An Anthropomimetic Approach To High Performance TR

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PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Research Article · DOI: 10.2478/s13230-011-0013-9 · JBR · 2(1) · 2011 · 25-35

An Anthropomimetic Approach to High Performance Traction


William Kirchner1
Steve C. Southward2
The ability to learn and adapt to changing environmental conditions, as well as develop perceptive models based on
stimulus-response data, provides expert human drivers with significant advantages. When it comes to bandwidth,
1 Graduate Research Assistant, Department accuracy, and repeatability, automatic control systems have clear advantages over humans; however, most high
of Mechanical Engineering performance control systems lack many of the unique abilities of a human expert. This paper documents our first
step toward the development of a novel automatic traction control algorithm using an anthropomimetic approach.
2 Associate Professor, Department of
The primary objective of this approach was to synthesize a high performance longitudinal traction control system by
Mechanical Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State incorporating desirable human behavior distilled from human-in-the-loop (HIL) testing on a 6-DOF driving simulator.
University, Blacksburg, VA The proposed control algorithm was developed in a general framework, and applied to the specific task of longitudinal
traction control. Simulation results confirm that the proposed anthropomimetic traction control algorithm provides
improved performance relative to a well-tuned conventional PID-based traction control algorithm. Results are also
compared with the HIL response data from a behavioral study.
Received 2011/02/09

Accepted 2011/05/06


traction control · anthropomimetic · vehicle dynamics · human in the loop · adaptive control

1. Introduction when performing tasks in a changing environment. With regard to

ground vehicle traction, one need only look at professional drifting mo-
torsports for examples of expert human drivers who have developed
One functional definition for high performance traction control is a driver an ability to execute precise maneuvers while operating under condi-
assist technology that enables ground vehicles to be driven from point A tions that non-expert drivers would consider dangerous or unstable.
to point B in minimum time, barring engine power limitations. Achieving These and other expert human drivers are able to control their vehicles
this objective requires maximization of the vector sum of the longitudi- at high performance traction levels without direct sensing of speed, slip,
nal and lateral traction forces at each tire-ground interface, also known or traction forces. Clearly human drivers rely on an information-rich set
as the tire patch. This can be a very challenging task for a human driver of indirect inputs such as visual, audible, inertial, and tactile cues, along
considering the significant variability in the terrain and the general lack with some form of internal representation of the dynamics and envi-
of knowledge about the tire-ground interface. Even commercially avail- ronmental conditions developed through reinforcement learning. The
able automatic traction control systems are designed with restrictive primary motivation for this research e ort began with a fundamental
assumptions such as relative uniformity in the ground surface, which belief that human experts do possess some valuable behavioral traits
ultimately limits the operational envelope [1–7] which can be exploited to improve traction control performance, even
though humans generally do not possess the bandwidth, accuracy, or
Motorsports applications have reaped the most value from automatic
repeatability of an automatic control system. Borrowing nomenclature
traction control largely because the tire-ground interface in those appli-
developed in the robotics field by Holland [11, 12], we propose to de-
cations generally has less variability [8], and is subsequently relatively
velop anthropomimetic solutions for high performance traction con-
better understood through extensive testing [9]. Some form of auto-
trol. Literally translated as direct copying of desirable human behavior,
matic traction control system (TCS), or its more prevalent complement,
this approach first requires the acquisition and distillation of pertinent
an anti-lock braking system (ABS), is also available on a wide range
human behavioral responses. The approach presented in this paper
of passenger cars and trucks [5, 7]. Defense and civil applications of
should be considered as a first step in the development of a truly an-
Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) technology are rapidly progressing
thropomimetic solution, where an adaptive control algorithm has been
to the point where high-performance traction control systems for both
designed to be responsive to the same correlated input signals that a
acceleration and braking will be necessary to achieve future mobility
human expert would rely on, with the objective of maximizing traction.
and mission needs [10]. Existing UGV platforms are typically restricted
This work establishes a foundation for the ultimate challenge to syn-
to operate within a conservative performance envelope relative to trac-
thesize anthropomimetic control algorithms that are capable of learning
tion at the tire-ground interface. Performance is commonly sacrificed
and adapting to an uncertain time varying environment.
in favor of stability as a mechanism for accommodating the interface
uncertainties. Traction control solutions that o er higher levels of per-
formance than what is currently available today will provide significant
value for a wide range of ground vehicle applications.
Humans possess the unique ability to learn and adapt to uncertainty

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

2. HIL Traction Control Case Study Displacement

DOF Single DOF Maximum Velocity Acceleration
Surge -0.46 / +0.57 m ±0.57 m ±0.7 m/s ±7 m/s2
The Cruden 6-DOF full-motion driving simulator located at VIPER Ser-
vice [13], was utilized as a Human-In-the-Loop (HIL) test platform to Sway ±0.47 m ±0.5 m ±0.7 m/s ±7 m/s2
develop a novel approach for synthesizing traction control algorithms Heave ±0.39 m ±0.39 m ±0.5 m/s ±10 m/s2
designed to mimic the desirable behavior of human expert drivers. For Roll ±23.2◦ ±23.8◦ ±34 ◦ /s > 225 ◦ /s2
this study, the driving simulator was used to measure human behavioral
responses under controlled conditions. Recognizing that any simula- Pitch -23.2◦ / +25.5◦ -27.4◦ / +31.6◦ ±35 ◦ /s > 225 ◦ /s2
tion platform is by definition only an approximation of reality, the sim- Yaw ±24.3◦ ±27.6◦ ±35 ◦ /s > 225 ◦ /s2
ulation platform used in this study has a high level of objective fidelity.
Based on our experience and the feedback from expert drivers who
train on this simulator, we believe that the perceptual fidelity is also rela- Table 1. Performance Specifications for the VIPER HIL Driving Simulator
tively high, even though this is a very di cult metric to evaluate [30–33].
The VIPER driving simulator enables human drivers to experience the
sight, sound, and tactile feedback at the steering wheel. Drivers also
experience the pitch, roll, yaw, heave, surge, and sway motions asso-
ciated with simulated vehicles in response to steering, braking, throttle,
and gear selection commands provided by the driver as well as terrain
inputs to the tires.

Figure 2. View of the virtual track used for HIL testing on the driving simulator.

experimental HIL test results from a driving simulator, and second, min-
Figure 1. A HIL driving simulator platform was used to collect behavioral data imizing the number of input and output variables was expected to lead
from human expert drivers.
to a more concise understanding of how human experts operate at the
uncertain limits of performance. Even with the restrictions associated
with this simple driving task, the non-linear traction dynamics at the tire-
Figure 1 shows the basic simulation-mode operation where a human
ground interface were more than su cient to make this a challenging
driver on the driving simulator (LHS of Figure 1) commands a virtual
yet highly instructive case study.
vehicle within a virtual terrain environment (RHS of Figure 1). Although
not used in this particular study, the platform also allows for algorithms For this HIL case study, formal test protocols were developed instruct-
such as traction control to be integrated into the HIL simulation for pro- ing the human expert to drive a particular ground vehicle along a straight
totype evaluation. A large selection of virtual vehicles was available for line on a flat dry paved surface starting from a resting condition. In ad-
use in a variety of virtual environments, where each vehicle model is a dition to minimizing the steering input, the driver was also instructed not
full multi-body dynamic system including suspension kinematics, non- to switch gears and not to apply the brakes during any test run. These
linear tire dynamics, engine torque curves, and aero maps. The highest additional degrees of freedom are quite interesting and will ultimately
fidelity vehicle model available at VIPER was used for this study in or- play a key role when considering both longitudinal and lateral traction
der to maximize the realism experienced by the driver. Table 1 lists the control; however, their inclusion would have compromised the ability to
physical performance specifications associated with the VIPER driving isolate desired human behavior in this case study. Mathematically, if
simulator. This table clearly indicates some of the limitations associated we define T25 to be the time it takes the simulated vehicle to reach a
with the use of a simulation platform. distance of twenty-five meters, then the formal objective was to control
only the throttle input, or wheel torque, to minimize T25 . Since the driver
Since the primary purpose of this study was to establish the feasibility
was intentionally not provided with direct feedback on the T25 time, they
of an anthropomimetic approach to control system synthesis, a simple
were required to rely on internal motivation, or to simply ''drive as fast
HIL driving task was designed with only one pertinent human command
as possible for each run.''
input in order to isolate one key aspect of traction control. This driving
task was designed to study how human drivers ''find'' the optimal throt- In order to make this HIL case study more challenging and realistic, a
tle position, and thus the wheel torque, to maximize longitudinal traction virtual car was selected with enough wheel torque to quickly reach a
performance. This task was intentionally simplified for a number of rea- tire burnout slip condition at any point within the 25 meter test track.
sons. First, numerical simulation results were easily compared with the The virtual car model parameters and the track surface friction prop-

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

erties were chosen to provide the human driver with a realistic driving Note that the dynamics for this simple single-wheel model are linear
experience. During the test, the driver experienced visual cues, audio, except for the constitutive equation for the traction force. The non-linear
platform motion, and steering force feedback, although little or no steer- traction force, FT , is given by the semi-empirical ''Magic Formula'' of
ing was actually required for this study. The photo in Figure 2 shows Pacejka:
an over-the-shoulder view of the simulated track as seen by a driver on
the simulator.
{ (
FT (κ) = D(FN ) sin C (FN ) arctan κB(FN )[1 − E(FN )] +
3. Simulation Model Development +E(FN ) arctan[κB(FN )] (2)

The simple driving task designed for this case study is commonly stud- where B, C, D, and E are respectively the sti ness, shape, peak, and
ied in the literature using a single-wheel ground vehicle model, which curvature coe cients for a given tire-ground interface [19, 20]. As indi-
is essentially a quarter-car sans suspension, as indicated in Figure 3. cated in equation (2), these coe cients are dependent on the normal
Similar models have been utilized for studying the non-linear longitudi- force FN , which for most ground vehicles is also a time-varying quantity
nal dynamics of traction control [14, 15], as well as alternative traction [20]. Reacting at the tire-ground interface, the normal force FN is the
control algorithms [1,6,16–18]. sum of a gravitational force and an aerodynamic down-force, which, like
the vehicle model on the simulator is assumed here to be proportional
to vehicle speed

FN = mg + FA = mg + γv. (3)

The traction force in equation (2) is also dependent on a non-

dimensional slip ratio (κ ) defined by SAEJ270 [9, 19, 20] in terms of
the velocity states from the linear dynamics

( )
ωR − v
Figure 3. Dynamic model used for simple ground vehicle traction control study. κ≡ . (4)

The single-wheel model of Figure 3 is clearly not representative of an Note that ωR > v → κ > 0 during acceleration, and ωR < v →
actual car; however, it does illustrate the pertinent non-linear longitudi- κ < 0 when braking [2, 7].
nal dynamics associated with wheeled vehicle traction, and more im-
A family of example traction curves is shown in Figure 4 for a tire on
portantly, it models the dynamics of the virtual vehicle on the driving
three di erent but uniform terrain surfaces with a constant normal load-
simulator with reasonable accuracy. From Figure 3, the vehicle mass
ing force. This plot shows the complete longitudinal traction curves for
m is constrained to move longitudinally with displacement x and veloc- both acceleration and braking; although, only acceleration is consid-
ity v. This mass is ''driven'' by applying a controlled torque TE to the
ered in this study. The dashed lines in the curves of Figure 4 represent
single wheel with rotational inertia JW , e ective radius R, and angular
the regions of wheel slip where the traction force remains high, but not
velocity ω. The wheel is assumed to be damped with a viscous torque
at the peak value. In these slip regions, a greater percentage of the
TW = βω. The net horizontal force is the sum of the non-linear traction contact patch is slipping as the tire either approaches burnout (κ = 1)
force FT and an assumed linear aerodynamic drag force: FD = αv .
or lockup (κ = -1) [9]. It is clear from Figure 4 that minimizing the T25
Combining these results, the complete linear dynamics are given by
time will require the driver to operate at the peak traction force for as
equation (1)
long as possible. In addition to not having any direct feedback such as
the slip ratio or the actual traction force, the human driver is faced with
   (α)   an additional challenge because the peak traction force and the slip ra-
v̇ − m (0 ) ( 0 ) v tio at which the peak occurs is dynamically changing with normal load
  
 ω 
 ω̇  =  0 − JβW 1
JW  + as indicated by equation (3). A real tire-ground interface is even more
complex since the terrain surface is generally not spatially uniform as
ṪE 0 0 − (2πfE ) TE was assumed in this case study.
For comparison purposes, Figure 5 shows an example traction control
 (1)  system based on a conventional feedback strategy to directly regulate
0 [ ] the slip ratio. The MoTeC M880 Engine Control Unit is an example
 (m )  T
 0 − R

 F , (1) control system that incorporates a PID-based traction control loop as
T indicated in Figure 5, and is used in many motorsports applications
(2πfE ) 0 [29]. Indeed, variations of this approach are used in a variety of com-
mercial automobile traction control systems (TCS) [1,2,16–18,21,22],
where TC is the commanded input torque and TE is the actual applied anti-slip regulation systems (ASR), and anti-lock braking systems (ABS)
wheel torque. In this model, the actual applied torque state is assumed [5–7,23].
to be the output of a first-order unity-gain low-pass filter with break The ground vehicle dynamics in Figure 5 are represented by the lin-
frequency fE (Hz). ear dynamics of equation (1) coupled with the non-linear traction force

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Figure 4. Example traction curves from the Pacejka Magic Formula [7, 20].

response with a bandwidth that approximately matched the nominal

bandwidth of a human driver actuating the throttle on the driving simu-
lator. Table 2 lists the parameter values used for this simulation study
except for the Pacejka coe cients. These parameters are equivalent
to the actual parameters associated with the virtual vehicle used during
the HIL testing on the driving simulator.

Parameter Value Units Description

m 540.0 kg Mass of virtual vehicle
JW 1.0 kg-m2 Rotational inertia of driven wheel
Figure 5. Simulation model with conventional feedback loop to regulate slip. R 0.31 m Effective radius of driven wheel
α 25.0 Ns/m2 Aerodynamic drag constant
β 1.0 Nms/rad Viscous friction in driven wheel
given by equations (2) - (4). Although a human driver does not sense
γ 60.0 N-s/m2 Aerodynamic down-force constant
or have any direct perception of slip ratio, the two velocity states can be
measured with physical sensors and then used to compute the slip ra- fE 10.0 Hz Break frequency of wheel torque low-pass
tio according to equation (4). Using the Dry Pavement example in Fig- KP 800.0 - Proportional gain for PID
ure 4, the peak traction force at the nominal normal force occurs near KI 40000.0 - Integral gain for PID
κ = 0.133, so regulating the actual slip ratio to this desired value will es-
sentially maximize the traction force, resulting in a minimized T25 time. κ des 0.133 - Desired slip ratio setpoint for PID
Unfortunately, this approach does not work well in the very common µ 750.0 - Adaptation step size for gradient descent
situation where the terrain surface is not uniform since it is di cult if not η 0.0013 - Gradient value for negative gradients
impossible to specify an appropriate desired slip ratio to cover the wide
range of surface possibilities. Most commercial TCS and ABS systems
do not attempt to achieve the peak traction force, typically regulating Table 2. Parameter values used in the simulation study
the slip ratio to sub-optimal levels in order to insure robustness over a
wider range of terrain surfaces. For high performance motorsports ap-
plications, the MoTeC M880 ECU accepts a potentiometer input which During the HIL testing, the human driver attempted fifty-one consec-
allows the driver to make real-time adjustments to the slip ratio setpoint utive runs within the same test period without any ''warm-up'' trials.
[29]. All driver inputs and vehicle dynamic responses were recorded dur-
ing the experimental HIL testing. False starts and otherwise corrupted
runs were removed from the data during post-processing, leaving a to-
tal of forty-seven usable runs. The four time series plots in Figure 6
4. Comparison of HIL Testing with PID summarize the key signals for each of the usable runs. In each plot
Traction Control Simulation below, the ''best'' run, i.e. minimum T25 time, is highlighted in green
and the ''worst'' run is highlighted in red. The remaining forty-five runs
were sorted by T25 , and are shaded from light gray (second best) to
In order to evaluate the results from the human-in-the-loop test on the dark gray (second worst). The response data from the PID simulation
driving simulator, a PID-based traction control simulation was set up as model of Figure 5 are plotted as magenta curves in Figure 6 for direct
a benchmark. The PID controller was tuned to provide a closed-loop comparison with the experimental HIL responses.

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Figure 6(a) is a plot of the displacement x of the vehicle. Note that Throttle Wheel Torque
reference grid lines have been drawn on this plot as displacement tra- Mean STD Mean STD
jectories associated with constant accelerations. For the HIL testing,
the best T25 time was 2.39 seconds and the worst T25 time was 2.99 Throttle 1.000 0.0002 0.989 0.0041
seconds. Figure 6(b) is a plot of the control input torque TE , and Fig- Wheel Torque 0.989 0.0041 1.000 0.0004
ure 6(c) is the corresponding slip ratio, κ . These simulation results Surge Accel 0.981 0.0157 0.981 0.0235
confirm that the best T25 solution requires the torque to quickly reach a
level where the slip ratio maximizes the traction force. This comparison Sway Accel 0.218 0.4145 0.236 0.4441
also confirms that the best T25 time for the human driver is not as good Heave Accel -0.803 0.2170 -0.806 0.2209
as the T25 time for the PID simulation because the human driver did Pitch Accel 0.088 0.2370 0.085 0.2433
not maintain the peak traction force for the same amount of time as the
Roll Accel -0.138 0.2204 -0.149 0.2341
PID simulation. Several interesting observations regarding the behav-
ioral response of the human driver can be gleaned from Figure 6(c). In Yaw Accel 0.145 0.4031 0.130 0.3846
order to ''learn'' where the peak tractive force is, the driver must occa-
sionally exceed that limit. In every case where the limit is exceeded,
Table 3. Correlation between driver input and acceleration responses.
the HIL data indicates that the driver is not only aware of this condi-
tion, but also compensates by reducing the throttle. The runs where
the driver successfully regulates the throttle such that the traction force
is maintained near the peak level have consistently better T25 times.
3 between either the throttle or the wheel torque and the heave accel-
Even with this limited set of runs, the human driver was able to demon- eration is physically due to the linear relationship between aerodynamic
strate an ability to learn. This is depicted more clearly in Figure 7 downforce and vehicle speed.
where the T25 times are plotted against sequential run number. The
shaded region in Figure 7 is an admittedly subjective estimate of an en-
velope centered around the data, showing a generally downward trend.
The best T25 time occurred during run 36, and after making significant 5. Adaptive Traction Control Algorithm
progress up to run 30, the human driver consciously began a series
of even more aggressive trials (runs 32, 34, 39, 46, and 47) which
were each immediately followed by one or more good runs. These HIL HIL test results provided both qualitative and quantitative evidence that
test results raise a fundamental question: How does the human driver the human driver relies on directly sensed longitudinal acceleration as
learn to improve his or her performance without direct knowledge of the key feedback to determine the optimal time-varying throttle position
the traction force or wheel slip? The human driver receives feedback for the simple driving task defined above. The HIL experimental test
from multiple sources such as visual, audible, tactile, and motion. For results also indicate that the driver occasionally commands the throttle
this simple task, the visual and tactile feedback is very likely negligi- to exceed the peak traction force. One plausible explanation for this
ble by design; however, the audible feedback of tire squeal as well as is that the driver is attempting to construct a perceptive model of the
the longitudinal acceleration of the platform are well correlated to the relationship between the input (throttle or wheel torque) and the output
traction force being generated. From the HIL acceleration data in Fig- (longitudinal acceleration).
ure 6(d), it is clear that longitudinal acceleration is reduced whenever Our primary objective is to develop a traction control method that com-
the wheel approaches a burnout condition. To confirm this relationship mands throttle position (wheel torque) based only on sensed longitudi-
numerically, cross-correlations were computed from the HIL test data nal acceleration. Since it is also an objective to implement the method
between key driver inputs and acceleration response outputs. The nor- on a digital controller, we will first discretize the dynamic vehicle model
malized cross-correlation between any two sampled-data signals was while retaining the non-linearities. The block diagram in Figure 5 indi-
calculated as cates that the linear dynamic system has two outputs and two inputs.
This particular structure, i.e. continuous LTI dynamics coupled with a
∑ non-linear feedback path, is a generalized non-linear dynamic system
signal1 (k) signal2 (k − n)
ρ (n) ≡ √∑k 2
, (5) representation
k signal1 (k) k signal2 (k) ẋ = Ac x + Bc u + Fc u0
y = Cc x + Dc u + Gc u0
where k is the sample index and n is the delay or lag between sig-
nals. Table shows the results of a zero-lag (n = 0) correlation study and [ ] [ ] [ ]
between the driver input (throttle and resulting wheel torque) and the I 0 x
pertinent acceleration responses sensed by the driver, with the excep- y = x+ u= , (6)
tion of visual and audible feedback. The data in Table 3 shows the 0 I u
mean correlation across all 47 runs, as well as the associated standard
deviation. where the subscript-c identifies the matrices as continuous-time ele-
ments, y ∈ <P represents a vector of sensed outputs, and the in-
In the HIL simulation, the throttle is the primary input from the driver; ternal output vector y0 ∈ <N+M contains the state vector x ∈ <N
however, Table 3 confirms that the throttle and wheel torque are highly
augmented with the input vector u ∈ <M . The non-linear internal
correlated. As expected from inspection of Figure 6(b) and 6(d), and as
feedback input u0 ∈ <Q can always be chosen such that
clearly demonstrated in Table 3, the longitudinal acceleration (i.e. Surge
Accel) has a significantly higher level of correlation to both the throttle
and the wheel torque, than any of the other five accelerations sensed ( ) [ ]T
by the driver. Note that the relatively high negative correlation in Table u0 = f y0 = f1 (y0 ) · · · fQ (y0 ) , (7)

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Figure 6. HIL experimental data compared to PID and adaptive simulation results.

where each fq (y0 ) is a general memoryless non-linear scalar function

of the states and inputs. Within the general framework of equations (6) u = [TC ] ∈ <1
and (7), the simulation model for this particular case study results in y = [v̇] ∈ <1
the following specific definitions
u0 = [FT (v, ω)] ∈ <1

[ ]T . (8)
Fc = m
− JRW 0
Gc = m

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Since yk is a measured quantity, it is readily available

( /for input
) to the
adaptation algorithm; however, the gradient term ∂yk ∂uk requires
evaluation of the system dynamics given by equation (9a), including the
non-linear feedback terms (9b). As will be shown below, this gradient
term represents a dynamic ''filtering'' operation as is commonly found
in Filtered-X LMS algorithm implementations [24].
In order to evaluate the dynamic partial derivative term in equation
(12), we first define the following LTI z -transform matrix operator:
H (z) ≡ [zI − A]−1 . Using this operator, the LTI di erence-equation
from equation (9a) can be transformed, resulting in
[ ] [ ][ ]
Figure 7. Learning trend from HIL consecutive run testing. x (z) H (z) B H (z) F u (z)
= . (13)
y (z) CH (z) B + D C H (z) F + G u0 (z)

The control algorithm development will proceed using the general for- Evaluating the partial derivative term in equation (12) using the trans-
mulation in order to enable a wider scope of applicability than the simple formed expression for the output vector y from equation (13) yields the
task in this case study. following
The LTI dynamics in equation (6) can be discretized using any of a ( ) ( )
∂y (z) ∂u0 (z)
number of methods such as the Tustin bilinear transform. The resulting = [CH (z) B + D] + [CH (z) F + G] . (14)
discrete time equation incorporating the non-linear feedback is given ∂u (z) ∂u (z)
From the definition of the non-linear feedback term in equation (9b), the
partial derivative term on the RHS of equation (14) can be expanded
xk+1 = Axk + Buk + F u0k , using the chain rule
yk = C xk + Duk + Gu0k , (9a) ( ) ( )
∂u0 (z) ∂f (x (z) , u (z))
( ) = =
u0k = f y0k , (9b) ∂u (z) ∂u (z)
( ) ( )( )
∂f (x, u) ∂f (x, u) ∂x (z)
= + . (15)
where the non-linear feedback term (9b) is una ected by the discretiza- ∂u (z) ∂x (z) ∂u (z)
tion process since it contains no dynamic elements. The discrete-time
formulation of equation (9a) will facilitate simulation of the complete The partial derivative of the state vector with respect to the control input
non-linear system without linearization error, and it will also enable a vector in equation (15) can also be expanded using the state equation
convenient means for developing the control law. result from (13)
Based on observations from the HIL test data and the correlation study ( ) ( )
(Table 3), a gradient-based approach is proposed as a candidate solu- ∂x (z) ∂u0 (z)
tion for determining the optimal throttle position to maximize longitudinal = H (z) B + H (z) F . (16)
∂u (z) ∂u (z)
acceleration. There are many possible gradient-based approaches that
can be employed; however, for this study, a steepest ascent approach Notice that equations (15) and (16) are recursively coupled. This al-
was chosen. The basic discrete-time control algorithm structure has gebraic loop can be broken by substituting equation (15) into (16) and
the following form rearranging terms to solve for
uk+1 = uk + µ∇k , (10)
( ) [ ( )]−1
where µ is a constant step-size that controls the rate of convergence, ∂x (z) ∂f (x, u)
= I − H (z) F
and ∇k is the gradient of a positive definite quadratic objective function ∂u (z) ∂x (z)
of the outputs. For this case study the only sensed output used for [ ( )]
∂f (x, u)
feedback is the longitudinal acceleration, therefore H (z) B + F . (17)
∂u (z)

J (uk ) = 1
(v̇k )2 = 12 yTk yk . (11) The general expression for the dynamic gradient term in equation (12)
is finally obtained by substituting equations (15) and (17) into equation
(14), resulting in
From equation (9a), it is clear that the objective function defined by
equation (11) is dynamically dependent on the control input, uk . The
objective of traction control is thus to find a command uk that max- [( )
imizes this objective function. Using the objective function definition ∂y ∂f [
from equation (11), the gradient is evaluated as = [CHB + D] + [CHF + G] I−
∂u ∂x
( )] [ ( )] ( ) ]
( )T ∂f −1 ∂f ∂f
∂J (uk ) ∂yk − HF H B+F + , (18)
∇k = = yk . (12) ∂x ∂u ∂u
∂uk ∂uk

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where the dependence on z has been omitted for brevity. Most of the 6. Adaptive Traction Control Simulation
terms in equation (18) are dynamic LTI matrix operators. In order to
implement this result in the real-time update law of equation (10), the
individual dynamic terms in equation (18) must be represented in the
time-domain. The time-domain implementation is actually much sim- The adaptive traction control law derived in the previous section was im-
pler than equation (18) might suggest. plemented for the case study example in a second simulation for direct
The terms in equation (18) involving partial derivatives of the non- comparison with the HIL data and the benchmark PID simulation data
linear function (9b) with respect to states and inputs, represent quasi- presented above. All simulations were performed with the same set of
constant transformation matrices. To illustrate this fact using the parameters given in Table 2, and also the same Pacejka tire model for
quarter-car model defined by equations (1) - (4), these partial deriva- Dry Pavement (Figure 4) that was used in the HIL testing on the driving
tives are simply given by simulator.
Initial evaluation of the adaptive traction control simulation results indi-
cated the need for a minor adjustment to the update law. The modified
∂f (xk , uk ) [ ∂FT (vk ,ωk ) ∂FT (vk ,ωk ) ∂FT (vk ,ωk )
control law is given by
= ∂v ∂ω ∂TC
and ∇k ∇k > 0
uk+1 = uk + µ × , (22)
∂f (xk , uk ) −η ∇k ≤ 0
=0 (19)
where η > 0 is a constant value (Table 2) which is used to represent
the gradient value whenever the gradient is negative. With regard to
Assuming that the parameter values for the Pacejka model of equation
the case study example, a negative gradient physically corresponds to
(2) are known, the derivatives in equation (19) are easily evaluated at
the situation where the slip ratio is beyond the peak point in the trac-
the current state; however, they must be re-evaluated at each time step.
tion curve and the update law is e ectively attempting to reduce the
The remaining terms in equation (18) are MIMO dynamic systems. The throttle or wheel torque. Notice from equation (22) that when the gra-
first two terms in (18) are easily recognized as linear time-invariant dient is positive, the update law is identical to the original control law
state-space representations in equation (10). This modification is known in the adaptive signal pro-
cessing field as a ''Signed Regressor'' variant [25]. The justification for
this modification can be explained with reference to Figure 4. Specif-
(1) (1) (1) ically, for the Dry Pavement traction curve at relatively high slip ratios
xk+1 = Axk + Bqk
r (1) (z) = [C H (z) B + D] q(1) (z) ⇒ (1) (1) (1) , (i.e. dashed line region), the gradient is negative but small and even
rk = C xk + Dqk approaching zero. In order to speed up convergence in this region to
(20a) push the slip ratio back toward the peak, the magnitude of the actual
gradient is replaced by an appropriately chosen constant.
Simulation results for the proposed adaptive traction control law are
plotted as blue dashed lines in Figure 6 for direct comparison with the
(2) (2) (2)
PID control solution and the HIL data. Figures 6(a), 6(b), and 6(d) in-
xk+1 = Axk + F qk dicate that the PID controller and the adaptive controller both produce
r (2) (z) = [C H (z) F + G] q(2) (z) ⇒ (2) (2) (2) ,
rk = C xk + Gqk similar results, which are very nearly optimal. From the Pacejka tire
model of equation (2), the tractive force is a function of normal load,
(20b) which e ectively means that the Dry Pavement traction curve in Fig-
ure 4 will vary with changes in the normal load. For all three simula-
tions in this case study, equation (3) indicates that the aerodynamic
(i) (i) (i)
where the xk are internal state vectors, qk are input vectors, and rk down force, and therefore the normal load, increases linearly with ve-
are output vectors of the respective dynamic systems. The final brack- locity. Pacejka [19, 20] and Bakker [26] have shown that as the normal
eted dynamic term in equation (18) requires more algebraic manipula- load increases, the slip ratio associated with the peak tractive force will
tion, but is still easily represented by a linear slowly time-varying state- decrease in magnitude. This phenomena is clearly seen in Figure 6(c)
space system. where the adaptive solution automatically tracks this change in opti-
mum slip ratio κ , whereas the PID control solution is not designed to
[( do so and therefore must be de-tuned to insure robust performance.
)[ (
)]−1 [ ( )]]
(3) ∂f ∂f ∂f The adaptive traction control response shown in Figure 6(c) also indi-
x (z) = I − HF H B+F q(3) (z) cates what appears to be a hunting behavior around the optimal slip
∂x ∂x ∂u
ratio. The magnitude of the hunting oscillation can be increased or de-
(3) [ ( ∂f )] (3) [ ( ∂f )] (3) creased with the step size selection; however, this hunting behavior is
xk+1 = A + F ∂x xk + B + F ∂u qk
⇒ (3) ( ∂f ) (3) ( ∂f ) (3) (21) a key advantage of the proposed algorithm. Although this response is
rk = ∂x xk + ∂u qk similar to the desirable behavioral response of a human, it was not in-
tentionally designed into the algorithm. The fact that it is occurring can
be attributed to the well-known misadjustment behavior of fixed step
To evaluate the adaptation law given by equation (10), the gradient size gradient-based adaptive algorithms [27]. The ability to continu-
defined in equation (12) is computed at each time step by ''filtering'' the ally hunt for an optimal solution is highly desirable since it enables the
input vector yk through the series and parallel combination of dynamic algorithm to automatically and rapidly adjust to time-varying interface
systems defined by equations (18), (20), and (21). conditions.

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Figure 8. Comparison of the proposed adaptive traction control algorithm with PID on a wet pavement.

The results in Figure 6 indicate that the adaptive traction control algo- face condition. Referring to Figure 4, it is clear that the optimal slip
rithm can match the performance of a well-tuned PID loop. To illustrate ratio for wet pavement is significantly higher (0.46) than for dry pave-
the advantages of the proposed adaptive algorithm over PID, an ad- ment (0.13) with the given normal load condition. It can readily be seen
ditional simulation study was performed using the same two control from Figure 8(c) that the adaptive traction control algorithm automat-
control algorithms, where the only change was the use of a Pacejka ically tracks the slip ratio at the peak traction condition, whereas the
model for wet pavement (Figure 4) to represent the tire-ground inter- PID solution is only able to regulate to the predetermined set point from

PALADYN Journal of Behavioral Robotics

Table 2. The performance of the proposed adaptive algorithm is su- Important di erences were also observed in the slip ratio responses
perior to the PID algorithm since it allows the vehicle to automatically between the PID and adaptive solutions. The adaptive approach ex-
achieve maximum longitudinal acceleration as indicated in Figure 8(d), hibited a hunting behavior around the peak traction condition, which is
which subsequently enables the vehicle to get from point A to B in the expected when using a fixed step-size gradient approach. This hunting
minimum amount of time as confirmed by Figure 8(a). behavior provides the adaptive algorithm with a significant advantage
in that it is always poised to track changes in the interface conditions.
Direct comparison of the results from Figure 6(c) with Figure 8(c) in-
The adaptive approach also appeared to indirectly and automatically
dicates that the dry pavement simulation exhibits a more pronounced
track the time-varying optimal slip ratio as the increase in vehicle speed
hunting behavior than the wet pavement simulation. This result can
produced an increase in aerodynamic downforce resulting in naturally
be attributed to the degree of concavity (i.e. magnitude of the second
higher traction levels and a shift in the optimal slip ratio. The PID bench-
derivative) in the region of the traction curve in Figure 4 that is near
mark was not capable of achieving this level of performance.
the peak traction force. Dry pavement has significantly more concav-
ity than wet pavement near the respective peak traction levels. The Even though this research e ort did not attempt to explicitly model hu-
amount of concavity directly a ects the magnitude of the gradient in man behavior, the resulting adaptive control solution exhibited distinct
the adaptive algorithm, which translates to increased levels of hunting similarities with measured human responses. The performance of an
on dry pavement. automatic traction control system was clearly improved by incorporat-
From equations (22), (12), (18), (20), (21), and (22), it is clear that the ing desirable behavioral characteristics. Future research will investigate
proposed adaptive traction control algorithm is model-based. Human application of the adaptive traction control algorithm on more complex
drivers do not utilize the same types of engineering models such as the driving scenarios where braking and steering inputs will be included
model developed above for the proposed traction control algorithm; with the throttle input to maximize both longitudinal and lateral traction.
however, it is highly likely that humans do construct perceptive models
of not only the vehicle dynamics, but also models of the tire-ground
interface. While it is reasonable to expect to have a good understanding
of the vehicle dynamics model and associated parameter values, the 8. Acknowledgement
traction curve associated with the tire-ground interface is less likely to
be known to the same level of accuracy, and it will usually be spatially The authors wish to thank the Institute for Advanced Learning and Re-
varying as the road conditions change. Kazemi [6], Li [8], Tan [17], and search for their support of this research project.
Pasterkamp [28] have developed online identification methods that are
specifically designed for estimating the tire traction curve in real-time.
These algorithms could be incorporated with the proposed adaptive
traction control algorithm to enable an adaptive solution.

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