Development and Intersection: Learning Competencies

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Learning Competencies:
Upon the completion of this unit, you should be able to:-
 identify the various types of surfaces and solids;
 identify the types of hems and joints used in sheet metal working;
 prepare the pattern development of common solids like prism, cylinder ,
pyramid and cone;
 determine the line or curve of intersection of two intersecting solids such as
prisms and cylinders.

5 Development and Intersection

5.1. Introduction I) A ruled surface: It is a surface generated

by the motion of a straight line in a certain
What do you understand from development and desired path. This type of surface may include
intersection technically? planes, single-curved surfaces and surfaces.
What do you think are the elements intersecting?
A Plane is a ruled surface generated by
Can you give examples? moving a straight line along a line (lying in the
This unit deals with the two very important same plane) in such a way that its new
technical drawing concept, that is develop- position of moved line is parallel to the
original line. A Plane surface may have three
ments and intersections.
or more sides.
But before directly begin discussing the above
A Single curved surface is a curved ruled
two concepts. It is better to have a brief over
surface that can be developed or unrolled to
view about the definition and description of
coincide with a plane. Any two adjacent
basic geometrical elements such as point, line, positions of the generatrix of a single-curved
surface and solid. surface lie in the same plane, for example
cylinder and cone (Fig.5.1 (c) and (e)).
Point is a theoretical representation of A warped surface is a curved ruled surface
location of an element /object in space. It has that cannot be developed; here no two
no dimension i.e. height, width and depth. adjacent positions of the generatrix lie in the
same plane. Examples are helicoid and
Line hyperboloid as shown in Fig.5.2. So we
Line is one generated by a point moving conclude that it is a surface that is neither
according to a law which may be expressed by plane nor curved e.g. the hoods on most
a geometric description or by an algebraic automobile are warped surfaces.
equation. It has one dimension i.e. only
II) Double-curved surface is one that may
be generated by a curved line and thus has no
Surface straight line element. Examples are sphere,
Surface is a two dimensional geometrical torus and ellipsoid (Fig.5.1 (f)).
figure, which may be generated by a motion of
either straight or curved line. It is called the
Solid is a three dimensional representation of
generatrix of the surface. Any position of the
an object which may be generated by
generatrix is an element of the surface. There
bounding plane surfaces or revolving of a
are two types of surface: Ruled surfaces and
plane figure about an axis. It shows height,
double-curved surfaces.
width and depth dimensions of the object.

5 Development and Intersection

(a) The five platonic solids

(b) Prisms

(c) Cylinders (d) Pyramids

(e) Cones


(f) Double curved surfaces
Fig. 5.1 Solids and surfaces which define the geometry of three-dimensional objects

5 Development and Intersection
There are three groups of solids. The first surfaces are developable. But warped surfaces
groups are solid that are bound by plane and double curved surfaces are not
surfaces are called polyhedra. The common developable they may be developed by
examples of polyhedra are the prism and approximately dividing them into developable
pyramid. Those polyhedra whose faces are all sections.
equal regular polygons are called regular
polyhedra. The five polyhedra are the cube,
tetrahedron, octahedrone, dodecahedron, and
icosahedrons. They are collectively known as
the five platonic solids as shown in fig 5.1(a).
Plane surfaces that bound polyhedra are called
faces of the solids. Lines of intersection of Conoid Helicoid Hyperboloid Hyperbolic
faces are called edges of the solids.
Fig. 5.2 Warped surfaces
The second groups are solids that may be
generated by revolving a plane figure about an In this unit, the development of the basic
axis in the plane of the figure. They are called geometrical solids (Shapes) such as prism,
cylinder, pyramid and cone is dealt by using
solids of revolution. These include solids
the different methods of development to be
bound by single curved line example cylinder
discussed later on.
and cone, or include solids bound by a double
curved line example sphere, and torus.

The third groups are solids that are bounded

by surfaces. These solids do not have group
Prism Pyramid

5.2 Development
Have you ever seen a model of a building?
How do you think real objects with a shape cube or
cone can be constructed with a model paper? Cylinder Cone
Fig. 5.3 Development of surfaces of solids
Development is a complete layout of all Practically the drawing operation consists of
surfaces of a solid on a plane or flat object. A drawing the successive surface in their true
surface is said to be developable if it can be size and shape with their common edges
unfolded / unrolled to coincide with a plane. joined to each other.
Surfaces of polyhedral and single-curved
5 Development and Intersection
Any professionally worker in a design and lines of the development where fixing or
manufacturing industry is frequently required fastening is required. The amount of
to have the knowledge of development of material to be added varies depending on
surfaces of an object. Practical application of the thickness of the material, the type of
development occurs for preparatory of connection and production equipment.
packaging materials, cardboard and matc-
hboxes, tin cans, funnels, cake pans, furnaces, Hem and joints for sheet metal works
pipes, elbows, ducts and roof gutters etc. made Various types of hems and joints are used
up of hard paper and sheet metal to be used as during manufacturing ducts, tanks, containers
a container of various edible and nonedible and other products from sheet metal. Hems
item in a supermarket, to prepare many other are used to make the raw edge smooth and
house hold material and in many industries help to strengthen the material. Some of the
like automobile aircraft etc. more common types of hems and joints are
shown below.
Principle of development
During making developments of surfaces, the
following general rules should by observed.
1. Developments of solids are usually made
with the inside surfaces up to facilitate
bending or rolling during manufacturing.
2. It is possible to begin development of a
solid from any edge desired, however it is a
good practice to start and end with the
shortest edge to provide strength of the
final solid formed and ensure an
economical usage of fixing material like
UHU for paper models and soldering,
welding and riveting for sheet metal
model. Fig. 5.4 Hems and joints used in sheet metal
3. When making the development of a solid,
elements should be labeled using numbers 5.2.1 Methods of Development of
or alphabet of letters in the clock wise Solids
4. Bend or foldlines should be clearly shown • If you want to develop a cube and a cone, do
in the development so that they will be you think that both of them can be developed
used as guides for rolling or bending when with the same method?
making the final product. There are three commonly known methods of
5. Extra material to be used as lap or seam developing solids based on their basic shapes
should be provided at the end element like prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone and
5 Development and Intersection
transition piece. However, only two of these Checkpoint 5.1
methods are discussed in this text book.
a) Define three of the basic Parallel Line Development geometric element.
This method of development is used to b) Write types of surfaces that are
developable and non
develop shapes that are based on prism and
cylinder by making use of stretch-out-line c) List three types of hems and
principle. joints.
d) What is development?
Note: All example of pattern development e) List the methods of pattern
discussed in this unit do not include development you know.
the extra materials to be used as a
If the pattern development of a solid excludes Development of prism
the top and bottom cover, it is known as Prism is a type of solid shape developed by
lateral surface development. But if it includes parallel line method of development.
the top and bottom cover, it will become
(A) To develop a full right square
complete surface development. prism.
A solid is said to be right solid if its axis is 1) Draw the front and top views of the
made perpendicular (900) to the base of the prism.
solid. Example are and Right prism, right 2) On the top view, number the edges in
cylinder. By default all solids are assumed to the clockwise direction so as to ensure
be right solid unless otherwise specified. the development will be made inside
up. Also, number the edges on the
A solid is said to be oblique solid if its axis front view in agreement with the
makes any acute angle with the base of the numbering on the tip view.
solid, Example are Oblique prism and oblique 3) Construct the stretch-out line 1-1
cylinder. through the base of the front view.
The term “truncated” is used in conjunction 4) Transfer the true width dimensions of
with some solids just to indicate that the solid the lateral faces of the solid from the
top view on to the stretch out line
has got an inclined or oblique surface formed
sequentially to locate points 1, 2, 3, etc.
after cutting it with a cutting plane at any
5) Draw perpendicular lines from the
assumed angle.
stretch-out line through 1, 2, 3 etc.

5 Development and Intersection
6) Transfer the true lengths of the edges (B) To develop a truncated square
of the prism from the front view using prism
1) Draw the front and top views of the
horizontal projection lines to the
corresponding line on the develop-
2) Label (name) all the top corners in a
ment, to locate 1′,2′,3′, etc.
clockwise direction, starting the
7) Complete the lateral surface develop- development preferably from 1 the
ment by joining the points so obtained
shortest edge. Also label all
at step 6. To prepare the complete
corresponding edges of front view
surface development include the top
with labeling made on top view.
and bottom faces (covers) as show in
3) Construct the stretch-out line 1-1
fig 5.5.
passing through the base of the front
4) Transfer the true width dimensions of
the faces from the top view on to the
stretch-out-line sequentially to locate
points 1, 2, 3, etc.
5) Draw perpendicular lines to the
stretch-out line through 1, 2, 3 etc.
6) Transfer the true heights of each
vertical edges from the front view
using horizontal projection lines onto
the corresponding vertical lines of the
development to locate 8’,5’,6’, etc
7) To prepare the complete surface
development include the true shape of
the top cover which is obtained by an
Fig. 5.5 Development of rectangular prism
auxiliary view as discussed in unit 2 of
Checkpoint 5.2 this text book and the bottom cover of
a right prism. See practical example on
Prepare the pattern development of truncated right prism i.e. development
pentagonal prism whose height and of mail box.
one side length (face width) is 60mm
and 20mm respectively.

5 Development and Intersection
3) Project the stretch-out line from the
location of the auxiliary section. The
stretch-out-line is projected from the front
4) Measure the true width of the faces along
the stretch-out line as shown by points 1, 2,
3, and 4.
5) Draw lines through these points perpen-
dicular to the stretch-out line to form the
corners of the prism.
6) Project the end point of the corners to the
development. This locates top and bottom
Fig. 5.6 Development of a truncated square ends of the corners.
prism 7) Connect the corners to finish the develop-
pment of the oblique prism.
Checkpoint 5.3

Prepare the pattern development of

a truncated hexagonal prism whose
one side length is 15 mm and the
longest and shortest vertical edges
are 45mm and 25mm respectively.

To make the development of an oblique

square prism
Use the same method as that of right prism
except a difference that is the oblique prism Fig. 5.7 Development of an oblique prism
development doesn’t unfold in a straight line,
so the stretch-out line is placed through the Checkpoint 5.4
center of the prism.
1) Draw the front and top views of the prism. Prepare the development of full

2) Draw an auxiliary section that is oblique octagonal prism whose axis

is inclined at an angle of 450 and
perpendicular to the sides of the prism.
one side length is 20 mm.
The auxiliary section gives the true width
of the sides.
5 Development and Intersection

Development of cylinder into same number of divisions you have

Development is another type of solid on top view for more accurate surface
developed by parallel-line method of development.
development. Cylinder can be thought of as 7) On the last division, draw a line
being a many sided prism. In this case the perpendicular to the stretch-out line.
length of the stretch-out line is equal to the Draw the top edges of the cylinder
circumference of the cylinder. i.e c=2πr or parallel to the stretch-out line.
3D+1/7D where, c=circumference, 2=
constant, π = 3.14, r= radius of the circle. The This method of obtaining circumference is
lateral surface development of a full right approximate. The distance used is chordal
cylinder is a rectangle with length equal to the distances. A chord is shorter than its
arc length. A more accurate method of
circumference of the base circular outline and
width equal to the height of the cylinder. obtaining circumference is using mathematics
i.e. C = 2 πr.

Development of full Cylinder

To prepare the development of a right
1) Draw the front and top view of the
2) Divide the top circular view into any
number of equal parts (Say 12).
3) Label each of the division points on the
top circular view (1-12). Fig. 5.8 Development of cylinder.
4) Draw the stretch-out line. On the left
end, draw a perpendicular line. Make it Development of truncated Cylinder
the same length as the height of the To prepare the pattern development of
cylinder. truncated cylinder
1) Draw the front and top views of the
5) Measure the straight line distance
truncated Cylinder.
between two division points on the
circular view (i.e. chordal length to 2) Divide the circular top view into any
approximate arc length). number of equal parts (say 12).
6) Step off these distance on the stretch out 3) Project these points into the front view.
line as many division as you have on top
4) Draw the stretch-out line perpendicular to
view to give circumference length or
the axis of the Cylinder.
divide the circumference length (C=2πr)

5 Development and Intersection
5) Measure the straight line distance between Checkpoint 5.5
two division points on the circular view
(i.e. the chordal length approximating the Prepare the development of the

arc length.) given truncated cylinder.

6) Step off these distance on the stretch out

line(for approximate development) or
divide the circumference length into the
same number of divisions or sectors you
have on top view (for relatively accurate

7) Draw perpendicular lines through each

point on the stretch-out line starting with
shortest edge.
8) Project points from the top outline to edge
view of the inclined surface on front view
and then to the pattern development
Development of oblique cylinder
vertical edges so as to get the points to be Since an oblique cylinder theoretically may be
joined with irregular curve. though of as a regular oblique prism with an
9) For the complete surface development infinite sides so the principle of development
include the top and bottom surfaces. is more or less similar to that of oblique prism
Here the tangent line is used to get the discussed earlier with minor variation.
exact tangent point between the top cover
To prepare the development of an
and the lateral surface, the true shape of oblique cylinder.
the top cover is obtain in auxiliary view. 1) Draw the front and top view of the oblique
2) Draw the right auxiliary section.
3) Divide the right section into say example
16 equal parts to get 16 surface line
elements and label them in all views.
4) Draw the stretch-out line w-x i.e. equal in
length to the circumference of the right
Figure 5.9 Development of truncated cylinder.
section circle.
5 Development and Intersection
5) Divide the stretch-out line into the same
number of equal parts as in step 3 locating
points 1, 2, 3, etc.
6) Draw lines perpendicular to the stretch-out
line through points 1, 2, 3 …etc.
7) Transfer the true length of each surface
line elements from the front view to the
pattern development to locate points A, B,
C etc.
8) Draw smooth curve passing through point
A, B, C… etc, using French curve.
9) Attach the top and bottom cover at the (b)
tangent points established or the
Fig. 5.10 Development of oblique cylinder
development by using tangent line as
shown on the figure below. Radial-Line Development
This method of development is used to
The top and bottom covers (i.e. ellipse) will
develop shapes that are based on pyramid and
be constructed by using major axis AH and cone which have a series of lines which radiate
minor axis KJ of the top view (use any from the apex down to the base of the object
ellipse construction method.) and requires the determination of true length
of foreshortened lateral edges before
attempting to prepare the development.

Development of right pyramid

A right pyramid is a pyramid having all the
lateral edges from vertex to base of equal
In the process of developing a right pyramid, a
large arc is made with radius equal to the true
length of the lateral edge of the pyramid.
Then, points are marked on this large arc
using compass by setting off arcs with radius
equal to the true lengths of the base sides of
the pyramid. The true lengths of the edges of a
pyramid are found by using the triangulation
5 Development and Intersection
To draw the development of full
1) Draw the front and top view of the by
2) Label all corners on top view and front
view as well.
3) Find the true length of edge (e.g. 0-1)
using revolution or other method.
4) Draw a large arc with 0 as center and
radius equal to the true length of edge
0-1 . Fig. 5.11 Development of right pyramid.
5) Drop a perpendicular (vertical) line
from 0 so as to intersect the large arc Checkpoint 5.6
and get 3 .
6) Start from 3 and step off the true Draw the complete surface develop-
ment of hexagonal pyramid if one
distance 3-2, 2-1, 3-4 and 4-1, which
base side length and the altitude
are true lengths of base edges obtained are 20 and 50mm respectively.
from top view, along the large arc with
7) Join these points with straight line to Development of truncated right pyra-
establish the base edges.
If a full right pyramid is cut with a cutting
8) Finally join these points (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4
and 1) to the vertex point to represent plane at a convenient angle other than 90°
folding edges of the solid. with the axis the remaining pyramid is called
truncated right pyramid and if it is cut
perpendicular or at 900 angle with the axis. It
is called frustum pyramid.
The procedure of development is the same as
the full pyramid except that only the truncated
edge lines are required.

To draw the development of truncated

1) Draw the front and top view of the
truncated pyramid.

5 Development and Intersection
2) Label all corners on top view and front edge length along lines established at
view as well. step 8 to get A,B,C,D and A.
3) Find true length of the full lateral edge 11) Let us connect the top cover of the
of the pyramid on the front view by truncated pyramid to edge A-B of the
first revolving line 0-1 of the top view development. To do so first use B as
to intersect horizontal center line center and true edge length B-C of the
passing through apex 0 at 11 and then development as a radius and strike an
project up 11 and to front view to arc. Use A as a center and true distance
intersect the extended base line at 1′, of A-C as a radius as shown to the left
and finally join 0 with 11 of front view. of front view and strike another arc so
as to intersect the previously drawn arc
4) Find the true length of the truncated
lateral edges (A-l and B-2, C-3 and D- and establish ‘C’ of top cover. Use A as
4) on front view by projecting a center and true distance A-D of the
horizontal line from AB and DC to true development as a radius and strike an
length edge 011. arc.
Now line E-1′, is the true length of Use B as a center and true distance of
edge C-3 and D-4. Line F-1′, is the true B-D(equal in length to A-C) as a radius
length of edge A-1 and B-2. and strike another so as to intersect arc
5) Draw a large arc with 0 as center and drawn at previous step and establish
radius equal to the true length edge “D” of the top cover . Join points A, D,
0-1′ as shown on front view on a blank C and B to complete the top cover.
6) Drop perpendicular/vertical line from Note: You can first draw the true shape of the
0 so as to intersect the large arc and inclined surface by auxiliary view
establish 3. method and use two of the corners as
7) Start from 3 and step off the true center and the diagonal distance as a
distance 3-2, 2-1, 3-4 and 4-1 from the radius accordingly as discussed above
top view using compass to get the to establish the remaining two corners
remaining point 1,2 and 4 along the and complete the top cover.
large arc.
To attach the bottom cover on the
8) Join the points located on the large arc
with straight line to establish the true i. Select one of the base edges upon which
base edges on the development. to connect the bottom cover.
9) Connect points 1,2,3,4 of the large arc ii. Draw perpendicular lines through the end
with the apex ‘0’. points of the edge selected to the direction
10) Transfer the true lengths of each edges the cover is drawn.
(E-1′ and F-1′,) for the corresponding
5 Development and Intersection
iii. Transfer the true adjacent base edge Checkpoint 5.7
lengths along these perpendicular lines.
Prepare the complete surface
iv. Connect the points obtained along these
development of the following
perpendicular lines at step III with trun-cated hexagonal pyramid
straight line parallel to the initial base shown below
edge selected.

Development of oblique pyramid

Oblique pyramid is a pyramid having its axis
at an angle other than 900 with the base of the
solids, so that paired or all lateral edges have
unequal lengths. So the true length of these
edges should be found as shown in Fig.5.13.

To prepare the development of full

hexagonal oblique pyramid.
1) Draw the front and top views of the oblique
pyramid (Fig.5.93).
2) Label the edges of the pyramid on both top
and front views.

Fig. 5.12 Development of truncated pyramid 3) Construct the true length diagram that
shows the true length of all lateral edges on
the front view.
4) Start the development by first drawing line
0 F 1 r (the shortest edge) from the true
length diagram.
5 Development and Intersection
5) With 0 F as center and radius 0 F 2 r drawn Checkpoint 5.8
an arc and adjust your compass with side
1-2 as radius from top view and draw Prepare the development of the
another arc to intersect the first arc drawn given square oblique pyramid
at 2.
6) In a similar manner locate the other points
i.e 3, 4, 5, 6.
7) Join points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to each other
and to point 0. Also attach the base with
the same procedure discussed on right
pyramid to make the development com-

Development of truncated oblique

The procedure of finding the true length of the
truncated edges is similar to that of truncated
right shown discussed earlier. The method
and procedures of surface development is also
Fig. 5.13 True length diagram similar to that of full oblique pyramid (See
Fig. 5.15).

Key terms
 Frustum: is a section of a conical
 Pattern making: is the process of
creating a 2D map of a 3D shape to be
 Patterns: are two dimensional maps of
three dimensional shapes.
 Radial lines: are the development lines
used to construct a pattern for a shape.
Fig. 5.14 Development of oblique pyramid.
Also known as radial guidelines.

5 Development and Intersection

Fig. 5.16 Development of cone.

The development of a right full cone is simply

a sector whose radius is equal to the slant
height (hypotenuse) of the cone and whose arc
length is equal to the circumference of the
base of the cone. The subtended angle can be
found using the following formula.
Ø = rs × 3600
Where: r- is the radius of the base circle of the
cone and s is the slant height (hypotenuse) of
the cone.

Fig. 5.15 Development of truncated oblique


Development of cone
The development of a cone is similar to that of
Fig. 5.17 Development of right cone
pyramid, use the radial line method of
development. The cone is thought of as a The proportion of the height to the base
many sided pyramid. diameter determines the size of the sector as
shown on Fig.5.18.
5 Development and Intersection
4) Draw a large arc on the development using
0 as a center and true length edge 0-1 (0-7)
of front view as radius.
5) Take a single chordal length of the top view
to approximate the arc length with
compass and step off along the large arc
equal divisions as you have on top view.

6) Join the end point of the large arc to apex

‘0’ to complete the lateral surface

Note: You can also attach the bottom cover

(A) PROPORTION OF HEIGHT TO BASE taking its true shape from top view.

To draw development of frustum of a

Draw the development of the full cone as
shown in Fig 5.18.
1) Draw an arc on the development of the
cone with O as center and OA as radius
to locate the top edge of the frustum.
2) Include the top and bottom cover
obtained from top view to make the
(B) DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE pattern development complete.
Fig. 5.18 Development of right cone

Steps to draw the development of a

1) Draw the front and top view of the full
right cone.
2) Divide the top view into a convenient
number of equal divisions in this instant
into 12.
3) Label all division points on top view and
their corresponding points on front view.
Fig. 5.19 Development of frustum of a cone
5 Development and Intersection

Development of truncated right cone

The development of truncated right cone is
similar to the development of full cone except
minor difference resulting from the truncated
element lines.
Before preparing the pattern development of a
truncated right cone, the top view of the
truncate part (i.e. the ellipse) and its true
shape should be complete and found

To complete the top view truncate part

(ellipse) of the cone
1) Draw the front and top view of the
truncated cone with its apex ‘0’

2) Divide the top view into any

convenient number of equally spaced
element line say 12 then label them in
a clockwise direction.

3) Project these element lines from top

view to the base of front view and then
to the apex ‘0’ so as to get points a, b, c
etc on the edge view of the ellipse.

4) Project points a, b, c, etc from front

view back to top view on the
corresponding elements lines to get
points a′, b′, c′ etc

5) Draw smooth curve through points a′

b′, c′ etc to complete the top view of the

6) Draw the true shape of the ellipse

using auxiliary view method to help
Fig. 5.20 Development of truncated cone.
complete the pattern development.
5 Development and Intersection
7) Project points a, b, c, etc from the edge development of an oblique cone may be made
view of the ellipse to the true length in a manner similar to the development of an
line 0-1 of front view to get the true oblique pyramid by considering the cone as a
lengths of all other element lines. pyramid with infinite number of edges
8) Draw the development of the full cone however here finite number of edges (i.e. 12
as discussed earlier. element lines) are used.
9) Transfer the true length of all element
To prepare development of oblique
lines (eg.0-a, 0-b, 0-c etc) from front cone
view to the corresponding element 1) Draw the front and top views of the
lines of the development to locate oblique cone.
points a, b, c, etc 2) Divide the circular view of top view
10) Draw smooth curve through points a, into any number of equal parts (say
b, c, etc obtained on the development 12).
and attach the base and the top 3) Label the points in a clockwise
elliptical surface to complete the direction starting from 1 as shown on
development. figure. 5.21 and connect them to apex 0
to establish elements lines on top view.
Checkpoint 5.9 4) Project point 1, 2, 3, etc from top view
to the base edge of front view and label
Prepare the development of
them accordingly.
the following truncated cone.
5) Draw the element lines from each base
edge points to apex ‘0’ of the front
view. This divides the lateral surface
into series of triangles.
6) Construct the true length diagram that
shows the true length of all element
except 0-1 and 0-7 which appeared as
true length on front view by revolution
7) Make the development by laying out
the triangles in the order they are
found on the views of the cone. Start
with the 1st triangle 0-1-2

Development of oblique cone First layout true length side 0-1. All radiuses
for other lateral elements and arc length are
Oblique cone can have either a circular or
taken from true length diagram and top view
elliptical base as shown on Fig.5.21, either
respectively. Draw an arc using 0 as a center
type can be developed approximately. The
5 Development and Intersection
and 0-2 as a radius. Draw another arc with 5.3 Intersection Between
1 as center and 1-2 as radius to intersect the
Geometrical Solids
first arc drawn and establish 2 on the
development. Again draw an arc using 0 as a List the geometrical solids you know.
center and 0-3 as a radius. Draw another arc Imagine when some of the solids intersecting and
with 2-3 as a radius to intersect the previous make an intersection line or curve between them.
arc drawn and establish 3 on the development.
A thorough knowledge of this subject would
8) Repeat these steps for each element until help greatly a student of engineering or an
all points on the development are shown. engineer engaged in his/her practical field.
9) Draw a smooth curve through points 1, 2,
A machine part of any kind normally may be
3 etc using French curve. You can also
assumed to consist of a number of geometric
attach the base to complete the
shapes arranged to produce the desired form.
The common intersecting geometric shapes in
sheet metal work like prism, cylinder, pyramid
and cone may sometimes be combined or
interlocked in a pattern that is easily
represented. However in this text only
intersection of solids based on prism and
cylinder is discussed. In sheet metal work, the
line of intersection between intersecting or
penetrating solids will have to be found out
before the development of the solids is
prepared. The principles of intersection have
many more practical applications in making of
ducts, pipe joints, containers, fitting of a steam
dome on cylindrical boiler, cutting of openings
Fig. 5.21 Development of oblique cone.
in roof surface for flues and stacks, etc. can be
Development of truncated oblique mentioned.
The procedures of finding the true length of Classification of surface intersection
A) Intersection of two solids with plane
the truncated edges is similar to that of
surfaces (Example intersection of prism
truncated oblique pyramid and other
and pyramid). The common intersection
procedures of development construction is
outline becomes a straight line so it is
Similar to that of oblique cone.
called as line of intersection.
5 Development and Intersection
B) Intersection of two solids one with plane using set square or French curve to establish
surface and the other with curved surface the required line or curve of intersection.
(Example intersection of prism and
Finding piercing point resulted from
cylinder). When they intersect each other
the common intersection outline in intersection of line EG and triangular
majority case becomes curve, but plane ABC (Fig 5.22).
sometimes partially line and partially curve Note: Line ED can represent the lateral edge
depending on the shape, size and orien- of one of intersecting element and
tation of the solids under intersection. plane ABC, the lateral surface of
C) Intersection of two solids bounded by
another intersecting element.
curved surfaces. (Example intersection
cylinder and cone). When they intersect The piercing point is obtained by assuming a
each other, the common intersection cutting plane (Containing line EG and at the
outline becomes a curve so it is called as same time passing through the triangular
curve of intersection and the plane ABC using the two given views of the
manufacturing of which will directly line and plane.
depends on the development of solids
intersected. Steps to find the piercing point
1) Draw the front and top views of the two
intersection elements (line and plane).
5.3.1. Piercing point
2) Label the line as EG and the plane as ABC.
Bring a paper and pierce it with your pen or pencil
3) Introduce any convenient cutting plane
and observe the exact contact point of the pen and
containing line EG. A cutting plane
the paper.
perpendicular to one of the principal
Before trying to determine the line or curve of plane (in this case horizontal plane) is
intersection resulting from intersection or convenient because it appears as an edge
penetrating solids, we must be able to (line) view in a principal view (i.e. top
determine a piercing point. view.)
4) The line of intersection 1-2 is determined
Piercing point is the point of intersection of
by the intersection of plane ABC and the
a line and a plane. The line can represent the
assumed cutting plane.
lateral edge of a plane solid or the element of a
curved solid. The plane can represent the 5) Since line EG and line of intersection 1-2
surface of a solid. both lie in the same cutting plane, they
intersect each other to locate point “P”.
A number of piercing points so located by the
intersection of the edge or elements of one 6) Since line of intersection 1-2 also lies in
solid with the plane or surface of another plane ABC, point ‘P’ is now the required
intersecting solid will be joined to each other piercing point under the intersection of
line EG and plane ABC.

5 Development and Intersection

5.3.2. Methods of Locating Point

of Intersection.
There are two commonly known methods of
locating point of intersection between
intersecting solids.
1) End view method
2) Cutting plane method
1) End view method
This method is commonly used to find the line
of intersection between intersecting solids
with plane surfaces.
Begin by labeling the corners/vertices of a
plane figure or surface of one of the
(B) intersecting solids on end view.
Note: The plane figure/surface labeled on the
end view represents the edge view of
the lateral surface and the labels show
the point view of the lateral edges
along which the line of intersection

2) Cutting plane method

This method is used to find the line of
(C) intersection between intersecting solids with
both plane and curved surfaces, so it is
preferable for curved surfaces.
Pass a series of imaginary cutting planes as
required through both solids under
intersection used to locate points on the
line/curve of intersection, resulted from
intersection of cutting planes with edge view
of the lateral surface of both solids on the
(D) views.
Fig. 5.22 Finding piercing point of a line and
a plane intersecting.

5 Development and Intersection

5.3.3. Intersection of two Regular

Prisms and their
The intersection of two prisms is found by
locating the piercing points of the edges of one
solid on the surface of the other solid using
end view (side view) method.

Steps to find the line of intersection of

the two intersecting solids (Fig.2.23).
1) Draw the front and top views of both Fig. 5.23 Finding line of intersection of two
prisms. intersecting prisms.
2) Label the corners of the end view of the
Steps to prepare the lateral surface
horizontal prism in a clock wise direction
development of the vertical prism.
as shown by a, b, c and d along which the
We are using parallel-line method of develop-
piercing points lie.
ment as the solid to be developed is a prism.
3) Project points a, b, c and d from end view So follow the basic procedures to be used for
to top view to intersect the edge view of this method as discussed earlier.
the lateral surface of vertical prism along 1) Draw the top and front views of the
which piercing points again lie. prism. (As already shown)
4) Project the same points a, b, c and d from 2) Label all the top corners of the prism in
top view down to front view to intersect a clockwise direction as (1, 2, 3, and 4)
the projection lines of corresponding also show corresponding labeling on
points from end view and establish the front view.
required piercing points that lie on the 3) Draw the stretch-out base line passing
line of intersection. through the base of the front view.
5) Connect the piercing points obtained at 4) Transfer the true length edges of the top
step 4 to complete the line of intersection view 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 and 4-1 along the
of the two intersecting prisms. stretch out line and label them.
5) Draw perpendicular lines through
labeled points of the stretch-out line to
establish the various lateral edge
6) Project the piercing points (a, b, c and d)
from front view onto the development to
intersect corresponding lateral/vertical
5 Development and Intersection
edges and establish the line of
i.e. points a and c lie on lateral edge 3
where as points b and d lie on assumed
lateral edges whose true distance can be
measure from edge 3 of top view and
transferred along the stretchout line
each side.
5) Connect the piercing points so obtained Fig.5.24 Finding line of intersection between
at step 6 to complete the line of intersecting prism at an angle and
their development
intersection on the development.
To develop the small horizontal prism follow If the axis of the two intersecting solids
the same steps as the vertical prism provided intersect at right angle or other angle
that the true length edges to be transfer along regardless of their sizes and orientation we
the stretch out line are obtained from end/side will obtain a visible line of intersection on
view i.e. 5-6, 6-7, 7-8 & 8-5 and the true the front view. However the possibility of
heights of the lateral edges are obtained either getting hidden and visible line of
from front view or top view to get piercing intersection is high under the following
points a,b,c and d finally connect these points conditions: If the axis of the intersecting
to complete the corresponding line of solids do not intersect or apart each other
intersection on this prism. by some distance, If the shapes of the
solids under intersection are different and
Intersection of two prism at an angle If different arrangement/orientation is
different from 90°. used than a regular arrangement.
The step to find the line of intersection is more
or less similar to the previous case.

Fig.5.25 Visible and hidden line of intersection

of intersecting prisms.
5 Development and Intersection
So you see that on front view of Fig.5.25 i. By dividing the circular view of the
line DA and AE are visible line of intersection, horizontal cylinder into say 12 equal
where as line BD, BC, CE are Invisible/hidden parts on side view or draw elements
line of intersection. along which the cutting planes are
assumed to pass through
Checkpoint 5.10
ii. By dividing the edge of the
horizontal cylinder on top view into
Find the line of intersection
defined number of equal parts.
created between the following
Including the center line as marked
intersecting solids and prepare
as A,B,C,D.
the lateral surface development
3) Label all the points established by the
of both solids.
intersection of the circular view with
cutting planes both on top view (i.e.
1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7) front view (i.e. A,B,C,D)
where only half view of the circle is used.
4) Project points established at step 3 from
top view of vertical cylinder and end view
of horizontal cylinder to the front view to
get corresponding intersection points.
5) Connect intersection points obtained at
step 4 with French curve so as to get the
5.3.4. Intersection of two Cylinders required curve of intersection.
and their Development.
Steps to prepare the lateral surface
The curve of intersection of two intersecting development of the vertical cylinder
cylinders is found by using a series of cutting (Fig 5.26)
planes. So we are using cutting plane method. As discussed earlier parallel line method of
development is used to develop the cylinder.
Steps to find the curve of intersection
1) Draw the front and top views of both
of two intersecting cylinders at right
angle (Fig 5.26). cylinders. As discussed already.

1) Draw the front and top views of both 2) Draw the stretch out line passing
cylinders and circular view of the through the base of the front view
horizontal cylinder on the front or side whose length is equal to the circumf-
view is required. erence length of the large circle of top
2) Pass a required number of vertical cutting view.
planes through both the cylinders by the
following two options.
5 Development and Intersection
3) The total height drawn perpendicular
to the stretch-out line is directly
projected from the front view.

4) Draw the center line perpendicular and

passing through the mid point of the
stretch-out line.

5) Draw the other lines representing the

cutting plane parallel to the center line
and through points 1, 2, 3 etc located
by taking the chordal lengths X,Y, etc.
from top view onto the development.

6) Project the points of intersection from

the curve of intersection of front view
to the corresponding cutting plane Fig. 5.26 Finding the curve of intersection and
lines to get another intersection points development of intersecting cylinders
on the development. at right angle.

7) Connect these points with French Steps to find the curve of intersection
curve to complete the shape of the of two intersecting cylinders at an
opening into which the small cylinder angle (Fig.5.27 (A)).
1) Draw the front and top views of both
cylinders under intersection.
The lateral surface development of the small
2) Draw the auxiliary view of the
horizontal cylinder can be made in a manner
intersecting cylinder at an angle as
similar to the development of truncated
half/full circle and divide it into equal
parts to establish surface line elements
on its lateral surface.

Key terms 3) Label these points and project them to

corresponding elliptical outline on top
Stretch out: is two dimension
patterns of a three dimensional
object. 4) Project all the points from the elliptical
outline to circle representing the edge
view of the vertical cylinder on top
5 Development and Intersection

5) Project points from circular view of top

view to front view to intersect
corresponding surface line element of
the intersecting cylinder at an angle.
6) Connect points obtained at step 5 to
complete the required curve of

To develop the lateral surface of the

vertical cylinder (Fig. 5.27(B)).
1) First draw the development of the full (A) Intersection of two cylinders
cylinder as discussed earlier.
2) Consider appropriate number of
surface line elements on the cut
portion of the cylinder then draw these
elements on the development by
transferring the spacing between them
from the top view to the development.
3) Transfer the lengths of these elements (B) Development of the lateral surface
from the front view to the development of the vertical cylinder
to locate points on the line of
Fig. 5.27 cylinder intersect at an angle
4) Connect the points so obtained in step
Checkpoint 5.11
3 to complete the curve of intersection
on the development.
Find the line of intersection and
The lateral surface development of the prepare their lateral surfaces’
cylinder intersected at an angle can be drawn development of two intersecting
in a similar manner to the development of cylinders at right angle. The
truncated cylinder. diameter and length of the
horizontal cylinder are 50mm and
80mm, respectively. The diameter
Key terms
and height of the vertical cylinder
Truncate: to cut the top of a
are 40mm and 80mm, respe-
shape along a plane that is not
parallel to the base.

5 Development and Intersection

Unit Summary

A layout of the complete surface of an object is called a development or pattern.

If we wanted to make an object such as a cone, prism or pyramid a development
may firstly be required. The development shows the true sizes of the surface of
the object. A development should be drawn with the inside face up.

In prism development a development of only the sides of an object without the

top or base is called a lateral development. With the top and bottom surfaces
included it is called a full development. The true lengths of the lines must
always be determined.
In the development of a cylinder firstly divide the circumference into elements.
Then use the true length of these elements in the development.

While developing a pyramid first determine the true lengths of the edges and
Transition Pieces are pieces that change from one shape to another. So to
develop a rectangular transition piece: the true lengths of lines must be
determined. Lines that are not parallel to the frontal plane in the top view are not
true length in the front view.

We can develop a transition piece that connects two circular pipes by stepping
of the distance between points in the top view and using the height of the lines
in the front view, the true length of the lines can be determined.
Intersection of two cylinders is possible by projecting data points in the top
view down to the front view, obtaining both the height and width of the position
of the points, the complete intersection of the two solids can be obtained.
For the Intersection of a cone and cylinder: The cone base must be divided into
sections and then projection lines are projected up to the vertex of the cone.
The intersection points can then be established on these projection lines by
projecting from the front view.

5 Development and Intersection


Prepare the complete surface development of the following shapes.

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E) (F) (G)

5 Development and Intersection

Find the line of intersection and then prepare the lateral surface
development of the following intersecting solids.

(H) (I) (J)

5 Development and Intersection

Develop the lateral surface with the upper and lower cover of the given

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6) (7) (8)

(9) (10) ( 11)


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