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Submitted to the Graduate Faculty

of Texas Tech University in
Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for
the Degree of




May, 2003

I would like to thank my major advisor, Dr. H. Scott NorviUe, for his help and

support throughout my graduate career. He has played an instramental role in my

development and leaming as a student. He has pushed me to become a better person and

a better engineer. I would also like to thank Dr. Milton Smith and Dr. Douglas Smith for

participating on my committee. Thanks goes to Dr. Heather Norville for providing

editorial commentary on this thesis.

Much appreciation goes to my wife and my parents. They have given me the

much needed support and encouragement throughout my college career. Their continual

support and faith in me enabled me to accomplish my goals.

I would also like to thank the many people who helped on this project. Heather

Keister and Ana Abarca set aside time to help with the setup of the data acquisition

system. Dr. Milton Smith set up and operated the high-speed cameras.

Special thanks to Custom Window in Denver, Colorado, for funding this project.

Their participation enabled this project to take place.








OutlineofThesis 2


Infroduction 3

TheBlast 4

Blast Pressure 4

Glass Constmctions as Blast-Resistant Glazings 6

GlassSfrength 9

Blast-Resistant Glazing Design 11


Infroduction 13

BlastSite 13

Research Equipment 14

Blast Reaction Chamber 14

Test Specimen 15

WitnessPanel 16

Blast Equipment 17

Data Acquisition System 18

PCB Piezoelectric Reflected Pressure Transducer 21

PCB Piezoelectric Free Field Pressure Transducer 22

The eZ-Analyst Using ZonicBook Software 23

ConWep Software 23

High-Speed Cameras 24

Test Procedures 25


Infroduction 28

Experimentally Determined Results 29

Data Acquisition 29

Transducer Sensitivity 29

Zero Offset Correction 30

Peak Air Blast Pressure 31

The Wave Form Parameter 32

Ideal Air Blast Pressiu-e-Time History 33

Reflected Pressure Transducers 34

Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer, Second Blast 35

Top Reflected Pressure Transducer, Second Blast 38

Middle Reflected Pressiu-e Transducer, Fourth Blast 41

Top Reflected Pressure Transducer, Fourth Blast 44

Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer, Fifth Blast 47

Top Reflected Pressure Transducer, Fifth Blast 49

Free Field Pressure Transducer 52

Free Field Pressure Transducer, Second Blast 52

Free Field Pressure Transducer, Foiulh Blast 54

Free Field Pressure Transducer, Fifth Blast 56

Summary 57

Pressures Acting on the Middle of the Test Specimen 58

ClearingTime 62

Peak Air Blast Pressure 63

Positive Phase Impulse 64

Test Specimen Performance 65

SecondBIast 65

ThirdBlast 67

FourthBlast 67

FifthBlast 68


Future Research 71









Recent attacks at home and abroad have increased concems about blast-resistant

glazings. The Glass Research and Testing Laboratory (GRTL) conducted fíve blast tests.

This thesis describes the procedure for five fiill-scale blast-resistant glazing tests and the

air blast pressure-time history analysis. One free field pressure transducer and three

reflected pressure transducers collected 40960 points per second of air blast pressure-time

data from the blast tests. These data facilitated the prediction of peak air blast pressures

and positive phase impulses acting on the blast-resistant test specimen. They indicated

that air blast pressure exerted an equivalent GS A Level D air blast pressure loading on

the test specimen.

The blast-resistant glazing consisted of an insulating glass unit fabricated with

laminated glass. The insulating glass units consisted of two VA in. (6.0 mm) heat

sfrengthened laminated glass lites with a 0.030 in. (0.76 mm) polyvinyl butyral (PVB)

interlayer sealing a Vi in. (13 mm) air space. The design blast consisted of 250 Ibs of

ANFO at a standoff distance of 75 ft. The GRTL staff determined the test specimen

adequately resisted a GSA Level D air blast loading of 10 psi peak air blast pressure and

80 psi-msec positive phase impulse. Although many of the laminated glass units

fractured under the blast loading, the units remained in the glass frame, they maintained

closure of their fenestration, and the witness panel located twelve inches behind the test

specimen remained free of flying or falling glass shard.


4.1 Transducer Sensitivity 30

4.2 Zero Offset Correction Factor 31

4.3 SummaryofBlastParameters 58

4.4 Peak Air Blast Pressure and Positive Phase Impulse Acting at the
Reflected Pressure Transducer and Middle of the Test Specimen,
SecondBlast 60

4.5 Peak Air Blast Pressure and Positive Phase Impulse Acting on the
Reflected Pressure Transducer and Middle of the Test Specimen,
FourthBlast 61

4.6 Peak Air Blast Pressure and Positive Phase Impulse Acting on the
Reflected Pressure Transducer and Middle of the Test Specimen,
FifthBIast 61

4.7 Estimated Peak Free Field Air Blast Pressure and Positive Phase Impulse
On theTest Specimen 62

4.8 Estimated Peak Air Blast Pressure and Positive Phase Impulse
Acting at the Center of the Test Specimen 65

A. 1 Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Second Blast 78

A.2 Top Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Second Blast 86

A.3 Free Field Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Second Blast 93

B. 1 Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Fourth Blast 107

B.2 Top Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Fourth Blast 115

B.3 Free Field Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History
For the Fourth Blast 123

C. 1 Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Fifth Blast 138

C.2 Top Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Fifth Blast 146

C.3 Free Field Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure-Time History

For the Fifth Blast 155


2.1 Ideal Blast Wave 5

2.2 Duration of Applied Load versus Fracture Stress 10

2.3 Relationship Between Standoff Distance, TNT Charge Size,

And 3-Second Equivalent Design Load 12

3.1 Blast Reaction Chamber with Mounted Specimen 15

3.2 Test Specimen and Glass Frame 16

3.3 Five,FiftyPoundBagsofA]SÍFOwithBooster 18

3.4 Data Acquisition System 19

3.5 PCB Piezoelectric Free Field Pressure Transducer 20

3.6 PCB Piezoelectric Reflected Pressure Transducer 20

3.7 PCB Reflected Free Field Pressure Transducer Arrangement 20

3.8 Reflected Pressure Transducer and Mounting Assembly 21

3.9 Free Field Pressure Transducer 22

3.10 Dr. Milton Smith with Locam High-Speed Camera 25

4.1 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Second Blast,
Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 35
4.2 Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Initial
Portion of the Second Blast, Middle Reflected Pressiu-e Transducer 36

4.3 Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Second Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 37

4.4 Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Second Blast,
Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 38
4.5 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Second Blast,
Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 39

4.6 Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Initial
Portion of the Second Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 40

4.7 Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Second Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 40

4.8 Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Second Blast,
Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 41

4.9 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Fourth Blast,
Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 42

4.10 Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Initial
Portion of the Fourth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 43

4.11 Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fourth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 43

4.12 Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Fourth Blast,
Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 44

4.13 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Fourth Blast,
Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 45

4.14 Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Initial
Portion of the Fourth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 45

4.15 Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fourth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 46

4.16 Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Fourth Blast,
Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 46

4.17 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Fifth Blast,
Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 47

4.18 Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Initial
Portion of the Fifth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 48

4.19 Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fifth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 48

4.20 Raw and Idea! Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Fifth Blast,
Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer 49

4.21 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Fifth Blast,
Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 50

4.22 Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Initia!
Portion of the Fifth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 50

4.23 Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Fifth Blast,
Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 51

4.24 Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Fifth Blast,
Top Reflected Pressure Transducer 51

4.25 Raw Air Blast Pressiu-e-Time History for the Second Blast,
Free Field Pressure Transducer 53

4.26 Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Second Blast,
Free Field Pressure Transducer 54

4.27 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Fourth Blast,
Free Field Pressure Transducer 55

4.28 Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Fourth Blast,
Free Field Pressure Transducer 55

4.29 Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the Fifth Blast,
Free Field Pressure Transducer 56

4.30 Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the Fifth Blast,
Free Field Pressure Transducer 57

4.31 Coordinates of Blast Reaction Chamber with Test Specimen

Used with ConWep Software (TM 5-855-1, 1992) 59

4.32 Post-Blast Test Specimen, Second Blast 66

4.33 Post-Blast Test Specimen, Fourth Blast 68

4.34 Post-Blast Test Specimen, Fifth Blast 69



Properly designed blast resistant glazing can greatly reduce glass related injuries

in the event of an air blast pressure loading. Custom Window from Denver, Colorado,

retained the Glass Research and Testing Laboratory (GRTL) at Texas Tech University in

Lubbock, Texas, to performfivefiall-scaleblast resist glazing tests with a GSA Level D

loading. The GRTL staff performedfiill-scaleblast tests with 250 Ib (113 kg) of

ammonium nifrate andfiieloil (ANFO) at a standoff distance of 75.0 ft (22.8 m) to

approximate a GS A Level D air blast pressure loading on the engineered test specimens.

The requirements for the blast resistant glazing were as foUows. (1) Flying or falling

glass shards must not penetrate the witness panel, located 12.0 in. (30.5 cm) behind the

test specimen. (2) The insulating glass units, fabricated with laminated glass, must

maintain closure of their fenesfrations. (3) The insulating glass units, fabricated with

laminated glass, must remain in the glassframeunder air blast pressure loading. (4) The

blast resistant glazingframemust maintain closure of the building envelope and not fail

under a GSA Level D air blast pressiu-e loading.

The GRTL staff utilized a sophisticated data acquisition system to coUect air blast

pressure-time histories from the blast resistant glazing tests and used high-speed cameras

to capture the dynamic characteristics of the test specimens under air blast pressure

loadings. This thesis provides a detailed description of the results from the air blast

pressure loadings and its effects on the blast resistant glazing.

Outline of Thesis

Chapter II describes the characteristics of an air blast pressure loading, glass

constmctions as blast resistant glazings, a discussion of glass strength, and a detailed

description of blast resistant glazing design. Chapter III describes the research

equipment, test specimen, and blast resistant glazing test procedures. Chapter FV

provides the test results with extensive discussion of data analysis from each blast.

Chapter FV compares predicted results with experimentally determined values. Chapter

V presents conclusions from the blast resistant glazing tests.




Recent attacks in the United States and abroad have raised concems about blast

resistant glazing design. Understanding the behavior of window glass sfressed by an air

blast pressure loading can reduce casualtiesfromfiitureexplosions (Norville et al., 1996).

Consideration of blast effects makes blast resistant glazing design an important issue for

qualified stmctural engineers. Improper design or the absence of blast resistant glazing

can culminate in catasfrophic events on both buildings and their occupants in the event of

an air blast pressure loading. According to Norville and Conrath (2001), blast resistant

glazing design must be base on maintaining closure of fenestrations and eliminating or

reducing flying and falling glass shards. Eliminatingflyingand falling glass shards

greatly reduces or eliminates the number of glass related injuries in the event of an

explosion. Glass shards can fly at speeds greater than 100ft/sec(30.5 m/sec) (Misty,

1987) presenting significant danger to occupants in proximity to afracturedwindow.

Flying glass shards can injure occupants causing lacerations, contusions, abrasions, and

possibly death (NorviUe et al., 1999). Hearing related injures are common in the event of

an explosion such as diminished hearing ability, loss of balance, and headaches (NorviUe

and Conrath, 1999). Maintaining closure of fenestratíons in blast resistant glazing can

greatly reduce these injuries by eliminating air blast pressure penefration through the

fenestratíons (NorviUe and Conrath, 1999).

The Blast

Hinman and Hammond (1997) described an explosion as an extreme rapid release

of energy that comes in multíple forms such as sound, heat, light, and a shock wave.

Sound from an explosion creates the noise, the fire-ball rising from ground zero creates

the light; however, the shock wave constitutes the most destmctive release of energy.

The shock wave consists of highly compressed particles of air with subsequent pressure

increíise occurring almost instantaneously. According to Kinney and Graham (1985), the

shock wave gives no advanced waming of impending destmction since the blast wave

fravels faster than the speed of soimd. The destmctíon begins instantaneously and the

blast loading lasts for only afractionof a second.

Blast Pressure

Kirmey and Graham (1985) describe four phases of a blast wave as shown in

Figure 2.1. During the first phase, air pressure at normal atmospheric levels leave the

surrounding area undisturbed and normal. In the second phase, the blast wave causes the

pressm-e to jump instantaneously to a peak value without waming. The blast wave then

decreases quasi-exponentially imtil the pressure reaches atmospheric. At this instant, the

pressure transitíons from positíve to negative, beginning the third phase. Air begins to

msh in,fillingin the air behind the shock wave, creating a negatíve pressure phase. The

fourth and final phase consists of the pressure retuming to normal atínospheric pressure.

Figure 2.1 - Ideal Blast Wave

According to NorviUe et al. (1999), three parameters describe a blast wave: (1)

the peak afr blast pressure, (2) the duratíon of the blast wave, and (3) the positíve phase

impulse. The first parameter, peak afr blast pressure, depends upon two parameters, the

charge size and the distance from ground zero, i.e., standoff distance. Peak afr blast

pressure varies dfrectly with charge size and v^th standoff distance. The second

parameter, the diu-ation of the blast wave, is the time it takes for air pressure to retum to a

constant atmospheric pressure. The duration of the blast wave depends upon the rate of

decay of the positive phase. Thefinalparameter, the positive phase impulse, consists of

the area under the positive phase air blast pressure-time history. In order to determine the

positive phase impulse one must know the peak air blast pressure, the duration of the

positive phase, and the rate of decay of the positive phase. These parameters allow the

determination of the positive phase impulse by integrating the area under the positive air
blast pressure-tíme history. The positíve phase load-impulse magnitude correlates

directly to the ability of a blast wave to cause damage (Kinney and Graham 1985).

Glass Constmctions as Blast-Resistant Glazings

Three main types of glass constmctions exist: monolithic glass, laminated glass,

and insulating glass. Window film, although not a blast resistant glazing constmctíon, can

aide in resisting low-level blasts. Monolithic glass consists of a single glass plate with a

homogeneous cross-sectíon. Monolithic glass is divided into three classifícations:

annealed, heat sfrengthened, andfiiUytempered. Monolithic annealed glass constitutes

the most basic glass type. Heat sfrengthened and fuUy tempered glass is derived from

pre-cut monolithic annealed glass lites. The heat treatment process consists of heating

the annealed glass to a temperature near its softening point and quenching it rapidly with

airjets. The airjets cool the outer surface rapidly while the inside cools at a slower rate

producing surface compressive sfresses on the outer glassfíbersand tensile sfresses in the

inner glass fibers (NorviIIe and Conrath, 1999). Different quenching rates produce heat

strengthened andfiiUytempered glass, resulting in different levels of surface compressive

sfresses. Heat sfrengthened window glass has surface compressive stresses ranging from

3500 psi (24.1 MPa) to 7500 psi (51.7 MPa) andfiiUytempered window glass has surface

compressive stresses in excess of 10000 psi (69.0 MPa) (Norville and Conrath, 1999).

Monolithic glass is a poor blast resistant glazing, and should be avoided in blast resistant

glazing design. Norville and Conrath (2001) gave three arguments against using

monolithic glass as a blast resistant glazing. (1) In order to resist even low-Ieve! blasts
withoutfracture,monolithic glass must be very thick and probably heat treated. (2)

Attemptíng to designing monolithic window glass againstfractureunder air blast

pressure loading would transfer most of the load to the stíuctural frame requiring

significantly larger members. (3) Afiniteprobability of breakage exists for a window

glass lite regardless of load resistance; whenfractureof monolithic glass occurs under

blast loading, "dire consequences ensue" (NorviIIe and Conrath 2001, pg. 82).

Laminated glass consists of two or more glass plies bonded to elastomeric

interiayers, usually polyvinyl butyral (PVB) (NorviUe and Conrath 2001). The PVB

interlayer creates a surface to which the glass shards adhere in the event of a fracture.

Post-breakage behavior of laminated glass gives it excellent characteristics as a blast

resistant glazing material.

According to NorviUe and Conrath (2001), glass-clad polycarbonate is a special

type of laminated glass. In glass-clad polycarbonate, epoxy or other adhesives bond two

monolithic glass plies to a polycarbonate interlayer. A polycarbonate sheet by itself

provides an effective blast resistant material; however, it has many inherent problems.

Polycarbonate's cost surpasses that of other types of glazing; it scratches easily and

degrades under ulfraviolet rays. Glass-clad polycarbonate allows an engineer to use the

favorable characteristics of polycarbonate sheets allowing the glass plies to provide

protectíon from scratching and ultraviolet degradation (NorviIIe and Conrath, 1999). The

two disadvantages of glass-clad polycarbonate include: glass-clad polycarbonate costs

much more than laminated glass with a PVB interiayer, and the coefficient of thermal
expansion for a polycarbonate sheet exceeds that of glass by approximately ten times,

thus causing delaminatíon after numerous temperature fluctuations.

Insulatíng glass units consist of two or more monolithic or laminated glass lites

enclosing a sealed afr space, creating a thenna! insulating barrier. NorviUe et al. (1996)

observed that an insulating glass unit provides some level of protectíon above that of a

single laminated glass lite under air blast pressure loading.

Poly(ethy!ene terephthalate) (PET)film,a retrofit window film, adheres to the

inside surface of glass lites in an attempt to reduce the number of glass shards that fall or

fly in the event of a fracture. Refrofit film applications generally work best for

preexistíng monolithic glass as the terminology implies. Norville and Conrath (2001)

stated this should only be an optíon for refrofit applications and not for new constmctions

because of its limitations including: (1) PET film's usefiilness is limited only to very low-

level blasts. (2) PET film scratches easily, and degrades easily under UV rays resultíng in

excessive maintenance costs.

According to NorviIIe et al. (1996), laminated glass performed the best out of all

other types of glazing in the Oklahoma City Bombing in all zones studied. Away from

the immediate area of ground zero, insulating glass performed with marginal success. At

thefiirthestobservation distance from ground zero, NorviIIe et al. (1996) noted that

insulating glass units performed successfiiUy. Monolithic glass performed poorly in all

zones studied at the Oklahoma City Bombing site. Finally, NorviIIe et al. (1996)

observed window glass with applied retrofit window fílm performed poorly in all zones.
Glass Streneth

Many parameters are necessary to determine glass strength such as load-induced

sfresses, statíc fatigue constant, and surface sfrength parameters (Norville 1990).

Extemal loads such as air blast pressure create load-induced stresses. The static fatígue

constant defines the rate of crack growth in glass. The surface strength parameters

describe the statistical variation of glass strength that controls surface flaws. Glass

sfrength is a random variable, i.e., non-deterministic; therefore, window glass design

must relate to a probability of failure rather than for a maximum or allowable sfress

(Norville 1990).

Griffith (1920) devised the most popular theory of glassfractiu-esfrength. His

theory suggests high localized stresses concenfrated in the neighborhoods of minute

surface flaws confrol glass fracture. Shand (1969) added to this model and developed a

relationship between the maximum principal tensile stress and the maximum loca! sfress

through the use of an idealized surface flaw. He also noted that the level of tensile stress

that initiates glassfracturecan range from 1,000 psi (69.0 kPa) to more than 300,000 psi

(207000 kPa). He determined that treatment of the glass, environmental exposure, effects

of load duration, and the stress concentration in minuteflawscause the wide variatíon in

glass strength. Beason (1980) developed a failure prediction mode! for window glass

which relates the probability of failure to the characteristic of glass plate surface flaws

through the use of WeibuII's (1939) statística! theory for the sfrength of material.

NorviUe (1990) developed a dynamic failure predictíon model for annealed window glass

lites based upon load-induced stresses, static fatigue constant, and surface strength
parameters. He used the theory offracturefor window glass lites to relate the strength of

glass to a spatially uniform dynamic loading.

Glass strength largely depends on the duration of applied loads (Black 1935).

Figure 2.2 indicates that tensile stress levels at whichfractureinitíates varies mversely

with sfress duration. This characteristíc causes an apparent increase in glass strength

imder very short diu-atíon air blast loading, but according to NorviUe (1990) an afr blast

pressure loading creates higher mode shapes in window lites which resuUs in higher

stresses and a radically different stress distribution in the glass than if the loading occurs

at a quasi-static rate. These higher stresses and their distribution overshadow the increase

in strength of window glass imder short duration load. Although •window glass strength

increases with shorter duration loads, this increase is generally not large enough to

counteract the effects of even small air blast pressure loadings (NorviUe, 1990).




Figure 2.2 - Duration of Applied Load versus Fracture Stress

Blast-Resistant Glazing Desien

No uniformly accepted approach to blast resistant glazing design currently exists.

According to Norville and Conrath (2001), state-of-the-art blast resistant glazing design

consists of formulatíng a trial design and testing it at a designed air blast pressure load.

When formulating a tria! design, one must consider three factors: the window glass type

and constmction, the framing system, and the attachment of the glazing to the frame

(Norville and Conrath, 1999). The window glass must consist of either a laminated or

insulatíng glass unit fabricated with laminated glass. Theframingsystem must resist the

fiill load acting on the glazing and frame. The attachment of the window glass to the

framing system should hold thefracturedlite in theframeimder air blast pressure loading

(Norville et al., 1999). The connection of theframeto the stmcture must also resist air

blast pressure loading.

NorviUe and Conrath (2001) developed a relatíonship between equivalent

hemispherical trinifrotoluene (TNT) weight and standoff distance to a 60-second duratíon

equivalent design load for a blast resistant glazing fabricated with laminated glass. They

took into consideration the magnitude of reflected air blast pressure, magnitude of

positive phase impulse, and resultsfromblast tests involving laminated glass and

insulting glass fabricated with laminated glass to develop this relatíonship. This

relationship yields design loads for only laminated glass and insulating glass fabricated

with laminated glass lites with a recommended PVB interlayer of at least 0.030 in. (0.762

mm). When subjected to air blast pressure loadings, laminated glass or insulating glass

units fabricated with laminated glass designed using this relationship willfracturebut

wil! eliminate or reduce flying and falling glass shards and maintain closure of

fenesfrations. Because of the change in design load duration in ASTM E-1300, NorviUe

and Conrath modified this relationship to reflect a 3-sec duration equivalent design load.

Figure 2.3 shows this relationship (ASTM, hi Ballot).

Standoff Distance (m)

7 8 9 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 120

40 50 125 150 200 250 300

Standoff Distance (ft)

Figure 2.3 - Relationship Between Standoff Distance, TNT Charge Size, and 3-
Second Equivalent Design Load




The GRTL at Texas Tech University conducted several blast resistant glazing

tests using a specific charge size at a fixed standoff distance. These tests required many

different elements for successfijl completíon. One element consists of pre-blast

preparation. This includes finding an adequate blast site, installing the glass specimen,

setting up high-speed cameras, setting up the data acquisitíon system, and preparing the

blast components. Proper pre-blast preparation insured successfiil data acquisition of air

blast pressures and insures the high-speed cameras capture the blasts. Other

responsibilities included post-blast dutíes such as clean up and data analysis. Data

analysis formed a basis for determining loads acting on the blast resistant glazing.

Chapter III describes the equipment and procedures utilized in the blast resistant glazing


Blast Site

The blast site, located 7 miles west of Tahoka, Texas, and 40 miles south of Texas

Tech University, creates an ideal location for blast testíng. Located amidst cotton fields,

this site offers an area with flat terrain secluded from any houses or populated areas. This

minimizes any possible problems that may arise with the public's concem with noise or

their general concems of an explosion. Although secluded, the blast site offers electrical

power. Pre-blast setup, the data acquisition system, and the high-speed cameras al!

require electrical power.

Research Equipment

Blast Reaction Chamber

The blast reaction chamber consisted of a reinforced steelframewith a stee! plate

securing and enclosing the area behind the test specimen. Stmctural steel W-sectíons

comprise the chamber's frame and stmctural steel plates of ^/g in. (9.53 mm) and VA in.

(6.35 mm) thicknesses create the outer skin of the blast reaction chamber. This design

allowed resistance to air blast pressure loading and facilitated relatively simple mounting

of glazing constmctíons to the blast reaction chamber. The GRTL staff retrofitted the

original blast reaction chamber to secure the prefabricated test specimen discussed in the

next section. The enclosed space behind the test specimen housed the stmctura!

members, witness panels, and eliminated air blast pressure from wrapping around the test

specimen. Figure 3.1 shows the blast reaction chamber with a test specimen moimted.

Figure 3.1 - Blast Reactíon Chamber with Mounted Specimen

Test Specimen

The test specimen consisted of eight heat sfrengthened insulating glass units,

fabricated with laminated glass mounted in an aluminum frame as shown in Figures 3.1

and 3.2. Each insulating glass unit consists of two VA in. (6 mm) heat sfrengthened

laminated glass lites with a 0.030 in. (0.762 ram) PVB interlayer sealing a Vi in. (13.0

mm) air space. Architectural specifications required a green tint on the test specimen.

Therefore, the laminated glass required heat strengthening to resist thermal induced

stresses. The two larger panels shown in Figure 3.1 served as operable vents. Latching

the vents at the bottom and hinging them at the top allow them to open and close. AU

other insulating glass imits, fabricated with laminated glass, adhere securely to the

aluminiun frame and can neither open nor close.

The test specimen had the same bolt sizes and spacing used in thefieldto secure

the test specimen to the blast reaction chamber and insured uniformity of the test method

and results. The designers sized theframe,and its attachment to resist a GSA Level D air

blast pressure loading. Figure 3.2 shows the test specimen and dimension of each panel.


_2'_7Í'C l'-3"

2'-8 4 -2'-5 2 i'-\\;

^ ^

^ ^

Figure 3.2 - Test Specimen and Glass Frame

Witness Panel
The GRTL staff used "Star-R-Foam" insulating panels to act as wittiess panels.

The panels mounted 12.0 in. (30.5 cm) behind the test specimen. The Star-R-Foam

insulating panels constmction consists of a thin aluminum skin stretched over a blue

Styrofoam core. The contrast of the silver on blue allows an inspector to easily find

perforations in the witness panel caused by flying or falling glass shards. Any glass

fragment that perforates the aluminum skin of the witness panel constitutes a failure for

the series of blasts discussed in this thesis.

Blast Equipment

The blast equipment consisted of all equipment required to conduct a

scientifically controUed blast test. Ladshaw explosives stacked five, 50.0 Ib. (22.7 kg)

bags of ANFO, at a standoff distance of 75 ft (22.9 m), shown in Figure 3.3. An electric

shock tube initiator used a 9 volt battery to ignite the shock tube, which contained a high

density powder explosive in a plastic tube. The shock tube subsequently detonated a

blasting cap. The blasting cap detonated a 1/3 Ib. (151 kg) cast booster made from a high-

grade explosive. Since A I ^ O is a relatively stable substance (Hinman and Hammond,

1997), a high-grade explosive is required to detonate the ANFO. The booster detonated

the ANFO creating an air blast pressure loading. A data acquisition system then recorded

the air blast pressures.


Figure 3.3 - Five, Fifty-Pound Bags of ANFO with Booster.

Data Acquisition Svstem

The data acquisition system consisted of three PCB Piezoelectric reflected

pressure transducers, one PCB Piezoelectricfreefieldpressure transducer, a PCB

Piezoelectric rack power supply, a Zonic Medallion Mobile FFT analyzer, a Dell Inspiron

8100 notebook with "eZ-Analyst using ZonicBook Softtware," foiu- three himdred foot

long coaxial cables, four twelve inch long coaxial cables, and an unintermptible power

supply as showoi schematically in Figure 3.4. Four, three himdred-foot long coaxial

cables connected the three reflected air blast pressure transducers and thefreefield

pressure transducer to the PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply. Twelve-inch long

coaxial cables connected the PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply to the Zonic

Medallion Mobile FFT analyzer, which connected to the notebook computer through a

data acquisition card as shown in Figure 3.4. The PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply,

the Zonic Medallion mobile FFT analyzer, and the notebook computer connected to an

unintermptible power supply ensuring continuous power during data acquisition. The

PCB Piezoelectric free field pressure transducer, Figure 3.5, mounted on a stake next to

the test specimen. The three PCB Piezoelectric reflected pressure transducers, shown in

Figure 3.6, affixed vertically to the blast reactíon chamber at 1.44 ft (0.439 m), 4.10 ft

(1.25 m), and 7.25 ft (2.21 m) above the ground as shown in Figure 3.7. Coaxial cables

connected the pressure transducers to the PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply.

PCB Piezoelectric Reflected

Pressure Transducers PCB Piezoelectric Free Field
Pressure Transducer

eZ-Analyst using
ZonicBook Software
Zonic MedallionMobile
FFT Analyzer
« 5 (, 7 «811 r
OOÔÔ0009 Q ^ J " 3.
PCB Piezoelectric Rack Notebook
12" Coaxial

Figure 3.4 - Data Acquishion System

Figure 3.5 - PCB Piezoelectric Free Field Figure 3.6 - PCB Piezoelectric
Pressiu-e Transducer Reflected Pressure Transducer


Figure 3.7 - PCB Piezoelectric Reflected and Free Field Pressure

Transducer Arrangement

PCB Piezoelectric Reflected Pressure Transducer

The GRTL stafîmounted three PCB piezoelectric reflected pressure transducers,

shown in Figures 3.6 and 3.8, normal to the explosives andflushwdth the blast reaction

chamber. This ensured proper reflected pressure readingsfromthe reflected pressure

transducers. The staff secured the reflected pressure transducers to the 3/8 in. (0.952 cm)

steel plate on the blast reaction chamber. Washers ensured a tight connection to the steel

plate and a single nut secured the reflected pressure transducers as shown in Figure 3.8.

A bayonet navel connector (BNC) connected the reflected pressiu-e transducers to the

coaxial cables. The GRTL staff secured al! cablesfromthe reflected pressure transducers

to the blast reaction chamber using duct tape to reduce the blast effects on the cables.

The reflected pressure transducer mounting system has three parts. The outer

portion consists of the mounting disk. The fabricated circular Teflon mold connects the

mountmg disk to the reflected pressure transducer as shovm in Figure 3.8.

Mounting i^ Transducer
Washers and Nut

BNC Connector


Figure 3.8 - Reflected Pressure Transducer and

Mounting Assembly

PCB Piezoelectric Free Field Pressure Transducer

One PCB Piezoelectric series 137A12 ICP pressure transducer, shown in Figures

3.5 and 3.9, acquired free field air blast pressure-time historiesfromtest blasts. The

GRTL staff mounted the free field pressure transducer in an axial directíon to the blast

source and aligned the sensing surface in the vertical plane. This ensured proper free field

air blast pressure-time data acquisitionfromthe free field pressure transducer. The

GRTL staff drove a stake into the ground to secure the PCB Piezoelectricfreefield

pressure transducer above the ground surface. Two bolts attached the plastic mounting

bracket to the stake which held the PCB Piezoelectricfreefieldpressure transducer. A

single plastic set pin secured the pressure probe to the plastic mounting bracket as shown

in Figure 3.5.

A single BNC connector connected thefreefieldpressure transducer to the

coaxial cable which connected to the PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply. The free

field pressure transducer has a total length of 16.0 m. (406 mm) with a sensing element

6.20 in. (158 mm)fromthe tip of the pressure transducer as shown in Figure 3.9.

BNC Connector Element

\ ^ ^

-16,000 in.-

Figure 3.9 - Free Field Pressure Transducer

The eZ-Analvst Using ZonicBook Software

The eZ-Analyst using ZonicBook Software collected air blast pressure-time

histories in conjunction with the Zonic Medallion mobile FFT analyzer and the data

acquisition card. The GRTL staff configured the system to trigger when thefreefield

pressure transducer sensed a positive air pressure change greater than 0.270 psi (1.86

kPa). Once triggered, the eZ-Analyst using ZonicBook Sofhvare coUected 40,960 points

per second for all four pressure transducers. The GRTL staff determined data acquisition

for 0.05 second would adequately record the entire positive blast phase. This allowed

0.01 second for pre-blast data acquisition, and 0.04 second for air blast pressure data

acquisition. To ensure acquisition of the initíal air blast pressures, the ZonicBook

analyzer buffered datafromthe system contínuously. The system then retíieved and

saved the buffered data for 0.1 seconds, or specified duratíon, prior to system triggering.

The system has a voltage range of 0 to 2.27 volts. This corresponded to a maximum

pressure of 22.7 psi (157 kPa) on thefreefieldpressure transducer and 68.0 psi (469 kPa)

on the reflected pressure fransducer.

ConWep Software
The GRTL staff used ConWep software (TM 5-855-1,1992) to predict the

positive phase duration, the peak air blast pressure, and the positíve phase impulse caused

from an explosive materia! at afixedstandoff distance. This software uses applicatíons

from TM 5-855-1 (1992) to perform blast effect calculatíons. The GRTL staff also used

ConWep software (TM 5-855-1,1992) to scale the peak afr blast pressures and positive

phase impulses obtained from thefreefieldpressurefransducerand the reflected pressure

transducers. This data facilitated the prediction of the air blast pressures acting on the

center of the test specimen.

High-Speed Cameras

The GRTL staff used high-speed cameras to analyze the dynamic characteristics

of the glass under air blast pressure loading. Photec and Locam high-speed cameras

captured the blasts. The Photec high-speed camera, capable of taking 1000framesper

second, sat next to the Locam high-speed camera, capable of taking 450framesper

second. The GRTL staff placed both high-speed cameras 75 ft (22.9 m) awayfromthe

blast reaction chamber. The Locam high-speed camera used a C-mount telephoto 22.5 to

90 mm zoom lens. The Photec high-speed camera used afixedMamiya 80 mm lens.

Each camera used Kodak Ektachrome high-speed daylight film with an ISO of 400.

The GRTL staff activated the cameras remotely one to two seconds prior to the blast and

ran them for the entire blast phase. Activating the cameras one to two seconds prior to

the blast allows the cameras to achievefiillspeed by the time the blast event occurs

(Smith 2003). Figure 3.10 shows the Locam high-speed camera and Dr. Milton Smith

adjusting the camera lens.

The GRTL staff sent the exposed film off for development. This consisted of

developing the Kodak Ektachrome high-speed film and transferring it to VHS format.

One second viewed on high-speed film translates to 38 seconds viewed on VHS format

video tape for aframerate of 1000framesper second. This shows the dynamic

characteristics of the blast effects on the glazing at speed discemable to the human eye

facilitatíng a more thorough analysis.

Figure 3.10 - Dr. Milton Smith with Locam High-Speed Camera

Test Procedures

Proper installation of the test specimen constitutes the first basic step involved in

conductíng a successfiil test blast. The GRTL staff secured the test specimen to the blast

reaction chamber and sealed the test specimen by placing duct tape around it. The GRTL

staff then mounted a witness panel 12.0 in. (30.5 cm) behind the test specimen. The

author secured the reflected pressure transducers to the blast reaction chamber as

previously discussed. The GRTL staff then drove a stake into the ground next to the blast

reaction chamber to secure thefreefieldpressure transducer. Four, 300 ft (91.4 m) long

coaxial cables ran along the ground from thefreefieldpressure transducers and the

reflected pressure transducers to the PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply. The author

then set up the data acquisition system a safe distancefromthe blast arena. Set up

included configuring the DELL Inspiron 8100 and the "eZ-Analyst using ZonicBook

Software" and connecting the Zonic Medallion Mobile FFT Analyzer to the DELL

Inspiron 8100 computer. The author then connected the coaxial cablesfromthe pressure

sensors to the PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply, and connected the Zonic Medallion

Mobile FFT analyzer to the PCB Piezoelectric rack power supply. The GRTL staffthen

tested the data acquisition system upon completing installation of all system components.

Testing the system involved initíalizing the system and triggering it by exciting each

sensor to ensure the system worked properly and the computer recorded pressures. When

the system passed all tests, the GRTL staff initíalized the instruments to sense an increase

in air pressure.

Ladshaw Explosives delivered the blast components from Hobbs, New Mexico.

The GRTL staff placed the explosives 75 ft (22.9 m) normal to the test specimen and

placed 250 Ib. (113 kg) of ANFO at this point. The blast director then placed a blasting

cap in the explosives and installed the shock tube. The GRTL provided hard hats and ear

plugs to all individuals present at the blast site and checked to verify all spectators and

staff members maintained a safe distance from the blast arena. Upon verification of all

safety precautions, the blast director detonated the explosives. Two seconds prior to the

blast, staff members activated the high-speed cameras. The data acquisition system

automatically triggered once the system detected an increase in air pressure on the free

field pressure transducer and it recorded data for 0.05 second, as previously discussed.

Immediately following the blast, the GRTL staff saved the air blast pressure-time

histories to the hard drive of the Dell Inspiron 8100 laptop computer and also to a floppy

disk to prevent potential loss of the air blast pressure-time histories due to an unforeseen

system failure. Subsequent to the blast, the GRTL staff visually inspected the glazings.

Next, the GRTL staff examined the glazing'sfractureorigins and fractures. Finally, the

staff examined the witness panels for evidence of any glass shard impacts. After

completion of all necessary inspections, the GRTL staff secured all blast equipment and

cleaned up the blast site. Afterwards, the GRTL staff analyzed the air blast pressure-

time histories as next chapter discusses in great detail.




The research conducted at Texas Tech University involved testing a blast resistant

glazing under full scale loading. The blast resistant glazing was sized to resist a GSA

Level D loading, with a peak reflected air blast pressure of 10.0 psi (68.9 kPa) and a

positive phase impulse of 80.0 psi-msec (551 kPa-msec). The GRTL staff utilized 250 Ib

(113 kg) of ANFO at a standoff distance of 75.0 ft (22.9 m), which produces a predicted

peak reflected air blast pressure of 14.3 psi (98.9 kPa) and a reflected positive phase

impulse of 81.6 psi-msec (563 kPa-msec). The GRTL staff performed five blast tests.

The first blast test, a calibration blast, ensured all systems worked properly. The data

acquisition system successfiilly acquired datafromthe second, fourth, andfífthblasts.

Data acquisition failed for the third blast due to technica! diffículties. This chapter

outlines the results of three sets of air blast pressure data.

The data acquisition system acquired four sets of raw data from each blast, three

reflected pressures-time histories and one free field air blast pressure-time history. The

GRTL staff analyzed the air blast pressure-tíme histories to predict the peak air blast

pressure and positive phase impulse acting on the test specimens. This chapter presents

air blast pressure-time histories from the middle and top reflected pressure fransducers.

The GRTL staff determined ground interference with the blast waves produced poor

results from the bottom reflected pressure transducer. Chapter FV discusses the analyses

of acquireddata.

Experimentallv Determined Results

Data Acquisition

The data acquisition system discussed in Chapter III acquired air blast pressures-

time histories from three blast tests. The data acquisition system acquired 40960 points

per second. ConWep software (TM 5-855-1, 1992) predicted 250 Ib (113 kg) of ANFO

at a standoff distance of 75.0 ft (22.9 m) would have a positive phase duratíon of 0.0172

msec. Using these predicted results, the GRTL staffdetermined data acquisition for 0.05

second would adequately capture the positive phase air blast pressure-time histories.

This allowed 0.01 second pre-blast data acquisition and 0.04 second air blast pressure

acquisition. The system captured 2048 points in 0.05 second at a time step of 0.0000244


Following each blast the GRTL staff downloaded the air blast pressure-time

histories to a spreadsheet. This facilitated efficient computation of the blast wave

parameters: the peak air blast pressure, p°, the wave form parameter, a, and the positive

phase impulse. This section describes the computation of each blast wave parameter.

Transducer Sensitivitv

The eZ-analyst using Zonicbook Software acquired air blast pressure-time history

with time in seconds and pressure in millivolts. Multiplying the signal obtained in

miUivoIts by the sensitivity of each transducer yields the pressure in psi attíme,t. Each

fransducer has a different sensitivity and the PCB electronics technicians determined

these values through calibration. Table 4.1 gives the sensitivity of each transducer and

Appendixes A, B, and C show the conversion of pressure in miUivoIts to pressure in psi

for the reflected and free field pressure transducers.

Table 4.1 - Transducer Sensitivity

Free Field Middle Reflected Top Reflected

Pressure Transducer Transducer Transducer
psi/miUivolts Psi/millivolts psi/miUivoIts
(kPa/miUivoIts) (kPa/milIivoIts) (kPa/miIlivolts)
10.0 29.2 28.1
(69.0) (20.2) (194)

Zero Offset Correction

Each set of air blast pressure-time histories offset from the digital zero pressure

line. The GRTL staff applied a calculated correction factor to all data sets to correct this

offset. The GRTL staff calculated the average offset from the recorded zero pre-blast

pressure line to the digital zero pressure line for each pre-blast point, and then subfracted

the average offset from each of the 2048 points to correct this offset. Appendixes A, B,

and C show the zero offset correction for each pressure transducer from each blast. Table

4.2 gives the correction factors for each pressure transducer for each blast.

Table 4.2 - Zero Offset Correction Factors

Blast 2 Blast 4 Blast 5

Reflected Reflected Reflected
Free Free Free
Middle Top Middle Top Middle Top
Field Field Field
Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi Psi
(kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)
-0.123 -0.0913 0.177 -0.577 -1.02 0.0768 -0.351 -0.123 0.0456
(-0.848) (-0.629) (1.22) (3.98) (-7.01) (0.542) (-2.42) (-0.848) (0.314)

Peak Air Blast Pressure

Technical inadequacies associated with the free field and reflected pressure

fransducers make the prediction of the actual peak air blast pressures difficult. This

results from the inability in digital readings to capture the exact peak air blast pressure.

Ethridge (1965) presented a procedure for determining the peak air blast pressure to

resolve this problem. This procedure predicts the peak air blast pressure at the

instantaneous pressure rise. The author foUowed these guidelines to determine the peak

air blast pressure.

According to Ethridge (1965), the initíal portion of an air blast pressure-time

history yields a line on a semi-Iog plot of pressure versus time. Obtaining this line allows

the extrapolation of the peak air blast pressure. The GRTL staff used this procedure to

predict the peak air blast pressure on the reflected pressure transducers.

The GRTL staff plotted the initia! portion of the blast curve on a semi-Iog plot of

air blast pressure versus time. The author used a spreadsheet to fit a line to the initial

portion of the air blast pressure-time histories. Equation 4.1 yields the form of the line fit

to each data set. The GRTL staff solved for the air blast pressure at time zero to predict

the peak air blast pressure.

y = m*Ln{x) + b Equatíon 4.1


y = time, sec.

m = slope

X = air blast pressure, psi

b = time intercept, sec.

The Wave Form Parameter

The wave form parameter yields the exponentíal decay rate of an air blast

pressure-time history. Ethridge (1965) notíced when plottíng the semi-log of an air blast

pressure-time history it yields a straight line for the entire blast. In order to determine the

wave form parameter, the GRTL staff plotted the semi-Iog of pressure versus tíme for the

logarithmic linear portion of the blast. Next, the author used a spreadsheet to determine

the equation of the exponential trend line for the air blast pressure-time histories.

Equation 4.2 gives the equation for an exponentíal trend line. From this equation the

author predicted the wave form parameter.

— X

y = C*e' Equation4.2


y = pressure, psi

C = constant

x = time, sec.

a = decay rate

td = positive phase duration, sec.

Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time History

The determination of the ideal air blast pressure-time history requires the values

of the peak air blast pressure, the wave form parameter, and the positive phase duration.

Kinney and Graham (1985) give Equation 4.3 to describe the ideal air blast pressure-tíme

history. This equation smoothes the experimentally obtained air blast pressure-time

histories and gives an ideal air blast pressure-time history. Taking the integral of

Equatíon 4.3 over the duration of the entire positive phase yields the predicted positive

phase impulse of the blast. Equation 4.4 shows the equation for the positíve phase


p^p"* 1 - — *e '" Equation 4.3


p = air blast pressure, psi

p° = peak air blast pressure, psi

t = time, sec.

.0 :|c
*e '" dt Equation 4.4
\ ^d J


I = positive phase impulse.

Reflected Pressure Transducers

Tliree reflected pressure transducers acquired air blast pressure-time histories

from the second, fourth, and fifth blasts. The GRTL staff mounted the reflected pressure

transducers at three different heights on the blast reaction chamber as discussed in

Chapter III. The GRTL staff discarded the air blast pressure-time histories from the

bottom reflected pressure transducer due to bouncing waves from the ground interfering

with measurements.

Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer, Second Blast

Figure 4.1 shows the raw data for the middle reflected pressure transducer for the

second blast. The GRTL staff plotted the initíal portion of this data set to predict the

peak air blast pressure. Figure 4.2 shows the initial portion of the air blast pressure-time

history for the second blast, the trend line for this data set, and the equatíon of the trend

line. Solving the equation given in Figure 4.2 for the air blast pressure at time zero yields

a peak air blast pressure of 14.4 psi (99.2 kPa). Equation 4.5 shows this calculatíon.

Figure 4.1 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Second Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

y =-0.0021 Ln(x) +0.0056


•o^ 0.0004
^ 0.0003
H 0.0002


fOOOO 10.0000 100.0000

Pressure (psi)

Figure 4.2 - Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the
Initíal Portion of the Second Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer


p",0 --0.0021
=e' = 14.39 psi Equation 4.5

The GRTL staff determined the wave form parameter for the second blast, middle

reflected pressure transducer by plotting the semi-log of air blast pressure versus time for

the linear log portion of the air blast pressure-time history. Figure 4.3 shows this plot, the

exponential tend line, and the equatíon for the trend line. From the equation given in

Figure 4.4 the author calculated a wave form parameter of 0.800. Equatíon 4.6 shows the

calculatíon of the wave form parameter.

y = 7.1311e 106.74X


3 10.0000

0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
Time (sec)

Figure 4.3 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Second Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

a = 106.74 *t^= 106.74 * 0.007495 = 0.800 Equation 4.6

The final step in analyzing the air blast pressure history comprised of predicting

the ideal air blast pressure-time history and its positive phase impulse. The author used

Equation 4.3 to calculate the ideal air blast pressure-time history for the second blast,

middle reflected pressure transducer. Equatíon 4.7 gives the equation for the ideal air

blast pressure-time ftinction and Figure 4.4 shows the ideal air blast pressure-time

history. Integrating Equation 4.7 over the duration of the positive phase yields a positive

phase impulse of 42.0 psi-msec (290 kPa-msec) as given in Equatíon 4.8 for the second

blast, middle reflected pressure transducer.

/? = 14.39* 1- t ^ -106.74V
Equatíon 4.7

16, 000000
14. 000000
S " 1? 000000
3 10 000000
£ 8 000000
6 000000
4 000000
-0.0010 0.0010 0.0030 0.0050 0.0070 0.0090
Time (sec)

Figure 4.4 - Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Second Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

/ = ^p dt = 42 psi-:
msec Equatíon 4.8

Top Reflected Pressure Transducer. Second Blast

The procedure for analyzing each reflected air blast pressure-time history consists

of repetitíon of the procedure previously described. Figure 4.5 shows the raw data

obtained from the second blast, top reflected pressure fransducer. Figures 4.6,4.7, and

4.8 show the plots to determine the peak air blast pressure, the wave form parameter, and

the positive phase impulse. Solving for the pressure at time zero for the equatíon given in

Figure 4.6 yields a peak air blast pressure of 13.8 psi (95.1 kPa). The equatíon in Figure

4.7 yields a wave form parameter of 0.915 and Equatíon 4.9 gives the ideal air blast

pressure-time function. Integratíng Equation 4.4 yields a positive phase impulse of 37.0

psi (255 kPa) at the reflected pressure transducer. Figure 4.8 shows the ideal air blast

pressure-time history.

Figure 4.5 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Second Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

y = -0.0008Ln(x) + 0.0021

^ 0.000200
^ 0.000150
1 0.000100

Pressure (psi)

Figure 4.6 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Initial Portion of the Second Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

y = 5.11e,-130.54x

g) 10.000000

0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
Time (sec)

Figure 4.7 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Second Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

(0 10.000000
Q. 2.000000
-0.001 0.0000 0.0010 0.0020 0.0030 0.0040 0.0050 0.0060 0.0070
000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Time (sec)

Figure 4.8 - Raw and Idea! Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Second Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

* -130.54«/
/7 = 13.82' 1-- Equation 4.9

Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer. Fourth Blast

Figure 4.9 shows the raw data obtained from the fourth blast, middle reflected

fransducer. The author used Figures 4.10,4.11, and 4.12 to predict the blast wave

parameters. Using Figure 4.10 the GRTL staff predicted a peak air blast pressure of 12.2

psi (84.0 kPa). Figure 4.11 shows the logarithmic linear portion of the air blast pressure-

time history plotted on a semi-Iog plot. Using the equation shown in this figure, the

author calculated 0.722 for the wave form parameter. Equation 4.8 gives the air blast

pressure-time history for fourth blast. Integral Equation 4.10 yields a positive phase

impulse of 37.0 psi-msec (255 kPa-msec) at the reflected pressure transducer. Figure

4.12 shows the ideal air blast pressure-time history.

Figure 4.9 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fourth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

V =-0.0014Ln(x) +0.0035
$ 0.000600
I 0.000400
Pressure (psi)

Figure 4.10 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Initial Portion of the Fourth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer


(/) y = 5.9845e
D 10

0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
Time (sec)

Figure 4.11 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fourth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

(/) 10.000000
3 6.000000
tfí 4.000000
-0.00100 0.001000 0.003000 0.005000 0.007000 0.009000

Time (sec)

Figure 4.12 - Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Fourth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

/? = 12.18* 1-- t * -96.063'/


Top Reflected Pressiu-e Transducer. Fourth Blast

Figure 4.13 shows the raw datafromthe fourth blast, top reflected pressure

transducer. The GRTL staff calculated a peak air blast pressure of 12.8 psi (88.3 kPa)

using Figure 4.14. The GRTL staff calculated 0.860 for the wave form parameter using

Figure 4.15. Taking the integral ofthe ideal air blast pressure-tíme functíon given in

Equatíon 4.11 yields the positíve phase impulse of 38.0 psi-msec (262 kPa-msec) at the

reflected pressure transducer. Figure 4.16 shows the ideal air blast pressure-time history.

Figure 4.13 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the
Fourth Blast Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

0.000600 v =-0.0011Ln(x) +0.0028


-c? 0.000400
^ 0.000300
P 0.000200

10 100
Pressure (psi)

Figure 4.14 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Initial Portion of the Fourth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

y = 4.9404e 109.42X


3 10

0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
Time (sec)

Figure 4.15 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fourth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

1A nnnnnn
12.000000 IL
|l\ Ideal Data
^ 10.000000
^ 8.000000 L\. /
^ 6.000000 — \ ^ ^ ^ Raw Data
« 4.000000 ^V- ^ ^ A M. /
(^ 2.000000 ^N'^VV/
0.000000 ^ ^^^•^•*%
-2.000000 - ~t
-0.00100 0.001000 0.003000 0.005000 0.007000 0.009000
Time (sec)

Figure 4.16 - Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Fourth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

/ * -109.42*/
/7 = 12.75* 1 - Equation 4.11

Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer. Fifth Blast

Figure 4.17 shows the raw data from the fifth blast middle reflected pressure

fransducer. The middle reflected pressure transducer for the fifth blast, yielded a peak air

blast pressure of 14.4 psi (99.3 kPa) as shown in Figure 4.18. The GRTL staff calculated

1.127 for the wave form parameter using Figure 4.19. Taking the integral of the ideal afr

blast pressure-time function given in Equation 4.12 yields the positive phase impulse of

39.0 psi-msec (269 kPa-msec) at the reflected pressure transducer. Figure 4.20 shows the

ideal air blast pressure-time history.

0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030

Time (sec.)

Figure 4 . 1 7 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fifth Blast Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

0 000800
y =-0.0012Ln(x) +0.0032
0 000700
0 000600
(/) ,000400
' 'o,000300
0 1.0000 10.0000 100.0000
Pressure (psi)

Figure 4.18 - Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History

Initial Portion of the Fifth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

mn nnnn
y = 6.6998e'^*®^^''

3 10.0000 -

1 .UUUU 1 1

0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006

Time (sec)

Figure 4.19 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fifth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

Ideal Data
fz:- 12.000000
3 10.000000
g) 8.000000
5 6.000000 Raw Data
2 4.000000
Û^ 2.000000
-0.00100 0.001000 0.003000 0.005000 0.007000 0.009000

Time (sec)

Figure 4.20 - Raw and Idea! Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Fifth Blast, Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer

t U ^-148.28«/
/7 = 14.39* 1 - Equation4.12

Top Reflected Pressure Transducer. Fifth Blast

Figure 4.6(a) shows the raw data from the fifth blast, top reflected pressure

fransducer. The author predicted a peak air blast pressure of 14.1 psi (97.2 kPa-msec)

using Figure 4.6(b) for the top reflected pressure transducer for the fifth blast. The

GRTL staff predicted 1.76 for the wave form parameter using Figiu-e 4.6(c). Taking the

integral of the ideal air blast pressure-time fiinction, Equation 4.13, yields a positive

phase impulse of 36.0 psi-msec (248 kPa-msec) at the reflected pressure transducer.

Figure 4.6(d) shows the idea! air blast pressure-time history.

14.0000 n1 ^ ---
12.0000 -
^ 10.0000
fo. 8.0000 -
^ 6.0000
= 4.0000
e 2.0000
°" 0.0000
-4 nnnn
0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
Time (sec.)

Figure 4.21 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fifth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

0,001000 V =-0.0014Ln(x) +0.0037

^ 0,000700
(U 000600
E 000400
1.0000 10.0000 100.0000
Pressure (psl)

Figure 4.22 - Semi-Log Plot of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the
Initial Portion of the Fifth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

y = 7.321 e


3 10.0000

0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
Time (sec)

Figure 4.23 - Semi-Log of Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fifth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

14.000000 ^ Ideal Data
Dvv /
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ RawData
(0 6.000000
0) 4.000000 >OKi^ y
2.000000 ^^VSAÍ^
, ^•SyUbi^
-2.000000 r 1 1 '

-0.00100 0.001000 0.003000 0.005000 0.007000 0.009000

Time (sec)

Figure 4.24 - Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Fifth Blast, Top Reflected Pressure Transducer

/7 = 14.05* I *e-209.«-r Equation4 13
l 0.008400 J Equduon^.ij

Free Field Pressure Transducer

The GRTL staff acquired onefreefieldor incident air blast pressure-tíme history

for each blast. Appendixes A, B, and C gives the raw air blast pressure-tíme histories

from thefreefieldpressurefransducer,the zero offset corrections, and the ideal pressure-

tíme history calculations for each blast. The GRTL staff analyzed each set of raw blast

data to obtain the peak free field air blast pressure, p°, the wave form parameter, a, and

the positive phase impulse.

Free Field Pressure Transducer. Second Blast

Figure 4.25 shows the raw data recorded from thefreefieldpressure transducer

for the second blast. Using the same procedure to determine the peak air blast pressure as

shown previously yields a smaller value for the peak air blast pressure than the raw peak

air blast pressure acquired from thefreefieldpressure transducer. The GRTL staff

estimated the peak air blast pressure as the raw peak air blast pressurefromthefreefield

pressure transducer. The free field pressure transducer recorded a peak air blast pressure

of 8.38 psi (57.8 kPa-msec) for the second blast. The author used direct numerical

integration to predict the positive phase impulse at thefreefieldpressure fransducer.

This transducer produced consistent, smooth, and non-erratíc test data. Therefore, the

GRTL staff felt direct integration represented the positive phase impulse accurately. The

author determined the wave form parameter using trial and error to match the positíve

phase impulse from direct integration to the positive phase impulsefromthe idea! air

blast pressure history. A wave form parameter of 1.0 matched the impulses for the

experimental and ideal pressure curves. The GRTL staff predicted an impulse of 41.0

psi-msec (283 kPa-msec) acted on thefreefieldpressure transducer. Appendixes A, B,

and C show the direct integration of the free fíeld positíve phase impulse. Figure 4.26

shows the ideal air blast pressure-time history.

<A 4 ,0000
£ 3.0000
S«) 2 0000
l^ 0000
1.)^ »»»»<•*
-1 0000
-2 0000
-3 0000
-4 0000
0.000000 0.005000 0.010000 0.015000 0.020000 0.025000 0.030000 0.035000 0.040000 0.045000 0.050000
Time (sec.)

Figure 4.25 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Second Blast, Free Field Pressure Transducer

3 5.000000
3 4.000000
0) 2.000000
0.000000 ^r-i
-0.0010 0.0040 0.0090 0.0140
Time (sec)

Figure 4.26 - Raw and Idea! Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Second Blast, Free Field Pressure Transducer

Free Field Pressure Transducer. Fourth Blast

Figure 4.27 shows the raw data recorded from the free fíeld pressure fransducer

for the fourth blast. A direct numerical integration yielded an impulse of 39.0 psi-msec

(269 kPa-msec) and a peak afr blast pressure of 6.81 psi (47.0 kPa). The GRTL staff

predicted a wave form parameter of 0.7 for the fourth blast. Figure 2.28 shows the ideal

air blast pressure-tíme history.





" 3.0000
S 2.0000



0.00EH)0 5.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.506-02 2.00E-02 2.50E-02 3.00E-02 3.50Ê-02 4.00E-02 4.50E-02 5.00E-02

Time (sec.)

Figure 4.27 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fourth Blast, Free Field Pressure Transducer

3 000000
(0 000000
000000 4
-0.0010 0.0040 0.0090 0.0140
Time (sec)

Figure 4.28 - Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Fourth Blast, Free Field Pressure Transducer

Free Field Pressiu-e Transducer. Fifth Blast

Figure 4.29 shows the rawfreefieldair blast pressure-time history for the fifth

blast. TheGRTLstaffpredictedawaveformparameterof l.I. TheGRTLstaff

predicted a peak air blast pressure of 7.83 psi (54.0 kPa) and an impulse of 39.0 psi-msec

(269 kPa-msec) acted on thefreefieldpressure transducer. Figure 4.30 shows the ideal

air blast pressure-time history.




^ 4.000000
•J' 3.000000 •
2 2.000000

-1.000000 ^w 1 y w w '*'^

-3.000000 J1 r- r 1 r ^ r- i , , ,
0.000000 0.005000 0.010000 0.015000 0.020000 0.025000 0.030000 0.035000 0.040000 0.045000 0.050000
Time (sec.)

Figure 4.29 - Raw Air Blast Pressure-Time History for the

Fifth Blast, Free Field Pressure Transducer

0) 6.000000
3 5.000000
(0 3.000000
(0 2.000000
0.000000 i
-0.0010 0.0040 0.0090 0.0140
Time (sec)

Figure 4.30 - Raw and Ideal Air Blast Pressure-Time Histories for the
Fifth Blast, Free Field Pressure Transducer


Table 4.3 gives a summary of the blast parameter of each blast for each

fransducer. This table gives the peak afr blast pressure, wave form parameter, positíve

phase duratíon, and the positive phase impulse from data analysis.

Table 4.3 - Summary of Blast Parameters

Peak Air Wave Positíve Positive

Blast # Transducer Blast Form Phase Phase
Pressiu-e Parameter Duration Impulse
psi psi-msec
(kPa) sec
2 14.4 42.0
IVIiddle 0.800 0.00750
(99.3) (290)
2 13.8 36.0
Top 0.915 0.00708
(95.1) (248)
2 8.38 41.0
Free Field 1.00 0.0134
(57.8) (283)
4 12.2 37.0
Middle 0.722 0.00752
(84.1) (255)
12.8 38.0
4 Top 0.860 0.00786
(88.3) (262)
6.81 39.0
4 Free Field 0.700 0.0141
(47.0) (269)
14.4 39.0
5 IVliddle 1.13 0.00760
(99.3) (269)
14.1 36.0
5 Top 1.76 0.00840
(97.2) (248)
5 Free Field 7.83 1.10 0.0138 39.0
(54.0) (269)

Pressures Acting on the Middle of the Test Specimen

The GRTL staff used ConWep software (TM 5-855-1,1992) to predict the peak

air blast pressure and positive phase impulse actíng on the middle of the test specimen.

ConWep software (TM 5-855-1,1992) requires the coordinates of the reflecting surface

to predict the reflected peak air blast pressure and positive phase impulse acting on the

reflectíng surface. The GRTL staff placed the charge normal to the vertical centerline of

the test specimen; therefore the vertica! axis passes tlirough the middle of the reflecting

surface. Figure 4.31 shows the coordinate inputs for ConWep software (TM 5-855-1,


(-4,125,7,a5) ® ''y ^

''/ ^/

(-4,125,4.104) 0

Figure 4.31 - Coordinates of Blast Reaction Chamber with Test Specimen Used with
ConWep Software (TM 5-855-1,1992)

The GRTL staff scaled the charge size and standoff distance to match the peak air

blast pressure and positive phase impulse recorded from each reflected pressure

fransducer to the peak air blast pressure and positive phase impulse predicted by ConWep

software (TM 5-855-1, 1992). The GRTL staff then used the scaled charge size and

standoff distance to predict the peak air blast pressure and positíve phase impulse, by

inputting the scaled values back into the software, acting on the center of the test

specimen located at [0 ft (0 m), 4.18 ft (1.27 m)]. Tables 4.4 through 4.6 show the peak

air blast pressure and positive phase impulse calculated from the reflected pressure

transducers' air blast pressure-time histories and the predicted values of the peak air blast

pressure and positíve phase impulse on the center of the test specimen. The column

labeled "Middle Transducer" shows the peak reflected air blast pressure and reflected

positive phase impulse recorded by the middle reflectíve pressure transducer. The

column labeled "Estimated on Test Specimen" shows the peak air blast pressure and

positive phase impulse from the scaled blast, acting on the middle of the test specimen.

The bottom row shows equivalent charge sizes and equivalent standoff distances used to

represent the peak air blast pressures and positive phase impulses acting on the reflected

pressure fransducers.

Table 4.4 - Peak Air Blast Pressure and Positíve Phase Impulse Acting on the
Reflected Pressure Transducer and Middle of the Test Specimen, Second Blast

Estimated Estimated
Middle Top
on Test on Test
Transducer Transducer
Specimen Specimen
Peak Air Blast Pressure, psi 14.4 14.5 13.8 13.9
(kPa) (99.3) (100) (95.1) (95.8)
Impulse, psi-msec 42.0 70.5 36.0 61.5
(kPa-msec) (290) (486) (248) (424)
Equivalent Charge size, Ib 153 62.5 103 55.0
(kg) Standoff Distance, ft (m) (69.4) (19.1) (46.7) (16.8)

Table 4.5 - Peak Air Blast Pressure and Positíve Phase hnpulse Acting on the
Reflected Pressure Transducer and Middle of the Test Specimen, Fourth Blast

Blast 4
Estímated Estimated
Middle Top
on Test on Test
Transducer Transducer
Specimen Specimen
Peak Air Blast Pressure, psi 12.2 12.3 12.8 12.9
(kPa) (84.1) (84.8) (88.3) (88.9)
Impulse, psi-msec 37.0 62.0 38.0 65.1
(kPa-msec) (255) (427) (262) (449)
Equivalent Charge size, Ib 137 65.5 145 65.0
(kg) Standoff Distance, ft (m) (62.1) (20.0) (65.8) (19.8)

Table 4.6 - Peak Air Blast Pressure and Positive Phase Impulse Acting on the
Reflected Pressure Transducer and Middle of the Test Specimen, Fifth Blast

Estimated Estimated
Middle Top
on Test on Test
Transducer Transducer
Specimen Specimen
Peak Air Blast Pressure, psi 14.4 14.5 14.1 14.2
(kPa) (99.3) (95.1) (97.2) (91.7)
Impulse, psi-msec 39.0 65.3 36.0 60.0
(kPa-msec) (269) (450) (248) (414)
Equivalent Charge size, Ib 122 58.0 96.0 58.0
(kg) Standoff Distance, ft (m) (55.3) (18) (43.5) (17.7)

The author also used ConWep software (TM 5-855-1,1992) to predict the peak

air blast pressure and positíve phase impulse acting on the center of the test specimen

from the recorded free field pressure transducer air blast pressure-time history. He scaled

the charge size and standoff distance to match the peak free field air blast pressure and

positive phase impulse for each blast. The author then used ConWep software (TM 5-

855-1,1992) to predict the peak air blast pressure and positive phase impulse acting on

the center of the test specimen using the values of the scaled charge size and standoff

distance. Table 4.7 shows the peak air blast pressures and positive phase impulses

obtained from the free field pressure transducer and the predicted peak air blast pressures

and positíve phase impulses acting on the center of the test specimen from the scaled


Table 4.7 - Estimated Peak Free Field

Air Blast Pressure and Positive Phase Impulse On the Test Specimen

Blast 2 Blast4 BlastS

Free Field Estimated Free Field Estimated Free Field Estimated
Pressure on Test Pressure on Test Pressure on Test
Transducer Specimen Transducer Specimen Transducer Specimen
Peak Air
blast 8.38 20.0 6.81 15.7 7.83 18.4
pressiu-e, psi (57.8) (137) (47.0) (108) (54.0) (127)
Impulse, 83.2 39.0 84.8
41.0 89.9 39.0
psi-msec (574) (269) (585)
(282) (619) (269)

Clearíng Time

According to Kinney and Graham (1985) as a blast wave strikes a reflecting

surface (i.e., the test specimen), a reflected air blast pressure occurs instantaneously. This

reflected air blast pressure has significantly greater pressure than the surtounding air. As

the blast wave hits the front face of the reflecting surface, it instantaneously feels the fiill

reflected air blast pressure. High pressure on the reflecting surface causes aflowof air

towards the lower pressure region around the blast reaction chamber. This pressure

difference causes an air flow, or rarefaction wave, on the reflecting surface. The

rarefaction wave causes the maximum positive phase impulse to occur at the stagnation

point of the reflecting surface and lower positíve phase impulses to act awayfromthis

point. Predicting the positive phase impulse on the center of the reflecting surface from

data obtained near the edge of the reflecting surface causes difficulties due to clearing

times calculatíons. According to Kinney and Graham (1985), no concise method for

estimating the rarefaction wave parameters exists. The prefabricated test specimen did

not allow for placement of the transducers in the middle of the test specimen. Therefore,

this required the placement of the reflected pressurefransducersnear the edge of the blast

reaction chamber. Placement of the reflected pressure transducers on the center of the

test specimen eliminates any difficuUy in predicting the positive phase impulse acting on

the center of the test specimen.

Peak Air Blast Pressure

The peak air blast pressures from thefreefieldpressure transducer show higher

peak air blast pressures than ConWep software (TM 5-855-1, 1992) predicted at the

center of the test specimen for each blast. According to ConWep software (TM 5-855-1,

1992) a 250 Ib (113 kg) charge size at a standoff distance of 75.0 ft (22.9 m) produces a

peak air blast pressure of 14.3 psi (98.9 kPa) and positive phase impulse of 81.6 psi-msec

(563 kPa-msec). The peak air blast pressure actíng on the middle of the test specimen,

found by scaling the peak air blast pressure from the reflected pressure transducers,

produce similar resuUs, within 3% for the second and fifth blasts, to the values predicted

by ConWep software (TM 5-855-1, 1992). The peak afr blast pressure actíng on the

middle of the test specimen found by scaling the peak air blast pressure from the free

field pressure transducer produces significantly higher results compared to predicted

values of the peak air blast pressure. Less error exists acquiring the peak air blast

pressure from the reflected pressure transducer than the free field pressure transducer

because aligning the reflected pressurefransducernormal to the explosion requires less

precision. Additionally, clearing times are insignificant in the scaling of the reflected

peak air blast pressure at the reflected transducer to the center of the test specimen

because the peak air blast pressure occurs instantaneously over the whole reflecting

surface as previously discussed. Therefore, the GRTL staff feels the peak air blast

pressure reported from the reflected pressurefransducerbest represents the actual peak

air blast pressure at the center of the test specimen. Thefreefieldpressure transducer

reported higher values of the peak air blast pressure than actually acted on the test

specimen. Table 4.8 shows the summary of the peak air blast pressure for each blast.

Positive Phase Impulse

The positive phase impulse actíng on the center of the test specimen, found by

scaling thefreefieldpositive phase impulsefromthefreefieldair blast pressure-tíme

histories, yielded similar results, within 10%, of the values predicted by ConWep

software (TM 5-855-1, 1992) for each blast. The positive phase impulses acting on the

center of the test specimen, found by scaling the reflected positíve phase impulses from

the reflected pressure transducers, yield significantly lower positive phase impulses at the

center of the test specimen than the theoretical values. Clearing times play a significant

role in predicting the positive phase impulse acting on the center of the test specimen

from the reflected pressure transducer located only six inchesfromthe edge of the blast

reaction chamber. Clearing time plays no role in the scaling of the positive phase

impulse obtained from thefreefieldpressure transducer to the center of the test

specimen. This eliminates any error involved in accounting for clearing times. The

GRTL staff determined the positive phase impulse obtained from thefreefieldpressure

fransducer scaled to the center of the test specimen more accurately. Table 4.8 shows the

estimated values of the positive phase impulses actíng ontiiecenter of the test specimen

for each blast.

Table 4.8 - Estímated Peak Air Blast Pressures and Positíve Phase Impulses
Acting at the Center of the Test Specimen

Blast2 Blast 4 Blast 5 Theoretical

Peak Air blast pressure, psi 14.4 12.6 14.3 14.0
(kPa) (99.3) (86.9) (98.6) (96.5)
Impulse, psi-msec 89.9 83.2 84.8 81.0
(kPa-msec) (620) (574) (585) (558)

Test Specimen Performance

Second Blast

In the second blast resistant glazing test, the test specimen underwent a peak air

blast pressure of 14.4 psi (99.3 kPa) and a positive phase impulse of 89.9 psi-msec (619

kPa-msec). The insulatíng glass units fabricated with laminated glass remained in the

frame and no glass shards embedded the witness panels. Glassfracturedin three

insulating glass units in the test specimen, the topright,top left, andrightmiddle, but

remained in the aluminum frame and maintained closure of their fenesfration. The

framing system failed as Figure 4.32 shows. The operable vent latches, discussed in

Chapter III, failed. AIso, the center connectíons failed on the frame. Figure 4.31 shows

this failiu-e. In order to prevent these failures, the GRTL staff installed blast resistant

latches and added reinforcement to the middle connections of the test specimens. The

GRTL staff performed the next blast subsequent to the completíon of these afrerations.

Figure 4.32 - Post Blast Test Specimen, Second Blast

Third Blast

Data acquisition for the third blast failed due to a technical error. Consequently,

this test was invalid although the test specimen behaved similarly to the second blast test


Fourth Blast

The test specimen underwent a peak air blast pressure of 12.6 psi (86.9 kPa) and a

peak impulse of 83.2 psi-msec (574 kPa-msec). Nofractureoccurred under air blast

pressure loading on the insulating glass units, fabricated with laminated glass, and no

glass shards imbedded in the witíiess panel. Figure 4.33 shows the window glass

remained in the frame and maintained closure of fenesfratíons, but the left operable vent

failed, again due to the latches. The GRTL staff reinforced the connectíon between the

latch and the frame.

Figure 4.33 - Post Blast Test Specimen, Fourth Blast

Fifth Blast

The test specimen imderwent a peak air blast pressure of 14.3 psi (98.6 kPa) and a

phase impulse of 84.8 psi-msec (585 kPa-msec). Figure 4.34 shows the post-blast test

specimen from the fifth blast. The two middle insulatíng glass imits, fabricated with

laminated glass fractured under air blast loading. The units remain in their frame and

maintained closure of their fenestration. The witness panels remained free from any glass

shards. The frame maintained its integrity and did not fail under the air blast pressure

loading as shown in Figure 4.34. Therefore, the blast resistant glazing design adequately

resisted a GSA Level D air blast pressure loading.

Figure 4.34 - Post Blast Test Specimen, Fifth Blast



The main objective of a blast resistant glazing is to reduce or eliminate glass

related injiuies from an air blast pressure loading. This design results in a reductíon or

elimination flying or falling glass shards and maintains closure of fenesfrations. The

glass frame must also resist air blast pressure loadings. Accomplishing this objective will

significantly reduce injuries from an air blast pressure loading.

Chapter IV gives the estímated air blast pressures acting on the center of the test

specimen. The test specimen for each blast resistant glazing test underwent an equivalent

or greater GS A Level D air blast pressure loading. Theframefor the test specimen failed

for the second, third, and fourth blasts. The failure modes for the first blast included a

failure of the latching devices for the operable vents on the test specimen and the center

connections for the glass frame. The GRTL staff reinforced the center connection on the

test specimen and the latches that held the operable vents shut. The operable vents failed

for the third and fourth blasts, but the center connectíon resisted the air blast pressure

loading. The GRTL staff reinforced the latches on the operable vents for thefifthand

final blast. The test specimen for thefifthblast test resisted afr blast pressure loading.

The insulating glass units, fabricated with laminated glass, successfiilly resisted a

GSA Level D air blast pressure loading. Although some insulting glass units fractured,

they remained in theframe,maintained closure of fenesfrations, and prevented any flying

or falling glass shards.

Future Research

No uniformly accepted approach to blast resistant glazing design currently exists.

Full scale blast tests are required to ensure a blast resistant glazing can resists a designed

air blast pressure loading. Future research can develop efficient blast resistant glazing

design and create uniform approaches to blast resistant glazing design.

Anyfiitureresearch must carefiilly align the free field and reflected pressure

transducers in the correct orientations to the explosion to ensure precise air blast pressure

data. Whenever possible, one should mount the reflected pressure transducers on the

reflecting surface where the peak air blast pressure and positíve phase impulse are of

concem. This facilitates a better estimation of the air blast pressures acting on the

reflecting surface.


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NorviIIe, H. S., Smith, M.L., Harvill, N., Conrath, E.J., Shariat, S., and Mallonee, S.
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F û c A S C E , 13(2), 50-56

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Row 3: Conversion of pressure in millivolts to pressure in psi

Row_3 = Row_2Sensitivity

Row_3 := -0.039036-29.23

Row_3 = -1.141 psi

Row 4: Zero Offset Correction

Row_4 = Row_3 - CorrectionFacto^CF)

Row_4 := -1.141 - (-0.0913)

Row_4 = -1.05 psi

Row 6: Ideal Pressure-Time History

( t'
-a —
f Row 3
Row_6 = PQ 1 -
l 'd J
0.000024^1 l~^"^'0.007495
Row 6 := 14.39- 1 -

Row_6 = 14.307 psi



Row 3: Conversion of pressure in millivolts to pressure in psi

Row_3 = Row_2-Sensitivity


Row_3 = -0.21 psi

Row 4: Zero Offset Correction

Row_4 = Row_3 - Correction_Facto<CF)


Row_4 = -0.087 psi

Row 5: Positive Phase Load Impulse

(ROW 4i+Row 4i+i) _.

Row 5 = -^^ — ^-Time_Step

^^^ 5 . ^ M:086662^f4517800) ^,^^^^244141.1000


Row_5 = 0.054 psi-msec

Impulse= y ^ Row_5


Impulse= 42.5 psi-msec

Row 7: Ideal Pressure-Time History

Row 3 M ** M
Row_6 = PQ- 1 -
t.d ;

( 0.000024^ l 0.013379
Row 6 := 8.38- 1 -e^
V 0.013379J

Row_6 = 8.35 psi

Table A. 1 Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast
Pressure-Time History for the Second Blast
Po = 14.39 psi a= 0.800
td = 0.007495 sec 1= 42 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 29.23 CF = -0.0913
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
-0.001000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.011182 -0.039036 -1.141019 -1.049719 0.000024 14.307703
0.011206 0.150798 4.407826 4.499126 0.000049 14.223832
0.011231 0.412792 12.065910 12.157210 0.000073 14.140299
0.011255 0.333182 9.738910 9.830210 0.000098 14.057106
0.011279 0.446969 13.064904 13.156204 0.000122 13.974249
0.011304 0.369869 10.811271 10.902571 0.000146 13.891729
0.011328 0.365172 10.673978 10.765278 0.000171 13.809543
0.011353 0.269121 7.866407 7.957707 0.000195 13.727691
0.011377 0.190320 5.563054 5.654354 0.000220 13.646172
0.011401 0.176552 5.160615 5.251915 0.000244 13.564984
0.011426 0.181087 5.293173 5.384473 0.000269 13.484126
0.011450 0.167158 4.886028 4.977328 0.000293 13.403597
0.011475 0.170397 4.980704 5.072004 0.000317 13.323396
0.011499 0.161651 4.725059 4.816359 0.000342 13.243522
0.011523 0.203035 5.934713 6.026013 0.000366 13.163973
0.011548 0.362499 10.595846 10.687146 0.000391 13.084749
0.011572 0.412873 12.068278 12.159578 0.000415 13.005847
0.011597 0.401454 11.734500 11.825800 0.000439 12.927268
0.011621 0.399996 11.691883 11.783183 0.000464 12.849010
0.011646 0.394570 11.533281 11.624581 0.000488 12.771072
0.011670 0.368654 10.775756 10.867056 0.000513 12.693452
0.011694 0.357316 10.444347 10.535647 0.000537 12.616149
0.011719 0.355372 10.387524 10.478824 0.000562 12.539163
0.011743 0.339904 9.935394 10.026694 0.000586 12.462493
0.011768 0.320790 9.376692 9.467992 0.000610 12.386136
0.011792 0.300949 8.796739 8.888039 0.000635 12.310093
0.011816 0.282322 8.252272 8.343572 0.000659 12.234361
0.011841 0.278920 8.152832 8.244132 0.000684 12.158941
0.011865 0.278677 8.145729 8.237029 0.000708 12.083830
0.011890 0.279325 8.164670 8.255970 0.000732 12.009027
0.011914 0.276814 8.091273 8.182573 0.000757 11.934532
0.011939 0.273170 7.984759 8.076059 0.000781 11.860344
0.011963 0.275195 8.043950 8.135250 0.000806 11.786460
0.011987 0.269445 7.875877 7.967177 0.000830 11.712882
0.012012 0.273332 7.989494 8.080794 0.000854 11.639606
0.012036 0.267825 7.828525 7.919825 0.000879 11.566632

TableA.l (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.012061 0.254624 7.442660 7.533960 0.000903 11.493959
0.012085 0.249522 7.293528 7.384828 0.000928 11.421587
0.012109 0.250656 7.326675 7.417975 0.000952 11.349513
0.012134 0.253733 7.416616 7.507916 0.000977 11.277737
0.012158 0.248145 7.253278 7.344578 0.001001 11.206257
0.012183 0.242476 7.087573 7.178873 0.001025 11.135073
0.012207 0.240694 7.035486 7.126786 0.001050 11.064184
0.012231 0.236321 6.907663 6.998963 0.001074 10.993589
0.012256 0.233729 6.831899 6.923199 0.001099 10.923286
0.012280 0.229599 6.711179 6.802479 0.001123 10.853274
0.012305 0.231138 6.756164 6.847464 0.001147 10.783553
0.012329 0.223282 6.526533 6.617833 0.001172 10.714121
0.012354 0.213563 6.242446 6.333746 0.001196 10.644978
0.012378 0.204898 5.989169 6.080469 0.001221 10.576122
0.012402 0.197447 5.771376 5.862676 0.001245 10.507552
0.012427 0.192912 5.638818 5.730118 0.001270 10.439268
0.012451 0.191859 5.608039 5.699339 0.001294 10.371267
0.012476 0.185542 5.423393 5.514693 0.001318 10.303550
0.012500 0.182626 5.338158 5.429458 0.001343 10.236116
0.012524 0.178253 5.210335 5.301635 0.001367 10.168962
0.012549 0.175661 5.134571 5.225871 0.001392 10.102089
0.012573 0.173313 5.065939 5.157239 0.001416 10.035495
0.012598 0.167644 4.900234 4.991534 0.001440 9.969179
0.012622 0.163675 4.784220 4.875520 0.001465 9.903140
0.012647 0.162622 4.753441 4.844741 0.001489 9.837378
0.012671 0.159707 4.668236 4.759536 0.001514 9.771891
0.012695 0.159626 4.665868 4.757168 0.001538 9.706678
0.012720 0.157682 4.609045 4.700345 0.001563 9.641738
0.012744 0.164647 4.812632 4.903932 0.001587 9.577070
0.012769 0.166996 4.881293 4.972593 0.001611 9.512674
0.012793 0.164080 4.796058 4.887358 0.001636 9.448548
0.012817 0.164566 4.810264 4.901564 0.001660 9.384692
0.012842 0.160112 4.680074 4.771374 0.001685 9.321104
0.012866 0.158978 4.646927 4.738227 0.001709 9.257783
0.012891 0.164080 4.796058 4.887358 0.001733 9.194729
0.012915 0.161489 4.720323 4.811623 0.001758 9.131940
0.012940 0.159302 4.656397 4.747697 0.001782 9.069416
0.012964 0.157358 4.599574 4.690874 0.001807 9.007155
0.012988 0.156872 4.585369 4.676669 0.001831 8.945157
0.013013 0.153552 4.488325 4.579625 0.001855 8.883421
0.013037 0.152337 4.452811 4.544111 0.001880 8.821945
0.013062 0.155010 4.530942 4.622242 0.001904 8.760730

TableA.l cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
{^) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0.013086 0.151041 4.414928 4.506228 0.001929 8.699773
0.013110 0.151527 4.429134 4.520434 0.001953 8.639074
0.013135 0.151932 4.440972 4.532272 0.001978 8.578632
0.013232 0.166267 4.859984 4.951284 0.002075 8.339417
0.013257 0.183355 5.359467 5.450767 0.002100 8.280246
0.013281 0.209352 6.119359 6.210659 0.002124 8.221327
0.013306 0.218180 6.377401 6.468701 0.002148 8.162658
0.013330 0.202468 5.918140 6.009440 0.002173 8.104240
0.013355 0.194288 5.679038 5.770338 0.002197 8.046070
0.013379 0.179792 5.255320 5.346620 0.002222 7.988147
0.013403 0.171774 5.020954 5.112254 0.002246 7.930472
0.013428 0.177929 5.200865 5.292165 0.002271 7.873043
0.013452 0.172665 5.046998 5.138298 0.002295 7.815860
0.013477 0.168130 4.914440 5.005740 0.002319 7.758920
0.013501 0.167563 4.897866 4.989166 0.002344 7.702224
0.013525 0.158735 4.639824 4.731124 0.002368 7.645771
0.013550 0.159788 4.670603 4.761903 0.002393 7.589559
0.013574 0.156467 4.573530 4.664830 0.002417 7.533588
0.013599 0.151770 4.436237 4.527537 0.002441 7.477857
0.013623 0.148693 4.346296 4.437596 0.002466 7.422365
0.013648 0.148936 4.353399 4.444699 0.002490 7.367111
0.013672 0.147397 4.308414 4.399714 0.002515 7.312094
0.013696 0.150879 4.410193 4.501493 0.002539 7.257314
0.013721 0.149583 4.372311 4.463611 0.002563 7.202770
0.013745 0.146911 4.294209 4.385509 0.002588 7.148460
0.013770 0.143185 4.185298 4.276598 0.002612 7.094384
0.013794 0.139946 4.090622 4.181922 0.002637 7.040542
0.013818 0.137111 4.007755 4.099055 0.002661 6.986931
0.013843 0.136787 3.998284 4.089584 0.002686 6.933552
0.013867 0.138164 4.038534 4.129834 0.002710 6.880403
0.013892 0.134925 3.943858 4.035158 0.002734 6.827485
0.013916 0.137435 4.017225 4.108525 0.002759 6.774794
0.013940 0.140918 4.119033 4.210333 0.002783 6.722332
0.013965 0.143023 4.180562 4.271862 0.002808 6.670097
0.013989 0.142133 4.154548 4.245848 0.002832 6.618089
0.014014 0.147073 4.298944 4.390244 0.002856 6.566306
0.014038 0.151203 4.419664 4.510964 0.002881 6.514748
0.014063 0.141971 4.149812 4.241112 0.002905 6.463413
0.014087 0.139136 4.066945 4.158245 0.002930 6.412302
0.014111 0.137597 4.021960 4.113260 0.002954 6.361413
0.014136 0.135087 3.948593 4.039893 0.002979 6.310745
0.014160 0.129499 3.785256 3.876556 0.003003 6.260298

Table A.l (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) í^ (4) (5) (6)
0.014185 0.129499 3.785256 3.876556 0.003027 6.210071
0.014209 0.126907 3.709492 3.800792 0.003052 6.160063
0.014282 0.133710 3.908343 3.999643 0.003125 6.011345
0.014307 0.134115 3.920181 4.011481 0.003149 5.962205
0.014331 0.136221 3.981740 4.073040 0.003174 5.913280
0.014356 0.140837 4.116666 4.207966 0.003198 5.864570
0.014380 0.144805 4.232650 4.323950 0.003223 5.816073
0.014404 0.150717 4.405458 4.496758 0.003247 5.767788
0.014429 0.156224 4.566428 4.657728 0.003271 5.719716
0.014453 0.163027 4.765279 4.856579 0.003296 5.671854
0.014478 0.165376 4.833940 4.925240 0.003320 5.624204
0.014502 0.173556 5.073042 5.164342 0.003345 5.576762
0.014526 0.184408 5.390246 5.481546 0.003369 5.529530
0.014551 0.195908 5.726391 5.817691 0.003394 5.482505
0.014575 0.208866 6.105153 6.196453 0.003418 5.435688
0.014600 0.209514 6.124094 6.215394 0.003442 5.389078
0.014624 0.203764 5.956022 6.047322 0.003467 5.342673
0.014648 0.198176 5.792684 5.883984 0.003491 5.296473
0.014673 0.207246 6.057801 6.149101 0.003516 5.250478
0.014697 0.206032 6.022315 6.113615 0.003540 5.204686
0.014722 0.202792 5.927610 6.018910 0.003564 5.159097
0.014746 0.204574 5.979698 6.070998 0.003589 5.113710
0.014771 0.203278 5.941816 6.033116 0.003613 5.068524
0.014795 0.198014 5.787949 5.879249 0.003638 5.023539
0.014819 0.192507 5.626980 5.718280 0.003662 4.978754
0.014844 0.194369 5.681406 5.772706 0.003687 4.934168
0.014868 0.189348 5.534642 5.625942 0.003711 4.889780
0.014893 0.178577 5.219806 5.311106 0.003735 4.845590
0.014917 0.175742 5.136939 5.228239 0.003760 4.801596
0.014941 0.174042 5.087248 5.178548 0.003784 4.757799
0.014966 0.171531 5.013851 5.105151 0.003809 4.714197
0.014990 0.172098 5.030425 5.121725 0.003833 4.670790
0.015015 0.175823 5.139306 5.230606 0.003857 4.627577
0.015039 0.179063 5.234011 5.325311 0.003882 4.584558
0.015064 0.176228 5.151144 5.242444 0.003906 4.541730
0.015088 0.170721 4.990175 5.081475 0.003931 4.499095
0.015112 0.173232 5.063571 5.154871 0.003955 4.456651
0.015137 0.174770 5.108527 5.199827 0.003979 4.414397
0.015161 0.173070 5.058836 5.150136 0.004004 4.372334
0.015186 0.169182 4.945190 5.036490 0.004028 4.330459
0.015210 0.172098 5.030425 5.121725 0.004053 4.288772
0.015234 0.169911 4.966499 5.057799 0.004077 4.247273

Table A. 1 (cont.)
R a w Data Conected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(l^ (2) (3) (4) ^^) (6)
0.015259 0.167401 4.893131 4.984431 0.004102 4.205961
0.015283 0.168615 4.928616 5.019916 0.004126 4.164836
0.015356 0.163351 4.774750 4.866050 0.004199 4.042570
0.015381 0.162136 4.739235 4.830535 0.004224 4.002182
0.015405 0.165295 4.831573 4.922873 0.004248 3.961978
0.015430 0.165943 4.850514 4.941814 0.004272 3.921955
0.015454 0.163108 4.767647 4.858947 0.004297 3.882114
0.015479 0.164647 4.812632 4.903932 0.004321 3.842454
0.015503 0.162298 4.743971 4.835271 0.004346 3.802974
0.015527 0.154767 4.523839 4.615139 0.004370 3.763673
0.015552 0.153228 4.478854 4.570154 0.004395 3.724552
0.015576 0.152661 4.462281 4.553581 0.004419 3.685608
0.015601 0.151932 4.440972 4.532272 0.004443 3.646842
0.015625 0.164080 4.796058 4.887358 0.004468 3.608253
0.015649 0.171693 5.018586 5.109886 0.004492 3.569840
0.015674 0.174609 5.103821 5.195121 0.004517 3.531602
0.015698 0.178901 5.229276 5.320576 0.004541 3.493539
0.015723 0.177362 5.184291 5.275591 0.004565 3.455651
0.015747 0.175418 5.127468 5.218768 0.004590 3.417936
0.015772 0.167887 4.907337 4.998637 0.004614 3.380394
0.015796 0.162217 4.741603 4.832903 0.004639 3.343024
0.015820 0.158249 4.625618 4.716918 0.004663 3.305826
0.015845 0.154929 4.528575 4.619875 0.004688 3.268798
0.015869 0.149583 4.372311 4.463611 0.004712 3.231941
0.015894 0.143104 4.182930 4.274230 0.004736 3.195254
0.015918 0.143752 4.201871 4.293171 0.004761 3.158736
0.015942 0.138407 4.045637 4.136937 0.004785 3.122386
0.015967 0.136383 3.986475 4.077775 0.004810 3.086204
0.015991 0.131523 3.844417 3.935717 0.004834 3.050190
0.016016 0.131766 3.851520 3.942820 0.004858 3.014342
0.016040 0.128851 3.766315 3.857615 0.004883 2.978659
0.016065 0.125935 3.681080 3.772380 0.004907 2.943142
0.016089 0.135816 3.969902 4.061202 0.004932 2.907790
0.016113 0.139946 4.090622 4.181922 0.004956 2.872602
0.016138 0.150798 4.407826 4.499126 0.004980 2.837578
0.016162 0.148288 4.334458 4.425758 0.005005 2.802716
0.016187 0.154281 4.509634 4.600934 0.005029 2.768016
0.016211 0.161975 4.734529 4.825829 0.005054 2.733478
0.016235 0.163594 4.781853 4.873153 0.005078 2.699101
0.016260 0.161570 4.722691 4.813991 0.005103 2.664885
0.016284 0.157763 4.611412 4.702712 0.005127 2.630828
0.016309 0.160274 4.684809 4.776109 0.005151 2.596931

Table A. 1 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0.016333 0.163189 4.770014 4.861314 0.005176 2.563192
0.016357 0.160760 4.699015 4.790315 0.005200 2.529611
0.016431 0.166105 4.855249 4.946549 0.005273 2.429811
0.016455 0.166429 4.864720 4.956020 0.005298 2.396856
0.016480 0.167563 4.897866 4.989166 0.005322 2.364057
0.016504 0.165700 4.843411 4.934711 0.005347 2.331412
0.016528 0.158168 4.623251 4.714551 0.005371 2.298921
0.016553 0.159302 4.656397 4.747697 0.005396 2.266583
0.016577 0.160517 4.691912 4.783212 0.005420 2.234398
0.016602 0.161408 4.717956 4.809256 0.005444 2.202365
0.016626 0.154605 4.519104 4.610404 0.005469 2.170483
0.016650 0.149826 4.379414 4.470714 0.005493 2.138753
0.016675 0.144967 4.237385 4.328685 0.005518 2.107173
0.016699 0.137759 4.026696 4.117996 0.005542 2.075743
0.016724 0.134115 3.920181 4.011481 0.005566 2.044463
0.016748 0.129418 3.782888 3.874188 0.005591 2.013331
0.016773 0.124396 3.636095 3.727395 0.005615 1.982347
0.016797 0.120995 3.536684 3.627984 0.005640 1.951511
0.016821 0.117674 3.439611 3.530911 0.005664 1.920823
0.016846 0.109495 3.200539 3.291839 0.005688 1.890280
0.016870 0.104636 3.058510 3.149810 0.005713 1.859884
0.016895 0.098804 2.888053 2.979353 0.005737 1.829633
0.016919 0.094512 2.762589 2.853889 0.005762 1.799527
0.016943 0.090868 2.656063 2.747363 0.005786 1.769565
0.016968 0.087061 2.544802 2.636102 0.005811 1.739747
0.016992 0.083741 2.447744 2.539044 0.005835 1.710072
0.017017 0.083093 2.428805 2.520105 0.005859 1.680540
0.017041 0.083579 2.443008 2.534308 0.005884 1.651150
0.017065 0.084146 2.459582 2.550882 0.005908 1.621901
0.017090 0.079611 2.327015 2.418315 0.005933 1.592794
0.017114 0.075399 2.203916 2.295216 0.005957 1.563827
0.017139 0.078234 2.286771 2.378071 0.005981 1.535000
0.017163 0.079044 2.310444 2.401744 0.006006 1.506313
0.017188 0.076128 2.225221 2.316521 0.006030 1.477764
0.017212 0.074589 2.180245 2.271545 0.006055 1.449354
0.017236 0.073941 2.161307 2.252607 0.006079 1.421082
0.017261 0.069487 2.031108 2.122408 0.006104 1.392947
0.017285 0.068839 2.012170 2.103470 0.006128 1.364949
0.017310 0.067057 1.960088 2.051388 0.006152 1.337087
0.017334 0.066977 1.957723 2.049023 0.006177 1.309361
0.017358 0.065114 1.903273 1.994573 0.006201 1.281770
0.017383 0.062360 1.822789 1.914089 0.006226 1.254315

TableA.l cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) {^} (6)
0.017407 0.055881 1.633407 1.724707 0.006250 1.226993
0.017432 0.054585 1.595531 1.686831 0.006274 1.199805
0.017505 0.056205 1.642875 1.734175 0.006348 1.119038
0.017529 0.057663 1.685487 1.776787 0.006372 1.092380
0.017554 0.055638 1.626305 1.717605 0.006396 1.065853
0.017578 0.050617 1.479535 1.570835 0.006421 1.039456
0.017603 0.049807 1.455864 1.547164 0.006445 1.013190
0.017627 0.048754 1.425088 1.516388 0.006470 0.987053
0.017651 0.051508 1.505576 1.596876 0.006494 0.961046
0.017676 0.053047 1.550555 1.641855 0.006519 0.935167
0.017700 0.051103 1.493741 1.585041 0.006543 0.909417
0.017725 0.052804 1.543452 1.634752 0.006567 0.883794
0.017749 0.053290 1.557655 1.648955 0.006592 0.858299
0.017773 0.054504 1.593164 1.684464 0.006616 0.832930
0.017798 0.055557 1.623940 1.715240 0.006641 0.807687
0.017822 0.058149 1.699689 1.790989 0.006665 0.782570
0.017847 0.055881 1.633407 1.724707 0.006689 0.757579
0.017871 0.054909 1.605002 1.696302 0.006714 0.732712
0.017896 0.053776 1.571858 1.663158 0.006738 0.707969
0.017920 0.053128 1.552920 1.644220 0.006763 0.683351
0.017944 0.051670 1.510311 1.601611 0.006787 0.658855
0.017969 0.049321 1.441659 1.532959 0.006812 0.634483
0.017993 0.045353 1.325665 1.416965 0.006836 0.610233
0.018018 0.042194 1.233342 1.324642 0.006860 0.586105
0.018042 0.037659 1.100775 1.192075 0.006885 0.562098
0.018066 0.035877 1.048696 1.139996 0.006909 0.538212
0.018091 0.035715 1.043961 1.135261 0.006934 0.514447
0.018115 0.033529 0.980044 1.071344 0.006958 0.490802
0.018140 0.033772 0.987147 1.078447 0.006982 0.467277
0.018164 0.034096 0.996614 1.087914 0.007007 0.443870
0.018189 0.031909 0.932700 1.024000 0.007031 0.420582
0.018213 0.029236 0.854580 0.945880 0.007056 0.397413
0.018237 0.028427 0.830907 0.922207 0.007080 0.374361
0.018262 0.025106 0.733848 0.825148 0.007105 0.351427
0.018286 0.023081 0.674669 0.765969 0.007129 0.328609
0.018311 0.023891 0.698340 0.789640 0.007153 0.305908
0.018335 0.020490 0.598917 0.690217 0.007178 0.283323
0.018359 0.015550 0.454515 0.545815 0.007202 0.260853
0.018384 0.011662 0.340886 0.432186 0.007227 0.238498
0.018408 0.010123 0.295907 0.387207 0.007251 0.216258
0.018433 0.010852 0.317213 0.408513 0.007275 0.194132
0.018457 0.006236 0.182279 0.273579 0.007300 0.172119

TableA.n ,cont.)
Raw Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.018481 0.003887 0.113628 0.204928 0.007324 0.150220
0.018506 0.002673 0.078120 0.169420 0.007349 0.128434
0.018530 0.001620 0.047345 0.138645 0.007373 0.106760
0.018555 0.002430 0.071018 0.162318 0.007397 0.085198
0.018579 0.001377 0.040243 0.131543 0.007422 0.063748
0.018604 0.002754 0.080487 0.171787 0.007446 0.042409
0.018628 0.000567 0.016571 0.107871 0.007471 0.021180
0.018652 -0.001296 -0.037876 0.053393 0.007495 0.000062
0.018677 -0.006155 -0.179912 -0.088643 0.007520 -0.020947

Table A.2 - Top Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast
Pressure-Time History for the Second Blast
Po = 13.80 psi a= 0.915
td = 0.007007 sec 1= 37 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 28.14 CF = 0.1769
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
-0.001000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.011377 0.001410 0.041220 0.132520 0.000000 14.391916
0.011401 0.030941 0.904408 0.995708 0.000024 14.307703
0.011426 0.341181 9.972721 10.064021 0.000049 14.223832
0.011450 0.373118 10.906239 10.997539 0.000073 14.140299
0.011475 0.471084 13.769785 13.861085 0.000098 14.057106
0.011499 0.408787 11.948844 12.040144 0.000122 13.974249
0.011523 0.359762 10.515843 10.607143 0.000146 13.891729
0.011548 0.340435 9.950915 10.042215 0.000171 13.809543
0.011572 0.212689 6.216899 6.308199 0.000195 13.727691
0.011597 0.205140 5.996242 6.087542 0.000220 13.646172
0.011621 0.191951 5.610728 5.702028 0.000244 13.564984
0.011646 0.175941 5.142755 5.234055 0.000269 13.484126
0.011670 0.187886 5.491908 5.583208 0.000293 13.403597
0.011694 0.186974 5.465250 5.556550 0.000317 13.323396
0.011719 0.249602 7.295866 7.387166 0.000342 13.243522
0.011743 0.357108 10.438267 10.529567 0.000366 13.163973
0.011768 0.420317 12.285866 12.377166 0.000391 13.084749
0.011792 0.421230 12.312553 12.403853 0.000415 13.005847
0.011816 0.416584 12.176750 12.268050 0.000439 12.927268
0.011841 0.407543 11.912482 12.003782 0.000464 12.849010
0.011865 0.388464 11.354803 11.446103 0.000488 12.771072
0.011890 0.384648 11.243261 11.334561 0.000513 12.693452
0.011914 0.382491 11.180212 11.271512 0.000537 12.616149
0.011939 0.372703 10.894109 10.985409 0.000562 12.539163
0.011963 0.365984 10.697712 10.789012 0.000586 12.462493
0.011987 0.348896 10.198230 10.289530 0.000610 12.386136
0.012012 0.339107 9.912098 10.003398 0.000635 12.310093
0.012036 0.336121 9.824817 9.916117 0.000659 12.234361
0.012061 0.322932 9.439302 9.530602 0.000684 12.158941
0.012085 0.312812 9.143495 9.234795 0.000708 12.083830
0.012109 0.311567 9.107103 9.198403 0.000732 12.009027
0.012134 0.307171 8.978608 9.069908 0.000757 11.934532
0.012158 0.303438 8.869493 8.960793 0.000781 11.860344
0.012183 0.302774 8.850084 8.941384 0.000806 11.786460
0.012207 0.295724 8.644013 8.735313 0.000830 11.712882
0.012231 0.281954 8.241515 8.332815 0.000854 11.639606

Table A.2 cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.012256 0.284608 8.319092 8.410392 0.000879 11.566632
0.012305 0.283613 8.290008 8.381308 0.000928 11.421587
0.012329 0.276147 8.071777 8.163077 0.000952 11.349513
0.012354 0.271999 7.950531 8.041831 0.000977 11.277737
0.012378 0.267769 7.826888 7.918188 0.001001 11.206257
0.012402 0.265363 7.756560 7.847860 0.001025 11.135073
0.012427 0.262875 7.683836 7.775136 0.001050 11.064184
0.012451 0.259722 7.591674 7.682974 0.001074 10.993589
0.012476 0.259391 7.581999 7.673299 0.001099 10.923286
0.012500 0.257317 7.521376 7.612676 0.001123 10.853274
0.012524 0.254331 7.434095 7.525395 0.001147 10.783553
0.012549 0.251676 7.356489 7.447789 0.001172 10.714121
0.012573 0.251676 7.356489 7.447789 0.001196 10.644978
0.012598 0.248026 7.249800 7.341100 0.001221 10.576122
0.012622 0.242800 7.097044 7.188344 0.001245 10.507552
0.012647 0.237906 6.953992 7.045292 0.001270 10.439268
0.012671 0.232099 6.784254 6.875554 0.001294 10.371267
0.012695 0.230606 6.740613 6.831913 0.001318 10.303550
0.012720 0.228532 6.679990 6.771290 0.001343 10.236116
0.012744 0.225297 6.585431 6.676731 0.001367 10.168962
0.012769 0.220486 6.444806 6.536106 0.001392 10.102089
0.012793 0.219574 6.418148 6.509448 0.001416 10.035495
0.012817 0.217666 6.362377 6.453677 0.001440 9.969179
0.012842 0.217002 6.342968 6.434268 0.001465 9.903140
0.012866 0.215343 6.294476 6.385776 0.001489 9.837378
0.012891 0.210117 6.141720 6.233020 0.001514 9.771891
0.012915 0.208873 6.105358 6.196658 0.001538 9.706678
0.012940 0.206965 6.049587 6.140887 0.001563 9.641738
0.012964 0.205140 5.996242 6.087542 0.001587 9.577070
0.012988 0.203896 5.959880 6.051180 0.001611 9.512674
0.013013 0.202652 5.923518 6.014818 0.001636 9.448548
0.013037 0.203315 5.942897 6.034197 0.001660 9.384692
0.013062 0.199665 5.836208 5.927508 0.001685 9.321104
0.013086 0.193693 5.661646 5.752946 0.001709 9.257783
0.013110 0.188633 5.513743 5.605043 0.001733 9.194729
0.013135 0.181748 5.312494 5.403794 0.001758 9.131940
0.013159 0.176853 5.169413 5.260713 0.001782 9.069416
0.013184 0.170798 4.992426 5.083726 0.001807 9.007155
0.013208 0.169471 4.953637 5.044937 0.001831 8.945157
0.013232 0.167397 4.893014 4.984314 0.001855 8.883421
0.013257 0.161176 4.711174 4.802474 0.001880 8.821945
0.013281 0.158521 4.633569 4.724869 0.001904 8.760730

Table A.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (3) (4) (6)
0.013306 0.154042 4.502648 4.593948 0.001929 8.699773
0.013330 0.154208 4.507500 4.598800 0.001953 8.639074
0.013403 0.150309 4.393532 4.484832 0.002026 8.458516
0.013428 0.148899 4.352318 4.443618 0.002051 8.398840
0.013452 0.147986 4.325631 4.416931 0.002075 8.339417
0.013477 0.150060 4.386254 4.477554 0.002100 8.280246
0.013501 0.147903 4.323205 4.414505 0.002124 8.221327
0.013525 0.139774 4.085594 4.176894 0.002148 8.162658
0.013550 0.127995 3.741294 3.832594 0.002173 8.104240
0.013574 0.115469 3.375159 3.466459 0.002197 8.046070
0.013599 0.112151 3.278174 3.369474 0.002222 7.988147
0.013623 0.108833 3.181189 3.272489 0.002246 7.930472
0.013648 0.115967 3.389715 3.481015 0.002271 7.873043
0.013672 0.111902 3.270895 3.362195 0.002295 7.815860
0.013696 0.113146 3.307258 3.398558 0.002319 7.758920
0.013721 0.123515 3.610343 3.701643 0.002344 7.702224
0.013745 0.130815 3.823722 3.915022 0.002368 7.645771
0.013770 0.130898 3.826149 3.917449 0.002393 7.589559
0.013794 0.118372 3.460014 3.551314 0.002417 7.533588
0.013818 0.115718 3.382437 3.473737 0.002441 7.477857
0.013843 0.117792 3.443060 3.534360 0.002466 7.422365
0.013867 0.123598 3.612770 3.704070 0.002490 7.367111
0.013892 0.116796 3.413947 3.505247 0.002515 7.312094
0.013916 0.108916 3.183615 3.274915 0.002539 7.257314
0.013940 0.111404 3.256339 3.347639 0.002563 7.202770
0.013965 0.114142 3.336371 3.427671 0.002588 7.148460
0.013989 0.116382 3.401846 3.493146 0.002612 7.094384
0.014014 0.112483 3.287878 3.379178 0.002637 7.040542
0.014038 0.110658 3.234533 3.325833 0.002661 6.986931
0.014063 0.112980 3.302405 3.393705 0.002686 6.933552
0.014087 0.121359 3.547324 3.638624 0.002710 6.880403
0.014111 0.122935 3.593390 3.684690 0.002734 6.827485
0.014136 0.122271 3.573981 3.665281 0.002759 6.774794
0.014160 0.119368 3.489127 3.580427 0.002783 6.722332
0.014185 0.111902 3.270895 3.362195 0.002808 6.670097
0.014209 0.116879 3.416373 3.507673 0.002832 6.618089
0.014233 0.121607 3.554573 3.645873 0.002856 6.566306
0.014258 0.119617 3.496405 3.587705 0.002881 6.514748
0.014282 0.115054 3.363028 3.454328 0.002905 6.463413
0.014307 0.113395 3.314536 3.405836 0.002930 6.412302
0.014331 0.114059 3.333945 3.425245 0.002954 6.361413
0.014356 0.108833 3.181189 3.272489 0.002979 6.310745

Table A.2 cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) {'} . (4) (5) {^} .
0.014380 0.106676 3.118139 3.209439 0.003003 6.260298
0.014404 0.101616 2.970236 3.061536 0.003027 6.210071
0.014478 0.100870 2.948430 3.039730 0.003101 6.060701
0.014502 0.099459 2.907195 2.998495 0.003125 6.011345
0.014526 0.102031 2.982366 3.073666 0.003149 5.962205
0.014551 0.103026 3.011450 3.102750 0.003174 5.913280
0.014575 0.108501 3.171484 3.262784 0.003198 5.864570
0.014600 0.111404 3.256339 3.347639 0.003223 5.816073
0.014624 0.116050 3.392142 3.483442 0.003247 5.767788
0.014648 0.122354 3.576407 3.667707 0.003271 5.719716
0.014673 0.120944 3.535193 3.626493 0.003296 5.671854
0.014697 0.130649 3.818870 3.910170 0.003320 5.624204
0.014722 0.135295 3.954673 4.045973 0.003345 5.576762
0.014746 0.131728 3.850409 3.941709 0.003369 5.529530
0.014771 0.130152 3.804343 3.895643 0.003394 5.482505
0.014795 0.128410 3.753424 3.844724 0.003418 5.435688
0.014819 0.125423 3.666114 3.757414 0.003442 5.389078
0.014844 0.126253 3.690375 3.781675 0.003467 5.342673
0.014868 0.121442 3.549750 3.641050 0.003491 5.296473
0.014893 0.120031 3.508506 3.599806 0.003516 5.250478
0.014917 0.126999 3.712181 3.803481 0.003540 5.204686
0.014941 0.126419 3.695227 3.786527 0.003564 5.159097
0.014966 0.126004 3.683097 3.774397 0.003589 5.113710
0.014990 0.126751 3.704932 3.796232 0.003613 5.068524
0.015015 0.124677 3.644309 3.735609 0.003638 5.023539
0.015039 0.125838 3.678245 3.769545 0.003662 4.978754
0.015064 0.124677 3.644309 3.735609 0.003687 4.934168
0.015088 0.119451 3.491553 3.582853 0.003711 4.889780
0.015112 0.117792 3.443060 3.534360 0.003735 4.845590
0.015137 0.118953 3.476996 3.568296 0.003760 4.801596
0.015161 0.121276 3.544897 3.636197 0.003784 4.757799
0.015186 0.117294 3.428504 3.519804 0.003809 4.714197
0.015210 0.120446 3.520637 3.611937 0.003833 4.670790
0.015234 0.122022 3.566703 3.658003 0.003857 4.627577
0.015259 0.120031 3.508506 3.599806 0.003882 4.584558
0.015283 0.119119 3.481848 3.573148 0.003906 4.541730
0.015308 0.117377 3.430930 3.522230 0.003931 4.499095
0.015332 0.119119 3.481848 3.573148 0.003955 4.456651
0.015356 0.117792 3.443060 3.534360 0.003979 4.414397
0.015381 0.119036 3.479422 3.570722 0.004004 4.372334
0.015405 0.118704 3.469718 3.561018 0.004028 4.330459
0.015430 0.117792 3.443060 3.534360 0.004053 4.288772

Table A.2 cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.015454 0.117958 3.447912 3.539212 0.004077 4.247273
0.015479 0.119617 3.496405 3.587705 0.004102 4.205961
0.015552 0.123598 3.612770 3.704070 0.004175 4.083141
0.015576 0.122022 3.566703 3.658003 0.004199 4.042570
0.015601 0.122769 3.588538 3.679838 0.004224 4.002182
0.015625 0.124013 3.624900 3.716200 0.004248 3.961978
0.015649 0.122603 3.583686 3.674986 0.004272 3.921955
0.015674 0.125009 3.654013 3.745313 0.004297 3.882114
0.015698 0.123432 3.607917 3.699217 0.004321 3.842454
0.015723 0.120861 3.532767 3.624067 0.004346 3.802974
0.015747 0.116962 3.418799 3.510099 0.004370 3.763673
0.015772 0.116962 3.418799 3.510099 0.004395 3.724552
0.015796 0.116547 3.406669 3.497969 0.004419 3.685608
0.015820 0.113478 3.316962 3.408262 0.004443 3.646842
0.015845 0.112732 3.295156 3.386456 0.004468 3.608253
0.015869 0.114059 3.333945 3.425245 0.004492 3.569840
0.015894 0.110326 3.224829 3.316129 0.004517 3.531602
0.015918 0.109828 3.210272 3.301572 0.004541 3.493539
0.015942 0.108584 3.173910 3.265210 0.004565 3.455651
0.015967 0.109331 3.195745 3.287045 0.004590 3.417936
0.015991 0.109579 3.202994 3.294294 0.004614 3.380394
0.016016 0.109994 3.215125 3.306425 0.004639 3.343024
0.016040 0.107755 3.149679 3.240979 0.004663 3.305826
0.016065 0.105681 3.089056 3.180356 0.004688 3.268798
0.016089 0.106427 3.110861 3.202161 0.004712 3.231941
0.016113 0.106344 3.108435 3.199735 0.004736 3.195254
0.016138 0.104105 3.042989 3.134289 0.004761 3.158736
0.016162 0.107920 3.154502 3.245802 0.004785 3.122386
0.016187 0.108418 3.169058 3.260358 0.004810 3.086204
0.016211 0.110741 3.236959 3.328259 0.004834 3.050190
0.016235 0.109579 3.202994 3.294294 0.004858 3.014342
0.016260 0.109579 3.202994 3.294294 0.004883 2.978659
0.016284 0.110907 3.241812 3.333112 0.004907 2.943142
0.016309 0.111653 3.263617 3.354917 0.004932 2.907790
0.016333 0.113312 3.312110 3.403410 0.004956 2.872602
0.016357 0.110990 3.244238 3.335538 0.004980 2.837578
0.016382 0.108833 3.181189 3.272489 0.005005 2.802716
0.016406 0.105847 3.093908 3.185208 0.005029 2.768016
0.016431 0.104602 3.057516 3.148816 0.005054 2.733478
0.016455 0.102529 2.996923 3.088223 0.005078 2.699101
0.016480 0.098879 2.890224 2.981524 0.005103 2.664885
0.016504 0.101035 2.953253 3.044553 0.005127 2.630828

Table A.2 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5^ (6)
0.016528 0.101201 2.958105 3.049405 0.005151 2.596931
0.016553 0.099128 2.897497 2.988797 0.005176 2.563192
0.016626 0.098049 2.865978 2.957278 0.005249 2.462921
0.016650 0.097469 2.849004 2.940304 0.005273 2.429811
0.016675 0.093985 2.747167 2.838467 0.005298 2.396856
0.016699 0.090832 2.655028 2.746328 0.005322 2.364057
0.016724 0.092823 2.713222 2.804522 0.005347 2.331412
0.016748 0.090832 2.655028 2.746328 0.005371 2.298921
0.016773 0.087680 2.562892 2.654192 0.005396 2.266583
0.016797 0.084279 2.463478 2.554778 0.005420 2.234398
0.016821 0.084611 2.473177 2.564477 0.005444 2.202365
0.016846 0.081044 2.368916 2.460216 0.005469 2.170483
0.016870 0.076648 2.240409 2.331709 0.005493 2.138753
0.016895 0.072749 2.126447 2.217747 0.005518 2.107173
0.016919 0.072085 2.107050 2.198350 0.005542 2.075743
0.016943 0.069348 2.027036 2.118336 0.005566 2.044463
0.016968 0.069597 2.034309 2.125609 0.005591 2.013331
0.016992 0.067523 1.973691 2.064991 0.005615 1.982347
0.017017 0.065532 1.915500 2.006800 0.005640 1.951511
0.017041 0.063873 1.867008 1.958308 0.005664 1.920823
0.017065 0.062214 1.818512 1.909812 0.005688 1.890280
0.017090 0.061219 1.789417 1.880717 0.005713 1.859884
0.017114 0.057403 1.677881 1.769181 0.005737 1.829633
0.017139 0.056324 1.646359 1.737659 0.005762 1.799527
0.017163 0.052177 1.525125 1.616425 0.005786 1.769565
0.017188 0.050186 1.466934 1.558234 0.005811 1.739747
0.017212 0.047531 1.389343 1.480643 0.005835 1.710072
0.017236 0.047449 1.386920 1.478220 0.005859 1.680540
0.017261 0.045955 1.343276 1.434576 0.005884 1.651150
0.017285 0.047946 1.401467 1.492767 0.005908 1.621901
0.017310 0.048527 1.418441 1.509741 0.005933 1.592794
0.017334 0.046204 1.350549 1.441849 0.005957 1.563827
0.017358 0.049273 1.440261 1.531561 0.005981 1.535000
0.017383 0.049356 1.442688 1.533988 0.006006 1.506313
0.017407 0.047614 1.391769 1.483069 0.006030 1.477764
0.017432 0.050269 1.469360 1.560660 0.006055 1.449354
0.017456 0.048693 1.423291 1.514591 0.006079 1.421082
0.017481 0.049771 1.454809 1.546109 0.006104 1.392947
0.017505 0.049108 1.435412 1.526712 0.006128 1.364949
0.017529 0.048527 1.418441 1.509741 0.006152 1.337087
0.017554 0.047697 1.394192 1.485492 0.006177 1.309361
0.017578 0.045541 1.331152 1.422452 0.006201 1.281770

Table A.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.017603 0.049025 1.432989 1.524289 0.006226 1.254315
0.017627 0.048195 1.408743 1.500043 0.006250 1.226993
0.017700 0.029033 0.848640 0.939940 0.006323 1.145828
0.017725 0.023807 0.695884 0.787184 0.006348 1.119038
0.017749 0.023724 0.693458 0.784758 0.006372 1.092380
0.017773 0.028618 0.836516 0.927816 0.006396 1.065853
0.017798 0.032600 0.952901 1.044201 0.006421 1.039456
0.017822 0.031190 0.911681 1.002981 0.006445 1.013190
0.017847 0.034425 1.006243 1.097543 0.006470 0.987053
0.017871 0.042388 1.239013 1.330313 0.006494 0.961046
0.017896 0.036831 1.076558 1.167858 0.006519 0.935167
0.017920 0.034010 0.994121 1.085421 0.006543 0.909417
0.017944 0.028784 0.841365 0.932665 0.006567 0.883794
0.017969 0.027457 0.802571 0.893871 0.006592 0.858299
0.017993 0.031937 0.933504 1.024804 0.006616 0.832930
0.018018 0.033761 0.986846 1.078146 0.006641 0.807687
0.018042 0.037660 1.100808 1.192108 0.006665 0.782570
0.018066 0.043550 1.272961 1.364261 0.006689 0.757579
0.018091 0.045955 1.343276 1.434576 0.006714 0.732712
0.018115 0.043384 1.268108 1.359408 0.006738 0.707969
0.018140 0.043550 1.272961 1.364261 0.006763 0.683351
0.018164 0.042057 1.229314 1.320614 0.006787 0.658855
0.018189 0.040149 1.173547 1.264847 0.006812 0.634483
0.018213 0.041310 1.207491 1.298791 0.006836 0.610233
0.018237 0.037328 1.091109 1.182409 0.006860 0.586105
0.018262 0.032849 0.960176 1.051476 0.006885 0.562098
0.018286 0.023475 0.686186 0.777486 0.006909 0.538212
0.018311 0.015512 0.453416 0.544716 0.006934 0.514447
0.018335 0.010452 0.305509 0.396809 0.006958 0.490802
0.018359 0.006802 0.198824 0.290124 0.006982 0.467277
0.018384 0.002074 0.060617 0.151917 0.007007 0.443870

Ta jle A.3 - Free Fleld Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure Time History
Pressure Time History for the Second Blast
td = 0.013379 sec a= 1.0
P° = 8.38 psi 1= 41.0 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 10 CF = -0.1235
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Itnpulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
-0.001000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.009961 -0.021016 -0.210162 -0.086662 0.00000000 0.000000 8.380460
0.009985 0.439430 4.394300 4.517800 0.000054 0.000024 8.349916
0.010010 0.592275 5.922750 6.046250 0.000129 0.000049 8.319456
0.010034 0.550575 5.505750 5.629250 0.000143 0.000073 8.289079
0.010059 0.584799 5.847990 5.971490 0.000142 0.000098 8.258785
0.010083 0.573169 5.731690 5.855190 0.000144 0.000122 8.228573
0.010107 0.589949 5.899490 6.022990 0.000145 0.000146 8.198445
0.010132 0.583220 5.832200 5.955700 0.000146 0.000171 8.168399
0.010156 0.590697 5.906970 6.030470 0.000146 0.000195 8.138436
0.010181 0.589866 5.898660 6.022160 0.000147 0.000220 8.108554
0.010205 0.591112 5.911120 6.034620 0.00014718 0.000244 8.078755
0.010230 0.589118 5.891180 6.014680 0.00014709 0.000269 8.049037
0.010254 0.587789 5.877890 6.001390 0.00014668 0.000293 8.019400
0.010278 0.591527 5.915270 6.038770 0.00014697 0.000317 7.989845
0.010303 0.589866 5.898660 6.022160 0.00014723 0.000342 7.960371
0.010327 0.587208 5.872080 5.995580 0.00014670 0.000366 7.930978
0.010352 0.592524 5.925240 6.048740 0.00014703 0.000391 7.901666
0.010376 0.591195 5.911950 6.035450 0.00014751 0.000415 7.872434
0.010400 0.588869 5.888690 6.012190 0.00014707 0.000439 7.843283
0.010425 0.584633 5.846330 5.969830 0.00014627 0.000464 7.814212
0.010449 0.598007 5.980070 6.103570 0.00014738 0.000488 7.785220
0.010474 0.585962 5.859620 5.983120 0.00014754 0.000513 7.756308
0.010498 0.695362 6.953620 7.077120 0.00015943 0.000537 7.727476
0.010523 0.825696 8.256960 8.380460 0.00018869 0.000562 7.698724
0.010547 0.802769 8.027690 8.151190 0.00020180 0.000586 7.670050
0.010571 0.748193 7.481930 7.605430 0.00019234 0.000610 7.641455
0.010596 0.716461 7.164610 7.288110 0.00018181 0.000635 7.612940
0.010620 0.684646 6.846460 6.969960 0.00017405 0.000659 7.584502
0.010645 0.646352 6.463520 6.587020 0.00016549 0.000684 7.556143
0.010669 0.623010 6.230100 6.353600 0.00015797 0.000708 7.527863
0.010693 0.607975 6.079750 6.203250 0.00015328 0.000732 7.499660
0.010718 0.587457 5.874570 5.998070 0.00014894 0.000757 7.471535
0.010742 0.565859 5.658590 5.782090 0.00014380 0.000781 7.443488
0.010767 0.557137 5.571370 5.694870 0.00014010 0.000806 7.415518
0.010791 0.562786 5.627860 5.751360 0.00013972 0.000830 7.387625
0.010815 0.559463 5.594630 5.718130 0.00014001 0.000854 7.359810

Table A.3 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiu-e Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.010840 0.565278 5.652780 5.776280 0.00014031 0.000879 7.332071
0.010889 0.581310 5.813100 5.936600 0.00014425 0.000928 7.276824
0.010913 0.583220 5.832200 5.955700 0.00014517 0.000952 7.249315
0.010938 0.591361 5.913610 6.037110 0.00014640 0.000977 7.221881
0.010962 0.591527 5.915270 6.038770 0.00014741 0.001001 7.194524
0.010986 0.596594 5.965940 6.089440 0.00014805 0.001025 7.167243
0.011011 0.598256 5.982560 6.106060 0.00014887 0.001050 7.140037
0.011035 0.594933 5.949330 6.072830 0.00014867 0.001074 7.112907
0.011060 0.591029 5.910290 6.033790 0.00014779 0.001099 7.085851
0.011084 0.588786 5.887860 6.011360 0.00014704 0.001123 7.058871
0.011108 0.580396 5.803960 5.927460 0.00014574 0.001147 7.031966
0.011133 0.577073 5.770730 5.894230 0.00014431 0.001172 7.005135
0.011157 0.579067 5.790670 5.914170 0.00014415 0.001196 6.978379
0.011182 0.577738 5.777380 5.900880 0.00014423 0.001221 6.951697
0.011206 0.576326 5.763260 5.886760 0.00014389 0.001245 6.925089
0.011231 0.574166 5.741660 5.865160 0.00014346 0.001270 6.898555
0.011255 0.575993 5.759930 5.883430 0.00014342 0.001294 6.872094
0.011279 0.574083 5.740830 5.864330 0.00014341 0.001318 6.845708
0.011304 0.568351 5.683510 5.807010 0.00014247 0.001343 6.819394
0.011328 0.569016 5.690160 5.813660 0.00014185 0.001367 6.793154
0.011353 0.561789 5.617890 5.741390 0.00014105 0.001392 6.766987
0.011377 0.567354 5.673540 5.797040 0.00014085 0.001416 6.740893
0.011401 0.562952 5.629520 5.753020 0.00014099 0.001440 6.714871
0.011426 0.557719 5.577190 5.700690 0.00013982 0.001465 6.688922
0.011450 0.556639 5.566390 5.689890 0.00013905 0.001489 6.663045
0.011475 0.560875 5.608750 5.732250 0.00013943 0.001514 6.637240
0.011499 0.555642 5.556420 5.679920 0.00013931 0.001538 6.611507
0.011523 0.552901 5.529010 5.652510 0.00013834 0.001563 6.585846
0.011548 0.551738 5.517380 5.640880 0.00013786 0.001587 6.560257
0.011572 0.548664 5.486640 5.610140 0.00013734 0.001611 6.534739
0.011597 0.543597 5.435970 5.559470 0.00013635 0.001636 6.509292
0.011621 0.540357 5.403570 5.527070 0.00013533 0.001660 6.483916
0.011646 0.538530 5.385300 5.508800 0.00013472 0.001685 6.458612
0.011670 0.540191 5.401910 5.525410 0.00013470 0.001709 6.433377
0.011694 0.542351 5.423510 5.547010 0.00013516 0.001733 6.408214
0.011719 0.535872 5.358720 5.482220 0.00013463 0.001758 6.383121
0.011743 0.526734 5.267340 5.390840 0.00013273 0.001782 6.358098
0.011768 0.523162 5.231620 5.355120 0.00013118 0.001807 6.333145
0.011792 0.523079 5.230790 5.354290 0.00013073 0.001831 6.308261
0.011816 0.527233 5.272330 5.395830 0.00013123 0.001855 6.283448
0.011841 0.533130 5.331300 5.454800 0.00013245 0.001880 6.258704
0.011865 0.528229 5.282290 5.405790 0.00013258 0.001904 6.234029

Table A.3 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure In^ulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.011890 0.524574 5.245740 5.369240 0.00013153 0.001929 6.209424
0.011914 0.518593 5.185930 5.309430 0.00013036 0.001953 6.184888
0.011987 0.511616 5.116160 5.239660 0.00012854 0.002026 6.111691
0.012012 0.511450 5.114500 5.238000 0.00012790 0.002051 6.087428
0.012036 0.504887 5.048870 5.172370 0.00012708 0.002075 6.063234
0.012061 0.507047 5.070470 5.193970 0.00012654 0.002100 6.039108
0.012085 0.509705 5.097050 5.220550 0.00012713 0.002124 6.015050
0.012109 0.507961 5.079610 5.203110 0.00012724 0.002148 5.991060
0.012134 0.504389 5.043890 5.167390 0.00012659 0.002173 5.967137
0.012158 0.508542 5.085420 5.208920 0.00012666 0.002197 5.943281
0.012183 0.501149 5.011490 5.134990 0.00012627 0.002222 5.919492
0.012207 0.496581 4.965810 5.089310 0.00012481 0.002246 5.895771
0.012231 0.502561 5.025610 5.149110 0.00012498 0.002271 5.872116
0.012256 0.504306 5.043060 5.166560 0.00012592 0.002295 5.848528
0.012280 0.497162 4.971620 5.095120 0.00012526 0.002319 5.825006
0.012305 0.490932 4.909320 5.032820 0.00012363 0.002344 5.801551
0.012329 0.488772 4.887720 5.011220 0.00012261 0.002368 5.778162
0.012354 0.487277 4.872770 4.996270 0.00012216 0.002393 5.754839
0.012378 0.486612 4.866120 4.989620 0.00012190 0.002417 5.731581
0.012402 0.488274 4.882740 5.006240 0.00012202 0.002441 5.708390
0.012427 0.497743 4.977430 5.100930 0.00012338 0.002466 5.685264
0.012451 0.496082 4.960820 5.084320 0.00012433 0.002490 5.662203
0.012476 0.484619 4.846190 4.969690 0.00012273 0.002515 5.639207
0.012500 0.478887 4.788870 4.912370 0.00012063 0.002539 5.616277
0.012524 0.477724 4.777240 4.900740 0.00011979 0.002563 5.593411
0.012549 0.476976 4.769760 4.893260 0.00011956 0.002588 5.570610
0.012573 0.473072 4.730720 4.854220 0.00011899 0.002612 5.547874
0.012598 0.473986 4.739860 4.863360 0.00011862 0.002637 5.525202
0.012622 0.472574 4.725740 4.849240 0.00011856 0.002661 5.502594
0.012647 0.465015 4.650150 4.773650 0.00011747 0.002686 5.480050
0.012671 0.459615 4.596150 4.719650 0.00011589 0.002710 5.457570
0.012695 0.464433 4.644330 4.767830 0.00011581 0.002734 5.435154
0.012720 0.464849 4.648490 4.771990 0.00011645 0.002759 5.412802
0.012744 0.464516 4.645160 4.768660 0.00011646 0.002783 5.390513
0.012769 0.462523 4.625230 4.748730 0.00011618 0.002808 5.368287
0.012793 0.458785 4.587850 4.711350 0.00011548 0.002832 5.346124
0.012817 0.457954 4.579540 4.703040 0.00011492 0.002856 5.324025
0.012842 0.452554 4.525540 4.649040 0.00011416 0.002881 5.301988
0.012866 0.446989 4.469890 4.593390 0.00011282 0.002905 5.280014
0.012891 0.452638 4.526380 4.649880 0.00011283 0.002930 5.258102
0.012915 0.449813 4.498130 4.621630 0.00011318 0.002954 5.236253
0.012940 0.441589 4.415890 4.539390 0.00011183 0.002979 5.214465

Table A.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Iiiq)ulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.012964 0.438848 4.388480 4.511980 0.00011049 0.003003 5.192740
0.012988 0.435775 4.357750 4.481250 0.00010978 0.003027 5.171077
0.013062 0.436190 4.361900 4.485400 0.00010869 0.003101 5.106457
0.013086 0.432618 4.326180 4.449680 0.00010907 0.003125 5.085040
0.013110 0.429295 4.292950 4.416450 0.00010823 0.003149 5.063684
0.013135 0.430292 4.302920 4.426420 0.00010795 0.003174 5.042389
0.013159 0.424062 4.240620 4.364120 0.00010731 0.003198 5.021154
0.013184 0.420989 4.209890 4.333390 0.00010617 0.003223 4.999981
0.013208 0.420158 4.201580 4.325080 0.00010569 0.003247 4.978868
0.013232 0.417583 4.175830 4.299330 0.00010528 0.003271 4.957815
0.013257 0.418663 4.186630 4.310130 0.00010510 0.003296 4.936822
0.013281 0.421155 4.211550 4.335050 0.00010553 0.003320 4.915890
0.013306 0.415921 4.159210 4.282710 0.00010520 0.003345 4.895017
0.013330 0.410356 4.103560 4.227060 0.00010388 0.003369 4.874205
0.013355 0.415755 4.157550 4.281050 0.00010386 0.003394 4.853451
0.013379 0.407282 4.072820 4.196320 0.00010348 0.003418 4.832758
0.013403 0.402797 4.027970 4.151470 0.00010190 0.003442 4.812123
0.013428 0.407449 4.074490 4.197990 0.00010192 0.003467 4.791548
0.013452 0.410107 4.101070 4.224570 0.00010281 0.003491 4.771032
0.013477 0.404790 4.047900 4.171400 0.00010249 0.003516 4.750575
0.013501 0.397730 3.977300 4.100800 0.00010098 0.003540 4.730176
0.013525 0.392413 3.924130 4.047630 0.00009947 0.003564 4.709836
0.013550 0.390004 3.900040 4.023540 0.00009853 0.003589 4.689555
0.013574 0.388841 3.888410 4.011910 0.00009809 0.003613 4.669331
0.013599 0.389423 3.894230 4.017730 0.00009802 0.003638 4.649166
0.013623 0.391915 3.919150 4.042650 0.00009839 0.003662 4.629059
0.013648 0.392579 3.925790 4.049290 0.00009878 0.003687 4.609010
0.013672 0.392413 3.924130 4.047630 0.00009884 0.003711 4.589018
0.013696 0.388924 3.889240 4.012740 0.00009839 0.003735 4.569085
0.013721 0.389091 3.890910 4.014410 0.00009799 0.003760 4.549208
0.013745 0.386100 3.861000 3.984500 0.00009764 0.003784 4.529389
0.013770 0.381864 3.818640 3.942140 0.00009676 0.003809 4.509627
0.013794 0.379205 3.792050 3.915550 0.00009592 0.003833 4.489922
0.013818 0.379538 3.795380 3.918880 0.00009564 0.003857 4.470274
0.013843 0.379953 3.799530 3.923030 0.00009573 0.003882 4.450682
0.013867 0.375384 3.753840 3.877340 0.00009522 0.003906 4.431147
0.013892 0.379704 3.797040 3.920540 0.00009519 0.003931 4.411669
0.013916 0.376880 3.768800 3.892300 0.00009537 0.003955 4.392247
0.013940 0.375052 3.750520 3.874020 0.00009480 0.003979 4.372881
0.013965 0.372145 3.721450 3.844950 0.00009423 0.004004 4.353571
0.013989 0.368656 3.686560 3.810060 0.00009345 0.004028 4.334317
0.014014 0.370400 3.704000 3.827500 0.00009323 0.004053 4.315118

Ta ble A.3 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Inpulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.014038 0.370151 3.701510 3.825010 0.00009341 0.004077 4.295976
0.014063 0.373225 3.732250 3.855750 0.00009376 0.004102 4.276888
0.014136 0.362841 3.628410 3.751910 0.00009176 0.004175 4.219958
0.014160 0.362343 3.623430 3.746930 0.00009154 0.004199 4.201091
0.014185 0.361180 3.611800 3.735300 0.00009134 0.004224 4.182279
0.014209 0.356279 3.562790 3.686290 0.00009060 0.004248 4.163521
0.014233 0.357857 3.578570 3.702070 0.00009019 0.004272 4.144818
0.014258 0.352042 3.520420 3.643920 0.00008967 0.004297 4.126170
0.014282 0.351627 3.516270 3.639770 0.00008891 0.004321 4.107575
0.014307 0.351710 3.517100 3.640600 0.00008887 0.004346 4.089035
0.014331 0.350132 3.501320 3.624820 0.00008869 0.004370 4.070549
0.014356 0.351544 3.515440 3.638940 0.00008867 0.004395 4.052116
0.014380 0.348221 3.482210 3.605710 0.00008844 0.004419 4.033737
0.014404 0.347557 3.475570 3.599070 0.00008795 0.004443 4.015412
0.014429 0.345314 3.453140 3.576640 0.00008759 0.004468 3.997140
0.014453 0.342323 3.423230 3.546730 0.00008696 0.004492 3.978921
0.014478 0.340662 3.406620 3.530120 0.00008639 0.004517 3.960756
0.014502 0.343985 3.439850 3.563350 0.00008659 0.004541 3.942643
0.014526 0.337339 3.373390 3.496890 0.00008618 0.004565 3.924584
0.014551 0.336924 3.369240 3.492740 0.00008532 0.004590 3.906577
0.014575 0.338253 3.382530 3.506030 0.00008543 0.004614 3.888623
0.014600 0.334266 3.342660 3.466160 0.00008511 0.004639 3.870721
0.014624 0.328036 3.280360 3.403860 0.00008386 0.004663 3.852872
0.014648 0.329115 3.291150 3.414650 0.00008323 0.004688 3.835074
0.014673 0.334016 3.340160 3.463660 0.00008396 0.004712 3.817329
0.014697 0.329531 3.295310 3.418810 0.00008401 0.004736 3.799636
0.014722 0.327371 3.273710 3.397210 0.00008320 0.004761 3.781995
0.014746 0.325211 3.252110 3.375610 0.00008268 0.004785 3.764405
0.014771 0.322138 3.221380 3.344880 0.00008204 0.004810 3.746867
0.014795 0.324796 3.247960 3.371460 0.00008199 0.004834 3.729381
0.014819 0.327122 3.271220 3.394720 0.00008260 0.004858 3.711945
0.014844 0.327952 3.279520 3.403020 0.00008298 0.004883 3.694561
0.014868 0.321889 3.218890 3.342390 0.00008234 0.004907 3.677228
0.014893 0.319646 3.196460 3.319960 0.00008133 0.004932 3.659946
0.014917 0.319147 3.191470 3.314970 0.00008099 0.004956 3.642715
0.014941 0.319480 3.194800 3.318300 0.00008097 0.004980 3.625534
0.014966 0.319563 3.195630 3.319130 0.00008102 0.005005 3.608404
0.014990 0.313249 3.132490 3.255990 0.00008026 0.005029 3.591324
0.015015 0.311007 3.110070 3.233570 0.00007922 0.005054 3.574295
0.015039 0.309345 3.093450 3.216950 0.00007874 0.005078 3.557315
0.015064 0.308348 3.083480 3.206980 0.00007842 0.005103 3.540386
0.015088 0.307933 3.079330 3.202830 0.00007824 0.005127 3.523507

Table A.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Inpulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.015112 0.306189 3.061890 3.185390 0.00007798 0.005151 3.506677
0.015137 0.304278 3.042780 3.166280 0.00007754 0.005176 3.489897
0.015210 0.296802 2.968020 3.091520 0.00007638 0.005249 3.439854
0.015234 0.294144 2.941440 3.064940 0.00007515 0.005273 3.423272
0.015259 0.293645 2.936450 3.059950 0.00007477 0.005298 3.406738
0.015283 0.295141 2.951410 3.074910 0.00007489 0.005322 3.390253
0.015308 0.293064 2.930640 3.054140 0.00007482 0.005347 3.373818
0.015332 0.290240 2.902400 3.025900 0.00007422 0.005371 3.357430
0.015356 0.289409 2.894090 3.017590 0.00007377 0.005396 3.341092
0.015381 0.284840 2.848400 2.971900 0.00007311 0.005420 3.324802
0.015405 0.282763 2.827630 2.951130 0.00007230 0.005444 3.308560
0.015430 0.279441 2.794410 2.917910 0.00007164 0.005469 3.292366
0.015454 0.277530 2.775300 2.898800 0.00007100 0.005493 3.276220
0.015479 0.276201 2.762010 2.885510 0.00007061 0.005518 3.260122
0.015503 0.276035 2.760350 2.883850 0.00007043 0.005542 3.244072
0.015527 0.271965 2.719650 2.843150 0.00006991 0.005566 3.228070
0.015552 0.272629 2.726290 2.849790 0.00006949 0.005591 3.212115
0.015576 0.272629 2.726290 2.849790 0.00006958 0.005615 3.196208
0.015601 0.268144 2.681440 2.804940 0.00006903 0.005640 3.180348
0.015625 0.267230 2.672300 2.795800 0.00006837 0.005664 3.164536
0.015649 0.265735 2.657350 2.780850 0.00006807 0.005688 3.148770
0.015674 0.269057 2.690570 2.814070 0.00006830 0.005713 3.133051
0.015698 0.267147 2.671470 2.794970 0.00006847 0.005737 3.117379
0.015723 0.267479 2.674790 2.798290 0.00006828 0.005762 3.101754
0.015747 0.266399 2.663990 2.787490 0.00006819 0.005786 3.086176
0.015772 0.262661 2.626610 2.750110 0.00006760 0.005811 3.070644
0.015796 0.263076 2.630760 2.754260 0.00006719 0.005835 3.055158
0.015820 0.262827 2.628270 2.751770 0.00006721 0.005859 3.039719
0.015845 0.258923 2.589230 2.712730 0.00006671 0.005884 3.024326
0.015869 0.259421 2.594210 2.717710 0.00006629 0.005908 3.008978
0.015894 0.257594 2.575940 2.699440 0.00006613 0.005933 2.993677
0.015918 0.255933 2.559330 2.682830 0.00006570 0.005957 2.978422
0.015942 0.257179 2.571790 2.695290 0.00006565 0.005981 2.963212
0.015967 0.258508 2.585080 2.708580 0.00006597 0.006006 2.948048
0.015991 0.261498 2.614980 2.738480 0.00006649 0.006030 2.932929
0.016016 0.261332 2.613320 2.736820 0.00006684 0.006055 2.917855
0.016040 0.257677 2.576770 2.700270 0.00006637 0.006079 2.902827
0.016065 0.254188 2.541880 2.665380 0.00006550 0.006104 2.887844
0.016089 0.256265 2.562650 2.686150 0.00006533 0.006128 2.872906
0.016113 0.255600 2.556000 2.679500 0.00006550 0.006152 2.858012
0.016138 0.249785 2.497850 2.621350 0.00006471 0.006177 2.843164
0.016162 0.253025 2.530250 2.653750 0.00006439 0.006201 2.828360

Table A.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.016187 0.250284 2.502840 2.626340 0.00006445 0.006226 2.813601
0.016211 0.246380 2.463800 2.587300 0.00006364 0.006250 2.798886
0.016284 0.237990 2.379900 2.503400 0.00006133 0.006323 2.755006
0.016309 0.238073 2.380730 2.504230 0.00006113 0.006348 2.740468
0.016333 0.238571 2.385710 2.509210 0.00006120 0.006372 2.725973
0.016357 0.235166 2.351660 2.475160 0.00006084 0.006396 2.711522
0.016382 0.234003 2.340030 2.463530 0.00006029 0.006421 2.697115
0.016406 0.234999 2.349990 2.473490 0.00006027 0.006445 2.682751
0.016431 0.232507 2.325070 2.448570 0.00006008 0.006470 2.668431
0.016455 0.233006 2.330060 2.453560 0.00005984 0.006494 2.654154
0.016480 0.231012 2.310120 2.433620 0.00005966 0.006519 2.639920
0.016504 0.226942 2.269420 2.392920 0.00005892 0.006543 2.625730
0.016528 0.226693 2.266930 2.390430 0.00005839 0.006567 2.611582
0.016553 0.227357 2.273570 2.397070 0.00005844 0.006592 2.597477
0.016577 0.225862 2.258620 2.382120 0.00005834 0.006616 2.583415
0.016602 0.225862 2.258620 2.382120 0.00005816 0.006641 2.569395
0.016626 0.226443 2.264430 2.387930 0.00005823 0.006665 2.555418
0.016650 0.223121 2.231210 2.354710 0.00005789 0.006689 2.541484
0.016675 0.221625 2.216250 2.339750 0.00005731 0.006714 2.527592
0.016699 0.221625 2.216250 2.339750 0.00005712 0.006738 2.513742
0.016724 0.220961 2.209610 2.333110 0.00005704 0.006763 2.499934
0.016748 0.222124 2.221240 2.344740 0.00005710 0.006787 2.486168
0.016773 0.220961 2.209610 2.333110 0.00005710 0.006812 2.472444
0.016797 0.221210 2.212100 2.335600 0.00005699 0.006836 2.458762
0.016821 0.217472 2.174720 2.298220 0.00005657 0.006860 2.445121
0.016846 0.217970 2.179700 2.303200 0.00005617 0.006885 2.431522
0.016870 0.221708 2.217080 2.340580 0.00005669 0.006909 2.417965
0.016895 0.216392 2.163920 2.287420 0.00005649 0.006934 2.404448
0.016919 0.213568 2.135680 2.259180 0.00005550 0.006958 2.390973
0.016943 0.213402 2.134020 2.257520 0.00005514 0.006982 2.377540
0.016968 0.212903 2.129030 2.252530 0.00005505 0.007007 2.364147
0.016992 0.208584 2.085840 2.209340 0.00005447 0.007031 2.350795
0.017017 0.204596 2.045960 2.169460 0.00005345 0.007056 2.337484
0.017041 0.200443 2.004430 2.127930 0.00005246 0.007080 2.324214
0.017065 0.201108 2.011080 2.134580 0.00005203 0.007105 2.310984
0.017090 0.200443 2.004430 2.127930 0.00005203 0.007129 2.297795
0.017114 0.196539 1.965390 2.088890 0.00005147 0.007153 2.284646
0.017139 0.195459 1.954590 2.078090 0.00005087 0.007178 2.271538
0.017163 0.197702 1.977020 2.100520 0.00005101 0.007202 2.258469
0.017188 0.198117 1.981170 2.104670 0.00005133 0.007227 2.245441
0.017212 0.197370 1.973700 2.097200 0.00005129 0.007251 2.232453
0.017236 0.191389 1.913890 2.037390 0.00005047 0.007275 2.219505

Table A.3 (cont. )
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure InQ)ulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.017261 0.195542 1.955420 2.078920 0.00005025 0.007300 2.206596
0.017285 0.186072 1.860720 1.984220 0.00004960 0.007324 2.193728
0.017358 0.296221 2.962210 3.085710 0.00007657 0.007397 2.155359
0.017383 0.299792 2.997920 3.121420 0.00007577 0.007422 2.142648
0.017407 0.300789 3.007890 3.131390 0.00007633 0.007446 2.129976
0.017432 0.315991 3.159910 3.283410 0.00007831 0.007471 2.117343
0.017456 0.330611 3.306110 3.429610 0.00008195 0.007495 2.104749
0.017481 0.331026 3.310260 3.433760 0.00008378 0.007520 2.092194
0.017505 0.326457 3.264570 3.388070 0.00008327 0.007544 2.079678
0.017529 0.329282 3.292820 3.416320 0.00008306 0.007568 2.067201
0.017554 0.329946 3.299460 3.422960 0.00008349 0.007593 2.054762
0.017578 0.323301 3.233010 3.356510 0.00008276 0.007617 2.042362
0.017603 0.324214 3.242140 3.365640 0.00008206 0.007642 2.030000
0.017627 0.347141 3.471410 3.594910 0.00008497 0.007666 2.017676
0.017651 0.360598 3.605980 3.729480 0.00008941 0.007690 2.005391
0.017676 0.363838 3.638380 3.761880 0.00009145 0.007715 1.993143
0.017700 0.365416 3.654160 3.777660 0.00009204 0.007739 1.980934
0.017725 0.361761 3.617610 3.741110 0.00009178 0.007764 1.968762
0.017749 0.355033 3.550330 3.673830 0.00009051 0.007788 1.956629
0.017773 0.353039 3.530390 3.653890 0.00008945 0.007813 1.944533
0.017798 0.355863 3.558630 3.682130 0.00008955 0.007837 1.932474
0.017822 0.356860 3.568600 3.692100 0.00009002 0.007861 1.920453
0.017847 0.356611 3.566110 3.689610 0.00009011 0.007886 1.908470
0.017871 0.359103 3.591030 3.714530 0.00009038 0.007910 1.896524
0.017896 0.360349 3.603490 3.726990 0.00009084 0.007935 1.884615
0.017920 0.359684 3.596840 3.720340 0.00009091 0.007959 1.872743
0.017944 0.353288 3.532880 3.656380 0.00009005 0.007983 1.860908
0.017969 0.347557 3.475570 3.599070 0.00008857 0.008008 1.849110
0.017993 0.359186 3.591860 3.715360 0.00008929 0.008032 1.837349
0.018018 0.373557 3.735570 3.859070 0.00009246 0.008057 1.825625
0.018042 0.381614 3.816140 3.939640 0.00009520 0.008081 1.813937
0.018066 0.375800 3.758000 3.881500 0.00009547 0.008105 1.802286
0.018091 0.369071 3.690710 3.814210 0.00009394 0.008130 1.790671
0.018115 0.358688 3.586880 3.710380 0.00009185 0.008154 1.779093
0.018140 0.344898 3.448980 3.572480 0.00008890 0.008179 1.767551
0.018164 0.340662 3.406620 3.530120 0.00008670 0.008203 1.756045
0.018189 0.336342 3.363420 3.486920 0.00008566 0.008228 1.744575
0.018213 0.325377 3.253770 3.377270 0.00008379 0.008252 1.733141
0.018237 0.320559 3.205590 3.329090 0.00008186 0.008276 1.721744
0.018262 0.314662 3.146620 3.270120 0.00008056 0.008301 1.710381
0.018286 0.319895 3.198950 3.322450 0.00008048 0.008325 1.699055
0.018311 0.323467 3.234670 3.358170 0.00008155 0.008350 1.687764

Table A.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiu-e Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.018335 0.324547 3.245470 3.368970 0.00008212 0.008374 1.676509
0.018359 0.328534 3.285340 3.408840 0.00008274 0.008398 1.665289
0.018433 0.314579 3.145790 3.269290 0.00008069 0.008472 1.631841
0.018457 0.308016 3.080160 3.203660 0.00007902 0.008496 1.620762
0.018481 0.303530 3.035300 3.158800 0.00007767 0.008521 1.609718
0.018506 0.299709 2.997090 3.120590 0.00007665 0.008545 1.598709
0.018530 0.294310 2.943100 3.066600 0.00007553 0.008569 1.587735
0.018555 0.290489 2.904890 3.028390 0.00007440 0.008594 1.576795
0.018579 0.289824 2.898240 3.021740 0.00007385 0.008618 1.565890
0.018604 0.284342 2.843420 2.966920 0.00007310 0.008643 1.555019
0.018628 0.277281 2.772810 2.896310 0.00007157 0.008667 1.544183
0.018652 0.276118 2.761180 2.884680 0.00007057 0.008691 1.533381
0.018677 0.269057 2.690570 2.814070 0.00006956 0.008716 1.522614
0.018701 0.263242 2.632420 2.755920 0.00006799 0.008740 1.511881
0.018726 0.263824 2.638240 2.761740 0.00006735 0.008765 1.501181
0.018750 0.256763 2.567630 2.691130 0.00006656 0.008789 1.490516
0.018774 0.260003 2.600030 2.723530 0.00006610 0.008813 1.479885
0.018799 0.270968 2.709680 2.833180 0.00006783 0.008838 1.469287
0.018823 0.266482 2.664820 2.788320 0.00006862 0.008862 1.458723
0.018848 0.267230 2.672300 2.795800 0.00006817 0.008887 1.448193
0.018872 0.265901 2.659010 2.782510 0.00006809 0.008911 1.437696
0.018897 0.259837 2.598370 2.721870 0.00006719 0.008936 1.427233
0.018921 0.255683 2.556830 2.680330 0.00006594 0.008960 1.416803
0.018945 0.252942 2.529420 2.652920 0.00006510 0.008984 1.406407
0.018970 0.251031 2.510310 2.633810 0.00006454 0.009009 1.396043
0.018994 0.245549 2.455490 2.578990 0.00006363 0.009033 1.385713
0.019019 0.243805 2.438050 2.561550 0.00006275 0.009058 1.375416
0.019043 0.237907 2.379070 2.502570 0.00006182 0.009082 1.365152
0.019067 0.237491 2.374910 2.498410 0.00006105 0.009106 1.354920
0.019092 0.236827 2.368270 2.491770 0.00006092 0.009131 1.344721
0.019116 0.239070 2.390700 2.514200 0.00006111 0.009155 1.334556
0.019141 0.233255 2.332550 2.456050 0.00006067 0.009180 1.324422
0.019165 0.234667 2.346670 2.470170 0.00006013 0.009204 1.314321
0.019190 0.241229 2.412290 2.535790 0.00006111 0.009229 1.304253
0.019214 0.234916 2.349160 2.472660 0.00006114 0.009253 1.294217
0.019238 0.236495 2.364950 2.488450 0.00006056 0.009277 1.284213
0.019263 0.231427 2.314270 2.437770 0.00006013 0.009302 1.274241
0.019287 0.228437 2.284370 2.407870 0.00005915 0.009326 1.264302
0.019312 0.227108 2.271080 2.394580 0.00005862 0.009351 1.254394
0.019336 0.225447 2.254470 2.377970 0.00005826 0.009375 1.244519
0.019360 0.223619 2.236190 2.359690 0.00005783 0.009399 1.234675
0.019385 0.217721 2.177210 2.300710 0.00005689 0.009424 1.224863

Table A.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.019409 0.210993 2.109930 2.233430 0.00005535 0.009448 1.215083
0.019458 0.198117 1.981170 2.104670 0.00005226 0.009497 1.195616
0.019482 0.192718 1.927180 2.050680 0.00005072 0.009521 1.185931
0.019507 0.193133 1.931330 2.054830 0.00005012 0.009546 1.176276
0.019531 0.194878 1.948780 2.072280 0.00005038 0.009570 1.166653
0.019556 0.193715 1.937150 2.060650 0.00005045 0.009595 1.157061
0.019580 0.194794 1.947940 2.071440 0.00005044 0.009619 1.147500
0.019605 0.193715 1.937150 2.060650 0.00005044 0.009644 1.137970
0.019629 0.191389 1.913890 2.037390 0.00005002 0.009668 1.128471
0.019653 0.188730 1.887300 2.010800 0.00004942 0.009692 1.119003
0.019678 0.187651 1.876510 2.000010 0.00004896 0.009717 1.109566
0.019702 0.186654 1.866540 1.990040 0.00004871 0.009741 1.100159
0.019727 0.189146 1.891460 2.014960 0.00004889 0.009766 1.090783
0.019751 0.185242 1.852420 1.975920 0.00004872 0.009790 1.081437
0.019775 0.179676 1.796760 1.920260 0.00004756 0.009814 1.072122
0.019800 0.180756 1.807560 1.931060 0.00004701 0.009839 1.062838
0.019824 0.177682 1.776820 1.900320 0.00004677 0.009863 1.053583
0.019849 0.171535 1.715350 1.838850 0.00004564 0.009888 1.044359
0.019873 0.173612 1.736120 1.859620 0.00004515 0.009912 1.035165
0.019898 0.172034 1.720340 1.843840 0.00004521 0.009937 1.026001
0.019922 0.170788 1.707880 1.831380 0.00004486 0.009961 1.016867
0.019946 0.168960 1.689600 1.813100 0.00004449 0.009985 1.007763
0.019971 0.164641 1.646410 1.769910 0.00004374 0.010010 0.998688
0.019995 0.164475 1.644750 1.768250 0.00004319 0.010034 0.989644
0.020020 0.161650 1.616500 1.740000 0.00004283 0.010059 0.980629
0.020044 0.158992 1.589920 1.713420 0.00004216 0.010083 0.971643
0.020068 0.158660 1.586600 1.710100 0.00004179 0.010107 0.962688
0.020093 0.159574 1.595740 1.719240 0.00004186 0.010132 0.953761
0.020117 0.158577 1.585770 1.709270 0.00004185 0.010156 0.944864
0.020142 0.161983 1.619830 1.743330 0.00004215 0.010181 0.935996
0.020166 0.162149 1.621490 1.744990 0.00004258 0.010205 0.927158
0.020190 0.161900 1.619000 1.742500 0.00004257 0.010230 0.918348
0.020215 0.162398 1.623980 1.747480 0.00004260 0.010254 0.909568
0.020239 0.160654 1.606540 1.730040 0.00004245 0.010278 0.900816
0.020264 0.165555 1.655550 1.779050 0.00004284 0.010303 0.892094
0.020288 0.164309 1.643090 1.766590 0.00004328 0.010327 0.883400
0.020313 0.164641 1.646410 1.769910 0.00004317 0.010352 0.874735
0.020337 0.164225 1.642250 1.765750 0.00004316 0.010376 0.866098
0.020361 0.161816 1.618160 1.741660 0.00004282 0.010400 0.857491
0.020386 0.156999 1.569990 1.693490 0.00004193 0.010425 0.848911
0.020410 0.150851 1.508510 1.632010 0.00004059 0.010449 0.840360
0.020435 0.158826 1.588260 1.711760 0.00004082 0.010474 0.831838

1rable A.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiu-e Pressure Inqjulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.020459 0.165721 1.657210 1.780710 0.00004263 0.010498 0.823344
0.020483 0.181005 1.810050 1.933550 0.00004534 0.010522 0.814878
0.020557 0.221875 2.218750 2.342250 0.00005669 0.010596 0.789648
0.020581 0.215645 2.156450 2.279950 0.00005642 0.010620 0.781294
0.020606 0.208251 2.082510 2.206010 0.00005476 0.010645 0.772968
0.020630 0.195957 1.959570 2.083070 0.00005236 0.010669 0.764670
0.020654 0.198117 1.981170 2.104670 0.00005112 0.010693 0.756399
0.020679 0.192967 1.929670 2.053170 0.00005075 0.010718 0.748156
0.020703 0.184743 1.847430 1.970930 0.00004912 0.010742 0.739941
0.020728 0.178845 1.788450 1.911950 0.00004740 0.010767 0.731753
0.020752 0.173944 1.739440 1.862940 0.00004608 0.010791 0.723592
0.020776 0.172117 1.721170 1.844670 0.00004526 0.010815 0.715459
0.020801 0.176852 1.768520 1.892020 0.00004561 0.010840 0.707353
0.020825 0.186571 1.865710 1.989210 0.00004738 0.010864 0.699274
0.020850 0.194628 1.946280 2.069780 0.00004955 0.010889 0.691222
0.020874 0.183913 1.839130 1.962630 0.00004922 0.010913 0.683197
0.020898 0.189312 1.893120 2.016620 0.00004857 0.010938 0.675200
0.020923 0.209082 2.090820 2.214320 0.00005165 0.010962 0.667229
0.020947 0.205926 2.059260 2.182760 0.00005368 0.010986 0.659285
0.020972 0.203600 2.036000 2.159500 0.00005301 0.011011 0.651367
0.020996 0.196954 1.969540 2.093040 0.00005191 0.011035 0.643477
0.021021 0.188897 1.888970 2.012470 0.00005012 0.011060 0.635613
0.021045 0.183414 1.834140 1.957640 0.00004846 0.011084 0.627775
0.021069 0.182500 1.825000 1.948500 0.00004768 0.011108 0.619964
0.021094 0.183331 1.833310 1.956810 0.00004767 0.011133 0.612180
0.021118 0.183746 1.837460 1.960960 0.00004782 0.011157 0.604421
0.021143 0.180258 1.802580 1.926080 0.00004745 0.011182 0.596689
0.021167 0.178679 1.786790 1.910290 0.00004683 0.011206 0.588983
0.021191 0.174277 1.742770 1.866270 0.00004610 0.011230 0.581304
0.021216 0.171286 1.712860 1.836360 0.00004520 0.011255 0.573650
0.021240 0.168130 1.681300 1.804800 0.00004445 0.011279 0.566022
0.021265 0.159158 1.591580 1.715080 0.00004297 0.011304 0.558420
0.021289 0.163312 1.633120 1.756620 0.00004238 0.011328 0.550844
0.021314 0.165056 1.650560 1.774060 0.00004310 0.011353 0.543294
0.021338 0.157580 1.575800 1.699300 0.00004240 0.011377 0.535770
0.021362 0.156500 1.565000 1.688500 0.00004136 0.011401 0.528271
0.021387 0.159657 1.596570 1.720070 0.00004161 0.011426 0.520798
0.021411 0.160238 1.602380 1.725880 0.00004206 0.011450 0.513350
0.021436 0.156666 1.566660 1.690160 0.00004170 0.011475 0.505927
0.021460 0.156832 1.568320 1.691820 0.00004128 0.011499 0.498530
0.021484 0.154008 1.540080 1.663580 0.00004096 0.011523 0.491159
0.021509 0.147197 1.471970 1.595470 0.00003978 0.011548 0.483812

Table A.3 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure In^ulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.021533 0.139637 1.396370 1.519870 0.00003803 0.011572 0.476491
0.021558 0.139554 1.395540 1.519040 0.00003710 0.011597 0.469194
0.021631 0.140634 1.406340 1.529840 0.00003761 0.011670 0.447455
0.021655 0.132826 1.328260 1.451760 0.00003640 0.011694 0.440259
0.021680 0.129005 1.290050 1.413550 0.00003498 0.011719 0.433087
0.021704 0.121030 1.210300 1.333800 0.00003354 0.011743 0.425940
0.021729 0.115132 1.151320 1.274820 0.00003184 0.011768 0.418817
0.021753 0.109733 1.097330 1.220830 0.00003046 0.011792 0.411719
0.021777 0.108819 1.088190 1.211690 0.00002969 0.011816 0.404646
0.021802 0.110564 1.105640 1.229140 0.00002980 0.011841 0.397597
0.021826 0.112723 1.127230 1.250730 0.00003027 0.011865 0.390572
0.021851 0.108819 1.088190 1.211690 0.00003006 0.011890 0.383572
0.021875 0.106244 1.062440 1.185940 0.00002927 0.011914 0.376595
0.021899 0.105247 1.052470 1.175970 0.00002883 0.011938 0.369643
0.021924 0.105247 1.052470 1.175970 0.00002871 0.011963 0.362715
0.021948 0.104250 1.042500 1.166000 0.00002859 0.011987 0.355812
0.021973 0.099432 0.994324 1.117824 0.00002788 0.012012 0.348932
0.021997 0.095279 0.952790 1.076290 0.00002678 0.012036 0.342076
0.022022 0.089381 0.893812 1.017312 0.00002556 0.012061 0.335243
0.022046 0.084729 0.847294 0.970794 0.00002427 0.012085 0.328435
0.022070 0.080991 0.809913 0.933413 0.00002324 0.012109 0.321650
0.022095 0.076589 0.765887 0.889387 0.00002225 0.012134 0.314889
0.022119 0.073681 0.736813 0.860313 0.00002136 0.012158 0.308152
0.022144 0.067368 0.673681 0.797181 0.00002023 0.012183 0.301438
0.022168 0.061803 0.618026 0.741526 0.00001878 0.012207 0.294747
0.022192 0.064959 0.649592 0.773092 0.00001849 0.012231 0.288080
0.022217 0.063298 0.632978 0.756478 0.00001867 0.012256 0.281436
0.022241 0.063381 0.633809 0.757309 0.00001848 0.012280 0.274816
0.022266 0.058397 0.583968 0.707468 0.00001788 0.012305 0.268219
0.022290 0.052499 0.524990 0.648490 0.00001655 0.012329 0.261645
0.022315 0.049841 0.498408 0.621908 0.00001551 0.012354 0.255093
0.022339 0.048761 0.487609 0.611109 0.00001505 0.012378 0.248565
0.022363 0.046435 0.464350 0.587850 0.00001464 0.012402 0.242060
0.022388 0.038128 0.381282 0.504782 0.00001334 0.012427 0.235578
0.022412 0.035802 0.358023 0.481523 0.00001204 0.012451 0.229119
0.022437 0.032230 0.322304 0.445804 0.00001132 0.012476 0.222682
0.022461 0.028991 0.289907 0.413407 0.00001049 0.012500 0.216268
0.022485 0.026333 0.263326 0.386826 0.00000977 0.012524 0.209877
0.022510 0.026914 0.269140 0.392640 0.00000951 0.012549 0.203508
0.022534 0.027496 0.274955 0.398455 0.00000966 0.012573 0.197162
0.022559 0.027662 0.276616 0.400116 0.00000975 0.012598 0.190839
0.022583 0.025668 0.256680 0.380180 0.00000953 0.012622 0.184537

Table A.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressiu-e
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.022607 0.023010 0.230098 0.353598 0.00000896 0.012647 0.178258
0.022632 0.021598 0.215977 0.339477 0.00000846 0.012671 0.172002
0.022705 0.016780 0.167797 0.291297 0.00000736 0.012744 0.153365
0.022730 0.018773 0.187734 0.311234 0.00000736 0.012769 0.147197
0.022754 0.020767 0.207670 0.331170 0.00000784 0.012793 0.141051
0.022778 0.020019 0.200194 0.323694 0.00000799 0.012817 0.134926
0.022803 0.019023 0.190226 0.313726 0.00000778 0.012842 0.128824
0.022827 0.024837 0.248373 0.371873 0.00000837 0.012866 0.122743
0.022852 0.045854 0.458535 0.582035 0.00001164 0.012891 0.116685
0.022876 0.070608 0.706078 0.829578 0.00001723 0.012915 0.110647
0.022900 0.070857 0.708570 0.832070 0.00002028 0.012939 0.104632
0.022925 0.062966 0.629655 0.753155 0.00001935 0.012964 0.098638
0.022949 0.057317 0.573169 0.696669 0.00001770 0.012988 0.092666
0.022974 0.052582 0.525820 0.649320 0.00001643 0.013013 0.086715
0.022998 0.050588 0.505884 0.629384 0.00001561 0.013037 0.080785
0.023023 0.046186 0.461858 0.585358 0.00001483 0.013062 0.074877
0.023047 0.039374 0.393742 0.517242 0.00001346 0.013086 0.068990
0.023071 0.035553 0.355531 0.479031 0.00001216 0.013110 0.063124
0.023096 0.030984 0.309844 0.433344 0.00001114 0.013135 0.057279
0.023120 0.026416 0.264156 0.387656 0.00001002 0.013159 0.051456
0.023145 0.024007 0.240067 0.363567 0.00000917 0.013184 0.045654
0.023169 0.021598 0.215977 0.339477 0.00000858 0.013208 0.039872
0.023193 0.015451 0.154506 0.278006 0.00000754 0.013232 0.034112
0.023218 0.013208 0.132078 0.255578 0.00000651 0.013257 0.028372
0.023242 0.008473 0.084729 0.208229 0.00000566 0.013281 0.022653
0.023267 -0.000083 -0.000831 0.122669 0.00000404 0.013306 0.016955
0.023291 -0.004070 -0.040703 0.082797 0.00000251 0.013330 0.011278
0.023315 -0.007476 -0.074761 0.048739 0.0000016 0.013355 0.005621
0.023340 -0.005482 -0.054825 0.068675 0.0000014 0.013379 -0.000015



Table B.l - Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast
Pressure-Time History for the Fourth Blast
Po = 12.18 psi a= 0.72
td = 0.007520 sec 1= 37 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 29.23 CF = -1.0157
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressme Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
-0.001000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.011182 -0.036078 -1.054572 -0.038869 0.000000 14.391916
0.011206 -0.033102 -0.967574 0.048128 0.000024 14.307703
0.011231 -0.020257 -0.592097 0.423605 0.000049 14.223832
0.011255 0.284991 8.330287 9.345989 0.000073 14.140299
0.011279 0.348298 10.180751 11.196453 0.000098 14.057106
0.011304 0.360685 10.542823 11.558525 0.000122 13.974249
0.011328 0.329018 9.617196 10.632899 0.000146 13.891729
0.011353 0.284066 8.303249 9.318952 0.000171 13.809543
0.011377 0.280340 8.194338 9.210041 0.000195 13.727691
0.011401 0.279610 8.173000 9.188703 0.000220 13.646172
0.011426 0.282207 8.248911 9.264613 0.000244 13.564984
0.011450 0.281948 8.241340 9.257043 0.000269 13.484126
0.011475 0.276180 8.072741 9.088444 0.000293 13.403597
0.011499 0.278898 8.152189 9.167891 0.000317 13.323396
0.011523 0.261853 7.653963 8.669666 0.000342 13.243522
0.011548 0.265311 7.755041 8.770743 0.000366 13.163973
0.011572 0.270581 7.909083 8.924785 0.000391 13.084749
0.011597 0.266299 7.783920 8.799622 0.000415 13.005847
0.011621 0.255018 7.454176 8.469879 0.000439 12.927268
0.011646 0.251477 7.350673 8.366375 0.000464 12.849010
0.011670 0.241596 7.061851 8.077554 0.000488 12.771072
0.011694 0.232785 6.804306 7.820008 0.000513 12.693452
0.011719 0.230068 6.724888 7.740590 0.000537 12.616149
0.011743 0.227515 6.650263 7.665966 0.000562 12.539163
0.011768 0.223151 6.522704 7.538406 0.000586 12.462493
0.011792 0.222328 6.498647 7.514350 0.000610 12.386136
0.011816 0.215081 6.286818 7.302520 0.000635 12.310093
0.011841 0.210553 6.154464 7.170167 0.000659 12.234361
0.011865 0.201824 5.899316 6.915018 0.000684 12.158941
0.011890 0.201858 5.900321 6.916024 0.000708 12.083830
0.011914 0.199202 5.822674 6.838377 0.000732 12.009027
0.011939 0.199579 5.833694 6.849397 0.000757 11.934532
0.011963 0.197954 5.786195 6.801898 0.000781 11.860344
0.011987 0.196554 5.745273 6.760976 0.000806 11.786460
0.012012 0.187002 5.466068 6.481771 0.000830 11.712882
0.012036 0.178439 5.215772 6.231474 0.000854 11.639606

TableB.l (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiu-e Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.012061 0.172016 5.028028 6.043730 0.000879 11.566632
0.012109 0.165181 4.828241 5.843943 0.000928 11.421587
0.012134 0.164605 4.811404 5.827107 0.000952 11.349513
0.012158 0.156288 4.568298 5.584001 0.000977 11.277737
0.012183 0.151348 4.423902 5.439605 0.001001 11.206257
0.012207 0.157029 4.589958 5.605660 0.001025 11.135073
0.012231 0.155712 4.551462 5.567164 0.001050 11.064184
0.012256 0.152583 4.460001 5.475704 0.001074 10.993589
0.012280 0.153653 4.491277 5.506980 0.001099 10.923286
0.012305 0.153488 4.486454 5.502157 0.001123 10.853274
0.012329 0.153488 4.486454 5.502157 0.001147 10.783553
0.012354 0.152171 4.447958 5.463661 0.001172 10.714121
0.012378 0.151512 4.428696 5.444398 0.001196 10.644978
0.012402 0.147971 4.325192 5.340895 0.001221 10.576122
0.012427 0.145854 4.263312 5.279015 0.001245 10.507552
0.012451 0.145466 4.251971 5.267674 0.001270 10.439268
0.012476 0.143250 4.187198 5.202900 0.001294 10.371267
0.012500 0.143667 4.199386 5.215089 0.001318 10.303550
0.012524 0.142207 4.156711 5.172413 0.001343 10.236116
0.012549 0.142619 4.168753 5.184456 0.001367 10.168962
0.012573 0.143690 4.200059 5.215761 0.001392 10.102089
0.012598 0.143937 4.207279 5.222981 0.001416 10.035495
0.012622 0.141549 4.137477 5.153180 0.001440 9.969179
0.012647 0.138420 4.046017 5.061719 0.001465 9.903140
0.012671 0.136690 3.995449 5.011151 0.001489 9.837378
0.012695 0.135455 3.959350 4.975052 0.001514 9.771891
0.012720 0.135455 3.959350 4.975052 0.001538 9.706678
0.012744 0.133973 3.916031 4.931733 0.001563 9.641738
0.012769 0.135985 3.974842 4.990544 0.001587 9.577070
0.012793 0.134197 3.922578 4.938281 0.001611 9.512674
0.012817 0.134420 3.929097 4.944799 0.001636 9.448548
0.012842 0.134067 3.918778 4.934481 0.001660 9.384692
0.012866 0.134138 3.920854 4.936556 0.001685 9.321104
0.012891 0.133314 3.896768 4.912471 0.001709 9.257783
0.012915 0.132161 3.863066 4.878769 0.001733 9.194729
0.012940 0.127056 3.713847 4.729549 0.001758 9.131940
0.012964 0.123927 3.622386 4.638089 0.001782 9.069416
0.012988 0.126480 3.697010 4.712713 0.001807 9.007155
0.013013 0.126162 3.687715 4.703418 0.001831 8.945157
0.013037 0.126233 3.689791 4.705493 0.001855 8.883421
0.013062 0.125656 3.672925 4.688627 0.001880 8.821945
0.013086 0.118739 3.470741 4.486443 0.001904 8.760730

TableB.l cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiu-e Pressiu-e Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.013110 0.116516 3.405763 4.421465 0.001929 8.699773
0.013135 0.115034 3.362444 4.378146 0.001953 8.639074
0.013208 0.106141 3.102501 4.118204 0.002026 8.458516
0.013232 0.106059 3.100105 4.115807 0.002051 8.398840
0.013257 0.110047 3.216674 4.232376 0.002075 8.339417
0.013281 0.107083 3.130039 4.145742 0.002100 8.280246
0.013306 0.110294 3.223894 4.239596 0.002124 8.221327
0.013330 0.111612 3.262419 4.278121 0.002148 8.162658
0.013355 0.108071 3.158921 4.174624 0.002173 8.104240
0.013379 0.106918 3.125225 4.140927 0.002197 8.046070
0.013403 0.107001 3.127633 4.143336 0.002222 7.988147
0.013428 0.103835 3.035097 4.050800 0.002246 7.930472
0.013452 0.105153 3.073622 4.089325 0.002271 7.873043
0.013477 0.104988 3.068799 4.084502 0.002295 7.815860
0.013501 0.104906 3.066402 4.082105 0.002319 7.758920
0.013525 0.100212 2.929197 3.944899 0.002344 7.702224
0.013550 0.097165 2.840145 3.855847 0.002368 7.645771
0.013574 0.099553 2.909946 3.925648 0.002393 7.589559
0.013599 0.097165 2.840145 3.855847 0.002417 7.533588
0.013623 0.095107 2.779975 3.795677 0.002441 7.477857
0.013648 0.094119 2.751090 3.766792 0.002466 7.422365
0.013672 0.097495 2.849773 3.865476 0.002490 7.367111
0.013696 0.094942 2.775161 3.790863 0.002515 7.312094
0.013721 0.092390 2.700545 3.716248 0.002539 7.257314
0.013745 0.087614 2.560946 3.576648 0.002563 7.202770
0.013770 0.085967 2.512807 3.528509 0.002588 7.148460
0.013794 0.085143 2.488739 3.504441 0.002612 7.094384
0.013818 0.088355 2.582608 3.598310 0.002637 7.040542
0.013843 0.088684 2.592236 3.607939 0.002661 6.986931
0.013867 0.089178 2.606676 3.622378 0.002686 6.933552
0.013892 0.090002 2.630744 3.646446 0.002710 6.880403
0.013916 0.090660 2.650001 3.665703 0.002734 6.827485
0.013940 0.089837 2.625933 3.641635 0.002759 6.774794
0.013965 0.087449 2.556131 3.571834 0.002783 6.722332
0.013989 0.091319 2.669254 3.684957 0.002808 6.670097
0.014014 0.092143 2.693325 3.709028 0.002832 6.618089
0.014038 0.093295 2.727022 3.742724 0.002856 6.566306
0.014063 0.095519 2.792009 3.807711 0.002881 6.514748
0.014087 0.090002 2.630744 3.646446 0.002905 6.463413
0.014111 0.090331 2.640372 3.656075 0.002930 6.412302
0.014136 0.090413 2.642781 3.658483 0.002954 6.361413
0.014160 0.088684 2.592236 3.607939 0.002979 6.310745

RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.014185 0.089013 2.601862 3.617564 0.003003 6.260298
0.014209 0.088355 2.582608 3.598310 0.003027 6.210071
0.014282 0.099800 2.917166 3.932868 0.003101 6.060701
0.014307 0.101612 2.970119 3.985821 0.003125 6.011345
0.014331 0.103506 3.025480 4.041183 0.003149 5.962205
0.014356 0.103588 3.027877 4.043580 0.003174 5.913280
0.014380 0.105235 3.076019 4.091722 0.003198 5.864570
0.014404 0.106717 3.119338 4.135040 0.003223 5.816073
0.014429 0.102765 3.003821 4.019523 0.003247 5.767788
0.014453 0.100459 2.936417 3.952119 0.003271 5.719716
0.014478 0.096013 2.806448 3.822151 0.003296 5.671854
0.014502 0.100965 2.951210 3.966912 0.003320 5.624204
0.014526 0.101459 2.965647 3.981349 0.003345 5.576762
0.014551 0.102200 2.987306 4.003009 0.003369 5.529530
0.014575 0.098824 2.888631 3.904334 0.003394 5.482505
0.014600 0.096272 2.814016 3.829718 0.003418 5.435688
0.014624 0.095366 2.787542 3.803245 0.003442 5.389078
0.014648 0.093225 2.724961 3.740663 0.003467 5.342673
0.014673 0.096683 2.826053 3.841755 0.003491 5.296473
0.014697 0.097918 2.862155 3.877857 0.003516 5.250478
0.014722 0.100389 2.934362 3.950064 0.003540 5.204686
0.014746 0.101377 2.963250 3.978952 0.003564 5.159097
0.014771 0.103024 3.011392 4.027094 0.003589 5.113710
0.014795 0.100965 2.951210 3.966912 0.003613 5.068524
0.014819 0.107964 3.155788 4.171490 0.003638 5.023539
0.014844 0.111587 3.261688 4.277391 0.003662 4.978754
0.014868 0.111082 3.246927 4.262629 0.003687 4.934168
0.014893 0.117257 3.427422 4.443125 0.003711 4.889780
0.014917 0.115281 3.369664 4.385366 0.003735 4.845590
0.014941 0.110423 3.227664 4.243367 0.003760 4.801596
0.014966 0.106717 3.119338 4.135040 0.003784 4.757799
0.014990 0.111082 3.246927 4.262629 0.003809 4.714197
0.015015 0.111658 3.263763 4.279466 0.003833 4.670790
0.015039 0.112317 3.283026 4.298728 0.003857 4.627577
0.015064 0.110917 3.242104 4.257806 0.003882 4.584558
0.015088 0.109846 3.210799 4.226501 0.003906 4.541730
0.015112 0.106800 3.121764 4.137467 0.003931 4.499095
0.015137 0.103341 3.020657 4.036360 0.003955 4.456651
0.015161 0.109846 3.210799 4.226501 0.003979 4.414397
0.015186 0.110258 3.222841 4.238544 0.004004 4.372334
0.015210 0.112070 3.275806 4.291509 0.004028 4.330459
0.015234 0.114375 3.343181 4.358884 0.004053 4.288772

RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.015259 0.115034 3.362444 4.378146 0.004077 4.247273
0.015283 0.121457 3.550188 4.565891 0.004102 4.205961
0.015356 0.120716 3.528529 4.544231 0.004175 4.083141
0.015381 0.118328 3.458727 4.474430 0.004199 4.042570
0.015405 0.118245 3.456301 4.472004 0.004224 4.002182
0.015430 0.120551 3.523706 4.539408 0.004248 3.961978
0.015454 0.120963 3.535748 4.551451 0.004272 3.921955
0.015479 0.120304 3.516486 4.532188 0.004297 3.882114
0.015503 0.120304 3.516486 4.532188 0.004321 3.842454
0.015527 0.118904 3.475564 4.491266 0.004346 3.802974
0.015552 0.117010 3.420202 4.435905 0.004370 3.763673
0.015576 0.120716 3.528529 4.544231 0.004395 3.724552
0.015601 0.122280 3.574244 4.589947 0.004419 3.685608
0.015625 0.122610 3.583890 4.599593 0.004443 3.646842
0.015649 0.129197 3.776428 4.792131 0.004468 3.608253
0.015674 0.130679 3.819747 4.835450 0.004492 3.569840
0.015698 0.128538 3.757166 4.772868 0.004517 3.531602
0.015723 0.130926 3.826967 4.842669 0.004541 3.493539
0.015747 0.128127 3.745152 4.760855 0.004565 3.455651
0.015772 0.127139 3.716273 4.731975 0.004590 3.417936
0.015796 0.125080 3.656088 4.671791 0.004614 3.380394
0.015820 0.117916 3.446685 4.462387 0.004639 3.343024
0.015845 0.118986 3.477961 4.493663 0.004663 3.305826
0.015869 0.121704 3.557408 4.573110 0.004688 3.268798
0.015894 0.119563 3.494826 4.510529 0.004712 3.231941
0.015918 0.119481 3.492430 4.508132 0.004736 3.195254
0.015942 0.119481 3.492430 4.508132 0.004761 3.158736
0.015967 0.116434 3.403366 4.419068 0.004785 3.122386
0.015991 0.112564 3.290246 4.305948 0.004810 3.086204
0.016016 0.108611 3.174700 4.190402 0.004834 3.050190
0.016040 0.108199 3.162657 4.178359 0.004858 3.014342
0.016065 0.108447 3.169906 4.185608 0.004883 2.978659
0.016089 0.103753 3.032700 4.048403 0.004907 2.943142
0.016113 0.104576 3.056756 4.072459 0.004932 2.907790
0.016138 0.106882 3.124161 4.139863 0.004956 2.872602
0.016162 0.108364 3.167480 4.183182 0.004980 2.837578
0.016187 0.109352 3.196359 4.212061 0.005005 2.802716
0.016211 0.104082 3.042317 4.058019 0.005029 2.768016
0.016235 0.107541 3.143423 4.159126 0.005054 2.733478
0.016260 0.106059 3.100105 4.115807 0.005078 2.699101
0.016284 0.105812 3.092885 4.108587 0.005103 2.664885
0.016309 0.099389 2.905132 3.920834 0.005127 2.630828

R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.016333 0.096589 2.823296 3.838999 0.005151 2.596931
0.016357 0.096754 2.828111 3.843813 0.005176 2.563192
0.016431 0.083085 2.428566 3.444268 0.005249 2.462921
0.016455 0.082838 2.421346 3.437048 0.005273 2.429811
0.016480 0.080450 2.351545 3.367247 0.005298 2.396856
0.016504 0.077732 2.272115 3.287818 0.005322 2.364057
0.016528 0.075509 2.207131 3.222834 0.005347 2.331412
0.016553 0.075838 2.216756 3.232459 0.005371 2.298921
0.016577 0.073780 2.156586 3.172289 0.005396 2.266583
0.016602 0.070157 2.050680 3.066383 0.005420 2.234398
0.016626 0.069416 2.029021 3.044723 0.005444 2.202365
0.016650 0.068839 2.012170 3.027872 0.005469 2.170483
0.016675 0.073039 2.134924 3.150627 0.005493 2.138753
0.016699 0.075427 2.204722 3.220425 0.005518 2.107173
0.016724 0.073368 2.144550 3.160252 0.005542 2.075743
0.016748 0.073121 2.137330 3.153032 0.005566 2.044463
0.016773 0.077979 2.279338 3.295040 0.005591 2.013331
0.016797 0.075180 2.197503 3.213205 0.005615 1.982347
0.016821 0.071145 2.079565 3.095268 0.005640 1.951511
0.016846 0.067275 1.966439 2.982142 0.005664 1.920823
0.016870 0.064722 1.891827 2.907529 0.005688 1.890280
0.016895 0.067028 1.959220 2.974922 0.005713 1.859884
0.016919 0.066863 1.954405 2.970108 0.005737 1.829633
0.016943 0.067110 1.961625 2.977328 0.005762 1.799527
0.016968 0.071557 2.091599 3.107302 0.005786 1.769565
0.016992 0.075756 2.214351 3.230053 0.005811 1.739747
0.017017 0.076497 2.236013 3.251716 0.005835 1.710072
0.017041 0.080697 2.358765 3.374467 0.005859 1.680540
0.017065 0.080779 2.361173 3.376876 0.005884 1.651150
0.017090 0.082014 2.397275 3.412978 0.005908 1.621901
0.017114 0.089919 2.628338 3.644041 0.005933 1.592794
0.017139 0.093872 2.743870 3.759572 0.005957 1.563827
0.017163 0.097001 2.835333 3.851036 0.005981 1.535000
0.017188 0.099883 2.919574 3.935277 0.006006 1.506313
0.017212 0.100871 2.948459 3.964162 0.006030 1.477764
0.017236 0.105317 3.078416 4.094118 0.006055 1.449354
0.017261 0.105400 3.080842 4.096545 0.006079 1.421082
0.017285 0.102353 2.991778 4.007481 0.006104 1.392947
0.017310 0.100871 2.948459 3.964162 0.006128 1.364949
0.017334 0.099718 2.914760 3.930463 0.006152 1.337087
0.017358 0.098236 2.871435 3.887138 0.006177 1.309361
0.017383 0.097083 2.837739 3.853442 1 0.006201 1.281770

R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu'e Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.017407 0.095519 2.792009 3.807711 0.006226 1.254315
0.017432 0.094695 2.767938 3.783640 0.006250 1.226993
0.017505 0.093378 2.729427 3.745130 0.006323 1.145828
0.017529 0.087614 2.560946 3.576648 0.006348 1.119038
0.017554 0.089013 2.601862 3.617564 0.006372 1.092380
0.017578 0.085555 2.500773 3.516475 0.006396 1.065853
0.017603 0.082014 2.397275 3.412978 0.006421 1.039456
0.017627 0.078638 2.298592 3.314294 0.006445 1.013190
0.017651 0.072627 2.122890 3.138593 0.006470 0.987053
0.017676 0.067110 1.961625 2.977328 0.006494 0.961046
0.017700 0.061099 1.785921 2.801623 0.006519 0.935167
0.017725 0.052453 1.533198 2.548901 0.006543 0.909417
0.017749 0.049324 1.441735 2.457437 0.006567 0.883794
0.017773 0.044466 1.299727 2.315429 0.006592 0.858299
0.017798 0.037302 1.090326 2.106028 0.006616 0.832930
0.017822 0.032937 0.962760 1.978463 0.006641 0.807687
0.017847 0.027420 0.801498 1.817201 0.006665 0.782570
0.017871 0.023386 0.683561 1.699264 0.006689 0.757579
0.017896 0.020586 0.601726 1.617428 0.006714 0.732712
0.017920 0.018116 0.529519 1.545222 0.006738 0.707969
0.017944 0.017045 0.498228 1.513931 0.006763 0.683351
0.017969 0.016057 0.469346 1.485049 0.006787 0.658855
0.017993 0.013175 0.385105 1.400808 0.006812 0.634483
0.018018 0.010540 0.308084 1.323787 0.006836 0.610233
0.018042 0.009881 0.288828 1.304531 0.006860 0.586105
0.018066 0.010046 0.293642 1.309344 0.006885 0.562098
0.018091 0.010211 0.298456 1.314158 0.006909 0.538212
0.018115 0.007082 0.206994 1.222696 0.006934 0.514447
0.018140 0.000494 0.014441 1.030144 0.006958 0.490802
0.018164 -0.004364 -0.127566 0.888137 0.006982 0.467277
0.018189 -0.002635 -0.077021 0.938681 0.007007 0.443870
0.018213 -0.001482 -0.043324 0.972378 0.007031 0.420582
0.018237 0.000494 0.014441 1.030144 0.007056 0.397413
0.018262 0.000659 0.019255 1.034958 0.007080 0.374361
0.018286 -0.006752 -0.197366 0.818336 0.007105 0.351427
0.018311 -0.009387 -0.274387 0.741316 0.007129 0.328609
0.018335 -0.010211 -0.298456 0.717247 0.007153 0.305908
0.018359 -0.010046 -0.293642 0.722061 0.007178 0.283323
0.018384 -0.012352 -0.361034 0.654668 0.007202 0.260853
0.018408 -0.015645 -0.457312 0.558390 0.007227 0.238498
0.018433 -0.014493 -0.423616 0.592087 0.007251 0.216258
0.018457 -0.013998 -0.409173 0.606529 0.007275 0.194132

Raw Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu-e Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.018481 -0.016139 -0.471752 0.543951 0.007300 0.172119
0.018506 -0.016057 -0.469346 0.546356 0.007324 0.150220
0.018579 -0.019104 -0.558401 0.457301 0.007397 0.085198
0.018604 -0.023962 -0.700409 0.315293 0.007422 0.063748
0.018628 -0.027338 -0.799093 0.216610 0.007446 0.042409
0.018652 -0.031949 -0.933878 0.081824 0.007471 0.021180
0.018677 -0.033267 -0.972389 0.043314 0.007495 0.000062
0.018701 -0.035078 -1.025342 -0.009639 0.007520 -0.020947

Table B.2 - Top Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast
Pressure-Time History for the Fourth Blast
Po = 12.75 psi a= 0.86
td = 0.007861 sec 1= 38 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 28.14 CF = 0.0768
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressiure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.000000 0.000000
0.011401 -0.024637 -0.720131 -0.628831 0.000000 14.391916
0.011426 0.156447 4.572946 4.664246 0.000024 14.307703
0.011450 0.299705 8.760377 8.851677 0.000049 14.223832
0.011475 0.314056 8.837536 8.760771 0.000073 14.140299
0.011499 0.383487 10.791324 10.714559 0.000098 14.057106
0.011523 0.323761 9.110635 9.033870 0.000122 13.974249
0.011548 0.380915 10.718948 10.642183 0.000146 13.891729
0.011572 0.326416 9.185346 9.108581 0.000171 13.809543
0.011597 0.281871 7.931850 7.855085 0.000195 13.727691
0.011621 0.305844 8.606450 8.529685 0.000220 13.646172
0.011646 0.284027 7.992520 7.915755 0.000244 13.564984
0.011670 0.293318 8.253969 8.177204 0.000269 13.484126
0.011694 0.310157 8.727818 8.651053 0.000293 13.403597
0.011719 0.320028 9.005588 8.928823 0.000317 13.323396
0.011743 0.329402 9.269372 9.192608 0.000342 13.243522
0.011768 0.321356 9.042958 8.966193 0.000366 13.163973
0.011792 0.309742 8.716140 8.639375 0.000391 13.084749
0.011816 0.295060 8.302988 8.226224 0.000415 13.005847
0.011841 0.301862 8.494397 8.417632 0.000439 12.927268
0.011865 0.291493 8.202613 8.125848 0.000464 12.849010
0.011890 0.285189 8.025218 7.948454 0.000488 12.771072
0.011914 0.279133 7.854803 7.778038 0.000513 12.693452
0.011939 0.264700 7.448658 7.371893 0.000537 12.616149
0.011963 0.253584 7.135854 7.059089 0.000562 12.539163
0.011987 0.257400 7.243236 7.166471 0.000586 12.462493
0.012012 0.248192 6.984123 6.907358 0.000610 12.386136
0.012036 0.233758 6.577950 6.501185 0.000635 12.310093
0.012061 0.225546 6.346864 6.270100 0.000659 12.234361
0.012085 0.218412 6.146114 6.069349 0.000684 12.158941
0.012109 0.219325 6.171806 6.095041 0.000708 12.083830
0.012134 0.219159 6.167134 6.090370 0.000732 12.009027
0.012158 0.218578 6.150785 6.074020 0.000757 11.934532
0.012183 0.216504 6.092423 6.015658 0.000781 11.860344
0.012207 0.218993 6.162463 6.085698 0.000806 11.786460
0.012231 0.207546 5.840344 5.763580 0.000830 11.712882
0.012256 0.194854 5.483192 5.406427 0.000854 11.639606
0.012280 0.195766 5.508855 5.432090 0.000879 11.566632

Table B.2 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiu'e Pressiure Time Pressiu-e
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.012305 0.192780 5.424829 5.348064 0.000903 11.493959
0.012354 0.190209 5.352481 5.275717 0.000952 11.349513
0.012378 0.185480 5.219407 5.142642 0.000977 11.277737
0.012402 0.186227 5.240428 5.163663 0.001001 11.206257
0.012427 0.185232 5.212428 5.135664 0.001025 11.135073
0.012451 0.183407 5.161073 5.084308 0.001050 11.064184
0.012476 0.188218 5.296455 5.219690 0.001074 10.993589
0.012500 0.189628 5.336132 5.259367 0.001099 10.923286
0.012524 0.186393 5.245099 5.168334 0.001123 10.853274
0.012549 0.187222 5.268427 5.191662 0.001147 10.783553
0.012573 0.184153 5.182065 5.105301 0.001172 10.714121
0.012598 0.183656 5.168080 5.091315 0.001196 10.644978
0.012622 0.182577 5.137717 5.060952 0.001221 10.576122
0.012647 0.179425 5.049020 4.972255 0.001245 10.507552
0.012671 0.180089 5.067704 4.990940 0.001270 10.439268
0.012695 0.178595 5.025663 4.948899 0.001294 10.371267
0.012720 0.176024 4.953315 4.876551 0.001318 10.303550
0.012744 0.174365 4.906631 4.829866 0.001343 10.236116
0.012769 0.172872 4.864618 4.787853 0.001367 10.168962
0.012793 0.171296 4.820269 4.743505 0.001392 10.102089
0.012817 0.170217 4.789906 4.713142 0.001416 10.035495
0.012842 0.165240 4.649854 4.573089 0.001440 9.969179
0.012866 0.162254 4.565828 4.489063 0.001465 9.903140
0.012891 0.161839 4.554149 4.477385 0.001489 9.837378
0.012915 0.158106 4.449103 4.372338 0.001514 9.771891
0.012940 0.156033 4.390769 4.314004 0.001538 9.706678
0.012964 0.154539 4.348727 4.271963 0.001563 9.641738
0.012988 0.154373 4.344056 4.267291 0.001587 9.577070
0.013013 0.152051 4.278715 4.201950 0.001611 9.512674
0.013037 0.150309 4.229695 4.152931 0.001636 9.448548
0.013062 0.143922 4.049965 3.973200 0.001660 9.384692
0.013086 0.137534 3.870207 3.793442 0.001685 9.321104
0.013110 0.134880 3.795523 3.718758 0.001709 9.257783
0.013135 0.132391 3.725483 3.648718 0.001733 9.194729
0.013159 0.129073 3.632114 3.555349 0.001758 9.131940
0.013184 0.128327 3.611122 3.534357 0.001782 9.069416
0.013208 0.125174 3.522396 3.445632 0.001807 9.007155
0.013232 0.124179 3.494397 3.417632 0.001831 8.945157
0.013257 0.120778 3.398693 3.321928 0.001855 8.883421
0.013281 0.120363 3.387015 3.310250 0.001880 8.821945
0.013306 0.119865 3.373001 3.296236 0.001904 8.760730
0.013330 0.121607 3.422021 3.345256 0.001929 8.699773

Table B.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.013355 0.123101 3.464062 3.387297 0.001953 8.639074
0.013379 0.117128 3.295982 3.219217 0.001978 8.578632
0.013452 0.113312 3.188600 3.111835 0.002051 8.398840
0.013477 0.110492 3.109245 3.032480 0.002075 8.339417
0.013501 0.111902 3.148922 3.072158 0.002100 8.280246
0.013525 0.109579 3.083553 3.006788 0.002124 8.221327
0.013550 0.105930 2.980870 2.904105 0.002148 8.162658
0.013574 0.109662 3.085889 3.009124 0.002173 8.104240
0.013599 0.112815 3.174614 3.097849 0.002197 8.046070
0.013623 0.120114 3.380008 3.303243 0.002222 7.988147
0.013648 0.119700 3.368358 3.291593 0.002246 7.930472
0.013672 0.116547 3.279633 3.202868 0.002271 7.873043
0.013696 0.115635 3.253969 3.177204 0.002295 7.815860
0.013721 0.118206 3.326317 3.249552 0.002319 7.758920
0.013745 0.119036 3.349673 3.272908 0.002344 7.702224
0.013770 0.120114 3.380008 3.303243 0.002368 7.645771
0.013794 0.119700 3.368358 3.291593 0.002393 7.589559
0.013818 0.114308 3.216627 3.139862 0.002417 7.533588
0.013843 0.117460 3.305324 3.228560 0.002441 7.477857
0.013867 0.114308 3.216627 3.139862 0.002466 7.422365
0.013892 0.109331 3.076574 2.999810 0.002490 7.367111
0.013916 0.104602 2.943500 2.866736 0.002515 7.312094
0.013940 0.100538 2.829139 2.752375 0.002539 7.257314
0.013965 0.101367 2.852467 2.775703 0.002563 7.202770
0.013989 0.100870 2.838482 2.761717 0.002588 7.148460
0.014014 0.095561 2.689075 2.612311 0.002612 7.094384
0.014038 0.096307 2.710085 2.633320 0.002637 7.040542
0.014063 0.093487 2.630719 2.553954 0.002661 6.986931
0.014087 0.096556 2.717086 2.640321 0.002686 6.933552
0.014111 0.099293 2.794116 2.717352 0.002710 6.880403
0.014136 0.102280 2.878159 2.801394 0.002734 6.827485
0.014160 0.108418 3.050883 2.974118 0.002759 6.774794
0.014185 0.114308 3.216627 3.139862 0.002783 6.722332
0.014209 0.115220 3.242291 3.165526 0.002808 6.670097
0.014233 0.117709 3.312331 3.235567 0.002832 6.618089
0.014258 0.132557 3.730154 3.653389 0.002856 6.566306
0.014282 0.134465 3.783845 3.707080 0.002881 6.514748
0.014307 0.136041 3.828194 3.751429 0.002905 6.463413
0.014331 0.131230 3.692812 3.616047 0.002930 6.412302
0.014356 0.124428 3.501404 3.424639 0.002954 6.361413
0.014380 0.121690 3.424357 3.347592 0.002979 6.310745
0.014404 0.120861 3.401029 3.324264 0.003003 6.260298

Table B.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.014429 0.122437 3.445377 3.368612 0.003027 6.210071
0.014453 0.126833 3.569081 3.492316 0.003052 6.160063
0.014526 0.136456 3.839872 3.763107 0.003125 6.011345
0.014551 0.136954 3.853886 3.777121 0.003149 5.962205
0.014575 0.132640 3.732490 3.655725 0.003174 5.913280
0.014600 0.133967 3.769831 3.693067 0.003198 5.864570
0.014624 0.137451 3.867871 3.791106 0.003223 5.816073
0.014648 0.142345 4.005588 3.928824 0.003247 5.767788
0.014673 0.145000 4.080300 4.003535 0.003271 5.719716
0.014697 0.144668 4.070958 3.994193 0.003296 5.671854
0.014722 0.145995 4.108299 4.031535 0.003320 5.624204
0.014746 0.148069 4.166662 4.089897 0.003345 5.576762
0.014771 0.145332 4.089642 4.012878 0.003369 5.529530
0.014795 0.148401 4.176004 4.099239 0.003394 5.482505
0.014819 0.148401 4.176004 4.099239 0.003418 5.435688
0.014844 0.150724 4.241373 4.164609 0.003442 5.389078
0.014868 0.148401 4.176004 4.099239 0.003467 5.342673
0.014893 0.146659 4.126984 4.050220 0.003491 5.296473
0.014917 0.143341 4.033616 3.956851 0.003516 5.250478
0.014941 0.138613 3.900570 3.823805 0.003540 5.204686
0.014966 0.137783 3.877214 3.800449 0.003564 5.159097
0.014990 0.134216 3.776838 3.700073 0.003589 5.113710
0.015015 0.130234 3.664785 3.588020 0.003613 5.068524
0.015039 0.125672 3.536410 3.459645 0.003638 5.023539
0.015064 0.125672 3.536410 3.459645 0.003662 4.978754
0.015088 0.121359 3.415042 3.338278 0.003687 4.934168
0.015112 0.123101 3.464062 3.387297 0.003711 4.889780
0.015137 0.118124 3.324009 3.247245 0.003735 4.845590
0.015161 0.117128 3.295982 3.219217 0.003760 4.801596
0.015186 0.115386 3.246962 3.170197 0.003784 4.757799
0.015210 0.112234 3.158265 3.081500 0.003809 4.714197
0.015234 0.112732 3.172278 3.095514 0.003833 4.670790
0.015259 0.113229 3.186264 3.109499 0.003857 4.627577
0.015283 0.114308 3.216627 3.139862 0.003882 4.584558
0.015308 0.116879 3.288975 3.212210 0.003906 4.541730
0.015332 0.119036 3.349673 3.272908 0.003931 4.499095
0.015356 0.116133 3.267983 3.191218 0.003955 4.456651
0.015381 0.118289 3.328652 3.251888 0.003979 4.414397
0.015405 0.118538 3.335659 3.258895 0.004004 4.372334
0.015430 0.118704 3.340331 3.263566 0.004028 4.330459
0.015454 0.118704 3.340331 3.263566 0.004053 4.288772
0.015479 0.122271 3.440706 3.363941 0.004077 4.247273

Table B.2 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressttfe
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.015503 0.119617 3.366022 3.289258 0.004102 4.205961
0.015527 0.118953 3.347337 3.270573 0.004126 4.164836
0.015601 0.118870 3.345002 3.268237 0.004199 4.042570
0.015625 0.122520 3.447713 3.370948 0.004224 4.002182
0.015649 0.120861 3.401029 3.324264 0.004248 3.961978
0.015674 0.121027 3.405700 3.328935 0.004272 3.921955
0.015698 0.126087 3.548088 3.471323 0.004297 3.882114
0.015723 0.122686 3.452384 3.375619 0.004321 3.842454
0.015747 0.123598 3.478048 3.401283 0.004346 3.802974
0.015772 0.126087 3.548088 3.471323 0.004370 3.763673
0.015796 0.130152 3.662477 3.585713 0.004395 3.724552
0.015820 0.133138 3.746503 3.669739 0.004419 3.685608
0.015845 0.135212 3.804866 3.728101 0.004443 3.646842
0.015869 0.136124 3.830529 3.753765 0.004468 3.608253
0.015894 0.137617 3.872542 3.795778 0.004492 3.569840
0.015918 0.133884 3.767496 3.690731 0.004517 3.531602
0.015942 0.131976 3.713805 3.637040 0.004541 3.493539
0.015967 0.126999 3.573752 3.496987 0.004565 3.455651
0.015991 0.125589 3.534074 3.457310 0.004590 3.417936
0.016016 0.124345 3.499068 3.422304 0.004614 3.380394
0.016040 0.121359 3.415042 3.338278 0.004639 3.343024
0.016065 0.120280 3.384679 3.307914 0.004663 3.305826
0.016089 0.119617 3.366022 3.289258 0.004688 3.268798
0.016113 0.119202 3.354344 3.277580 0.004712 3.231941
0.016138 0.118124 3.324009 3.247245 0.004736 3.195254
0.016162 0.118704 3.340331 3.263566 0.004761 3.158736
0.016187 0.123432 3.473376 3.396612 0.004785 3.122386
0.016211 0.126087 3.548088 3.471323 0.004810 3.086204
0.016235 0.123018 3.461727 3.384962 0.004834 3.050190
0.016260 0.118455 3.333324 3.256559 0.004858 3.014342
0.016284 0.115137 3.239955 3.163190 0.004883 2.978659
0.016309 0.113146 3.183928 3.107164 0.004907 2.943142
0.016333 0.109745 3.088224 3.011460 0.004932 2.907790
0.016357 0.106842 3.006534 2.929769 0.004956 2.872602
0.016382 0.102694 2.889809 2.813044 0.004980 2.837578
0.016406 0.103524 2.913165 2.836401 0.005005 2.802716
0.016431 0.103524 2.913165 2.836401 0.005029 2.768016
0.016455 0.105183 2.959850 2.883085 0.005054 2.733478
0.016480 0.108501 3.053218 2.976453 0.005078 2.699101
0.016504 0.107755 3.032226 2.955461 0.005103 2.664885
0.016528 0.107920 3.036869 2.960104 0.005127 2.630828
0.016553 0.106842 3.006534 2.929769 0.005151 2.596931

Table B.2 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiue Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.016577 0.102529 2.885166 2.808401 0.005176 2.563192
0.016602 0.100289 2.822132 2.745368 0.005200 2.529611
0.016675 0.086270 2.427638 2.350873 0.005273 2.429811
0.016699 0.088261 2.483659 2.406894 0.005298 2.396856
0.016724 0.086934 2.446312 2.369547 0.005322 2.364057
0.016748 0.081708 2.299252 2.222487 0.005347 2.331412
0.016773 0.079717 2.243231 2.166466 0.005371 2.298921
0.016797 0.080463 2.264237 2.187473 0.005396 2.266583
0.016821 0.079468 2.236227 2.159462 0.005420 2.234398
0.016846 0.076731 2.159196 2.082432 0.005444 2.202365
0.016870 0.078141 2.198879 2.122115 0.005469 2.170483
0.016895 0.072666 2.044818 1.968054 0.005493 2.138753
0.016919 0.072085 2.028478 1.951713 0.005518 2.107173
0.016943 0.071090 2.000467 1.923702 0.005542 2.075743
0.016968 0.065615 1.846406 1.769641 0.005566 2.044463
0.016992 0.066445 1.869748 1.792983 0.005591 2.013331
0.017017 0.064620 1.818393 1.741628 0.005615 1.982347
0.017041 0.064868 1.825397 1.748632 0.005640 1.951511
0.017065 0.063126 1.776377 1.699612 0.005664 1.920823
0.017090 0.062380 1.755368 1.678603 0.005688 1.890280
0.017114 0.056573 1.591970 1.515205 0.005713 1.859884
0.017139 0.052177 1.468252 1.391488 0.005737 1.829633
0.017163 0.052094 1.465920 1.389155 0.005762 1.799527
0.017188 0.051098 1.437909 1.361144 0.005786 1.769565
0.017212 0.051181 1.440242 1.363477 0.005811 1.739747
0.017236 0.050850 1.430905 1.354140 0.005835 1.710072
0.017261 0.049356 1.388889 1.312124 0.005859 1.680540
0.017285 0.046204 1.300186 1.223421 0.005884 1.651150
0.017310 0.046038 1.295518 1.218753 0.005908 1.621901
0.017334 0.045458 1.279177 1.202412 0.005933 1.592794
0.017358 0.042554 1.197478 1.120713 0.005957 1.563827
0.017383 0.044213 1.244165 1.167400 0.005981 1.535000
0.017407 0.041227 1.160131 1.083366 0.006006 1.506313
0.017432 0.041061 1.155462 1.078697 0.006030 1.477764
0.017456 0.041642 1.171803 1.095038 0.006055 1.449354
0.017481 0.042388 1.192810 1.116045 0.006079 1.421082
0.017505 0.039651 1.115779 1.039014 0.006104 1.392947
0.017529 0.038656 1.087769 1.011004 0.006128 1.364949
0.017554 0.043965 1.237161 1.160396 0.006152 1.337087
0.017578 0.043135 1.213819 1.137054 0.006177 1.309361
0.017603 0.045707 1.286181 1.209416 0.006201 1.281770
0.017627 0.042803 1.204482 1.127717 0.006226 1.254315

Table B.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.017651 0.044794 1.260503 1.183738 0.006250 1.226993
0.017676 0.048029 1.351542 1.274777 0.006274 1.199805
0.017749 0.040066 1.127452 1.050687 0.006348 1.119038
0.017773 0.040812 1.148458 1.071693 0.006372 1.092380
0.017798 0.037328 1.050421 0.973656 0.006396 1.065853
0.017822 0.037494 1.055090 0.978325 0.006421 1.039456
0.017847 0.036499 1.027076 0.950311 0.006445 1.013190
0.017871 0.034093 0.959383 0.882618 0.006470 0.987053
0.017896 0.033927 0.954714 0.877949 0.006494 0.961046
0.017920 0.037826 1.064426 0.987662 0.006519 0.935167
0.017944 0.037245 1.048086 0.971321 0.006543 0.909417
0.017969 0.035669 1.003734 0.926969 0.006567 0.883794
0.017993 0.034010 0.957050 0.880285 0.006592 0.858299
0.018018 0.031190 0.877684 0.800919 0.006616 0.832930
0.018042 0.029946 0.842669 0.765904 0.006641 0.807687
0.018066 0.029033 0.816994 0.740230 0.006665 0.782570
0.018091 0.025715 0.723623 0.646858 0.006689 0.757579
0.018115 0.026959 0.758638 0.681873 0.006714 0.732712
0.018140 0.024803 0.697945 0.621180 0.006738 0.707969
0.018164 0.026711 0.751633 0.674869 0.006763 0.683351
0.018189 0.020489 0.576563 0.499799 0.006787 0.658855
0.018213 0.019991 0.562558 0.485793 0.006812 0.634483
0.018237 0.019826 0.557890 0.481125 0.006836 0.610233
0.018262 0.018249 0.513538 0.436773 0.006860 0.586105
0.018286 0.023890 0.672267 0.595503 0.006885 0.562098
0.018311 0.022646 0.637256 0.560491 0.006909 0.538212
0.018335 0.021816 0.613913 0.537149 0.006934 0.514447
0.018359 0.023724 0.667599 0.590834 0.006958 0.490802
0.018384 0.023641 0.665266 0.588501 0.006982 0.467277
0.018408 0.022978 0.646592 0.569828 0.007007 0.443870
0.018433 0.022978 0.646592 0.569828 0.007031 0.420582
0.018457 0.025052 0.704949 0.628184 0.007056 0.397413
0.018481 0.023641 0.665266 0.588501 0.007080 0.374361
0.018506 0.022065 0.620915 0.544150 0.007105 0.351427
0.018530 0.022065 0.620915 0.544150 0.007129 0.328609
0.018555 0.019577 0.550888 0.474124 0.007153 0.305908
0.018579 0.017835 0.501868 0.425104 0.007178 0.283323
0.018604 0.023475 0.660598 0.583833 0.007202 0.260853
0.018628 0.023227 0.653594 0.576829 0.007227 0.238498
0.018652 0.021236 0.597573 0.520808 0.007251 0.216258
0.018677 0.022480 0.632587 0.555822 0.007275 0.194132
0.018701 0.021236 0.597573 0.520808 0.007300 0.172119

Table B.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiue Pressiu-e Time Pressiue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.018726 0.024305 0.683940 0.607175 0.007324 0.150220
0.018750 0.025466 0.716619 0.639854 0.007349 0.128434
0.018823 0.029614 0.833332 0.756568 0.007422 0.063748
0.018848 0.025300 0.711950 0.635186 0.007446 0.042409
0.018872 0.024388 0.686276 0.609511 0.007471 0.021180
0.018897 0.021733 0.611578 0.534813 0.007495 0.000062
0.018921 0.021402 0.602241 0.525476 0.007520 -0.020947
0.018945 0.022646 0.637256 0.560491 0.007544 -0.041847
0.018970 0.020074 0.564894 0.488129 0.007568 -0.062637
0.018994 0.018664 0.525211 0.448446 0.007593 -0.083319
0.019019 0.018498 0.520542 0.443777 0.007617 -0.103893
0.019043 0.015346 0.431839 0.355075 0.007642 -0.124359
0.019067 0.018664 0.525211 0.448446 0.007666 -0.144718
0.019092 0.023724 0.667599 0.590834 0.007690 -0.164970
0.019116 0.022978 0.646592 0.569828 0.007715 -0.185116
0.019141 0.026379 0.742297 0.665532 0.007739 -0.205155
0.019165 0.018084 0.508870 0.432105 0.007764 -0.225090
0.019190 0.012858 0.361810 0.285045 0.007788 -0.244919
0.019214 0.006304 0.177404 0.100639 0.007813 -0.264643
0.019238 0.004894 0.137722 0.060957 0.007837 -0.284263
0.019263 0.002323 0.065359 -0.011405 0.007861 -0.303779

Table B.3 -Free Field Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure
Time History for the Fourth Blast
td = 0.014136 sec a= 0.7
P"= 6.8094 psi 1= 39.0 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 10 CF = -0.5768
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Inpulse Time Pressxue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
-0.001000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.009985 0.290240 2.902400 3.479231 0.000000 0.000000 8.380460
0.010010 0.449315 4.493150 5.069981 0.000104 0.000024 8.349916
0.010034 0.411519 4.115190 4.692021 0.000119 0.000049 8.319456
0.010059 0.440260 4.402600 4.979431 0.000118 0.000073 8.289079
0.010083 0.430708 4.307080 4.883911 0.000120 0.000098 8.258785
0.010107 0.446241 4.462410 5.039241 0.000121 0.000122 8.228573
0.010132 0.448484 4.484840 5.061671 0.000123 0.000146 8.198445
0.010156 0.461360 4.613600 5.190431 0.000125 0.000171 8.168399
0.010181 0.455130 4.551300 5.128131 0.000126 0.000195 8.138436
0.010205 0.470497 4.704970 5.281801 0.000127 0.000220 8.108554
0.010230 0.454880 4.548800 5.125631 0.000127 0.000244 8.078755
0.010254 0.449481 4.494810 5.071641 0.000124 0.000269 8.049037
0.010278 0.453053 4.530530 5.107361 0.000124 0.000293 8.019400
0.010303 0.455628 4.556280 5.133111 0.000125 0.000317 7.989845
0.010327 0.454880 4.548800 5.125631 0.000125 0.000342 7.960371
0.010352 0.449398 4.493980 5.070811 0.000124 0.000366 7.930978
0.010376 0.449896 4.498960 5.075791 0.000124 0.000391 7.901666
0.010400 0.455213 4.552130 5.128961 0.000125 0.000415 7.872434
0.010425 0.456957 4.569570 5.146401 0.000125 0.000439 7.843283
0.010449 0.451558 4.515580 5.092411 0.000125 0.000464 7.814212
0.010474 0.446989 4.469890 5.046721 0.000124 0.000488 7.785220
0.010498 0.452970 4.529700 5.106531 0.000124 0.000513 7.756308
0.010523 0.449066 4.490660 5.067491 0.000124 0.000537 7.727476
0.010547 0.493922 4.939220 5.516051 0.000129 0.000562 7.698724
0.010571 0.603157 6.031570 6.608401 0.000148 0.000586 7.670050
0.010596 0.623259 6.232590 6.809421 0.000164 0.000610 7.641455
0.010620 0.576077 5.760770 6.337601 0.000160 0.000635 7.612940
0.010645 0.536619 5.366190 5.943021 0.000150 0.000659 7.584502
0.010669 0.511948 5.119480 5.696311 0.000142 0.000684 7.556143
0.010693 0.483788 4.837880 5.414711 0.000136 0.000708 7.527863
0.010718 0.465015 4.650150 5.226981 0.000130 0.000732 7.499660
0.010742 0.446075 4.460750 5.037581 0.000125 0.000757 7.471535
0.010767 0.423315 4.233150 4.809981 0.000120 0.000781 7.443488
0.010791 0.407033 4.070330 4.647161 0.000115 0.000806 7.415518
0.010815 0.403461 4.034610 4.611441 0.000113 0.000830 7.387625

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
^l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.010840 0.408612 4.086120 4.662951 0.000113 0.000854 7.359810
0.010864 0.404292 4.042920 4.619751 0.000113 0.000879 7.332071
0.010938 0.419161 4.191610 4.768441 0.000115 0.000952 7.249315
0.010962 0.425557 4.255570 4.832401 0.000117 0.000977 7.221881
0.010986 0.423564 4.235640 4.812471 0.000118 0.001001 7.194524
0.011011 0.424477 4.244770 4.821601 0.000118 0.001025 7.167243
0.011035 0.435027 4.350270 4.927101 0.000119 0.001050 7.140037
0.011060 0.441008 4.410080 4.986911 0.000121 0.001074 7.112907
0.011084 0.432369 4.323690 4.900521 0.000121 0.001099 7.085851
0.011108 0.432452 4.324520 4.901351 0.000120 0.001123 7.058871
0.011133 0.429794 4.297940 4.874771 0.000119 0.001147 7.031966
0.011157 0.425640 4.256400 4.833231 0.000119 0.001172 7.005135
0.011182 0.428382 4.283820 4.860651 0.000118 0.001196 6.978379
0.011206 0.430541 4.305410 4.882241 0.000119 0.001221 6.951697
0.011231 0.426222 4.262220 4.839051 0.000119 0.001245 6.925089
0.011255 0.427302 4.273020 4.849851 0.000118 0.001270 6.898555
0.011279 0.421487 4.214870 4.791701 0.000118 0.001294 6.872094
0.011304 0.417500 4.175000 4.751831 0.000116 0.001318 6.845708
0.011328 0.419161 4.191610 4.768441 0.000116 0.001343 6.819394
0.011353 0.419826 4.198260 4.775091 0.000116 0.001367 6.793154
0.011377 0.424477 4.244770 4.821601 0.000117 0.001392 6.766987
0.011401 0.423979 4.239790 4.816621 0.000118 0.001416 6.740893
0.011426 0.417749 4.177490 4.754321 0.000117 0.001440 6.714871
0.011450 0.419410 4.194100 4.770931 0.000116 0.001465 6.688922
0.011475 0.426222 4.262220 4.839051 0.000117 0.001489 6.663045
0.011499 0.429545 4.295450 4.872281 0.000119 0.001514 6.637240
0.011523 0.421653 4.216530 4.793361 0.000118 0.001538 6.611507
0.011548 0.425142 4.251420 4.828251 0.000117 0.001563 6.585846
0.011572 0.423481 4.234810 4.811641 0.000118 0.001587 6.560257
0.011597 0.426222 4.262220 4.839051 0.000118 0.001611 6.534739
0.011621 0.430708 4.307080 4.883911 0.000119 0.001636 6.509292
0.011646 0.433033 4.330330 4.907161 0.000120 0.001660 6.483916
0.011670 0.437519 4.375190 4.952021 0.000120 0.001685 6.458612
0.011694 0.425059 4.250590 4.827421 0.000119 0.001709 6.433377
0.011719 0.424976 4.249760 4.826591 0.000118 0.001733 6.408214
0.011743 0.424561 4.245610 4.822441 0.000118 0.001758 6.383121
0.011768 0.428299 4.282990 4.859821 0.000118 0.001782 6.358098
0.011792 0.418081 4.180810 4.757641 0.000117 0.001807 6.333145
0.011816 0.410356 4.103560 4.680391 0.000115 0.001831 6.308261
0.011841 0.403877 4.038770 4.615601 0.000113 0.001855 6.283448
0.011865 0.404043 4.040430 4.617261 0.000113 0.001880 6.258704
0.011890 0.406701 4.067010 4.643841 0.000113 0.001904 6.234029

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
^V (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.011914 0.397979 3.979790 4.556621 0.000112 0.001929 6.209424
0.011939 0.391333 3.913330 4.490161 0.000110 0.001953 6.184888
0.012012 0.395902 3.959020 4.535851 0.000110 0.002026 6.111691
0.012036 0.387761 3.877610 4.454441 0.000110 0.002051 6.087428
0.012061 0.387014 3.870140 4.446971 0.000109 0.002075 6.063234
0.012085 0.390087 3.900870 4.477701 0.000109 0.002100 6.039108
0.012109 0.391499 3.914990 4.491821 0.000109 0.002124 6.015050
0.012134 0.396068 3.960680 4.537511 0.000110 0.002148 5.991060
0.012158 0.393078 3.930780 4.507611 0.000110 0.002173 5.967137
0.012183 0.394656 3.946560 4.523391 0.000110 0.002197 5.943281
0.012207 0.394407 3.944070 4.520901 0.000110 0.002222 5.919492
0.012231 0.386931 3.869310 4.446141 0.000109 0.002246 5.895771
0.012256 0.370982 3.709820 4.286651 0.000107 0.002271 5.872116
0.012280 0.364918 3.649180 4.226011 0.000104 0.002295 5.848528
0.012305 0.367576 3.675760 4.252591 0.000103 0.002319 5.825006
0.012329 0.367410 3.674100 4.250931 0.000104 0.002344 5.801551
0.012354 0.366496 3.664960 4.241791 0.000104 0.002368 5.778162
0.012378 0.359518 3.595180 4.172011 0.000103 0.002393 5.754839
0.012402 0.362841 3.628410 4.205241 0.000102 0.002417 5.731581
0.012427 0.358189 3.581890 4.158721 0.000102 0.002441 5.708390
0.012451 0.355614 3.556140 4.132971 0.000101 0.002466 5.685264
0.012476 0.356362 3.563620 4.140451 0.000101 0.002490 5.662203
0.012500 0.361761 3.617610 4.194441 0.000102 0.002515 5.639207
0.012524 0.368573 3.685730 4.262561 0.000103 0.002539 5.616277
0.012549 0.363755 3.637550 4.214381 0.000103 0.002563 5.593411
0.012573 0.359186 3.591860 4.168691 0.000102 0.002588 5.570610
0.012598 0.360266 3.602660 4.179491 0.000102 0.002612 5.547874
0.012622 0.361014 3.610140 4.186971 0.000102 0.002637 5.525202
0.012647 0.355614 3.556140 4.132971 0.000102 0.002661 5.502594
0.012671 0.359435 3.594350 4.171181 0.000101 0.002686 5.480050
0.012695 0.354451 3.544510 4.121341 0.000101 0.002710 5.457570
0.012720 0.350049 3.500490 4.077321 0.000100 0.002734 5.435154
0.012744 0.352956 3.529560 4.106391 0.000100 0.002759 5.412802
0.012769 0.360349 3.603490 4.180321 0.000101 0.002783 5.390513
0.012793 0.354783 3.547830 4.124661 0.000101 0.002808 5.368287
0.012817 0.346726 3.467260 4.044091 0.000100 0.002832 5.346124
0.012842 0.346560 3.465600 4.042431 0.000099 0.002856 5.324025
0.012866 0.342074 3.420740 3.997571 0.000098 0.002881 5.301988
0.012891 0.340080 3.400800 3.977631 0.000097 0.002905 5.280014
0.012915 0.339001 3.390010 3.966841 0.000097 0.002930 5.258102
0.012940 0.340745 3.407450 3.984281 0.000097 0.002954 5.236253
0.012964 0.336758 3.367580 3.944411 0.000097 0.002979 5.214465

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiue Impulse Time Pressiue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(l^ (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.012988 0.333435 3.334350 3.911181 0.000096 0.003003 5.192740
0.013013 0.333186 3.331860 3.908691 0.000095 0.003027 5.171077
0.013086 0.332687 3.326870 3.903701 0.000096 0.003101 5.106457
0.013110 0.333103 3.331030 3.907861 0.000095 0.003125 5.085040
0.013135 0.344483 3.444830 4.021661 0.000097 0.003149 5.063684
0.013159 0.335429 3.354290 3.931121 0.000097 0.003174 5.042389
0.013184 0.332521 3.325210 3.902041 0.000096 0.003198 5.021154
0.013208 0.330777 3.307770 3.884601 0.000095 0.003223 4.999981
0.013232 0.329697 3.296970 3.873801 0.000095 0.003247 4.978868
0.013257 0.324713 3.247130 3.823961 0.000094 0.003271 4.957815
0.013281 0.324131 3.241310 3.818141 0.000093 0.003296 4.936822
0.013306 0.321805 3.218050 3.794881 0.000093 0.003320 4.915890
0.013330 0.324048 3.240480 3.817311 0.000093 0.003345 4.895017
0.013355 0.327786 3.277860 3.854691 0.000094 0.003369 4.874205
0.013379 0.324297 3.242970 3.819801 0.000094 0.003394 4.853451
0.013403 0.326540 3.265400 3.842231 0.000094 0.003418 4.832758
0.013428 0.320144 3.201440 3.778271 0.000093 0.003442 4.812123
0.013452 0.322304 3.223040 3.799871 0.000093 0.003467 4.791548
0.013477 0.315991 3.159910 3.736741 0.000092 0.003491 4.771032
0.013501 0.304943 3.049430 3.626261 0.000090 0.003516 4.750575
0.013525 0.301454 3.014540 3.591371 0.000088 0.003540 4.730176
0.013550 0.304029 3.040290 3.617121 0.000088 0.003564 4.709836
0.013574 0.308431 3.084310 3.661141 0.000089 0.003589 4.689555
0.013599 0.307019 3.070190 3.647021 0.000089 0.003613 4.669331
0.013623 0.312086 3.120860 3.697691 0.000090 0.003638 4.649166
0.013648 0.313748 3.137480 3.714311 0.000090 0.003662 4.629059
0.013672 0.306272 3.062720 3.639551 0.000090 0.003687 4.609010
0.013696 0.306687 3.066870 3.643701 0.000089 0.003711 4.589018
0.013721 0.308016 3.080160 3.656991 0.000089 0.003735 4.569085
0.013745 0.304776 3.047760 3.624591 0.000089 0.003760 4.549208
0.013770 0.300623 3.006230 3.583061 0.000088 0.003784 4.529389
0.013794 0.299460 2.994600 3.571431 0.000087 0.003809 4.509627
0.013818 0.294476 2.944760 3.521591 0.000087 0.003833 4.489922
0.013843 0.292815 2.928150 3.504981 0.000086 0.003857 4.470274
0.013867 0.292732 2.927320 3.504151 0.000086 0.003882 4.450682
0.013892 0.293396 2.933960 3.510791 0.000086 0.003906 4.431147
0.013916 0.287083 2.870830 3.447661 0.000085 0.003931 4.411669
0.013940 0.285754 2.857540 3.434371 0.000084 0.003955 4.392247
0.013965 0.290489 2.904890 3.481721 0.000084 0.003979 4.372881
0.013989 0.290904 2.909040 3.485871 0.000085 0.004004 4.353571
0.014014 0.289824 2.898240 3.475071 0.000085 0.004028 4.334317
0.014038 0.288744 2.887440 3.464271 0.000085 0.004053 4.315118

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu-e Pressure Pressiue Inpulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7)
0.014063 0.291984 2.919840 3.496671 0.000085 0.004077 4.295976
0.014087 0.296553 2.965530 3.542361 0.000086 0.004102 4.276888
0.014160 0.297799 2.977990 3.554821 0.000087 0.004175 4.219958
0.014185 0.297965 2.979650 3.556481 0.000087 0.004199 4.201091
0.014209 0.288495 2.884950 3.461781 0.000086 0.004224 4.182279
0.014233 0.287997 2.879970 3.456801 0.000084 0.004248 4.163521
0.014258 0.287249 2.872490 3.449321 0.000084 0.004272 4.144818
0.014282 0.289243 2.892430 3.469261 0.000084 0.004297 4.126170
0.014307 0.285837 2.858370 3.435201 0.000084 0.004321 4.107575
0.014331 0.287665 2.876650 3.453481 0.000084 0.004346 4.089035
0.014356 0.279441 2.794410 3.371241 0.000083 0.004370 4.070549
0.014380 0.277530 2.775300 3.352131 0.000082 0.004395 4.052116
0.014404 0.280105 2.801050 3.377881 0.000082 0.004419 4.033737
0.014429 0.271549 2.715490 3.292321 0.000081 0.004443 4.015412
0.014453 0.265818 2.658180 3.235011 0.000080 0.004468 3.997140
0.014478 0.265485 2.654850 3.231681 0.000079 0.004492 3.978921
0.014502 0.272878 2.728780 3.305611 0.000080 0.004517 3.960756
0.014526 0.274207 2.742070 3.318901 0.000081 0.004541 3.942643
0.014551 0.267064 2.670640 3.247471 0.000080 0.004565 3.924584
0.014575 0.281684 2.816840 3.393671 0.000081 0.004590 3.906577
0.014600 0.298962 2.989620 3.566451 0.000085 0.004614 3.888623
0.014624 0.296387 2.963870 3.540701 0.000087 0.004639 3.870721
0.014648 0.289575 2.895750 3.472581 0.000086 0.004663 3.852872
0.014673 0.306770 3.067700 3.644531 0.000087 0.004688 3.835074
0.014697 0.305109 3.051090 3.627921 0.000089 0.004712 3.817329
0.014722 0.294725 2.947250 3.524081 0.000087 0.004736 3.799636
0.014746 0.292898 2.928980 3.505811 0.000086 0.004761 3.781995
0.014771 0.286834 2.868340 3.445171 0.000085 0.004785 3.764405
0.014795 0.292067 2.920670 3.497501 0.000085 0.004810 3.746867
0.014819 0.307102 3.071020 3.647851 0.000087 0.004834 3.729381
0.014844 0.300291 3.002910 3.579741 0.000088 0.004858 3.711945
0.014868 0.295307 2.953070 3.529901 0.000087 0.004883 3.694561
0.014893 0.295556 2.955560 3.532391 0.000086 0.004907 3.677228
0.014917 0.294144 2.941440 3.518271 0.000086 0.004932 3.659946
0.014941 0.297716 2.977160 3.553991 0.000086 0.004956 3.642715
0.014966 0.296885 2.968850 3.545681 0.000087 0.004980 3.625534
0.014990 0.291236 2.912360 3.489191 0.000086 0.005005 3.608404
0.015015 0.290323 2.903230 3.480061 0.000085 0.005029 3.591324
0.015039 0.290240 2.902400 3.479231 0.000085 0.005054 3.574295
0.015064 0.288827 2.888270 3.465101 0.000085 0.005078 3.557315
0.015088 0.285256 2.852560 3.429391 0.000084 0.005103 3.540386
0.015112 0.284591 2.845910 3.422741 0.000084 0.005127 3.523507

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiue Pressiure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.015137 0.285089 2.850890 3.427721 0.000084 0.005151 3.506677
0.015161 0.288163 2.881630 3.458461 0.000084 0.005176 3.489897
0.015234 0.278693 2.786930 3.363761 0.000082 0.005249 3.439854
0.015259 0.273211 2.732110 3.308941 0.000081 0.005273 3.423272
0.015283 0.268227 2.682270 3.259101 0.000080 0.005298 3.406738
0.015308 0.257262 2.572620 3.149451 0.000078 0.005322 3.390253
0.015332 0.257262 2.572620 3.149451 0.000077 0.005347 3.373818
0.015356 0.254770 2.547700 3.124531 0.000077 0.005371 3.357430
0.015381 0.253607 2.536070 3.112901 0.000076 0.005396 3.341092
0.015405 0.254271 2.542710 3.119541 0.000076 0.005420 3.324802
0.015430 0.249204 2.492040 3.068871 0.000076 0.005444 3.308560
0.015454 0.249619 2.496190 3.073021 0.000075 0.005469 3.292366
0.015479 0.247626 2.476260 3.053091 0.000075 0.005493 3.276220
0.015503 0.244884 2.448840 3.025671 0.000074 0.005518 3.260122
0.015527 0.242392 2.423920 3.000751 0.000074 0.005542 3.244072
0.015552 0.242725 2.427250 3.004081 0.000073 0.005566 3.228070
0.015576 0.237658 2.376580 2.953411 0.000073 0.005591 3.212115
0.015601 0.236910 2.369100 2.945931 0.000072 0.005615 3.196208
0.015625 0.235747 2.357470 2.934301 0.000072 0.005640 3.180348
0.015649 0.235498 2.354980 2.931811 0.000072 0.005664 3.164536
0.015674 0.236245 2.362450 2.939281 0.000072 0.005688 3.148770
0.015698 0.229683 2.296830 2.873661 0.000071 0.005713 3.133051
0.015723 0.228603 2.286030 2.862861 0.000070 0.005737 3.117379
0.015747 0.224699 2.246990 2.823821 0.000069 0.005762 3.101754
0.015772 0.224616 2.246160 2.822991 0.000069 0.005786 3.086176
0.015796 0.226609 2.266090 2.842921 0.000069 0.005811 3.070644
0.015820 0.225447 2.254470 2.831301 0.000069 0.005835 3.055158
0.015845 0.226693 2.266930 2.843761 0.000069 0.005859 3.039719
0.015869 0.223702 2.237020 2.813851 0.000069 0.005884 3.024326
0.015894 0.221210 2.212100 2.788931 0.000068 0.005908 3.008978
0.015918 0.216807 2.168070 2.744901 0.000068 0.005933 2.993677
0.015942 0.219964 2.199640 2.776471 0.000067 0.005957 2.978422
0.015967 0.215728 2.157280 2.734111 0.000067 0.005981 2.963212
0.015991 0.210660 2.106600 2.683431 0.000066 0.006006 2.948048
0.016016 0.212820 2.128200 2.705031 0.000066 0.006030 2.932929
0.016040 0.208418 2.084180 2.661011 0.000066 0.006055 2.917855
0.016065 0.210162 2.101620 2.678451 0.000065 0.006079 2.902827
0.016089 0.210910 2.109100 2.685931 0.000065 0.006104 2.887844
0.016113 0.209331 2.093310 2.670141 0.000065 0.006128 2.872906
0.016138 0.207504 2.075040 2.651871 0.000065 0.006152 2.858012
0.016162 0.207089 2.070890 2.647721 0.000065 0.006177 2.843164
0.016187 0.209165 2.091650 2.668481 1 0.000065 1 0.006201 2.828360

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiue Pressiue Impulse Time Pressiu-e
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) 9} (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.016211 0.207753 2.077530 2.654361 0.000065 0.006226 2.813601
0.016235 0.207753 2.077530 2.654361 0.000065 0.006250 2.798886
0.016309 0.201191 2.011910 2.588741 0.000064 0.006323 2.755006
0.016333 0.200609 2.006090 2.582921 0.000063 0.006348 2.740468
0.016357 0.202188 2.021880 2.598711 0.000063 0.006372 2.725973
0.016382 0.202271 2.022710 2.599541 0.000063 0.006396 2.711522
0.016406 0.199031 1.990310 2.567141 0.000063 0.006421 2.697115
0.016431 0.196539 1.965390 2.542221 0.000062 0.006445 2.682751
0.016455 0.197287 1.972870 2.549701 0.000062 0.006470 2.668431
0.016480 0.193798 1.937980 2.514811 0.000062 0.006494 2.654154
0.016504 0.189893 1.898930 2.475761 0.000061 0.006519 2.639920
0.016528 0.186820 1.868200 2.445031 0.000060 0.006543 2.625730
0.016553 0.184826 1.848260 2.425091 0.000059 0.006567 2.611582
0.016577 0.184328 1.843280 2.420111 0.000059 0.006592 2.597477
0.016602 0.184992 1.849920 2.426751 0.000059 0.006616 2.583415
0.016626 0.192718 1.927180 2.504011 0.000060 0.006641 2.569395
0.016650 0.192884 1.928840 2.505671 0.000061 0.006665 2.555418
0.016675 0.192136 1.921360 2.498191 0.000061 0.006689 2.541484
0.016699 0.189478 1.894780 2.471611 0.000061 0.006714 2.527592
0.016724 0.183082 1.830820 2.407651 0.000060 0.006738 2.513742
0.016748 0.178264 1.782640 2.359471 0.000058 0.006763 2.499934
0.016773 0.174609 1.746090 2.322921 0.000057 0.006787 2.486168
0.016797 0.173944 1.739440 2.316271 0.000057 0.006812 2.472444
0.016821 0.171951 1.719510 2.296341 0.000056 0.006836 2.458762
0.016846 0.170954 1.709540 2.286371 0.000056 0.006860 2.445121
0.016870 0.173695 1.736950 2.313781 0.000056 0.006885 2.431522
0.016895 0.170456 1.704560 2.281391 0.000056 0.006909 2.417965
0.016919 0.165305 1.653050 2.229881 0.000055 0.006934 2.404448
0.016943 0.165721 1.657210 2.234041 0.000054 0.006958 2.390973
0.016968 0.163644 1.636440 2.213271 0.000054 0.006982 2.377540
0.016992 0.161235 1.612350 2.189181 0.000054 0.007007 2.364147
0.017017 0.161484 1.614840 2.191671 0.000053 0.007031 2.350795
0.017041 0.156168 1.561680 2.138511 0.000053 0.007056 2.337484
0.017065 0.156999 1.569990 2.146821 0.000052 0.007080 2.324214
0.017090 0.154423 1.544230 2.121061 0.000052 0.007105 2.310984
0.017114 0.155171 1.551710 2.128541 0.000052 0.007129 2.297795
0.017139 0.158245 1.582450 2.159281 0.000052 0.007153 2.284646
0.017163 0.156749 1.567490 2.144321 0.000053 0.007178 2.271538
0.017188 0.215645 2.156450 2.733281 0.000060 0.007202 2.258469
0.017212 0.257095 2.570950 3.147781 0.000072 0.007227 2.245441
0.017236 0.256431 2.564310 3.141141 0.000077 0.007251 2.232453
0.017261 0.252194 2.521940 3.098771 1 0.000076 0.007275 2.219505

Table B.3 (cont.
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiure Pressure Pressure In^ulse Time Pressiue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) ^3) (4) (5) (6) .™i2]
0.017285 0.251613 2.516130 3.092961 0.000076 0.007300 2.206596
0.017310 0.258674 2.586740 3.163571 0.000076 0.007324 2.193728
0.017383 0.259671 2.596710 3.173541 0.000078 0.007397 2.155359
0.017407 0.260750 2.607500 3.184331 0.000078 0.007422 2.142648
0.017432 0.259255 2.592550 3.169381 0.000078 0.007446 2.129976
0.017456 0.261415 2.614150 3.190981 0.000078 0.007471 2.117343
0.017481 0.263575 2.635750 3.212581 0.000078 0.007495 2.104749
0.017505 0.261913 2.619130 3.195961 0.000078 0.007520 2.092194
0.017529 0.262910 2.629100 3.205931 0.000078 0.007544 2.079678
0.017554 0.261830 2.618300 3.195131 0.000078 0.007568 2.067201
0.017578 0.263824 2.638240 3.215071 0.000078 0.007593 2.054762
0.017603 0.262661 2.626610 3.203441 0.000078 0.007617 2.042362
0.017627 0.266565 2.665650 3.242481 0.000079 0.007642 2.030000
0.017651 0.274540 2.745400 3.322231 0.000080 0.007666 2.017676
0.017676 0.276616 2.766160 3.342991 0.000081 0.007690 2.005391
0.017700 0.282182 2.821820 3.398651 0.000082 0.007715 1.993143
0.017725 0.282847 2.828470 3.405301 0.000083 0.007739 1.980934
0.017749 0.282847 2.828470 3.405301 0.000083 0.007764 1.968762
0.017773 0.282930 2.829300 3.406131 0.000083 0.007788 1.956629
0.017798 0.282930 2.829300 3.406131 0.000083 0.007813 1.944533
0.017822 0.283760 2.837600 3.414431 0.000083 0.007837 1.932474
0.017847 0.280687 2.806870 3.383701 0.000083 0.007861 1.920453
0.017871 0.286169 2.861690 3.438521 0.000083 0.007886 1.908470
0.017896 0.284508 2.845080 3.421911 0.000084 0.007910 1.896524
0.017920 0.280438 2.804380 3.381211 0.000083 0.007935 1.884615
0.017944 0.284508 2.845080 3.421911 0.000083 0.007959 1.872743
0.017969 0.288744 2.887440 3.464271 0.000084 0.007983 1.860908
0.017993 0.289409 2.894090 3.470921 0.000085 0.008008 1.849110
0.018018 0.290489 2.904890 3.481721 0.000085 0.008032 1.837349
0.018042 0.287748 2.877480 3.454311 0.000085 0.008057 1.825625
0.018066 0.275703 2.757030 3.333861 0.000083 0.008081 1.813937
0.018091 0.268642 2.686420 3.263251 0.000081 0.008105 1.802286
0.018115 0.275370 2.753700 3.330531 0.000080 0.008130 1.790671
0.018140 0.273709 2.737090 3.313921 0.000081 0.008154 1.779093
0.018164 0.263658 2.636580 3.213411 0.000080 0.008179 1.767551
0.018189 0.257677 2.576770 3.153601 0.000078 0.008203 1.756045
0.257262 2.572620 3.149451 0.000077 0.008228 1.744575
0.018237 0.254603 2.546030 3.122861 0.000077 0.008252 1.733141
0.018262 0.257594 2.575940 3.152771 0.000077 0.008276 1.721744
0.018286 0.252942 2.529420 3.106251 0.000076 0.008301 1.710381
0.018311 0.251364 2.513640 3.090471 0.000076 0.008325 1.699055
0.018335 0.242725 2.427250 3.004081 0.000074 0.008350 1.687764

T îble B.3 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiue Pressure Pressure Inpulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(V (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.018359 0.250782 2.507820 3.084651 0.000074 0.008374 1.676509
0.018384 0.255102 2.551020 3.127851 0.000076 0.008398 1.665289
0.018457 0.229351 2.293510 2.870341 0.000072 0.008472 1.631841
0.018481 0.221875 2.218750 2.795581 0.000069 0.008496 1.620762
0.018506 0.222207 2.222070 2.798901 0.000068 0.008521 1.609718
0.018530 0.221127 2.211270 2.788101 0.000068 0.008545 1.598709
0.018555 0.215645 2.156450 2.733281 0.000067 0.008569 1.587735
0.018579 0.216309 2.163090 2.739921 0.000067 0.008594 1.576795
0.018604 0.211574 2.115740 2.692571 0.000066 0.008618 1.565890
0.018628 0.206673 2.066730 2.643561 0.000065 0.008643 1.555019
0.018652 0.210162 2.101620 2.678451 0.000065 0.008667 1.544183
0.018677 0.203766 2.037660 2.614491 0.000065 0.008691 1.533381
0.018701 0.199280 1.992800 2.569631 0.000063 0.008716 1.522614
0.018726 0.199197 1.991970 2.568801 0.000063 0.008740 1.511881
0.018750 0.196040 1.960400 2.537231 0.000062 0.008765 1.501181
0.018774 0.191223 1.912230 2.489061 0.000061 0.008789 1.490516
0.018799 0.187900 1.879000 2.455831 0.000060 0.008813 1.479885
0.018823 0.185491 1.854910 2.431741 0.000060 0.008838 1.469287
0.018848 0.180839 1.808390 2.385221 0.000059 0.008862 1.458723
0.018872 0.181171 1.811710 2.388541 0.000058 0.008887 1.448193
0.018897 0.187651 1.876510 2.453341 0.000059 0.008911 1.437696
0.018921 0.187235 1.872350 2.449181 0.000060 0.008936 1.427233
0.018945 0.181919 1.819190 2.396021 0.000059 0.008960 1.416803
0.018970 0.174277 1.742770 2.319601 0.000058 0.008984 1.406407
0.018994 0.174360 1.743600 2.320431 0.000057 0.009009 1.396043
0.019019 0.168296 1.682960 2.259791 0.000056 0.009033 1.385713
0.019043 0.166385 1.663850 2.240681 0.000055 0.009058 1.375416
0.019067 0.166468 1.664680 2.241511 0.000055 0.009082 1.365152
0.019092 0.164309 1.643090 2.219921 0.000054 0.009106 1.354920
0.019116 0.166302 1.663020 2.239851 0.000054 0.009131 1.344721
0.019141 0.166385 1.663850 2.240681 0.000055 0.009155 1.334556
0.019165 0.165222 1.652220 2.229051 0.000055 0.009180 1.324422
0.019190 0.160321 1.603210 2.180041 0.000054 0.009204 1.314321
0.019214 0.159657 1.596570 2.173401 0.000053 0.009229 1.304253
0.019238 0.161069 1.610690 2.187521 0.000053 0.009253 1.294217
0.019263 0.169210 1.692100 2.268931 0.000054 0.009277 1.284213
0.019287 0.174027 1.740270 2.317101 0.000056 0.009302 1.274241
0.019312 0.171369 1.713690 2.290521 0.000056 0.009326 1.264302
0.019336 0.168711 1.687110 2.263941 0.000056 0.009351 1.254394
0.019360 0.166884 1.668840 2.245671 0.000055 0.009375 1.244519
0.019385 0.156999 1.569990 2.146821 0.000054 0.009399 1.234675
0.019409 0.153842 1.538420 2.115251 0.000052 0.009424 1.224863

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiue ItiQ)ulse Time Pressiu-e
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.019434 0.148193 1.481930 2.058761 0.000051 0.009448 1.215083
0.019482 0.142960 1.429600 2.006431 0.000049 0.009497 1.195616
0.019507 0.135899 1.358990 1.935821 0.000048 0.009521 1.185931
0.019531 0.134653 1.346530 1.923361 0.000047 0.009546 1.176276
0.019556 0.131331 1.313310 1.890141 0.000047 0.009570 1.166653
0.019580 0.129918 1.299180 1.876011 0.000046 0.009595 1.157061
0.019605 0.128672 1.286720 1.863551 0.000046 0.009619 1.147500
0.019629 0.127676 1.276760 1.853591 0.000045 0.009644 1.137970
0.019653 0.125350 1.253500 1.830331 0.000045 0.009668 1.128471
0.019678 0.126596 1.265960 1.842791 0.000045 0.009692 1.119003
0.019702 0.129586 1.295860 1.872691 0.000045 0.009717 1.109566
0.019727 0.128672 1.286720 1.863551 0.000046 0.009741 1.100159
0.019751 0.128672 1.286720 1.863551 0.000045 0.009766 1.090783
0.019775 0.125599 1.255990 1.832821 0.000045 0.009790 1.081437
0.019800 0.122691 1.226910 1.803741 0.000044 0.009814 1.072122
0.019824 0.124353 1.243530 1.820361 0.000044 0.009839 1.062838
0.019849 0.127925 1.279250 1.856081 0.000045 0.009863 1.053583
0.019873 0.122027 1.220270 1.797101 0.000045 0.009888 1.044359
0.019898 0.120781 1.207810 1.784641 0.000044 0.009912 1.035165
0.019922 0.125183 1.251830 1.828661 0.000044 0.009937 1.026001
0.019946 0.121612 1.216120 1.792951 0.000044 0.009961 1.016867
0.019971 0.117541 1.175410 1.752241 0.000043 0.009985 1.007763
0.019995 0.116295 1.162950 1.739781 0.000043 0.010010 0.998688
0.020020 0.117541 1.175410 1.752241 0.000043 0.010034 0.989644
0.020044 0.117375 1.173750 1.750581 0.000043 0.010059 0.980629
0.020068 0.116794 1.167940 1.744771 0.000043 0.010083 0.971643
0.020093 0.117375 1.173750 1.750581 0.000043 0.010107 0.962688
0.020117 0.118206 1.182060 1.758891 0.000043 0.010132 0.953761
0.020142 0.118538 1.185380 1.762211 0.000043 0.010156 0.944864
0.020166 0.121279 1.212790 1.789621 0.000043 0.010181 0.935996
0.020190 0.122858 1.228580 1.805411 0.000044 0.010205 0.927158
0.020215 0.120116 1.201160 1.777991 0.000044 0.010230 0.918348
0.020239 0.123356 1.233560 1.810391 0.000044 0.010254 0.909568
0.020264 0.130666 1.306660 1.883491 0.000045 0.010278 0.900816
0.020288 0.140717 1.407170 1.984001 0.000047 0.010303 0.892094
0.020313 0.136481 1.364810 1.941641 0.000048 0.010327 0.883400
0.020337 0.134570 1.345700 1.922531 0.000047 0.010352 0.874735
0.020361 0.133989 1.339890 1.916721 0.000047 0.010376 0.866098
0.020386 0.126679 1.266790 1.843621 0.000046 0.010400 0.857491
0.020410 0.124021 1.240210 1.817041 0.000045 0.010425 0.848911
0.020435 0.128340 1.283400 1.860231 0.000045 0.010449 0.840360
0.020459 0.146200 1.462000 2.038831 0.000048 0.010474 0.831838

Table B.3 (cont. )
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiue Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.020483 0.154423 1.544230 2.121061 0.000051 0.010498 0.823344
0.020508 0.158494 1.584940 2.161771 0.000052 0.010522 0.814878
0.020581 0.154091 1.540910 2.117741 0.000052 0.010596 0.789648
0.020606 0.149273 1.492730 2.069561 0.000051 0.010620 0.781294
0.020630 0.145203 1.452030 2.028861 0.000050 0.010645 0.772968
0.020654 0.141216 1.412160 1.988991 0.000049 0.010669 0.764670
0.020679 0.145535 1.455350 2.032181 0.000049 0.010693 0.756399
0.020703 0.144621 1.446210 2.023041 0.000050 0.010718 0.748156
0.020728 0.142628 1.426280 2.003111 0.000049 0.010742 0.739941
0.020752 0.147030 1.470300 2.047131 0.000049 0.010767 0.731753
0.020776 0.140385 1.403850 1.980681 0.000049 0.010791 0.723592
0.020801 0.138557 1.385570 1.962401 0.000048 0.010815 0.715459
0.020825 0.140302 1.403020 1.979851 0.000048 0.010840 0.707353
0.020850 0.137727 1.377270 1.954101 0.000048 0.010864 0.699274
0.020874 0.133656 1.336560 1.913391 0.000047 0.010889 0.691222
0.020898 0.130915 1.309150 1.885981 0.000046 0.010913 0.683197
0.020923 0.133158 1.331580 1.908411 0.000046 0.010938 0.675200
0.020947 0.135484 1.354840 1.931671 0.000047 0.010962 0.667229
0.020972 0.135650 1.356500 1.933331 0.000047 0.010986 0.659285
0.020996 0.128672 1.286720 1.863551 0.000046 0.011011 0.651367
0.021021 0.125682 1.256820 1.833651 0.000045 0.011035 0.643477
0.021045 0.123522 1.235220 1.812051 0.000045 0.011060 0.635613
0.021069 0.117707 1.177070 1.753901 0.000044 0.011084 0.627775
0.021094 0.110065 1.100650 1.677481 0.000042 0.011108 0.619964
0.021118 0.109484 1.094840 1.671671 0.000041 0.011133 0.612180
0.021143 0.110314 1.103140 1.679971 0.000041 0.011157 0.604421
0.021167 0.108985 1.089850 1.666681 0.000041 0.011182 0.596689
0.021191 0.105247 1.052470 1.629301 0.000040 0.011206 0.588983
0.021216 0.104001 1.040010 1.616841 0.000040 0.011230 0.581304
0.021240 0.104915 1.049150 1.625981 0.000040 0.011255 0.573650
0.021265 0.111477 1.114770 1.691601 0.000040 0.011279 0.566022
0.021289 0.117873 1.178730 1.755561 0.000042 0.011304 0.558420
0.021314 0.121362 1.213620 1.790451 0.000043 0.011328 0.550844
0.021338 0.116378 1.163780 1.740611 0.000043 0.011353 0.543294
0.021362 0.108487 1.084870 1.661701 0.000042 0.011377 0.535770
0.021387 0.106410 1.064100 1.640931 0.000040 0.011401 0.528271
0.021411 0.103835 1.038350 1.615181 0.000040 0.011426 0.520798
0.021436 0.097854 0.978541 1.555372 0.000039 0.011450 0.513350
0.021460 0.093701 0.937007 1.513838 0.000037 0.011475 0.505927
0.021484 0.089298 0.892981 1.469812 0.000036 0.011499 0.498530
0.021509 0.085975 0.859754 1.436585 0.000035 0.011523 0.491159
0.021533 0.085643 0.856431 1.433262 0.000035 1 0.011548 0.483812

Table B.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiue Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(_1^ (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.021558 0.081490 0.814897 1.391728 0.000034 0.011572 0.476491
0.021582 0.082154 0.821543 1.398374 0.000034 0.011597 0.469194
0.021655 0.076007 0.760072 1.336903 0.000033 0.011670 0.447455
0.021680 0.078832 0.788315 1.365146 0.000033 0.011694 0.440259
0.021704 0.076173 0.761734 1.338565 0.000033 0.011719 0.433087
0.021729 0.075260 0.752596 1.329427 0.000033 0.011743 0.425940
0.021753 0.073183 0.731829 1.308660 0.000032 0.011768 0.418817
0.021777 0.067784 0.677835 1.254666 0.000031 0.011792 0.411719
0.021802 0.063132 0.631317 1.208148 0.000030 0.011816 0.404646
0.021826 0.060141 0.601412 1.178243 0.000029 0.011841 0.397597
0.021851 0.058397 0.583968 1.160799 0.000029 0.011865 0.390572
0.021875 0.053994 0.539942 1.116773 0.000028 0.011890 0.383572
0.021899 0.053496 0.534958 1.111789 0.000027 0.011914 0.376595
0.021924 0.050672 0.506715 1.083546 0.000027 0.011938 0.369643
0.021948 0.051751 0.517514 1.094345 0.000027 0.011963 0.362715
0.021973 0.050173 0.501731 1.078562 0.000027 0.011987 0.355812
0.021997 0.046767 0.467673 1.044504 0.000026 0.012012 0.348932
0.022022 0.040870 0.408695 0.985526 0.000025 0.012036 0.342076
0.022046 0.039374 0.393742 0.970573 0.000024 0.012061 0.335243
0.022070 0.036716 0.367161 0.943992 0.000023 0.012085 0.328435
0.022095 0.031981 0.319812 0.896643 0.000022 0.012109 0.321650
0.022119 0.029988 0.299875 0.876706 0.000022 0.012134 0.314889
0.022144 0.027412 0.274124 0.850955 0.000021 0.012158 0.308152
0.022168 0.024920 0.249204 0.826035 0.000020 0.012183 0.301438
0.022192 0.021265 0.212654 0.789485 0.000020 0.012207 0.294747
0.022217 0.018358 0.183580 0.760411 0.000019 0.012231 0.288080
0.022241 0.017112 0.171120 0.747951 0.000018 0.012256 0.281436
0.022266 0.018026 0.180258 0.757089 0.000018 0.012280 0.274816
0.022290 0.021847 0.218469 0.795300 0.000019 0.012305 0.268219
0.022315 0.019853 0.198533 0.775364 0.000019 0.012329 0.261645
0.022339 0.015949 0.159491 0.736322 0.000018 0.012354 0.255093
0.022363 0.014371 0.143708 0.720539 0.000018 0.012378 0.248565
0.022388 0.011630 0.116295 0.693126 0.000017 0.012402 0.242060
0.022412 0.006978 0.069777 0.646608 0.000016 0.012427 0.235578
0.022437 0.005150 0.051502 0.628333 0.000016 0.012451 0.229119
0.022461 0.005482 0.054825 0.631656 0.000015 0.012476 0.222682
0.022485 0.002160 0.021598 0.598429 0.000015 0.012500 0.216268
0.022510 0.002907 0.029074 0.605905 0.000015 0.012524 0.209877
0.022534 0.002243 0.022428 0.599260 0.000015 0.012549 0.203508
0.022559 -0.002160 -0.021598 0.555233 0.000014 0.012573 0.197162
0.022583 -0.004735 -0.047349 0.529482 0.000013 0.012598 0.190839
0.022607 -0.002907 -0.029074 0.547757 0.000013 0.012622 0.184537

Table B.3 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiure Pressure Pressure In^ulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6J (7)
0.022632 0.003489 0.034889 0.611720 0.000014 0.012647 0.178258
0.022656 0.005399 0.053994 0.630825 0.000015 0.012671 0.172002
0.022730 0.010467 0.104666 0.681497 0.000016 0.012744 0.153365
0.022754 0.011380 0.113803 0.690634 0.000017 0.012769 0.147197
0.022778 0.011048 0.110480 0.687311 0.000017 0.012793 0.141051
0.022803 0.008556 0.085560 0.662391 0.000016 0.012817 0.134926
0.022827 0.010550 0.105496 0.682327 0.000016 0.012842 0.128824
0.022852 0.006895 0.068946 0.645778 0.000016 0.012866 0.122743
0.022876 0.012045 0.120449 0.697280 0.000016 0.012891 0.116685
0.022900 0.020019 0.200194 0.777025 0.000018 0.012915 0.110647
0.022925 0.026083 0.260834 0.837665 0.000020 0.012939 0.104632
0.022949 0.026748 0.267479 0.844310 0.000021 0.012964 0.098638
0.022974 0.022013 0.220130 0.796961 0.000020 0.012988 0.092666
0.022998 0.021847 0.218469 0.795300 0.000019 0.013013 0.086715
0.023023 0.019023 0.190226 0.767057 0.000019 0.013037 0.080785
0.023047 0.014288 0.142877 0.719708 0.000018 0.013062 0.074877
0.023071 0.015949 0.159491 0.736322 0.000018 0.013086 0.068990
0.023096 0.012045 0.120449 0.697280 0.000018 0.013110 0.063124
0.023120 0.006064 0.060640 0.637471 0.000016 0.013135 0.057279
0.023145 0.001495 0.014952 0.591783 0.000015 0.013159 0.051456
0.023169 -0.000332 -0.003323 0.573508 0.000014 0.013184 0.045654
0.023193 -0.001163 -0.011630 0.565202 0.000014 0.013208 0.039872
0.023218 -0.003406 -0.034058 0.542773 0.000014 0.013232 0.034112
0.023242 -0.006895 -0.068946 0.507885 0.000013 0.013257 0.028372
0.023267 -0.006396 -0.063962 0.512869 0.000012 0.013281 0.022653
0.023291 -0.013042 -0.130417 0.446414 0.000012 0.013306 0.016955
0.023315 -0.016863 -0.168628 0.408203 0.000010 0.013330 0.011278
0.023340 -0.019272 -0.192718 0.384113 0.000010 0.013355 0.005621
0.023364 -0.018856 -0.188564 0.388267 0.000009 0.013379 -0.000015
0.023389 -0.017943 -0.179427 0.397404 0.000010 0.013403 -0.005631
0.023413 -0.016614 -0.166136 0.410695 0.000010 0.013428 -0.011226
0.023438 -0.015201 -0.152014 0.424817 0.000010 0.013452 -0.016801
0.023462 -0.014703 -0.147030 0.429801 0.000010 0.013477 -0.022355
0.023486 -0.013540 -0.135401 0.441430 0.000011 0.013501 -0.027889
0.023511 -0.012876 -0.128755 0.448076 0.000011 0.013525 -0.033403
0.023535 -0.017029 -0.170289 0.406542 0.000010 0.013550 -0.038897
0.023560 -0.020435 -0.204347 0.372484 0.000010 0.013574 -0.044370
0.023584 -0.024422 -0.244220 0.332611 0.000009 0.013599 -0.049824
0.023608 -0.028243 -0.282431 0.294400 0.000008 0.013623 -0.055257
0.023633 -0.033310 -0.333103 0.243728 0.000007 0.013647 -0.060670
0.023657 -0.034390 -0.343902 0.232929 0.000006 0.013672 -0.066064
0.023682 -0.034224 -0.342240 0.234591 0.000006 0.013696 -0.071437

Table B.3 (cont. )
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure In^ulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(2) (3) {^^} (5) (6) (7)
0.023706 -0.036716 -0.367161 0.209670 0.000005 0.013721 -0.076791
0.023731 -0.041202 -0.412017 0.164814 0.000005 0.013745 -0.082125
0.023804 -0.042199 -0.421985 0.154846 0.000003 0.013818 -0.098009
0.023828 -0.042697 -0.426970 0.149861 0.000004 0.013843 -0.103265
0.023853 -0.045189 -0.451890 0.124941 0.000003 0.013867 -0.108501
0.023877 -0.042531 -0.425308 0.151523 0.000003 0.013892 -0.113717
0.023901 -0.049426 -0.494255 0.082576 0.000003 0.013916 -0.118914
0.023926 -0.048429 -0.484286 0.092545 0.000002 0.013940 -0.124092
0.023950 -0.050007 -0.500069 0.076762 0.000002 0.013965 -0.129251
0.023975 -0.051087 -0.510868 0.065963 0.000002 0.013989 -0.134390
0.023999 -0.053745 -0.537450 0.039381 0.000001 0.014014 -0.139510
0.024023 -0.052084 -0.520836 0.055995 0.000001 0.014038 -0.144611
0.024048 -0.052001 -0.520006 0.056825 0.000001 0.014063 -0.149694
0.024072 -0.055573 -0.555725 0.021106 0.000001 0.014087 -0.154757
0.024097 -0.055988 -0.559878 0.016953 0.000000 0.014111 -0.159801
0.024121 -0.058397 -0.583968 -0.007137 0.000000 0.014136 -0.164826



Table C. 1 - Middle Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast
Pressure-Time History for the Fifth Blast
Po = 14.39 psi a= 1.126928
td= 0.007600 sec 1= 39 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 29.23 CF = -0.1234
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiue Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
-0.001 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 14.391916
0.011700 -0.010100 -0.295223 -0.203923 0.000024 14.307703
0.011700 0.283000 8.272090 8.363390 0.000049 14.223832
0.011700 0.302000 8.827460 8.918760 0.000073 14.140299
0.011800 0.337000 9.850510 9.941810 0.000098 14.057106
0.011800 0.416000 12.159680 12.250980 0.000122 13.974249
0.011800 0.402000 11.750460 11.841760 0.000146 13.891729
0.011800 0.395000 11.545850 11.637150 0.000171 13.809543
0.011900 0.389000 11.370470 11.461770 0.000195 13.727691
0.011900 0.356000 10.405880 10.497180 0.000220 13.646172
0.011900 0.334000 9.762820 9.854120 0.000244 13.564984
0.011900 0.333000 9.733590 9.824890 0.000269 13.484126
0.012000 0.332000 9.704360 9.795660 0.000293 13.403597
0.012000 0.331000 9.675130 9.766430 0.000317 13.323396
0.012000 0.331000 9.675130 9.766430 0.000342 13.243522
0.012000 0.330000 9.645900 9.737200 0.000366 13.163973
0.012100 0.328000 9.587440 9.678740 0.000391 13.084749
0.012100 0.326000 9.528980 9.620280 0.000415 13.005847
0.012100 0.327000 9.558210 9.649510 0.000439 12.927268
0.012100 0.302000 8.827460 8.918760 0.000464 12.849010
0.012200 0.283000 8.272090 8.363390 0.000488 12.771072
0.012200 0.284000 8.301320 8.392620 0.000513 12.693452
0.012200 0.276000 8.067480 8.158780 0.000537 12.616149
0.012200 0.271000 7.921330 8.012630 0.000562 12.539163
0.012300 0.268000 7.833640 7.924940 0.000586 12.462493
0.012300 0.264000 7.716720 7.808020 0.000610 12.386136
0.012300 0.269000 7.862870 7.954170 0.000635 12.310093
0.012300 0.269000 7.862870 7.954170 0.000659 12.234361
0.012400 0.264000 7.716720 7.808020 0.000684 12.158941
0.012400 0.265000 7.745950 7.837250 0.000708 12.083830
0.012400 0.262000 7.658260 7.749560 0.000732 12.009027
0.012400 0.262000 7.658260 7.749560 0.000757 11.934532
0.012500 0.262000 7.658260 7.749560 0.000781 11.860344
0.012500 0.256000 7.482880 7.574180 0.000806 11.786460
0.012500 0.262000 7.658260 7.749560 0.000830 11.712882
0.012500 0.260000 7.599800 7.691100 0.000854 11.639606

R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.012500 0.256000 7.482880 7.574180 0.000879 11.566632
0.012600 0.247000 7.219810 7.311110 0.000928 11.421587
0.012600 0.250000 7.307500 7.398800 0.000952 11.349513
0.012600 0.248000 7.249040 7.340340 0.000977 11.277737
0.012700 0.237000 6.927510 7.018810 0.001001 11.206257
0.012700 0.234000 6.839820 6.931120 0.001025 11.135073
0.012700 0.229000 6.693670 6.784970 0.001050 11.064184
0.012700 0.227000 6.635210 6.726510 0.001074 10.993589
0.012800 0.229000 6.693670 6.784970 0.001099 10.923286
0.012800 0.220000 6.430600 6.521900 0.001123 10.853274
0.012800 0.222000 6.489060 6.580360 0.001147 10.783553
0.012800 0.220000 6.430600 6.521900 0.001172 10.714121
0.012900 0.219000 6.401370 6.492670 0.001196 10.644978
0.012900 0.215000 6.284450 6.375750 0.001221 10.576122
0.012900 0.212000 6.196760 6.288060 0.001245 10.507552
0.012900 0.210000 6.138300 6.229600 0.001270 10.439268
0.013000 0.212000 6.196760 6.288060 0.001294 10.371267
0.013000 0.211000 6.167530 6.258830 0.001318 10.303550
0.013000 0.205000 5.992150 6.083450 0.001343 10.236116
0.013000 0.201000 5.875230 5.966530 0.001367 10.168962
0.013100 0.197000 5.758310 5.849610 0.001392 10.102089
0.013100 0.201000 5.875230 5.966530 0.001416 10.035495
0.013100 0.197000 5.758310 5.849610 0.001440 9.969179
0.013100 0.191000 5.582930 5.674230 0.001465 9.903140
0.013200 0.190000 5.553700 5.645000 0.001489 9.837378
0.013200 0.191000 5.582930 5.674230 0.001514 9.771891
0.013200 0.189000 5.524470 5.615770 0.001538 9.706678
0.013200 0.194000 5.670620 5.761920 0.001563 9.641738
0.013300 0.186000 5.436780 5.528080 0.001587 9.577070
0.013300 0.183000 5.349090 5.440390 0.001611 9.512674
0.013300 0.199000 5.816770 5.908070 0.001636 9.448548
0.013300 0.187000 5.466010 5.557310 0.001660 9.384692
0.013400 0.189000 5.524470 5.615770 0.001685 9.321104
0.013400 0.181000 5.290630 5.381930 0.001709 9.257783
0.013400 0.177000 5.173710 5.265010 0.001733 9.194729
0.013400 0.178000 5.202940 5.294240 0.001758 9.131940
0.013500 0.176000 5.144480 5.235780 0.001782 9.069416
0.013500 0.172000 5.027560 5.118860 0.001807 9.007155
0.013500 0.172000 5.027560 5.118860 0.001831 8.945157
0.013500 0.170000 4.969100 5.060400 0.001855 8.883421
0.013500 0.173000 5.056790 5.148090 0.001880 8.821945
0.013600 0.168000 4.910640 5.001940 0.001904 8.760730

R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.013600 0.167000 4.881410 4.972710 0.001929 8.699773
0.013600 0.165000 4.822950 4.914250 0.001978 8.578632
0.013700 0.160000 4.676800 4.768100 0.002002 8.518446
0.013700 0.162000 4.735260 4.826560 0.002026 8.458516
0.013700 0.164000 4.793720 4.885020 0.002051 8.398840
0.013700 0.159000 4.647570 4.738870 0.002075 8.339417
0.013800 0.156000 4.559880 4.651180 0.002100 8.280246
0.013800 0.151000 4.413730 4.505030 0.002124 8.221327
0.013800 0.152000 4.442960 4.534260 0.002148 8.162658
0.013800 0.148000 4.326040 4.417340 0.002173 8.104240
0.013900 0.146000 4.267580 4.358880 0.002197 8.046070
0.013900 0.142000 4.150660 4.241960 0.002222 7.988147
0.013900 0.148000 4.326040 4.417340 0.002246 7.930472
0.013900 0.144000 4.209120 4.300420 0.002271 7.873043
0.014000 0.146000 4.267580 4.358880 0.002295 7.815860
0.014000 0.142000 4.150660 4.241960 0.002319 7.758920
0.014000 0.144000 4.209120 4.300420 0.002344 7.702224
0.014000 0.149000 4.355270 4.446570 0.002368 7.645771
0.014100 0.145000 4.238350 4.329650 0.002393 7.589559
0.014100 0.148000 4.326040 4.417340 0.002417 7.533588
0.014100 0.142000 4.150660 4.241960 0.002441 7.477857
0.014100 0.138000 4.033740 4.125040 0.002466 7.422365
0.014200 0.149000 4.355270 4.446570 0.002490 7.367111
0.014200 0.148000 4.326040 4.417340 0.002515 7.312094
0.014200 0.137000 4.004510 4.095810 0.002539 7.257314
0.014200 0.144000 4.209120 4.300420 0.002563 7.202770
0.014300 0.149000 4.355270 4.446570 0.002588 7.148460
0.014300 0.149000 4.355270 4.446570 0.002612 7.094384
0.014300 0.149000 4.355270 4.446570 0.002637 7.040542
0.014300 0.145000 4.238350 4.329650 0.002661 6.986931
0.014400 0.139000 4.062970 4.154270 0.002686 6.933552
0.014400 0.136000 3.975280 4.066580 0.002710 6.880403
0.014400 0.143000 4.179890 4.271190 0.002734 6.827485
0.014400 0.144000 4.209120 4.300420 0.002759 6.774794
0.014500 0.140000 4.092200 4.183500 0.002783 6.722332
0.014500 0.139000 4.062970 4.154270 0.002808 6.670097
0.014500 0.136000 3.975280 4.066580 0.002832 6.618089
0.014500 0.137000 4.004510 4.095810 0.002856 6.566306
0.014600 0.131000 3.829130 3.920430 0.002881 6.514748
0.014600 0.132000 3.858360 3.949660 0.002930 6.412302
0.014600 0.127000 3.712210 3.803510 0.002954 6.361413
0.014600 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.002979 6.310745

R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu-e Pressure Pressiue Time Pressiure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.014700 0.123000 3.595290 3.686590 0.003003 6.260298
0.014700 0.119000 3.478370 3.569670 0.003027 6.210071
0.014700 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.003052 6.160063
0.014700 0.123000 3.595290 3.686590 0.003076 6.110273
0.014800 0.121000 3.536830 3.628130 0.003101 6.060701
0.014800 0.118000 3.449140 3.540440 0.003125 6.011345
0.014800 0.116000 3.390680 3.481980 0.003149 5.962205
0.014800 0.123000 3.595290 3.686590 0.003174 5.913280
0.014900 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.003198 5.864570
0.014900 0.127000 3.712210 3.803510 0.003223 5.816073
0.014900 0.129000 3.770670 3.861970 0.003247 5.767788
0.014900 0.131000 3.829130 3.920430 0.003271 5.719716
0.015000 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.003296 5.671854
0.015000 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.003320 5.624204
0.015000 0.130000 3.799900 3.891200 0.003345 5.576762
0.015000 0.137000 4.004510 4.095810 0.003369 5.529530
0.015100 0.142000 4.150660 4.241960 0.003394 5.482505
0.015100 0.144000 4.209120 4.300420 0.003418 5.435688
0.015100 0.146000 4.267580 4.358880 0.003442 5.389078
0.015100 0.144000 4.209120 4.300420 0.003467 5.342673
0.015200 0.143000 4.179890 4.271190 0.003491 5.296473
0.015200 0.144000 4.209120 4.300420 0.003516 5.250478
0.015200 0.141000 4.121430 4.212730 0.003540 5.204686
0.015200 0.143000 4.179890 4.271190 0.003564 5.159097
0.015300 0.153000 4.472190 4.563490 0.003589 5.113710
0.015300 0.143000 4.179890 4.271190 0.003613 5.068524
0.015300 0.141000 4.121430 4.212730 0.003638 5.023539
0.015300 0.137000 4.004510 4.095810 0.003662 4.978754
0.015400 0.134000 3.916820 4.008120 0.003687 4.934168
0.015400 0.134000 3.916820 4.008120 0.003711 4.889780
0.015400 0.132000 3.858360 3.949660 0.003735 4.845590
0.015400 0.126000 3.682980 3.774280 0.003760 4.801596
0.015500 0.122000 3.566060 3.657360 0.003784 4.757799
0.015500 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.003809 4.714197
0.015500 0.116000 3.390680 3.481980 0.003833 4.670790
0.015500 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.003857 4.627577
0.015600 0.125000 3.653750 3.745050 0.003882 4.584558
0.015600 0.127000 3.712210 3.803510 0.003906 4.541730
0.015600 0.131000 3.829130 3.920430 0.003931 4.499095
0.015600 0.127000 3.712210 3.803510 0.003955 4.456651
0.015600 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.003979 4.414397
0.015700 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.004004 4.372334 |

TableC.l (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu-e Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.015700 0.118000 3.449140 3.540440 0.004028 4.330459
0.015700 0.118000 3.449140 3.540440 0.004077 4.247273
0.015800 0.122000 3.566060 3.657360 0.004102 4.205961
0.015800 0.126000 3.682980 3.774280 0.004126 4.164836
0.015800 0.114000 3.332220 3.423520 0.004150 4.123896
0.015800 0.114000 3.332220 3.423520 0.004175 4.083141
0.015900 0.132000 3.858360 3.949660 0.004199 4.042570
0.015900 0.133000 3.887590 3.978890 0.004224 4.002182
0.015900 0.139000 4.062970 4.154270 0.004248 3.961978
0.015900 0.150000 4.384500 4.475800 0.004272 3.921955
0.016000 0.152000 4.442960 4.534260 0.004297 3.882114
0.016000 0.159000 4.647570 4.738870 0.004321 3.842454
0.016000 0.154000 4.501420 4.592720 0.004346 3.802974
0.016000 0.152000 4.442960 4.534260 0.004370 3.763673
0.016100 0.159000 4.647570 4.738870 0.004395 3.724552
0.016100 0.157000 4.589110 4.680410 0.004419 3.685608
0.016100 0.169000 4.939870 5.031170 0.004443 3.646842
0.016100 0.151000 4.413730 4.505030 0.004468 3.608253
0.016200 0.141000 4.121430 4.212730 0.004492 3.569840
0.016200 0.142000 4.150660 4.241960 0.004517 3.531602
0.016200 0.138000 4.033740 4.125040 0.004541 3.493539
0.016200 0.145000 4.238350 4.329650 0.004565 3.455651
0.016300 0.135000 3.946050 4.037350 0.004590 3.417936
0.016300 0.135000 3.946050 4.037350 0.004614 3.380394
0.016300 0.138000 4.033740 4.125040 0.004639 3.343024
0.016300 0.134000 3.916820 4.008120 0.004663 3.305826
0.016400 0.124000 3.624520 3.715820 0.004688 3.268798
0.016400 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.004712 3.231941
0.016400 0.126000 3.682980 3.774280 0.004736 3.195254
0.016400 0.115000 3.361450 3.452750 0.004761 3.158736
0.016500 0.118000 3.449140 3.540440 0.004785 3.122386
0.016500 0.119000 3.478370 3.569670 0.004810 3.086204
0.016500 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.004834 3.050190
0.016500 0.117000 3.419910 3.511210 0.004858 3.014342
0.016600 0.118000 3.449140 3.540440 0.004883 2.978659
0.016600 0.121000 3.536830 3.628130 0.004907 2.943142
0.016600 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.004932 2.907790
0.016600 0.121000 3.536830 3.628130 0.004956 2.872602
0.016700 0.121000 3.536830 3.628130 0.004980 2.837578
0.016700 0.123000 3.595290 3.686590 0.005005 2.802716
0.016700 0.119000 3.478370 3.569670 0.005029 2.768016
0.016700 0.118000 3.449140 3.540440 0.005054 2.733478

R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.016700 0.122000 3.566060 3.657360 0.005078 2.699101
0.016800 0.117000 3.419910 3.511210 0.005127 2.630828
0.016800 0.121000 3.536830 3.628130 0.005151 2.596931
0.016800 0.122000 3.566060 3.657360 0.005176 2.563192
0.016900 0.122000 3.566060 3.657360 0.005200 2.529611
0.016900 0.119000 3.478370 3.569670 0.005225 2.496188
0.016900 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.005249 2.462921
0.016900 0.123000 3.595290 3.686590 0.005273 2.429811
0.017000 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.005298 2.396856
0.017000 0.120000 3.507600 3.598900 0.005322 2.364057
0.017000 0.121000 3.536830 3.628130 0.005347 2.331412
0.017000 0.116000 3.390680 3.481980 0.005371 2.298921
0.017100 0.113000 3.302990 3.394290 0.005396 2.266583
0.017100 0.118000 3.449140 3.540440 0.005420 2.234398
0.017100 0.123000 3.595290 3.686590 0.005444 2.202365
0.017100 0.105000 3.069150 3.160450 0.005469 2.170483
0.017200 0.105000 3.069150 3.160450 0.005493 2.138753
0.017200 0.101000 2.952230 3.043530 0.005518 2.107173
0.017200 0.099700 2.914231 3.005531 0.005542 2.075743
0.017200 0.096500 2.820695 2.911995 0.005566 2.044463
0.017300 0.094500 2.762235 2.853535 0.005591 2.013331
0.017300 0.093800 2.741774 2.833074 0.005615 1.982347
0.017300 0.094500 2.762235 2.853535 0.005640 1.951511
0.017300 0.100000 2.923000 3.014300 0.005664 1.920823
0.017400 0.099500 2.908385 2.999685 0.005688 1.890280
0.017400 0.097300 2.844079 2.935379 0.005713 1.859884
0.017400 0.093000 2.718390 2.809690 0.005737 1.829633
0.017400 0.091400 2.671622 2.762922 0.005762 1.799527
0.017500 0.089700 2.621931 2.713231 0.005786 1.769565
0.017500 0.090500 2.645315 2.736615 0.005811 1.739747
0.017500 0.088000 2.572240 2.663540 0.005835 1.710072
0.017500 0.085400 2.496242 2.587542 0.005859 1.680540
0.017600 0.081800 2.391014 2.482314 0.005884 1.651150
0.017600 0.080500 2.353015 2.444315 0.005908 1.621901
0.017600 0.080500 2.353015 2.444315 0.005933 1.592794
0.017600 0.076900 2.247787 2.339087 0.005957 1.563827
0.017700 0.072200 2.110406 2.201706 0.005981 1.535000
0.017700 0.066000 1.929180 2.020480 0.006006 1.506313
0.017700 0.058400 1.707032 1.798332 0.006030 1.477764
0.017700 0.055300 1.616419 1.707719 0.006055 1.449354
0.017700 0.049200 1.438116 1.529416 0.006079 1.421082
0.017800 0.045800 1.338734 1.430034 0.006104 1.392947

TableC.l (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.017800 0.041500 1.213045 1.304345 0.006128 1.364949
0.017800 0.040100 1.172123 1.263423 0.006177 1.309361
0.017900 0.038100 1.113663 1.204963 0.006201 1.281770
0.017900 0.035100 1.025973 1.117273 0.006226 1.254315
0.017900 0.034700 1.014281 1.105581 0.006250 1.226993
0.017900 0.033400 0.976282 1.067582 0.006274 1.199805
0.018000 0.033400 0.976282 1.067582 0.006299 1.172750
0.018000 0.030700 0.897361 0.988661 0.006323 1.145828
0.018000 0.027400 0.800902 0.892202 0.006348 1.119038
0.018000 0.023300 0.681059 0.772359 0.006372 1.092380
0.018100 0.021100 0.616753 0.708053 0.006396 1.065853
0.018100 0.020300 0.593369 0.684669 0.006421 1.039456
0.018100 0.022900 0.669367 0.760667 0.006445 1.013190
0.018100 0.025100 0.733673 0.824973 0.006470 0.987053
0.018200 0.024900 0.727827 0.819127 0.006494 0.961046
0.018200 0.025300 0.739519 0.830819 0.006519 0.935167
0.018200 0.024200 0.707366 0.798666 0.006543 0.909417
0.018200 0.024000 0.701520 0.792820 0.006567 0.883794
0.018300 0.025800 0.754134 0.845434 0.006592 0.858299
0.018300 0.024700 0.721981 0.813281 0.006616 0.832930
0.018300 0.024900 0.727827 0.819127 0.006641 0.807687
0.018300 0.020700 0.605061 0.696361 0.006665 0.782570
0.018400 0.019800 0.578754 0.670054 0.006689 0.757579
0.018400 0.007530 0.220102 0.311402 0.006714 0.732712
0.018400 0.015200 0.444296 0.535596 0.006738 0.707969
0.018400 0.019800 0.578754 0.670054 0.006763 0.683351
0.018500 0.010200 0.298146 0.389446 0.006787 0.658855
0.018500 0.011400 0.333222 0.424522 0.006812 0.634483
0.018500 0.008670 0.253424 0.344724 0.006836 0.610233
0.018500 0.012600 0.368298 0.459598 0.006860 0.586105
0.018600 0.010900 0.318607 0.409907 0.006885 0.562098
0.018600 0.010500 0.306915 0.398215 0.006909 0.538212
0.018600 0.009230 0.269793 0.361093 0.006934 0.514447
0.018600 0.011100 0.324453 0.415753 0.006958 0.490802
0.018700 0.007450 0.217764 0.309064 0.006982 0.467277
0.018700 0.011700 0.341991 0.433291 0.007007 0.443870
0.018700 0.009800 0.286454 0.377754 0.007031 0.420582
0.018700 0.008580 0.250793 0.342093 0.007056 0.397413
0.018800 0.008670 0.253424 0.344724 0.007080 0.374361
0.018800 0.002830 0.082721 0.174021 0.007105 0.351427
0.018800 0.005910 0.172749 0.264049 0.007129 0.328609
0.018800 0.007530 0.220102 0.311402 0.007153 0.305908

R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.018800 0.004210 0.123058 0.214358 0.007178 0.283323
0.018900 0.005990 0.175088 0.266388 0.007227 0.238498
0.018900 0.006640 0.194087 0.285387 0.007251 0.216258
0.018900 0.006400 0.187072 0.278372 0.007275 0.194132
0.019000 0.004290 0.125397 0.216697 0.007300 0.172119
0.019000 0.005260 0.153750 0.245050 0.007324 0.150220
0.019000 0.002350 0.068691 0.159991 0.007349 0.128434
0.019000 0.005180 0.151411 0.242711 0.007373 0.106760
0.019100 0.005350 0.156381 0.247681 0.007397 0.085198
0.019100 0.006320 0.184734 0.276034 0.007422 0.063748
0.019100 0.005590 0.163396 0.254696 0.007446 0.042409
0.019100 0.003160 0.092367 0.183667 0.007471 0.021180
0.019200 0.002430 0.071029 0.162329 0.007495 0.000062
0.019200 0.002590 0.075706 0.167006 0.007520 -0.020947
0.019200 0.002590 0.075706 0.167006 0.007544 -0.041847
0.019200 0.009310 0.272131 0.363431 0.007568 -0.062637
0.019300 0.003730 0.109028 0.200328 0.007593 -0.083319
0.019300 -0.004450 -0.130074 -0.038774 0.007617 -0.103892

Table C.2 - Top Reflected Pressure Transducer Air Blast
Pressure-Time History for the Fifth Blast
Po = 14.05 psi a= 1.76
td = 0.008400 sec 1= 36 psi-msec
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiure Pressure Time Pressiue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 14.391916
0.011900 0.023900 0.686169 0.777469 0.000024 14.307703
0.011900 0.371000 10.651410 10.742710 0.000049 14.223832
0.011900 0.303000 8.699130 8.790430 0.000073 14.140299
0.012000 0.384000 11.024640 11.115940 0.000098 14.057106
0.012000 0.429000 12.316590 12.407890 0.000122 13.974249
0.012000 0.307000 8.813970 8.905270 0.000146 13.891729
0.012000 0.335000 9.617850 9.709150 0.000171 13.809543
0.012100 0.353000 10.134630 10.225930 0.000195 13.727691
0.012100 0.325000 9.330750 9.422050 0.000220 13.646172
0.012100 0.302000 8.670420 8.761720 0.000244 13.564984
0.012100 0.348000 9.991080 10.082380 0.000269 13.484126
0.012200 0.356000 10.220760 10.312060 0.000293 13.403597
0.012200 0.345000 9.904950 9.996250 0.000317 13.323396
0.012200 0.356000 10.220760 10.312060 0.000342 13.243522
0.012200 0.359000 10.306890 10.398190 0.000366 13.163973
0.012300 0.358000 10.278180 10.369480 0.000391 13.084749
0.012300 0.351000 10.077210 10.168510 0.000415 13.005847
0.012300 0.332000 9.531720 9.623020 0.000439 12.927268
0.012300 0.321000 9.215910 9.307210 0.000464 12.849010
0.012400 0.309000 8.871390 8.962690 0.000488 12.771072
0.012400 0.313000 8.986230 9.077530 0.000513 12.693452
0.012400 0.305000 8.756550 8.847850 0.000537 12.616149
0.012400 0.302000 8.670420 8.761720 0.000562 12.539163
0.012500 0.299000 8.584290 8.675590 0.000586 12.462493
0.012500 0.301000 8.641710 8.733010 0.000610 12.386136
0.012500 0.296000 8.498160 8.589460 0.000635 12.310093
0.012500 0.285000 8.182350 8.273650 0.000659 12.234361
0.012500 0.281000 8.067510 8.158810 0.000684 12.158941
0.012600 0.277000 7.952670 8.043970 0.000708 12.083830
0.012600 0.272000 7.809120 7.900420 0.000732 12.009027
0.012600 0.271000 7.780410 7.871710 0.000757 11.934532
0.012600 0.265000 7.608150 7.699450 0.000781 11.860344
0.012700 0.260000 7.464600 7.555900 0.000806 11.786460
0.012700 0.256000 7.349760 7.441060 0.000830 11.712882
0.012700 0.250000 7.177500 7.268800 0.000854 11.639606
1 0.012700 0.245000 7.033950 7.125250 0.000879 11.566632

Table C.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiue Pressiue Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
0.012800 0.238000 6.832980 6.924280 0.000903 11.493959
0.012800 0.245000 7.033950 7.125250 0.000952 11.349513
0.012800 0.247000 7.091370 7.182670 0.000977 11.277737
0.012900 0.242000 6.947820 7.039120 0.001001 11.206257
0.012900 0.241000 6.919110 7.010410 0.001025 11.135073
0.012900 0.237000 6.804270 6.895570 0.001050 11.064184
0.012900 0.231000 6.632010 6.723310 0.001074 10.993589
0.013000 0.228000 6.545880 6.637180 0.001099 10.923286
0.013000 0.226000 6.488460 6.579760 0.001123 10.853274
0.013000 0.226000 6.488460 6.579760 0.001147 10.783553
0.013000 0.222000 6.373620 6.464920 0.001172 10.714121
0.013100 0.221000 6.344910 6.436210 0.001196 10.644978
0.013100 0.219000 6.287490 6.378790 0.001221 10.576122
0.013100 0.216000 6.201360 6.292660 0.001245 10.507552
0.013100 0.214000 6.143940 6.235240 0.001270 10.439268
0.013200 0.214000 6.143940 6.235240 0.001294 10.371267
0.013200 0.208000 5.971680 6.062980 0.001318 10.303550
0.013200 0.206000 5.914260 6.005560 0.001343 10.236116
0.013200 0.206000 5.914260 6.005560 0.001367 10.168962
0.013300 0.200000 5.742000 5.833300 0.001392 10.102089
0.013300 0.194000 5.569740 5.661040 0.001416 10.035495
0.013300 0.194000 5.569740 5.661040 0.001440 9.969179
0.013300 0.192000 5.512320 5.603620 0.001465 9.903140
0.013400 0.191000 5.483610 5.574910 0.001489 9.837378
0.013400 0.192000 5.512320 5.603620 0.001514 9.771891
0.013400 0.193000 5.541030 5.632330 0.001538 9.706678
0.013400 0.194000 5.569740 5.661040 0.001563 9.641738
0.013500 5.512320 5.603620 0.001587 9.577070
0.013500 5.512320 5.603620 0.001611 9.512674
0.013500 5.512320 5.603620 0.001636 9.448548
0.013500 5.368770 5.460070 0.001660 9.384692
0.013500 5.139090 5.230390 0.001685 9.321104
0.013600 5.081670 5.172970 0.001709 9.257783
0.013600 4.909410 5.000710 0.001733 9.194729
0.013600 4.851990 4.943290 0.001758 9.131940
0.013600 4.765860 4.857160 0.001782 9.069416
0.013700 4.679730 4.771030 0.001807 9.007155
0.013700 4.536180 4.627480 0.001831 8.945157
0.013700 4.507470 4.598770 0.001855 8.883421
0.013700 4.536180 4.627480 0.001880 8.821945
0.013800 4.450050 4.541350 0.001904 8.760730
0.013800 4.392630 4.483930 0.001929 8.699773

Table C.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiue Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
Í3) (4) (5) (6)
0.013800 0.153000 4.392630 4.483930 0.001953 8.639074
0.013900 0.146000 4.191660 4.282960 0.002002 8.518446
0.013900 0.144000 4.134240 4.225540 0.002026 8.458516
0.013900 0.144000 4.134240 4.225540 0.002051 8.398840
0.013900 0.140000 4.019400 4.110700 0.002075 8.339417
0.014000 0.137000 3.933270 4.024570 0.002100 8.280246
0.014000 0.134000 3.847140 3.938440 0.002124 8.221327
0.014000 0.133000 3.818430 3.909730 0.002148 8.162658
0.014000 0.129000 3.703590 3.794890 0.002173 8.104240
0.014100 0.123000 3.531330 3.622630 0.002197 8.046070
0.014100 0.129000 3.703590 3.794890 0.002222 7.988147
0.014100 0.135000 3.875850 3.967150 0.002246 7.930472
0.014100 0.155000 4.450050 4.541350 0.002271 7.873043
0.014200 0.171000 4.909410 5.000710 0.002295 7.815860
0.014200 0.183000 5.253930 5.345230 0.002319 7.758920
0.014200 0.199000 5.713290 5.804590 0.002344 7.702224
0.014200 0.210000 6.029100 6.120400 0.002368 7.645771
0.014300 0.218000 6.258780 6.350080 0.002393 7.589559
0.014300 0.210000 6.029100 6.120400 0.002417 7.533588
0.014300 0.185000 5.311350 5.402650 0.002441 7.477857
0.014300 0.161000 4.622310 4.713610 0.002466 7.422365
0.014400 0.141000 4.048110 4.139410 0.002490 7.367111
0.014400 0.129000 3.703590 3.794890 0.002515 7.312094
0.014400 0.128000 3.674880 3.766180 0.002539 7.257314
0.014400 0.121000 3.473910 3.565210 0.002563 7.202770
0.014500 0.121000 3.473910 3.565210 0.002588 7.148460
0.014500 0.115000 3.301650 3.392950 0.002612 7.094384
0.014500 0.116000 3.330360 3.421660 0.002637 7.040542
0.014500 0.125000 3.588750 3.680050 0.002661 6.986931
0.014600 0.117000 3.359070 3.450370 0.002686 6.933552
0.014600 0.114000 3.272940 3.364240 0.002710 6.880403
0.014600 0.111000 3.186810 3.278110 0.002734 6.827485
0.014600 0.108000 3.100680 3.191980 0.002759 6.774794
0.014600 0.102000 2.928420 3.019720 0.002783 6.722332
0.014700 0.099900 2.868129 2.959429 0.002808 6.670097
0.014700 0.110000 3.158100 3.249400 0.002832 6.618089
0.014700 0.102000 2.928420 3.019720 0.002856 6.566306
0.014700 0.109000 3.129390 3.220690 0.002881 6.514748
0.014800 0.121000 3.473910 3.565210 0.002905 6.463413
0.014800 0.128000 3.674880 3.766180 0.002930 6.412302
0.014800 0.134000 3.847140 3.938440 0.002954 6.361413
0.014800 0.139000 3.990690 4.081990 0.002979 6.310745

Table C.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Presstu'e Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
<1) (2) (3) (4) (6)
0.014900 0.144000 4.134240 4.225540 0.003003 6.260298
0.014900 0.151000 4.335210 4.426510 0.003052 6.160063
0.014900 0.149000 4.277790 4.369090 0.003076 6.110273
0.015000 0.138000 3.961980 4.053280 0.003101 6.060701
0.015000 0.130000 3.732300 3.823600 0.003125 6.011345
0.015000 0.121000 3.473910 3.565210 0.003149 5.962205
0.015000 0.127000 3.646170 3.737470 0.003174 5.913280
0.015100 0.126000 3.617460 3.708760 0.003198 5.864570
0.015100 0.122000 3.502620 3.593920 0.003223 5.816073
0.015100 0.125000 3.588750 3.680050 0.003247 5.767788
0.015100 0.135000 3.875850 3.967150 0.003271 5.719716
0.015200 0.145000 4.162950 4.254250 0.003296 5.671854
0.015200 0.149000 4.277790 4.369090 0.003320 5.624204
0.015200 0.147000 4.220370 4.311670 0.003345 5.576762
0.015200 0.142000 4.076820 4.168120 0.003369 5.529530
0.015300 0.142000 4.076820 4.168120 0.003394 5.482505
0.015300 0.138000 3.961980 4.053280 0.003418 5.435688
0.015300 0.136000 3.904560 3.995860 0.003442 5.389078
0.015300 0.131000 3.761010 3.852310 0.003467 5.342673
0.015400 0.124000 3.560040 3.651340 0.003491 5.296473
0.015400 0.123000 3.531330 3.622630 0.003516 5.250478
0.015400 0.125000 3.588750 3.680050 0.003540 5.204686
0.015400 0.126000 3.617460 3.708760 0.003564 5.159097
0.015500 0.131000 3.761010 3.852310 0.003589 5.113710
0.015500 0.128000 3.674880 3.766180 0.003613 5.068524
0.015500 0.127000 3.646170 3.737470 0.003638 5.023539
0.015500 0.131000 3.761010 3.852310 0.003662 4.978754
0.015600 0.128000 3.674880 3.766180 0.003687 4.934168
0.015600 0.124000 3.560040 3.651340 0.003711 4.889780
0.015600 0.126000 3.617460 3.708760 0.003735 4.845590
0.015600 0.123000 3.531330 3.622630 0.003760 4.801596
0.015600 0.116000 3.330360 3.421660 0.003784 4.757799
0.015700 0.111000 3.186810 3.278110 0.003809 4.714197
0.015700 0.111000 3.186810 3.278110 0.003833 4.670790
0.015700 0.113000 3.244230 3.335530 0.003857 4.627577
0.015700 0.113000 3.244230 3.335530 0.003882 4.584558
0.015800 0.111000 3.186810 3.278110 0.003906 4.541730
0.015800 0.114000 3.272940 3.364240 0.003931 4.499095
0.015800 0.115000 3.301650 3.392950 0.003955 4.456651
0.015800 0.112000 3.215520 3.306820 0.003979 4.414397
0.015900 0.107000 3.071970 3.163270 0.004004 4.372334
0.015900 0.104000 2.985840 3.077140 0.004028 4.330459

Table C.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressiue Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.015900 0.105000 3.014550 3.105850 0.004053 4.288772
0.016000 0.109000 3.129390 3.220690 0.004102 4.205961
0.016000 0.109000 3.129390 3.220690 0.004126 4.164836
0.016000 0.107000 3.071970 3.163270 0.004150 4.123896
0.016000 0.108000 3.100680 3.191980 0.004175 4.083141
0.016100 0.109000 3.129390 3.220690 0.004199 4.042570
0.016100 0.112000 3.215520 3.306820 0.004224 4.002182
0.016100 0.113000 3.244230 3.335530 0.004248 3.961978
0.016100 0.111000 3.186810 3.278110 0.004272 3.921955
0.016200 0.111000 3.186810 3.278110 0.004297 3.882114
0.016200 0.113000 3.244230 3.335530 0.004321 3.842454
0.016200 0.118000 3.387780 3.479080 0.004346 3.802974
0.016200 0.117000 3.359070 3.450370 0.004370 3.763673
0.016300 0.114000 3.272940 3.364240 0.004395 3.724552
0.016300 0.124000 3.560040 3.651340 0.004419 3.685608
0.016300 0.129000 3.703590 3.794890 0.004443 3.646842
0.016300 0.132000 3.789720 3.881020 0.004468 3.608253
0.016400 0.128000 3.674880 3.766180 0.004492 3.569840
0.016400 0.123000 3.531330 3.622630 0.004517 3.531602
0.016400 0.115000 3.301650 3.392950 0.004541 3.493539
0.016400 0.108000 3.100680 3.191980 0.004565 3.455651
0.016500 0.108000 3.100680 3.191980 0.004590 3.417936
0.016500 0.106000 3.043260 3.134560 0.004614 3.380394
0.016500 0.088400 2.537964 2.629264 0.004639 3.343024
0.016500 0.099500 2.856645 2.947945 0.004663 3.305826
0.016600 0.096600 2.773386 2.864686 0.004688 3.268798
0.016600 0.086800 2.492028 2.583328 0.004712 3.231941
0.016600 0.087000 2.497770 2.589070 0.004736 3.195254
0.016600 0.093500 2.684385 2.775685 0.004761 3.158736
0.016700 0.095700 2.747547 2.838847 0.004785 3.122386
0.016700 0.090700 2.603997 2.695297 0.004810 3.086204
0.016700 0.093300 2.678643 2.769943 0.004834 3.050190
0.016700 0.085700 2.460447 2.551747 0.004858 3.014342
0.016700 0.083700 2.403027 2.494327 0.004883 2.978659
0.016800 0.078600 2.256606 2.347906 0.004907 2.943142
0.016800 0.078800 2.262348 2.353648 0.004932 2.907790
0.016800 0.076000 2.181960 2.273260 0.004956 2.872602
0.016800 0.071000 2.038410 2.129710 0.004980 2.837578
0.016900 0.070400 2.021184 2.112484 0.005005 2.802716
0.016900 0.069600 1.998216 2.089516 0.005029 2.768016
0.016900 0.071200 2.044152 2.135452 0.005054 2.733478
0.016900 0.072300 2.075733 2.167033 0.005078 2.699101

Table C.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu-e Pressiue Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
<^} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.017000 0.075100 2.156121 2.247421 0.005103 2.664885
0.017000 0.073200 2.101572 2.192872 0.005151 2.596931
0.017000 0.076600 2.199186 2.290486 0.005176 2.563192
0.017100 0.074100 2.127411 2.218711 0.005200 2.529611
0.017100 0.071900 2.064249 2.155549 0.005225 2.496188
0.017100 0.073200 2.101572 2.192872 0.005249 2.462921
0.017100 0.070400 2.021184 2.112484 0.005273 2.429811
0.017200 0.072000 2.067120 2.158420 0.005298 2.396856
0.017200 0.070400 2.021184 2.112484 0.005322 2.364057
0.017200 0.067000 1.923570 2.014870 0.005347 2.331412
0.017200 0.068800 1.975248 2.066548 0.005371 2.298921
0.017300 0.067900 1.949409 2.040709 0.005396 2.266583
0.017300 0.069000 1.980990 2.072290 0.005420 2.234398
0.017300 0.067100 1.926441 2.017741 0.005444 2.202365
0.017300 0.067900 1.949409 2.040709 0.005469 2.170483
0.017400 0.065700 1.886247 1.977547 0.005493 2.138753
0.017400 0.062100 1.782891 1.874191 0.005518 2.107173
0.017400 0.058600 1.682406 1.773706 0.005542 2.075743
0.017400 0.056000 1.607760 1.699060 0.005566 2.044463
0.017500 0.057500 1.650825 1.742125 0.005591 2.013331
0.017500 0.052000 1.492920 1.584220 0.005615 1.982347
0.017500 0.049300 1.415403 1.506703 0.005640 1.951511
0.017500 0.048800 1.401048 1.492348 0.005664 1.920823
0.017600 0.049900 1.432629 1.523929 0.005688 1.890280
0.017600 0.046500 1.335015 1.426315 0.005713 1.859884
0.017600 0.043400 1.246014 1.337314 0.005737 1.829633
0.017600 0.041400 1.188594 1.279894 0.005762 1.799527
0.017700 0.039200 1.125432 1.216732 0.005786 1.769565
0.017700 0.038300 1.099593 1.190893 0.005811 1.739747
0.017700 0.035200 1.010592 1.101892 0.005835 1.710072
0.017700 0.030400 0.872784 0.964084 0.005859 1.680540
0.017700 0.032300 0.927333 1.018633 0.005884 1.651150
0.017800 0.033800 0.970398 1.061698 0.005908 1.621901
0.017800 0.034100 0.979011 1.070311 0.005933 1.592794
0.017800 0.033700 0.967527 1.058827 0.005957 1.563827
0.017800 0.032800 0.941688 1.032988 0.005981 1.535000
0.017900 0.027500 0.789525 0.880825 0.006006 1.506313
0.017900 0.026900 0.772299 0.863599 0.006030 1.477764
0.017900 0.025100 0.720621 0.811921 0.006055 1.449354
0.017900 0.023700 0.680427 0.771727 0.006079 1.421082
0.018000 0.023800 0.683298 0.774598 0.006104 1.392947
0.018000 0.023400 0.671814 0.763114 0.006128 1.364949

Table C.2 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressiue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.018000 0.023100 0.663201 0.754501 0.006152 1.337087
0.018100 0.020600 0.591426 0.682726 0.006201 1.281770
0.018100 0.021900 0.628749 0.720049 0.006226 1.254315
0.018100 0.021900 0.628749 0.720049 0.006250 1.226993
0.018100 0.027900 0.801009 0.892309 0.006274 1.199805
0.018200 0.030900 0.887139 0.978439 0.006299 1.172750
0.018200 0.034400 0.987624 1.078924 0.006323 1.145828
0.018200 0.043800 1.257498 1.348798 0.006348 1.119038
0.018200 0.049100 1.409661 1.500961 0.006372 1.092380
0.018300 0.053200 1.527372 1.618672 0.006396 1.065853
0.018300 0.052800 1.515888 1.607188 0.006421 1.039456
0.018300 0.052300 1.501533 1.592833 0.006445 1.013190
0.018300 0.050400 1.446984 1.538284 0.006470 0.987053
0.018400 0.046100 1.323531 1.414831 0.006494 0.961046
0.018400 0.036700 1.053657 1.144957 0.006519 0.935167
0.018400 0.028500 0.818235 0.909535 0.006543 0.909417
0.018400 0.017900 0.513909 0.605209 0.006567 0.883794
0.018500 0.015400 0.442134 0.533434 0.006592 0.858299
0.018500 0.014500 0.416295 0.507595 0.006616 0.832930
0.018500 0.016200 0.465102 0.556402 0.006641 0.807687
0.018500 0.012600 0.361746 0.453046 0.006665 0.782570
0.018600 0.016700 0.479457 0.570757 0.006689 0.757579
0.018600 0.023000 0.660330 0.751630 0.006714 0.732712
0.018600 0.024100 0.691911 0.783211 0.006738 0.707969
0.018600 0.025500 0.732105 0.823405 0.006763 0.683351
0.018700 0.023200 0.666072 0.757372 0.006787 0.658855
0.018700 0.021500 0.617265 0.708565 0.006812 0.634483
0.018700 0.021600 0.620136 0.711436 0.006836 0.610233
0.018700 0.023600 0.677556 0.768856 0.006860 0.586105
0.018800 0.026700 0.766557 0.857857 0.006885 0.562098
0.018800 0.038000 1.090980 1.182280 0.006909 0.538212
0.018800 0.045500 1.306305 1.397605 0.006934 0.514447
0.018800 0.051300 1.472823 1.564123 0.006958 0.490802
0.018800 0.048900 1.403919 1.495219 0.006982 0.467277
0.018900 0.052000 1.492920 1.584220 0.007007 0.443870
0.018900 0.044600 1.280466 1.371766 0.007031 0.420582
0.018900 0.033000 0.947430 1.038730 0.007056 0.397413
0.018900 0.027500 0.789525 0.880825 0.007080 0.374361
0.019000 0.029400 0.844074 0.935374 0.007105 0.351427
0.019000 0.027400 0.786654 0.877954 0.007129 0.328609
0.019000 0.024200 0.694782 0.786082 0.007153 0.305908
0.019000 0.022500 0.645975 0.737275 0.007178 0.283323

Table C.2 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
0.019100 0.016300 0.467973 0.559273 0.007202 0.260853
0.019100 0.023000 0.660330 0.751630 0.007251 0.216258
0.019100 0.029600 0.849816 0.941116 0.007275 0.194132
0.019200 0.029000 0.832590 0.923890 0.007300 0.172119
0.019200 0.024000 0.689040 0.780340 0.007324 0.150220
0.019200 0.024000 0.689040 0.780340 0.007349 0.128434
0.019200 0.022900 0.657459 0.748759 0.007373 0.106760
0.019300 0.023600 0.677556 0.768856 0.007397 0.085198
0.019300 0.023400 0.671814 0.763114 0.007422 0.063748
0.019300 0.017900 0.513909 0.605209 0.007446 0.042409
0.019300 0.018200 0.522522 0.613822 0.007471 0.021180
0.019400 0.016000 0.459360 0.550660 0.007495 0.000062
0.019400 0.017400 0.499554 0.590854 0.007520 -0.020947
0.019400 0.024800 0.712008 0.803308 0.007544 -0.041847
0.019400 0.027000 0.775170 0.866470 0.007568 -0.062637
0.019500 0.027600 0.792396 0.883696 0.007593 -0.083319
0.019500 0.024400 0.700524 0.791824 0.007617 -0.103893
0.019500 0.024100 0.691911 0.783211 0.007642 -0.124359
0.019500 0.028900 0.829719 0.921019 0.007666 -0.144718
0.019600 0.026000 0.746460 0.837760 0.007690 -0.164970
0.019600 0.022300 0.640233 0.731533 0.007715 -0.185116
0.019600 0.017500 0.502425 0.593725 0.007739 -0.205155
0.019600 0.013800 0.396198 0.487498 0.007764 -0.225090
0.019700 0.008790 0.252361 0.343661 0.007788 -0.244919
0.019700 0.005640 0.161924 0.253224 0.007813 -0.264643
0.019700 0.004400 0.126324 0.217624 0.007837 -0.284263
0.019700 0.006970 0.200109 0.291409 0.007861 -0.303779
0.019800 0.005560 0.159628 0.250928 0.007886 -0.323192
0.019800 0.007050 0.202406 0.293706 0.007910 -0.342501
0.019800 0.011100 0.318681 0.409981 0.007935 -0.361708
0.019800 0.006890 0.197812 0.289112 0.007959 -0.380812
0.019800 0.005310 0.152450 0.243750 0.007983 -0.399815
0.019900 0.004980 0.142976 0.234276 0.008008 -0.418716
0.019900 0.007050 0.202406 0.293706 0.008032 -0.437516
0.019900 0.008460 0.242887 0.334187 0.008057 -0.456215
0.019900 0.006300 0.180873 0.272173 0.008081 -0.474814
0.020000 0.005390 0.154747 0.246047 0.008105 -0.493313
0.020000 0.006640 0.190634 0.281934 0.008130 -0.511713
0.020000 0.005390 0.154747 0.246047 0.008154 -0.530013
0.020000 0.003240 0.093020 0.184320 0.008179 -0.548215
0.020100 0.003400 0.097614 0.188914 0.008203 -0.566319
0.020100 0.003730 0.107088 0.198388 0.008228 -0.584324

Table C.2 (cont.)
Raw Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (sec) (psi)
(5) (6)
, Jî> (2) (3) (4)
0.020100 0.004810 0.138095 0.229395 0.008252 -0.602232
0.020200 0.001910 0.054836 0.146136 0.008301 -0.637757
0.020200 0.004060 0.116563 0.207863 0.008325 -0.655374
0.020200 0.004310 0.123740 0.215040 0.008350 -0.672896
0.020200 0.000083 0.002383 0.093683 0.008374 -0.690322
0.020300 -0.000083 -0.002383 0.088917 0.008398 -0.707652

Table C.3 - Free Field Pressure Transducer Air Blast Pressure Time History

td = 0.013760 sec a= 1.1

P°= 7.8310 psi 1= 39.0 psi-msec
Sensitivity = 10 CF = -0.3510
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
-0.001000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.009940 -0.090400 -0.904000 -0.553000 -0.000007 0.000000 8.380460
0.009960 0.292000 2.920000 3.271000 0.000033 0.000024 8.349916
0.009990 0.648000 6.480000 6.831000 0.000123 0.000049 8.319456
0.010000 0.546000 5.460000 5.811000 0.000154 0.000073 8.289079
0.010000 0.593000 5.930000 6.281000 0.000148 0.000098 8.258785
0.010100 0.569000 5.690000 6.041000 0.000150 0.000122 8.228573
0.010100 0.586000 5.860000 6.211000 0.000150 0.000146 8.198445
0.010100 0.577000 5.770000 6.121000 0.000151 0.000171 8.168399
0.010100 0.582000 5.820000 6.171000 0.000150 0.000195 8.138436
0.010200 0.577000 5.770000 6.121000 0.000150 0.000220 8.108554
0.010200 0.576000 5.760000 6.111000 0.000149 0.000244 8.078755
0.010200 0.576000 5.760000 6.111000 0.000149 0.000269 8.049037
0.010200 0.573000 5.730000 6.081000 0.000149 0.000293 8.019400
0.010300 0.569000 5.690000 6.041000 0.000148 0.000317 7.989845
0.010300 0.569000 5.690000 6.041000 0.000147 0.000342 7.960371
0.010300 0.564000 5.640000 5.991000 0.000147 0.000366 7.930978
0.010300 0.569000 5.690000 6.041000 0.000147 0.000391 7.901666
0.010400 0.566000 5.660000 6.011000 0.000147 0.000415 7.872434
0.010400 0.564000 5.640000 5.991000 0.000147 0.000439 7.843283
0.010400 0.563000 5.630000 5.981000 0.000146 0.000464 7.814212
0.010400 0.558000 5.580000 5.931000 0.000145 0.000488 7.785220
0.010400 0.557000 5.570000 5.921000 0.000145 0.000513 7.756308
0.010500 0.564000 5.640000 5.991000 0.000145 0.000537 7.727476
0.010500 0.559000 5.590000 5.941000 0.000146 0.000562 7.698724
0.010500 0.550000 5.500000 5.851000 0.000144 0.000586 7.670050
0.010500 0.554000 5.540000 5.891000 0.000143 0.000610 7.641455
0.010600 0.556000 5.560000 5.911000 0.000144 0.000635 7.612940
0.010600 0.549000 5.490000 5.841000 0.000143 0.000659 7.584502
0.010600 0.560000 5.600000 5.951000 0.000144 0.000684 7.556143
0.010600 0.665000 6.650000 7.001000 0.000158 0.000708 7.527863
0.010700 0.748000 7.480000 7.831000 0.000181 0.000732 7.499660
0.010700 0.708000 7.080000 7.431000 0.000186 0.000757 7.471535
0.010700 0.673000 6.730000 7.081000 0.000177 0.000781 7.443488
0.010700 0.642000 6.420000 6.771000 0.000169 0.000806 7.415518
0.010800 0.613000 6.130000 6.481000 0.000162 0.000830 7.387625
0.010800 0.583000 5.830000 6.181000 0.000155 0.000854 7.359810

Table C.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressiue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.010800 0.557000 5.570000 5.921000 0.000148 0.000879 7.332071
0.010900 0.513000 5.130000 5.481000 0.000137 0.000928 7.276824
0.010900 0.496000 4.960000 5.311000 0.000132 0.000952 7.249315
0.010900 0.493000 4.930000 5.281000 0.000129 0.000977 7.221881
0.010900 0.493000 4.930000 5.281000 0.000129 0.001001 7.194524
0.011000 0.487000 4.870000 5.221000 0.000128 0.001025 7.167243
0.011000 0.491000 4.910000 5.261000 0.000128 0.001050 7.140037
0.011000 0.500000 5.000000 5.351000 0.000130 0.001074 7.112907
0.011000 0.501000 5.010000 5.361000 0.000131 0.001099 7.085851
0.011100 0.505000 5.050000 5.401000 0.000131 0.001123 7.058871
0.011100 0.508000 5.080000 5.431000 0.000132 0.001147 7.031966
0.011100 0.514000 5.140000 5.491000 0.000133 0.001172 7.005135
0.011100 0.515000 5.150000 5.501000 0.000134 0.001196 6.978379
0.011200 0.512000 5.120000 5.471000 0.000134 0.001221 6.951697
0.011200 0.511000 5.110000 5.461000 0.000133 0.001245 6.925089
0.011200 0.508000 5.080000 5.431000 0.000133 0.001270 6.898555
0.011200 0.505000 5.050000 5.401000 0.000132 0.001294 6.872094
0.011300 0.506000 5.060000 5.411000 0.000132 0.001318 6.845708
0.011300 0.504000 5.040000 5.391000 0.000132 0.001343 6.819394
0.011300 0.499000 4.990000 5.341000 0.000131 0.001367 6.793154
0.011300 0.495000 4.950000 5.301000 0.000130 0.001392 6.766987
0.011400 0.489000 4.890000 5.241000 0.000129 0.001416 6.740893
0.011400 0.487000 4.870000 5.221000 0.000128 0.001440 6.714871
0.011400 0.488000 4.880000 5.231000 0.000128 0.001465 6.688922
0.011400 0.486000 4.860000 5.211000 0.000127 0.001489 6.663045
0.011500 0.478000 4.780000 5.131000 0.000126 0.001514 6.637240
0.011500 0.473000 4.730000 5.081000 0.000125 0.001538 6.611507
0.011500 0.473000 4.730000 5.081000 0.000124 0.001563 6.585846
0.011500 0.471000 4.710000 5.061000 0.000124 0.001587 6.560257
0.011500 0.475000 4.750000 5.101000 0.000124 0.001611 6.534739
0.011600 0.475000 4.750000 5.101000 0.000125 0.001636 6.509292
0.011600 0.475000 4.750000 5.101000 0.000125 0.001660 6.483916
0.011600 0.479000 4.790000 5.141000 0.000125 0.001685 6.458612
0.011600 0.471000 4.710000 5.061000 0.000125 0.001709 6.433377
0.011700 0.469000 4.690000 5.041000 0.000123 0.001733 6.408214
0.011700 0.463000 4.630000 4.981000 0.000122 0.001758 6.383121
0.011700 0.459000 4.590000 4.941000 0.000121 0.001782 6.358098
0.011700 0.464000 4.640000 4.991000 0.000121 0.001807 6.333145
0.011800 0.461000 4.610000 4.961000 0.000121 0.001831 6.308261
0.011800 0.460000 4.600000 4.951000 0.000121 0.001855 6.283448
0.011800 0.462000 4.620000 4.971000 0.000121 0.001880 6.258704
0.011800 0.460000 4.600000 4.951000 0.000121 0.001904 6.234029

Table C.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressiu^e
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.011900 0.458000 4.580000 4.931000 0.000121 0.001929 6.209424
0.011900 0.458000 4.580000 4.931000 0.000120 0.001953 6.184888
0.012000 0.446000 4.460000 4.811000 0.000118 0.002026 6.111691
0.012000 0.441000 4.410000 4.761000 0.000117 0.002051 6.087428
0.012000 0.441000 4.410000 4.761000 0.000116 0.002075 6.063234
0.012000 0.440000 4.400000 4.751000 0.000116 0.002100 6.039108
0.012100 0.440000 4.400000 4.751000 0.000116 0.002124 6.015050
0.012100 0.434000 4.340000 4.691000 0.000115 0.002148 5.991060
0.012100 0.434000 4.340000 4.691000 0.000115 0.002173 5.967137
0.012100 0.433000 4.330000 4.681000 0.000114 0.002197 5.943281
0.012200 0.429000 4.290000 4.641000 0.000114 0.002222 5.919492
0.012200 0.432000 4.320000 4.671000 0.000114 0.002246 5.895771
0.012200 0.432000 4.320000 4.671000 0.000114 0.002271 5.872116
0.012200 0.425000 4.250000 4.601000 0.000113 0.002295 5.848528
0.012300 0.422000 4.220000 4.571000 0.000112 0.002319 5.825006
0.012300 0.418000 4.180000 4.531000 0.000111 0.002344 5.801551
0.012300 0.416000 4.160000 4.511000 0.000110 0.002368 5.778162
0.012300 0.414000 4.140000 4.491000 0.000110 0.002393 5.754839
0.012400 0.408000 4.080000 4.431000 0.000109 0.002417 5.731581
0.012400 0.417000 4.170000 4.521000 0.000109 0.002441 5.708390
0.012400 0.418000 4.180000 4.531000 0.000110 0.002466 5.685264
0.012400 0.422000 4.220000 4.571000 0.000111 0.002490 5.662203
0.012500 0.417000 4.170000 4.521000 0.000111 0.002515 5.639207
0.012500 0.418000 4.180000 4.531000 0.000110 0.002539 5.616277
0.012500 0.419000 4.190000 4.541000 0.000111 0.002563 5.593411
0.012500 0.414000 4.140000 4.491000 0.000110 0.002588 5.570610
0.012500 0.417000 4.170000 4.521000 0.000110 0.002612 5.547874
0.012600 0.420000 4.200000 4.551000 0.000111 0.002637 5.525202
0.012600 0.415000 4.150000 4.501000 0.000110 0.002661 5.502594
0.012600 0.415000 4.150000 4.501000 0.000110 0.002686 5.480050
0.012600 0.414000 4.140000 4.491000 0.000110 0.002710 5.457570
0.012700 0.405000 4.050000 4.401000 0.000109 0.002734 5.435154
0.012700 0.399000 3.990000 4.341000 0.000107 0.002759 5.412802
0.012700 0.401000 4.010000 4.361000 0.000106 0.002783 5.390513
0.012700 0.399000 3.990000 4.341000 0.000106 0.002808 5.368287
0.012800 0.397000 3.970000 4.321000 0.000106 0.002832 5.346124
0.012800 0.395000 3.950000 4.301000 0.000105 0.002856 5.324025
0.012800 0.395000 3.950000 4.301000 0.000105 0.002856 5.324025
0.012800 0.391000 3.910000 4.261000 0.000105 0.002881 5.301988
0.012800 0.395000 3.950000 4.301000 0.000105 0.002905 5.280014
0.012900 0.392000 3.920000 4.271000 0.000105 0.002930 5.258102
0.012900 0.389000 3.890000 4.241000 0.000104 0.002954 5.236253

Table C.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.012900 0.384000 3.840000 4.191000 0.000103 0.002979 5.214465
0.012900 0.385000 3.850000 4.201000 0.000102 0.003003 5.192740
0.013000 0.385000 3.850000 4.201000 0.000103 0.003027 5.171077
0.013100 0.377000 3.770000 4.121000 0.000101 0.003125 5.085040
0.013100 0.379000 3.790000 4.141000 0.000101 0.003149 5.063684
0.013100 0.375000 3.750000 4.101000 0.000101 0.003174 5.042389
0.013100 0.369000 3.690000 4.041000 0.000099 0.003198 5.021154
0.013200 0.365000 3.650000 4.001000 0.000098 0.003223 4.999981
0.013200 0.370000 3.700000 4.051000 0.000098 0.003247 4.978868
0.013200 0.371000 3.710000 4.061000 0.000099 0.003271 4.957815
0.013200 0.373000 3.730000 4.081000 0.000099 0.003296 4.936822
0.013300 0.368000 3.680000 4.031000 0.000099 0.003320 4.915890
0.013300 0.364000 3.640000 3.991000 0.000098 0.003345 4.895017
0.013300 0.356000 3.560000 3.911000 0.000096 0.003369 4.874205
0.013300 0.352000 3.520000 3.871000 0.000095 0.003394 4.853451
0.013400 0.352000 3.520000 3.871000 0.000095 0.003418 4.832758
0.013400 0.351000 3.510000 3.861000 0.000094 0.003442 4.812123
0.013400 0.347000 3.470000 3.821000 0.000094 0.003467 4.791548
0.013400 0.341000 3.410000 3.761000 0.000093 0.003491 4.771032
0.013500 0.345000 3.450000 3.801000 0.000092 0.003516 4.750575
0.013500 0.345000 3.450000 3.801000 0.000093 0.003540 4.730176
0.013500 0.339000 3.390000 3.741000 0.000092 0.003564 4.709836
0.013500 0.338000 3.380000 3.731000 0.000091 0.003589 4.689555
0.013500 0.339000 3.390000 3.741000 0.000091 0.003613 4.669331
0.013600 0.340000 3.400000 3.751000 0.000091 0.003638 4.649166
0.013600 0.341000 3.410000 3.761000 0.000092 0.003662 4.629059
0.013600 0.344000 3.440000 3.791000 0.000092 0.003687 4.609010
0.013600 0.340000 3.400000 3.751000 0.000092 0.003711 4.589018
0.013700 0.338000 3.380000 3.731000 0.000091 0.003735 4.569085
0.013700 0.337000 3.370000 3.721000 0.000091 0.003760 4.549208
0.013700 0.335000 3.350000 3.701000 0.000091 0.003784 4.529389
0.013700 0.334000 3.340000 3.691000 0.000090 0.003809 4.509627
0.013800 0.330000 3.300000 3.651000 0.000090 0.003833 4.489922
0.013800 0.330000 3.300000 3.651000 0.000089 0.003857 4.470274
0.013800 0.330000 3.300000 3.651000 0.000089 0.003882 4.450682
0.013800 0.329000 3.290000 3.641000 0.000089 0.003906 4.431147
0.013900 0.327000 3.270000 3.621000 0.000089 0.003931 4.411669
0.013900 0.325000 3.250000 3.601000 0.000088 0.003955 4.392247
0.013900 0.326000 3.260000 3.611000 0.000088 0.003979 4.372881
0.013900 0.321000 3.210000 3.561000 0.000088 0.004004 4.353571
0.014000 0.320000 3.200000 3.551000 0.000087 0.004028 4.334317
0.014000 0.314000 3.140000 3.491000 0.000086 0.004053 4.315118

Table C.3 (cont.,
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiue Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressiue
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.014000 0.313000 3.130000 3.481000 0.000085 0.004077 4.295976
0.014000 0.310000 3.100000 3.451000 0.000085 0.004102 4.276888
0.014100 0.307000 3.070000 3.421000 0.000084 0.004175 4.219958
0.014100 0.307000 3.070000 3.421000 0.000084 0.004199 4.201091
0.014200 0.307000 3.070000 3.421000 0.000084 0.004224 4.182279
0.014200 0.307000 3.070000 3.421000 0.000084 0.004248 4.163521
0.014200 0.303000 3.030000 3.381000 0.000083 0.004272 4.144818
0.014200 0.302000 3.020000 3.371000 0.000082 0.004297 4.126170
0.014300 0.297000 2.970000 3.321000 0.000082 0.004321 4.107575
0.014300 0.295000 2.950000 3.301000 0.000081 0.004346 4.089035
0.014300 0.291000 2.910000 3.261000 0.000080 0.004370 4.070549
0.014300 0.287000 2.870000 3.221000 0.000079 0.004395 4.052116
0.014400 0.287000 2.870000 3.221000 0.000079 0.004419 4.033737
0.014400 0.286000 2.860000 3.211000 0.000079 0.004443 4.015412
0.014400 0.288000 2.880000 3.231000 0.000079 0.004468 3.997140
0.014400 0.287000 2.870000 3.221000 0.000079 0.004492 3.978921
0.014500 0.286000 2.860000 3.211000 0.000079 0.004517 3.960756
0.014500 0.284000 2.840000 3.191000 0.000078 0.004541 3.942643
0.014500 0.280000 2.800000 3.151000 0.000077 0.004565 3.924584
0.014500 0.280000 2.800000 3.151000 0.000077 0.004590 3.906577
0.014600 0.279000 2.790000 3.141000 0.000077 0.004614 3.888623
0.014600 0.277000 2.770000 3.121000 0.000076 0.004639 3.870721
0.014600 0.276000 2.760000 3.111000 0.000076 0.004663 3.852872
0.014600 0.278000 2.780000 3.131000 0.000076 0.004688 3.835074
0.014600 0.278000 2.780000 3.131000 0.000076 0.004712 3.817329
0.014700 0.278000 2.780000 3.131000 0.000076 0.004736 3.799636
0.014700 0.274000 2.740000 3.091000 0.000076 0.004761 3.781995
0.014700 0.272000 2.720000 3.071000 0.000075 0.004785 3.764405
0.014700 0.271000 2.710000 3.061000 0.000075 0.004810 3.746867
0.014800 0.271000 2.710000 3.061000 0.000075 0.004834 3.729381
0.014800 0.274000 2.740000 3.091000 0.000075 0.004858 3.711945
0.014800 0.268000 2.680000 3.031000 0.000075 0.004883 3.694561
0.014800 0.268000 2.680000 3.031000 0.000074 0.004907 3.677228
0.014900 0.263000 2.630000 2.981000 0.000073 0.004932 3.659946
0.014900 0.261000 2.610000 2.961000 0.000073 0.004956 3.642715
0.014900 0.258000 2.580000 2.931000 0.000072 0.004980 3.625534
0.014900 0.257000 2.570000 2.921000 0.000071 0.005005 3.608404
0.015000 0.258000 2.580000 2.931000 0.000071 0.005029 3.591324
0.015000 0.257000 2.570000 2.921000 0.000071 0.005054 3.574295
0.015000 0.259000 2.590000 2.941000 0.000072 0.005078 3.557315
0.015000 0.255000 2.550000 2.901000 0.000071 0.005103 3.540386
0.015100 0.254000 2.540000 2.891000 0.000071 0.005127 3.523507

Table C.3 (cont.,)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.015100 0.254000 2.540000 2.891000 0.000071 0.005151 3.506677
0.015100 0.253000 2.530000 2.881000 0.000070 0.005176 3.489897
0.015200 0.246000 2.460000 2.811000 0.000068 0.005249 3.439854
0.015200 0.243000 2.430000 2.781000 0.000068 0.005273 3.423272
0.015200 0.242000 2.420000 2.771000 0.000068 0.005298 3.406738
0.015300 0.245000 2.450000 2.801000 0.000068 0.005322 3.390253
0.015300 0.245000 2.450000 2.801000 0.000068 0.005347 3.373818
0.015300 0.244000 2.440000 2.791000 0.000068 0.005371 3.357430
0.015300 0.244000 2.440000 2.791000 0.000068 0.005396 3.341092
0.015400 0.241000 2.410000 2.761000 0.000068 0.005420 3.324802
0.015400 0.237000 2.370000 2.721000 0.000067 0.005444 3.308560
0.015400 0.237000 2.370000 2.721000 0.000066 0.005469 3.292366
0.015400 0.238000 2.380000 2.731000 0.000067 0.005493 3.276220
0.015500 0.244000 2.440000 2.791000 0.000067 0.005518 3.260122
0.015500 0.241000 2.410000 2.761000 0.000068 0.005542 3.244072
0.015500 0.238000 2.380000 2.731000 0.000067 0.005566 3.228070
0.015500 0.235000 2.350000 2.701000 0.000066 0.005591 3.212115
0.015600 0.234000 2.340000 2.691000 0.000066 0.005615 3.196208
0.015600 0.234000 2.340000 2.691000 0.000066 0.005640 3.180348
0.015600 0.233000 2.330000 2.681000 0.000066 0.005664 3.164536
0.015600 0.231000 2.310000 2.661000 0.000065 0.005688 3.148770
0.015600 0.226000 2.260000 2.611000 0.000064 0.005713 3.133051
0.015700 0.221000 2.210000 2.561000 0.000063 0.005737 3.117379
0.015700 0.225000 2.250000 2.601000 0.000063 0.005762 3.101754
0.015700 0.224000 2.240000 2.591000 0.000063 0.005786 3.086176
0.015700 0.221000 2.210000 2.561000 0.000063 0.005811 3.070644
0.015800 0.216000 2.160000 2.511000 0.000062 0.005835 3.055158
0.015800 0.215000 2.150000 2.501000 0.000061 0.005859 3.039719
0.015800 0.213000 2.130000 2.481000 0.000061 0.005884 3.024326
0.015800 0.214000 2.140000 2.491000 0.000061 0.005908 3.008978
0.015900 0.217000 2.170000 2.521000 0.000061 0.005933 2.993677
0.015900 0.214000 2.140000 2.491000 0.000061 0.005957 2.978422
0.015900 0.212000 2.120000 2.471000 0.000061 0.005981 2.963212
0.015900 0.209000 2.090000 2.441000 0.000060 0.006006 2.948048
0.016000 0.209000 2.090000 2.441000 0.000060 0.006030 2.932929
0.016000 0.209000 2.090000 2.441000 0.000060 0.006055 2.917855
0.016000 0.208000 2.080000 2.431000 0.000059 0.006079 2.902827
0.016000 0.209000 2.090000 2.441000 0.000059 0.006104 2.887844
0.016100 0.210000 2.100000 2.451000 0.000060 0.006128 2.872906
0.016100 0.206000 2.060000 2.411000 0.000059 0.006152 2.858012
0.016100 0.202000 2.020000 2.371000 0.000058 0.006177 2.843164
0.016100 0.200000 2.000000 2.351000 0.000058 0.006201 2.828360

Table C.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Conected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.016200 0.196000 1.960000 2.311000 0.000057 0.006226 2.813601
0.016200 0.195000 1.950000 2.301000 0.000056 0.006250 2.798886
0.016300 0.193000 1.930000 2.281000 0.000056 0.006323 2.755006
0.016300 0.193000 1.930000 2.281000 0.000056 0.006348 2.740468
0.016300 0.188000 1.880000 2.231000 0.000055 0.006372 2.725973
0.016300 0.191000 1.910000 2.261000 0.000055 0.006396 2.711522
0.016400 0.193000 1.930000 2.281000 0.000055 0.006421 2.697115
0.016400 0.194000 1.940000 2.291000 0.000056 0.006445 2.682751
0.016400 0.190000 1.900000 2.251000 0.000055 0.006470 2.668431
0.016400 0.194000 1.940000 2.291000 0.000055 0.006494 2.654154
0.016500 0.195000 1.950000 2.301000 0.000056 0.006519 2.639920
0.016500 0.195000 1.950000 2.301000 0.000056 0.006543 2.625730
0.016500 0.191000 1.910000 2.261000 0.000056 0.006567 2.611582
0.016500 0.189000 1.890000 2.241000 0.000055 0.006592 2.597477
0.016600 0.191000 1.910000 2.261000 0.000055 0.006616 2.583415
0.016600 0.189000 1.890000 2.241000 0.000055 0.006641 2.569395
0.016600 0.190000 1.900000 2.251000 0.000055 0.006665 2.555418
0.016600 0.191000 1.910000 2.261000 0.000055 0.006689 2.541484
0.016700 0.190000 1.900000 2.251000 0.000055 0.006714 2.527592
0.016700 0.186000 1.860000 2.211000 0.000054 0.006738 2.513742
0.016700 0.185000 1.850000 2.201000 0.000054 0.006763 2.499934
0.016700 0.179000 1.790000 2.141000 0.000053 0.006787 2.486168
0.016700 0.186000 1.860000 2.211000 0.000053 0.006812 2.472444
0.016800 0.186000 1.860000 2.211000 0.000054 0.006836 2.458762
0.016800 0.183000 1.830000 2.181000 0.000054 0.006860 2.445121
0.016800 0.182000 1.820000 2.171000 0.000053 0.006885 2.431522
0.016800 0.181000 1.810000 2.161000 0.000053 0.006909 2.417965
0.016900 0.182000 1.820000 2.171000 0.000053 0.006934 2.404448
0.016900 0.179000 1.790000 2.141000 0.000053 0.006958 2.390973
0.016900 0.182000 1.820000 2.171000 0.000053 0.006982 2.377540
0.016900 0.184000 1.840000 2.191000 0.000053 0.007007 2.364147
0.017000 0.183000 1.830000 2.181000 0.000053 0.007031 2.350795
0.017000 0.180000 1.800000 2.151000 0.000053 0.007056 2.337484
0.017000 0.175000 1.750000 2.101000 0.000052 0.007080 2.324214
0.017000 0.176000 1.760000 2.111000 0.000051 0.007105 2.310984
0.017100 0.173000 1.730000 2.081000 0.000051 0.007129 2.297795
0.017100 0.167000 1.670000 2.021000 0.000050 0.007153 2.284646
0.017100 0.163000 1.630000 1.981000 0.000049 0.007178 2.271538
0.017100 0.161000 1.610000 1.961000 0.000048 0.007202 2.258469
0.017200 0.159000 1.590000 1.941000 0.000048 0.007227 2.245441
0.017200 0.161000 1.610000 1.961000 0.000048 0.007251 2.232453
0.017200 0.156000 1.560000 1.911000 0.000047 1 0.007275 2.219505

Table C.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiue Pressiue Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.017200 0.153000 1.530000 1.881000 0.000046 0.007300 2.206596
0.017300 0.154000 1.540000 1.891000 0.000046 0.007324 2.193728
0.017300 0.154000 1.540000 1.891000 0.000045 0.007397 2.155359
0.017400 0.152000 1.520000 1.871000 0.000046 0.007422 2.142648
0.017400 0.143000 1.430000 1.781000 0.000045 0.007446 2.129976
0.017400 0.143000 1.430000 1.781000 0.000043 0.007471 2.117343
0.017400 0.141000 1.410000 1.761000 0.000043 0.007495 2.104749
0.017500 0.140000 1.400000 1.751000 0.000043 0.007520 2.092194
0.017500 0.137000 1.370000 1.721000 0.000042 0.007544 2.079678
0.017500 0.140000 1.400000 1.751000 0.000042 0.007568 2.067201
0.017500 0.137000 1.370000 1.721000 0.000042 0.007593 2.054762
0.017600 0.148000 1.480000 1.831000 0.000043 0.007617 2.042362
0.017600 0.208000 2.080000 2.431000 0.000052 0.007642 2.030000
0.017600 0.245000 2.450000 2.801000 0.000064 0.007666 2.017676
0.017600 0.246000 2.460000 2.811000 0.000069 0.007690 2.005391
0.017700 0.239000 2.390000 2.741000 0.000068 0.007715 1.993143
0.017700 0.233000 2.330000 2.681000 0.000066 0.007739 1.980934
0.017700 0.237000 2.370000 2.721000 0.000066 0.007764 1.968762
0.017700 0.243000 2.430000 2.781000 0.000067 0.007788 1.956629
0.017700 0.246000 2.460000 2.811000 0.000068 0.007813 1.944533
0.017800 0.245000 2.450000 2.801000 0.000069 0.007837 1.932474
0.017800 0.244000 2.440000 2.791000 0.000068 0.007861 1.920453
0.017800 0.243000 2.430000 2.781000 0.000068 0.007886 1.908470
0.017800 0.243000 2.430000 2.781000 0.000068 0.007910 1.896524
0.017900 0.243000 2.430000 2.781000 0.000068 0.007935 1.884615
0.017900 0.242000 2.420000 2.771000 0.000068 0.007959 1.872743
0.017900 0.238000 2.380000 2.731000 0.000067 0.007983 1.860908
0.017900 0.235000 2.350000 2.701000 0.000066 0.008008 1.849110
0.018000 0.237000 2.370000 2.721000 0.000066 0.008032 1.837349
0.018000 0.237000 2.370000 2.721000 0.000066 0.008057 1.825625
0.018000 0.244000 2.440000 2.791000 0.000067 0.008081 1.813937
0.018000 0.247000 2.470000 2.821000 0.000069 0.008105 1.802286
0.018100 0.244000 2.440000 2.791000 0.000069 0.008130 1.790671
0.018100 0.244000 2.440000 2.791000 0.000068 0.008154 1.779093
0.018100 0.241000 2.410000 2.761000 0.000068 0.008179 1.767551
0.018100 0.241000 2.410000 2.761000 0.000067 0.008203 1.756045
0.018200 0.247000 2.470000 2.821000 0.000068 0.008228 1.744575
0.018200 0.253000 2.530000 2.881000 0.000070 0.008252 1.733141
0.018200 0.261000 2.610000 2.961000 0.000071 0.008276 1.721744
0.018200 0.267000 2.670000 3.021000 0.000073 0.008301 1.710381
0.018300 0.270000 2.700000 3.051000 0.000074 0.008325 1.699055
0.018300 0.274000 2.740000 3.091000 0.000075 0.008350 1.687764

Table C.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiue Pressure Pressure Inpulse Time Pressure
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.018300 0.274000 2.740000 3.091000 0.000075 0.008374 1.676509
0.018300 0.275000 2.750000 3.101000 0.000076 0.008398 1.665289
0.018400 0.280000 2.800000 3.151000 0.000077 0.008472 1.631841
0.018400 0.283000 2.830000 3.181000 0.000077 0.008496 1.620762
0.018500 0.288000 2.880000 3.231000 0.000078 0.008521 1.609718
0.018500 0.281000 2.810000 3.161000 0.000078 0.008545 1.598709
0.018500 0.277000 2.770000 3.121000 0.000077 0.008569 1.587735
0.018500 0.272000 2.720000 3.071000 0.000076 0.008594 1.576795
0.018600 0.268000 2.680000 3.031000 0.000074 0.008618 1.565890
0.018600 0.262000 2.620000 2.971000 0.000073 0.008643 1.555019
0.018600 0.257000 2.570000 2.921000 0.000072 0.008667 1.544183
0.018600 0.255000 2.550000 2.901000 0.000071 0.008691 1.533381
0.018700 0.254000 2.540000 2.891000 0.000071 0.008716 1.522614
0.018700 0.259000 2.590000 2.941000 0.000071 0.008740 1.511881
0.018700 0.269000 2.690000 3.041000 0.000073 0.008765 1.501181
0.018700 0.278000 2.780000 3.131000 0.000075 0.008789 1.490516
0.018800 0.274000 2.740000 3.091000 0.000076 0.008813 1.479885
0.018800 0.265000 2.650000 3.001000 0.000074 0.008838 1.469287
0.018800 0.261000 2.610000 2.961000 0.000073 0.008862 1.458723
0.018800 0.256000 2.560000 2.911000 0.000072 0.008887 1.448193
0.018800 0.250000 2.500000 2.851000 0.000070 0.008911 1.437696
0.018900 0.248000 2.480000 2.831000 0.000069 0.008936 1.427233
0.018900 0.241000 2.410000 2.761000 0.000068 0.008960 1.416803
0.018900 0.241000 2.410000 2.761000 0.000067 0.008984 1.406407
0.018900 0.236000 2.360000 2.711000 0.000067 0.009009 1.396043
0.019000 0.231000 2.310000 2.661000 0.000066 0.009033 1.385713
0.019000 0.224000 2.240000 2.591000 0.000064 0.009058 1.375416
0.019000 0.217000 2.170000 2.521000 0.000062 0.009082 1.365152
0.019000 0.210000 2.100000 2.451000 0.000061 0.009106 1.354920
0.019100 0.205000 2.050000 2.401000 0.000059 0.009131 1.344721
0.019100 0.201000 2.010000 2.361000 0.000058 0.009155 1.334556
0.019100 0.200000 2.000000 2.351000 0.000058 0.009180 1.324422
0.019100 0.202000 2.020000 2.371000 0.000058 0.009204 1.314321
0.019200 0.204000 2.040000 2.391000 0.000058 0.009229 1.304253
0.019200 0.201000 2.010000 2.361000 0.000058 0.009253 1.294217
0.019200 0.194000 1.940000 2.291000 0.000057 0.009277 1.284213
0.019200 0.194000 1.940000 2.291000 0.000056 0.009302 1.274241
0.019300 0.192000 1.920000 2.271000 0.000056 0.009326 1.264302
0.019300 0.184000 1.840000 2.191000 0.000054 0.009351 1.254394
0.019300 0.177000 1.770000 2.121000 0.000053 0.009375 1.244519
0.019300 0.174000 1.740000 2.091000 0.000051 0.009399 1.234675
0.019400 0.175000 1.750000 2.101000 0.000051 0.009424 1.224863

Table C.3 (cont. )
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu-e Pressure Pressiu^e Impulse Time Pressiu'e
(sec) (millivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.019400 0.177000 1.770000 2.121000 0.000052 0.009448 1.215083
0.019400 0.176000 1.760000 2.111000 0.000052 0.009497 1.195616
0.019500 0.171000 1.710000 2.061000 0.000051 0.009521 1.185931
0.019500 0.168000 1.680000 2.031000 0.000050 0.009546 1.176276
0.019500 0.166000 1.660000 2.011000 0.000049 0.009570 1.166653
0.019500 0.160000 1.600000 1.951000 0.000048 0.009595 1.157061
0.019600 0.157000 1.570000 1.921000 0.000047 0.009619 1.147500
0.019600 0.156000 1.560000 1.911000 0.000047 0.009644 1.137970
0.019600 0.160000 1.600000 1.951000 0.000047 0.009668 1.128471
0.019600 0.160000 1.600000 1.951000 0.000048 0.009692 1.119003
0.019700 0.157000 1.570000 1.921000 0.000047 0.009717 1.109566
0.019700 0.154000 1.540000 1.891000 0.000047 0.009741 1.100159
0.019700 0.149000 1.490000 1.841000 0.000046 0.009766 1.090783
0.019700 0.150000 1.500000 1.851000 0.000045 0.009790 1.081437
0.019800 0.149000 1.490000 1.841000 0.000045 0.009814 1.072122
0.019800 0.147000 1.470000 1.821000 0.000045 0.009839 1.062838
0.019800 0.160000 1.600000 1.951000 0.000046 0.009863 1.053583
0.019800 0.165000 1.650000 2.001000 0.000048 0.009888 1.044359
0.019800 0.163000 1.630000 1.981000 0.000049 0.009912 1.035165
0.019900 0.162000 1.620000 1.971000 0.000048 0.009937 1.026001
0.019900 0.154000 1.540000 1.891000 0.000047 0.009961 1.016867
0.019900 0.149000 1.490000 1.841000 0.000046 0.009985 1.007763
0.019900 0.138000 1.380000 1.731000 0.000044 0.010010 0.998688
0.020000 0.131000 1.310000 1.661000 0.000041 0.010034 0.989644
0.020000 0.128000 1.280000 1.631000 0.000040 0.010059 0.980629
0.020000 0.122000 1.220000 1.571000 0.000039 0.010083 0.971643
0.020000 0.118000 1.180000 1.531000 0.000038 0.010107 0.962688
0.020100 0.117000 1.170000 1.521000 0.000037 0.010132 0.953761
0.020100 0.115000 1.150000 1.501000 0.000037 0.010156 0.944864
0.020100 0.115000 1.150000 1.501000 0.000037 0.010181 0.935996
0.020100 0.113000 1.130000 1.481000 0.000036 0.010205 0.927158
0.020200 0.108000 1.080000 1.431000 0.000036 0.010230 0.918348
0.020200 0.104000 1.040000 1.391000 0.000034 0.010254 0.909568
0.020200 0.102000 1.020000 1.371000 0.000034 0.010278 0.900816
0.020200 0.099700 0.997000 1.348000 0.000033 0.010303 0.892094
0.020300 0.095000 0.950000 1.301000 0.000032 0.010327 0.883400
0.020300 0.096600 0.966000 1.317000 0.000032 0.010352 0.874735
0.020300 0.097200 0.972000 1.323000 0.000032 0.010376 0.866098
0.020300 0.096500 0.965000 1.316000 0.000032 0.010400 0.857491
0.020400 0.093900 0.939000 1.290000 0.000032 0.010425 0.848911
0.020400 0.089500 0.895000 1.246000 0.000031 0.010449 0.840360
0.020400 0.091000 0.910000 1.261000 0.000031 0.010474 0.831838

Table C.3 (cont.)
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiue Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressiue
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.020400 0.094500 0.945000 1.296000 0.000031 0.010498 0.823344
0.020500 0.095200 0.952000 1.303000 0.000032 0.010522 0.814878
0.020500 0.092300 0.923000 1.274000 0.000031 0.010596 0.789648
0.020600 0.088600 0.886000 1.237000 0.000031 0.010620 0.781294
0.020600 0.087800 0.878000 1.229000 0.000030 0.010645 0.772968
0.020600 0.087700 0.877000 1.228000 0.000030 0.010669 0.764670
0.020600 0.087600 0.876000 1.227000 0.000030 0.010693 0.756399
0.020700 0.088000 0.880000 1.231000 0.000030 0.010718 0.748156
0.020700 0.087700 0.877000 1.228000 0.000030 0.010742 0.739941
0.020700 0.083800 0.838000 1.189000 0.000030 0.010767 0.731753
0.020700 0.081400 0.814000 1.165000 0.000029 0.010791 0.723592
0.020800 0.082900 0.829000 1.180000 0.000029 0.010815 0.715459
0.020800 0.083200 0.832000 1.183000 0.000029 0.010840 0.707353
0.020800 0.088500 0.885000 1.236000 0.000030 0.010864 0.699274
0.020800 0.090400 0.904000 1.255000 0.000030 0.010889 0.691222
0.020800 0.101000 1.010000 1.361000 0.000032 0.010913 0.683197
0.020900 0.112000 1.120000 1.471000 0.000035 0.010938 0.675200
0.020900 0.115000 1.150000 1.501000 0.000036 0.010962 0.667229
0.020900 0.118000 1.180000 1.531000 0.000037 0.010986 0.659285
0.020900 0.113000 1.130000 1.481000 0.000037 0.011011 0.651367
0.021000 0.108000 1.080000 1.431000 0.000036 0.011035 0.643477
0.021000 0.104000 1.040000 1.391000 0.000034 0.011060 0.635613
0.021000 0.107000 1.070000 1.421000 0.000034 0.011084 0.627775
0.021000 0.107000 1.070000 1.421000 0.000035 0.011108 0.619964
0.021100 0.102000 1.020000 1.371000 0.000034 0.011133 0.612180
0.021100 0.115000 1.150000 1.501000 0.000035 0.011157 0.604421
0.021100 0.139000 1.390000 1.741000 0.000040 0.011182 0.596689
0.021100 0.149000 1.490000 1.841000 0.000044 0.011206 0.588983
0.021200 0.142000 1.420000 1.771000 0.000044 0.011230 0.581304
0.021200 0.132000 1.320000 1.671000 0.000042 0.011255 0.573650
0.021200 0.132000 1.320000 1.671000 0.000041 0.011279 0.566022
0.021200 0.125000 1.250000 1.601000 0.000040 0.011304 0.558420
0.021300 0.124000 1.240000 1.591000 0.000039 0.011328 0.550844
0.021300 0.125000 1.250000 1.601000 0.000039 0.011353 0.543294
0.021300 0.123000 1.230000 1.581000 0.000039 0.011377 0.535770
0.021300 0.124000 1.240000 1.591000 0.000039 0.011401 0.528271
0.021400 0.124000 1.240000 1.591000 0.000039 0.011426 0.520798
0.021400 0.118000 1.180000 1.531000 0.000038 0.011450 0.513350
0.021400 0.113000 1.130000 1.481000 0.000037 0.011475 0.505927
0.021400 0.113000 1.130000 1.481000 0.000036 0.011499 0.498530
0.021500 0.122000 1.220000 1.571000 0.000037 0.011523 0.491159
0.021500 0.136000 1.360000 1.711000 0.000040 0.011548 0.483812

Table C.3 (cont.^
R a w Data Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiffe Pressiue Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.021500 0.153000 1.530000 1.881000 0.000044 0.011572 0.476491
0.021500 0.152000 1.520000 1.871000 0.000046 0.011597 0.469194
0.021600 0.140000 1.400000 1.751000 0.000043 0.011670 0.447455
0.021600 0.133000 1.330000 1.681000 0.000042 0.011694 0.440259
0.021700 0.136000 1.360000 1.711000 0.000041 0.011719 0.433087
0.021700 0.133000 1.330000 1.681000 0.000041 0.011743 0.425940
0.021700 0.127000 1.270000 1.621000 0.000040 0.011768 0.418817
0.021700 0.125000 1.250000 1.601000 0.000039 0.011792 0.411719
0.021800 0.123000 1.230000 1.581000 0.000039 0.011816 0.404646
0.021800 0.120000 1.200000 1.551000 0.000038 0.011841 0.397597
0.021800 0.120000 1.200000 1.551000 0.000038 0.011865 0.390572
0.021800 0.118000 1.180000 1.531000 0.000038 0.011890 0.383572
0.021900 0.130000 1.300000 1.651000 0.000039 0.011914 0.376595
0.021900 0.142000 1.420000 1.771000 0.000042 0.011938 0.369643
0.021900 0.129000 1.290000 1.641000 0.000042 0.011963 0.362715
0.021900 0.122000 1.220000 1.571000 0.000039 0.011987 0.355812
0.021900 0.112000 1.120000 1.471000 0.000037 0.012012 0.348932
0.022000 0.109000 1.090000 1.441000 0.000036 0.012036 0.342076
0.022000 0.106000 1.060000 1.411000 0.000035 0.012061 0.335243
0.022000 0.104000 1.040000 1.391000 0.000034 0.012085 0.328435
0.022000 0.103000 1.030000 1.381000 0.000034 0.012109 0.321650
0.022100 0.096800 0.968000 1.319000 0.000033 0.012134 0.314889
0.022100 0.093900 0.939000 1.290000 0.000032 0.012158 0.308152
0.022100 0.096300 0.963000 1.314000 0.000032 0.012183 0.301438
0.022100 0.092300 0.923000 1.274000 0.000032 0.012207 0.294747
0.022200 0.091100 0.911000 1.262000 0.000031 0.012231 0.288080
0.022200 0.096600 0.966000 1.317000 0.000031 0.012256 0.281436
0.022200 0.099600 0.996000 1.347000 0.000033 0.012280 0.274816
0.022200 0.098900 0.989000 1.340000 0.000033 0.012305 0.268219
0.022300 0.090700 0.907000 1.258000 0.000032 0.012329 0.261645
0.022300 0.080800 0.808000 1.159000 0.000030 0.012354 0.255093
0.022300 0.072900 0.729000 1.080000 0.000027 0.012378 0.248565
0.022300 0.065900 0.659000 1.010000 0.000026 0.012402 0.242060
0.022400 0.059600 0.596000 0.947000 0.000024 0.012427 0.235578
0.022400 0.054800 0.548000 0.899000 0.000023 0.012451 0.229119
0.022400 0.054300 0.543000 0.894000 0.000022 0.012476 0.222682
0.022400 0.055400 0.554000 0.905000 0.000022 0.012500 0.216268
0.022500 0.059500 0.595000 0.946000 0.000023 0.012524 0.209877
0.022500 0.058200 0.582000 0.933000 0.000023 0.012549 0.203508
0.022500 0.055700 0.557000 0.908000 0.000022 0.012573 0.197162
0.022500 0.052800 0.528000 0.879000 0.000022 0.012598 0.190839
0.022600 0.045400 0.454000 0.805000 0.000021 0.012622 0.184537

Table C.3 (cont.)
RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressure Pressure Pressiue Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.022600 0.039900 0.399000 0.750000 0.000019 0.012647 0.178258
0.022600 0.037300 0.373000 0.724000 0.000018 0.012671 0.172002
0.022700 0.029700 0.297000 0.648000 0.000016 0.012744 0.153365
0.022700 0.028300 0.283000 0.634000 0.000016 0.012769 0.147197
0.022700 0.023700 0.237000 0.588000 0.000015 0.012793 0.141051
0.022800 0.016000 0.160000 0.511000 0.000013 0.012817 0.134926
0.022800 0.015300 0.153000 0.504000 0.000012 0.012842 0.128824
0.022800 0.016500 0.165000 0.516000 0.000012 0.012866 0.122743
0.022800 0.011300 0.113000 0.464000 0.000012 0.012891 0.116685
0.022900 0.006890 0.068900 0.419900 0.000011 0.012915 0.110647
0.022900 0.005730 0.057300 0.408300 0.000010 0.012939 0.104632
0.022900 0.000914 0.009140 0.360140 0.000009 0.012964 0.098638
0.022900 -0.000997 -0.009970 0.341030 0.000009 0.012988 0.092666
0.022900 -0.001080 -0.010800 0.340200 0.000008 0.013013 0.086715
0.023000 -0.005230 -0.052300 0.298700 0.000008 0.013037 0.080785
0.023000 -0.008060 -0.080600 0.270400 0.000007 0.013062 0.074877
0.023000 -0.014200 -0.142000 0.209000 0.000006 0.013086 0.068990
0.023000 -0.014600 -0.146000 0.205000 0.000005 0.013110 0.063124
0.023100 -0.015400 -0.154000 0.197000 0.000005 0.013135 0.057279
0.023100 -0.015800 -0.158000 0.193000 0.000005 0.013159 0.051456
0.023100 -0.015700 -0.157000 0.194000 0.000005 0.013184 0.045654
0.023100 -0.015500 -0.155000 0.196000 0.000005 0.013208 0.039872
0.023200 -0.018600 -0.186000 0.165000 0.000004 0.013232 0.034112
0.023200 -0.021300 -0.213000 0.138000 0.000004 0.013257 0.028372
0.023200 -0.020300 -0.203000 0.148000 0.000003 0.013281 0.022653
0.023200 -0.021800 -0.218000 0.133000 0.000003 0.013306 0.016955
0.023300 -0.019900 -0.199000 0.152000 0.000003 0.013330 0.011278
0.023300 -0.021800 -0.218000 0.133000 0.000003 0.013355 0.005621
0.023300 -0.020200 -0.202000 0.149000 0.000003 0.013379 -0.000015
0.023300 -0.019400 -0.194000 0.157000 0.000004 0.013403 -0.005631
0.023400 -0.017300 -0.173000 0.178000 0.000004 0.013428 -0.011226
0.023400 -0.012500 -0.125000 0.226000 0.000005 0.013452 -0.016801
0.023400 -0.014000 -0.140000 0.211000 0.000005 0.013477 -0.022355
0.023400 -0.008220 -0.082200 0.268800 0.000006 0.013501 -0.027889
0.023500 -0.003070 -0.030700 0.320300 0.000007 0.013525 -0.033403
0.023500 -0.001250 -0.012500 0.338500 0.000008 0.013550 -0.038897
0.023500 0.007890 0.078900 0.429900 0.000009 0.013574 -0.044370
0.023500 0.015500 0.155000 0.506000 0.000011 0.013599 -0.049824
0.023600 0.015000 0.150000 0.501000 0.000012 0.013623 -0.055257
0.023600 0.007310 0.073100 0.424100 0.000011 0.013647 -0.060670
0.023600 0.007310 0.073100 0.424100 0.000010 0.013672 -0.066064
0.023600 0.004240 0.042400 0.393400 0.000010 0.013696 -0.071437

RawData Corrected Ideal
Time Pressiu-e Pressure Pressure Impulse Time Pressure
(sec) (miUivolts) (psi) (psi) (psi-msec) (sec) (psi)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
0.023700 -0.001500 -0.015000 0.336000 0.000009 0.013721 -0.076791
0.023700 -0.002330 -0.0233 0.327700 0.000008 0.013745 -0.082125




tjj := 0.007495sec a := 0.8 PQ := 14.39psi

. -a —
I:= 1 dt

I = 0.042 psi-sec


tjj := 0.007007sec a := 0.915 Po := 13.82psi

-a —
'\-S.' M dt
Po- 'ij

I = 0.036 psisec


tjj := 0.007520sec a := 0.7220 pQ := 12.18psi

-a —
"o '•--1 td

I = 0.037 psi-sec


t^i := 0.007861sec a := 0.86 PQ := 12.75psi

rM t
-a —
I.= Poil-f •e '"dl

I = 0.038 psi-sec


tjj := 0.0076sec a := 1.127 PQ := 14.39psi


-a —
I:= Po- •e '^dt

I = 0.039 psi-sec


tjj := 0.0084sec a := 1.76 PQ := 14.05psi

-a —

I:= I- — e dt

I = 0.036 psisec


tjj := 0.013379sec a := 1 PQ := 8.38psi

I:= Po-

I = 0.041 psi-sec


tjj := 0.014136sec a := 0.70 PQ := 6.81psi

-a —
( t^
I:= I e '"dt

I = 0.039 psi-sec


tjj := 0.01376sec a := 1.1 p- := 7.83psi

•M t
-a —

I:= Po- 1 - -\ '-d.


I = 0.039 psi-sec


In presenting this thesis in partial fulfíllment of the requirements for a

master's degree at Texas Tech University or Texas Tech University Health Sciences

Center, I agree that the Library and my major department shall malce it freely

available for research purposes. Permission to copy this thesis for scholarly purposes

may be granted by the Director of the Library or my major professor. It is

imderstood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not

be allowed without my further written permission and that any user may be liable for

copyright infringement.

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Student Signature Date

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