It promotes low-cost teaching-learning materials
» It facilitates learners’ autonomy and independent learning

এই ইংরেজি শিক্ষাক্রম সম্পর্কিত কিছু তথ্যঃ

» এই ইংরেজি শিক্ষাক্রমটি জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম রূপরেখা ২০২০ এর উপর ভিত্তি করে প্রণীত।
» এটি য�োগ্যতাভিত্তিক।
» এই নতুন শিক্ষাক্রমের দর্শন এবং ভাবনা অভিজ্ঞতাভিত্তিক শিক্ষা মতবাদের উপর প্রতিষ্ঠিত।
» শিক্ষার্থীরা কীভাবে শিখে তার উপর এই শিক্ষাক্রমটি বিশেষভাবে আল�োকপাত করে।
» এটি দেশজ মূল্যব�োধ এবং সাংস্কৃতিক বৈচিত্র্যকে বরণ করেছে।
» এটি গৎবাঁধা ভাবনা ও সংস্কারকে প্রশ্ন করতে শেখায়।
» এটি সহজলভ্য শিক্ষা উপকরণের ব্যবহারকে উৎসাহিত করে।
» এটি শিক্ষার্থীকে স্বতন্ত্রতা দেয় এবং স্বাধীনভাবে শিখতে সহায়তা করে।

About this teacher’s guide –

» This book provides ideas for teaching; however, it does not prescribe ways
of teaching.

এই শিক্ষক সহায়িকা সম্পর্কিত তথ্যঃ

» এই সহায়িকাটি একদম অনুসরণীয় কর্মপন্থা না দিয়ে আপনাকে শিক্ষণকার্য পরিচালনায় নতুন কিছু
ভাবনা বা ভাবনার খ�োরাক দিবে।

English curriculum at a glance

English is viewed here as a language and the focus of learning this language is
on the notion of effective communication. This curriculum is designed in a way
that along with the use of English in real-life situations, learners will internalize a
sense of aesthetics and will have the experience to communicate in a democratic

For Grade VII four articulated competencies along with their required knowledge,
skills, values, and attitudes are given below –

এক নজরে ইংরেজি শিক্ষাক্রমঃ

এ শিক্ষাক্রমে ইংরেজিকে প্রধানত একটি কার্যকর য�োগাগ�োগের ভাষা হিসেবে দেখা হয়েছে। এখানে এমনভাবে
শিখন-শিক্ষণ কার্যক্রমগুল�োকে সাজান�ো হয়েছে যে বাস্তবিক বিভিন্ন পরিস্থিতি থেকে শুরু করে শিক্ষার্থী ইংরেজি
ভাষার নান্দনিকতাকে অনুধাবন করতে পারবে এবং একটি গণতান্ত্রিক পরিবেশে মত প্রকাশের আচরণিক
সক্ষমতা অর্জন করবে।
য�োগ্যতাকে এই শিক্ষাক্রমে জ্ঞান, দক্ষতা, দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি এবং মূল্যব�োধের নিরিখে সংজ্ঞায়িত করা হয়েছে। সপ্তম
(VII) শ্রেণির জন্য প্রয়�োজনীয় জ্ঞান, দক্ষতা, দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি এবং মূল্যব�োধ নিচে বর্ণনা করা হল�ো।

Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of the

Unpacking the competency
Competency 1: Ability to repair communication
breakdown relating to the contexts
» Ability to use different strategic competencies
in communication
» Ability to communicate using verbal and non-
verbal clues
» Ability to communicate in formal and informal
Required Knowledge:
» features of interaction (e.g., turn-taking, verbal
and non-verbal clues, politeness)
» Reading sub-skills
» Organizational features of different genres in
to minimise
communication writing
» Contextually appropriate words and
expressions (considering time, place, and types
of participants)
» features of formal and informal
Required skills: 4 language skills and alternative
communication skills
Embedded values and attitude: Politeness,
democratic attitude, local values, acceptance of
Interdisciplinary: Aligned with the 1st competency of
Bangla and 5th of Wellbeing


Competency 2: Ability to recognise and transform

different sentence structures

» Ability to analyse linguistic features of a text

» Ability to analyse the purpose of the text and
the target audience
» Ability to change the verbs in a sentence
according to the time of the incidents/facts/
» Ability to transform speech from direct to
indirect or vice versa
» Ability to transform the sentences from active
to the passive mode or vice versa

Required Knowledge:
of sentence » linguistic features (in form of vocab, phrases,
structures types of statements, nature of sentence
construction, formation of words, etc)
» purpose of the text
» target audience
» stated grammar items (referring to grade-wise
grammar progression)
Required skills: 4 language skills and alternative
communication skills
Embedded values and attitude: analytical sense

Interdisciplinary: Aligned with the 1st competency of

Bangla and 5th of Wellbeing

Teachers’ Guide: English

Competency 3: Ability to practice democratic

norms in accordance with relevant social practices

» Ability to understand the values of democratic

practice required in a particular socio-cultural
» Ability to use culturally appropriate and
socially acceptable norms, gestures/expressions
in conversation
» Ability to maintain democratic practice during
a conversation required in a particular socio-
cultural context

Required Knowledge:
a democratic » local values
atmosphere in
» intercultural communicative competence
» democratic norms/values
» democratic attitude (such as being polite,
inviting, and constructive)
» inappropriate/rude attitude (such as submissive,
authoritative, dominating, etc.)

Required skills: 4 language skills and alternative

communication skills

Embedded values and attitude: democratic practice,

culturally accepted local values, critical thinking,
analytical sense, learners’ empowerment


Competency 4: Ability to connect emotionally with

a literary text and express personal feelings on it

» Ability to relate real-life experience (where

relevant) with the theme/content of literary
» Ability to express personal thoughts/feelings
and preferences of the literary texts
» Ability to internalise literary texts (e.g., story,
poetry, play, comic strips, etc)
» Ability to analyse content as well as literary
features of a text
» Ability to analyse the plot, setting, character,
theme, etc of a literary text

Articulation Required Knowledge:

of feelings and
» features of different types of literary texts (e.g.,
story, poetry, short play, comic strips, etc)
» reviewing literary texts
» reading subskills
» writing subskills

Required skills: 4 language skills and alternative

communication skills
Embedded values and attitude: a sense of aesthetics,
critical thinking, creative thinking, analytical sense,
Interdisciplinary: Aligned with the 1st competency of
Bangla and 5th of Wellbeing

Teachers’ Guide: English

Pedagogical approach
To actualize the curriculum requirement experiential learning is chosen as the
pedagogical approach. Experiential learning is a flexible teaching-learning
approach that allows teachers to be innovative in teaching.
Experiential learning follows an ongoing learning cycle that consists of four steps,
namely, concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization,
and active experimentation.

Concrete Observation
Experience (reviewing /
(doing/ having an reflective on the
experience) experience)

Active Abstract
Experimentation Coceptualisation
(planning/trying (concluding /
out what you have learning from the
learned) experience)

Experiential Learning Cycle

So how would this pedagogical approach work for us!! One way to see this is
that we can start with a complete plan (known as experience design) to achieve a
particular competency before starting any lesson. This plan or experience design
must capture all four steps of the learning cycle mentioned above.


In the first step, concrete experience, we need to bring out students’ experiences
that demonstrate their prior knowledge and/or skills, values, and attitudes
required to achieve a particular competency.
In the second step, reflective observation, we will encourage and facilitate
the students to use their critical thinking and/or analytical ability and unpack
the experiences they shared among themselves initially. So that students can
understand that they already hold some knowledge and/or skills, values, and
attitudes required for the competency they are about to achieve.
During the third step, abstract conceptualization, our duty is to help the students
relate their known knowledge and/or skills, values, and attitudes with the theory
that is needed to achieve competency. In this step, tasks and activities would
play a vital role in the sense that during activities students must have sufficient
opportunities to be (i) critical and/or creative thinkers; as well as to be (ii)
interactive and expressive.
In the active experimentation phase, we would assume that students will continue
to practice in real life what they have learned in this process to achieve the
particular competency.
So how would we understand that we are conducting our sessions following the
experiential learning pedagogical approach!! It’s simple. When we will design
an interesting experience for competency and to achieve that we will create
sessions that will be even more –
» Vibrant
» Interactive
» Student engaging
» Student-centric
» Learning focused
» Process-oriented
» Inductive in approach

Teachers’ Guide: English

পড়ান�োর প্রক্রিয়া:
শিক্ষাক্রমের আবশ্যিক শর্তসমূহ পূরণ করার জন্য পড়ান�োর প্রক্রিয়া হিসেবে অভিজ্ঞতাভিত্তিক শিক্ষা পদ্ধতি গ্রহণ
করা হয়েছে। অভিজ্ঞতাভিত্তিক শিক্ষা পদ্ধতি একটি নমনীয় শিখন-শিক্ষণ পদ্ধতি যা শিক্ষকদের শিক্ষাদানের
ক্ষেত্রে উদ্ভাবনী হতে সাহায্য করে। অভিজ্ঞতাভিত্তিক শিক্ষা পদ্ধতি একটি চলমান শিক্ষা প্রক্রিয়াকে অনুসরণ
করে। যার চারটি ধাপ রয়েছে, যথা- প্রেক্ষাপটনির্ভর অভিজ্ঞতা, প্রতিফলনমূলক পর্যবেক্ষণ, বিমূর্ত ধারণায়ন
এবং সক্রিয় পরীক্ষণ।

প্রেক্ষাপটনির্ভর প্রতিফলনমূলক পর্যবেক্ষণ

অভিজ্ঞতা (অভিজ্ঞতাতার পূনর্বিবেচনা/
(অভিজ্ঞতা পাওয়া) প্রতিফলন)

সক্রিয় পরীক্ষণ বিমূর্ত ধারণায়ন

(যা শেখা হয়েছে তা (প্রাপ্ত অভিজ্ঞতা আর
নিজে অনুশীলন করা) ভাবনাকে পরিষ্কার এবং
গভীর করা)

অভিজ্ঞতাভিত্তিক শিক্ষা পদ্ধতির চক্র

জেনে নেওয়া যাক কিভাবে এই শিক্ষাগত পদ্ধতিটি আমাদের জন্য কাজ করবে। একটি দিক হচ্ছে যে, ক�োন
নির্ দিষ্ট পাঠ শরু করার পূর্বে একটি নির্ দিষ্ট য�োগ্যতা অর্জনের জন্য আমরা একটি পরিপূর্ণ পরিকল্পনা করে নিতে
পারি। এই পরিকল্পনাটি অবশ্যই উপরে উল্লিখিত শিক্ষা পদ্ধতির চক্রের চারটি ধাপসমৃদ্ধ হতে হবে।
১ম ধাপ, প্রেক্ষাপটনির্ভর অভিজ্ঞতায় আমাদের শিক্ষার্থীদের সেইসব পূর্ব অভিজ্ঞতা সমূহ বের করে আনতে
হবে যা তাদের পূর্বের জ্ঞান এবং/অথবা দক্ষতা, মূল্যব�োধ, একটি নির্ দিষ্ট য�োগ্যতা অর্জনের জন্য প্রয়�োজনীয়
মন�োভাব নির্ দেশ করে।


দ্বিতীয় ধাপ প্রতিফলনমূলক পর্যবেক্ষণে আমরা শিক্ষার্থীদের গঠনমূলক সমাল�োচনাধর্মী চিন্তাধারা এবং/
অথবা বিশ্লেষণী ক্ষমতা ব্যবহার করতে উৎসাহিত করব যা প্রাথমিকভাবে তাদের নিজেদের মধ্যকার পূর্ব
অভিজ্ঞতাগুল�ো উন্মোচিত করতে সাহায্য করবে। যাতে তারা বুঝতে সক্ষম হবে যে, প্রয়�োজনীয় দক্ষতাটি অর্জন
করার প্রয়াসে ইত�োমধ্যে তারা কিছু প্রয়�োজনীয় জ্ঞান এবং/অথবা দক্ষতা, মূল্যব�োধ, দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি অর্জন করতে
তৃতীয় ধাপ, অর্থাৎ বিমূর্ত ধারণায়নে শিক্ষার্থীরা যেন তাদের পূর্ববর্তী জ্ঞান এবং/অথবা দক্ষতা, মূল্যব�োধ,
মন�োভাব এর সাথে কাঙ্ক্ষিত দক্ষতা অর্জনের ক্ষেত্রে যে তাত্ত্বিক দিকগুল�ো রয়েছে তার সাথে সংয�োগ স্থাপন
করতে পারে তা নিশ্চিত করাই আমাদের দায়িত্ব। এই পর্যায়ে ‘টাস্ক’ ও ‘একটিভিটি’সমূহ অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
ভূমিকা পালন করে; এই অর্থে যে একটিভিটি চলমান অবস্থায় শিক্ষার্থীদের গঠনমূলক ও সৃজনশীল চিন্তাধারা
প্রকাশের পর্যাপ্ত সুয�োগ তৈরী হয়।
কার্যকর পরীক্ষণের ধাপে, আমরা ধরে নেই যে শিক্ষর্থীরা একটি নির্ দিষ্ট য�োগ্যতা অর্জনের পথে যা শিখেছে তা
পরবর্তীতে বাস্তব জীবনেও প্রয়�োগ করতে সক্ষম হবে।
তাহলে কীভাবে বুঝতে পারব�ো যে অভিজ্ঞতাভিত্তিক শিক্ষা পদ্ধতির সমন্বয়ে আমাদের শিক্ষাদান পরিচালন
করতে পারছি? বিষয়টি একদম সহজ। যখন আমরা একটি কাঙ্ক্ষিত য�োগ্যতা অর্জনের জন্য একটি আনন্দদায়ক
অভিজ্ঞতা সাজাতে পারব এবং তা অর্জনের ক্ষেত্রে যখন আমাদের সেশনগুল�ো হবে আর�ো-

» প্রাণবন্ত
» মিথষ্ক্রিয়া
» শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য আকর্ষণীয়
» শিখনকেন্দ্রিক
» প্রক্রিয়ামুখী
» আর�োহী পন্থা

Teachers’ Guide: English

Assessment process
This English curriculum primarily focuses on the assessment of learning and
assessment as learning.
Assessment of learning refers to what students can know and do at a specific
point in time. In other words, some assessment tools need to be used to assess
the overall learning process of the students that constitutes their knowledge
of a particular theory/entity/process and/or skills of critical thinking/creative
thinking/problem solving along with four language skills; and values such
as democratic attitude in communication. Assessment as learning refers to
students’ active engagement in assessing their learning. When students will be
able to assess and monitor their learning through peer checking that will give
them a sense of ownership of their learning.
To meet the curriculum objectives emphasis is given to formative assessment
(60%). In doing so, apart from grammar correction and reading assessment
checklists a number of rubrics (e.g., to assess oral communication ability; to
assess democratic norms) and an observation grid (e.g., to assess the ability to
recognize the features of contextually appropriate words and expressions; to
assess the analytical competence) are to be used both by teachers and students
throughout the year.
All the checklists and rubrics are included in the annexure.

The detailed curriculum of Grade VII
Total contact hours: 126
Grade-wise detailed curriculum
Subject English Total contact hour: 126
Grade VII Assessment: Formative 60% Summative 40%
Grade wise Ability to transform sentence structure and repair communication
competence breakdown, to embed democratic norms with relevant social practices and
statement to create emotional corrections with literary texts.
Grade-wise Learning experience and Assessment for teaching-
competency facilitation strategies strategy Learning
Ability SS will be exposed to authentic/ » Reading test - Teachers’
to repair simulated instances of varied guide
communication failure (in » Rubrics to
communication form of oral and written) which assess student - Student’s
breakdown will enable them to strategize engagement guide
relating to the minimizing and repairing » Rubrics - Relevant
communication breakdown. to assess oral resource
Learning experience communication materials
ability (e.g. books,
» To enquire about a real- » Rubrics newspapers,
life/ contemporary issue, SS video
will engage in discussion with to assess
democratic materials,
speakers of different abilities etc.)
(e.g., upper or lower-grade norms
students, teachers, etc.) and » Peer - Assessment
explore resource materials (e.g., assessment, tools, i.e.,
books, newspapers, etc.).
self-assessment, rubrics,
» After going through the and teacher reading test
experience, SS will reflect on assessment
their discussion/ communication
and identify the strategies
they used to interpret/ express
to minimize and repair
communication breakdown.
» To convey their ideas on
the particular topic to the
teacher and fellow SS, they
use the abovementioned
strategies to engage in further
This experience will contribute
to achieving one other
» Ability to practice democratic
norms by relevant social
Teachers’ Guide: English

Ability to SS will go through the » Reading to assess - Teacher

recognize and experience of identifying the ability to identify guide
transform different sentence the sentence structures - Students’
different structures and will » Writing test guide
sentence transform sentences from » Grammar activity - Authentic
structures one form to another in texts (both
» Rubrics to assess
relation to the purpose. literary and
student engagement
Learning experience » Peer assessment, e.g.
self-assessment, and Newspaper,
» SS will be exposed teacher assessment story, etc.)
to authentic text (which
- Resource
can be both literary material
and informative) and consisting
identify the patterns of linguistic
in different sentence rules
structures. - Assessment
» SS will analyse tools, i.e.,
linguistic rules related rubrics,
to the different sentence writing test,
structures, and associate reading test
those with the sentences
they identified from the
given texts.
» Then again, SS will
also analyse the text
to identify the purpose
and meaning of the
particular sentences.
» After
SS will transform the
sentence structures with
their learning of the
intent and purpose to

Ability to SS will SS will experience, » Rubrics to - Teacher
practice engage in oral reflect on, maintain assess democratic guide
democratic and written and use basic norms - Students’
norms in communication democratic norms » Rubrics to guide
accordance following and social practices assess student - Relevant
due linguistic while engaged in engagement resource
relevant convention simple oral and written » Observation materials
regarding communication. checklist/rubrics (e.g. books,
the norms of to assess oral newspapers,
practices communication video
democratic way
of interactions ability materials,
Learning Experience: etc.)
involving » Peer
socio- » SS will engage in assessment, - Assessment
linguistics a variety of short and self-assessment, tools, i.e.,
simple conversations and teacher rubrics,
strategies. on familiar topics with assessment observation
people of different age checklist,
groups, and different reading test
social relations.
» Reflecting on
their experience,
they will identify the
appropriate verbal and
non-verbal features
of communication to
practice democratic
norms (e.g., listening
to others, respecting
others’ views,
tolerance, acceptance,
equal justice,
reflection, fairness
and inclusiveness)
and associate them
with relevant social
» In further
communication, SS will
use the abovementioned
features to practice
democratic norms in
changing contexts
within the same social

Teachers’ Guide: English

Ability to SS will be exposed to » Reading test - Different

connect different literary texts, » Writing test literary texts
emotionally share their preferences, and rubrics to including
and articulate their assess the ability stories,
with a poems,
personal feelings based on to produce literary
literary text plays,
the emotional connections text (elements of
and express that have developed with historical
personal the characters, plot and documents
» Rubrics to assess etc.
settings. oral communication
on it ability - Teacher
Learning Experiences: guide
» Rubrics to assess
democratic practice - Students’
» SS will read/listen guide
to different literary » Grammar
texts (stories/ poems/ correction checklist - Assessment
play/historical facts), tools, i.e.,
» Peer assessment, rubrics,
comprehend them and
self-assessment, and grammar
reflect on the various
literary texts to analyse teacher assessment correction
character, plot and settings checklist,
with a view to relating the writing test,
storyline with their own reading test
» SS will express their
personal preferences (likes/
dislikes) on the plot, settings
and characters and finally
gain further insight from it.
» SS will produce similar
literary texts reflecting the
elements of storytelling.
» SS will share their
personal reflection in groups
and draw connections with
the aspects reflected in other
members’ texts.

This experience will

contribute to achieving
one other competency:
» Ability to repair
communication breakdown
relating to the contexts
» Ability to practice
democratic norms in
accordance with relevant
social practices

A Dream School

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 3: Ability to practice democratic norms in accordance with
relevant social practices.

Therefore, in this unit

SS will experience, reflect on, maintain and use basic democratic norms and
social practices while engaged in simple oral and written communication.

A Dream School
Experience (7.5 hours):
Firstly, SS will take part in a questionnaire survey.

Then, they will be exposed to a story (a narrative of a student containing his/her

school experience in an ideal environment/scenario).

After that, they will be engaged in identifying problems of their school in

comparison to the story’s stated facts and discuss.

Finally, they will write a text about their dream school.

In doing so –
Firstly, SS will take part in a questionnaire survey on the school environment.
Instructions: (i) Before starting the activities, the Teacher can ask SS some
questions, e.g.
a) Do you like your school? Why?
b) What do you have in your school?
(ii) Now, engage SS to look at the illustration referring to activity 1.1. Then, ask
SS to make a list of what they love about that school in groups/pairs. (iii) Then,
engage SS in activity 1.2. (iv) Make sure all the students complete the writing.
Elicit responses from the whole class. (v) Complete the activities in 1 hour.
Teachers’ Guide: English

Secondly, SS will be exposed to a conversation between Faria and Raihan.

Instructions: (i) Engage 2 students to read and act out the conversation referring
to activity 1.3. One of the SS will be Faria and the other will be Raihan. The rest
of the SS will listen. (ii) Ask SS to find unknown words and elicit the meaning.
The teacher will help if necessary. (iii) Ask SS to read the conversation again and
match the table referring to 1.4 and engage in peer checking. (iv) Complete the
activities in One and a half hours.

Answer key to activity 1.4

Words/Phrases Meanings

1. Calmness Peacefulness

2. In front of Before

3. Mine My own

4. Huge Very big/large

5. Muddy Soiled

6. Multi-storied Having more than two floors/levels

A motor car/bus/truck (that is used for transporting

7. Vehicles
people or goods from one place to another)

8. Nest Bird’s house

9. Nearby Close

10. Vacation Holiday

(v) Engage SS in activity 1.5 in groups/pairs. Give them sufficient time to

complete the activity and conduct peer checking when finished. (vi) Use rubrics
to assess student engagement. (vii) Ts will share answers with SS. (viii)
Complete the task in 1 hour.

A Dream School
Answer key to activity 1.5
Similarities Dissimilarities
Raihan’s School Faria’s School Raihan’s School Faria’s
1. A small pond A large body of 1. Noisy Calmness
2. A tiny garden A big garden 2. Risky and busy Muddy Roads
3. Huge library Small library 3. No tree Lots of trees
4. Small Big Playground 4. Multi-storied Two-storied
Playground school building school
After that, students will be engaged in identifying problems of their school
in comparison to the story’s stated facts.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 1.6 groups. (ii) Use the writing of activity
1.5 to discuss and write down a list of similarities and dissimilarities between
their schools with that of Faria and Raihan. (iii) Ts will monitor and help. When
done, every group will present what they wrote in their copies. (iv) Now engage
SS in activity 1.7 in groups. (v) Encourage all the SS to take part when they will
discuss the following things.
a) The good things in your school.
b) What you need in your school.
c) What should be improved or removed from your school to make your
school a dream school?
(vi) Give them sufficient time to complete the task and use a rubric to assess
the democratic practice. (vii) When done, every group will exchange copies
with each other and present what they wrote on their copies. (viii) Complete the
task in 2 hours.
Finally, SS will produce a text on their dream school.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS to read the bubbles, referring to activity 1.8. (ii)
Then, encourage SS to discuss in groups before writing about their dream school.
(iii) Ask SS to draw pictures of their dream school and stick the drawings on the
wall. Ts will monitor and help. (iv) Complete the task in 2 hours.
Ask SS to invite their friends/other SS from other classes during the tiffin period
to see their drawings.
Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 2: Ability to recognize and transform different sentence

Therefore, in this unit

SS will go through the experience of identifying different sentence structures
and will transform sentences from one form to another in relation to the

Playing With the Words

Experience (6.5 hours):

» Firstly, SS will engage in developing a vocabulary list following some
» Secondly, SS will reflect to identify the root words and the positions of
prefixes and suffixes.
» Then, SS will engage in identifying the required features of prefixes and
suffixes and their appropriate uses from the text.
» Finally, SS will demonstrate the appropriate use of prefixes and suffixes
in the given situations.

In doing so -
Firstly, SS will engage in developing a vocabulary list following some clues.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 2.1 in groups/pairs. (ii) Elicit answers from
the whole class (iii) Now engage SS in activity 2.2 in pairs (iv) Give sufficient
time to read and discuss (v) Further explain the note with relevant examples.
Focus on the characteristics of suffixes, prefixes and base/root (vi) Let SS do the
table and then do peer checking (vii) Complete the tasks in 1 hour.

Playing With the Words

Answer key to activity 2.1

a. Do you like or dislike cricket? Ans: I like cricket because it is very
b. Are the players spirited or spiritless? Ans: The players are spirited as they
are enjoying.
c. Are the two teams friendly or unfriendly? Ans: Yes, they are friendly.
d. Are the audience happy or unhappy? Ans: Yes, they are happy.
e. Are they supportive or unsupportive? Ans: They are supportive.
f. Are the seats comfortable or uncomfortable? Ans: Not so uncomfortable.
g. Do you agree or disagree that playing cricket helps make friends? If yes,
how? Ans: I agree.

Answer key to activity 2.2

Word Prefix Root or root word Suffix
Dislike Dis Like No suffix
Spiritless No prefix Spirit less
Unfriendly Un friend ly
Unhappy Un happy No suffix
Unsupportive Un support ive
Uncomfortable Un comfort able
Disagree Dis agree No suffix

Secondly, SS will reflect to identify the root words and the positions of
prefixes and suffixes.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 2.3 in pairs and give sufficient time to read
and discuss. (ii) Help with the unknown words and do peer checking when they
complete the task. (iii) Now, engage SS in activity 2.4. (iv) Monitor and elicit
answers from the whole class (v) Complete the tasks in one hour and 30 minutes.

Teachers’ Guide: English
Answer key to activity 2.3
Prefix Root words Suffix Word
enjoy ing Enjoying
watch ing Watching
perform ance performance
play er Player
win dow window
near ing nearing
proud Ly Proudly
wel come Welcome
happy Ly Happily
test ing Testing

Activity 2.4: More to read!

Answer key to activity 2.4
Example Your
Prefix Meaning Your sentences
word words
Re doing again Restart recharge, 1. Mom needs to recharge
rehearse her mobile phone.
2. I will definitely
rehearse my role as many
times as possible.
Pre before/earlier Preorder Prepare, 1. I prepared for the
preview examination.
2. Let’s see the preview of
the movie and then decide
to watch it.
En in/ within Enlist Enclose, 1. Please enclose the file
engender in the envelope.
2. Air pollution engenders
the lives of birds.
Playing With the Words

Un, Dis, The opposite Dishonour Improper, 1. Your behavior

Non, Ir, of something was improper.
Il, In/ or someone Irregular
Im 2. He is very
Anti against/ the Antibody Antisocial, 1. Try not be an
opposite of antisocial.
someone or anticlimax
something 2. We planned a
good holiday but the
rain ruined it. What
an anticlimax!!
Mis incorrect/ Misspell Miscalculate, 1. I miscalculated
wrong the outcome.
2. I made a mistake.
Non not/no/none Nonstop Nonsense, 1. What you are
saying is nonsense.
2. School is
a nonprofit
Uni one Uniform Unique, 1. Her approach
is unique like we
unify expected.
2. Common interests
unify us all.
Co together/with Cooperate Coordinate, 1. He coordinated
the whole thing.
2. Our birthdays
Sub under Subject Subway, 1. Have you ever
travelled in a
submarine subway?
2. I have never seen
a submarine in real

Teachers’ Guide: English
Suffix Meaning Your words Your sentences
Able The achievable comfortable 1. The seat is very
adjective capable comfortable.
form of the 2. I am capable of
word leading my study.
ion, condition/ situation Action, 1. Every action has
tion, result/ Realization a reaction in some
ation process way.
2. After the
realization of his
wrongdoing, he
apologized to the
ive The active Constructive, 1. Try to do
adjective communicative something
form of the constructive and
word meaningful.
2. We need to learn
al, ial The cordial Approval, 1. I am waiting for
adjective influential your approval.
form of the 2. My mother is
word very influential
in my decision-
y The lucky Sleepy, 1. She is looking
adjective tricky sleepy.
form of the 2. It is a tricky
word question.
ly The adverb quickly politely, 1. Speak politely.
form of the confidently 2. Present/write
word your thoughts
Playing With the Words

Ness state/ condition politeness Brightness, 1. The brightness of the

calmness full moon is beautiful.
2. I always love the
calmness of the starry
Ous possessing a virtuous Courageous, 1. Her courageous
quality vigorous move added more glory
to our nation.
2. His vigorous effort
resulted in his success.
Ful Full of careful Beautiful, 1. Full moon is always
careful beautiful watch.
2. Be careful when you
cross the road.
Ing making writing Listening, 1. I am listening to
continuous speaking music.
tense 2. Look, who is

Then, SS will engage in identifying the required features of prefixes and

suffixes and their appropriate uses from the text.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 2.5. (ii) Do peer checking and elicit
answers from the whole class. (iii) Now, engage SS in activity 2.6 in groups (iv)
Show SS how to use the ‘Affixation Tree’ by using it yourself. Make a word
using the tree and tell SS to follow the process. (v) Monitor and help further
if needed (vi) Use a grammar correction checklist to assess the writing. (v)
Then, engage SS in activity 2.7 in pairs. Monitor the Q&A session and identify
the highest scorer (vi) Engage SS in activity 2.8 (vii) Elicit answers from the
whole class (viii) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Answer key to activity 2.5

a) new
b) group
c) added
d) prefixes
e) end
f) suffixes
g) meaning
h) opposite

Answer key to activity 2.8

Column A (Words) Column B (Antonyms)
Accept Refuse
Alive Dead
Advantage Disadvantage
Deep Shallow
Easy Difficult
Divide Unite
Add Subtract
Brave Coward
Complex Simple
Destroy Create
Full Empty
Huge Tiny

Finally, SS will demonstrate the appropriate use of prefixes and suffixes in

the given situations.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 2.9 in pairs. (ii) Monitor and elicit answers
from the whole class. (iii) Engage SS in activity 2.10 (iv) Assist SS to make
posters (v) Inspect the posters and give feedback (vi) Give the best poster maker
a prize to foster healthy competition (vii) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.

Playing With the Words

Answer key to activity 2.9

    Word Prefix     Antonym

1. Happy  Un     Unhappy

2. Pleased Dis Displeased

3. Connected Dis Disconnected

4. Plucked Un unplucked

5. Appear Dis Disappear

6. Fair Un Unfair

7. Obey Dis Disobey

8. Responsible Ir Irresponsible

9. Regard Dis Disregard

Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 4: Ability to connect emotionally with a literary text and
express personal feelings about it.

Therefore, in this unit

SS will be exposed to different literary texts, share their preferences, and
articulate their personal feelings based on the emotional connections that
have developed with the characters, plot and settings.

3 If
Experience (5 hours):
Firstly, students will share their difficult experiences among themselves.

Secondly, they will read the poem and reflect to discuss the themes/ideas of that

Then, they will be exposed to some literary features of the poem.

Finally, they will demonstrate their understanding of the associated key themes
as well as the literary features of the poems.

In doing so –
Firstly, students will share their difficult experiences among themselves.
Instructions: (i) Before engaging in activity 3.1, ask SS if they had ever faced
any difficult situation and how they felt that time and how they did overcome
the situation. Ts may share such stories of their own. (ii) Ask Ss to read the text
referring to activity 3.1. Ask SS to mark unknown words and elicit the meaning
of the words from the SS. Help if needed. (iii) Referring to activity 3.2, engage
SS to share their difficult situation using the table as individual work. Then, SS
will exchange their copies and write their feelings on their peer’s stories. The
teacher will monitor and give feedback. (iv) Complete the tasks in 1 hour.
Secondly, they will read the poem and reflect to discuss the themes/ideas of
that poem.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS to recite the poem and others to hear and mark
unknown words referring to activity 3.3. (ii) Now, engage SS in a group discussion
on the features of the poem. (iii) Engage SS to read the poem again referring to
activity 3.4. Ask Ss to match the words with meaning and make sentences using
the words given in the table. (iv) Do peer checking and elicit answers from the
whole class. (v) Now engage SS in activity 3.5 in pairs. (vi) Share the answers
with the class. (vii) Complete the tasks in 1 and half hours.

Answer key to activity 3.4

a+4 = Your room looks very untidy when you lay your clothes in a heap on the
b+3 = He took the risk to save the kitten from the burning house.
c+9 = I have no idea about the pitch-and-toss game.
d+1 = Read the poem again from the beginning.
e+8 = Don’t breathe a word to anyone about your friend’s secrete.
f+7 = You can feel pain in the sinew after a heavy exercise.
g+5 = My uncle serves in the Army.
h+2 = Everyone seems happy except me.
i+6 = This is my will that I want to travel the whole world.

Answer key to activity 3.5

i. If;
ii. poet;
iii. start again a new beginning;
iv. your failures;
v. hold on to the will to do something well;
vi. stanza and rhyming;
vii. loss;
viii. one;
Teachers’ Guide: English

Then, they will be exposed to some literary features of the poem.

Instructions: (i) Ask SS to read the note referring to 3.6 and explain the central
theme of the poems. (ii) Then, engage SS in groups to identify the central theme
of the poem and write it down. (iii) Then, engage SS to read the poem again and
fill in the gaps referring to activity 3.6. Ask SS to share their copies with the
other groups. (iv) Monitor the discussion and help if required. (v) Complete the
tasks in 1 hour.

Finally, they will demonstrate their understanding of the associated key

themes as well as the literary features of the poems.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 3.7 in pairs. (ii) Check the unknown
words and try to elicit meanings from the SS. Then, elicit the broader meaning of
the poems. Ts will guide Ss to understand the poems. (iii) Ts will divide the class
into 4/8 groups. Half of the groups will work on My Books and the rest of the
groups will work on Be the Best of Whatever You Are. Each of the groups will
be engaged in a group discussion on their topic and identify the central theme.
Use a rubric to assess student engagement. Then, from each of the groups, 1
or 2 members give presentations on the central ideas of those two poems. Ts will
monitor group work and give feedback after every presentation. (iv) Complete
the tasks in 1 and half hours.

The Frog and the Ox

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 2: Ability to recognize and transform different sentence

Therefore, in this unit

SS will go through the experience of identifying different sentence structures
and will transform sentences from one form to another about the purpose.

The Frog and the Ox

Experience (5 hours 45 minutes):

Firstly, students will reflect to discuss the interrelations between adjectives and
Secondly, they will engage in reading a story to identify the different types of
adjectives and their purposes in the sentences.
After that, they will be exposed to the concepts of degrees of adjectives.
Finally, they will demonstrate the appropriate use of degrees of adjectives for
their purposes.

In doing so -
Firstly, students will reflect to discuss the interrelations between adjectives
and nouns/pronouns.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 4.1 in groups. (ii) Give sufficient time to
discuss and give clues if required. (iii) Now, engage SS in activity 4.2 in pairs
and give clues if required (iv) Complete the tasks in 45 minutes.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Answer key to 4.2

a) Which parts of speech are the underlined words? Ans: Underlined
words are adjectives.
b) What are the positions of these words in the sentences? Ans: These
words are positioned mostly before and after the noun, and
sometimes they follow verbs.
c) What are the functions of these words? What do they do in the
sentences? Ans: These words modify a noun. They provide more
information and details about a noun.

Secondly, they will engage in reading a story to identify the different types
of adjectives and their purposes in the sentences.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 4.3 in pairs (ii) Give sufficient time to read
and discuss (iii) Elicit answers from the whole class (iv) Engage SS in activity
4.4 in pairs and do peer checking. (v) Engage SS in activity 4.5. Give clues to
help SS identify an adjective that usually sits near a noun or pronoun (vi) Elicit
answers from the whole class (vii) Complete the tasks in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Answer key to 4.3

Column A (word) Column B (meaning)
Creature Any living thing, esp. an animal

Puffed To make something larger by filling it with air

Breath The air that goes into and out of our lungs

Croak To make deep sounds by a frog

Turn away To move your face in a different direction as you

don’t want to see someone or something

Furious Extremely angry

Enormous Extremely large or great/ huge

Burst To break open suddenly

The Frog and the Ox
Answer key to 4.4
a) Who is the biggest creature in the pond?
Ans: In this story, the frog is the biggest creature in the pond.
b) What did the frog do to be as big as the ox?
Ans: The frog took a deep breath and blew himself up to be as big as the ox.
c) How do you describe the frog?
Ans: The frog is arrogant.
d) Whom do you think is bigger, the frog or the ox?
Ans: The Ox is bigger than the frog.
e) What have you learnt from the story?
Ans: From the story, I have learnt that arrogance brings downfall.

Answer key to 4.5

Adjective Who/what they describe
  1)      Big     Describes the size of the frog

  2) Small Describe the size of the pond

  3) Large Describe the size of the frog

  4) Enormous Describe the volume of breath

  5) Huge Describes the size of the Ox

  6) Furious Describes the anger level of the frog

After that, they will be exposed to the concepts of degrees of adjectives.

Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 4.6 in pairs. (ii) Give sufficient time to
discuss and explain the note with relevant examples. (iii) Engage SS in activity
4.7 in pairs. (iv) Elicit the answers from the class. (v) Engage SS in activities 4.8
and 4.9. Use an inductive approach. First, Tell SS to name some adjectives like
bigger and smaller. After that explain the rule to make a comparative by adding
er (small+ er = smaller). (vii) Give clues if required. Elicit answers from the
whole class (viii) Complete the tasks in 1 hour 30 minutes.
Teachers’ Guide: English

Answer key to 4.7

a. A big frog once lived in a small pond.
b. No one anywhere is bigger than I am.
c. The frog decided he must also be the biggest thing in the world.
d. One day a huge ox came to drink at the pond.
e. I can make myself just as big as you.
f. The frog took a deep breath.

Degree of
Sentence Purpose
a) A big frog once lived   Positive To tell the size of the frog.
in a small pond. degree Here it does not show any

b) No one anywhere is Comparative To compare the size of the

bigger than I am. degree frog with another animal
that lives in a small pond.
It compares with only one
c) The frog decided he Superlative To compare the size of the
must also be the biggest degree frog with every creature in the
thing in the world world. It compares with more
than two things.

a) One day a huge ox Positive To tell the size of the ox.

came to drink at the degree Here it does not show any
pond.  comparison.

b) I can make myself Positive To tell the size of the ox.

just as big as you. degree Here it does not show any

c) The frog took a deep Positive To tell the volume of the

breath. degree breath. Here it does not show
any comparison.

The Frog and the Ox
Answer key to 4.9
Positive Comparative Superlative
Slow Slower Slowest
Beautiful More Beautiful Most Beautiful
Happy Happier Happiest
Dangerous More Dangerous Most Dangerous
Ugly Uglier Ugliest
Thin Thinner Thinnest
Famous More Famous Most Famous
Far Farther/ Further Farthest/ Furthest
Cold Colder Coldest
Handy Handier Handiest
Talented More Talented Most Talented
Fat Fatter Fattest
Finally, they will demonstrate the appropriate use of degrees of adjectives
for their purposes.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 4.10 in pairs. (ii) Do peer checking and
elicit answers from the class. (iii) Then, engage SS in activity 4.11. (iv) Monitor
and help them if required. (v) Encourage SS to write on their own. (vi) Give
feedback and Use a grammar correction checklist to assess the writing. (vii)
Complete the tasks in 2 hours.
Answer key to 4.10
Hello friends! This is my family. We live in a beautiful village. I think no other
place is as scenic and clean as my village. My parents, two of my siblings and
my grandparents, all live together in our house. My grandfather is the oldest and
my little brother, Anik is the youngest member of my family. My mother takes
care of all of us. My father is also as caring as my mother. No other member of
my family is as quiet as my mother. My grandmother is my closest friend. To
me, no one is friendlier than my grandmother. My grandfather talks very little.
Nobody talks as little as my grandfather in my house. My elder sister, Sarah is
active and smart. I think she is the smartest one in my family. Our dining room
is the noisiest place in my house. This is our meeting place, and we discuss
almost everything here. The old mango tree in front of my house is quieter than
any other place. I spend most of my leisure time there. I love my family and my
living place more than anything else in the world
Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 4: Ability to connect emotionally with a literary text and
express personal feelings about it.

Therefore, in this unit

SS will be exposed to different literary texts, share their preferences, and
articulate their personal feelings based on the emotional connections that
have developed with the characters, plot and settings.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Experience (6 hours 45 minutes):

Firstly, SS will be introduced to the idea that stories are everywhere.

Secondly, SS will reflect to discuss the literary characteristics of the short story.

Then, they will read a short story and comprehend the ideas of the story as well
as will identify some linguistic features from it.

Finally, they will write a story following some clues.

In doing so –

Firstly, SS will be introduced to the idea that stories are everywhere.

Instructions: (i) Before engaging in activity 5.1, ask SS what are their favourite
things to do in school. Then, engage in reading the table referring to activity 5.1.
(ii) Engage SS in activity 5.2 in pairs. (iii) Monitor and make sure all the SS
participate in the discussion. (iii) Complete the tasks in 45 minutes.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
Secondly, SS will reflect to discuss the literary characteristics of the short
Instructions: (i) Before engaging in activity 5.3, ask SS to share a story of the
most memorable day in their life. The teacher will guide them by asking the
following questions:
a) what happened that day?
b) whom did you meet?
c) how everyone interacted with you?
d) what was the most interesting part of that day?
Then, ask SS to read what they wrote in their copies. Now, Ts will ask them the
following questions:
a) who is narrating the story?
b) who are the main characters of the story?
c) what will your readers learn from your story?
Based on SS’ answers, Ts can talk about the features of a story (characters, point
of view, main theme).
(ii) Now, engage SS in reading the text referring to activity 5.3 in groups/pairs.
(iii) Ask SS to discuss and answer the following questions in groups/pairs
referring to activity 5.4. Ts can refer to this activity as the previous activity where
SS wrote about their memorable day. After Ss finished writing, engage them in
open discussion on the questions and give feedback. (iv) Engage SS in activity
5.5. (v) Explain the features of a story (characters, point of view, central theme).
Ts can refer to SS’ memorable day or Afia’s story while explaining the features.
(vi) Ask SS to read the text again and complete activity 5.6. (vii) Conduct peer
checking and elicit answers from the whole class. (viii) Complete the tasks in
one and a half hours.

Answer key to activity 5.6

Characteristics of a story Answers
The characters Afia herself, Pushpo, Subha, Tanha and
Point of view First-person point of view
Central theme Afia’s friend threw a surprise birthday
party for her/Friends never forget your
special days.
Teachers’ Guide: English
Then, students will read a short story and comprehend the ideas of the story
as well as will identify some linguistic features from it.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 5.7. (ii) Ask SS to mark unknown words
and elicit the meaning of the words from them. Help if needed. (iii) Now engage
SS in activities 5.7 and 5.8 (iv) For 5.7, ask SS to discuss in pairs and for 5.8 do
peer checking. (v) Before engaging in activity 5.9, ask SS the following question-
» How does it feel when it is winter?
» How does it feel when it is summer?
» What is the size of an elephant?
» And what is the size of an ant?
Based on SS responses, introduce antonyms of words. (vi) Now, engage in
reading the note referring to activity 5.9 in pairs. Then, ask Ss to read the text
and list the underlined words. Elicit the word meanings and help if needed. (vii)
Then, ask SS to re-write the text by replacing the words with antonyms and
checking in pairs. (viii) Monitor and share answers with SS. (ix) Complete the
tasks in two and a half hours.
Answer key to activity 5.8
Word Meaning Your own sentence
Invisible  Something that cannot be seen I can feel my mother’s blessings
because it’s hidden though they are invisible.
Purpose  Cause or reason to do something My purpose of studying is to learn.
Empty Having nothing inside, not filled Our classroom becomes empty
with anything at all when school time is over.
Dip To put something into a liquid and I love to dip biscuits into tea and
lift it out again. eat them.
Ignore To give no attention to something or You should ignore what others say
someone and focus on your dream.
Bully  To hurt people by saying or doing I do not bully my friends because
something bad this is bad.
Guess  To answer something without Can you guess what I am thinking
knowing that the answer is correct right now?
Happen To take place What happens when fire catches
the wood?
Invite  Make a polite and friendly request Sometimes, I invite my friends to
to do something visit my house.
Cost  Price/ The money that needs to be This pen costs me 10 taka only.
paid to buy, do, or make something
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
Answer key to activity 5.9
a T
b T
c F
d F
e T
f F
g T

Answer key to activity 5.10

Words Antonyms
Visible Invisible
Bad Good
Unfriendly Friendly
Unspecial Special
Good Bad
Welcome Hatred
Empty Full
Full Empty
Hatred Welcome
Unkind Kind
Always Sometimes
Dipper Riser
Worse Better
Difficult Easy

Finally, they will write a story following some clues.

Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 5.11 in groups/pairs. (ii) Monitor and
provide clues if needed. (iii) Use a rubric to assess student engagement. (iv)
Engage SS in activity 5.12 in pairs and elicit answers from them. (v) Before
engaging them in activity 5.13, ask SS to review what they wrote in their copies
for activity 5.12, and discuss it in groups. (vi) Then, engage SS in writing a story
including the features of a story, e.g., characters, point of view, and themes.
Later, SS will share their copies for peer checking and give feedback. Use a
rubric to assess democratic practice (vii) Complete the tasks in two hours.
Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 2: Ability to repair communication breakdown relating to the

Therefore, in this unit

SS will be exposed to authentic/simulated instances of varied communication
failure (in form of oral and written) which will enable them to strategize
minimizing and repairing communication breakdown.

A Good Reader

Experience (6 hours and 30 minutes)

Firstly, SS will share any instance where they could not or were unable to make
sense while reading any texts.
Then, SS will read a text that depicts an instance of communication breakdown
while reading a text and will relate it to their experiences.
Afterwards, SS will be exposed to some strategies with which they can analyse
unknown words and use those to make sense while reading any texts.
Finally, SS will demonstrate the use of some strategies in reading any texts.

Firstly, SS will share any instance where they could not or were unable to
make sense while reading any texts.

In doing so -
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 6.1 in pairs and monitor. (ii) Encourage
them to share their answer with the class. (iii) Then engage SS in activity 6.2 (iv)
Check SS’ pronunciation of those unknown words and discuss and make sure
SS understand the words and their meaning. (vi) Complete the tasks in an hour.
A Good Reader
Then, SS will read a text that depicts an instance of communication
breakdown while reading a text and will relate it to their experiences.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 6.3 in groups/pairs. (ii) Chose a pair and
role-play the conversation from activity 6.3. (iii) Discuss the intended meaning
of the dialogue. (iv) Engage SS in activity 6.4. (v) Monitor and elicit answers.
(vi) Finish the tasks in 1 and a half hours.
Answer key to activity 6.4
a) Rodoshi and Kanko are talking about an article.
b) Antelope is a kind of animal that eats tree shoots, leaves, plants, grasses
and flowers.
c) After reading the article Rodoshi and Kanko couldn’t understand what is
d) Rodoshi and Kanko guessed Antelope is an animal because it eats food.
f) To find out the meaning of any written text we must read it carefully.
g) Pictures and headlines are needed to understand the purpose of the
article easily.
Afterwards, SS will be exposed to some strategies with which they can analyse
unknown words and use those to make sense while reading any texts.

Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 6.5 in groups/pairs. (ii) Explain and

check if they understood everything. (iii) Engage SS in activity 6.6 in pairs. (iv)
Provide SS sufficient time to think and give clues if required. (v) Monitor and
elicit answers. (vi) Now engage SS in activity 6.7 in pairs and use a rubric to
assess student engagement. (vii) Engage them in peer checking and elicit the
answer from SS. (viii) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.

Answer key to activity 6.6

a) The steps of the contextual clues technique that Rodoshi and Kanko used
to understand “What is an Antelope?”
Steps: Rodoshi and Kanko found out-
1)  Their food habit.
2)  they have a baby which is called a calf.
3)  Lions and other predators hunt it.
         Finally, they understood that Antelope is an animal.
Teachers’ Guide: English
   b) The steps of the contextual clues technique that Rodoshi and Kanko used to    
understand “Where does Antelope live?”
     Steps: Rodoshi and Kanko found out-
1) the word live isn’t used here.
2) the first and last line.
3) the United States imports Antelopes. 
       Finally, they decided that it lives in Africa and Eurasia.
  c) The steps of the contextual clues technique that Rodoshi and Kanko used to    
understand “Why is this paragraph written?”
Steps: Rodoshi and Kanko found out-
1) pictures or a headline.
2) the antelopes are in danger.
       Finally, they understood that the paragraph is written to increase awareness
about Antelope.
Answer key to activity 6.7
Types of situations  Types of reading
You are searching for the meaning of the word ‘Delight’ in the 1. Skimming
You were searching for the meaning of a word in a dictionary. 1. Skimming
You got the word and read the meaning.
2. Scanning
You need to call your class teacher. So, you are reading the 1. Skimming
school diary to find out his/her number.
You are going to order a gift for your mother on her birthday. 1. Scanning
So, you are checking the products of an online shop.
You are in your school library. You are checking the catalogue 1. Skimming
for a specific book.

Finally, SS will demonstrate the use of some strategies in reading any texts.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 6.8 in groups. (ii) Provide SS sufficient
time to think and give clues if required. (iii) Write down the list from the groups
and discuss it with SS. (iv) Then engage SS in activity 6.9 in groups/pairs. You
can distribute 5 different texts to different groups/pairs. (v) Monitor and help to
use different strategies to find out the meaning of the words. Share the activities
among the groups. (vi) Use a rubric to assess student engagement. (vii)
Complete the tasks in 2 hours.
Using Verbs Easily

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 2: Ability to recognize and transform different sentence

Therefore, in this unit

SS will go through the experience of identifying different sentence structures
and will transform sentences from one form to another in relation to the

Using Verbs Easily

Experience (4 hours):
Firstly, SS will be exposed to an illustration and will reflect on the use of
auxiliary and principal verbs.
Then, SS will read a text to identify the verbs and adverbs through different
classroom activities.
Finally, SS will demonstrate the appropriate use of adverbs following some
simulated stances.

In doing so –
Firstly, SS will be exposed to an illustration and will reflect on the use of
auxiliary and principal verbs.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 7.1 (ii) Monitor and explain the illustration
if required (iii) Elicit answers from the whole class (v) Complete the task in 30

Teachers’ Guide: English

Then, SS will read a text to identify the verbs and adverbs through
different classroom activities.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 7.2 in groups/pairs. (ii) Give sufficient
time to discuss and monitor. (iii) If needed, further explain the note by giving
more examples of principal and auxiliary verbs. (iv) Now engage SS in activity
7.3 in pairs. (v) Help SS make sentences using clues. (vi) Do peer checking and
Elicit answers from the whole class. (v) Then engage SS in activity 7.4 and elicit
answers from the whole class (vi) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.
Activity 7.2: Read the note given below and discuss in groups/pairs.

Let’s know Principal and Auxiliary verbs.

A. Principal verbs are words that generally express an action or

state something.
1. To express an action
My friend helps me. Here ‘help’ is a verb because it refers to the
action of my friend.
2. To state something
My friends are helpful. Here ‘are’ is a verb because it refers to the
state of my friends.
B. Auxiliary or helping verbs:

An auxiliary verb is used in a sentence to express the tense, mood, or voice

of the principal verb. It gives more meaning to the principal verb. It cannot
stand alone in a sentence. The main auxiliary verbs are:
1. To do: do, does, did
2. To be: am, is, are, was, were being, been
3. To have: have, has, had, having

Using Verbs Easily

Answer key to activity 7.3

Expressing actions/
Clues Sentences
The man in the cloth The man is buying a action (because the verb
store, buy dress. tells what the person is

The two women in the The two women are Action (because the
jewellery shop, choose choosing jewellery. verb tells what the two
women are doing)
The little girl, eat a The little girl is eating action (because the verb
banana a banana. tells what the little girl
is doing)
The open space in the The market is state (because the
market, spacious spacious. verb indicates how the
market is)
The cleaner, clean The cleaner is action (because the verb
cleaning. tells what the cleaner is
The security guard, The security guard is action (because the verb
check checking. tells what the security
guard is doing)
The washroom, clean The washroom is state (because the
clean. verb indicates how the
washroom is)

Answer key to activity 7.4

1) Do you watch a cricket match on television? (To make a question)
2) I do not like to wait for a long time. (To make negatives)
3) My friend is helping me to clean the classroom. (To indicate an action
happening in the present)
4) I did not call you last night. (To make negatives in the past)
5) Didn’t (did not) you attend the last class? (To make a question in the past)

Teachers’ Guide: English
Finally, SS will demonstrate the appropriate use of adverbs following some
simulated stances.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 7.5 in pairs. (ii) Let SS do the table,
monitor and help if required. (iii) Do peer checking and elicit answers from
the whole class. (iv) Now engage SS in activity 7.6 in groups/pairs and before
that engage them to read the Note on the adverb. (v) Monitor and give them
sufficient time to think and write. (vi) Elicit answers from the whole class and
use a grammar correction checklist to assess the writing. (vii) Complete the
tasks in 1 and a half hours.

Answer key to activity 7.5

degree/ extent/ manners of the
1. Talking (How was the young Gently
man talking?)
2. Showing (How was the Patiently
shop assistant showing the
3. Eating (How was the little Gladly
girl eating the banana?)
4. Sweeping (How was the hastily/neatly
cleaner sweeping the road?)
5. Checking (How was the Seriously
security guard checking
6. Asking (How was the Gently
cleaner asking everyone?)

Answer key to activity 7.6

So, let’s clean our surroundings regularly.
So, let’s cross a road safely/attentively.
So, let’s love trees dearly.
So, let’s use devices properly.
So, let’s support this wholeheartedly.
Heroes of Bengal

The focus of this unit is on

Competency: Ability to recognize and transform different sentence

Therefore, in this unit

SS will go through the experience of identifying different sentence structures
and will transform sentences from one form to another in relation to the

8 Heroes of Bengal

Experience (6.5 hours):

Firstly, SS will be exposed to an illustration and will reflect to identify the
placement of the living and non-living things depicted in the illustration.
Then, SS will be exposed to the different features and grammatical uses of
prepositions and conjunctions.
After that, SS will read a text to identify different prepositions and conjunctions
in different contexts.
Finally, SS will demonstrate their use of prepositions and conjunctions in
different situations.

In doing so –
Firstly, SS will be exposed to an illustration and will reflect to identify the
placement of the living and non-living things depicted in the illustration.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 8.1 in pair and monitor. (ii) Provide SS
sufficient time to think and give clues if required. Encourage them to take part in
the discussion, no matter whether their answers are correct or not. (iii) Engage
SS in reading Note, referring to activity 8.2 (v) Discuss the grammatical uses of
the preposition in detail with examples. (iv) Elicit answers from the whole class.
(v) Now, engage SS in activity 8.3 in a group of three students. (ix) Monitor and
guide them to complete the task. (x) Then, engage the group SS in activity 8.4.
(xi) Provide SS sufficient time to think and give clues if required. (xii) Ask the
students one by one to present their answers. (xiii) Invite feedback from all the
groups while eliciting answers. (xiv) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.

(Probable answer to activity 8.2)

Q: What can you see on the table?
A: can see some books, and a pen holder with a pen and pencil on the table.
Q: Where is the chair?
A: A chair is in front of the table
Q: Where is the pen?
A: The pen is in the pen holder.
Q: Where is the cat?
A: The cat is under the table.
Q: What can you see between the globe and the pen-holder?
A: I can see a charger light between the globe and the pen holder.

Then, SS will be exposed to the different features and grammatical uses of

prepositions and conjunctions.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 8.5 in groups/pairs. (ii) Encourage them
in the discussion. (iii) Engage SS in activity 8.6 in groups/pairs. (iv) Provide SS
sufficient time to think and give clues if required. (v) Elicit the correct answers
and discuss the purpose of conjunction with them. (vi) Complete the tasks in 1

Heroes of Bengal
Answer key to activity 8.6
Sentence The function of the conjunction
1. His brother was talking, but Connects an opposite idea
suddenly he became silent.
2. One day Badal and his Joins similar kinds or types of
elder brother were going to objects or things
3. We will bring independence Indicates an alternative
or will die.

After that, SS will read a text to identify different prepositions (in, at, on,
by, to, into, over, above, below, between, among, besides, in front of) and
conjunctions (and, or & but) in different contexts.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 8.7 in groups/pairs. (ii) Invite questions if
they have any. (iii) Guide them to make the list of prepositions and conjunctions.
(iii) Engage SS in activity 8.8 in pairs. (iv) Do a pair checking and give feedback
and discuss. (v) Chose a student and complete activity 8.9 with him/her. (vi)
Guide him/her to do all the tasks. (vii) Engage SS in activity 8.10 in pairs. (viii)
Tell them to write down their answer. (ix) Do peer checking and elicit the correct
answers from the whole class. Write the answer on the board and discuss. (x)
Complete the tasks in 2 hours.

Answer key to activity 8.7

Prepositions On, in, of, at, with, to, against, for, before, among
Conjunctions And, but, or, as well as, because

Answer key to activity 8.8

Badal’s family lives in a village. It’s a green village under an open blue sky. The
village is beside a big river. There is a bridge on the river. A village hat (market)
sits at one end of the village on Thursday. People can buy and sell fish and
vegetables in the afternoon every day. Badal’s school was one kilometre away
from his home. He used to go to school on foot with his brother. Often, he went
to school by rickshaw.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Answer key to activity 8.10

a) I like cooking and eating.
b) I drank lemonade and a glass of cold water.
c) He reached school on time, but his friend was late.
d) I want to go to play but I’m sick.
e) Is it Thursday or is it Friday today?
f) My mother wants me to be a teacher, but my father wants me to be a
football player.
g) One day his father went to the market, and bought a football for him.
h) Our Headteacher is honest and very friendly.
i) I’m hungry but I have nothing to eat.

Finally, SS will demonstrate their use of prepositions and conjunctions in

different situations.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 8.11 in groups and complete it in 2
days. (ii) On the first day, make some groups and assign task 8.11 to them and
provide them sufficient time to plan the presentation and help them if required.
(iii) Encourage them to generate ideas and provide them with the necessary
equipment for making poster presentations and guide them. (iv) On the next day,
ask the groups to present their posters. (v) Complete it in 90 minutes.

Knowing Our Parents

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 3: Ability to practice democratic norms in accordance with
relevant social practices.

Therefore, in this unit

SS will experience, reflect on, maintain and use basic democratic norms and
social practices while engaged in simple oral and written communication.

Knowing Our Parents
Experience (6.5 hours):
Firstly, SS will talk/write about themselves following a checklist.
Secondly, SS will reflect to identify some elements of a narrative type of text
from their writing.
Then, SS will read some biographies and identify the interesting elements from
those biographies as well as the features of narrative texts.
Finally, SS will produce biographies of their parents following narrative

In doing so -
Firstly, SS will talk/write about themselves following a checklist.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 9.1 in groups/pairs. (ii) Give them
sufficient time for the discussion and encourage SS to develop their guideline.
(iii) First, tell them to make a list of things they want to write. (iv) Ask SS to
exchange copies and provide feedback. (v) Complete the task in 1 hour.
Secondly, SS will reflect to identify some elements of a narrative type of text
from their writing.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 9.2 in groups/pairs. (ii) Explain the note
further with relevant examples, if required. (iii) Engage SS in activities 9.3
and 9.4 in pairs. (iv) Elicit answers from the whole class and give feedback (v)
Complete the task in 1 hour.
Teachers’ Guide: English

Activity 9.2: Read the note on “The Narrative Text”. Then in pairs/groups,
do the “True or False” activity.

A narrative text is a form of writing. The writer uses a narrative form of
writing to express emotion, experience, incident, event etc. The narrative
form of writing can be essays, biographies, news stories, poems, etc. We
also use narrative text to tell our stories. For example, when you tell a story
to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you
are using narrative text.  
Some elements of a narrative text are:
1. A narrative text usually has three parts - a beginning, a middle and
an end.
2. A narrative text is usually written in the past tense.
3. Narrative texts are written in the first person or third person (e.g. I,
me, he, she, etc.)
4. A narrative text tells the events chronologically (in the order they
5. A narrative text may have characters and dialogues.

Answer key to activity 9.3

a) False. Correct answer: We use narrative texts to tell our own stories as
well as of others.
b) True.
c) True.
d) False. Correct answer: We use past tense when we tell our past events.
e) True.

Answer key to activity 9.4

» It is a narrative text.

Knowing Our Parents

Then, SS will read some biographies and identify the interesting elements
from those biographies as well as the features of narrative texts.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 9.5 in groups/pairs. (ii) Give sufficient
time to read and help SS in reading and understanding the texts. (iii) Introduce
the whole class to new words. Intentionally avoid giving exact meanings of
the words that are in the matching table. (iv) Check the answers and provide
feedback. (v) Then engage SS in activity 9.6 in groups and use a rubric to
assess student engagement. (vi) Give clues if needed. Do peer checking and
give feedback and share the answerers with the class. (vii) Engage SS in activity
9.7 in pairs. (viii) Give clues if needed. Elicit answers from the whole class. (ix)
Complete the tasks in 2 hours.

Answer key to activity 9.5

Column A Column B
Meaning in the text
(word/phrase) (meaning)
Marie Curie
Hand in hand Closely connected Marie and Pierre Curie are
closely connected by family.
They did research together
and loved each other.
Radioactive Something that releases Mary Curie and her husband
material radiation Pierre jointly did research
on materials that release
Incomplete An experiment that is not Mary Curie finished her
research finished husband’s experiment which
he could not finish as he died
in a road accident.
Rapid studies Intensive/ huge research She did intensive research
even after losing her husband.
Radium The energy comes from The energy coming from
radiation radium (a chemical) radium caused her death.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Bangamata Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib

Work selflessly Someone who works Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib
for other people, not for worked her whole life for
himself/herself others.
Masterfully Expert to do work with She managed her household
handled great confidence and her husband’s political
life expertly.
Conveyed To make others known/ She let others know what
carry messages Bangabandhu wanted them to
Mass uprising A democratic The mass uprising of 1969
political movement was once in a lifetime event.
in East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh) (ঊনসত্তরের
Strong-willed Determined to do She was determined to stay
something on her husband’s side.
A real guerrilla Someone who fights as She was an unofficial fighter
part of an unofficial army, of our liberation army.
usually against an official
Besieged Surrounded by armed The joint forces of India
Dhaka city forces to capture it and Bangladesh surrounded
Jahanara Imam
Another Another quality of She was a humanitarian.
identity someone
Gave up  To surrender She never surrendered to
Slaughterhouse A place where animals During our liberation war
are killed for their meat slaughterhouse of Rayerbazar
was used by the Pakistan allied
force to kill our people.
Seek justice To want/pursue what is She never stopped her quest
right and just to seek justice.
Pakistani allied  People or organisations She ensured that justice
worked for Pakistan reached the Pakistani allies
who committed war crimes.
Knowing Our Parents

Answer key to activity 9.6

Marie Curie Fazilatunnessa Jahanara Imam
1) What were A scientist A housewife and A teacher and
their a political activist. the founder of
professions? “Ekattorer Ghatak
Dalal Nirmul
2) What are their 1. Work ethic 1. Selflessness 1. Determination
best two
qualities? 2. Dedication 2. Bravery 2. Selflessness
3) For whom did Whole The people of The victims of
they work? humankind Bangladesh genocide made by
the Pakistani allied
4) What are All three were selfless. All three tried to do their best for
the two the greater good.
5) Why do Contribution Contribution to Ensuring justice
people to science the liberation war for the victims of
remember of Bangladesh genocide

Teachers’ Guide: English
Answer key to activity 9.7
Text on Begum Text on
Elements of a Text on Marie
Fazilatunnessa Jahanara
narrative text Curie
Mujib Imam
1. Has three parts Yes, it is divided It has three parts. No. It
(a beginning, a into three parts. The First part is has two
middle and an The beginning an introduction parts. The
end) introduces her, of her, the second first part
the middle part is about her introduces
gives more contribution during her and the
information the liberation war, second part
about her and the third part is talks about
research work, about the hardship her work.
and the end talks she experienced It lacks the
about her death. during that period ending part.
of time.
2. Written in the Yes Yes No
past tense
3. Used third or first Third person Third person First-person
4. Has characters Character- yes Character- yes Character-
and dialogues Dialogue- no Dialogue- no yes
5. The events Yes yes yes
are described
Finally, SS will produce biographies of their parents following narrative
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 9.8 in groups/pairs. (ii) Start by asking
‘who sacrifices most for your happiness?’/ ‘don’t you think your mother makes
a lot of sacrifices for you?’ these types of questions. (iii) Then, engage SS in
activity 9.9 in groups. (iv) First tell SS to discuss in groups and make a list
of things they want to include in their parents’ biography (v) Use a rubric to
assess democratic practice during the discussion. (vi) Assist SS in the writing.
(vii) Collect the biographies. Use a grammar correction checklist to assess
their writing and provide feedback. Give them the opportunity to make changes
according to feedback (viii) Complete the tasks in 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Freedom of Choice

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 3: Ability to practice democratic norms by relevant social

Therefore, in this unit

SS will experience, reflect on, maintain and use basic democratic norms and
social practices while engaged in simple oral and written communication.

Freedom of Choice

Experience (6 hours):
Firstly, SS will talk about what are the things they like or dislike.
Then, SS will reflect to discuss that we all are different in our preferences and
After that, SS will engage in reading a story and comprehend from the story that
there is nothing unnatural to have different preferences and choices.
Finally, SS will demonstrate their understanding of the acceptance of
differences in different situations.

In doing so –

Firstly, SS will talk about what are the things they like or dislike.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 10.1 (ii) Randomly select three students
and tell them to act out the dialogue before the whole class (iii) Let SS think
and answer (iv) Elicit answers from the whole class (v) Complete the task in 30

Teachers’ Guide: English

Answer key to activity 10.1

a) Noha, Navid and Nira have respect for each other/ have positive minds.
Ans: True
b) Noha, Navid and Nira don’t always like to do the same thing.
Ans: True.
c) Nira loves to play with her toys.
Ans: False. Correct Info: Nira loves to play with her pet.
d)To make a friendship one has to choose someone who has the same likings
and dislikes.
Ans: False. Correct info: Differences are not a barrier to friendship
e) Two people with differences can be good friends.
Ans: True.

Then, SS will reflect to discuss that we all are different in our preferences
and choices.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 10.2 in groups. (ii) Give SS sufficient
time to discuss and write. (iii) Monitor and provide assistance if required. (iv)
Give scope to share the tables with the whole class (v) Engage SS in activities
10.3 and 10.4 in groups. (vii) Take one member from each group and give them
two options to choose from. Give chance to as many students as possible (viii)
Complete the tasks in 1 hour.

Activity 10.2: Now, in groups of 6-8 identify how you are similar and different
from each other. Use the given table to organise/showcase your responses:
One is done for you.
You can ask the following questions to know your friend.
Question: Hi Roza! What’s your favourite colour/dish/subject/person and

Freedom of Choice
Answer: My favourite colour is white. My favourite dish is ‘Morog Polao’. My
favourite subject is English. My favourite person is Palli Kabi Jasimuddin and
my favourite game is chess.
Name Colour Dish Subject Person Game
Roza White Morog Polao English Palli kabi, Jasimuddin Chess
Fatimah Black Biriyani English Shakespeare Football

After that, SS will engage in reading a story and comprehend from the story
that there is nothing unnatural to have different preferences and choices.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 10.5 in pairs. (ii) Monitor and provide
assistance if required. (iii) Engage SS in activity 10.6 in groups/pairs. Give
sufficient time to read and discuss. Assist SS to understand the text. Intentionally
avoid giving exact meanings of the words from the table. (iv) Do peer checking.
Elicit answers from the whole class (v) Complete the tasks in 1 hour and 30
Answer key to activity 10.5
        Column A (Word)                 Column B (Meaning)
1) Excitement a) To make something/someone ready to use 
2) Angel b) Having different forms or types
3) Arrive c) Having differences
4) Prepare d) A feeling of happiness and eagerness
5) Variety e) To reach/come to a place
6) Feast f) Being the only one of its kind
7) Progress g) A messenger of God/ A kind and beautiful
8) Unique h) Not an interesting place
9) Diversity i) Special/good food for many people
10) Dull place j) To do better/ to develop
Teachers’ Guide: English
1+ d, 2+ g, 3+ e, 4+ a, 5+ b, 6+ i, 7+ j, 8+ f, 9+ c, 10+ h

Answer key to activity 10.6

1) Who are Nabiha and Tasfia?
Ans: Nabiha and Tasfia are cousins.
2) How are they similar or different from each other?
Ans: They are similar or different from each other by their taste of choice.
3) “Uniqueness and diversity make the world beautiful”- what does the
sentence mean to you?
Ans: Uniqueness and diversity make the world beautiful means we should
accept the differences among us, and the variety of our choices makes the
world more beautiful.
4) Do you accept or reject differences among people? / Are you tolerant of
Ans: I accept differences among people. I can tolerate others.
5) Do you think with these differences we all can live happily?
Ans: Though there are these differences, I think we all can live happily.

Finally, SS will demonstrate their understanding of the acceptance of

differences in different situations.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 10.7 in groups. (ii) Monitor and explain
the steps in detail if required. (iii) Complete the tasks in 3 hours.
Activity 10.7: Now, design a poster in groups of 6-8 to make people accept
differences. The heading of your poster can be “Uniqueness and diversity
make the world a safer place” or you can choose your heading.

Let’s Explore the Sentences

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 2: Ability to recognise and transform different sentence
Therefore, in this unit
SS will go through the experience of identifying different sentence structures
and will transform sentences from one form to another in relation to the

11 Let’s Explore the Sentences
Experience (4 hours):
Firstly, SS will be exposed to illustrations of actions that reflect different types
of sentences.
Secondly, SS will reflect to identify different types of sentences in their
purposive uses.
Then, SS will engage in identifying the required features of assertive,
interrogative, imperative, optative, and exclamatory sentences from a text.
Finally, SS will demonstrate the use of different types of sentences according
to the situation.

In doing so -
Firstly, SS will be exposed to illustrations of actions that reflect different
types of sentences.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 11.1 in groups/pairs. (ii) Let SS act out
the dialogue if they are interested. (iii) Then, engage SS in activity 11.2 in pairs.
(iv) Give clues to help SS identify. For example, when we express extreme
emotions, we use (!) in a sentence. (v) After the identification, highlight how
these sentences differ from each other. For example, Assertive sentences have
a subject first and interrogative sentences have auxiliary verbs first and give
additional examples (vi) Now, engage SS in activity 11.3 in pairs.
Teachers’ Guide: English
(vii) First select a pair of students randomly. This pair will carry out the question-
answer session. One will ask the questions and the other will answer. Ignore
any mistakes they make during the session. After the session, SS will write
the answers individually. Ask the students to present their answers and do peer
checking (viii) Complete the task in one hour.

Answer key to activity 11.2

          Sentence     Structure           Features/characteristic   
1. How are you? Question word + » Starts with a question word
Verb + Subject + ? (how)
» Verb (are) comes before
the subject (you)
» Ends with a question mark
2. That’s a great Subject + Verb + » Starts with subject
idea! Object + !
» Ends with an exclamatory
mark (!)
» Expresses extreme
emotions like joy, sorrow
3. Please take care Requesting word + » Starts with requesting
of your health, sir. verb + object words when requesting
» Starts with a verb when
commanding like ‘open
the door’
» Ends with a full stop (.)
4. Wish you all Wish/may/ » indicates a wish or hope
success. long + Object + regarding a given action
5. I want to study Subject + Verb + » Starts with subject
Physics. object
» Verb comes second
» Ends with object

Let’s Explore the Sentences
Answer key to activity 11.3
a) Interrogative
b) Assertive
c) Negative
d) Yes/no question and WH question. Did you do this? (yes/no question)
What is your name? (WH question)
e) A question is what you use when you need to receive information and
a statement is what you use to transmit information. A question is
used to know something and a statement is to say something.

Secondly, SS will reflect to identify different types of sentences in their

purposive uses.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 11.4 in groups. (ii) Give sufficient time
to comprehend the Note. (iii) Explain the note further with relevant examples if
required. In your explanation focus on the features of these sentences and how
they are distinct from one another (iv) Engage SS in activity 11.5 in pairs. (v)
Monitor and assist if required. (vii) Elicit answers from the whole class (viii)
Complete the task in 45 minutes.

Activity 11.4: Now, read the following note in pairs/groups to learn more
about sentences.

In English grammar, sentences are of 5 kinds. In class six you have
already learned about Assertive and Interrogative sentences. Now, let’s
read the rest of the 3 types of sentences.
A. Imperative sentence: An imperative sentence is a sentence that
expresses an order, command, instruction, request, invitation, proposal
etc. It begins with a verb and ends with a full stop.
Example sentences – Feel free to choose one. Please wash your hands
before taking food. Never make fun of others.
Read the following situation and do accordingly:
         Think that your final exam is knocking at the door. But one of your
friends can’t concentrate on studying. Now, what will be your suggestions
for him/her?
            Your answer: Do away with things that break your concentration.
Teachers’ Guide: English

B. Optative sentence: A sentence that expresses a wish or a desire

or prayer for someone or something is called an optative sentence.
Usually, it starts with “may”, “wish” or “long” and ends with a full
 Example sentences – May my grandparents live with us for some
more days. 
Wish you a safe journey.

Read the following situation and do accordingly:

 Imagine that yesterday your friend fell from a bicycle and hurt his ankle.
Now, what will be your prayers for him?

 Your answer: Wish you get well soon.

C. Exclamatory sentence: A sentence that expresses a strong emotion

is called an exclamatory sentence. In this sentence, exclamation
marks(!) are used to express our strong feelings or emotions.
Example sentences – Congratulations! You have got the scholarship.
What an exciting match it was! Oh no! She cannot join us for a picnic.
Read the following situation and do accordingly
Imagine that you are visiting Bandarban for the first time. You have become
overwhelmed to see the hills. How will you express your emotions?

Your answer: Wow! How beautiful the hills are.

Activity 11.5: Now, read the note again and do the ‘Fill in the Gaps’ activity
using the words from the box in pairs/groups. You may use one word more
than once. Then, check your answers with your peer.

Interrogative Exclamatory Five Imperative Assertive Optative

There are (a) five types of sentences in English. An (b) Assertive sentence
begins with a noun or pronoun. An (c) Assertive sentence may be affirmative
or negative. An (d) Interrogative sentence is used to ask questions. An (e)
Imperative sentence begins with a verb.  We pray for or wish others with an (f)
Optative sentence. An (g) Exclamatory sentence expresses our strong emotion
or excitement.  
Let’s Explore the Sentences
Then, SS will engage in identifying the required features of assertive,
interrogative, imperative, optative, and exclamatory sentences from a text.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 11.6 in groups/pairs. (ii) Give sufficient
time to read the story and help SS to understand the story. Intentionally avoid
giving SS the exact meanings of the underlined words. (iii) Try to elicit answers
from the whole class. (iv) Engage SS in activity 11.7 in groups. (v) Give sufficient
time to discuss. Monitor and assist if required. (vi) Give clues such as, “find
sentences that end with question marks (?)” (vii) Use a rubric to assess student
engagement and democratic practice. Elicit answers and give feedback.
Explain the answers. (viii) Complete the task in 1 hour.

Activity 11.6: Read the story ‘Bellerophon of Greece’ and then match the
words/phrases with their meanings.
Answer key to 11.6
Words Meanings
Companion A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time
Dawn to dusk From sunrise to sunset
Fleet of boats A group of boats under a single command
Task Work to be done
Witness A person who sees something that happened
Fire- breathing Releases flame from the mouth
Regret Feel sad when one fails to do something
Serpent A large snake
Splashing The noise made by hitting the water
Strike Attack

Teachers’ Guide: English

Activity 11.7: Read the story again and do the following activities.
A. Work in a group of 5/6.
First, find out the following characters in the story. Then, discuss and write
2/3 sentences to describe them. Later, identify the types of sentences you use
to describe the characters. Finally, share it with other groups.

Answer key to 11.7 (A)

Name of the Name of sentences and
characters why
Bellerophon What a brave guy Exclamatory as the
Bellerophon is! He is very sentence ends with an
kind. He tries to do what is exclamatory mark (!)
Philo He is the best friend of Assertive as the structure of
Bellerophon. He spends the sentence is-
most of his time with Subject + verb + ……+ full
Bellerophon. He is huge. stop.

Prince He did not have a good Assertive but Negative as

Proitos reputation. He died because the structure is Subject +
of his own mistake. He isn’t verb + not +…….. + full
a likeable man. stop.

King Lobates Long live the king. He is Optative as the sentence

wise. He is patient in his starts with ‘long’

Pegasus He is a winged horse. Who Interrogative as the

will not want to have him? sentence structure is-
Question word + verb +
…………. + ?

Let’s Explore the Sentences

B. Now, find out any five questions from the story. List them in the given
table. Then, write the name of the sentence and why it is a question. One is
done for you.

Answer key to 11.7 (B)

Name of the
    Question Why it is a question
1)Why are you     Interrogative Because-
stopping here?  » The sentence starts with a
wh question word (why)
» The auxiliary verb (are)
sits before the subject
»  The sentence ends     
with a question mark(?)
2) How did he get Interrogative » Starts with a WH question
across then? (how)
» Auxiliary verb (did) sits
before the subject (he)
» The sentence ends with a
question mark(?)
3) Do you have any Interrogative » Starts with yes/no question
witnesses to prove » Verb (do) sits before the
your case? subject (you)
» The sentence ends with a
question mark(?)
4) What do you say, Interrogative » Starts with a WH question
shepherd? (what)
» Auxiliary verb (do)
sits before the subject
» The sentence ends with a
question mark(?)
5) How will we find Interrogative » Starts with a WH question
the Chimera? (how)
» Auxiliary verb (will)
sits before the subject
» The sentence ends with a
question mark(?)
Teachers’ Guide: English

C. Finally, find out 2 sentences of each type (orders/ requests, prayers,

and sentences of strong feelings) from the story. List them in the given
table and write their names. Also, tell why it is an imperative/optative
or exclamatory sentence. One is done for you.
Answer key to 11.7 (C)
Why it is an
Type of The sentence Name of the imperative/optative
sentence from the story sentence and exclamatory
1. Order, 1. “Go after Imperative » Because it’s an
request etc. him.” order.
» It starts with a
verb and ends
2. Come with me. with a full stop
2. Prayers 1. Wish you good Optative » Because it is a
luck prayer
2. May you live » It starts with
long my son wish/may

3. Strong 1. How dare you! Exclamatory » Because it is

feelings expressing
2. Disrespectful extreme
shepherd! I will
have your head. » Ends with an
mark (!)

Finally, SS will demonstrate the use of different types of sentences

according to the situation.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 11.8 in groups/pairs. (ii) Give sufficient
time to think and discuss. (iii) Tell SS to make a list of sentences they are planning
to use. (iv) Monitor and assist if required to use all five types of sentences. (v)
Give feedback and explain the answers. (vi) Complete the task in 1 hour.

Let’s Explore the Sentences
Answer key to activity 11.8

A Visit to the Sundarbans

I am Safir. I’m a student in class seven. I’m passionate to visit new places and
talk to new people. I live with my parents and my younger sister, Bushra in
Khulna. My sister and I watched a travel show about the Sundarbans on TV six
months ago. Both of us were eager to visit the Sundarbans and shared our desire
with our parents. They agreed to take us on a trip to the Sundarbans during the
upcoming winter vacation.
It was December last year. Our final exams had just been over. We started our
journey from Khulna River port at 9 pm on a ship. After some time, the sun rose
from the east of the deep sea. This moment was simply incredible. Bushra and
I were fascinated by the beauty around us. When we landed at Kotka sea beach,
we saw some _deer eating leaves. ___________________________________
A few travellers joined us. We were roaming around and met a forest officer. I
got the chance to know about the trees, honey and animals of the Sundarbans,
especially the Royal Bengal tiger. So, I asked him_ “______________________
_________________________________________. It was a great experience to
talk to the forest officer. He offered us tea. He requests us saying, __________
____________________________________________ . He also gave us some
instructions for our safety like Don’t _________________________________
_____________________________________________ . Our next destination
was Dublar Chor. When the ship was moving along the river, suddenly I saw a
glimpse of a Royal Bengal Tiger drinking water from the river. My sister was
initially frightened at the sight of the animal. But she overcame her fear and
started taking pictures of the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger. Soon the ship reached
Dublar Chor. This island is located in the Bay of Bengal. It is surrounded by a
deep blue sea. Once again, we were astonished by the beauty of the island. Out
of surprise my sister shouted ________________________________________
____________________________ .My parents also became so charmed with
the beauty of the island. They said happily ______________________________
___________________________. Our time was limited so it was time to return
home. I was sad to leave so soon. We told goodbye to each other saying _____
____________________________. But I will cherish the memories of the visit
all my life.

Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 2: Ability to recognize and transform different sentence

Therefore, in this unit

SS will go through the experience of identifying different sentence structures
and will transform sentences from one form to another in relation to the

Subha’s Promise
Experience (6 hours):
Firstly, SS will observe and narrate what is happening inside and outside the
Secondly, SS will reflect to discuss the forms of verbs.
Then, SS will engage in reading a story/text to identify and comprehend
appropriate forms of verbs focusing on the use of simple, continuous, and perfect
Finally, SS will demonstrate the appropriate use of different forms of verbs in

In doing so -
Firstly, SS will observe and narrate what is happening inside and outside
the classroom.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 12.1 in pairs. (ii) Give the relevant
examples of the simple present, past and future tenses to help SS identify these
tenses (iii) Elicit answers from the whole class. (iv) Engage SS in activity 12.2
in groups/pairs. (v) Give sufficient time to think. (vi) Monitor and engage all the
SS. (vii) Give scope for sharing the answers and rectify mistakes (viii) Complete
the tasks in 45 minutes.
Subha’s Promise
Secondly, SS will reflect to discuss the forms of verbs.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 12.3 in groups/pairs. (ii) Help SS
understand the content of the box with further explanations. (iii) Give sufficient
time for the discussion and monitor the discussions closely (iv) Now, engage SS
in activity 12.4 in groups/pairs. (v) Give enough time to think. (vi) Monitor and
elicit answers from the whole class. (vii) Complete the task in 1 hour.

Activity 12.3: Read the note on Present Continuous Tense in the box and
discuss in pairs/groups.
Present Continuous or Present Progressive tense talks about–
» an action taking place at the moment of speaking. For example - Now,
you are reading a note on Present Continuous Tense.
» an action that may not be exactly happening when speaking. For
example - My friend, Rima is taking swimming lessons. (Actually,
Rima is not taking swimming lessons when she is talking about it.)
» an arranged or planned action. For example- Next week we are going
to visit a new place.
    The structure of the present continuous tense verb: 
     am/is/are +main verb+ing, Example sentence- It is raining now.
     The negative verb form of the present continuous tense:
      am/is/are +not+main verb+ing, Example sentence - The sun is not
shining now.
     The interrogative verb form of the present continuous tense: 
     am/is/are+ subject + main verb + ing, Example sentence - Is it raining
 The verbs which are not normally used in the continuous form-
  see, hear, smell, notice, feel, like, hate, think, believe, agree, remember,
know, look, love etc.
For example, when you smell something, you don’t say - I’m smelling a
sweet fragrance. You say- I smell a sweet fragrance.

Teachers’ Guide: English
Answers key to activity 12.4
» (1+f) The girl is reading a storybook under a tree.
» (2+c) Two elderly men are doing physical exercise.
» (3+a) Some boys and girls are swimming in the lake.
» (4+j) A young boy is selling peanuts.
» (5+b) A girl of 10 or 12 is trying to sell different colours of balloons.
» (6+h) A boy is playing the guitar.
» (7+e) A little boy and girl are running after their pet dog.
» (8+i) A boy is taking pictures of his family.
» (9+d) A little girl is rowing a boat with her father.
» (10+g) A gardener is trimming the small trees.
Then, SS will engage in reading a story/text to identify and comprehend
appropriate forms of verbs focusing on the use of simple, continuous, and
perfect tense.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 12.5 in groups/pairs. (ii) Further explain
the Note with examples. (iii) Give sufficient time to reflect and further explain
why the forms are different. (iv) Then engage SS in activity 12.6 in pairs and elicit
answers from the whole class. (v) Now engage SS in activities 12.7 and 12.8,
and elicit answers from the whole class (vi) For 12.8, instruct SS to produce an
answer sheet. Provide feedback (vii) Engage SS in activity 12.9 and explain the
Note with examples. (viii) Then engage SS in activity 12.10 and elicit answers
from the whole class and finally compare the three Notes and highlight the
differences. (ix) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.

Activity 12.5: Now, read the note on Past Continuous Tense in the box and
do the activity it follows.
Past Continuous or Past Progressive tense talks about 
» an action that was going on(happening) at some time in the past. For
example-Last Monday when I was leaving the birthday party, my friends
said goodbye.
»  a past habit. For example- My father’s school was close to his home. So, he
was always walking to school.
The structure of the past continuous tense verb:
 was/were + main verb+ing. Example sentence - It was raining yesterday.
The negative verb form of the past continuous tense: 
was/were +not+main verb+ing, Example sentence- The sun was not shining then.
The interrogative verb form of the past continuous tense: 
was/were+ subject + main verb + ing, Example sentence - Was it raining then? 
Subha’s Promise

Activity 12.6: Now, look at the following time in the table. Write what you
are doing today at this particular time and what you did yesterday at that
time. Then in pairs/groups compare the verb forms of the sentences. One is
done for you.

        7.00 AM, 8.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 9.00 AM, 9.30 AM, 10 AM, 12.30
PM, 1.00 PM,

            Time                                   Activity
      Today     Yesterday
1. Today at 10 AM I am Yesterday at 10 AM
taking a bath. I was talking to my

2. Today at 7 AM I am Yesterday at 7 AM I
eating my breakfast. was sleeping.

3. Today at 8 AM I am Yesterday at 8 Am
brushing my teeth. I was eating my

4. Today at 12.30 PM I Yesterday at 12.30 PM I

am getting ready for my was watching TV.

5. Today at 1 PM I Yesterday at 1 PM I
am reading in my was taking a nap.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Activity 12.7: Read the sentences given below. Then use the given verbs in
the brackets to express the actions you are doing now and you were doing at
a certain time in the past. One is done for you.
1. Today I am having breakfast with my little sister but yesterday I was
having my breakfast with my grandparents. (have)
2. Today I am making my bed but yesterday my father was making my
bed. (make)
3. Now my sister is helping my mother but last Friday I was helping my
mother. (help)
4. Today I am going to school at 10 am but yesterday I was going to
school at 9 am. (go)
5. Now team ‘Sunflower’ is cleaning the classroom but yesterday team
‘Padma’ was cleaning the classroom. (clean)
6. This week I am supporting the teacher but last week, my friend was
supporting the teacher. (support)
7. This evening I am playing with my cousins but yesterday, I was
playing with my friends. (play)
8. Today at 7 pm I am doing math but last night at 7 pm I was doing the
assignment. (do)
9. Now I am watching cartoons but last evening I was watching a
cooking show. (watch)
10. Today at 10 pm I am going to bed but last night at 10 pm I was going
to my uncle’s house. (go)

Activity 12.8: In pairs/groups ask and answer the following questions.

a) I have come to school at 10 AM.
b) Mr Jahid has taken the last English class.
c) I have learnt about story writing from that class.
d) I have faced a problem understanding some words.
e) Yes, he has helped me to solve the problem.
f) Present perfect, I think.

Subha’s Promise
Activity 12.9: Now, read the following note on Present Perfect and Past
Perfect Tense in the box. And, in pairs/groups identify the differences in the
forms of verbs.

Present Perfect Tense talks about:
» an action or situation which began in the past and is continuing to
the present. Example sentence: I have lived in this small town all
my life. It means that I started living in this small town many years
ago and still I am living here.
» an action which happened before now but the time of that action is
not stated or specific. Example sentence: I have visited the capital
city Dhaka recently. Here, the time of the visit is not mentioned.
» an action that was completed in the very recent past. ‘Just’ is
used to express this kind of action. Example sentence: I have just
finished my homework.
Remember that the present perfect has always a connection with now. The
action in the past has a result now. For example- I have lost my new pen.
It means that I don’t know where it is now. ‘Just’, ‘already’ and ‘yet’ are
the 3 words we very often use with present perfect tense. 
‘Just’ means a short time ago.
 ‘Already’ means before the present time or earlier than the expected time
  ‘Yet’ means until now.
The structure of the present perfect tense verb:
 have/has+ past participle of the main verb. Example sentence - I have
already visited Cox’s Bazar.
The negative verb form of the present perfect tense: 
have/has +not+past participle of the main verb. Example sentence- I
have not yet visited the Sundarbans.
The interrogative verb form of the present perfect tense: 
have/has + subject +past participle of the main verb, Example sentence -
Have you read any new book recently? 

Teachers’ Guide: English
Activity 12.10: Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks with the
appropriate form of verbs (present perfect/past perfect) in the bracket.
1. Today is my birthday. I have planned a lot to make it special.
2. I had completed my work when my parents arrived.
3. When we were in school, we had not performed this song live.
4. My friend, Raimy has already watched the movie.
5. Have you participated in the school cultural program?
6. Have you ever been to India?
7. My brother had solved five math problems before I completed two.
8. I have drunk four glasses of water today.
9. Had he met my brother when you reached?
10. We felt sad that the movie has already started before we got there.

Finally, SS will demonstrate the appropriate use of different forms of verbs

in sentences.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 12.11 in pairs. (ii) Give sufficient time
to discuss and give clues if required. (iii) After SS produce the answers conduct
peer checking. (iv) Engage SS in activity 12.12 and explain when to use what
tense. (v) In explanation use relevant examples, such as, “today I am in the class
but we say yesterday I was in the class”. (vi) Then engage SS in activity 12.13
in groups. (vii) First tell SS to make a list of things they want to write for each
topic, and monitor the list-making. (viii) Assist SS to choose the proper tense to
write each topic and when the writing is done give feedback. (ix) Give time to
rewrite and share the texts in the class. (x) Finish the tasks in 2 and a half hours.

Activity 12.11: Read the conversation below. And in pairs/groups discuss

the answers to the following questions.
a) 4. Present Continuous, Past simple, Present perfect, Simple Future.
b) Past simple.
c) No. I am studying.
d) Past simple.
e) Because she will help her mother in the future.
f) Call. Present simple.

Subha’s Promise

Activity 12.12: Read the text below and identify the tense of the underlined
sentences. Then, discuss why the tense forms are used.

Why the tense

Sentence Tense
form is used
1. This year we will celebrate Simple Future To indicate future
Independence Day at school.
2. Our class has planned to act Present Perfect To indicate the
out a drama on Liberation recent past

3. It was a Friday morning Past simple To indicate past

4. Almost all the people were Past To indicate

carrying red and green continuous ongoing past
5. I got amazed to see the sea Past simple To indicate past
of people in the memorial
6. Some people were showing Past To indicate
their respect continuous ongoing past
7. I couldn’t resist myself Past simple To indicate past

8. I took a vow Past simple To indicate past

9. I haven’t forgotten my Present perfect To indicate the
promise recent past
10. I am working on that. Present To indicate
continuous ongoing present

Teachers’ Guide: English
The focus of this unit is on
Competency 4: Ability to connect emotionally with a literary text and express
personal feelings about it.

Therefore, in this unit

SS will be exposed to different literary texts, share their preferences, and
articulate their personal feelings based on the emotional connections that
have developed with the characters, plot and settings.

13 Be the Best of Whatever You Are

Experience (6 hours):
Firstly, SS will talk about what they want to be in life and why it is so.
Then SS will read a poem.
After that SS will discuss among themselves the main focus of the poem namely
being the best at what they want to be.
Finally, SS will produce a piece of writing about how they will be the best in
what they want to be.

In doing so -
Firstly, SS will talk about what they want to be in life and why it is so.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 13.1 in pairs. (ii) Let SS act out the
dialogue, monitor and help if required. (iii) And then engage SS in activity 13.2
in pairs. (iv) Elicit answers from the whole class. (v) Engage SS in activity 13.3
and make sure all the students get a chance to participate in the game. (viii)
Complete the tasks in 2 hours.
Activity 13.2: Now circle the correct answer from the alternatives.
Correct answers:
1. ii) three
2. i) Anita
3. ii) swimmer
4. iii) Changing thoughts
5. iii) animals
Be the Best of Whatever You Are
Then, SS will read a poem.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 13.3 in groups/pairs. (ii) Give enough time
to read the poem, explain any word if needed and let SS match the pictures and
elicit answers from the whole class. (iii) Engage SS in activity 13.4 in pairs. (iv)
Recite the poem properly first, and then let SS recite the poem and give feedback
if needed. (v) Engage SS in activity 13.5 in pairs. (vi) Ask the questions and let
SS answer orally. (vii) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.
Answer key to activity 13.3:
A. i) pine ii) scrub
B. i) bush ii) Grass iii) tree
C. i) Muskie ii) Bass
D. i) Crew ii) Captain
E. i) Trail ii) Highway
Activity 13.5: In pairs, recite the poem maintaining proper stress and
intonation. Then recite it for the whole class.
Question: If you can’t be a pine, what will you be?
Answer: I will be a scrub because I want to be the best little scrub.
Question: If you can’t be a muskie, what will you be?
Answer: I will be a bass because I want to be the liveliest bass.
Question: If you can’t be a bush, what will you be?
Answer: I will be a bit of grass because I want to make some highways happiest.
Question: If you can’t be a captain, what will you be?
Answer: I will be crew because there are works for all of us to do.
Question: If you can’t be on a highway, what will you be?
Answer: I will be a trail.

Teachers’ Guide: English
After that SS will discuss among themselves the main focus of the poem
namely being the best at what they want to be.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 13.6 in pairs. (ii) Give clues to help identify
the pictures. (iii) Help SS to write why they are famous and share the answers
with the class. (iv) Now engage SS in activity 13.7 in groups. (v) Give enough
time to think. (vi) Monitor and assist if needed. (vii) Sharing the answers in the
class. (viii) Complete the tasks in 1 hour.

Answer key to activity 13.6:

Picture 1: He is Birshreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf. He is famous because he is
one of the best freedom fighters in our liberation war.
Picture 2: She is Begum Sufia Kamal. She is one of the best female poets in
Picture 3: He is Selim Al Deen. He is a renowned playwright in our country.
Picture 4: He is Jibanananda Das. He is one of the best poets of Bangla literature.

Answer key to activity 13.7:

      My Daily Activities The way I can be the best of me
1. Study » I will be more attentive to my class.
» I will take notes in class.
2. Do group work » I will study in a group
» I will take part in group activities
3. Sing/ listen to a » I will memorise the lyrics of the songs
4. Draw pictures » I will draw pictures of different things
» I will attend workshops on how to be a
better painter
5. Do homework » I will do my homework properly
» I will try to do my homework on my
6. Recite poems » I will recite poems from different poets
» I will listen to poem recitations daily
7. Play games » I will try to learn the rules of the games
I play
» I will practise daily to get better
Be the Best of Whatever You Are
8. Do gardening » I will water my garden every day and
take care of the plants
9. Clean my room » I will keep my room in order
10. Do daily exercise » I will wake early in the morning to do the
11. Write my diary » I will note down my memorable things
12. Help friends » I will help my friends when they need
13. Read storybooks » I will make a list of books I want to read
» Try to read as many books as possible
14. Listen to my » I will follow my teachers’ pieces of
teachers advice
15. Say my prayers » I will pray on time
16. Help my mother » I will help my mother with cooking and
Finally, SS will produce a piece of writing about how they will be the best
in what they want to be.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 13.8 in groups/pairs. (ii) Encourage SS
to make their preferred changes in format. (iii) Monitor and provide detailed
feedback after assessing the text and focus on how can SS be better. (iv) allow
making changes according to feedback (v) Complete the tasks in 1 hour.

Answer key to activity 13.8:

Best of Me
Hello friends!
I’m Rafid. When I grow up, I would like to be a cricketer like Sakib Al Hasan.
He is very talented and hard-working. When he plays, it’s like poetry in motion.
He is very patriotic too. He always tries to do what is best for Bangladesh cricket.
He tells young players that we all have what it takes to be a great cricketers. We
have to just work hard. That’s how we can be the best of ourselves.
To be a good cricketer I will do the following things:
» I will practice seriously.
» I will work hard.
» I will take healthy food.
Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of this unit is on

Competency: Ability to recognize and transform different sentence

Therefore, in this unit

SS will go through the experience of identifying different sentence structures
and will transform sentences from one form to another in relation to the

14 Our Language Movement

Experience (6.5 hours):
Firstly, SS will respond to some given writing instance of the passive form of
Secondly, SS will reflect to discuss the intended purposes of the active and
passive forms of sentences.
Thirdly, SS will identify the grammatical features of passive forms in sentences
and comprehend the purposes of active and passive forms.
Finally, SS will produce texts following some given instances.

In doing so –
Firstly, SS will respond to some given writing instance of the passive form
of sentences.
Instructions: (i) Before starting the activities, the teacher can write two sentences
in Bangla on the board, e.g.- (a) এখানে ইংরেজি ক্লাস হচ্ছে।; (b) আমরা ইংরেজি ক্লাস করছি।
Now ask SS to identify which one focuses on the action and which one focuses
on the doer. Ask SS to explain why they think so. Then, share your answer with
them that (a) focuses on the action and (b) focuses on the subject. (ii) Now,
engage SS to read the text aloud referring to activity 14.1. (iii) Ask SS to mark
unknown words and elicit the meaning of the words from the Ss. Help if needed.

Our Language Movement
(iv) Referring to activity 14.1 at the beginning of the class, ask SS to identify
the focuses of the underlined sentences in the text whether on the action or the
subject (doer). Ask SS to list the sentences according to the table given with the
text in pairs. Also, write down the reason to list a sentence in a particular column.
(v) Elicit the answers for the underlined sentence one by one from the whole
class. Then, the teacher matches each answer with his answer. (vi) Complete the
task in I hour.

Answer key to activity 14.1:

The focus of the sentence is on The focus of the sentence is on the
the doer of subject action

She wrote her memory of that day The school building was painted white
in her diary. and pink.
Reason: Here the focus is on who Reason: Here the focus is on the
wrote the memory. painting not who did the painting.

Many posters were hung on different

Our headteacher welcomed us at
the entrance
Reason: Here the focus is on the
Reason: Here the focus is on who
posters that are hung, not who hung
welcomes us.

We were asked to wear musk and

I met my friends. wash our hands frequently.
Reason: Here the focus is on who Reason: Here the focus is on wearing
met my friends. musk and washing hands, not who
asked to do that.

I spent a really good time with my

special tiffin was served
teachers and friends.
Reason: Here the focus is on what
Reason: Here the focus is on who
was served, not who served.
spent a good time.

Teachers’ Guide: English
Secondly, SS will reflect to discuss the intended purposes of the active and
passive forms of sentences.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS to read the Note referring to activity 14.2. (ii) Now
ask SS to identify active and passive sentences’ focus/emphasis and structures.
Explain with appropriate examples picked from the text. The teacher can follow
the steps given below -

a) Ts will write an active sentence on the board, e.g.- ‘Shaoli wrote her
memory’ and engage SS to answer the following questions. After each
answer, Ts can share theirs and compare it with SS’ answer. Thus, explain
the focus/emphasis and structure of active sentences.
1. What is the focus/emphasis of an active sentence? (The answer is
Shaoli, who wrote the memory. Ts can explain that active sentences
focus/emphasise the subject/doer; the person or thing who does the
2. What is the structure of an active sentence? (Sub: Shaoli+ Verb: wrote
+ Obj: her memory; Ts can explain the structure using some other

b) Ts will write a passive sentence on the board, e.g. - ‘Her memory was
written by Shaoli’ and engage Ss to answer the following questions. After
each answer, Ts can share theirs and compare it with Ss’ answers. Thus,
explain the focus/emphasis and structure of passive sentences.
1. What is the focus/emphasis of a passive sentence? (The answer is: her
memory was written, not who wrote it. Ts can explain that, the focus/
emphasis of a passive sentence is on the result of an action rather than
the person or thing doing it.)
2. What is the structure of a passive sentence? (Sub: Her memory +
Verb: was written + Agent: by Shaoli; Ts can explain the structure
using some other sentences.)
(iii) Engage SS in activity 14.3 to identify the active and passive sentences and
write the reasons. Ts will monitor and later will share their answers with SS. (iv)
Conduct peer checking and elicit answers. (iv) Complete the tasks in 1 hour.

Our Language Movement

Answer key to activity 14.1:

Active or
Sentence Why active/passive Voice?
1) I got ready for Active Because the subject (I) is active in
school. the sentence. She did the action - got
ready for school.
2) The school building Passive Because the action is emphasised/
was painted white and focused in the sentence. Something
pink. has happened- the school building
was painted.

3) Many posters were Passive Because the action is emphasised/

hung on different walls. focused in the sentence. Something
has happened - posters were hung.
4) We were asked to Passive Because the action is emphasised/
wear musk and wash focused in the sentence. Something
our hands frequently. has happened - they were asked.
5) Our headteacher Active Because the subject (Our headteacher)
welcomed us at the is active in the sentence. She did the
entrance. action- welcomed us.

6) I met my friends. Active Because the subject (I) is active in the

sentence. She did the action- met her
7) Special tiffin was Passive Because the action is emphasised/
served. focused in the sentence. Something
has happened- tiffin was served.
8) I spent a really good Active Because the subject (I) is active in the
time with my teachers sentence. She did the action- spent a
and friends. really good time.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Thirdly, SS will identify the grammatical features of passive forms in

sentences and comprehend the purposes of active and passive forms.
Instructions: (i) Before starting activities 14.4 and 14.5, ask SS to refer back
to the structure of active and passive voice. Explain writing two sentences on
the board, e.g.- “Shaoli wrote her memory” and “Her memory was written by
Shaoli”. Now, ask SS to tell the difference in the structures of these two sentences
and explain how the form of these types of sentences can be interchanged when
changing an active sentence into a passive sentence or a passive sentence into an
active sentence.
(ii) Now, engage SS to read the Note given in activities 14.4. Ask SS if they don’t
understand anything in the box. Then, write the active and passive sentences of
each tense given in the box on the board, and explain how the forms change
keeping the subject-verb agreement in mind.
(iii) Then, divide the class into 4/8 groups, and name the groups (e.g. group 1,
2, 3, 4 etc.). Ask the even-numbered groups to make a sentence with a singular
verb and a sentence with a plural verb in the active voice for each tense, and ask
the odd-numbered groups to a sentence with a singular verb and a sentence with
a plural verb in passive voice for each tense. Then even-numbered groups will
exchange their transcripts with the odd-numbered group, and change the voice
of the sentences. When done, transcripts will be returned to the previous group
for checking. Monitor and later give feedback to every group.
(iv) Engage SS to read the Note given in activity 14.5. Ask SS if they don’t
understand anything in the box. Ts will emphasise explaining direct objects and
indirect objects with different examples elicited from SS. Ts will also explain
the changing forms of pronouns in changing active into passive and passive into
active using examples from Ss. Write a few active and passive sentences elicited
from SS containing both a direct object and indirect object as well as pronouns,
and ask SS to change the voice. Ts will monitor and answers will be checked in
(v) Engage SS in activity 14.6 and do peer checking. Later, Ts will share her/his
answers with SS. (vi) Complete the tasks in 1 and a half hours.

Our Language Movement
Answer key to activity 14.6:
a (iii)
b (i)
c (ii)
d (iii)
e (ii)
f (iii)
g (ii)
h (iii)
i (ii)
j (ii)

Finally, SS will produce texts following some given instances.

Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 14.7. Ask SS to identify unknown words
and elicit the meanings from SS. Ts will help Ss if needed. (ii) Engage SS to
match the words with meanings in the table given with the text, and do peer
checking. Ts will share their answers with SS later.

Answer key to activity 14.7:

1) d; 2) e; 3) g; 4) a; 5) f; 6) i; 7) c; 8) j; 9) h; 10) b
(iii) Form 4/6/8 groups and name the groups (e.g., 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.) and engage
SS in activity 14.7.1. Then, ask even-numbered groups to exchange their answer-
shits with odd-numbered groups, and evaluate. Ts will monitor, and later, give
feedback to each group.
(iv) Now engage them in activity 14.7.2. Ts will ask Ss to list the text’s underlined
sentences in the table’s right column and change them into the opposite voice
(active-to-passive or passive-to-active). Then, even-numbered groups exchange
their copies with odd-numbered groups and evaluate. Ts will monitor and share
their answers with the SS later.

Teachers’ Guide: English
Answer key to activity 14.7.2:
Active Voice Passive voice
1) People observe 21 February 1) 21 February is observed with pride
with pride in Bangladesh. in Bangladesh.
2) Bangladesh was known as East 2) People knew Bangladesh as East
Pakistan. Pakistan.

3) The Pakistani rulers declared 3) Urdu was declared the only state
Urdu the only state language. language by the Pakistani rulers.
4) Police fired bullets at the 4) Bullets were fired at the peaceful
peaceful group of protesters. group of protesters by the police.
5) This made the whole nation 5) The whole nation was made
outraged. outraged by this.
6) The ruler was compelled to 6) Protesters compelled the ruler to
declare Bangla as one of the state declare Bangla as one of the state
languages of Pakistan. languages of Pakistan.
7) The whole world 7) It was acknowledged by the whole
acknowledged it. world.
8) People sacrificed their lives for 8) Lives were sacrificed for the
their mother language rights. mother language rights.

9) Eventually, the sacrifice of the 9) Eventually, people all over the

language warriors was recognised world recognised the sacrifice of the
all over the world. language warriors.

(v) Engage SS in activity 14.8 in groups/pairs. Ask SS to notice the illustrations.

Elicit what is happening in every situation from the whole class. (vi) Then, form
4/6/8 groups and engage SS in group discussion for every situation. SS will
discuss which is more important to talk about between the doer and the action and
write down the reason. Then, ask each group to choose either active sentences
or passive sentences to describe the situation, and write down why they chose a
particular voice. Use a rubric to assess student engagement and democratic
practice. Finally, SS will produce texts describing the situations. (vii) Monitor
and give feedback to each group. (viii) Complete the tasks in 3 hours.
Write to Make Aware

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 1: Ability to repair communication breakdown relating to the

Therefore, in this unit

SS will be exposed to authentic/simulated instances of varied communication
failure (in form of oral and written) which will enable them to strategize
minimizing and repairing communication breakdown.

Write to Make Aware

Experience (5.5 hours):

Firstly, SS will be exposed to some illustrations of different genres of texts.
Then, they will read a text and reflect to discuss different forms/genres of texts.
After that, they will discuss their experience of some social issues and will
reflect to discuss how they can raise voices against/for these issues in form of
Finally, they will produce texts (i.e., application/letter/report) on their identified

In doing so –
Firstly, SS will be exposed to some illustrations of different genres of texts.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 15.1 in groups/pairs. (ii) Provide SS
sufficient time to think and give clues if required. (iii) Ask them to share with
the class whatever they have written and discuss. (iv) You can also share your
personal life experience of writing a personal letter or application or news article.
(iv) Now engage SS in activity 15.2 in pairs. (v) Monitor and elicit answers from
the whole class. (vii) Complete the tasks in 45 minutes.
Teachers’ Guide: English

Answer key to activity 15.2

Questions Personal letter Application News articles

To whom We write to
Authorities, Newspaper,
do we friends, family, and
Seniors, Magazine
write? relatives.
Colleagues, etc.

We write
We write personal
applications to To make
letters to thank,
Why do we request and/or ask someone
invite, request,
write? for something or aware of any
reply to another
to know/collect issue
letter, etc.

Social issues,
We can write We formally ask
What do we incidents,
anything in a permission for
write? travel
personal letter something

Then, they will read a text in form of a personal letter/news article (containing
some social issues/problems) and reflect to discuss different forms/genres of
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 15.3 in groups/pairs. (ii) Show a real
personal letter, a formal letter and a news article to the class if possible and
discuss. (iii) Ask SS to read the Notes and explain the different features of
informal letters, formal letters, and news articles with examples. (iv) Engage SS
in activity 15.4 in groups/pairs. (v) Ask every group to present their ideas to the
class and provide feedback. (vi) Now engage SS in activity 15.5 in pairs. (vii)
Monitor and conduct peer checking. (viii) Complete the tasks in 1 and a half

Write to Make Aware
Answer key to activity 15.5
Problems/challenges The receivers
i. Supply of clean drinking water in Headteacher
ii. Traffic Jam in front of the school Mayor
iii. Sound pollution UNO (Upazila Nirbahi
iv. A playground Chairman
v. Bullying/ Mocking in the school Headteacher
vi. Need extra English class Headteacher/Teacher

After that, they will discuss their experience of some social issues and will
reflect to discuss how they can raise voices against/for these issues in form
of writing.
Instructions: (i) Engage SS in activity 15.6 in groups. (ii) Give them clues to
find out social problems (such as eve teasing, and child labour)/environmental
problems (such as tree cutting)/and school-related problems (such as unclean
playgrounds and unhygienic toilet facilities). Refer them to units such as Save
Our Home or My Dream School. (iii) Give clues in discussing, who can solve the
problem? and how to address them. (iv) Give them sufficient time to think and
discuss in groups and use a rubric to assess democratic practice. (v)Ask the
groups to write down their thoughts/points. (vi) Upon completing the task, ask
each group to present to the class and give them feedback. (vii) Complete this
task in 45 minutes.

Finally, they will produce texts (i.e., application/letter/report) on their

identified issues/problems.
Instructions: (i) For activity 15.7, encourage SS to find out any real problem
from their surroundings. (ii) Help them to generate ideas, or ask them to use the
findings from activity 15.6 and use a rubric to assess student engagement
and democratic practice. (iii) Draw a sample application/letter/ news article on
the board/ make a poster if needed. (iv) Use a grammar correction checklist to
assess their writing. Provide feedback and encourage them to rewrite if needed.
(v) Complete this task in 2 hours.

Teachers’ Guide: English

The focus of this unit is on

Competency 4: Ability to connect emotionally with a literary text and express
personal feelings about it.

Therefore, in this unit

SS will be exposed to different literary texts, share their preferences, and
articulate their personal feelings based on the emotional connections that
have developed with the characters, plot and settings.


Experience (4 hours):
First, SS will reflect to discuss the literary characteristics of a play.
Then, SS will engage in reading some excerpts from a Shakespearean play.
After that, SS will in engage in identifying the literary characteristics of the
Finally, SS will act out the play.

In doing so -
First, SS will reflect to discuss the literary characteristics of a play.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 16.1 in pairs. (ii) Try to remind SS about
the play King Lear which SS read in class six. Use questions like “Do you
remember a play you read in class six?”/ “Who was the writer of that play?”/
“Do you remember the play written by Shakespeare which you read in class
six?”. Also, ask them “What are interesting things you found in King Lear?” (iii)
Elicit answers from the whole class. (iv) Complete the task in 30 minutes.

As You Like It
Activity 16.1: Now in pairs/groups, ask and answer the following questions.
Then, share your answers with the whole class. (If needed have a look at the
class 6 English book, unit “King Lear”)

Answer key to activity 16.1

a) What type of literary writing is ‘King Lear?
Answer: It is a play/drama.
b) How many characters are there in the scene? Who are they?
Answer: Four. They are King Lear and his three daughters, Regan, Goneril,
and, Cordelia.
c) What do you like about ‘King Lear?
Answer: It has a nice plot.
d) What are the characteristics of a play, you have found in “King Lear”?
Answer: It is divided into acts and scenes, and has a plot, characters (roles),
setting, dialogue, etc.
Then, SS will engage in reading some excerpts from As you like it.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 16.2. Divide SS into groups each containing
three members. Every member will pick one character and act out the dialogue.
Further, explain the dialogue if required (ii) Then, engage SS in activity 16.3 in
pairs and elicit answers from the whole class. (iii) Now engage SS in activities
16.4 and 16.5 in groups/pairs. Explain the dialogue after reading. Check the
answers. (iv) Engage SS in activity 16.6 in pairs and conduct peer checking. (v)
Now engage SS in activities 16.7 and 16.8 in groups/pairs. For 16.8, engage SS
in pairs. (vi) Monitor and elicit answers from the whole class. (vii) Now engage
SS in activity 16.9 in groups. Help them explain the scene. (viii) Finally, engage
SS in activities 16.10 and 16.11 in pairs. Do peer checking and elicit answers
from the whole class (viii) Complete the tasks in 2 hours.
Activity 16.3: Now, discuss in pairs/groups whether the following sentences
are true or false. If false, write the correct information. Later, check your
answers with other pairs/groups.

Answer key
a) False. Correct answer: Oliver is older than Orlando.
b) True.
c) False. Correct answer: Adam is Orlando’s former loyal servant.
d) False. Correct answer: Oliver and Orlando are on bad terms.
e) False. Correct answer: It is an insult to Adam as he is old and faithful to
Oliver’s family.
Teachers’ Guide: English

Activity 16.5: Now, read dialogue 2 again and in pairs/groups match the
words/phrases in column A with their meanings in column B.
Answer key
Column A Column B
Cheer up! Stop feeling sad and be happy

Banish To send someone away, especially from their country, and

not allow them to come back
Rib A curved bone in a person’s chest

Dissuade To tell someone not to do something

Embrace Accept

Give over To stop doing something

Call off To cancel something

Confess To admit that you have done something wrong

Activity 16.6: In pairs/groups, read dialogue 2 again and ask and answer
the following questions. Then, share your answers with the whole class.
Answer key
a. A wrestling match is going to take place shortly which is the setting of
this scene.
b. There are five characters in the scene. They are CELIA, ROSALIND, LE
c. Rosalind is sad because her father was banished.
d. The wrestlers are Orlando and Charles.
e. Orlando won the match.

As You Like It

Activity 16.8: Read dialogue 3 again in pairs/groups and match column A’s
sentence parts with column B’s sentence parts to make them meaningful
sentences. One is done for you.

Answer key

Column A Column B Answers

1) Rosalind never a) the Forest of (1+ d)
did anything Arden
Sentence- Rosalind never did
anything that offend her uncle.

2) Duke Frederick b) are cousins (2+f)

called Rosalind
Duke Frederick called Rosalind
a traitor.

3) Celia can’t live c) to keep her (3+e)

Celia can’t live without

4) Rosalind and d) that offend her (4+a)

Celia decided to go uncle
to Rosalind and Celia decided to
go to the Forest of Arden.

5) Rosalind dressed e) without (5+c)

up as a man Rosalind
Rosalind dressed up as a man to
keep her safe.

6) Ganymede and f) a traitor (6+b)

Ganymede and Aliena are

Teachers’ Guide: English

Activity 16.10: Read dialogue 4 again in pairs/groups. Then match the words
with their meanings in the following table. One is done for you.
Answer key
      Word Meaning
Exile (add an Banish
arrow symbol)
Loyal Faithful
Peril Great danger
Misfortune Bad luck
Indeed Truly/In fact
Groan A deep, long sound showing great pain or
Usurper A person who takes control of something, especially
a position of power, without having the right
Tyrant A ruler who has unlimited power over other people,
and uses it unfairly and cruelly
Dwelling place The place where one lives

Activity 16.11: Now, discuss the questions in pairs/ groups:

Answer key
a. Duke Senior says life is sweeter in the forest as it is free from the peril of
the palace.
b. Jaques is not happy in the forest.
c. The killing of the animals makes Jaques sad.
d. Jaques called human beings usurpers because humans act like tyrants to
frighten the animals and kill them.
e. I can reduce environmental pollution and that can protect animals’ natural

As You Like It
After that, SS will in engage in identifying the literary characteristics of
the play.
Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 16.12 in groups/pairs. (ii) Give sufficient
time to discuss. (iii) Give clues about the different characteristics rather than
the name of the characteristics. (iv) Elicit answers from the whole class and
give feedback. (v) Now engage SS in activity 16.13 in pairs and use a rubric to
assess student engagement. (vi) Tell SS about various techniques to rearrange
a story such as “read all the lines first”. (vii) Do peer checking and share the
correct sequence of the sentences at the last. (viii) Complete the tasks in 1 hour
and 30 minutes.
Activity 16.12: In class six, you learned the characteristics of a play. Now, in
pairs/groups find out the characteristics of a play in “As You Like It”. Then,
write and describe them in the given table. One is done for you.

Answer key
Characteristics Description
1. Plot The play has a plot (beginning, climax and end). As
there are four scenes here, we have only the beginning
of the play. And, the play begins with a conversation
between Orlando and Oliver. 
2. Characters This play has various characters. There are two
brothers - Oliver and Orlando, and two cousins -
Rosalind and Celia, Banished Duke Senior and his
young brother Duke Frederick and Late Sir Rowland
de Boys. We also can see some more characters like
Adam, Monsieur Le Beau and loyal men who are with
exiled Duke like- Lord Amiens and Jaques.
3. Dialogue Dialogues are what the characters say. In this play,
there are many dialogues.
4. Settings Settings refer to where and when a play takes place.
The settings of As you like it are the palace of the
Duke and the forest of Arden.
5. Theme It is what a play is all about. It is the thing that a play
tries to preach.

Teachers’ Guide: English

Activity 16.13: In pairs/groups, discuss the whole story and rearrange the
following sentences to retell the story. Later, share it with the whole class.

Answer Key
(c) Orlando challenges Charles the Wrestler to a match. (b) At the match, Orlando
meets Rosalind and Celia who wish him success. (a) Orlando defeats Charles.
(d) Duke Frederick finds out that Orlando is the son of his enemy. (e)He cannot
trust Rosalind and asks her to leave. (f) Rosalind disguises herself as a man so
they can safely travel. (i) At the same time, Orlando realizes his brother Oliver
wants him dead. (h) Orlando heads off to the Forest of Arden.

Finally, SS will act out the play.

Instruction: (i) Engage SS in activity 16.14. (ii) Tell them how to do a play.
Show them a play, if possible. (iii) Organise after-class/school schedules so that
they can rehearse the scenes of the play. (iv) Students will act out the play in the
school’s annual function.
Activity 16.14: Finally, it is time to act out the play!


1. Grammar correction checklist
1. Spelling
2. Articles
3. Number
4. Gender
5. Person
6. Parts of speech
7. Punctuations and capitalization
8. Sentence construction
» Subject-verb agreement
» Tense
9. Organization of the text
» Topic sentence
» Body of the text
» Concluding sentence

11. 1Literary features of text

» Character
» Plot
» Setting

1 For literary texts (such as poetry, short story, play) Ts must discus those
literary features.

Teachers’ Guide: English

2. Reading assessment observation checklist

Aspect Score Criteria
3 Students can identify the intrinsic
elements of the story completely and
Identifying the
2 Students can only identify two or one
intrinsic element
intrinsic element of the story correctly.
of the story
1 Students cannot identify the intrinsic
elements of the story correctly.

3 Students can analyze the message bsed

on the contents of the story.
Analyzing the 2 Students can analyze the message, but
message of the not based on the contents of the story.
1 Students cannot analyze the message
based on the contents of the story.

3 Students can respond to the contents of

the story logically in accordance with
the contents of the story.

Responding to 2 Students can respond to the contents of

the story the story logically, but not in accordance
with the contents of the story.

1 Students cannot respond to the contents


3. Rubrics
Area Scale
1. SS can communicate 1. Fully
with friends in 2. Moderately
informal settings 3. Partially
2. SS can communicate 4. Minimally
with friends in
Oral communication formal settings
ability 3. SS can communicate
with an unknown
person in informal
4. SS can communicate
with an unknown
person in formal

The descriptor of oral communication ability

Fully: SS will maintain/demonstrate/ address all the verbal/non-verbal
features such as contextually appropriate words, expressions, and types
of participants in communication.
Moderately: SS will maintain/demonstrate/ address most of the verbal/
non-verbal features such as contextually appropriate words, expressions,
and types of participants in communication.
Partially: SS will maintain/demonstrate/address some of the verbal/
non-verbal features such as contextually appropriate words, expressions,
and types of participants in communication.
Minimally: SS will maintain demonstrate/address a few of the verbal/
non-verbal features such as contextually appropriate words, expressions,
and types of participants in communication.
Teachers’ Guide: English

1. SS demonstrates 1. Fully
their ability to 2. Moderately
listen to others 3. Partially
Democratic 2. SS demonstrates 4 Minimally
practice their ability to
respect other’s
3. SS demonstrates
their ability to
argue logically

The descriptor of democratic practice

Fully: SS will maintain/demonstrate/ address all the democratic norms

such as being polite, inviting, and constructive in communication.

Moderately: SS will maintain/demonstrate/ address most of the

democratic norms such as being polite, inviting, and constructive in

Partially: SS will maintain/demonstrate/ address some of the democratic

norms such as being polite, inviting, and constructive in communication.

Minimally: SS will maintain/demonstrate/ address a few of the

democratic norms such as being polite, inviting, and constructive in

1. SS participate 1. All the SS
willingly in the 2. Most of the SS
discussion 3. Some of the SS
4. A few of the SS
2. SS demonstrates 1. Fully
their ability 2.Moderately
to encourage 3. Partially
others in the 4. Minimally
Student engagement
3. 2SS with 5. Fully
challenges 6. Moderately
in verbal 7. Partially
communication 8. Minimally
contribute to 9. Not applicable
the discussion
The descriptor of student engagement
SS with verbal communication challenges: students with hearing and
speech impairment, students with cerebral palsy, students with autism, and
other associated conditions.
SS demonstrates their ability to encourage others in discussion
Fully: SS will demonstrate all the key features such as inviting others
to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if not clearly
articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by others.
Moderately: SS will demonstrate most of the key features such as inviting
others to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if not clearly
articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by others.
Partially: SS will demonstrate some of the key features such as inviting
others to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if not clearly
articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by others.
Minimally: SS will demonstrate a few of the key features such as inviting
others to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if not clearly
articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by others.
Teachers’ Guide: English

SS with challenges in verbal communication contribute to discussion

Fully: for encouraging SS with communication challenges SS will create

scope fully in communication by allowing them to express non-verbally
(e.g., by writing or by drawing, or by gesture) and other features such as
inviting them to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if
not clearly articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by them.

Moderately: SS will demonstrate most of the key features such as

inviting others to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if
not clearly articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by others.

Partially: SS will demonstrate some of the key features such as inviting

others to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if not
clearly articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by others.

Minimally: SS will demonstrate a few of the key features such as inviting

others to participate in the discussion, complementing the ideas if not
clearly articulated, and appreciating the ideas produced by others.


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