Basic Death Investigation Syllabus
Basic Death Investigation Syllabus
Basic Death Investigation Syllabus
This is an ideal class for someone who is thinking of entering the field of Death
Investigation or even for existing members of law enforcement. It will teach you the basic
procedures that occur at a death scene.
WARNING: Some material presented in the Basic Death Investigation class is of a graphic
nature and may be offensive to some students. Viewer discretion is advised. Students must be
18-years of age or older!
Lesson 1: Glossary
Lesson 2: Death Investigation Outline
Lesson 3: Death Scene Checklist, Field Kit Checklist, and Follow up Investigations
Lesson 4: Suggested Procedures on Handling Bodies at Scenes and at Morgues
Lesson 5: The Victim Profile
Lesson 6: Determining the Approximate Time of Death
Lesson 7: Bite Mark Evidence in Crimes against Persons
Lesson 8: The Autopsy Report and Forensic Autopsy
Lesson 9: Deaths from Asphyxia
Lesson 10: Auto Erotic Death
Lesson 11: Drownings
Lesson 12: Bodies Recovered from Fires
Lesson 13: Cuttings and Stabbings
Lesson 14: Suspected Poisoning Cases
Lesson 15: Gunshot Residue Procedures and Firearm
Grading Policy
A = 100 - 90
B = 89 - 80
C = 79 - 70
D = 69 - 60
F = 59 – Below
Students have the opportunity to purchase CEU and Course certificates upon
successful completion of the course.
• A score of 90% and above entitles the student to purchase a Certificate of Academic
• A score of 80-89% entitles the student to purchase a Certificate of Merit
• A score of 75% entitles the student to purchase a Certificate of Appreciation
Certificates cost $25 and can be purchased after completion of the course.
This class is for informational or refresher purposes, not certification. It cannot be substituted for
any state, government, licensing, or educational requirements.