Cutmaster 25 Service Manual
Cutmaster 25 Service Manual
Cutmaster 25 Service Manual
Art # A-08803_AB
Service Manual
Rev. AB Date: May 29, 2009 Manual # 0-5081
Operating Features:
Congratulations on your new Thermal Dynamics product. We are
proud to have you as our customer and will strive to provide you
with the best service and reliability in the industry. This product is
backed by our extensive warranty and world-wide service network.
To locate your nearest distributor or service agency call 1-800-426-
1888, or visit us on the web at
Published by:
Thermal Dynamics Corporation
82 Benning Street
West Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA 03784
(603) 298-5711
Copyright 2009 by
Thermadyne Corporation
The publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any
loss or damage caused by any error or omission in this Manual, whether such error
results from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
This Page Intentionally Blank
SECTION 1:GENERAL INFORMATION....................................................................................... 1
1.01 Notes, Cautions and Warnings....................................................................... 1
1.02 Important Safety Precautions......................................................................... 1
1.03 Publications.................................................................................................... 2
1.04 Note, Attention et Avertissement.................................................................... 3
1.05 Precautions De Securite Importantes............................................................. 3
1.06 Documents De Reference............................................................................... 5
1.07 Declaration of Conformity............................................................................... 6
1.08 Statement of Warranty.................................................................................... 7
SECTION 5 SYSTEM:SERVICE...............................................................................................5-1
5.01 General Maintenance..................................................................................5-1
5.02 Maintenance Schedule................................................................................5-2
5.03 Common Faults............................................................................................5-2
5.04 Fault Indicator..............................................................................................5-3
5.05 Basic Troubleshooting Guide.......................................................................5-4
5.06 Power Supply Basic Parts Replacement.....................................................5-6
5.07 Circuit Fault Isolation...................................................................................5-8
5.08 Main Input and Internal Power Problems...................................................5-12
5.09 Pilot Arc Problems.....................................................................................5-16
5.10 Main Arc and Controls Problems...............................................................5-17
5.11 CNC Interface Problems............................................................................5-18
5.12 Test Procedures.........................................................................................5-19
5.13 Capacitor PCB Layout & Signals...............................................................5-22
5.14 Logic PCB Layout & Signals......................................................................5-24
5.15 MAIN PCB Layout & Signals......................................................................5-28
5.16 Main PCB Wiring Diagram.........................................................................5-30
• Phosgene, a toxic gas, is generated from the vapors of chlo-
rinated solvents and cleansers. Remove all sources of these
WARNING vapors.
A procedure which, if not properly followed, may cause • This product, when used for welding or cutting, produces
injury to the operator or others in the operating area. fumes or gases which contain chemicals known to the State
of California to cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer.
1.02 Important Safety Precautions (California Health & Safety Code Sec. 25249.5 et seq.)
Electric Shock can injure or kill. The plasma arc process uses and
OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PLASMA ARC produces high voltage electrical energy. This electric energy can cause
EQUIPMENT CAN BE DANGEROUS AND HAZARDOUS severe or fatal shock to the operator or others in the workplace.
• Never touch any parts that are electrically “live” or “hot.”
Plasma arc cutting produces intense electric and
• Wear dry gloves and clothing. Insulate yourself from the work
magnetic emissions that may interfere with the proper
piece or other parts of the welding circuit.
function of cardiac pacemakers, hearing aids, or other
electronic health equipment. Persons who work near • Repair or replace all worn or damaged parts.
plasma arc cutting applications should consult their • Extra care must be taken when the workplace is moist or
medical health professional and the manufacturer of damp.
the health equipment to determine whether a hazard
exists. • Install and maintain equipment according to NEC code, refer
to item 9 in Subsection 1.03, Publications.
To prevent possible injury, read, understand and follow • Disconnect power source before performing any service or
all warnings, safety precautions and instructions before repairs.
using the equipment. Call 1-603-298-5711 or your local
distributor if you have any questions. • Read and follow all the instructions in the Operating Manual.
• To protect your hearing from loud noise, wear protective ear 4. ANSI Standard Z87.1, SAFE PRACTICES FOR OCCUPATION
plugs and/or ear muffs. Protect others in the workplace. AND EDUCATIONAL EYE AND FACE PROTECTION, obtainable
• Noise levels should be measured to be sure the decibels (sound) from American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway,
do not exceed safe levels. New York, NY 10018
• For information on how to test for noise, see item 1 in Subsec- 5. ANSI Standard Z41.1, STANDARD FOR MEN’S SAFETY-TOE
tion 1.03, Publications, in this manual. FOOTWEAR, obtainable from the American National Standards
Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018
TING AND WELDING PROCESSES, obtainable from American
Plasma Arc Rays can injure your eyes and burn your skin. The plasma National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY
arc process produces very bright ultra violet and infra red light. These 10018
arc rays will damage your eyes and burn your skin if you are not
properly protected. 7. AWS Standard A6.0, WELDING AND CUTTING CONTAIN-
• To protect your eyes, always wear a welding helmet or shield. American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd, Miami, FL
Also always wear safety glasses with side shields, goggles or 33126
other protective eye wear.
• Wear welding gloves and suitable clothing to protect your skin
from the arc rays and sparks.
from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch
• Keep helmet and safety glasses in good condition. Replace Park, Quincy, MA 02269
lenses when cracked, chipped or dirty.
• Protect others in the work area from the arc rays. Use protective 9. NFPA Standard 70, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, obtainable
booths, screens or shields. from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, MA 02269
• Use the shade of lens as suggested in the following per ANSI/
Minimum Protective Suggested obtainable from the National Fire Protection Association,
Arc Current Shade No. Shade No. Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269
Less Than 300* 8 9
300 - 400* 9 12 GASES IN CYLINDERS, obtainable from the Compressed
Gas Association, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 501,
400 - 800* 10 14
Arlington, VA 22202
* These values apply where the actual arc is clearly seen.
Experience has shown that lighter filters may be used 12. CSA Standard W117.2, CODE FOR SAFETY IN WELDING
when the arc is hidden by the workpiece. AND CUTTING, obtainable from the Canadian Standards As-
sociation, Standards Sales, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale,
Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3
LEAD WARNING from the National Welding Supply Association, 1900 Arch
This product contains chemicals, including lead, or otherwise produces Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects
and other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. (California
Health & Safety Code § 25249.5 et seq.)
15. ANSI Standard Z88.2, PRACTICE FOR RESPIRATORY PRO- • Eloignez toute fumée et gaz de votre zone de respiration. Gardez
votre tête hors de la plume de fumée provenant du chalumeau.
TECTION, obtainable from American National Standards
Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 • Utilisez un appareil respiratoire à alimentation en air si l’aération
fournie ne permet pas d’éliminer la fumée et les gaz.
1.04 Note, Attention et Avertissement • Les sortes de gaz et de fumée provenant de l’arc de plasma dépen-
Dans ce manuel, les mots “note,” “attention,” et “avertissement” sont dent du genre de métal utilisé, des revêtements se trouvant sur le
utilisés pour mettre en relief des informations à caractère important. métal et des différents procédés. Vous devez prendre soin lorsque
Ces mises en relief sont classifiées comme suit : vous coupez ou soudez tout métal pouvant contenir un ou plusieurs
des éléments suivants:
antimoine cadmium mercure
Toute opération, procédure ou renseignement général argent chrome nickel
sur lequel il importe d’insister davantage ou qui contribue arsenic cobalt plomb
à l’efficacité de fonctionnement du système. baryum cuivre sélénium
béryllium manganèse vanadium
• Lisez toujours les fiches de données sur la sécurité des matières
ATTENTION (sigle américain “MSDS”); celles-ci devraient être fournies avec le
matériel que vous utilisez. Les MSDS contiennent des renseigne-
Toute procédure pouvant résulter l’endommagement ments quant à la quantité et la nature de la fumée et des gaz pouvant
du matériel en cas de non-respect de la procédure en poser des dangers de santé.
• Pour des informations sur la manière de tester la fumée et les gaz
de votre lieu de travail, consultez l’article 1 et les documents cités
à la page 5.
Utilisez un équipement spécial tel que des tables de coupe à débit
Toute procédure pouvant provoquer des blessures de d’eau ou à courant descendant pour capter la fumée et les gaz.
l’opérateur ou des autres personnes se trouvant dans
• N’utilisez pas le chalumeau au jet de plasma dans une zone où se
la zone de travail en cas de non-respect de la procédure
trouvent des matières ou des gaz combustibles ou explosifs.
en question.
• Le phosgène, un gaz toxique, est généré par la fumée provenant
1.05 Precautions De Securite Importantes des solvants et des produits de nettoyage chlorés. Eliminez toute
source de telle fumée.
• Ce produit, dans le procéder de soudage et de coupe, produit de
la fumée ou des gaz pouvant contenir des éléments reconnu dans
AVERTISSEMENTS L’état de la Californie, qui peuvent causer des défauts de naissance
L’OPÉRATION ET LA MAINTENANCE DU MATÉRIEL et le cancer. (La sécurité de santé en Californie et la code sécurité
Coupant à l’arc au jet de plasma produit de l’énergie CHOC ELECTRIQUE
électrique haute tension et des émissions magnétique qui
peuvent interférer la fonction propre d’un “pacemaker” Les chocs électriques peuvent blesser ou même tuer. Le procédé au jet
cardiaque, les appareils auditif, ou autre matériel de santé de plasma requiert et produit de l’énergie électrique haute tension. Cette
electronique. Ceux qui travail près d’une application à énergie électrique peut produire des chocs graves, voire mortels, pour
l’arc au jet de plasma devrait consulter leur membre pro- l’opérateur et les autres personnes sur le lieu de travail.
fessionel de médication et le manufacturier de matériel de • Ne touchez jamais une pièce “sous tension” ou “vive”; portez des
santé pour déterminer s’il existe des risques de santé. gants et des vêtements secs. Isolez-vous de la pièce de travail ou
Il faut communiquer aux opérateurs et au personnel des autres parties du circuit de soudage.
TOUS les dangers possibles. Afin d’éviter les blessures • Réparez ou remplacez toute pièce usée ou endommagée.
possibles, lisez, comprenez et suivez tous les avertisse-
ments, toutes les précautions de sécurité et toutes les • Prenez des soins particuliers lorsque la zone de travail est humide
consignes avant d’utiliser le matériel. Composez le + ou moite.
603-298-5711 ou votre distributeur local si vous avez
des questions.
• Débranchez l’alimentation électrique avant tout travail d’entretien Nuance Minimum Nuance Suggerée
ou de réparation. Courant Arc Protective Numéro Numéro
Moins de 300* 8 9
• Lisez et respectez toutes les consignes du Manuel de consignes.
300 - 400* 9 12
400 - 800* 10 14
* Ces valeurs s’appliquent ou l’arc actuel est observé
Les incendies et les explosions peuvent résulter des scories chaudes, clairement. L’experience a démontrer que les filtres
des étincelles ou de l’arc de plasma. Le procédé à l’arc de plasma moins foncés peuvent être utilisés quand l’arc est caché
produit du métal, des étincelles, des scories chaudes pouvant mettre par moiceau de travail.
le feu aux matières combustibles ou provoquer l’explosion de fumées
• Soyez certain qu’aucune matière combustible ou inflammable ne BRUIT
se trouve sur le lieu de travail. Protégez toute telle matière qu’il
est impossible de retirer de la zone de travail. Le bruit peut provoquer une perte permanente de l’ouïe. Les procédés
de soudage à l’arc de plasma peuvent provoquer des niveaux sonores
• Procurez une bonne aération de toutes les fumées inflammables supérieurs aux limites normalement acceptables. Vous dú4ez vous
ou explosives. protéger les oreilles contre les bruits forts afin d’éviter une perte
permanente de l’ouïe.
• Ne coupez pas et ne soudez pas les conteneurs ayant pu renfermer
des matières combustibles. • Pour protéger votre ouïe contre les bruits forts, portez des tampons
protecteurs et/ou des protections auriculaires. Protégez également
• Prévoyez une veille d’incendie lors de tout travail dans une zone les autres personnes se trouvant sur le lieu de travail.
présentant des dangers d’incendie.
• Il faut mesurer les niveaux sonores afin d’assurer que les décibels
• Le gas hydrogène peut se former ou s’accumuler sous les pièces (le bruit) ne dépassent pas les niveaux sûrs.
de travail en aluminium lorsqu’elles sont coupées sous l’eau ou
sur une table d’eau. NE PAS couper les alliages en aluminium sous • Pour des renseignements sur la manière de tester le bruit, consultez
l’eau ou sur une table d’eau à moins que le gas hydrogène peut l’article 1, page 5.
s’échapper ou se dissiper. Le gas hydrogène accumulé explosera
si enflammé.
RAYONS D’ARC DE PLASMA Ce produit contient des produits chimiques, comme le plomb,
ou engendre des produits chimiques, reconnus par l’état de
Les rayons provenant de l’arc de plasma peuvent blesser vos yeux et
Californie comme pouvant être à l’origine de cancer, de mal-
brûler votre peau. Le procédé à l’arc de plasma produit une lumière
formations fœtales ou d’autres problèmes de reproduction.
infra-rouge et des rayons ultra-violets très forts. Ces rayons d’arc
Il faut se laver les mains après toute manipulation.
nuiront à vos yeux et brûleront votre peau si vous ne vous protégez
(Code de Californie de la sécurité et santé, paragraphe 25249.5 et
pas correctement.
• Pour protéger vos yeux, portez toujours un casque ou un écran
de soudeur. Portez toujours des lunettes de sécurité munies de
parois latérales ou des lunettes de protection ou une autre sorte
de protection oculaire.
• Portez des gants de soudeur et un vêtement protecteur approprié
pour protéger votre peau contre les étincelles et les rayons de
• Maintenez votre casque et vos lunettes de protection en bon état.
Remplacez toute lentille sale ou comportant fissure ou rognure.
• Protégez les autres personnes se trouvant sur la zone de travail
contre les rayons de l’arc en fournissant des cabines ou des écrans
de protection.
The equipment described in this manual conforms to all applicable aspects and regulations of the ‘Low Voltage Directive’ (2006/95 EC) and to
the National legislation for the enforcement of this Directive.
The equipment described in this manual conforms to all applicable aspects and regulations of the "EMC Directive" (European Council Directive 89/336/
EEC) and to the National legislation for the enforcement of this Directive.
Serial numbers are unique with each individual piece of equipment and details description, parts used to manufacture a unit and date of manufacture.
The product is designed and manufactured to a number of standards and technical requirements. Among them are:
* CSA (Canadian Standards Association) standard C22.2 number 60 for Arc welding equipment.
* UL (Underwriters Laboratory) rating 94VO flammability testing for all printed-circuit boards used.
* ISO/IEC 60974-1 (BS 638-PT10) (EN 60 974-1) (EN50192) (EN50078) applicable to plasma cutting equipment and associated accessories.
* For environments with increased hazard of electrical shock, Power Supplies bearing the 'S' mark conform to EN50192 when used in conjunction with
hand torches with exposed cutting tips, if equipped with properly installed standoff guides.
* Extensive product design verification is conducted at the manufacturing facility as part of the routine design and manufacturing process. This is to
ensure the product is safe, when used according to instructions in this manual and related industry standards, and performs as specified. Rigorous
testing is incorporated into the manufacturing process to ensure the manufactured product meets or exceeds all design specifications.
Thermal Dynamics has been manufacturing products for more than 30 years, and will continue to achieve excellence in our area of manufacture.
This warranty is exclusive and in lieu of any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Thermal Dynamics will repair or replace, at its discretion, any warranted parts or components that fail due to defects in material or workmanship within the
time periods set out below. Thermal Dynamics Corporation must be notified within 30 days of any failure, at which time Thermal Dynamics Corporation
will provide instructions on the warranty procedures to be implemented.
Thermal Dynamics Corporation will honor warranty claims submitted within the warranty periods listed below. All warranty periods begin on the date
of sale of the product to the original retail customer or 1 year after sale to an authorized Thermal Dynamics Distributor.
1. Consumable Parts, such as tips, electrodes, shield cups, o - rings, starter cartridges, gas distributors, fuses, filters.
2. Equipment that has been modified by an unauthorized party, improperly installed, improperly operated or misused based upon industry
In the event of a claim under this warranty, the remedies shall be, at the discretion of Thermal Dynamics Corporation:
4. Payment of credit up to the purchase price less reasonable depreciation based on actual use.
These remedies may be authorized by Thermal Dynamics and are FOB West Lebanon, NH or an authorized Thermadyne service station. Product returned
for service is at the owner’s expense and no reimbursement of travel or transportation is authorized.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Thermal Dynamics Corporation shall not under any circumstances be liable for special or consequential damages such
as, but not limited to, damage or loss of purchased or replacement goods or claims of customer of distributors (hereinafter “Purchaser”) for service
interruption. The remedies of the Purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the liability of Thermal Dynamics with respect to any contract, or anything
done in connection therewith such as the performance or breach thereof, or from the manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, or use of the goods covered
by or furnished by Thermal Dynamics whether arising out of contract, negligence, strict tort, or under any warranty, or otherwise, shall not, except as
expressly provided herein, exceed the price of the goods upon which liability is based.
This warranty becomes invalid if replacement parts or accessories are used which may impair the safety or performance of any Thermal Dynamics
This warranty is invalid if the Thermal Dynamics product is sold by non - authorized persons.
IEC Rating is determined as specified by the International Electro-Technical Commission. These specifications
include calculating an output voltage based upon power supply rated current. To facilitate comparison between
power supplies, all manufacturers use this output voltage to determine duty cycle.
Art # A-07941
Art # A-07925
416 mm
150 mm
0.6 m
0.57 m
6" 6"
43 lb / 19.5 kg 150 mm 150 mm
Refer to Local and National Codes or local authority having jurisdiction for proper wiring requirements.
Cable size is de-rated based on the Duty Cycle of the equipment.
Control Panel
Art # A-07942
Work Cable
and Clamp
Port for Optional Automation
Interface Cable
Filter Assembly
Art # A-08544
Input Power Cord
E. Type Cooling
Combination of ambient air and gas stream through
G. Gas Requirements
Manual and Mechanized Torch Gas
Gas (Plasma and Secondary) Compressed Air
Operating Pressure 60 - 95 psi _
Refer to NOTE 4.1 - 6.5 bar Power
Maximum Input Pressure 125 psi / 8.6 bar Supply A
300 - 500 scfh +
Gas Flow (Cutting and Gouging)
142 - 235 lpm
This torch is not to be used with oxygen (O2).
C A-00002
C. Pilot Arc
Parts - In - Place Circuit Diagram for Hand Torch
When the torch is started a pilot arc is established
between the electrode and cutting tip. This pilot Remote Pendant
arc creates a path for the main arc to transfer to the
Art # A-08168
Automation Torch
Do not touch live electrical parts.
Disconnect input power cord before moving unit.
FALLING EQUIPMENT can cause serious personal injury and can damage equipment.
Check your power source for correct voltage before plugging in or connecting the unit. The primary power source,
fuse, and any extension cords used must conform to local electrical code and the recommended circuit protection
and wiring requirements as specified in Section 2.
Disconnect input power from the power supply and input cable before attempting this procedure.
These instructions are for installing the input power cable to the power supply and connecting to
380/400/415VAC three phase Primary Input Power.
1. Remove the Power Supply cover per instructions found in section 5.
2. Loosen the strain relief on the back panel of the power supply.
3. Using a customer supplied four conductor input power cable for rated voltage, strip back the
insulation on the individual wires.
4. Pass the cable being used through the input cable opening / strain relief in the back panel of the
power supply. Refer to Section 2 for power cable specifications.
The primary power source and power cable must conform to local electrical code and the recommended circuit
protection and wiring requirements (refer to table in Section 2).
5. Connect the wires as follows.
For non CE units:
Art # A-08753
• Three phase wires to L1, L2 and L3 on the W1 contactor. It does not matter what order these
wires are attached. See previous illustration and on label in the power supply.
• Green / Yellow wire to Ground Terminal.
For CE units:
EMC Input
Power Filter
Art # A-08752_AA
• Three phase wires to L1, L2 and L3 on the CE Input Power Filter. It does not matter what
order these wires are attached. See previous illustration and on label in the power supply.
• Green / Yellow wire to Ground.
6. With a little slack in the wires, tighten the strain relief to secure the power cable.
7. Reinstall the Power Supply cover.
8. Connect the opposite end of individual wires to a customer supplied plug and plug into an appro-
priate input power receptacle.( or connect directly to main disconnect)
9. Close the main disconnect switch to supply power to the unit..
Inlet Port
Hose Clamp
1/4 NPT or ISO-R
to 1/4” (6mm) Fitting
Gas Supply
Art # A-07943
An optional filter kit is recommended for improved filtering with compressed air, to keep moisture and
debris out of the torch.
1. Attach the Single - Stage Filter Hose to the Inlet Port.
2. Attach the Filter Assembly to the filter hose.
3. Connect the air line to the Filter. The illustration shows typical fittings as an example.
For a secure seal, apply thread sealant to the fitting threads, according to the maker's instructions. Do Not use
Teflon tape as a thread sealer, as small particles of the tape may break off and block the small air passages in the
torch. Connect as follows:
Inlet Port
Art # A-07944
Hose Clamp
Two Stage
Gas Supply
Art # A-07945_AC
Art # A-07885
Pinch Block
4.01 Front Panel Controls / MIN
2. Function Control
Art# A-07886
Function Control Knob, Used to select between the 5 6 7 8 9 10
different operating modes.
At the start of each operating session: Place the Power Supply ON / OFF switch to the ON
(up) position. AC indicator turns on. Gas
table. The area must be free from oil, paint and rust.
Connect only to the main part of the workpiece; do !
Art# A-07946
Art # A-04509
Cut Surface
The desired or specified condition (smooth or rough)
Sparks from the cutting process can cause damage
of the face of the cut.
to coated, painted, and other surfaces such as glass,
Nitride Build - Up plastic and metal.
Art # A-03383
Trigger Release
The straight edge must be non - conduc-
Trigger Release
Straight Edge 7. Bring the torch within transfer distance to
Cutting Guide the work. The main arc will transfer to the
work, and the pilot arc will shut off.
The gas preflow and postflow are a characteristic
Using Drag Shield Cup With Straight Edge of the power supply and not a function of the
The crown shield cup functions best when cutting
3/16 inch (4.7 mm) solid metal with relatively
smooth surface.
Drag Cutting With a Hand Torch 2
Drag cutting works best on metal 1/4" (6 mm) thick Trigger Release
or less.
For best parts performance and life, always use the
correct parts for the type of operation. 3
1. Install the drag cutting tip and set the out-
put current.
2. The torch can be comfortably held in one 4
hand or steadied with two hands. Position
the hand to press the Trigger on the torch Art # A-03383
handle. With the hand torch, the hand may 8. Cut as usual. Simply release the trigger
be positioned close to the torch head for assembly to stop cutting.
maximum control or near the back end for 9. Follow normal recommended cutting
maximum heat protection. Choose the practices as provided in the power supply
holding technique that feels most comfort- operator's manual.
able and allows good control and move- NOTE
When the shield cup is properly installed, there
4. Keep the torch in contact with the work-
is a slight gap between the shield cup and the
piece during the cutting cycle. torch handle. Gas vents through this gap as part
5. Hold the torch away from your body. of normal operation. Do not attempt to force the
shield cup to close this gap. Forcing the shield
cup against the torch head or torch handle can
damage components.
Trigger Release
on the output current setting and torch travel speed.
The recommended lead angle is 35°. At a lead angle
greater than 45° the molten metal will not be blown
Be sure the operator is equipped with proper out of the gouge and may be blown back onto the
gloves, clothing, eye and ear protection and that all torch. If the lead angle is too small (less than 35°),
safety precautions at the front of this manual have less material may be removed, requiring more pass-
been followed. Make sure no part of the operator’s es. In some applications, such as removing welds or
body comes in contact with the workpiece when working with light metal, this may be desirable.
the torch is activated.
Sparks from plasma gouging can cause damage Standoff Height
to coated, painted or other surfaces such as glass,
plastic, and metal.
Check torch parts. The torch parts must
correspond with the type of operation. Refer to
Section 4T.07, Torch Parts Selection. Gouging Angle and Standoff Distance
Gouging Parameters
Standoff Distance
Gouging performance depends on parameters
such as torch travel speed, current level, lead angle The tip to work distance affects gouge quality and
(the angle between the torch and workpiece), and depth. Standoff distance of 1/8 - 1/4 inch (3 - 6
the distance between the torch tip and workpiece mm) allows for smooth, consistent metal removal.
(standoff). Smaller standoff distances may result in a severance
cut rather than a gouge. Standoff distances greater
than 1/4 inch (6 mm) may result in minimal metal
removal or loss of transferred main arc.
Slag Buildup
Touching the torch tip or shield cup to the work surface
will cause excessive parts wear. Slag generated by gouging on materials such as car-
bon and stainless steels, nickels, and alloyed steels,
Torch Travel Speed can be removed easily in most cases. Slag does not
NOTE obstruct the gouging process if it accumulates to the
side of the gouge path. However, slag build - up can
Refer to Appendix Pages for additional information cause inconsistencies and irregular metal removal if
as related to the Power Supply used. large amounts of material build up in front of the
arc. The build - up is most often a result of improper
Optimum torch travel speed is dependent on current
travel speed, lead angle, or standoff height.
setting, lead angle, and mode of operation (hand or
machine torch).
Current Setting
Current settings depend on torch travel speed,
mode of operation (hand or machine torch), and the
amount of material to be removed.
of T
rav Standoff Distance
Straight Arc
Trailing Arc
Leading Arc
20A 9-8205
30A 9-8206 Shield Cup
40A 9-8207 9-8218
60A 9-8252
O-Ring No. 8-3488 Shield Cap, Drag
40A 9-8244
40A Cup Body,
Shield Cap, Deflector
70A 9-8231
80A 9-8211 Shield Cup Standoff Guide
90/100A 9-8212 9-8218 9-8281
120A 9-8253
GOUGING Shield Shield Cap, Gouging
Cup Body, 9-8241
Tip Gouging A 9-8225 (40 Amps Max.)
Tip Gouging B 9-8226 (50 - 100 Amps)
CutMaster 12mm uses 40A and less
Art # A-08951 CutMaster 20mm uses 60A and less
Tip Gouging C 9-8227 (60 - 120 Amps)
CutMaster 25mm uses 80A and less
CutMaster 35mm uses 100A and less
Tip Gouging D 9-8228 (60 - 120 Amps) CutMaster 40mm uses 120A and less
Type Torch: SL60 With Exposed Tip Type Material: Stainless Steel
Type Plasma Gas: Air Type Secondary Gas: Single Gas Torch
Thickness Tip Output Amperage Speed (Per Minute) Standoff Plasma Gas Press Flow (CFH) Pierce Pierce Height
Inches mm (Cat. No.) Volts(VDC) (Amps) Inches Meters Inches mm psi* bar Plasma Total** Delay (Sec) Inches mm
0.036 0.9 9-8208 103 40 355 9.02 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 55 170 0.00 0.2 5.1
0.05 1.3 9-8208 98 40 310 7.87 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 55 170 0.00 0.2 5.1
0.06 1.5 9-8208 98 40 240 6.10 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 55 170 0.10 0.2 5.1
0.078 2.0 9-8208 100 40 125 3.18 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 55 170 0.30 0.2 5.1
0.135 3.4 9-8208 120 40 30 0.76 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 0.40 0.2 5.1
0.188 4.8 9-8208 124 40 20 0.51 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 0.60 0.2 5.1
0.25 6.4 9-8208 122 40 15 0.38 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 1.00 0.2 5.1
0.375 9.5 9-8208 126 40 10 0.25 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 NR NR NR
Type Torch: SL60 With Exposed Tip Type Material: Stainless Steel
Type Plasma Gas: Air Type Secondary Gas: Single Gas Torch
Thickness Tip Output Amperage Speed (Per Minute) Standoff Plasma Gas Press Flow (CFH) Pierce Pierce Height
Inches mm (Cat. No.) Volts(VDC) (Amps) Inches Meters Inches mm psi* bar Plasma Total** Delay (Sec) Inches mm
0.06 1.5 9-8210 119 60 350 8.91 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.00 0.20 5.1
0.075 1.9 9-8210 116 60 300 7.64 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.10 0.20 5.1
0.120 3.0 9-8210 123 60 150 3.82 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.10 0.20 5.1
0.135 3.4 9-8210 118 60 125 3.18 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.10 0.20 5.1
0.188 4.8 9-8210 122 60 90 2.29 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.20 0.20 5.1
0.250 6.4 9-8210 120 60 65 1.65 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.30 0.20 5.1
0.375 9.5 9-8210 130 60 30 0.76 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.50 0.20 5.1
0.500 12.7 9-8210 132 60 21 0.53 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.75 0.20 5.1
0.625 15.9 9-8210 130 60 15 0.38 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 NR NR NR
0.750 19.1 9-8210 142 60 12 0.31 0.25 6.4 75 5.2 90 245 NR NR NR
Type Torch: SL60 With Exposed Tip Type Material: Stainless Steel
Type Plasma Gas: Air Type Secondary Gas: Single Gas Torch
Thickness Tip Output Amperage Speed (Per Minute) Standoff Plasma Gas Press Flow (CFH) Pierce Pierce Height
Inches mm (Cat. No.) Volts(VDC) (Amps) Inches Meters Inches mm psi* bar Plasma Total** Delay (Sec) Inches mm
0.060 1.5 9-8211 120 80 340 8.64 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 0.00 0.25 6.4
0.120 3.0 9-8211 120 80 300 7.62 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 0.10 0.25 6.4
0.135 3.4 9-8211 120 80 280 7.11 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 0.10 0.25 6.4
0.188 4.8 9-8211 120 80 140 3.56 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 0.20 0.25 6.4
0.250 6.4 9-8211 120 80 100 2.54 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 0.30 0.25 6.4
0.375 9.5 9-8211 126 80 50 1.27 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 0.40 0.25 6.4
0.500 12.7 9-8211 129 80 28 0.71 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 0.80 0.25 6.4
0.625 15.9 9-8211 135 80 20 0.51 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 1.00 0.25 6.4
0.750 19.1 9-8211 143 80 10 0.25 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 NR NR NR
0.875 22.2 9-8211 143 80 9 0.23 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 NR NR NR
1.000 25.4 9-8211 146 80 8 0.20 0.25 6.4 70 4.8 115 340 NR NR NR
* Gas pressure shown is for torches with leads up to 25’ / 7.6 m long. For 50’ / 15.2 m leads, set gas pressure to 70 psi / 4.8 bar.
** Total flow rate includes plasma and secondary gas flow.
Type Torch: SL60 With Shielded Tip Type Material: Stainless Steel
Type Plasma Gas: Air Type Secondary Gas: Single Gas Torch
Thickness Tip Output Amperage Speed (Per Minute) Standoff Plasma Gas Press Flow (CFH) Pierce Pierce Height
Inches mm (Cat. No.) Volts(VDC) (Amps) Inches Meters Inches mm psi* bar Plasma Total** Delay (Sec) Inches mm
0.036 0.9 9-8208 109 40 180 4.57 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 55 170 0.00 0.2 5.1
0.05 1.3 9-8208 105 40 165 4.19 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 55 170 0.00 0.2 5.1
0.06 1.5 9-8208 115 40 120 3.05 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 55 170 0.10 0.2 5.1
0.078 2.0 9-8208 120 40 65 1.65 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 0.30 0.2 5.1
0.135 3.4 9-8208 125 40 25 0.64 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 0.40 0.2 5.1
0.188 4.8 9-8208 132 40 20 0.51 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 0.60 0.2 5.1
0.25 6.4 9-8208 130 40 15 0.38 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 1.00 0.2 5.1
0.375 9.5 9-8208 130 40 10 0.25 0.187 4.8 70 4.8 55 170 NR NR NR
Type Torch: SL60 With Shielded Tip Type Material: Stainless Steel
Type Plasma Gas: Air Type Secondary Gas: Single Gas Torch
Thickness Tip Output Amperage Speed (Per Minute) Standoff Plasma Gas Press Flow (CFH) Pierce Pierce Height
Inches mm (Cat. No.) Volts(VDC) (Amps) Inches Meters Inches mm psi* bar Plasma Total** Delay (Sec) Inches mm
0.06 1.5 9-8210 110 60 165 4.19 0.13 3.2 75 5.2 90 245 0.00 0.20 5.1
0.075 1.9 9-8210 116 60 155 3.94 0.13 3.2 75 5.2 90 245 0.10 0.20 5.1
0.120 3.0 9-8210 115 60 125 3.18 0.13 3.2 75 5.2 90 245 0.10 0.20 5.1
0.135 3.4 9-8210 118 60 80 2.03 0.13 3.2 75 5.2 90 245 0.10 0.20 5.1
0.188 4.8 9-8210 120 60 75 1.91 0.13 3.2 75 5.2 90 245 0.20 0.20 5.1
0.250 6.4 9-8210 121 60 60 1.52 0.13 3.2 75 5.2 90 245 0.30 0.20 5.1
0.375 9.5 9-8210 129 60 28 0.71 0.13 3.2 75 5.2 90 245 0.50 0.20 5.1
0.500 12.7 9-8210 135 60 17 0.43 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 0.75 0.20 5.1
0.625 15.9 9-8210 135 60 14 0.36 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 NR NR NR
0.750 19.1 9-8210 142 60 10 0.25 0.19 4.8 75 5.2 90 245 NR NR NR
Type Torch: SL60 With Shielded Tip Type Material: Stainless Steel
Type Plasma Gas: Air Type Secondary Gas: Single Gas Torch
Thickness Tip Output Amperage Speed (Per Minute) Standoff Plasma Gas Press Flow (CFH) Pierce Pierce Height
Inches mm (Cat. No.) Volts(VDC) (Amps) Inches Meters Inches mm psi* bar Plasma Total** Delay (Sec) Inches mm
0.060 1.5 9-8211 110 80 340 8.50 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 0.00 0.2 5.1
0.120 3.0 9-8211 115 80 260 6.50 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 0.10 0.2 5.1
0.135 3.4 9-8211 113 80 250 6.25 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 0.10 0.2 5.1
0.188 4.8 9-8211 114 80 170 4.25 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 0.20 0.2 5.1
0.250 6.4 9-8211 116 80 85 2.13 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 0.30 0.2 5.1
0.375 9.5 9-8211 123 80 45 1.13 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 0.40 0.25 6.4
0.500 12.7 9-8211 133 80 18 0.45 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 0.75 0.25 6.4
0.625 15.9 9-8211 135 80 16 0.40 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 1.00 0.25 6.4
0.750 19.1 9-8211 144 80 8 0.20 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 NR NR NR
0.875 22.2 9-8211 137 80 8 0.20 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 NR NR NR
1.000 25.4 9-8211 140 80 8 0.20 0.125 3.2 70 4.8 115 340 NR NR NR
* Gas pressure shown is for torches with leads up to 25’ / 7.6 m long. For 50’ / 15.2 m leads, set gas pressure to 70 psi / 4.8 bar.
** Total flow rate includes plasma and secondary gas flow.
The following parts are also licensed under U.S. Patent No. 5,120,930 and 5,132,512:
Catalog # Description
9-8235 Shield Cap
9-8236 Shield Cap
9-8237 Shield Cup
9-8238 Shield Cap
9-8239 Shield Cap
9-8244 Shield Cap
9-8245 Shield Cap
At initial power up, two lights will temporarily illu- UNDER PRESSURE: Indicates that operating pres-
minate for 2-3 seconds to show the version of software sure is set too low and power supply output
used. power will be disabled.
To determine the first digit, count the function indicators INPUT POWER: Indicates primary line voltage is out-
left to right, 1 through 5. To determine the second digit side the operating limits of the power supply.
count the pressure indicators, reading from bottom to PART IN PLACE: Indicates that the shield cup is not
top, 0 through 7. In the example below the Temp indica- properly installed or tightened.
tor and 75 psi indicators are on indicating the version
would be 2.3. START ERROR: Indicates that the START SIGNAL
was active (ie. Torch Trigger depressed, hand
held pendant switch on or CNC signal for torch
on) during one of three conditions:
6 1) During initial power up when ON/OFF
switch is turned to ON position
2) When fault which had been disabling the
system is cleared.
0 Mode is moved from SET position to any of
! the other three (3) modes of operation.
CONSUMABLES MISSING: Indicates that the elec-
trode, start cartridge or tip is missing or exces-
sively worn.
Art# A-07988
SHORTED TORCH: Indicates the torch or lead has
1 2 3 4 5 a shorted condition between positive and nega-
tive leads.
When the ! "Fault" indicator is on or blinking it INTERNAL ERROR: Indicates a microprocessor er-
will be accompanied by one of the pressure indica- ror.
tor lights depending on what the Fault is. Only one
of these faults will be displayed at one time. If more OVER PRESSURE: Indicates that operating pressure
than one fault exists, when the first fault is corrected is set too high. The Error Indicator will not flash
and cleared, the next fault will then be displayed. It when the pressure is above 95 PSI. This LED will
is possible to have a fault indicated in the function remain on and the system will operate but pilot
indicators and another fault indictated in the pres- starting and cut performance may be affected.
sure indicators. The following table shows each of
the Faults possible.
The cooling fans will turn on as soon as the unit
Pressure Fault is turned on. After the unit is idle for ten (10)
Indicator minutes the fans will turn off. The fans will come
back on as soon as the torch switch (Start Signal)
Max Over Pressure
is activated or if the unit is turned off, then turned
90 Internal Error on again. If an over temperature condition occurs,
85 Shorted Torch the fans will continue to run while the condition
exists and for a ten (10) minute period once the
80 Consumables Missing condition is cleared.
75 Start Error
70 Parts in Place
65 Input Power
Min Under Pressure
Fault explantions are covered in the following
Manual 0-5081 5-3 SERVICE
5.05 Basic Troubleshooting Guide
There are extremely dangerous voltage and power levels present inside this unit. Do not attempt to diagnose or
repair unless you have had training in power electronics measurement and troubleshooting techniques.
FAULT indicator 1. Incorrect Primary line Voltage. 1. Check that appropriate line voltage is connected to unit.
flashing, 65 PSI 2. Primary input voltage problem. 2. Have qualified person check primary voltage to insure it
indicator flashing meets unit requirements see section 2.04.
3. Faulty components in unit. 3. Return to authorized service center for repair or replacement.
TEMPERATURE 1. Air flow through or around the 1. Refer to clearance information – section 2.04
indicator on. unit is obstructed.
FAULT indicator 2. Duty cycle of the unit has been 2. Allow unit to cool.
flashing. exceeded
3. Failed components in unit 3. Return to authorized service center for repair or replacement.
GAS indicator off, 1. Gas supply not connected to 1. Connect gas supply to unit.
FAULT and MIN unit.
pressure indicators 2. Gas supply not turned on. 2. Turn gas supply on.
flashing. 3. Gas supply pressure too low. 3. Set air supply inlet pressure to unit to 120 psi.
4. AIR PRESSURE CONTROL 4. Adjust regulator to set air pressure - see section 4.02.
regulator set too low.
5. Failed components in unit. 5. Return to authorized service center for repair or replacement.
FAULT and 70 PSI 1. Shield Cup loose. 1. Hand tighten the shield cup until it is snug.
indicators flashing. 2. Torch not properly connected to 2. Insure torch ATC is securely fastened to unit.
power supply.
3. Problem in torch and leads PIP 3. Replace torch and leads or return to authorized service center
circuit. for repair or replacement.
4. Failed components in unit. 4. Return to authorized service center for repair or replacement.
FAULT and 75 PSI 1. Start signal is active when 1. Start can be active for one of the following:
indicators flashing. ON/OFF SWITCH is turned to ON • Hand torch switch held closed
position. • Hand pendant switch held closed
• CNC START signal is active low
Release the START signal source
2. Problem in the torch and leads 2. Replace torch and leads or return to authorized service center
switch circuit. for repair or replacement.
3. Failed components in unit. 3. Return to authorized service center for repair or replacement.
5. Problem in the torch and leads 5. Replace torch and leads or return to authorized service
switch circuit. center for repair or replacement.
6. Failed components in unit. 6.Return to authorized service center for repair or
Nothing happens 1. Problem in the torch and leads 1. Take Torch and Leads (Remote Pendant) to Authorized
when torch switch switch circuit (Remote pendant Repair Facility.
or remote switch switch circuit).
is closed ( Or CNC 2. CNC Contoller device not 2. Contact Controller manufacturer.
START signal is providing Start signal.
active) No gas flow, 3. Failed components in unit. 3. Return to authorized service center for repair or
DC LED OFF. replacement.
FAULT indicator 1. Upper O-Ring on torch 1. Remove shield cup from torch; check
flashing and 85 PSI head is in wrong position. upper O-Ring position; correct if necessary.
indicators flashing. at 2. Torch start cartridge is stuck. 2. Turn off power supply. Bleed down system pressure.
1 cycle per second. Remove shield cup, tip and start cartridge. Check start
cartridge lower end fitting for free movement. Replace if fitting
does not move freely.
3. Worn or faulty torch parts. 3. Inspect torch consumable parts. Replace if necessary.
4. Shorted Torch. 4. Replace torch and leads or return to an authorized service
center for repair.
FAULT indicator 1. Low output voltage during pilot. 1. Low output voltage during pilot. 2.
flashing and 85 PSI 2. Low output voltage during cut. Low output voltage during cut.
indicators flashing. at 3.For Automation Torch only: Tip 3.For Automation Torch only: Tip contacted work piece during
5 cycles per second contacted work piece during cut cut with output currect set above 45 amps.
with output currect set above 45
No Fault lights on, no 1. Failed components in unit. 1. Return to an authorized service center for repair.
arc in torch.
FAULT and 90 PSI 1. Internal Error 1. Turn the ON / OFF switch OFF then back ON again. If that
indicators flashing does not clear the fault, return to an authorized service center
for repair.
Pilot arc is on but 1. Work cable not connected to 1. Connect work cable.
cutting arc will not work piece.
establish 2. Work cable/connector broken. 2. Replace work cable.
3. Failed components in unit. 3. Return to an authorized service center for repair.
Torch cutting is 1. Incorrect current setting. 1. Check and adjust to proper setting.
diminished 2. Worn torch consumables. 2. Check torch consumables and replace as needed.
3. Poor work cable connection to 3. Check the connection of the Work Lead to the work piece.
work piece.
4. Torch being moved too fast. 4. Reduce cutting speed.
5. Excessive oil or water in torch. 5. Refer to "Check air quality" in section 3 Torch.
6. Failed components in unit. 6. Return to an authorized service center for repair.
Screws 1
Art # A-07989
Art # A-07947
Fitting Art # A-02476
Filter Element
Optional Single-Stage Filter Element Replacement
Art # A-02942
1. Activate or depress the torch switch (Activate 2. While cutting, adjust the CURRENT CONTROL
START signal) to establish a pilot arc and note POTENTIOMETER from maximum setting to
the following minimum setting.
• DC LED comes on 4. While cutting, touch the tip of the torch to the
work piece, This is called Drag Mode.
• Pilot arc is established
• Tip Saver circuit will activate, current drops
2. Open the torch switch (Remote Pendant switch to 60 amps.
or remove CNC start signal)
5. Lift tip off the plate approx 1/4”
• Gas continues to flow
• Tip Saver circuit deactivates, current goes back
• DC LED goes off to 80 amps
After 20 second post flow time 6. While cutting keep the torch switch closed, bring
the torch off the edge of the material.
• Gas solenoid closes
• Cutting arc extinguishes
• Gas flow stops
• Gas solenoid closes
This completes the Pilot Arc Test. If the above are all
correct then proceed to the next section "G, Main Arc • Gas flow stops momentarily then restarts
and Controls Test". If the unit does not function as stated when solenoid opens
above, then note the symptom and proceed to Section
"5.08, Pilot Arc Problems". • Pilot arc ignites
7. Open the torch switch
• DC LED turns off
After 20 second post flow time
• Gas solenoid closes
• Gas flow stops
4) Defective Main PCB 1. a) Hand tighten the shield cup to close the PIP
a) Replace Main PCB 1.
2. Torch not properly connected to power supply
a) Insure torch ATC is securely fastened to unit.
FAULT Indicator and 60 PSI LED flashing.
3. Problem with torch and leads PIP circuit
1. Air pressure source to unit is too low.
a) Check continuity of torch PIP circuit at ATC
a) Set input pressure source to 90-100PSI.
pins 1 & 2.
2. Regulator set too low. Negative / Plasma Lead
a) Adjust unit regulator to increase pressure.
3. Defective Logic PCB 3
a) Measure for 5VDC on the Logic PCB 3 between 4 Torch Switch
J3-3 to J3-1. Replace Logic PCB 3 if voltage is 3 Torch Switch
not present or low. 2 PIP
b) Measure for voltage on the Logic PCB 3 be- 1 PIP
tween J3-2 to J3-1. If the voltage is between
3-4.5VDC, replace the Logic PCB 3.
4. Defective Pressure Transducer Pilot Lead Art # A-08124
Release the START signal source. K. AC LED on, yellow TEMP LED is on, red
FAULT Indicator is flashing.
2. Problem in the torch and leads switch circuit
1. Air flow through unit is restricted
a) Check continuity of torch switch circuit at ATC
pins 3 & 4. See previous illustration. a) Provide adequate airflow. See Ventillation
Clearance Requirements section 2.04.
3. Short in CNC cable
2. Exceeded duty cycle of the power supply.
a) Check continuity
a) Allow unit to remain on, but at idle, with fan
4. Defective Logic PCB 3
running to cool power supply. See Power Sup-
a) Measure voltage at Main PCB 1 between J2-16 ply Specifications section 2.04 for duty cylcle
to test point GND1 for 12VDC. If voltage is information.
present, replace Logic PCB 3.
5. Defective Main PCB 1.
When the unit is turned on the cooling fans
a) Replace Main PCB 1.` MOT1 &2 will remain off. (In earlier units MOT1
will turn on for .one (1) second and then turns
J. TIP MISSING FAULT. The FAULT Indicator off) The fans will turn on when a START signal
and 80 PSI LED is flashing. Gas solenoid ( Torch Switch, Remote Pendant switch, or CNC
cycles on and off. START) is active and will remain on for ten (10)
minutes after the START signal is removed. If an
1. Torch Shield Cup is loose. over temperature condition occurs, the fans will
a) Tighten shield cup by hand. Do not over continue to run while the condition exists and
tighten. for a ten (10) minute period after the condition
is cleared.
2. Torch tip, electrode, or starter cartridge missing.
a) Turn off power supply. Replace missing
part(s). 3. Fan(s) not turning
a) Turn ON/OFF SWITCH to OFF position and If gas DOES flow out of SOL1 when the unit is in SET
then turn to ON position to clear the error mode, reconnect SOL1 to the ATC connector.
MAX Pressure LED is lit. a) Measure the coil terminals of the torch mounted
gas solenoid SOL2 for 24vac. If present, re-
1. Gas pressure set too high place SOL2.
a) Reduce gas pressure 5. Defective Main PCB
2. Defective Logic PCB a) Measure on Main PCB between J2-20 to GND1
for less than 2VDC.
a) Replace Logic PCB
If voltage is 12VDC replace Main PCB
O. AC LED on, TEMP LED off, GAS LED on,
Gas does not flow in SET mode using a b) Measure on Main PCB between J2-11 to GND1
hand torch or a machine torch without for less than 2VDC. If voltage is less than
remote solenoid. 2VDC replace Main PCB
a) Measure voltage on Main Pcb between J5-1 to a) Measure on Main PCB between J2-11 to GND1
J5-3 for 12 VDC. If voltage is present, change for less than 2VDC. If voltage is 12vdc, replace
SOL 1 Logic PCB.
A. AC LED on, TEMP LED off, GAS LED on. After torch switch is closed, gas flows for two (2)
seconds then momentarily shuts off then back
Nothing happens when torch switch or
on, FAULT INDICATOR flashes, and 85 PSI LED
remote switch is closed ( Or CNC START flashes.
signal is active) No gas flow, DC LED OFF.
1. Upper O-Ring on torch head is in the wrong posi-
1. Problem in the torch and leads switch circuit (or tion.
remote pendant or CNC signal missing
a) Remove shield cup from torch; check position
a) For hand torches, Check continuity of torch of the upper o-ring and correct if needed.
switch circuit at ATC pins 3 & 4.
Negative / Plasma Lead
Upper Groove
4 Torch Switch with Vent Holes
Must Remain Open
3 Torch Switch
2 PIP Upper O-Ring
1 PIP in Correct Groove
Lower O-Ring Art # A-03725
Art # A-08124
Pilot Lead
2. Torch start cartridge is stuck.
b) For machine torches using a remote pendant,
Check continuity of Pendant switch circuit a) Turn off power supply. Bleed down the system.
Remove the shield cup, tip,start cartridge and
c) For CNC input see section "5.07 H CNC IN- electrode. Check the lower end unit of the
TERFACE TEST start cartridge for free movement. Replace
the cartridge if the lower end unit does not
2. Defective Logic PCB
move freely.
a) Jumper on Main PCB between J2-16 and test
point GND1. If gas does not flow, replace
Logic PCB
b) With Torch Switch closed, measure voltage
on Main PCB between test points GND1 to
I_DMD1 for 1.4VDC. Replace Logic PCB if
voltage is not present.
3. Defective Main PCB
a) With Torch Switch closed, measure voltage
on Main PCB between test points GND1 to 3. Worn or faulty torch parts
I_DMD1 for 1.4 VDC. Replace Main PCB if a) Inspect torch consumables parts. Replace if
voltage is present. necessary.
Voltage is normally 12VDC and should drop to less b) Adjust CURRENT CONTROL POTENTIOM-
than 2VDC two (2) seconds after torch switch is de- ETER from maximum to minimum. Voltage
pressed. If voltage does not drop to less than 2VDC should vary from 4VDC at max to 1 VDC at
for approx one (1) second then replace Main PCB min
D. AC LED on, TEMP LED off, GAS LED on, If voltage does not vary with CURRENT CONTROL
gas flowing, DC LED on, Fault Indicators
off, No arc in torch. 2. Defective Main PCB
1. Defective Main PCB a) Replace Main PCB
a) Install jumper on Main PCB between test point C. In LATCH mode, when the torch switch is
GND1 to terminal TIP1. released the arc shuts off immediately.
b) Close torch switch. If Pilot starts, replace Main 1. Defective Logic PCB
a) Replace Logic PCB
Meter (+) Meter (-) Indication
PRI 3 (C) MTH 6 Forward Bias
PRI 3 (C) MTH 5 Reverse Bias
MTH 6 PRI 3 (C) Reverse Bias
MTH 5 PRI 3 (C) Forward Bias
PRI 4 (D) MTH 6 Forward Bias
PRI 4 (D) MTH 5 Reverse Bias
MTH 6 PRI 4 (D) Reverse Bias
MTH 5 PRI 4 (D) Forward Bias
3. If the test reveals a failed component, replace
Main Pcb and perform main contactor test – Sec-
tion 5.12A. If no problem is found, reconnect the
transformer wires to Main PCB.
Art # A-08841
1 2 3
Signal Source/Destination
TP5 D9
*J1 Pinout
1 37
Art # A-08504_AB
4 40
D1 +12VDC
D2 MAX PRESSURE X.7 Over Pressure
D3 90 PSI X.6 Internal Error
D4 85 PSI X.5 Shorted torch
D5 80 PSI X.4 Tip Missing
D6 75 PSI X.3 Start Signal active during power up
D7 70 PSI X.2 Parts-In-Place Fault (PIP)
D8 65 PSI X.1 Input Power Fault
D9 MIN PRESSURE X.0 Low Pressure
D10 AC 1.X
D12 GAS 3.X
D13 DC 4.X
40 2
39 1
J11 J10 J9 J8 J7 J6 J5
Art # A-08518_AB CHOKE1 SEC2 +12V1 WORK_1 GND2
J7-1 +12VDC
J7-2 /FAN
J8-1 +12VDC
J8-2 /FAN
J9-1 /PIP
J9-2 Common
J10-2 Not used
J10-4 Not used
J10-5 Common
J10-6 Common
J10-7 Not used
J10-8 /START (Torch Switch)
J4 J3 J2 J12 J1
N/A To SW2 To Logic Pcb To PCB2 To SW1
D 7A
J11 J10 J9 J8 J7 J6 J5
CM52 - Jumper To Automation To ATC connector To Fan To Fan To W1 To SOL1
CM82 - TS2 Interface Pcb
Disconnect primary power to the system before
disassembling the torch or torch leads.
DO NOT touch any internal torch parts while the
AC indicator light of the Power Supply is ON.
Dry the torch thoroughly before reinstalling.
O-Ring Lubrication
An o-ring on the Torch Head and ATC Male Connec- Art #A-03791 O-Ring
tor requires lubrication on a scheduled basis. This
will allow the o-rings to remain pliable and provide ATC O-Ring
a proper seal. The o-rings will dry out, becoming NOTE
hard and cracked if the lubricant is not used on a
regular basis. This can lead to potential performance DO NOT use other lubricants or grease, they may
problems. not be designed to operate within high tempera-
tures or may contain “unknown elements” that
may react with the atmosphere. This reaction
can leave contaminants inside the torch. Either
of these conditions can lead to inconsistent per-
formance or poor parts life.
Disconnect primary power to the system before
disassembling the torch or torch leads.
DO NOT touch any internal torch parts while the
AC indicator light of the Power Supply is ON. Example of Tip Wear
Remove the consumable torch parts as follows: 5. Remove the starter cartridge. Check for excessive
wear, plugged gas holes, or discoloration. Check
the lower end fitting for free motion. Replace if
The shield cup holds the tip and starter cartridge necessary.
in place. Position the torch with the shield cup
facing upward to prevent these parts from falling
out when the cup is removed.
1. Unscrew and remove the shield cup from the
Slag built up on the shield cup that cannot be re-
moved may effect the performance of the system.
2. Inspect the cup for damage. Wipe it clean or 6. Pull the Electrode straight out of the Torch Head.
replace if damaged. Check the face of the electrode for excessive wear.
Refer to the following figure.
New Electrode
Art # A-08067
Shield Cups
3. On torches with a shield cup body and a shield
cap or deflector, ensure that the cap or deflector is Worn Electrode
Art # A-03284
threaded snugly against the shield cup body. In
shielded drag cutting operations (only), there may Electrode Wear
be an O-ring between the shield cup body and
drag shield cap. Do not lubricate the O-ring.
7. Reinstall the Electrode by pushing it straight into
the torch head until it clicks.
Drag Shield Cap
8. Reinstall the desired starter cartridge and tip into
Shield the torch head.
Cup Body
9. Hand tighten the shield cup until it is seated on
the torch head. If resistance is felt when installing
the cup, check the threads before proceeding.
O-Ring No. 8-3488 This completes the parts replacement procedures.
Art # A-03878
6.01 Introduction
A. Parts List Breakdown
The parts list provide a breakdown of all replaceable components. The parts lists are arranged as follows:
B. Returns
If a product must be returned for service, contact your distributor. Materials returned without proper authoriza-
tion will not be accepted.
Art # A-08120
Illustration may vary slightly from unit.
Art # A-08123
Illustration may vary slightly from unit.
Art # A-08122
6 5
Illustration may vary slightly from unit.
Art # A-08828
Illustration may vary slightly from unit.
(Cat. No. 9-7741)
(Cat. No. 9-7743) Assembled Filter First & Second
Cover Cartridges
(as marked)
Fitting Art # A-02476 Art # A-02942
Optional Single - Stage Filter Kit Optional Two - Stage Filter Kit
Art # A-07993_AB
2 10
4 11
20A 9-8205
30A 9-8206 Shield Cup
40A 9-8207 9-8218
60A 9-8252
O-Ring No. 8-3488 Shield Cap, Drag
40A 9-8244
40A Cup Body,
Shield Cap, Deflector
70A 9-8231
80A 9-8211 Shield Cup Standoff Guide
90/100A 9-8212 9-8218 9-8281
120A 9-8253
GOUGING Shield Shield Cap, Gouging
Cup Body, 9-8241
Tip Gouging A 9-8225 (40 Amps Max.)
Tip Gouging B 9-8226 (50 - 100 Amps) CutMaster 52 uses 60A and less
CutMaster 82 uses 80A and less
Art # A-08065_AC CutMaster 102 uses 100A and less
Tip Gouging C 9-8227 (60 - 120 Amps)
CutMaster 152 uses 120A and less
Tip Gouging D 9-8228 (60 - 120 Amps)
PROCEDURES 1. Open the wrist strap and unwrap the first two
folds of the band. Wrap the adhesive side firmly
around your wrist.
7.01 Scope 2. Unroll the rest of the band and peel the liner from
the copper foil at the opposite end.
This section describes parts replacement procedures
which may be performed on the CutMaster 25mm 3. Attach the copper foil to a convenient and ex-
Power Supply. posed electrical ground.
Under no circumstances are field repairs to be attempted 4. Connect the equipment primary cable ground to
on Printed Circuits or other subassemblies of this unit. the same electrical ground as the wrist strap.
Evidence of unauthorized repairs may void the factory
5. Open the equipment enclosure and remove the
failed PC board.
7.02 Anti-Static Handling 6. Carefully open the ESD protective bag and re-
move the replacement PC Board.
7. Install the replacement PC Board in the equip-
A. General ment and make all necessary connections.
8. Place the failed PC Board in the ESD protective
bag and seal for return shipping.
9. Replace the power supply cover.
PC Boards can be irreparably damaged by im-
proper handling due to electrostatic discharge 10. Remove the grounding wrist strap from your
(ESD). wrist and from the electrical ground connection
before reconnecting primary power to the equip-
Replacement PC Boards are shipped in a protective en- ment.
closure to prevent damage from electrostatic discharge
(ESD) during shipping. A ground strap is included with
each replacement board to prevent static damage during
7.03 Parts Replacement - General
installation. Information
The parts replacement procedures described in this
manual, except for filter replacement, require that the
Power Supply be disassembled. The part to be replaced
will determine to what extent the Power Supply must
Read and understand these instructions and be disassembled.
the instructions on the grounding wrist strap
package before opening the equipment enclo- Before removing any connection mark each wire with
sure or removing the replacement PC board the connection designation. When reassembling make
sure the wires go to the proper terminals.
from its protective enclosure.
Note the routing of wires and make sure the wires are put
Disconnect primary power to the system back in the same place when re-assembling the unit.
before disassembling the torch, torch leads,
or power supply enclosure. Each subsection is referenced to Section 6 for parts lists
and overall detailed drawings.
Where these instructions include specific
torquing instructions, failure to torque prop-
erly will cause component damage. WARNING
Do not operate the equipment or test equip- Disconnect primary power from the source
ment under power while wearing the ground- before opening or disassembling the power
ing wrist strap. supply.
Refer to section 6.05 for Front Panel Replacement Parts Tools required: T20 Torx Driver
and overall detailed drawing. 1. Remove the cover per subsection 7.04A
A. Current Control Potentiometer (A) Knob 2. Remove the three (3) air hoses from the regulator
Replacement per subsection 7.05-C
Tools required: Flat Screw Driver 3. Pull the Air Regulator adjusting knob from the
1. Turn the potentiometer fully clockwise and note
the location of the pointer mark on the knob. 4. Loosen and remove the locking nut securing the
Air Regulator to the front Panel, then remove the
2. Loosen the screw securing the Current Control regulator.
Knob to the potentiometer shaft and remove the
knob. 5. Install replacement Air Regulator by reversing
the above steps.
3. Replace the knob on the potentiometer shaft with
the pointer in the same position as noted in step 6. Reinstall the power supply cover
E. Gas Solenoid Replacement
B. Function Control Switch Knob
Tools required: T20 Torx Driver, Flat Screw Driver
1. Remove the cover per subsection 7:04A
Tools required: Flat Screw Driver
2. Disconnect J5 connector from the Main PCB.
1. Turn the Function Control Switch until the
pointer on the knob is in the LATCH position. 3. Remove the air hose from Gas Solenoid per sub-
section 7.05-C
2. Loosen the screw securing the knob to the switch
shaft and remove the knob. 4. The Solenoid utilizes the same type locking fit-
ting as the gas hoses. Using a flat blade screw
3. Replace the knob on the switch shaft with the
driver, push the locking ring towards the Sole-
pointer in the position noted in step 1.
noid while pulling the Solenoid away from the
C. Replacing Gas Hoses ATC.
Tools required: T20 Torx Driver 5. Install the replacement Gas Solenoid by reversing
the above steps
1. Remove the cover per subsection 7.04A
6. Reinstall the power supply cover
2. Push the gas fitting locking ring back. A small
open end wrench works well for this. F. Logic PCB (PCB3) Replacement
1 Tools required: T20 Torx Driver Flat Screw Driver, ½”
2 wrench
1. Remove the cover per subsection 7.04A
2. Remove the two large and one small gas hoses
from the pressure regulator per subsection
3. Unplug the connector J2 from the Main PCB.
Art # A-08150
4. Remove the Current Control Potentiometer Knob
and nut securing the potentiometer shaft to the
front panel per subsection 7.05A
3. Pull the hose from the fitting.
5. Remove the Function Control Switch Knob and
4. Replace the hose by pushing the hose back into
the nut securing the switch shaft to the front
the fitting until it fully seats. Check it by pull-
panel per subsection 7.05B.
ing on the hose. If done correctly it will not pull
out. 6. Pull the top of the front panel forward slightly
and carefully remove the Logic PCB from the
5. Reinstall the power supply cover
4. Remove the fan by pushing the fan retaining
clips apart and pulling the fan out of the center
5. On the replacement fan(s) note the direction of
Art # A-08169
1. Remove the Cover per subsection 7.04A 3. Locate the internal air line and the fitting from
the filter assembly. Number 1 in the following
2. Remove the Tube Handle per subsection 7.04C illustration.
3. Remove the two large and one small gas hoses 4. Hold a wrench or similar tool against the locking
per subsection 7.05-C ring on the filter assembly fitting, then pull on
4. Remove the Gas Solenoid per subsection 7.05-E the hose to release it. (Numbers 2 and 3 in the
following illustration).
5. Disconnect J2 & J3 connectors from Main PCB.
6. Disconnect Output Inductor wire from terminal
Choke1 on the Main PCB.
7. Disconnect Output inductor wire from ATC con-
nector. 1
Art # A-07990 Element
(Cat. No. 9-7741)
8. Install the new or cleaned assembly by reversing
these procedures. Spring
9. Turn on the air supply and check for leaks before O-ring
reinstalling the cover. (Cat. No. 9-7743) Assembled Filter
Fitting Art # A-02476
Input Power
(Phase, AC or DC
Hertz Rating) Manufacturer's Electrical
Schematic File Number
and Revision Level
Degree of Protection Rated Supply
Voltage (Note 2)
1. Symbol shown indicates single- or three-phase AC input, Standard Symbols
static frequency converter-transformer-rectifier, DC output. AC
2. Indicates input voltages for this power supply. Most power
supplies carry a label at the input power cord showing input DC
voltage requirements for the power supply as built. Ø Phase
3. Top row: Duty cycle values.
IEC duty cycle value is calculated as specified by
the International ElectroTechnical Commission. Art # A-03288
TDC duty cycle value is determined under the power supply
manufacturer's test procedures.
Second row: Rated cutting current values.
Third row: Conventional load voltage values.
4. Sections of the Data Tag may be applied to separate areas
of the power supply.
5 - White / 1 - PIP
1 - Black / 5 - Open
Not Used
Pilot Pilot
Art # A-08576
4 - Not Used
8 - Open
4- Open 8 - Open
Art # A-03797
Art # A-08577
4 4
Not Connected
3 3
Green 7 7 Main PC Board
6 6 Not Connected
Solenoid 8 8
Negative / Plasma Lead
Pilot Lead
Art # A-07115