Economics Exrcises

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1. Define and give an example of each of the following demand terms and concepts.

Illustrate diagrammatically a change in each.

a. Quantity demanded
b. Demand
c. Market demand curve
d. Normal good
e. Inferior good
f. Substitute good
g. Complementary good
h. Price expectation
i. Income expectation
j. Advertising
k. Population
2. Define and give an example of each of the following supply terms and concepts.
Illustrate diagrammatically a change in each.
a. Quantity supplied
b. Supply
c. Market supply curve
d. Factor price
e. Technology
f. Price expectation
g. Advertising
h. Substitute good
i. Complementary good
j. Taxes
k. Subsidies
l. Number of firms
3. Yell-O Yew-Boats, Ltd. produces a popular brand of pointy birds called Blue
Meanies. Consider the demand and supply equations for Blue Meanies:

QD x = 150-2Px+0.001I+1.5Py

QSX = 60+4Px-2.5W

Where Qx = monthly per-family consumption of Blue Meanies

 Px = price per unit of Blue Meanies

 I = median annual per-family income = $25,000
 Py = price per unit of Apple Bonkers = $5.00
 W = hourly per-worker wage rate = $8.60
a. What type of good is an Apple Bonker?
b. What are the equilibrium price and quantity of Blue Meanies?
c. Suppose that median per-family income increases by $6,000.
a. What are the new equilibrium price and quantity of Blue Meanies?
d. Suppose that in addition to the increase in median per-family income, collective
bargaining by Blue Meanie Local #666 resulted in

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