Accutron 224 ServiceManual

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Series 224

The Series 224 Accuquartz is basically an Accutron® Series

218 with some modifications. The most significant difference
is the addition of a Quartz Crystal Oscillator to an already
proven and established timepiece. Although some parts, regu-
lation and minor adjustments may differ, the Series 224 and
Series 218 are very similar to each other in basic servicing

The basic tools and equipment necessary for servicmq the
Series 224 Movement, train side.
Accutron Series 218 are also employed in servicing the Accu-
~. quartz 224. In addition, a Quartz Crystal Deviation Counter -
with 32,768 Hz pickup is required . ., When phasing, an I.C.
(integrated circuit) Phasing Attachment (Accuquartz Service
Kit #224/6601) is used in conjunction with the basic 218
movement holder. Also, an abbreviated meter scale is neces- SPECI FICATIONS
sary. (Accuquartz Service Kit #224/6602).
Quartz Frequency
32,768 Hz (cycles per second)
..u;. Tuning Fork Frequency
3411/3 Hz (cycles per second)

25.75mm x 4.4mm (6.1mm height
with calendar)

Service Kit #224/6602, Service Kit #224/6601, Ligne Size

Abbreviated Meter Scale. I.C. Phasing Attachment 12%

Power Source
"Bulova 218," or "Accutron 218"
Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication and reassembly including Model 2240-Hour, Minute and Sweep
calendar, INDEX ADJUSTMENT and PHASING (with a minor Second
variation) is done in exactly the same manner as the Series 218. Model 2241-Hour, Minute, Sweep Second
When necessary, please refer to the 218 manual for servicing and Date

'~h' Accuquartz 224. \ / q; L\ '17 Model 2242-Hour,

Day and Date
Minute, Sweep Second,

~~rI. .
.. ,

Meter set at
"Read Microamperes"

I.C.Phasing Attachment in place on movement

holder and Abbreviated Meter Scale on meter.
Note connection points for leads and that the
probe of the attachment must be in contact
withthe I.C. Package as shown on inset.


NOTE: The Series224 and Series218 are phasedthe sameway: Unlike previous Accutron watches, the Tuning Fork "Regu-
by turning the phasing cam and creating the run-stop-run action
lators" of a Series 224 Accuquartz, do NOT function as
of the Index Wheel. However, the meter is NOT set at Low
Amplitude, but in fact, at READ MICROAMPERES. (The I.C. "Regulators." The "Regulators" in fact, function as "Bal-
PhasingAttachment compensates for this change in procedure.l ancers." When the "Balancers" are positioned properly, the /_,/~
fork will vibrate in close harmony with the frequency of the
Quartz Crystal, and will require a minimum of current.
A. The indexing mechanism should be properly adjusted and
positioned for phasing as described in the 218 manual.
B. With movement seated properly in 218 movement holder, A. To check Balancers (Regulators), remove the yellow alli-
slip I.C. Phasing Attachment over movement and on gator clip from the I.C. Phasing Attachment. Meter
holder. Center movement stem in wall of attachment Selector Switch should be in the "Read Microamperes"
slot. Set meter at Read Microamperes setting. position.

C. Connect meter leads. Blue lead to cell strap pin, yellow

B. With watch phased and running, hold the watch (in the
lead (jack) to ground (movement holder) Fig. 3.
movement holder with Phasing Attachment in place) in
NOTE: On occasion, the meter pointer will "peg." When this occurs, the tuning fork cups "Up" position. Take careful note of
wait about 15 seconds for pointer to recover. If it does not recover, the pointer position. Turn the watch to the tuning fork
lightly tap meter dial and the pointer should return to a lower reading. cups "Down" position and again note the pointer position.
tf it fails to recover, replace the Component Coil #712 becauseit has
The difference between pointer position cups "up" and
a short circuit.
cups "down" should not exceed two pointer widths. This
D. Clip yellow alligator lead to I.C. attachment. Do not re- corresponds to approximately 0.2 microamperes.
move yellow plug in movement holder (Fig. 3). Place
abbreviated meter scale (224/6602) on meter as pictured. C. If the needle moves more than twice its width, the micro-
ampere reading is excessively unequal. The objective is to
E. Check meter reading to confirm proper contact between
reduce the higher of the two readings until the difference
I.C. Attachment and movement. Meter pointer should
is no greater than two needle widths, corresponding to
indicate a reading between the two drawn lines on the
0.2 microamperes. To do this, determine which position
abbreviated meter scale. This is normal for this watch.
produces the higher reading, and lower it. Fo'r instance,
NOTE: If below, check I.C. attachment for proper contact with watch if the "tuning fork cups up" is higher in reading than
movement (see Fig. 3). Also check for proper contact of yellow "tuning fork cups down," move both "Balancers" towards
alligator clip.
the center of the movement. If the "tuning fork cups
If above, first check for mechanical blockage. If there is no
mechanical blockage, replace Component Coil #712. down" reading is the higher reading, then move the "Bal-. . .-
ancers" towards the outside of the movement. - /' -'r'-=-/'
F. Movement is ready for phasing. Check that the meter
selector is at the Read Microamperes position. Phase as
NOTE: It is good practice to divide the amount of adjustment
Series 218. Rotate the cam slowly until the Index Wheel equally between the 2 "Balancers" so that they remain opposite
starts. Continue turning the cam until the Index Wheel each other at all times.
stops and restarts. Do not turn cam any further. Tighten
lock screw. The watch is now in phase.

- ••...;~ -,,'~-'

Meter set at
Yellow Clip "Read Microamperes"

Current Drain Check. Note that the con-

nections differ from those shown in Figure
3 in that the yellow alligator clip is NOT
connected to the I.C. Phasing Attachment.


Electronic Circuit.
A. After adjusting the Balancers with the
selector switch still set at "Read Micro-
amperes," check that the reading does
NOT exceed "Max. Run Current." Leads
are connected as in Fig. 4; that is, yellow
alligator clip is NOT attached to I.C.
Phasing Attachment.
B. If current drain is above "Max. Run Cur-
rent," then check for possible causes as
in Series 218. See "Hints" on back page.

Set the frequency counter selector
at 32,768 Hz.
Checking the frequency of the Quartz Crystal ASSEMBL Y
(32,768 Hz) is done by pulling the stem to
the setting (out) position and placing the
movement on the frequency counter pick-up.
The rate is adjusted solely by changing the TABLE I
number and/or position of Tuning Capacitor NOMINAL VALUES
Screws (#352) located on the Component FOR THE 6 TUNING CAPACITOR SCREWS
Coil (#712). The AMOUNT and LOCATION
of screws adjust the frequency (Table 1).
Screw #1
A. If frequency too fast-Increase the ca- Parts per Million 0.4 to 1.0
Seconds/day 0.03 to 0.10
pacitance of the tuning capacitor, thereby
decreasing the frequency, by adding or
relocating one or several capacitor screws. Screw #2
Parts per Million 0.9 to 2.1
This reduces the frequency. See Table 1. Seconds/day 0.07 to 0.20

B. If frequency too slow-Reduce the ca- Screw #3

Parts per Million 1.8 to 4.2
pacitance of the tuning capacitor, thereby Seconds/day 0.15 to 0.40
increasing the frequency, by removing or
relocating one or several tuning capacitor Screw #4
Parts per Million 3.6 to 8.5
screws. This increases the frequency. Seconds/day 0.30 to 0.80
See Table 1.
Screw #5
NOTE: After making a frequency adjustment, al- Parts per Million 7.2 to 17.6
low the watch to lie flat for a few minutes before Seconds/day 0.60 to 1.50
placing it on the frequency counter once more:
this allows the Quartz Crystal to stabilize. The Screw #6
design of the watch is such that accuracy within Parts per Million 14.4 to 35.2
three minutes a year is not unusual. Seconds/day 1.20 to 3.00
- -.
103 Second Wheel 205 Setting Lever 609 Lead Strap Separator
105 Third Wheel 209 Setting Lever Screw 709 Pillar Plate

112 Index Wheel 315 I.C. Ground Screw 712 Component Coil Assembly

141 Cell Strap 352 Tuning Capacitor Screw 715 Cell Coil Assembly

151 Cell Coil Screw 404 Train Bridge *716 Tuning Fork

151 Component Coil Screw 606A Lead Strap stand-off 814 Cell Strap Stand-off tube

151 Lead Strap Screw

*The Series 224 Tuning Fork, being of different frequency is not interchangeable with
the Series 218. To distinguish one from the other, examine the left cup. The Series
224 has a countersunk indent (dimple); The Series 218 does not.


Cell Coil #715 Continuity Check
1. To determine whether a "Zero" meter reading is due to an
open Component Coil #712 or an open Cell Coil #715, set
meter selector at "low amplitude" and carefully place yellow
lead to lower #715 lead strap, blue lead to ground lug, Fig. 6.
If meter pegs, #715 is o.k. and #712 is open and must be
replaced. If meter needle remains at zero then the #715 is \,..J-
open and must be replaced.
2. Check Quartz Crystal Canister and I. C. Board. They must
be cemented tightly in place. If loose, cement in place
with Aron Alpha epoxy or equivalent. USE SPAR INGL YI As
with all Quartz Crystal Watches, care should be taken not to
subject the Quartz Crystal to abuse when movement is uncased.
3. It is imperative that the Tuning Fork be positioned properly
between the shoulders on the underside of the train bridge and
the pillar plate. Space between fork tines and train bridge
should be approximately twice the distance as that between
tines and pillar plate.
4. The tuning fork in an Accuquartz is a slave, whose accuracy
is controlled by the Quartz Crystal. Therefore, if a problem
exists within the accuracy of the watch, which cannot be ad-
justed by regulating, and there is no mechanical problem, it is
the Component Coil (#712), which contains the Quartz Crystal,
that needs to be replaced. On the other hand, if the meter
current drain is excessive, and there is no mechanical problem,
it is usually a demagnetized fork that is causing the high cur-
rent reading. The Tuning Fork must be replaced.
5. Check frequency, electronic circuit, and current drain before
assembling gear train to eliminate unnecessary assembly and
disassembly if problem exists.
Components of Series 224. Shaded com-
ponents are only available as a single unit
specified as Part No. 712 (Component
Coil Assembly).

All information contained in this booklet is based on the latest product information available at the time of printing.
Printed in U.S.A. Technical Information Services, Bulova Watch Company, lnc., 75-20 Astoria Blvd., Jackson Heights, N.Y. 11377. IA

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