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Abnormal Checklist Learjet 31A
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Abnormal Checklist Learjet 31A
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Abnormal Checklist Learjet 31A
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ABNORMAL CHECKLIST Learjet 314 LEARJET 31A Sheu noma cn coe wih ain te FAA Aproved Fight Manu Seite pecsace .B Antl-Ice System Failure. LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ——— ena, ‘ABNORMAL CHECKLIST Ice Ingestion - Engine... Engin Rbnarmol Engi Opotaton 3 gine. Felght ervebpenc “3 Page Date —Alrcraft Etfectvity Engine Asian 3 engine tar Title 10/94 All EL CHET AoA 1004 Al : " AB-1 10/94 All Starter Er jed Light Flight Controls. Mach Tine Hetunen ag2 1084 A Bau tri A830 783A ‘Stall Warning System Failure Fuel System..... FUEL FILTER & PRESS Light. Fuel Transfer Valve Failure... Fuel Valve Lights... Normal Transter Failure, Fuel Imbalance During Transier AB-4 = 793 All ABS 793 All ARG = 10194 All ABT = 793A Crosstiow Valve Failure : Hydrauitle Fal 0mm : es Intrument..... AGG Sing), Aspeed AB9 © 1094 ‘or AitludalV8i Felure : ”B10 «793A ABI 783 Al ABI2 783 Al ae eee ‘ATT or HDG Comparator Wari EFIS Fallres. wn ma xtensior xtenslor/Electrcai AB14 = 7/93 All AB-15 7/93 All . — Nose Steering Maltuncton, AB16 7193 Al ndings. 8 in nd ommed Stabile: Landing AB? 783A Single Engine Landing & Go-Around. ABB 783. Acraft 91-035 thru 91-054 not Spates Landing. incorporating SB 31-32-2. Sib Heaatre Landi A018 789 Aroal'SHIRS 8 sbeennt Prossurlzation... BLEED AIR Light. ‘and prior aircratt incorporating Failure io Depressuriz.. $B 31-922, Inadvertent Emergency Aiiow.. Overpressurization.. Pressurization Loss AB19 © 703A A820 10/94 All TIAN oan lent Air Perieiratio Thrust Reverser Annunciaied Maliunction .. AB22 (78 a a Deployment During Fight. AB23 (783A Landing One TIR Deployed... B24 7/83 NG with Thrust Reversers, Notice: This Checklist has been revised as of October, A825 7193 NGwith Thrust Reversers ->=znozo> 4994, Status of each page Is given on page ABA. THOM MM MOO AMAA HAARAAOOO EO MEO Oe eee ee ewee eensAbnormal Checklist — Learjet 31A ANTI-ICE SYSTEM FAILURE 1. Failed System CB (ANTIICE group)... CHECK & RESET Refer to WING & STABILIZER HEAT FAILURE — LANDING, this section if landing must be made with ice on wings or stabilizer. WS DEFOG LIGHT ILLUMINATED It windshield overheat condition persists for more than 10 minutes, deactivate affected windshield: 1. Lor R WSHLD DEFOG CB (ANTIICE group)... 2. Affected windshield, If descending with an inoperative detog system Into conditions requiring detogging: 1. WSHLD HEAT Switch .. 2. Cockpit Shoulder and Ankle Eyeball Outlets... . Cold-Hot Knob 5. Leave Cabin Air and Windshield Heat on until shut- down. EFFECTIVITY 10/94 _Mt AB SOVVVS SS VS VST ST SSS TUT SUSSTTSVUSTHSTVHSTTCOTSOHTHESUEE Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 314 HEAVY ICE ACCUMULATION 1. Ignition 2. Engine RPM 3, Nacelle Heat (one engine). Wait for satisfactory engine operation, then; Nacelle Heat (other engine). Observe ITT and L & R NAC HT Lights Out. 4. After satisfactory engine operation, Stab & Wing Heat 5. After satisfactory engine operation, energize re- ‘maining anti-ice systems one at a time. ENGINE ICE INGESTION 1, IQNIHION ss nsrnnrmannmnenernreeren BOTH ON 2. Thrust Lever Movement... SLOW & CAUTIOUS, 3, Engine RPM wv sare REDUCE Maintain wing temp in the green (minimum RPM=60% Nj). 4, Avoid abrupt change in pitch, roll or yaw. 5. To determine extent of engine damage: a, Retard Thrust Levers (one at a time) to fight idle, Then cautiously advance and check for any vibration or abnormal noise on each engine. b. Ifeither engine flames out, perform ENGINE AIRSTART procedure, this section. Stay below engine speed at which engine flamed out. damage has been experienced, land as soon as practical and within limitations of operat- ing capacity of engine. After landing, inspect en- gine for damage. EFFECTIVITY AB Al 10/94‘Abnormal Checklist ~ Learjet 314 SINGLE GENERATOR FAILURE 1, Start-Gen Switch 2. IGN-START (ENGINES-FUEL group) & GEN (ELECTRICAL group) CB's... IN 3. Electrical Load... ‘SHED AS REQ’D. 4, Generator Reset Switc DEPRESS MOMENTARILY It generator does not reset: 5. Turbine Speed (N2) 80% or ABOVE 6. Start-Gen Switch .OFF then GEN 7. Generator Reset Switch .. .DEPRESS MOMENTARILY It generator does not reset: 8, Start-Gen Switel OFF ABNORMAL ENGINE OPERATION FAN SPEED (Ny) OR TURBINE SPEED (N2) DE- CREASING OR INAPPROPRIATE FOR THRUST LEV- ER POSITION Affected Engine: 1, Thrust Lever 2. Fuel Computer.. 3. If engine characteristics appear normal: ‘a. Continue flight with fuel computer in MAN mode. + Ifengine characteristics remain abnorm: IOLE MAN a, Fuel Computer ..... OFF 'b. If engine characteristics do not improve, Fuel Computer... MAN cc. Continue flight with fuel computer in selected mode. 4, Refer to OPERATION WITH ONE FUEL COMPUT- ER INOPERATIVE, AFM section IV. [oT _srrecuvery a as Altitude ~ Feet cad ne ee Oe ee eer ee [Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 14 RELIGHT ENVELOPE 51,000 40,000 ‘winamit or Star assist 30,000 20,000 10,000 Sea Level Airspeed ~ KIAS + Fuel computer ON airstarts may be made at any ak titude up to 30,000 feet. + Maintaining an airspeed within the windmilling ai- start envelope will enhance airstart. + Starter-assist airstarts must be used when Turbine ‘Speed (Ng) is below 15%. + Fuel computer MAN airstarts should only be at- tempted when fuel ‘computer ON operation is not available. Fuel computer (OFF airstarts should only be attempted when fuel computer ON or MAN oper- ation is not available. Do not attempt fuel computer OFF or MAN airstart above 20,000 feet. Do not attempt an airstart following an engine failure which was accompanied by indications: of internal engine damage or fire. Do not attempt an airstart ‘without Indication of fan rotation. fr EFFECTIVITY weeeenee eee ee eo oo ee ee ee add t detdddddde ‘Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 1A “Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 14 ENGINE OVERSPEED 12. @ 45% Turbine Speed (Na): 1. Thrust Lever 7 RETARD a. Start-Gen Switch. GEN Do not set affected engine Fuel Computer Switch b. Ignition . OFF. 13, Engine Instrument 2. engine doesnot respond to tut ovr move 14. Bloed Air ment, refer to ENGINE FAILURE-SHUTDOWN IN ; D FLIGHT procedure, Emergency Checklist. 3 18, dat Pump & Standby Pump ooo Ino light-off within 10 seconds: ENGINE AIRSTART 16. Thrust Lever . CUTOFF 17, Start-Gen Switch. 1. Assure Aircraft Relight Envelope. 48. Ignition. 2: Fuel Compute.....ON OF MAN (as applcate) 419. Standby Pump.. 3. Thust Lever os CUTOFF 20, Repeat ENGINE AIRSTART procedure. 4, Hag) Scand for fuel 1 dain. Itengine will not restart: Asal poctable from wing tank. 21. Perform ENGINE FAILURE-SHUTDOWN IN b. Fire Pull Handle. FLIGHT procedure. 6, Fuel Panel: : a. + Fuel Computer ON, Jet Pump...... ENG CHIP LIGHT ILLUMINATED. Fuel Computer MAN or OFF, det Pumy b. Standby Pump Affected Engine: 1. Engine Instruments.. MONITOR 2. Investigate cause at earliest possible maintenance. I FUEL CMPTR LIGHT ILLUMINATED c. Crossflow Valve... d, Transter-Fill. e. Gravity Transfer Valv 6. Electrical Load.. 7, Blood Ai ne 8. » Starter Assisted, Start-Gen Switch + Windmining, igniti 9. Thrust Lever: , + Starter Assistéd, @ 10% Na + Windmiling, @ 15% Na. 10. Ignition Light & Fuel Flow Affected Engine: 1. FUEL CMPTR CB (ENGINES-FUEL group) .......CHECK & RESET 2, Fuel Computer Swit... OFF then ON Ituel computer does not come back on line; 11. Turbine Temp (ITT): Fuel Computer Switch MAN + Fuel Computer ON 3. Crossflow Valve CLOSE a ITT. 4, FUS TANK Switches as follows b. If no light-off within 4 seconds, SPR Switch... ENERGIZE UNTIL a tetas va ee 300° - 400° ITT . + Fuel Computer MAN or OFF & nea fone lien eee ee 7, Refer to OPERATION WITH ONE FUEL COMPUT- (Progedure Continued) ER INOPERATIVE, AFM Section IV. EFFECTIVITY EFFEGTIVITY 783 i 485 rer a 10/94‘Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 1A OIL PRESS LIGHT ILLUMINATED. 1. Oil Pressure Indicator... 2. If conditions permit, shui GINE FAILURE-SHUTDOWN IN FLIGHT, Emer- gency Checklist. STARTER ENGAGED LIGHT REMAINS. ILLUMINATED AFTER START GROUND START: 1. Affected Start-Gen Switch If Starter Engaged Light Remains Illuminated: 2. Atfected Engine HUT DOWN 3. Electrical Powe FF 4. Correct Problem before flight GEN STARTER ASSISTED AIRSTART 1. Airstart procedure. 2. Alfected Start-Gen Switc MW Starter Engaged Light Remains Illuminate 8. Continue flight. 44, Correct problem before next flight. COMPLETE GEN EFFECTIVITY 193 a 87 — LL SSeS Se nwa ee AAG AGRO AHEHEHHREHEERE gine. Refer to EN- Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 314, MACH TRIM MALFUNCTION .. BELOW 0.78 My 1. Airspeed ..n 2. Check Primary a. Pitch Trim... b. PRI PITCH TRIM CB {L TRIM-FLT CONT group). 3, MACH TRIM CB (L AFCS group). «If MACH TRIM CB Ope a, MACH TRIM CB b. Test Selector Swi c. Test Button. d. I MACH TRIM CB ‘opens again «If MACH TRIM CB Closed: a. Reset Mach Trim Monitor if Desired: (1) Test Selector Switch. MACH TRIM (2) Test Button. JEPRESS & RELEASE b. If Mach Trim Light remains o MACH TRIM CB. PITCH TRIM LIGHT IN FLIGHT 1. Pitch Trim Switch.. 2. Nose DN-Off-Nose Up Switch STALL WARNING SYSTEM FAILURE 1. Airspeed — 30 knots above stall speeds. VREF may be maintained on final. 2. Bank angles — 30° max. EFFECTIVITY ABS au 7183POVVVPIFIIVIVIIVIIDIIPVIVVODOHEvDEvTvoHHHOveVVeVHHeVHH VHS ‘Abnormal Checklist —Learjet 314 FUEL FILTER LIGHT ILLUMINATED. 1, Standby Pumps ... ON WHEN POSSIBLE FUEL PRESS LIGHT ILLUMINATED Affected engin . Thrust Lever .. RETARD iD If FUEL PRESS Light does not extinguish: 8. Descend to 26,000 feet or lower. FUEL TRANSFER VALVE FAILS TO CLOSE 1. Conduct crosstiow operations with caution as standby pump operation will transfer some fuel back into the fuselage tank. 2, Periodically transfer fuel back into wings. FUEL VALVE LIGHT(S) ILLUMINATED Steady illumination of any of the amber fuel valve lights on the fuel control panel indicates the corre- sponding valve is not in the position selected or a loss of power. eFFECTITY ——— 10/94 a Bo ‘Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 314 NORMAL FUEL TRANSFER SYSTEM FAILURE 1. Gravity Transfer Valve .OPEN Depending upon fight attitude, 150-300 * tb. of fuselage fuel will be unusable. 2. Prior to approach or gravity transfer ‘complete, Gravity Transfer Valve CLOSE FUEL IMBALANCE DURING FUEL TRANSFER 1. Transter-Fil 2. Gravity Transfer Vaive.. 3. Standby Pump (heavy wing). 4, Standby Pump (light wing) 5. Crossflow Valve. 6, Fuel Balance, 7. «If Fuel Load Balances: a. Crosstlow Valve. b. Both Standby Pump Switche c. Monitor fuel balance when transferring fuselage fuel. «if Fuel Load Does Not Balance: a. STBY-SCAV PUMP CB (light wing) cc. Crosstiow Valve. d. Fuel Balance. e+ If Fuel Load Balance (1) Crossflow Valve. (2) Standby Pumps Refer to AFM for conditions that will exist. + If Fuel Load Still Does Not Balance: (1) Crosstiow Valve. CLOSE (2) Standby Pumps... FF (3) STBY-SCAV PUM {affected side Refer to AFM for conditions that will exi IN EFFECTIVITY wo (wom‘Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 1A CROSSFLOW VALVE FAILS TO OPEN 1. Maintain wing fuel balance by adjusting power set- ting. 2. To transfer fuel, use GRAVITY TRANSFER proce- dure, AFM Section Il. a, Fuel Balance... bi if right wing becomes heavy: MONITOR (1) Transfer-Fil.. FR (2) When wings balance, Transfer-Fill....OFF + If left wing becomes heavy: (1) Gravity Transter Valve .CLOSE (2) LJET PUMP-XFR VAL CB (LENGINES-FUEL group) ... (3) Gravity Transfer Valve (4) When wings balance, L JET PUMP-XFR VAL CB.. EFFECTIVITY ‘Abnormal Checklist — Learjet 14 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM FAILURE/ ALTERNATE GEAR EXTENSION Landing distance with no flaps, no spoilers and no anti- skid will be approximately 315% (x 3.16) the normal dis- tance. (On Approach: 1. Spollers. 2. Airspeed VLO or less (VREF + 30 recommended) 3. Landing Gear Switch... ON 4. GEAR CB (R HYDRAULICS group) 5. Flap Switch.. 6. To extend gear: a. Emergency Gear Extension Lever (right side pedestal) FULL DOWN b. Gear Lights cl c. After gear is down and locked, Emergency Gear Extension Lever.. (1) Lift ratchet release in hole forward of exten- sion lever, right side of pedestal. (2) Pull extension lever FULL UP until it latches. 7. Auxillary Hydraulic Pump.. .ON 8, When maximum flap angle is obtained, ‘Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump.. OFF 9. Final Approach Speed: Flaps UP, Flaps 8°. Flaps 20° Flaps DN. 10, EMER BRAKE Handle.. Just Prior to Landing: 11. Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump.. After Touchdowr 12. « If hydraulic pressure is maintained: a. Spoilers. é EXTEND b. Brakes .. + If hydraulic pressure is not maintained: ‘a. Perform EMERGENCY BRAKING, Emergency Checklist , Use of drag chute or thrust réversers ( stalled) recommended. FULL UP EFFECTIVITY a roan alla alea-0-0/5-0-0-0 Pb ccceneenedvicdenseee eoeeeneePOV OO DEO VODD ODO VI DOO V ODED VV YE EVE eee 2 [Abnormal Checklist —Learjet 1A, SINGLE AIR DATA COMPUTER (ADC)/AIRSPEED ‘OR ALTITUDE/VERTICAL SPEED INDICATOR FAILURE CROSS-CHECK with STANDBYS SELECT CROSS-SIDE 1. Airspeed and Altitude .. 2. Air Data Computer. If conditions permit: 3. Falled ADC, A/S, or ALTM VSI CB (INSTRUMENTS group) . 4, Air Data Computer... RESELECT ON-SIDE 6. Airspeed and Altitude CROSS-CHECK with STANDBYS 6.-If alr data computer Is not recovered: a. Air Data Computer ......SELECT CROSS-SIDE b. The following systems and instruments may mal- function or be inoperative: (1) On-side stall warning system altitude bias (2) Mach trim
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