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Mahdi Darvishi MFSKSM2013

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A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the award of the degree of
Master of Computer Science (Information Security)

Faculty of Computing
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


This project is dedicated to my beloved family and friends, without their

Understanding, supports, and most of all love, the completion of this work would not
have been possible.


I wish to express my deepest appreciation to all those who helped me, in one
way or another, to complete this project. First and foremost I thank God almighty
who provided me with strength, direction and purpose throughout the project.
Special thanks to my project supervisor Dr. Imran Ghani for all her patience,
guidance and support during the execution of this project. Through his expert
guidance, I was able to overcome all the obstacles that I encountered in these
enduring ten months of my project. In fact, he always gave me immense hope every
time I consulted with him over problems relating to my project.


Online social networking develops interactions and communication

approaches. Online environment is the most beneficial approach for retention and
inception of social relations. However, by developing facilities in online services the
threats of privet security is increase. The information security vulnerability is an
emerging problem in the online social networks social networks. The more users
join, the more active they are, the more possible risk of personal information
disclosure due to lack of self and social awareness on user behavior in the social
networks. The main objective of the study is to investigate the components affecting
information security behavior in enhancing awareness and design an information
security behavior model in enhancing awareness. The quantitative research has been
conducted on students studying at University Technology Malaysia. The study has
found significant relationship between self-efficacy, security practice- care behavior,
intention to practice privacy protection on information security awareness behavior.
At the end, recommendations for future studies and limitations of the study were
further established.


Rangkaian sosial dalam talian membangun interaksi dan pendekatan

komunikasi. Persekitaran dalam talian adalah pendekatan yang paling bermanfaat
untuk pengekalan dan permulaan hubungan sosial. Walau bagaimanapun, dengan
membangunkan kemudahan perkhidmatan dalam talian ancaman keselamatan Privet
peningkatan. Kegoyahan keselamatan maklumat adalah satu masalah yang muncul
dalam rangkaian sosial dalam talian rangkaian sosial. Para pengguna lebih menyertai,
lebih aktif mereka, risiko yang lebih kemungkinan pendedahan maklumat peribadi
kerana kekurangan kesedaran diri dan sosial ke atas tingkah laku pengguna dalam
rangkaian sosial. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk menyiasat komponen yang
mempengaruhi maklumat tingkah laku keselamatan dalam meningkatkan kesedaran
dan reka bentuk keselamatan maklumat tingkah laku model dalam meningkatkan
kesedaran. Penyelidikan kuantitatif telah dijalankan ke atas pelajar-pelajar yang
belajar di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Kajian ini telah mendapati hubungan yang
signifikan antara diri-keberkesanan, keselamatan amalan penjagaan tingkah laku, niat
untuk mengamalkan perlindungan privasi atas tingkah laku kesedaran keselamatan
maklumat. Pada akhir, cadangan untuk masa depan kajian dan batasan kajian telah
terus ditubuhkan.




1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background of Problem 2
1.3 Problem Statement 2
1.4 Research Questions 3
1.5 Research Objectives 3
1.6 Scope and Limitations 4
1.7 Significance of the Proposed Work 4
1.8 Organization of the Research 5

2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Social Network Sites 6
2.3 Threats in social networks 7

2.3.1 Intelligent malware 7

2.3.2 Identity theft 7
2.3.3 Social engineering 8
2.3.4 Pyramid scheme 8
2.3.5 Custom programming 9
2.3.6 Information disclosure 9
2.4 Security Awareness 9
2.4.1 Importance of User Security Awareness 10
2.4.2 Relationship between SE, training and education 10
2.5 KMS-SAWA framework 11
2.5.1 KMS-SAWA framework descriptions 13
2.6 Online Social Networking and Privacy 15
2.6.1 Access to user’s personal information 16
2.7 Protection motivation theory (PMT) 18
2.8 Information Security Awareness (ISA) 20
2.9 Model’s Variables 21
2.9.1 Self Efficacy 21
2.9.2 Security Practice Care Behavior 23
2.9.3 Intention to practice privacy protection 25
2.9.4 Security Practice - Technology 26
2.9.5 Privacy Policy 28
2.10 Summary 29

3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Research Location 30
3.3 Justification of selected variables 31
3.4 Operational Framework 31
3.4.1 Phase 1: Project Initial planning and Literature Review 34 Project Initial Planning 34 Literature Review 34
3.4.2 Phase 2: Data Collection and Analysis 34 Target population and sample size 35 Instrumentation Design 36
ix Method of Data Analysis 36 Using Software 36 Pilot Study 37 Research Hypothesis 38
3.4.3 Phase 4: Discussion and Conclusion 39
3.5 Summary 39

4 Framework Implementation 40
4.1 Introduction 40
4.2 Proposed Framework 40
4.2.1 Audience Perspective 43
4.2.2 Model’s Variables 43
4.2.3 Measurement Method Perspective 43
4.2.4 Data Perspective 44
4.2.5 Theoretical model 45
4.3 Chapter Summary 47


5.1 Introduction 48
5.2 Descriptive Analysis 48
5.3 Information disclosing 54
5.3.1 Information disclosing in Facebook profile 58
5.4 Mean analysis 59
5.4.1 Normality Test 60
5.4.2 Reliability Tests 61
5.4.3 Pearson Correlation 62
5.4.4 Multiple Regression 63
5.4.5 Hypothesis Testing 65
5.5 Information Security Awareness Model 67
5.6 Summary 69


6.1 Introduction 70
6.2 Achievement of Research Objectives 70

6.3 Evaluating the Information Security Awareness Model 71

6.3.1 The impact of Privacy Policy on ISA 71
6.3.2 The impact of Self-efficacy on ISA 71
6.3.3 The impact of Security practice care behavior on ISA 72
6.3.4 The impact of Intention to practice privacy protection on ISA 72
6.3.5 The impact of Security practice technology on ISA 72
6.4 Future Study 72
6.5 Limitation and Strength of this Study 73
6.5.1 Limitations 73
6.6 Overall Conclusion 74
6.7 Summary 75





3.1 : Details of research methodology phases 33

3.2: Krejeie and Morgan list Source: ―Determining sample size

for research.‖ Educational and Psychological Measurement.‖ 35

3.3: Rating scale (5-point Likert scale) 36

3.4: Reliability for 377 data 37

3.5: Internal Consistency 38

4.1: Independent and dependent variables 46

5.1: Gender of Respondent 49

5.2: Age of Respondent 50

5.3: Academic Qualification of Respondent 51

5.4: Nationality 52

5.5: Demographic Profiles of the Respondents 53

5.6 : percentage of real name usage on facebook 54

5.7: The percentage of using real picture on facebook 55

5.8: The percentage of contact number visibility in Facebook 56

5.9: The percentage of birthday visibility in Facebook 57

5.10: The percentage of Email address visibility in facebook 58

5.11: Information disclosing 59

5.12: Descriptive Statistics 59

5.13: Tests of Normality 61


5.14: Reliability for 377 data 62

5.15: Internal Consistency 62

5.16: Correlations 63

5.17: Regressions’ Results 64

5.18: Hypotheses testing 67




2.1: Initial KMS-SAWA framework 12

3.1: Framework 32

4.1: proposed framework 42

4.2: Theoretical Model 46

5.1 : Gender of Respondent 49

5.2: Age of Respondent 50

5.3: Academic Qualification of Respondent 51

5.4: Nationality 52

5.5: The percentage of real name usage on facebook 54

5.6: The percentage of using real picture on facebook 55

5.7: The percentage of contact number visibility in Facebook 56

5.8: The percentage of birthday visibility in Facebook 57

5.9: The percentage of Email address visibility in facebook 58

5.10: Model After Analysis 68

6.1: Suggested Model for future study 73



CSE Computer Self Efficacy

DV Dependent Variable
ISA Information Security Awareness
ISSP Information System Security Policy
IT Information Technology
IV Independent Variable
KMO Kaiser Meyer Olkin
PBT Protection Behaviour Theory
PMT Protection Motivation Theory
SE Self Efficacy
SEIS Self Efficacy in Information Security
SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Science



A Questionnaire 83



1.1 Introduction

In the recent years, social networking sites became a commonplace where

people meet, discuss and share information among their friends and associates
virtually. In the last few years, online communities have achieved an amazingly large
audience. In the year 2007, researchers have found that 59 % of young adults, and 87
% of students are members and active users of the social networks (Schrammel et al.,
2009). As the use of social networks became more widespread (Wu et al., 2010)
thus, there are many studies have been conducted to understand the users'
engagement and their online behavior in the social networks.

The information security vulnerability is an emerging problem in the online

social networks social networks. The more users join, the more active they are, the
more possible risk of personal information disclosure due to lack of self and social
awareness on user behavior in the social networks.

1.2 Background of Problem

In the past few years, the popularity of social-networking websites such as

Twitter and Facebook are increased. These social networks have a large number of
end-users and large amount of information, by considering this issue; these websites
have become a good target for attackers. However, these social networks try to
reduce the impact of exploitations that are created by attackers; many attackers can
launch more sophisticated attacks by using different attacks. By considering that
threats are more sophisticated, it is obvious most of the users are not aware of these

The problem is that the private information is shared by most social network
users. There are some kinds of personal information that are shared by users such as
contact information, images, demographic information, videos, comments, etc.
Unfortunately, a large number of users publish their information without and
considerations and this problem leads social network to become a big sensitive data
loggers. Furthermore, social network users interest to rely on other social network
users by accepting their friend requests and sharing personal items.

1.3 Problem Statement

Due to the rapid growth in popularity of the social networking sites such as
Myspace and Facebook, information security issues have arisen because of the
personal information disclosure in the various social networks, which could probably
be misused by the computer criminals for identity theft or impersonation. However,
with the high vulnerability of information security, the social networking sites
remain as an open platform to communicate with one another. Many users today are
not so serious about their personal data and information, which perhaps are disclosed
in such social networks and many of them are less aware of the consequences of
revealing the sensitive information during the communication in the social

networking sites. With realizing this issue of security dilemma, this research inspects
the necessity of creating user-awareness before and after joining the social networks.

1.4 Research Questions

This research aims to answer the following questions:

What are the impacts of privacy policy (PP), Self-efficacy (SE), Security
practice care behavior (SPCB), Intention to practice privacy protection and Security
practice technology (SPT) on information security awareness?

i. How to implement a model for improving user security awareness?

1.5 Research Objectives

This research aims to answer the following questions:

i. To measure the impacts of the privacy policy (PP), Self-efficacy (SE),

Security practice care behavior (SPCB) , Intention to practice privacy
protection and Security practice technology (SPT) on information
security awareness
ii. To propose a security awareness model.
iii. To test and validate the model.

1.6 Scope and Limitations

This work intends to explore why security unawareness may lead to the
information security vulnerably. This study inspects the necessity of creating user-
awareness for the social networks, and also examines the user behavior in that
networks particularly in the context of UTM university in order to find out whether
those users are aware of their activities in such social networks. The methodology of
the study mainly involves a quantitative survey framework for data collection of the
Facebook users.

1.7 Significance of the Proposed Work

Human factors play a significant role in computer security, which almost

certainly influences other factors also. Since human resource contributes to security
threats and vulnerability, technical consideration alone for security approaches to
computer systems is inadequate. Good user security awareness program can reduce
security risk significantly and prevent systemic financial losses which are incurred
annually as a result of lack of human resources knowledge in respect of security

The significance of self awareness in social networking is very much high in

the era of information superhighway. There are many incidents happened in terms of
online privacy and security in various social networking sites around the globe. With
realizing this issue of security dilemma, this research inspects the necessity of
creating user-awareness before and after joining the social networks.

1.8 Organization of the Research

The organization of this thesis is as follows: Chapter 1 presents a general

discussion on the topic of the thesis and the issues that need to be solved by
introducing statement of problems, set of objectives, and the scopes of research. The
related available literatures are reviewed and discussed to achieve the necessary
knowledge for developing the research objectives is in Chapter 2. Chapter 3
discusses the research methodology that is employed to achieve the objectives of this
research. Chapter 4 discusses the proposed framework

to assess the level of information security awareness for social network

(facebook). Chapter 5 discusses result of study. Finally, conclusion and
recommendation discuss in chapter six.


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