Ngeh 1994
Ngeh 1994
Ngeh 1994
40 50 60 70 80
T2 (OC)
Figure 1. Plot of the equilibrium temperature, T, versus the initial tem- Fdg~re3 Plotsof Tvers-s m2der ved from tneorellca oata generated
perature. T2,of 50 g of hot water that was added to a polystyrene cup oy tne compder program given in F gdre 2 Jsmg T, = 20 'C, T 2 = 80
calorimeter originally containing 100 g of water at 22.5 "C (room 'C and va Les of m, of (a, 50 g (b, 200 g, (c, 500 g. ano to 1000 g
temp.).Linear least-squares regression coefficient, ? = 0.99.
without havine to make a correction for the heat absorbed
by the calorimker itself (9, 13, 15).
REM: Program "TempCalc" I t is possible to reinforce the student's understanding of
the derivation and use of eq 3 by reference to a simple com-
puter program (see Fig. 2) that generates the coordinates
(T, m2)for given values of ml, TI ,and T2. The student may
be asked simply to examine and use the program or, alter-
9 . . -
nativelv. the oroeram could be set a s a simole . promam-
ming exercise. The data produced by the program can be
& -
10. Oxtoby, D. W.: Naehtriels, N. H. Principks d f ~ & m Chemistry, 2nd ed.: Sanders:
polystyrene cup and gently stirred with a small magnetic Philadelphia, 1990; p 261.
"flea".The temperature of the water in the cup (TI)1s re- 11. Chang, R. Chemisfn 4th ed.:MeCraw-Hill: New York, 1991: p 230.
12. hon. E. R.; Ellis. G. L.; Doyle, L.; lvanm J. ;Percival. S. Foundations ofchemistry-
corded accurately using the -10-50 "Cthermometer. Lobamlory Manual, 2nd ed.; Holt, Rimhart and Winston: Tomnto, 1991:p 84.
The metallic block is removed quickly from the boiling 13. Robem.J. L., Jr: Hollenberg, J. L.; Po8tma.J. M. Genemi Chemistry m iheLobom-
water using large plastic tweezers and placed in the poly- tory, 3rded.; W H. Freernan:NewYork, 1 9 9 1 : ~151.
stvrene euo calorimeter without inhibitine the stirrine
motlan of the "flea".The temperaturr of the system 17: IS
14. Burgstahler,A. W; Bricker, C. E. J. Chem. Educ. 1991,68,332333.
15. Bmuwer, H. J. Chem. Educ. 1991,68,A171.A181.
recorded usmg the -10-50 'C thermometer ancr thermal 16. Mwre, W. J. Physiml Chemistry, 5th ed.; Longman: Esser, 1972:p 29.
17. Silbeman,R. G J. Chem. Educ 1982.59.229.
equlllbnum ise3tablished. Equilibrium isatmined within 18. Hondbmk of C h i - f r y and Physfcr 72nd ed.; Lide. D. R., Ed.; CRC h a s : Boca
approximately 15 s. Raton. 1991.