CC1300 4812112482 Rev - D

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Rev. Pls. Change No. Date Issued by Checked

D 100921 TKE/JL TKE/LO

206 6.00 -XF1:AB 1.1 A.1 -XF1:AB 207 2.50 201 6.00 -X3 -X.3 201 6.00 -XQ1:2 1.1
1.1 -F1.1 A.1
/2.B1 /2.A1
204 4.00 A A -XQ1:3 1.2 -Q1 -G1 -X31
-XF1:AB 1.2 20A A.2 BK 35.00 -XQ1:4 1.3 2 -XQ1:1 BK 50.00 -XG1:1 + - -XG1:2 BK 50.00 -X31:1
1.2 1 1
1.4 A
206-1 4.00
BK 35.00 -X31:2
1.5 1
-XF1:AB 2.1 B.1 -XF1:AB 210-3 1.50 1
2.1 -F1.2 B.1
/2.B1 -X3 -X.3 901 6.00 -X31b:2
B B 1
-XF1:AB 2.2 10A B.2 -XF1:AB 215 1.50 901 6.00 -X31a:1
2.2 B.2 1
206-2 4.00

-XF1:EF 5.1 E.1 -XF1:EF 222 1.50

5.1 -F1.5 E.1
/6.A1 Power outlet=12V

-XF1:EF 5.2 10A E.2 -XF1:EF 203 1.50 -X2 -X.2 203 1.50 -X98:1
-X98 -X98:2 992-1 1.50
992 1.50 -X31b:4
5.2 E.2 5 5 1 1 1
206-3 4.00

993 1.50

-XF1:GH 7.1 G.1 -XF1:G.1 225 2.50 903 0.75 901-5 2.50 -X31a:2
7.1 -F1.7 1
/7.A1 /2.C6
914 0.75 1
-XF1:GH 7.2 15A G.2 -XF1:GH 220 2.50 935 0.75
7.2 G.2
/7.C1 /7.C1 B
910 0.75
206-4 4.00

226-1 2.50 915 1.50 901-1 2.50
/7.C1 /5.A6
-XF1:GH 8.1 H.1 -XF1:H.1 226 2.50 912 0.75
8.1 -F1.8 1
/7.A1 /4.B6
929 1.50
-XF1:GH 8.2 15A H.2 -XF1:GH 221 2.50 916 1.50
/7.C1 /5.C6
8.2 H.2
206-5 4.00

-XF2:AB 1.1 A.1 -XF2:AB 219 1.50 -X2 -X.2 219 1.50 917 1.50
1.1 -F2:1 A.1 6 6
/2.D1 /7.C6
911 1.50
/4.A6 -X115
-XF2:AB 1.2 5A A.2 904 1.50 901-3 2.50 -X31b:3
1.2 902 0.75 1
206-6 4.00

913 0.75
908 0.75
-XF2:AB 2.1 B.1 -XF2:B.1 217 1.50
2.1 -F2:2 1
2.2 10A B.2 905 0.75 901-4 2.50 -X31a:3 C
918 1.50 1
This document will remain the property of Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB

930 0.75
and may not without a written permission of the said company be copied,

213 6.00 -XF1:EF 6.1 F.1 -XF1:F.1 223 2.50 927 0.75 -X31a:4
communicated to any third part or used for manufacturing purposes.

6.1 -F1.6 1
/6.C1 /6.C6
934 1.50 1
6.2 10A F.2

940 1.50 -X31a:5


Designed Approved Material Designation Part No

View Date Description Model D
2010-05-31 Electric diagram CC 1100-1300
E Reg. Scale Sheet / of

RE 1/ 7
Elschema Rev. No.

D 4812112482
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rev. Pls. Change No. Date Issued by Checked

D 100921 TKE/JL TKE/LO
-A7 =Glow relay =Glow Plug
lll -K5 -E26

201 6.00 -XS1:1 30a 19b 204 4.00 -XK5 87a 302 4.00 -XE26
/1.A4 19a -XS1:2 306 0.75 -XA7 Glow plugs /1.A4
213 6.00 1 30 30 87 87
/1.C1 30b 17a 9 31 Activation -X100
2 17b
Glow plugs relay 301 0.75 301-1 0.75 -X1 -X.1 301-1 0.75 902 0.75
206 6.00 -X12 615 0.75 33 4 4 86 86 85 85
15 /1.A1 RS 232 RXD
5 A 28 214 6.00
54 616 0.75
RS 232 TXD =Starter
B 27


902-1 0.75
950 0.75 301-2 0.75

RS 232 S.GND /3.B3

C 30 -XM1:1
=Starter relay

50a 307 0.75 1 -G2
7 15
Start -K1 /1.A4
BK 35.00 -XM1:2
-S2 -XK1 87a 304 2.50 -XM1:3
50 E B+
30 30 87 87 1
Engine =Alternator
207 2.50 -XS2:1 -XS2:2 211 2.50 12V+ Starter relay 303 0.75 -X1 -X.1 303 0.75 CHASSIS
1 12 11 1 1 Fuel solenoid relay 12 3 3 86 86 85 85
802 0.75 -X1 -X.1 802 1.50
-XS2:3 /3.A6
6 6
=Fuel solenoid relay

303-1 0.75
204-2 2.50

902-2 0.75
=Seat switch =Fuel solenoid
210-3 1.50 -XS2:4 -XS2:5
/1.A3 -K15
205 2.50

1 22 21 1 -S15 -Y1
-XK15 87a 303-2 1.50 -XY1 WH B
30 30 87 87 1
-X103 BK
208 1.50 -XS15 C C 86 86 85 85
C N0 B -XS15 308 0.75 Engine
216 1.50 Interlock 750 0.75 -X.4 -X4 651 0.75 309 1.50 -XY1 RD
/5.A1 B 16 Brake lights /7.B1 CHASSIS

34 1 1 2
212 0.75
/3.A1 -V1
402 0.75 Solenoid 305 0.75 -XV1:1 -XV1:2 309 0.75 -X1 -X.1
/5.B1 Fuel shut-off
-X117 14 1 A K 1 2 2
Angle sensor

309-1 0.75
-XR.11 -XR11 401-1 0.75 401 0.75
A A 4 Supply voltage

-R11 -XV2:1 -XV2:2

-X101 -R2 -X102 1 A K 1

Angle sensor 1 2
209 1.50

702 0.75 Reostat 718 0.75 903 0.75

Neutral /1.B4
B B 3 35

906-1 0.75
906 0.75 Angle sensor
1 =Brake valve
C C 5 Ground

719 0.75
932 0.75 717 0.75 0
/5.B3 Brake solenoid
13 -Y2
601 0.75
Summer C
1 -XH10:1

-XS14 3
2 2 701 0.75 -X1 -X.1 701 0.75 -XY2 1 2 -XY2 904 1.50
2 1 1 1 1 1 2
This document will remain the property of Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB

808 0.75
and may not without a written permission of the said company be copied,

951 0.75 6 /3.B3

/6.A1 6
communicated to any third part or used for manufacturing purposes.

4 4
905 0.75
210 1.50 -X1 -X.1 210 1.50
5 5
=Fuel pump



219 1.50 -XM13 -XM13 993 1.50

/1.C3 M /1.B4
1 2

Designed Approved Material Designation Part No

TKE/JL TKE/LW 4812112482

View Date Description Model D
2010-03-29 Electric diagram CC 1100-1300
E Reg. Scale Sheet / of

RE 2/7
Elschema Rev. No.

D 4812112482
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rev. Pls. Change No. Date Issued by Checked

D 100921 TKE/JL TKE/LO
-X123 Hour Meter -V3
212 0.75 212-1 0.75 -XA8:1 V+ Enable -XA8:2 801-1 0.75 -XV3:1 -XV3:2 802 0.75
7 J1:7
H J2:9 9 1 A K 1 =Fuel sensor

212-3 0.75
-B3 A
Keyswitch Fuel lev.
-XA8:2 -XA8:1 804 0.75 -X1 -X.1 804 0.75 -XB3 1 2 -XB3 908 0.75
2 J2:2
B J1:8 8 8 8 1 Fuel 2

Low fuel

Charging =Temperature sensor

Eng. temp. 803 0.75 -XB2 1 2
-XA8:1 806-1 0.75 803 0.75 -X1 -X.1 1

J1:1 1 7 7
=Oil pressure sensor

Eng. press. -X104 -B10

-XA8:2 807-1 0.75 805 0.75 -X1 -X.1
8 9 9 P
J2:8 805 0.75 -XB10 1 2
Brake Engine
-XA8:2 808 0.75
J2:3 3
-A7 B
V - -XA8:1 910 0.75
J1:5 5 801 0.75 -XA7

-XA8:2 301-2 0.75

J2:5 5

807 0.75 -XA7 Engine

25 Oil pressure
806 0.75 -XA7 Engine
26 Water temperatur
This document will remain the property of Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB
and may not without a written permission of the said company be copied,
communicated to any third part or used for manufacturing purposes.

Designed Approved Material Designation Part No

TKE/JL TKE/LW 4812112482

View Date Description Model D
2010-03-31 Electric diagram CC 1100-1300
E Reg. Scale Sheet / of

RE 3/7
Elschema Rev. No.

D 4812112482
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rev. Pls. Change No. Date Issued by Checked

-S3 D 100921 TKE/JL TKE/LO

0 =Horn

D -H11
-XS3 602 1.50 -X1 -X.1 602 1.50 -XH11:1 B
215 1.50 -XS3 3 3 10 10 1
/1.A3 2

911 1.50
-S39 =Flow divider valve

760 1.50 -X28 -X.28 760 1.50 -X.27 -X27 760 1.50 -XY9:1 1 2 -XY9:1 940 1.50 -X27 -X.27 940 1.50
217 1.50 -X.28 -X28 217 1.50 /1.D4
/1.C3 NO 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
1 1 NO

760-1 1.50

940-1 1.50
=Flow divider valve

1 -A7 -XY9:2 1 2 -XY9:2
1 2

705 0.75 -XA7 Vibration B

216-3 1.50 -XS13 3 3 9 Front drum on/off
/5.B1 2
914-4 0.75
/5.B1 7 8 =Front vibration valve
914-3 0.75 7 8 216-8 0.75

9 10
9 10 -Y13
216-4 0.75

216-7 0.75 D Vibration -XA7 704 0.75 -X1 -X.1 704 0.75 -XY13 1 2 -XY13 912 0.75
-S11 -XA7 Vibration
front drum valve 11 12 12 1 2
21 AVC
2 Manual
707 0.75 =Vibration valve
-XS11 3 3
2 2 716 0.75
1 1 -Y37
216-5 0.75
914-2 0.75

=Vibration switch
5 1 2
4 -S6:1 -XA7 Vibration Vibration -XA7 703 0.75 -X1 -X.1 703 0.75 -XY37 -XY37 913 0.75
7 Manual shut-off 10 11 11 1 2
914-1 0.75 7 7 8 8
216-6 0.75
-XS6:1 -XS6:1 709 0.75 -XA7 Vibration
9 9 10 10 2 1 6 Activation
This document will remain the property of Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB

=Vibration switch
and may not without a written permission of the said company be copied,

communicated to any third part or used for manufacturing purposes.

930 0.75
914 0.75

Designed Approved Material Designation Part No

View Date Description Model D
2010-04-21 Electric diagram CC 1100-1300
E Reg. Scale Sheet / of

RE 4/7
Elschema Rev. No.

D 4812112482
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rev. Pls. Change No. Date Issued by Checked

D 100921 TKE/JL TKE/LO
=Sprinkler valve


714 1.50 -X2 -X.2 714 1.50 -XY12 1 2 -XY12 915 1.50
1 1 1 2
-S7 A

715 0.75

933 0.75
=Sprinkler pump
216 1.50 -XS7 3 3
2 2
1 1 -M11
720 1.50
-XM11 -M11
1 1 M
6 713 1.50
5 5

4 4
914-4 0.75 -A7

/4.B1 7 8
7 8 216-2 1.50
914-5 0.75

9 10 710 0.75 -XA7 Sprinkler Sprinkler
9 10
22 AVC Pump+valve 29
216-1 1.50
216-3 1.50

402 0.75 -XR12 -XR12 711 0.75 Sprinkler
1 1 2 2 23 Timer
-XR12 932 0.75
3 3
=Back-up alarm

Alarm 712 0.75 -X2 -X.2 712 1.50 -XH13 1

Backup 18 2 2 1

916 1.50

This document will remain the property of Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB
and may not without a written permission of the said company be copied,
communicated to any third part or used for manufacturing purposes.

Designed Approved Material Designation Part No

View Date Description Model D
2010-05-06 Electric diagram CC 1100-1300
E Reg. Scale Sheet / of

RE 5/7
Elschema Rev. No.

D 4812112482
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rev. Pls. Change No. Date Issued by Checked

D 100921 TKE/JL TKE/LO
1 =Rotating beacon
222 1.50 -XS18 3
610 1.50 -X2 -X.2 610 1.50 -X24 -X.24 610 1.50 -XH14:1 1
/1.B3 3 4 4 1 1 1
2 2 610-1 1.50
951 0.75 -XS18 2
/2.C3 7 8
7 8

935-1 0.75
/7.C1 929 1.50 -X.24 -X24 929 1.50
2 2

=Direction light LF

-S17 620 1.50 -X26 -X.26 620 1.50 620-2 1.50 -XH15 1 2 -XH15 921-1 0.75
1 Hazard lights on 2 2 1 2
=Side direction light L

620-1 0.75
0 Hazard lights off
-XH17:1 1 2 -XH17:2 926 0.75
3 /7.B6
1 1

926-1 0.75
1 =Side direction light R
-XS17 660-2 1.50 -XF1:CD 3.1 C.1 -XF1:CD
18 18 17 17 3.1 -F1.3 C.1 -H20
660 1.50 3.2 5A C.2 -XH20:1 1 2 -XH20:2
5 5 B

621-1 0.75
934-2 1.50 3.2 C.2 1 1
/7.A1 10 =Direction light RF
-S21 -X122
662-1 1.50
934-3 1.50

-X26 -X.26 621 1.50 621-2 1.50 -XH18 1 2 -XH18 922-1 0.75
1 Left turn /7.B6
661 1.50 -XF1:CD 4.1 D.1 -XF1:CD 621 1.50 4 4 1 2
2 Right turn 4.1 -F1.4 D.1 =Direction light RR

661-2 1.50 4.2 5A D.2 631 1.50 -H19

-XS21 4.2 D.2 -X26 -X.26 631 1.50 -XH19 1 2 -XH19 917 1.50
3 3 /7.C6
2 2 5 5 1 2
1 1 660-1 1.50
=Direction light LR
934-4 1.50 7 7 6 6 661-1 1.50
9 9 4 4 630 1.50 -X26 -X.26 630 1.50 -XH16 1 2 -XH16 924 1.50
3 3 1 2

662 1.50

86 C
223 2.50 -XK9 49 31 927 0.75
/1.C3 /1.C4
85 30
This document will remain the property of Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB
and may not without a written permission of the said company be copied,

=Flash relay
927-1 0.75
communicated to any third part or used for manufacturing purposes.


Designed Approved Material Designation Part No

View Date Description Model D
2010-05-06 Electric diagram CC 1100-1300
E Reg. Scale Sheet / of

RE 6/7
Elschema Rev. No.

D 4812112482
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rev. Pls. Change No. Date Issued by Checked

D 100921 TKE/JL TKE/LO

1 Traffic lights
0 =LF Headlight
2 Position lights
-E9 -X108

120 2.50 -X26 -X.26 120 2.50 120-1 1.50 -XE9 1 2 -XE9 919 1.50 939 2.50 -X31b:5
226 2.50 -XS16 3 3 6 6 56A 31 1
2 2 A

120-2 1.50
1 =RF Headlight

140-2 1.50 -E10

225 2.50 6 6
/1.B3 5 140-1 1.50 -XE10 1 2 -XE10 919-1 1.50
4 4 56A 31
934 1.50

926 0.75
934-1 1.50 7 7 8 8 225-2 1.50 =Position light LF
934-2 1.50
9 9 10 10 -X107
140 1.50 -X26 -X.26 140 1.50 -XE13:1 1 2 -XE13:2 921 0.75
225-1 1.50 7 7 1 1 921-1 0.75
=Position light RF /6.B6

141 1.50 -X26 -X.26 141 1.50 -XE15:1 1 2 -XE15:2 922 0.75

9 9 1 1 922-1 0.75
=Position light RR /6.B6

142 1.50 -X26 -X.26 142 1.50 -XH27 1 2
10 10 3
=Position light LR

-E14 B
143 1.50 -X26 -X.26 143 1.50 143-1 1.50 -XH26 1 2
8 8 3

150 0.75
=Registration plate lamp

-XE17:1 1 2 -XE17:2 972 0.75
-K10 1 1
=Stop light RR
651 0.75 -XK10 86 85 927-1 0.75
/2.B4 /6.C6
86 85
-H26 -X109
226-1 2.50 30 87 650 1.50 -X26 -X.26 650 1.50 650-1 1.50 -XH26 1 2 -XH26 936 1.50 940 2.50
30 87a 87a 1 1 1 2

650-2 0.75
=Stop light LR

924 1.50
917 1.50
=Stop light relay -H27
-S22 -XH27 1 2 -XH27 937 1.50
1 1 2
=Working light RR

113 1.50 -XE8 1 2 -XE8 918 1.50 C
221 2.50 -XS22 3 /1.C4
/1.B3 3 1 2
2 2
1 =Working light LF
This document will remain the property of Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB

and may not without a written permission of the said company be copied,

220 2.50 6 6
/1.B3 5 130 2.50 -X2 -X.2 130 2.50 -XE5:1 1 2 -XE5:2 917 1.50
communicated to any third part or used for manufacturing purposes.

5 /1.C4
4 3 3 1 1

131 1.50

917-1 1.50
935 0.75
/1.B4 7 8 =Working light RF
7 8
935-1 0.75
/6.A1 -E7
221-1 1.50
-XE7:1 1 2 -XE7:2
1 1


Designed Approved Material Designation Part No

View Date Description Model D
2010-05-06 Electric diagram CC 1100-1300
E Reg. Scale Sheet / of

RE 7/7
Elschema Rev. No.

D 4812112482

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