Explosit Stu - Cis
Explosit Stu - Cis
Explosit Stu - Cis
In accordance with Articles 2 to 5 of the Due Diligence Convention and the Federal Banking
Commission Circular of December 1998, and under the US Patriot Act of 2002, as amended in February
2003 concerning the prevention of money laundering and 305 of the Swiss Criminal Code, and in
accordance with Spanish legislation on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism,
the following information may be supplied to banks and/or other financial institutions for purposes of
verification of identity and activities of the Client described below, and the nature and origin of the
funds which are to be utilized. The foregoing is subject to agreement by all parties to whom this
information is provided that they are obligated to respect the privacy rights of the Client and all
individuals described herein, as well as the generally accepted professional standards relating to the
maintenance of confidential information, and to take all appropriate precautions to protect the
confidentiality of the information contained herein, This legal obligation shall remain in full force
indefinitely without restriction. PLEASE USE N/A FOR ALL LINES NOT ANSWERED.
Corporate Information
Registered in the Register Mercantil of Madrid, at tomo 31245, folio 153, hoja M562396
Plaza de la Catedral, 4, 2º,B 02001-
Albacete; Spain
Passport Number: PAI891870
Date of Issue: 01/04/2019
Date of Expiry: 21/07/2027
Country of Issuance: SPAIN Signed this
MAY 1--2021
Registered in the Register Mercantil of Madrid, at tomo 31245, folio 153, hoja M562396
Registered in the Register Mercantil of Madrid, at tomo 31245, folio 153, hoja M562396
Registered in the Register Mercantil of Madrid, at tomo 31245, folio 153, hoja M562396
Registered in the Register Mercantil of Madrid, at tomo 31245, folio 153, hoja M562396
Registered in the Register Mercantil of Madrid, at tomo 31245, folio 153, hoja M562396
Registered in the Register Mercantil of Madrid, at tomo 31245, folio 153, hoja M562396