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Building Management System Integration for

C•CURE 9000

Version 2.90

Access Control and Event Management 8200-1191-1150 Rev: A0

November 2020
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trademarks not owned by Johnson Controls are the property of their respective owners, and are used with permission or
allowed under applicable laws.

Product offerings and specifications are subject to change without notice. Actual products may vary from photos. Not all
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This manual is proprietary information of Software House. Unauthorized reproduction of any portion of this manual is
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of Johnson Controls.

BMS Integration User Guide 2

Table of Contents

Preface 6
How to Use this Manual 7
Finding More Information 9
Conventions 10

Chapter 1 - Introduction 11
Overview 12
Features 12
Architecture 12
Using the Building Automation Pane 14
BMS integration Tasks 15

Chapter 2 - Installation 16
Overview 17
Before you begin 17
Getting the BMS integration 18
Installing the BMS integration 19
Uninstalling the BMS integration 22

Chapter 3 - BACnet Device Discovery 25

Overview 26
Auto Discovery BACnet Devices 27
Importing Device Objects Manually 30

Chapter 4 - BACnet Device Editor 31

BACnet Device Editor Overview 32
Accessing the BACnet Device Editor 33
Adding a BACnet Device Object 34
Deleting a BACnet Device Object 35
BACnet Device General Tab 36
BACnet Device General Tab Definitions 36
Configuring a BACnet Device Object 38
BACnet Device Triggers Tab Definitions 39
Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Device 39
BACnet Device - Status Tab 41

BMS Integration User Guide 3

BACnet Device Status Tab Definitions 41
BACnet Device - State Images Tab 42
Customizing State Images for a BACnet Device 42

Chapter 5 - BACnet Object Editor 43

BACnet Object Editor Overview 44
Accessing the BACnet Object Editor 45
Deleting a BACnet Object 46
BACnet Object - General Tab 47
BACnet Object General Tab Definitions 47
Configuring a BACnet Object 49
Configuring Data Update Mechanism for a BACnet Object 49
BACnet Object - Triggers Tab 50
BACnet Object Triggers Tab Definitions 50
Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Object 51
BACnet Object - Status Tab 53
BACnet Object Status Tab Definitions 53
BACnet Object - State Images Tab 54
Customizing State Images for a BACnet Object 54
BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration Tab 56
BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration Tab Definitions 56
BACnet Schedule Object - Schedule Configuration Tab 57

Chapter 6 - Acknowledge Ack required Event Notification 59

Acknowledge Ack required Event Notification Overview 60
Accessing the Ack required Event Notification List 61
Acknowledging Ack required Event Notification 62

Chapter 7 - Widget on Map 63

Overview 64
Widget Descriptions 64
Adding a Widget on Map 71
Editing a Widget on Map 74

Chapter 8 - BACnet Event and Action 75

BACnet Event Action 76
BACnet Object Action Definition 76
Configuring BACnet Object Action 78

Chapter 9 - BACnet Gateway Template Editor 80

BACnet Gateway Template Overview 81
Viewing the Available BACnet Gateway Template list 82
Viewing the Mapping Definition of the BACnet Gateway Template 83

BMS Integration User Guide 4

Creating a New BACnet Gateway Template 84
Editing a BACnet Gateway Template 85
Removing a BACnet Gateway Template 86

Chapter 9 - BACnet Gateway Device Editor 87

BACnet Gateway Device Editor Overview 88
Accessing the BACnet Gateway Device Editor 89
Adding a BACnet Gateway Device Object 90
Deleting a BACnet Gateway Device Object 91
BACnet Gateway Device General Tab 92
BACnet Gateway Device General Tab Definitions 92
Configuring a BACnet Gateway Device Object 93
Creating Monitored Mapping for BACnet Gateway Device 94
Viewing BACnet Gateway Monitored Objects 95
Viewing the Mapping Reports for BACnet Gateway Device 96

Chapter 10 - BACnet Gateway Object Editor 97

BACnet Gateway Object Editor Overview 98
Accessing the BACnet Gateway Object Editor 99
Deleting a BACnet Gateway Object 100
BACnet Gateway Object General Tab 101
BACnet Gateway Object General Tab Definitions 101
Configuring a BACnet Gateway Object 102
Viewing Monitor Object for this BACnet Gateway Object 103

Chapter 11 - BACnet Broadcast Management Device 104

BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device Overview 105
Supported and Tested BBMD Network - First 106
Supported and Tested BBMD Network - Second 107
Accessing the BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD) 108
Adding a BBMD 109
Editing a BBMD 110
Deleting a BBMD 111
BBMD General Tab 112
BACnet Object General Tab Definitions 112
Configuring a BBMD Network 113

Chapter 12 - BACnet Journal Messages 114

BMS Integration Journal Message Definitions 115

BMS Integration User Guide 5


The C•CURE 9000 Neo Integration User Guide is for new and experienced security system users who want to learn to use
this product for the C•CURE 9000 Security Management System.

In this preface

How to Use this Manual 7

Finding More Information 9
Conventions 10

BMS Integration User Guide 6

How to Use this Manual
This manual is divided into 8 chapters and one appendix. Turn to the section in this manual containing the information you

Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter provides Building Management System (BMS) integration overview.

Chapter 2: Installation
This chapter provides installation/un-installation instructions for this product.

Chapter 3: BACnet Device Discovery

This chapter describes how BMS integration automatically detects BACnet devices on the network and creates the
corresponding devices and objects in C•CURE 9000.

Chapter 4: BACnet Device Editor

This appendix describes how to use BACnet device editor.

Chapter 5: BACnet Object Editor

This chapter describes how to use BACnet object editor.

Chapter 6: Acknowledge Ack required Event Notification

This chapter describes how to acknowledge Ack required Event Notification.

Chapter 7: Widget on Map

This chapter describes how to set animation for BACnet objects by widget on map.

Chapter 8: BACnet Event and Action

This chapter describes BACnet object specific action.

Chapter 9: BACnet Gateway Template Editor

This chapter describes How to maintenance BACnet Gateway Template.

Chapter 10: BACnet Gateway Device Editor

This chapter describes BACnet Gateway Device Editor.

BMS Integration User Guide 7

Chapter 11: BACnet Gateway Object Editor
This chapter describes BACnet Gateway Object Editor.

Chapter 13: BACnet Journal Messages

This chapter describes the Journal Messages of BMS integration.

BMS Integration User Guide 8

Finding More Information
You can access C•CURE 9000 manuals and online Help for more information about C•CURE 9000.

C•CURE 9000 software manuals and Software House hardware manuals are available in Adobe PDF format on the C•CURE
9000 DVD.

You can access the manuals if you copy the appropriate PDF files from the C•CURE 9000 Installation DVD English\Manuals
folder and install the Adobe Acrobat reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be installed from the C•CURE 9000 Installation DVD
English\Reader folder.

The available C•CURE 9000 and Software House manuals are listed in the C•CURE 9000 Installation and Upgrade Guide, and
appear as hyperlinks in the online.pdf file on the C•CURE 9000 DVD English\Manuals folder.

These manuals are also available from the Software House Member Center website

Online Help
You can access C•CURE 9000 Help by pressing F1 or clicking Help from the menu bar in the Administration/Monitoring
Station applications.

BMS Integration User Guide 9

This manual uses the following text formats and symbols.

Convention Meaning

Bold This font indicates screen elements, and also indicates when you should take a direct action in a procedure.
Bold font describes one of the following items:
• A command or character to type, or
• A button or option on the screen to press, or
• A key on the keyboard to press
• A screen element or name

blue color text Indicates a hyperlink to a URL, or a cross-reference to a figure, table, or section in this guide.

Regular italic font Indicates a new term.

<text> Indicates a variable.

The following items are used to indicate important information.

Indicates a note. Notes call attention to any item of information that may be of special importance.

Indicates an alternate method of performing a task.


Indicates a caution. A caution contains information essential to avoid damage to the system. A caution can
pertain to hardware or software.

Indicates a warning. A warning contains information that advises users that failure to avoid a specific action
could result in physical harm to the user or to the hardware.

Indicates a danger. A danger contains information that users must know to avoid death or serious injury.

BMS Integration User Guide 10


Chapter 1 - Introduction

This chapter introduces the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration product. In this chapter:

Overview 12
Using the Building Automation Pane 14
BMS integration Tasks 15

BMS Integration User Guide 11

This integration provides the generic integration between C•CURE 9000 and Building Management Devices based on BACnet
protocol, allowing customers to configure and control BMS devices. It provides connectivity to equipment using the BACnet
protocol over Ethernet (called "BACnet/IP" or "Annex J"). Devices on other BACnet network types may be accessed using
BACnet gateway devices. If the device is based on other protocol(e.g. N2), a protocol converter to BACnet(e.g. BACnet - N2
router) is needed.

This integration also provides a gateway mechanism for wrapping objects in C•CURE 9000 to BACnet objects, so the third
party system can monitor C•CURE 9000 object change through BACnet protocol if necessary.

BACnet, Building Automation and Control Networks, is a data communication protocol and an agreed-upon set of rules for
creating interoperable networks of building systems. When using BMS integration, it is recommended that users be familiar
with the standard BACnet objects and properties.

The BMS integration provides Device management, Alarm and Event management, and Action management features on
C•CURE 9000, which works as Supervisory Controller and controls BACnet device directly. This integration also provide
gateway function to map C•CURE 9000 objects to BACnet objects. It provides the default gateway templates and also provide
the way to customize gateway template.

The following is a list of major features supported by BMS integration.
■ Automatic Device Discovery
■ Multi-condition triggers
■ Interaction among devices (Non-BACnet and BACnet)
■ View devices animation state on map
■ All the changes of value are logged in the security journal for future investigative reporting
■ Supports BACnet/IP(Annex J) protocol:
■ Supports subscription to the change of value (COV) event notification for many properties
■ Supports the following Objects, with most properties of the standard object types supported: Analog Input, Analog Output,
Analog Value, Binary Input, Binary Output, Binary Value, Multi-state Input, Multi-state Output, Multi-state Value, Schedule
and Device.
■ Supported Services: Who-Is, I-Am, ReadProperty, ReadPropertyMultiple, WriteProperty, WritePropertyMultiple,
SubscribeCOV, SubscribeCOVProperty, ConfirmedCOVNotification, UnconfirmedCOVNotification.
■ Acknowledge Event Notification in Alarm.
■ BACnet gateway function - map C•CURE 9000 objects to BACnet objects.
■ Default gateway templates: iStar people counting, Event gateway templates.
■ Customized gateway template.
■ View monitor objects summary.
■ Supports BBMD: Manager BBMD: BACnet IP Communication across different networks.

Figure 1-1 on page 1-3 shows a diagram that depicts the relationship between BACnet devices and BMS integration.

Figure 1-1:  Architecture

BMS Integration User Guide 12

BMS Integration User Guide 13
Using the Building Automation Pane
BACnet integration objects are created in the Building Automation pane on your C•CURE 9000 Administration Client

When you install the BMS integration product, the building Automation Pane appeared on the navigation tree.

BMS Integration User Guide 14

BMS integration Tasks
You can perform the following tasks with BMS integration:
■ Auto Discovery BACnet Devices on Page 27
■ Importing Device Objects Manually on Page 30
■ Accessing the BACnet Device Editor on Page 33
■ Deleting a BACnet Device Object on Page 35
■ Configuring a BACnet Device Object on Page 38
■ Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Device on Page 39
■ Customizing State Images for a BACnet Device on Page 42
■ Accessing the BACnet Object Editor on Page 45
■ Deleting a BACnet Object on Page 46
■ Configuring a BACnet Object on Page 49
■ Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Object on Page 51
■ Customizing State Images for a BACnet Object on Page 54
■ Acknowledge Ack required Event Notification on Page 59
■ Adding a Widget on Map on Page 71
■ Editing a Widget on Map on Page 74
■ Configuring BACnet Object Action on Page 78
■ Viewing the Available BACnet Gateway Template list on Page 82
■ Viewing the Mapping Definition of the BACnet Gateway Template on Page 83
■ Creating a New BACnet Gateway Template on Page 84
■ Removing a BACnet Gateway Template on Page 86
■ Accessing the BACnet Gateway Device Editor on Page 89
■ Adding a BACnet Gateway Device Object on Page 90
■ Deleting a BACnet Gateway Device Object on Page 91
■ Configuring a BACnet Gateway Device Object on Page 93
■ Creating Monitored Mapping for BACnet Gateway Device on Page 94
■ Viewing BACnet Gateway Monitored Objects on Page 95
■ Viewing the Mapping Reports for BACnet Gateway Device on Page 96
■ Accessing the BACnet Gateway Object Editor on Page 99
■ Deleting a BACnet Gateway Object on Page 100
■ Configuring a BACnet Gateway Object on Page 102
■ Viewing Monitor Object for this BACnet Gateway Object on Page 103
■ BMS Integration Journal Message Definitions on Page 115

BMS Integration User Guide 15


Chapter 2 - Installation

This chapter provides instructions for installing and un-installing the BMS integration on a C•CURE 9000 server or client

In this chapter

Overview 17
Before you begin 17
Getting the BMS integration 18
Installing the BMS integration 19
Uninstalling the BMS integration 22

BMS Integration User Guide 16

Before installing the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration, you must first install C•CURE 9000 software on your target computer.
For information on installing C•CURE 9000, refer to the C•CURE 9000 Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Similar to the C•CURE 9000 system, the BMS integration has Client and Server components. You must install the Client
components on every computer that runs C•CURE 9000 client applications, and you must install the Server components on
the C•CURE 9000 server computer. The BMS integration has the same hardware, software, and disk space requirements as
C•CURE 9000; if the target computer can install C•CURE 9000, then it satisfies BMS integration requirements.

To install the BMS integration, you run the setup.exe from the BMS integration installation kit.

A wizard prompts you to install the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration. You need to perform the basic installation process
described in the following pages on each computer in your C•CURE 9000 system. Be sure to close all C•CURE 9000 and
virus-checking applications on client workstations before performing the installation.

The following table lists the steps to install and register the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration on each computer in your C•CURE
9000 system. Perform these steps in order.
Table 1:  Standard Installation Tasks

Task See...

1. Install C•CURE 9000. C•CURE 9000 Installation and Upgrade Guide

2. Close any open application and disable virus checking software. See Before you begin.
Note: Stop the Crossfire servers if C•CURE 9000 is
already installed.

3. Perform the pre-installation steps.

4. Start the BACnet driver installation program.

5. Verify the license for the BACnet driver by running the License program on your Refer to the C•CURE 9000 Installation and Upgrade
C•CURE 9000 server. Guide.

6. When the Installation and registration are complete, restart the services

Before you begin

You may need to perform some pre-installation steps before you install the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration.

Checking Networks Status

If you are installing C•CURE 9000 on a corporate network, be sure to coordinate with your corporate network administrator.
Check that the network is working properly. According to BACnet protocol, the BACnet converter should receive broadcast.
The C•CURE 9000 also should receive broadcast.

The default C•CURE 9000 BACnet port is UDP 47808.

BMS Integration User Guide 17

Checking System Privileges
To perform the installation, you must have appropriate Windows permissions. You must be in the local Administrators group, or
have equivalent privileges. See the Microsoft Operating System documentation or your system administrator for more

If you do not have sufficient permissions, the following error message will appear as shown in the following image.
Figure 1:  Error Message

Database Installation
If you are installing server components of the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration, the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration will add
some tables to the C•CURE 9000 database. Currently, the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration does not support installation with
C•CURE 9000 on an Oracle Database. Therefore, you must install on a C•Cure 9000 system that is using SQL Server. The
C•Cure 9000 BMS integration install program automatically finds the C•CURE 9000 database and adds tables and initial data
to it.

Getting the BMS integration

The BMS integration is located on the C•CURE 9000 2.4 DVD in the Integration\BMS folder, and can also be downloaded from
the Software House website.

Please be advised to use C•CURE 9000 with the latest service Pack 1 for the BMS integration.

To Download the BMS integration from the Software House Website

1. Open a browser and navigate to
2. Select Products, and then select Software Downloads in the list.
3. When the login page opens, log in. If you do not have an account, you must create one.
4. Click the Software Downloads link.
5. On the Software Downloads page, select the Software House Connected link.
6. Select Building Automation from list.
7. When the BMS integration Downloads list is displayed on the right hand of the page, select the BMS integration link for
the version of C•CURE 9000 that you have installed.
8. Unzip the files to a folder on your local computer, or to a shared drive on the network.

BMS Integration User Guide 18

Installing the BMS integration
This section provides the BMS integration installation procedure. You can install the software to a drive on a local computer or
from a shared drive over the network.

This section assumes that you meet all the requirements described in Pre-installation Requirements.

Installing the BMS integration

1. Log into the server or client with Windows administration privileges.
2. Navigate to the folder that contains the BMS integration software.
3. Right-click setup.exe, and select Run as administrator.
4. On the welcome dialog box, click Next.
Figure 2:  Confirmation Dialog Box

5. On the License Agreement page, select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement check box, and then click
Figure 3:  License Agreement

BMS Integration User Guide 19

6. On the Database Server and Authentication page, click Next.
Figure 4:  Database Server

7. On the Installation Options page, click Next.

Figure 5:  Installation Options

8. On the Ready to Install BMSInstaller page, click Install.

BMS Integration User Guide 20

Figure 6:  Ready to Install the Program

9. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

Figure 7:  Installation Completed

Starting the BMS integration

Before you can import BACnet devices, you must start the BMS integration using the C•CURE 9000 Server Management
Application Server Components tab.
1. From the Start Menu, select Start>All Programs>Software House>Server Configuration. The C•CURE 9000 Server
Management Application opens.
2. Click the Services tab.
3. Select the Enabled check box for the SoftwareHouse CrossFire BACnet Driver Service and then start the service.
4. When the Crossfire Framework Service, CrossFire Server Component Service, and the SoftwareHouse CrossFire
BACnet Driver Service displays a status of "Running" you can configure BMS integration objects in the C•CURE 9000.

BMS Integration User Guide 21

Uninstalling the BMS integration
This section describes how to uninstall the C•CURE 9000 BMS integration from the Server computer and from each Client
computer in your security system.

The Uninstall process removes all software components that were installed on the computer by the C•CURE 9000 BMS
integration program.

Please be advised that the BMS integration uninstall will shutdown and restart the C•CURE 9000 services. Therefore, the BMS
integration uninstall should be planned accordingly.
Uninstalling this integration does not automatically remove objects that were configured in the C•CURE 9000 using it. Before you
proceed with this uninstall, you MUST manually remove the objects from C•CURE 9000 to avoid potential issues with functions, such as
partition deletion.
Unless you intend to reinstall the integration and continue using it, please ensure that the objects are deleted before removing the

Once the uninstall process completes, the computer will be in a “clean” state.

To Uninstall BMS integration

1. Navigate to the installation kit folder.
2. Right-click setup.exe, and select Run as administrator, the following welcome dialog box appears.
Figure 8:  Welcome Dialog Box

3. Click Next, open the Program Maintenance dialog box.

BMS Integration User Guide 22

Figure 9:  Program Maintenance

4. Select Remove and click Next. The Uninstall Options appears for you to choose whether or not to drop BMS Database. To
drop the database, select the check box and then click Remove. To keep the database, click Remove.
Figure 10:  Uninstall Options

5. The Removing BMSInstaller dialog box opens showing the uninstalling progress.

BMS Integration User Guide 23

Figure 11:  Progress

6. After a few minutes, the Completed the BMSInstaller Setup Wizard dialog box appears.
Figure 12:  Completed

7. Click Finish to complete uninstalling.

BMS Integration User Guide 24


Chapter 3 - BACnet Device Discovery

This chapter describes how BMS integration automatically detects BACnet devices on the network and creates the
corresponding devices and objects in C•CURE 9000 and how manually import BACnet objects for the specific BACnet device.

In this chapter:

Overview 26
Auto Discovery BACnet Devices 27
Importing Device Objects Manually 30

BMS Integration User Guide 25

The integration can discover BACnet devices and its objects automatically by broadcasting WHO-IS and receiving I-AM
message through BACnet protocol. And user is allowed to choose and save the devices and objects to be imported.

The integration also support manually import BACnet objects for the specific BACnet device.

BMS Integration User Guide 26

Auto Discovery BACnet Devices
Perform the following steps to auto discovery BACnet Devices on the network and create the corresponding devices and
objects in C•CURE 9000.
1. On the navigation tree, select Building Automation to open the Building Automation pane.
2. Right click the BACnet Device folder, and select Auto Discovery.
The Auto Discovery BACnet Devices window lists the detected BACnet devices on the left grid, and shows the total
number of detected BACnet device right above this grid. The devices in gray are already imported into system.
Figure 13:  Auto Discovery BACnet Devices - Device list

The following table describes the fields of the BACnet Device list grid.
Table 2:  BACnet Device List Grid Descriptions

Fields Descriptions

Name BACnet device name

Device ID BACnet device ID, which must be unique on the network.

IP Address IP address of BACnet device

MAC MAC address of BACnet device

Completed The completed percent of BACnet objects been detected on the specific device. The value will refresh during devices scan.

Auto discovery BACnet Devices may take a few seconds or minutes, which depends on the network speed and object amount on the
NOTE device.

3. Tick the devices wanted to be imported, then click Scan Selected Device.

BMS Integration User Guide 27

The BACnet objects on the selected devices appear in the list on the right grid. By default, all BACnet objects are selected.
Clear the check boxes for any objects that you do not want to import. The objects in gray are already imported into system.
Figure 14:  Auto Discovery BACnet Devices - Object list

The following table describes the fields of the BACnet object list grid.
Table 3:  BACnet Object List Grid Descriptions

Field Description

Name BACnet object name.

Object BACnet object type. Valid value:Binary Input, Binary Output, Binary value, Analog Input, Analog Output, Analog value, Multistate Input,
Type Multistate Output, Multistate Value and Schedule.

ID BACnet object ID.

Present Present value of the specific object.


4. Click Save and Close.

All selected BACnet devices and objects display on the Building Automation navigation tree.

BMS Integration User Guide 28

Figure 15:  BACnet Tree

BACnet objects are categorized by object type on Building Automation navigation tree.

BMS Integration User Guide 29

Importing Device Objects Manually
Perform the following steps to import device objects for the specific BACnet device.
1. On the navigation tree, select Building Automation to open the Building Automation pane.
2. Expand the BACnet Devices folder.
3. Right click the desired BACnet device, and select Import Device Objects.
The Auto Discovery BACnet Devices window opens, and retrieves BACnet objects in this device. When retrieval
BACnet objects 100% completed, all available BACnet objects listed on the right grid.
Figure 16:  Import Device Objects

4. By default, all BACnet objects are ticked. Untick the objects if you don’t want to import. The objects in gray are already
imported into system.
5. Click Save and Close. All selected BACnet devices and objects display on the Building Automation navigation tree.

BMS Integration User Guide 30


Chapter 4 - BACnet Device Editor

This chapter describes BACnet Device Editor. In this chapter:

BACnet Device Editor Overview 32

Accessing the BACnet Device Editor 33
Adding a BACnet Device Object 34
Deleting a BACnet Device Object 35
BACnet Device General Tab 36
BACnet Device General Tab Definitions 36
Configuring a BACnet Device Object 38
BACnet Device Triggers Tab Definitions 39
Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Device 39
BACnet Device - Status Tab 41
BACnet Device Status Tab Definitions 41
BACnet Device - State Images Tab 42
Customizing State Images for a BACnet Device 42

BMS Integration User Guide 31

BACnet Device Editor Overview
The BACnet device represents the BACnet device in the C•CURE 9000 database.

BMS Integration User Guide 32

Accessing the BACnet Device Editor
Perform the following steps to access the BACnet Device editor.

To Access the BACnet Device Editor

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Device folder.
3. To open the BACnet device editor to edit an existing BACnet device, double-click a BACnet device icon or name or right-
click a BACnet device and select Edit from context menu.
The BACnet Device Editor opens with the General tab visible.

BMS Integration User Guide 33

Adding a BACnet Device Object
Perform the following steps to add a BACnet Device object.

To Add a BACnet Device Object

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Right-click the BACnet Device folder, then select New from context menu, the BACnet device editor opens.
3. Type a unique name in the Name field.
4. Type a textual description for the BACnet device in the Description field.
5. SeeBACnet Device General Tab to configure communication information.

If the Network ID of the BACnet device is 0, MAC Address is not necessary, but if Network ID is not 0, you must enter MAC Address to
NOTE identify device.

6. Select the Data Update Mechanism used for all sub objects of this BACnet device.
7. Check the Enabled option to connect to BACnet physical device.
8. Click the Triggers tab to configure Triggers for the BACnet device.
9. Click the State Images tab to view the state images for the BACnet device, and optionally customize the state images.
10. If you are done editing the BACnet device, click to save the BACnet device configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 34

Deleting a BACnet Device Object
You can delete a BACnet device from the Building Automation tree or from the dynamic view if you no longer need it.

To Delete a BACnet Device Object from the Building Automation Tree

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Open the BACnet Device folder by clicking to the left of folder.
3. Right-click a BACnet device object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box opens.

4. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet device object and all BACnet objects in this device are deleted from Building
Automation tree and C•CURE 9000 database.

To Delete a BACnet Device Object from the Dynamic View

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Select BACnet Device from Building Automation pane drop-down list.
3. Click to open a Dynamic View showing all BACnet Devices objects.
4. Right-click a BACnet device object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box opens.

5. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet device object and all BACnet objects in this device are deleted from Building
Automation tree and C•CURE 9000 database.

BMS Integration User Guide 35

BACnet Device General Tab
From the BACnet Device General tab, you can set the name and description for the BACnet device, and configure the
communication settings for the device.
Figure 17:  BACnet Device - General Tab

BACnet Device General Tab Definitions

The BACnet Device General tab includes the fields described in the following table.
Table 4:  BACnet Device General Tab Definitions

Field Description

Name Enter a unique name up to 50 characters long for BACnet Device. If you enter the name of an existing object, the system will not save
the object, and will display an error message indicating there is a conflict. Choose a different name.

BMS Integration User Guide 36

Field Description

Description Enter a general comment about the BACnet device that will help you identify the device. This text is for information only.

Enabled Select the Enabled option to connect to BACnet device and update status if connecting successfully, or clear this option to disable the
BACnet Device. The default value is enabled.
You can change IP Address and UDP port when disabled BACnet device.


BACnet BACnet device ID, which must be unique on the network. Read only.
Device ID

MAC MAC address of BACnet device. Read only.


IP Address BACnet IP address used to connect to the physical device, which must be unique on the network. Editable when BACnet device is

UDP Port UDP port of BACnet device used to communicate with the physical device. Editable when BACnet device is disabled.

Network ID Network ID of BACnet device.

Data Update When BACnet device is disabled, you can set data update mechanism for BACnet objects in this device. All BACnet objects’ data update
Mechanism mechanism will change accordingly if you confirmed this change.
Valid value: Subscribe COV/Event Notification, Polling, None. Please refer to BACnet Object General Tab Definitions on Page 47 to get
the detailed description.

Poll Period

Poll Period Set poll interval, at which the integration will automatically check if the physical device is online. The default value is 300 seconds. Please
increase the poll period accordingly when BACnet object amount increases.

Comm Fail Set the comm fail delay time. The default value is 5 seconds.

BMS Integration User Guide 37

Configuring a BACnet Device Object
You can use the BACnet Device Editor to configure settings for BACnet device.

To Configure a BACnet Device Object

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Open the BACnet Device folder by clicking to the left of folder.
3. Double-click a BACnet device icon or name or right-click a BACnet device and select Edit from context menu, the BACnet
device editor opens.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a textual description for the BACnet device in the Description field.
6. See “BACnet Device General Tab” on page 4-6 to configure communication information and Data Update Mechanism.
7. Select the Data Update Mechanism used for all sub objects of this BACnet device.
8. Check the Enabled option to connect to BACnet physical device.
9. You can click the Triggers tab to configure Triggers for the BACnet device.
10. You can click the State Images tab to view the state images for the BACnet device, and optionally customize the state
images. See “Customizing State Images for a BACnet Device” on page 4-13
11. If you are done editing the BACnet device, click to save the BACnet device configuration.

BACnet Device Triggers Tab

C•CURE 9000 uses Triggers, which are configured procedures for activating events based on properties of an object. A Trigger
automatically executes a specified Action when a particular predefined conditions occurs. The following image shows the
BACnet Device Triggers tab.
Figure 18:  BACnet Device Triggers Tab

BMS Integration User Guide 38

The following table contains an example of how a Trigger is configured.
Table 5:  Trigger Tab Setting Example

The following Triggers tab settings

Property Value Action Details Schedule

Online Status Online Activate Event BACnet Device Event Always

Would create the following Trigger:

Anytime (Always Schedule) the Online Status (Property) equals Online (Value), activate the event (Action) named BACnet Device Event (Details).
BACnet Device Event is an event that you would need to create using the Event Editor.
For information about how to create and configure an event, refer to the C•CURE 9000 User Software Configuration Guide.

BACnet Device Triggers Tab Definitions

The following table provides definitions of BACnet Device Triggers tab.
Table 6:  BACnet Device Triggers Tab Definitions

Field Description

Add Click in the Triggers tab to create a new trigger.

Remove Click  in the Triggers tab to delete a new trigger.

Property Click within the Property column, and then click  . The Property browser opens presenting properties available for the Panel. Click a
Property to select it and add it to the column.
The available properties are Communication Status and Operational Status.

Value Click within the Value column to display a drop-down list of Values associated with the Property that you have selected. Click a Value you
want to include as a parameter for the trigger to assign it to the column.
The possible values are:

■ Communication Status: Online/Offline

■ Operational Status: Operational/Non-operational

Action Click within the Action column to display a drop-down list of valid actions. Click on Action that you want to include as a parameter for the
trigger to add it to the column.

Details Displays details about how the Action was configured.

Schedule Only the Always Schedule is available for BACnet Device triggers.

Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Device

To Create a Trigger for BACnet Device

1. From the BACnet Device Editor, navigate to the Triggers tab.

2. Click in the Trigger tab to create a new trigger.

3. Click within the Property column to open the BACnet Device dialog box showing Properties available for the device.

BMS Integration User Guide 39

4. Click a Property to select it and add it to the Property column.
5. Click within the Value column to display a drop-down list. Click the Value that you want to include as a parameter for the
trigger to add it to the column.
6. Click within the Action column to display a drop-down list of valid actions. Now only Activate Event is available.
When you select an Action, the lower pane in the Trigger box displays an Event field for you to define the Action details.
Click to open Event Dialog. Select an Event that you want to associate with the trigger.
Once you define the Action details, the Details column displays information about how the Action has been configured.
7. Click Save and Close to save the BACnet Device with the Trigger you configured.

To Remove a Trigger
1. From the BACnet Device Editor, navigate to the Trigger tab.

2. Use  to select the row in the Trigger table for the Trigger you want to remove.
3. Click Remove.
4. Click Save and Close.

BMS Integration User Guide 40

BACnet Device - Status Tab
The BACnet Device Status tab provides read-only status information about the BACnet Device.
Figure 19:  BACnet Device Status Tab

BACnet Device Status Tab Definitions

The following table provides BACnet Device Status tab definitions.
Table 7:  BACnet Device Status Tab Definitions

Field Value Definition

Communication Status Online The server is successfully connected to the BACnet physical device.

Offline The server tries to connect to the BACnet physical device, but fails.

Unknown Server stops

Operational Status Operational The server can communicate with BACnet device successfully.

Non-operational The server can’t communicate with BACnet device successfully.

BMS Integration User Guide 41

BACnet Device - State Images Tab
From the BACnet Device State Images tab, you can change the default images used to indicate the BACnet Device states on
the Monitoring Station.
Figure 20:  BACnet Device State Images Tab

You can replace the default images with JPG formatted files of your choice, to uniquely identify your objects when activities
are displayed on the Monitoring Station Client.

Customizing State Images for a BACnet Device

From the BACnet Device State Images tab, you can change the images that appear in the Monitoring Station to represent
BACnet Devices.

To Customize BACnet Device State Images

1. From the BACnet Device State Images tab, double-click the existing image. A Windows Open dialog box appears
allowing you to browse for a folder in which you have placed replacement images.
2. When you locate the replacement image, select it and click Open to replace the default image with this image.
3. When you are done editing the BACnet Device, click Save and Close to save the device configuration.

To Restore the Default State Image

1. From the BACnet Device State Images tab, select an existing image.
2. Right-click the image and select Restore Default.
3. Click Save and Close to save the device configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 42


Chapter 5 - BACnet Object Editor

This chapter describes BACnet Object Editor. In this chapter:

BACnet Object Editor Overview 44

Accessing the BACnet Object Editor 45
Deleting a BACnet Object 46
BACnet Object - General Tab 47
BACnet Object General Tab Definitions 47
Configuring a BACnet Object 49
Configuring Data Update Mechanism for a BACnet Object 49
BACnet Object - Triggers Tab 50
BACnet Object Triggers Tab Definitions 50
Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Object 51
BACnet Object - Status Tab 53
BACnet Object Status Tab Definitions 53
BACnet Object - State Images Tab 54
Customizing State Images for a BACnet Object 54
BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration Tab 56
BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration Tab Definitions 56
BACnet Schedule Object - Schedule Configuration Tab 57

BMS Integration User Guide 43

BACnet Object Editor Overview
The BACnet Object represents the BACnet Object in the C•CURE 9000 database.

BMS Integration User Guide 44

Accessing the BACnet Object Editor
Perform the following steps to access the BACnet Object editor to edit an existing BACnet Object.

To Access the BACnet Object Editor

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation.
2. In the Building Automation pane, expand the BACnet Object folder.
3. To open the BACnet Object editor, select one of the following options:
• Double-click a BACnet Object icon or name.
• Right-click a BACnet Object and select Edit from context menu.
The BACnet Object Editor opens with the General tab visible.

BMS Integration User Guide 45

Deleting a BACnet Object
You can delete a BACnet Object from the Building Automation tree or from the dynamic view if you no longer need it.

To Delete a BACnet Object from the Building Automation Tree

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation.
2. In the Building Automation pane, expand the BACnet Object folder.
3. Right-click a BACnet Object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box opens.

4. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet Object is deleted from Building Automation tree and C•CURE 9000 database.

To Delete a BACnet Object from the Dynamic View

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Select BACnet Object from the Building Automation pane drop-down list.
3. Click  to open a Dynamic View showing all BACnet Objects.

4. Right-click a BACnet Object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box opens.
5. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet Object is deleted from Building Automation tree and C•CURE 9000 database.

BMS Integration User Guide 46

BACnet Object - General Tab
From the BACnet Object General tab, you can set the name and description for the BACnet Object, and configure the
communication settings for the device.
Figure 21:  BACnet Object - General Tab

BACnet Object General Tab Definitions

The following table contains descriptions of the BACnet Object General tab fields.
Table 8:  BACnet Object General Tab Definitions

Field Description

Name Enter a unique name up to 50 characters long for BACnet Device. If you enter the name of an existing object, the system will not save the
object, and will display an error message indicating there is a conflict. Choose a different name.

Description Enter a general comment about the BACnet device that will help you identify the device. This text is for information only.

Enabled Click Enabled to allow the BACnet object to establish the communication with the physical device.


Device Text description of the physical device connected to the BACnet object. It will typically be used to describe the type of sensor attached to
Type the BACnet object type. Read only.

BMS Integration User Guide 47

Field Description

Present The current value in engineering units of the BACnet object being measured. The present value is writable when Outofservice status is
Value True. Read only.

High Limit A limit that present value must exceed before an event is generated. Read only.

Low Limit A limit that present value must fall below before an event is generated. Read only.

Units The measurement units of this object. Read only.

Data Update Mechanism

Subscribe ß Use Subscribe COV: Update data by subscribing COV service.

COV/Event When Use Subscribe COV, the subscription period is 28800 seconds (8 hours) by default. BMS integration will automatically re-subscribe
Notification before subscription expires. You can change it by the following line in ConnectedPro.HardwareInterface.BACnet.DriverService.exe
configuration file located under Installation path\Tyco\CrossFire\ServerComponents.
<add key="COVLifeTimeValue" value="28800"/>
ß Use Subscribe COV Property: Update Present Value and /or Status Flag by subscribe Present Value and /or Status Flag COV
Property service. For Analog object, when check Present value, user can define COV Increment.
ß Use Event Notification: Update status by subscribe Event Notification. To use this mechanism, Notification Class should be pre-
configured on real BACnet Device, If subscribed Event Notification Class Required Ack, then BMS integration will list Ack required Event
BMS integration uses 12505 network ID to communicate, you can change it by the following line in
ConnectedPro.HardwareInterface.BACnet.DriverService.exe configuration file located under installation
<add key="LocalBACnetNetworkID" value="12505"/>

Polling Update data by poling the value and status. The polling period share the value with BACnet device.

None None of above mechanism.

BMS Integration User Guide 48

Configuring a BACnet Object
You can use the BACnet Object Editor to configure settings for BACnet Object.

To Configure a BACnet Object

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation.
2. From the Building Automation pane, expand the BACnet Object folder.
3. To edit the BACnet object, select one of the following methods:
• Double-click a BACnet Object icon or name.
• Right-click a BACnet Object and select Edit from context menu.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a textual description for the BACnet Object in the Description field.
6. Select the Enabled option to connect to BACnet physical device.
7. to configure data Update Mechanism, see BACnet Object - General Tab.
8. To configure Triggers for the BACnet Object, click the Triggers tab.
9. To view the state images for the BACnet Object, click the State Images tab , and optionally customize the state images.
10. After you edit the BACnet Object, save the BACnet Object configuration.

Configuring Data Update Mechanism for a BACnet Object

You can use the BACnet Object Editor to configure Data Update Mechanism for a BACnet Object.

To Use Subscribe COV/Event Notification to Update Data

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Object folder.
3. Double-click a BACnet Object icon or name or right-click a BACnet Object and select Edit from context menu, the BACnet
Object editor opens.
4. Check Subscribe COV/Event Notification radio button to use Alarm and Event services to update data. You can select one
or more mechanisms to update data as needed.
• Select the Use Subscribe COV check box to use Subscribe COV service to update data.
• Select the Use Subscribe COV Property check box to use Subscribe COV Property service to update data, you can
specify what properties should be subscribed. For now, only Present value and Status Flag properties supported.

• Select the Use Event Notification check box to use Unconfirmed Event Notification service to update data. Click 
to retrieve the available Notification Class list, then select the Notification Class ID used to notify events. If there is no
Notification class ID available, it means no Notification Class created in real BACnet device.

To use this mechanism, user should add the MAC Address and Network ID(12505 by default) of C•CURE 9000 server to the reception
NOTE list of the subscribed Notification Class on real BACnet Device.

5. Click Save and Close.

BMS Integration User Guide 49

BACnet Object - Triggers Tab
The trigger on BMS integration enhanced to support complex conditions. When the value change on BACnet object matches
the particular pre-defined criteria, a trigger automatically executes a specified Action.
Figure 22:  BACnet Object Triggers Tab

The following table contains an example of how a Trigger is configured.

Table 9:  Trigger Tab Setting Example

The following Triggers tab settings

Trigger Criteria Action Details Schedule

When the Present Value>20 and the Activate Event AI_1311 Always
Present Value <30

Would create the following Trigger:

Anytime (Always Schedule) the Present Value (Property) > 20 (Value) and the Present Value (Property) <30 (Value), activate the event (Action) named
AI_1311 Event (Details).
AI_1311 Event is an event that you would need to create using the Event Editor.
For information about how to create and configure an event, see the C•CURE 9000 User Software Configuration Guide.

BACnet Object Triggers Tab Definitions

The following table provides definitions of BACnet Object Triggers tab.

BMS Integration User Guide 50

Table 10:  BACnet Object Triggers Tab Definitions

Field Description

Add Click Add in the Triggers tab to create a new trigger.

Remove Click Remove in the Triggers tab to delete a new trigger.

Action Click within the Action column to display a drop-down list of valid actions. Click on Action that you want to
include as a parameter for the trigger to add it to the column.

Details Displays details about how the Action was configured.

Resettable Select this check box to indicate that an operator responding to the Event can reset an Action without
acknowledging the Event. This allows Monitoring Station personnel to manually reset the action caused
by the event. Used to turn off output, such as a siren, activated by the event. Reset actions do not
require event acknowledgment.

Trigger Criteria

Add Click Add in the Triggers tab to create a new condition.

Remove Click Remove in the Triggers tab to delete a condition.

Group Operator Property Operator Value

Only support And operation Alarm =, ≠ Alarm, Normal, Unknown

among conditions. If Or is Status
needed, the user can add
another trigger instead. Fault =, ≠ Fault, Normal, Unknown

Out of =, ≠ True, False, Unknown


Present >,>=,=,≠,<,<= except that User defined value, except that BinaryActive,
Value =, ≠ for binary input, binary output, binary value BinaryInactive, BinaryNull for binary input, binary
output, binary value

Defining a Trigger for a BACnet Object

To Create a Trigger for BACnet Object

1. From the BACnet Object Editor, navigate to the Triggers tab.
2. Click Add in the Trigger tab to add a new row, and the Trigger Criteria grid is available to define trigger criteria.
3. Click the Add button on the right grid to add a condition.
4. Select a desired property from Property dropdown list, select the proper operator from Operator dropdown list, then select
target value from Value dropdown list to create a condition.
5. If the trigger criteria are complex conditions, repeat step 3~4 to create other conditions. Now the Group Operator only
support And, so the trigger criteria is true only when all conditions are met.
6. Click within the Action column to display a drop-down list of valid actions. Now only Activate Event is available.
When you select an Action, the lower pane in the Trigger box displays an Event field for you to define the Action details.

BMS Integration User Guide 51

Click to open Event Dialog. Select an Event that you want to associate with the trigger.
Once you define the Action details, the Details column displays information about how the Action has been configured.
7. Click Save and Close to save the BACnet Object with the Trigger you configured.

To Remove a Trigger
1. From the BACnet Object Editor, navigate to the Trigger tab.

2. Use  to select the row in the Trigger table for the Trigger you want to remove.
3. Click Remove.
4. Click Save and Close.

BMS Integration User Guide 52

BACnet Object - Status Tab
The BACnet Object Status tab provides read-only status information about the BACnet Object.
Figure 23:  BACnet Object Status Tab

BACnet Object Status Tab Definitions

The following table provides BACnet Object Status tab definitions.
Table 11:  BACnet Object Status Tab Definitions

Field Definition

Alarm Status Indicate the object is in alarm status. Valid value: Alarm or Normal.

Fault Status Indicate the object is in fault status. Valid value: Fault or Normal

Out of service Status Indicates the object is in service or not. Valid value: True or False.

BMS Integration User Guide 53

BACnet Object - State Images Tab
From the BACnet Object State Images tab, you can change the default images that indicate the BACnet Object states on the
Monitoring Station.
Figure 24:  BACnet Object State Images Tab

You can replace the default images with JPG formatted files of your choice, to uniquely identify your objects when activities
are displayed on the Monitoring Station Client.

Customizing State Images for a BACnet Object

From the BACnet Object State Images tab, you can change the images that appear in the Monitoring Station to represent
BACnet Objects.

To Customize BACnet Object State Images

1. From the BACnet Object State Images tab, double-click the existing image. A Windows Open dialog box appears
allowing you to browse for a folder in which you have placed replacement images.
2. When you locate the replacement image, select it and click Open to replace the default image with this image.
3. When you are done editing the BACnet Object, click Save and Close to save the device configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 54

To Restore the Default State Image
1. From the BACnet device State Image tab, select an existing image.
2. Right-click the image and select Restore Default.
3. Click Save and Close to save the device configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 55

BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration Tab
From the BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration tab, you can set the name and description for the BACnet Schedule
Object and configure the Object Property Reference settings for the device.
Figure 25:  BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration Tab

BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration Tab Definitions

The following table describes the fields on the BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configuration tab.
Table 12:  BACnet Schedule Object - Object Configurations Tab Definitions

Field Description

Name Schedule Name is imported from BACnet device, user can update the Name with up to 50 characters and Name cannot be
duplicated with the existing one.

Description Enter a general comment about the BACnet device that will help you identify the device. This text is for information only.

Object Property This property specifies the Device Identifiers, Object Identifiers and Property Identifiers of the properties to be written with
Reference specific values at specific times on specific days.

BACnet Device Display device name of the Schedule Objects.

Default Value This property specifies the Device Identifiers, Object Identifiers and Property Identifiers of the properties to be written with
specific values at specific times on specific days.
The value must be comply with the object type in object property reference.

Click the sync button: The Object configuration via victor synchronizes to BACnet Device.
Sync Button
Note: If you click the save button not the sync button, the schedule date will only be saved to victor database.

BMS Integration User Guide 56

BACnet Schedule Object - Schedule Configuration Tab
The BACnet Schedule Object - Schedule Configuration tab, lets you set the name and description for the BACnet Schedule
Object, and configure the Period and Schedule settings for the device.
Figure 26:  BACnet Schedule Object - Schedule Configuration Tab

BACnet Schedule Object - Schedule Configuration Tab Definitions

The following table describes the BACnet Schedule Configuration tab fields.
Table 13:  BACnet Schedule Configurations Tab Definitions

Field Description

Name Schedule Name is imported from BACnet Device, user can update the Name with up to 50 characters and Name cannot be duplicated
with the existing one.

Description Enter a general comment about the BACnet Device that will help you identify the device. This text is for information only.

Effective This property specifies the range of dates when the Schedule Object is active.

Weekly This field corresponds to the days Monday – Sunday. Each day consists of a list of BACnet Time and Value pairs, which describe the
Schedule sequence of schedule actions on one day of the week when no Exception Schedule is in effect.
The value must be comply with the object type in object property reference.

BMS Integration User Guide 57

Field Description

Exception This field describes a sequence of schedule actions that takes precedence over the normal day's behavior on a specific day or days.
Schedule The value must be comply with the object type in object property reference.

Sync Click the sync button: the Schedule configuration via victor synchronizes to BACnet Device.
button Note: If you click save button, not sync button, the schedule date will only be saved to victor database.

BMS Integration User Guide 58


Chapter 6 - Acknowledge Ack required

Event Notification

This chapter describes how to acknowledge Ack required event notification. In this chapter:

Acknowledge Ack required Event Notification Overview 60

Accessing the Ack required Event Notification List 61
Acknowledging Ack required Event Notification 62

BMS Integration User Guide 59

Acknowledge Ack required Event Notification Overview
If BACnet objects use Event Notification mechanism to update data, and the subscribed Event Notification Class Required
Acknowledgment, BMS integration can acknowledge Ack required event notifications from real BACnet device.

BMS Integration User Guide 60

Accessing the Ack required Event Notification List
Perform the following steps to access Ack required event notification list.

To Access the Ack required Event Notification

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. To open the Ack required Event Notification window, right-click the BACnet Devices folder, and select Ack required from
the context menu.

BMS Integration User Guide 61

Acknowledging Ack required Event Notification
Perform the following steps to acknowledge Ack required event notification .

To Acknowledge the Ack required Event Notification

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. To open the Ack required Event Notification window, right-click the BACnet Devices folder, and select Ack required from
the context menu.
3. Right click the desired Ack required event notification record, select Acknowledgment from the context menu. A
confirmation message box is displayed.
4. Click Yes to acknowledge. After that, the selected record removed from the list.

BMS Integration User Guide 62


Chapter 7 - Widget on Map

This chapter describes how to set animation for BACnet objects by widget on map. In this chapter:

Overview 64
Widget Descriptions 64
Adding a Widget on Map 71
Editing a Widget on Map 74

BMS Integration User Guide 63

The integration support Fan, Boiler, Chiller, Cooler, Damper, Heater, Humidifier, Meter, Motor, Bargraph, Bulb Light, Green
Pilot Light, Red Pilot Light, Yellow Pilot Light, Pump, Push Button, Sensor Controller, Sensor Display, Slider, Switch, Tank,
Label, Multiple State, Text, Valve widgets.

After you install the BMS integration, on map editor, there is an additional menu item on the dropdown list.

Figure 27:  Add a widget menu

You can associate a C•CURE 9000 object with a widget, then the widget is able to display the real-time value, different
animations for different state (refer to Animation column on Table 7-1), additional alarm/fault/disable markup for
alarm/fault/disable state.

Alarm markup is , Fault markup is , Disable markup is . The priority of these state is Disable > Alarm >Fault.

Widget Descriptions

Table 14:  Widget Descriptions

Name Description Properties Options Animation

Heater The widget reflects heating output Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Object Show Present Value: True or Heater is off.
Name False. True means to display the
Present present value in view mode.
Value Default value is false.

Heater is on, and the red

frame size will adjust according to the
heating output.

BMS Integration User Guide 64

Name Description Properties Options Animation

Cooler The widget reflects cooling output Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Object Show Present Value: True or Cooler is off.
Name False. True means to display the
Present present value in view mode.
Value Default value is false.

Cooler is on, and the blue

snowflake size will adjust according to
the cooling output.

Boiler The widget reflects boiler output Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Object Boiler is off.
Show Present Value: True or
Name False. True means to display the
Present present value in view mode.
Value Default value is false.
Boiler is on and the red
flame size will adjust according to the
boiler output.

Chiller The widget reflects chiller output Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Object Show Present Value: True or Chiller is off.
Name False. True means to display the
Present present value in view mode.
Value Default value is false.

Chiller is on.

Humidifier The widget reflects humidifier Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
output percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide
Fault Status Fault Annunciation: Blink, Normal,
Object Humidifier is off.
Show Present Value: True or
Present False. True means to display the
Value present value in view mode.
Default value is false.
Humidifier is on.

BMS Integration User Guide 65

Name Description Properties Options Animation

Fan The widget reflects fan output Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide Rotation:
Object 0~360
Name Fan is off.
Show Present Value: True or
Present False. True means to display the
Value present value in view mode.
Default value is false.

When fan output is higher

than 0, the fan leaf will go round. T he
speed will adjust according to the fan

Pump The widget reflects pump output Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide Rotation:
Object 0~360
Name Pump is off.
Show Present Value: True or
Present False. True means to display the
Value present value in view mode.
Default value is false.

When pump output is higher

than 0, the pump leaf will go round. The
speed will adjust according to the pump

Damper The widget reflects damper Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
output percent (0~100%). Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Object Show Present Value: True or Damper is off.
Name False. True means to display the
Present present value in view mode.
Value Default value is false.

When damper output is

higher than 0, the grid of damper will
sway. The speed will adjust according to
the damper output.

Valve The widget reflects valve position Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
range of 0~100%. Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide Rotation:
Object 0~360 Valve is closed.
Name Show Present Value: True or
Present False. True means to display the
Value present value in view mode.
Default value is false.
When valve output is higher
than 0, the valve will open. The valve
position will adjust according to the valve

BMS Integration User Guide 66

Name Description Properties Options Animation

Motor The widget reflects motor on/off Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
state, and provides motor speed Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
value, e.g. 1,800 rpm. Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Motor is off.
Object Show Present Value: True or
Name False. True means to display the
Present present value in view mode.
Value Default value is false.
Motor is on.

Tank The widget reflects how many Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
percent have been filled in tank Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
(1~100%). Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Object Large Change: the value to be
Name changed when presses the PAGE Tank is off.
Present UP or PAGE DOWN key or clicks
Value the track bar.
Default value is 1. Maximum
Valve:100 Minimum Value: 0
Show Present Value: True or
False. True means to display the
present value in view mode.
Default value is false. Tank is on and the scale will
adjust according to the tank output
Small Change: the value to be
changed when presses arrow
key. Default value is 0.1.

Meter The widget displays an analog Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
value. Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide Maximum
Object Valve:180
Name Minimum Value: 0
Present Show Present Value: True or
Value False. True means to display the
present value in view mode.
Default value is false.

Sensor The widget displays the sensor Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
Controller analog value together with its unit. Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
E.g. Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide Maximum
72.9°F. Object Valve:100 Click up arrow button to
Name Minimum Value: 0 increase sensor value by one step, click
Present down arrow button to decrease sensor
Step Value: the increase or
Value value by one step.
decrease step value. Default
value is 1.
Unit: the unit of value

Sensor The widget displays the sensor Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
Display analog value together with its unit. Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
E.g. Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide Maximum
72.9°F. Object Valve:100
Name Minimum Value: 0
Present Step Value: 1
Unit: the unit of value

BMS Integration User Guide 67

Name Description Properties Options Animation

Switch The widget reflects on/off state of Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
binary input/value. Click this Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
widget is change the binary Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
input/value status. Object Switch is off.

Switch is on.

BulbLight The widget reflects on/off state of Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
binary input/value. Click this Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
widget is change the binary Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide Rotation:
input/value status. Object 0~360 Bulb is off.

Bulb is on.

Polit Light The widget reflects on/off state of Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
binary output/ value. Enabled Normal, Hide Fault Annunciation:
Fault Status Blink, Normal, Hide
Object Polit light is off.
Green polit light is on.

Yellow polit light is on.

Red polit light is on.

Push Button The widget reflects on/off state of Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
binary input/value. Click this Enabled Normal, Hide
widget is change the binary Fault Annunciation: Blink, Normal,
input/value status. Fault Status Push button is off.
Push button is on.

BMS Integration User Guide 68

Name Description Properties Options Animation

Bargraph The widget displays an analog Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
value together with Name. The Enabled Normal, Hide
user can change the Fault Annunciation: Blink, Normal,
Fault Status
value in text box. Hide
Name Maximum Valve:100

Present Minimum Value: 0

Value Unit: the unit of value
The unit/maximum/minimum is

Slider The widget displays an analog Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
value. The user can change the Enabled Normal, Hide
value by slider or input the value in Fault Annunciation: Blink, Normal,
text box directly. Fault Status
Name Large Change: the value to be
changed when presses the PAGE
Present UP or PAGE DOWN key or clicks
Value the track bar.
Default value is 1.
Maximum Valve: 100
Minimum Value: 0
Small Change: the value to be
changed when presses arrow
key. Default value is 0.1.
Unit: the unit of value
The minimum/maximum is

Label The widget displays a read-only Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
analog value together with Name. Enabled Normal, Hide

Fault Status Fault Annunciation: Blink, Normal,

Hide Unit: the unit of value
Name The unit/name is configurable.


MultipleState The widget displays a read-only Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
multistate value together with Enabled Normal, Hide
name. The name is configurable. Fault Status Fault Annunciation: Blink, Normal,
Object Hide
Name State Text: split with “,”.
Number of

BMS Integration User Guide 69

Name Description Properties Options Animation

Text The widget displays an analog Alarm Status Alarm Annunciation: Blink,
value together with Unit or Name. Enabled Normal, Hide
The user can change the value in Fault Annunciation: Blink, Normal,
text box. Fault Status
Name Maximum Valve: 100

Present Minimum Value: 0

Value Unit: the unit of value
unit/name/maximum/minimum is

BMS Integration User Guide 70

Adding a Widget on Map
Perform the following steps to add a Widget on map.

1. On a map editor, click the arrow on . The context menu for the button appears.
2. Select Add a Widget menu, open Add a Widget Wizard window.
Figure 28:  Add Widget Wizard - Widget List

3. Select one Widget type from the list on the left, the available widgets will list on the right.
All widgets can be binding to input/value object. The widget is recommended to bind to output object if it can be operated,
such as Sensor Controller, Switch, Tank, BulbLight, PushButton, Bargraph, Slider, Text.
4. Select the desired widget, click Next. The widget configuration form opens, and the wizard title includes the widget name.

BMS Integration User Guide 71

Figure 29:  Widget Configuration Form

5. Click  in the Type field to open a Select Type dialog box that allows you to select a BACnet object type linking to this
widget. Click the BACnet object type you want to link to this widget.

Once BACnet object type selected, system will assign properties automatically if the widget’s property name equals object’s
property name. If name doesn’t match, the corresponding Assigned Property is empty, and then manual assignment is needed.
Click the cell, select desired property from drop-down list.

Every widget supports Alarm Status, Enabled, Fault Status, Object Name, Present Value properties.

BMS Integration User Guide 72

Figure 30:  Widget Configuration - Assign Property

6. Click in the Object field to open a dialog box that allow you to select an object of the type you just selected. Click the
object you want to choose for this widget.
7. Optional: To display a tooltip message about the widget, type a tooltip in the Tooltip to Display on Hover field.
8. To configure the widget options, see Widget Descriptions.
9. Click Save and Close. This widget is added into map with red frame.
10. Adjust the widget's position in the map by drag and drop.
11. Adjust the widget's size by mouse wheel.
12. To save this widget, right-click the widget and select Save Widget from context menu.
13. When completed map configuration, click Save and Close to save this map.

BMS Integration User Guide 73

Editing a Widget on Map
Perform the following steps to edit a Widget on map.

1. Open an existing map, click . The cursor becomes a cross-hair.

2. Right-click the widget and choose Edit Widget from the context menu to configure widget.
3. Edit the widget as required.
4. Click Save and Close. This widget is added into map with red frame.
5. Adjust the widget's position in the map by drag and drop.
6. Adjust the widget's size by mouse wheel.
7. To save this widget, right-click the widget and select Save Widget from context menu.
8. When completed map configuration, click Save and Close to save this map.

BMS Integration User Guide 74


Chapter 8 - BACnet Event and Action

This chapter describes BACnet event action that affects BACnet object. In this chapter:

BACnet Event Action 76

BACnet Object Action Definition 76
Configuring BACnet Object Action 78

BMS Integration User Guide 75

BACnet Event Action
The BMS Integration supports a BACnet Object action that affects a BACnet object in a BACnet device. A BACnet Object
Action is audited when created or deleted.
Figure 31:  BACnet Specific Actions List

The following table provides the action and its target object respectively.
Table 15:  Actions and Target object

Action Target Object Explanation

BACnet Object Action BACnet Object The BACnet object action will change the selected BACnet object’s present value to the configured value.

BACnet Object Action Definition

When you select BACnet Object Action in the Action drop-down list, the related field and pane appears.
Figure 32:  BACnet Object Action

BMS Integration User Guide 76

The following table provides BACnet Object Action definition:
Table 16:  Action Tab-BACnet Object Action Definitions

Field Description

Device Click to open the Device list. Select a BACnet device that the target object of this action belongs to.

Object Click  to open the Object list. It will list all BACnet objects available on the selected BACnet device. Select a BACnet object as the target
object of this action.

Property Only support present value now.

Target Set the target value that this action will change to.
Value For Binary Input/Output/Value object, the valid target value is Binary_Active, Binary_Inactive, Binary_Null. You can select desired target
value from dropdown list.
For Analog Input/Output/Value, Multistate Input/Output/Value, you can enter number directly on textbox.

BMS Integration User Guide 77

Configuring BACnet Object Action
Perform the following steps to configure a BACnet object action.

To Configure a BACnet Object Action

1. Create an Event named Change AI Value. For information about creating an event, refer to the C•CURE 900 Software
Configuration Guide.
2. Open this Change AI Value event, select Action tab, and then select BACnet Object Action in the Action field.

a. In the Device field, click the to open the BACnet device list. In the BACnet device list, select a BACnet device that
the target object of this action belongs to.
Select Tyco Simulator Device.

b. In the Object field, click the to open the BACnet object list. In the BACnet object list, select a BACnet object as the
target object of this action.
Select AI_2 D_1221.
c. In the Target Value field, enter the target value for present value property.
Enter 9.
Figure 33:  Action Configuration Example

3. Click Save and Close. The BACnet Object action is created. In the Audit Log report, you can find this audit as shown in

4. Activate this Event, which will change present value of AI_2 D_1221 to 9, as shown in the following Journal.

BMS Integration User Guide 78

BMS Integration User Guide 79

Chapter 9 - BACnet Gateway Template Editor

This chapter describes how to maintenance BACnet Gateway Templates. In this chapter:

BACnet Gateway Template Overview 81

Viewing the Available BACnet Gateway Template list 82
Viewing the Mapping Definition of the BACnet Gateway Template 83
Creating a New BACnet Gateway Template 84
Editing a BACnet Gateway Template 85
Removing a BACnet Gateway Template 86

BMS Integration User Guide 80

BACnet Gateway Template Overview
The BACnet gateway template defines the mapping definition on how to map C•CURE 9000 objects to BACnet objects.

The BMS integration provides the default gateway templates and also provide the way to customize gateway template.

BMS Integration provides the following default gateway templates:

■ iStar people counting gateway template - this template maps the UserCountStatus property of Area to the present value of
BACnet Analog Input.
■ Default Event Template - this template maps the ActiveStatus of Event to present value of BACnet Binary Input.

BMS Integration User Guide 81

Viewing the Available BACnet Gateway Template list
Perform the following steps to view the available BACnet gateway template list.

To View the Available BACnet Gateway Template List

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Right-click the BACnet Gateways folder, and select Manage Templates.
The BACnet Gateway Template window opens. This window lists all available BACnet Gateway Templates, including
default gateway templates.
Figure 34:  BACnet Gateway Template

BMS Integration User Guide 82

Viewing the Mapping Definition of the BACnet Gateway Template
Perform the following steps to view the mapping definition of the specific BACnet Gateway Template.

To View the Mapping Definition of the Specific BACnet Gateway Template

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Right-click the BACnet Gateways folder, and select Manage Templates.
3. From the BACnet Gateway Template window, select the desired template, click the View button to open a window that
shows the mapping definition of this template.
Figure 35:  Create Mapping and Binding

BMS Integration User Guide 83

Creating a New BACnet Gateway Template
Perform the following steps to create a new BACnet Gateway Template.

To Create a New BACnet Gateway Template

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation.
2. From the Building Automation pane, right-click the BACnet Gateways folder and select Manage Templates.
3. From the BACnet Gateway Template window, click Add. The Create Mapping and Binding window opens.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a description for the template in the Description field.
6. To configure a mapping definition, complete the following steps:
a. Select C•CURE 9000 object type from the Monitor Object Type drop-down list.
b. Select the object property for the selected object type from Monitor Object Property drop-down list.
c. Select the gateway object type from the Gateway Object Type drop-down list.
d. Select the object property for the selected gateway object type from the Gateway Object Property drop-down list.
e. Click Add to add the mapping definition to the Mapping Definitions list.

You can add multiple mapping definitions to the BACnet Gateway Template.

7. Optional: To remove a mapping definition from the template, select a mapping definition from the Mapping Definitions
list and then click the Remove button.
8. To save and exit, click OK.

BMS Integration User Guide 84

Editing a BACnet Gateway Template
For the user-defined BACnet gateway template, if it has not been used yet, it can be changed if needed.

Perform the following steps to edit a BACnet Gateway Template.

For the default gateway template and the template which has been used, there is no Edit button available.

To Edit a BACnet Gateway Template

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. From the Building Automation pane, right-click the BACnet Gateways folder and select Manage Templates.
3. From the BACnet Gateway Template window, select a BACnet Gateway Template and click Edit. The Create Mapping
and Binding window opens.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a description for the template in the Description field.
6. To configure a mapping definition, complete the following steps:
a. Select C•CURE 9000 object type from the Monitor Object Type drop-down list.
b. Select the object property for the selected object type from Monitor Object Property drop-down list.
c. Select the gateway object type from the Gateway Object Type drop-down list.
d. Select the object property for the selected gateway object type from the Gateway Object Property drop-down list.
e. Click Add to add the mapping definition to the Mapping Definitions list.

You can add multiple mapping definitions to the BACnet Gateway Template.

7. Optional: To remove a mapping definition from the template, select a mapping definition from the Mapping Definitions
list and then click the Remove button.
8. To save and exit, click OK.

BMS Integration User Guide 85

Removing a BACnet Gateway Template
Perform the following steps to remove a BACnet Gateway Template.

To Remove a BACnet Gateway Template

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation.
2. From the Building Automation pane, right-click the BACnet Gateways folder and select Manage Templates.
3. From the BACnet Gateway Template window, select a BACnet Gateway Template and click Remove.
4. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

For the default gateway template and the template which has been used, the remove button is grayed out.

BMS Integration User Guide 86


Chapter 9 - BACnet Gateway Device Editor

This chapter describes BACnet Gateway Device Editor. In this chapter:

BACnet Gateway Device Editor Overview 88

Accessing the BACnet Gateway Device Editor 89
Adding a BACnet Gateway Device Object 90
Deleting a BACnet Gateway Device Object 91
BACnet Gateway Device General Tab 92
BACnet Gateway Device General Tab Definitions 92
Configuring a BACnet Gateway Device Object 93
Creating Monitored Mapping for BACnet Gateway Device 94
Viewing BACnet Gateway Monitored Objects 95
Viewing the Mapping Reports for BACnet Gateway Device 96

BMS Integration User Guide 87

BACnet Gateway Device Editor Overview
The BACnet gateway device represents the device that contains BACnet objects mapping from C•CURE 9000 objects.

BMS Integration User Guide 88

Accessing the BACnet Gateway Device Editor
Perform the following steps to access the BACnet Gateway Device editor.

To Access the BACnet Gateway Device Editor

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation.
2. From the Building Automation pane, right-click the BACnet Gateways folder and select New.
The BACnet Gateway Device Editor opens with the General tab visible.

BMS Integration User Guide 89

Adding a BACnet Gateway Device Object
Perform the following steps to add a BACnet Gateway Device object.

To Add a BACnet Gateway Device Object

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation.
2. From the Building Automation pane, right-click the BACnet Gateways folder and select New.
The BACnet Gateway Device editor opens.
3. Type a unique name in the Name field.
4. Type a textual description for the BACnet Gateway device in the Description field.
5. See BACnet Gateway Device General Tab to configure communication information.

If the Network ID of the BACnet gateway device is 0, MAC Address is not necessary, but if Network ID is not 0, you must enter MAC
NOTE Address to identify device.

6. Check the Enabled option to make BACnet Gateway Device work.

7. If you are done editing the BACnet gateway device, click to save the BACnet gateway device configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 90

Deleting a BACnet Gateway Device Object
You can delete a BACnet gateway device from the Building Automation tree or from the dynamic view if you no longer need it.

To Delete a BACnet Gateway Device Object from the Building Automation Tree
1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateways folder.

3. Right-click a BACnet gateway device object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box
4. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet gateway device object and all BACnet objects in this device are deleted from
Building Automation tree and C•CURE 9000 database.

To Delete a BACnet Gateway Device Object from the Dynamic View

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Select BACnet Gateways from Building Automation pane drop-down list.
3. Click  to open a Dynamic View showing all BACnet Gateway Devices objects.

4. Right-click a BACnet gateway device object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box
5. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet gateway device object and all BACnet objects in this device are deleted from
Building Automation tree and C•CURE 9000 database.

BMS Integration User Guide 91

BACnet Gateway Device General Tab
From the BACnet Gateway Device General tab, you can set the name and description for the BACnet Gateway device, and
configure the communication settings for the device.
Figure 36:  BACnet Gateway Device - General Tab

BACnet Gateway Device General Tab Definitions

The following table describes the BACnet Gateway Device General tab fields.
Table 17:  BACnet Gateway Device General Tab Definitions

Field Description

Name Enter a unique name up to 50 characters long for BACnet Gateway Device. If you enter the name of an existing object, the
system will not save the object, and will display an error message indicating there is a conflict. Choose a different name.

Description Enter a description of the BACnet gateway device that will help you identify the device. This text is for information only.

Enabled Select the Enabled option to make BACnet gateway device work on system, or clear this option to disable the BACnet
gateway Device. The default value is enabled.
You can change BACnet Device ID, MAC Address, Network ID when disabled BACnet gateway device.


BACnet Device ID BACnet gateway device ID, which must be unique on the network. Read only.

MAC Address MAC address of BACnet gateway device. Read only.

Network ID Network ID of BACnet gateway device. Read only.

BMS Integration User Guide 92

Configuring a BACnet Gateway Device Object
You can use the BACnet Gateway Device Editor to configure settings for BACnet gateway device.

To Configure a BACnet Device Object

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateway folder.
3. To edit the BACnet Gateway Device, select one of the following options:
• Double-click a BACnet gate device icon or name
• Right-click a BACnet gateway device and select Edit.
The BACnet gateway device editor opens.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a textual description for the BACnet gateway device in the Description field.
6. See BACnet Gateway Device General Tab to configure communication information.
7. Check the Enabled check box to make BACnet gateway device work.
8. If you are done editing the BACnet gateway device, click to save the BACnet gateway device configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 93

Creating Monitored Mapping for BACnet Gateway Device
Perform the following steps to create Monitored Mapping for BACnet Gateway Device.

To Create Monitored Mapping for BACnet Gateway Device

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateways folder.

3. Right-click a BACnet Gateway device, select Create Monitored Mapping from context menu.
4. From the BACnet Gateway Template window, select a template and then click Generate.
The Create Mapping and Binding window opens. By default, one mapping definition is selected, and the corresponding
monitored instances list on the Binding Instances frame.
5. Select a Mapping Definition, then select the instances to be monitored.
6. Click Generate to generate BACnet gateway objects. After a while, the output summary window opens to list all BACnet
gateway objects and mapping results. The BACnet Gateway Object name is created automatically, following the rule:
BACnet object type+instance name+object property.

BMS Integration User Guide 94

Viewing BACnet Gateway Monitored Objects
Perform the following steps to view BACnet Gateway Monitored Objects.

To view the mapping reports for BACnet Gateway Device

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. From Building Automation pane list, select BACnet Gateways Monitored Objects.
3. Click to open a Dynamic View of all Monitored Objects that have been mapped.
The BACnet gateway monitor object grouped by Monitor Object Type by default.

BMS Integration User Guide 95

Viewing the Mapping Reports for BACnet Gateway Device
Perform the following steps to view the mapping reports for BACnet Gateway Device.

To view the mapping reports for BACnet Gateway Device

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateways folder.
3. Right-click a BACnet Gateway device and select View Mapping Reports.

4. From the Mapping Report window, right-click a report and select View Details.
A window opens to display the detailed information, including Template Name, Template Definition, Mapping instances.

BMS Integration User Guide 96


Chapter 10 - BACnet Gateway Object Editor

This chapter describes BACnet Gateway Object Editor. In this chapter:

BACnet Gateway Object Editor Overview 98

Accessing the BACnet Gateway Object Editor 99
Deleting a BACnet Gateway Object 100
BACnet Gateway Object General Tab 101
BACnet Gateway Object General Tab Definitions 101
Configuring a BACnet Gateway Object 102
Viewing Monitor Object for this BACnet Gateway Object 103

BMS Integration User Guide 97

BACnet Gateway Object Editor Overview
The BACnet Gateway Object represents the BACnet Gateway Object in the C•CURE 9000 database.

BMS Integration User Guide 98

Accessing the BACnet Gateway Object Editor
Perform the following steps to access the BACnet Gateway Object editor.

To Access the BACnet Gateway Object Editor

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateways folder.
3. Expand the Analog Input/AnalogOutput/Analog Value/Binary Input/Binary Output/ Binary Value/Multistate Input/Multistate
Output/Multistate Value folder.
4. To open the BACnet Gateway Object editor to edit an existing BACnet Gateway Object, double-click a BACnet Gateway
Object icon or name or right-click a BACnet Gateway Object and select Edit from context menu.
The BACnet Gateway Object Editor opens with the General tab visible.

BMS Integration User Guide 99

Deleting a BACnet Gateway Object
You can delete a BACnet Gateway Object from the Building Automation tree or from the dynamic view if you no longer need it.

To Delete a BACnet Gateway Object from the Building Automation Tree

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateway Object folder.
3. Right-click a BACnet Gateway Object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box

4. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet Gateway Object is deleted from Building Automation tree and C•CURE 9000

To Delete a BACnet Gateway Object from the Dynamic View

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Select BACnet Gateway Object from Building Automation pane drop-down list.
3. Click  to open a Dynamic View showing all BACnet Gateway Objects.
4. Right-click a BACnet Gateway Object to be deleted and select Delete from context menu. A confirmation dialog box

5. Click Yes. After a while, this BACnet Gateway Object is deleted from Building Automation tree and C•CURE 9000

BMS Integration User Guide 100

BACnet Gateway Object General Tab
From the BACnet Gateway Object General tab, you can set the name and description for the BACnet Gateway Object, and
view present value of this object.
Figure 37:  BACnet Gateway Object - General Tab

BACnet Gateway Object General Tab Definitions

The following table describes the BACnet Gateway Object General tab fields.
Table 18:  BACnet Gateway Object General Tab Definitions

Field Description

Name Enter a unique name up to 50 characters long for BACnet Gateway Object. If you enter the name of an existing object, the system will not
save the object, and will display an error message indicating there is a conflict. Choose a different name.

Description Enter a general comment about the BACnet Gateway Object that will help you identify the device. This text is for information only.

Enabled Click Enabled to make this object work.


Object ID BACnet Gateway object ID. Read only.

Present The current value of the BACnet gateway object. Read only.

Status Not Applicable in this release.


BMS Integration User Guide 101

Configuring a BACnet Gateway Object
You can use the BACnet Gateway Object Editor to configure settings for BACnet Gateway Object.

To Configure a BACnet Gateway Object

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateway Object folder.
3. To edit a BACnet Gateway object, select one of the following options:
• Double-click a BACnet Gateway Object icon or name
• Right-click a BACnet Gateway Object and select Edit.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a textual description for the BACnet Gateway Object in the Description field.
6. Check the Enabled option to make this object work.
7. If you are done editing the BACnet Gateway Object, click to save the BACnet Gateway Object configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 102

Viewing Monitor Object for this BACnet Gateway Object
Perform the following steps to view Monitor Object for this BACnet Gateway Object.

To view Monitor Object for this BACnet Gateway Object

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Gateway Object folder.
3. To edit a BACnet Gateway Object, select one of the following options:
• Double-click a BACnet Gateway Object icon or name
• Right-click a BACnet Gateway Object and select Edit from context menu.
4. Click the Monitor Object tab to view which monitor object is monitored by this BACnet gateway object.
Figure 38:  Figure 11-2: BACnet Gateway Object - Monitor Object Tab

BMS Integration User Guide 103


Chapter 11 - BACnet Broadcast Management Device

This chapter describes BACnet Broadcast Management Device. In this chapter:

BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device Overview 105

Supported and Tested BBMD Network - First 106
Supported and Tested BBMD Network - Second 107
Accessing the BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD) 108
Adding a BBMD 109
Editing a BBMD 110
Deleting a BBMD 111
BBMD General Tab 112
BACnet Object General Tab Definitions 112
Configuring a BBMD Network 113

BMS Integration User Guide 104

BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device Overview
The BACnet utilized broadcast messages for certain functions, when you try to discover BACnet Devices, your BACnet
Devices are interconnected via IP routers then the IP routers normally blocks the broadcast messages. This may cause issues
for your BACnet communications. BACnet solves the IP router issue by utilizing a BACnet/IP Broadcast Management Device
(BBMD). The BBMD will send any received broadcast messages as directed messages through the IP router to its partner
BBMD Devices.

BMS Integration User Guide 105

Supported and Tested BBMD Network - First
The following image displays the Topology of first Supported and Test network of BBMD.
Figure 39:  Supported and Test Network Topology - First

BMS Integration User Guide 106

Supported and Tested BBMD Network - Second
The following image displays the Topology of second Supported and Test network of BBMD.
Figure 40:  Supported and Test Network Topology - Second

BMS Integration User Guide 107

Accessing the BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD)
Perform the following steps to access the BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD).
Figure 41:  BBMD

To Access the BBMD

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Expand the BACnet Device folder.
3. Right click the BACnet Device folder, select Edit BBMDs.

BMS Integration User Guide 108

Adding a BBMD
Perform the following steps to add a BBMD.

To Add a BBMD
1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Right-click the BACnet Device folder, then select Edit BBMDs from context menu, the BBMD pane lists all BBMDs.
3. On the BACnet BBMD pane, click Add. button, the new BBMD pane opens.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a textual description for the BACnet Device in the Description field.
6. To configure communication information, see BBMD General Tab.
7. Select the Enabled check box.
8. Click Add.
Figure 42:  BBMD Editor

BMS Integration User Guide 109

Editing a BBMD
Perform the following steps to edit a BBMD.

To Edit a BBMD
1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Right-click the BACnet Device folder, and then select Edit BBMDs from context menu.
3. On the BBMD pane, click Edit.
4. Type a unique name in the Name field.
5. Type a textual description for the BACnet device in the Description field.
6. To configure communication information, see BBMD General Tab.
7. Select the Enabled check box.
8. Save the BBMD configuration.

BMS Integration User Guide 110

Deleting a BBMD
You can delete a BBMD from the Building Automation tree if you no longer need it.

To Delete a BBMD from the Building Automation Tree

1. In the Navigation pane of the C•CURE 9000 Administration Workstation, click Building Automation. The Building
Automation pane opens.
2. Right-click the BACnet Device folder, and then select Edit BBMDs.
3. On the BBMD pane, select a BBMD and then click Remove.

BMS Integration User Guide 111

BBMD General Tab

From the BBMD General tab, you can set the name and description for the BBMD, and configure the communication settings
for the device.
Figure 43:  BBMD - General Tab

BACnet Object General Tab Definitions

The following table describes the BBMD General tab fields.
Table 19:  BBMD General Tab Definitions

Field Description

Name Enter a unique name up to 50 characters long for BACnet Device. If you enter the name of an existing object, the system will not save the
object, and will display an error message indicating there is a conflict. Choose a different name.

Description Enter a general comment about the BACnet device that will help you identify the device. This text is for information only.

IP Address IP address of BACnet device.

UDP Port UDP port of BACnet device used to communicate with the physical device. Editable when BACnet device is disabled.

BMS Integration User Guide 112

Configuring a BBMD Network
The following configuration is an example of a Contemporary Controls BAS Router and NetGear IP Router. The BBMD device
and IP Router from other vendor may have different configuration, which should follow the vendor’s user guide.

The following images show the BBMD configuration steps and the BBMD Broadcast Distribution.
Figure 44:  BBMD Configuration Steps

Figure 45:  Broadcast Distribution

Perform the following steps to configure a BBMD Network.

BBMD Network Configuration

1. Set BBMD local IP address to
2. Configure NAT IP Router 1
• Set WAN IP address:
• Set LAN IP address:
3. Configure NAT IP Router 2
• Set WAN IP address:
• Set LAN IP address:
• Set Port forward 47809 message to Device
4. Set BACnet device IP address to:

BMS Integration User Guide 113


Chapter 12 - BACnet Journal Messages

The BMS integration has customized Journal messages that are described here. In this chapter

BMS Integration Journal Message Definitions 115

BMS Integration User Guide 114

BMS Integration Journal Message Definitions
The following tables list the Journal Messages that can be reported by the BMS Integration products to the C•CURE 9000
database. In the table, the symbol "#" represents an object such a BACnet device name, BACnet object name, or computer
name. The actual value for the object property replaces the "#" in the Journal.
Table 20:  BACnet State Change Journal Messages

Message Type Object State Change Message

BACnet Device State Change BACnet Device Online BACnet Device '#' communication restore.

Offline BACnet Device '#' communication failure.

Operational BACnet Device '#' is operational.

Non-Operational BACnet Device '#' is non-operational.

Table 21:  BACnet COV Notification Journal Messages

Message Type Object State Change Message

BACnet Object Value Change Analog Input/ Output/ Value Object Present Value Present Value of Analog Input/Output/Value '#' on
Change BACnet Device '#' changed to #.

Binary Input/ Output/ Value Object Active Present Value of Binary Input '#' on BACnet
Device '#' changed to active.

Inactive Present Value of Binary Input '#' on BACnet

Device '#' changed to inactive.

MultiState Input/ Output/ Value Object Present Value Present Value of MultiState Input/Output/Value '#'
Change on BACnet Device '#' changed to #.

BMS Integration User Guide 115

Message Type Object State Change Message

BACnet Object State Change Analog Input/ Output/ Value Object Alarm Alarm Status of Analog Input/Output/Value '#' on
BACnet Device '#' changed to Alarm.

Normal Alarm Status of Analog Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Normal.

Fault Fault Status of Analog Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Fault.

Normal Fault Status of Analog Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Normal.

Out Of Service Out Of Service of Analog Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Out of Service.

Normal Out Of Service Status of Analog

Input/Output/Value '#' on BACnet Device '#'
changed to Normal.

Binary Input/ Output/ Value Object Alarm Alarm Status of Binary Input/Output/Value '#' on
BACnet Device '#' changed to Alarm.

Normal Alarm Status of Binary Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Normal.

Fault Fault Status of Binary Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Fault.

Normal Fault Status of Binary Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Normal.

Out Of Service Out Of Service of Binary Input/Output/Value '#' on

BACnet Device '#' changed to Out of Service.

Normal Out Of Service Status of Binary

Input/Output/Value '#' on BACnet Device '#'
changed to Normal.

MultiState Input/ Output/ Value Object Alarm Alarm Status of MultiState Input/Output/Value '#'
on BACnet Device '#' changed to Alarm.

Normal Alarm Status of MultiState Input/Output/Value '#'

on BACnet Device '#' changed to Normal.

Fault Fault Status of MultiState Input/Output/Value '#'

on BACnet Device '#' changed to Fault.

Normal Fault Status of MultiState Input/Output/Value '#'

on BACnet Device '#' changed to Normal.

Out Of Service Out Of Service of MultiState Input/Output/Value '#'

on BACnet Device '#' changed to Out of Service.

Normal Out Of Service Status of MultiState

Input/Output/Value '#' on BACnet Device '#'
changed to Normal.

BMS Integration User Guide 116

Table 22:  BACnet Event Notification Journal Messages

Message State
Object Message
Type Change

BACnet Event Event High limit AnalogInput’#’ on BACnet Device ‘#’ Changed from EVENT_State_HIGH_Normal to EVENT_
Notification Notification STATE_HIGH_LIMIT by EVENT_OUT_OF_RAGNE.

High AnalogInput’#’ on BACnet Device ‘#’ Changed from EVENT_State_HIGH_LIMIT to EVENT_


Low limit AnalogInput’#’ on BACnet Device ‘#’ Changed from EVENT_State_LOW_Normal to EVENT_

Low AnalogInput’#’ on BACnet Device ‘#’ Changed from EVENT_State_LOW_LIMIT to EVENT_STATE_


Table 23:  BACnet System Activity Journal Messages

Message Type Object State Change Message

BACnet System Activity Driver Start System Activity: SoftwareHouse CrossFire BACnet Driver Service started on computer #.

Stop System Activity: SoftwareHouse CrossFire BACnet Driver Service stopped on computer #.

BMS Integration User Guide 117

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