‘The Elephant-Free Home: Where the
‘Most Important Leadership Work Occurs
‘our community and to include atleast one postive state
‘ment about one ofthe otter committee members. We
shared everyone's cesponsas and concluded that we all
value the same things. This restored trust. The commit-
tees agreed to merge budgets and have a common set
af objectives
‘My vision tor @ Wellness Cutture is that it goes be-
yond our ofc, that transcends the walls round us,”
said Marcos de Oliveira, while president of Ford of Mex-
ico (he's now president of Ford Braz). This Wellness.
Culture work afects me personaly and my family. Ihas
the power to make Ford of Mexico an even better organ:
‘zation and also to make Mexico abetter country”
Elephants have no boundaries. They are not con-
fined to ofces. Likewise, woliness leadership has no
LOCKThe most important strategy an organization
car: develop isthe strategy that determines
how people lead others and themselves.
Leadership Lock
What If What We Have Learned
‘About Leadership Is Wrong?
People around the world are searching for the breakthrough
innovation or secret strategy that will propel their organiza-
tions to the top. But what ifthe innovation that is needed most
iim the leadership they display?
‘The most important strategy an organization
‘can develop is the strategy that determines how
people lead others and themselves.
‘There is ample evidence that a more effective way to lead
is needed—bankruptcy, employee rumover, poor quality and
loss of macket share are just a few symptoms. Consider the
possibility chat the most dramatic way everyone can move
their organizations, their communities and their families for
ward is to measurably improve how they lead.
‘What if some of us are approaching our work backwards?
What if our attempts to set guidelines are actually confusing,
people, our efforts to motivate people are leaving them disen-
chanted and disengaged, and our endeavors to bring about
change are solidifying resistance? What if the reason our teams,
‘organizations and familie are not moving forward is not be-
‘cause of them—bus because of us? This is Leadership Lock:
the gap between what is being achieved and what is possible
Perhaps there is a gap between what we know and what
we do, between the principles we value and the way we act.
This gap may mark the difference berween a dysfunctional
team and an unbeatable team, between a family that lives with
Fhure and a family that lives its dreams.
‘The key to unlocking leadership is to
Innovate the leadership strategies we use.
ACase Study:
Michael's Leadership Lock
“Ir never ends,” Michael sighed, as he slumped into
the leather chair in the lobby. He watched the last of the
‘employees pass through the revolving door and leaned
toward his friend, “Thre, I tain, and I wait. Then I mo-
‘vate, until reach the poine where I have to make de-
‘mands, Then I wait again. Then [fire. Then I hire again.
‘And always the same result.” He shook his head. *Ie’s
getting bad, Chad. I've used every ace in my hand trying
to get this thing to work. We've got to get our act to-
gether soon.”
“What are you going to do?” Chad asked.
“I need to find someone who can take over the day-
to-day stuff. get so bogged down in the details that
never get around to whats really important.”
“What do you”
Leadership Lock 47.
Michael cut his friend off. “1 wane to plan and estab-
lish stronger cliene relationships. T want to be innovative
and creative. I want to lead my team to suevess.” He
shook his head. “What they say is true. The work ethic
in our country is dead. You can’t motivate these people.
"They don’t wane ro be empowered. They sit around and
whine and resist the smallest change. They don’t care
about objectives. That’ it. They just don’t care.”
Chad jumped in. “I just read a great book on moti:
vation and setting objectives called—"
“Whatever.” Michael threw his hands up in surren-
der. “Look, I've read every book that exists on leader-
ship. And I've been to management training.” He stood
up and glared at his friend.
“Please. Do me a favor. Don’t recommend another
book. Give me what Iced to get results.”
Unlocking and Delivering What Can Be
‘Over the pase decades, society has made remarkable advances
that affet how welive and operate. Innovations are geting us
‘out to Mars and deep into the cells ofthe human bods. Man-
ufacturng is hecoming more efficient. Vast amounts of infor
mation are stored on chips the size of a pinhead. The
international business community is expanding every day.
Jn contrast, progress has been remarkably flat when it
comes to improvements in how people function together and
hhow people pecform—how leadership is executed. Innova-
tions around us are realizing only fractions of their potential
asthey are trampled by the elephant inthe office. The demand
to find the key o Leadership Lock is great
“Icis becoming increasingly clea tha the demands being
placed on today’s businesses requir a new medics response,”
4 plant manager with 2,500 employees told us. “The patient
has become immune o the old medication.”50° GerTiNe nvTo THE ELEPHANT REMOVAL BUSINESS
“Invariably, each time | get upstream to
the cause variables, | find no one but myself.
It's how | am responding to a person or what
Tam doing with a project that's causing
the results I'm getting.”
ii What advantages dou gi yousel, | Where Is Your
te ‘uty 900 h
Xo neuen Leadership Lock?
steps but also innovative actions to
break Leadership Lock? |
Unlock the Lock and Release Results
Allof us encounter challenges or hurdles that impede our abil-
ity to obtain the results we envision, Many fel challenged by
the need to bring about effective, efficient change. Others
‘would like to create full engagement and motivation in those
around them. Other leaders wonder what it takes to run pro-
ductive meetings. Some want to elicit greater alignment and
accountability from those around them. Some desperately
‘want to get more things done. Others seek a better work-life
balance. Some of us are simply searching for ways to accom:
plish things faster and becter.
Most leaders have a central issue on their to-do list, an
area that, once unlocked, will release the results they know
are possible.
‘There is a time and a place to philosophize and theorize
about leadership, but this isnot it. Ths is the time to ran the
clephant out of the office. We encourage you to pur the tools
st52. Germnyc into Tae Eunmsant REMOVAL BUSINESS
that are introduced in this book into immediate action as you
read about them, Begin by choosing an area of Leadership
Lock you have encountered. Then, as you move through the
leadership technology in the following pages, simply plug it
into your area of Leadership Lock.
Tn working with leaders around the world, we have ob-
served and heard about countless areas of Leadership Lock.
The chart that follows isa snapshot of the most common, r=
_gardless of type or size of organization or world location.
Leadership Lock ‘How It Manifests
‘Wernced toexecute and | “Weare falling behind the
do what we say we're pace in our industry.”
going to do,
We need to get faster “Why is our team so
and better. resistant to every new idea?”
‘Quality. Quality. Quality. | “If they had a choice, would
‘our employees buy our
Where Is Your Leadership Lock? $3
Leadership Lock
Tm oveewinelmed. I can't
jet to the things that
really need to get done,
We just need to be on
the same page.
Balance, I need balance.
‘We need co get everyone
engaged and on board.
We need our meetings to
be more effective.
How It Manifests
“We always seem to be in
crisis mode.”
“True alignment would cut
‘our problems in half.”
“Achome we're just running
2 business called ‘House-
hold, Ine.”
“Things seem to take twice
as long as projecteds the re~
work is killing us’
“Our meetings are torture
sessions—one person does
all the talking, egos manipu-
late the agenda, and nothing
gets done.”
ve got to do something | “Home has become a pit
about my home life. stop on my way back to
I need to delegate more “Te scems like Ihave to do
effectively, drive cleaner
I simply want to feel good
everything. [haven't used all
my vacation days in years.”
“Aren't we supposed to be
‘We have studied and worked with thousands of people
who have faced the same or similar Leadership Locks you may
have identified. These people have successfully moved beyond
their areas of Leadership Lock with an innovative approach,
In a sense, this book is thei story,54 GETTING INTO THE ELEPHANT REMOVAL BUSINESS Where Is Your Leadership Lock? 5S
Feedback trom people who have partic-
Ipated in such groups is almost unani-
‘mous, albeit said in diferent ways:
“Each and every concept and tool got
| 25 You have steady seen several tems
| Xo prosented wth tis symbot,
We hope you took the time to answer
| the quostons presented net othe clearer and sharper as we ieralze
slephant-stomping logos. We encour the material ven dooper:eamvork
| age yout get even more np ad i improved ane resus came fastor as
Si by posing the same questions in we shared tos and solutions specie
to our own personal and group issues
Another frequently mentioned benefit:
People around the world are discover- “My home life is much better since |
ing how vital tis to build @ powertl started plugging in family’ for‘organiza-
a larger group. |
Welinss Culture, which indeed isthe | ton’ In many ofthe questions.”
mother of all strategies. They are cre~
ating novel and effective ways to put
lan end to the toxic workplace, get
more done, and become excited about
‘work again, One of these approaches
you are interested in applying the
‘concepts and tools inthis book to more
‘Quickly reach your business and per-
‘sonal objectives, and you think an
is called elephant stomping groups. elephant stomping group or groups
These are small groups ofthresto. | might be effective win your organiza
elght peers who meat reguatly to ds- tion, please see the brit and easy-to-
cuss the tools and concepts in tis follow guidelines for staring your own
book. When you hold these meetings, ‘elephant-stomping group in Appendix A
this much is guaranteed: Leadership (oage 321). |
capabity wil expand and your cuture |
| will become more aligned with your: For those who are interested in more |
strategy objectives, The resul? The detais and support, a companion |
lephant-siomping groups wil Dull the ‘workbook s available free online at
| botiom line ‘www stomptheelephant.com |