Grading and Reporting System
Grading and Reporting System
Grading and Reporting System
Assessment of learning during instruction and after
instruction may be achieved in several ways. One of the
challenges is summarizing the variety of collection
information from different types of assessment and coming
up with a standardized numerical grade or descriptive rating
of brief of report.
The guided presentation in developing grading and reporting
system is provided below:
- (ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING) Is given importance
to ensure learning.
Learner is encouraged to take part in the process of
self-assessment (assessment as learning)
- The student of this level struggles with /her
understanding of prerequisite and fundamental
knowledge skills that have not been acquired or
developed adequately.
-The student of this level possesses minimum
knowledge and skills and core understanding but
needs help throughout the performance of
authentic tasks.
-The student at this level has developed the
fundamental knowledge and skills and core understanding
and with little guidance from the teacher and or with some
assistance from peers can transfer these understanding
through authentic performance tasks.
- The student at this level has developed the fundamental
knowledge and skills and core understanding and can transfer
them independently through authentic performance tasks.
-The student at this level has exceeded the core requirements
in terms of knowledge skills and core understanding and can
transfer them automatically and flexibly through authentic
performance tasks.
2.) Over the years, studies have also been made on how
grades, and the comments of teachers written on student’s
papers might affect students’ achievement. An early
investigation by page (1985) focused specially on this issue, In
the students in their classes and scored in the usual way. A
numerical score was assigned to each students’ paper and
based on the scores obtained, a corresponding letter grade of
A, B, C, D, or F was given. Next teachers randomly divided the
students’ papers into three groups. The first group received
only the numerical score and letter grade. The second group
aside the score and grade, received standard comments:
A: Excellent! Keep it up.
B. Good work! Keep it up.
C. Perhaps try to do still better?
D. Let’s bring it up and
F. Let’s raise this grade.
For the third group, the teacher marked the score, letter
grade and then. Wrote on each paper a variety of
individualized comments.
Page asked the teacher to write anything they wished on
these papers but to be sure their personal feelings and
instructional practices papers in a were then returned to
students’ normal way.
Page then evaluated the effects and comments by
considering students score on the very next test or
assessment given in the class.
Based on the study presented in the previous paragraph its
relevance is:
1.) It illustrated that while grades may not be
compulsory for teaching or learning they
can be used in positive ways to enhance
student achievements and performance.
2.) It showed that positive effects can be gained
with relatively little effort on the part of the
teacher. Stamps or stickers with standard
comments such as these could be easily
produced for teachers to use. Let the effect
of this simple effort have significant positive
effects on the student.
Requires abstract of a great deal of information
into a single symbol ( Stiggins’ 2001)
Despite educators’ best effort, letter grades tend
to be interpreted by parents in strictly non-
referenced terms. The cutoffs between grade
categories are always arbitrary and difficult to
Lacks the richness of other more detailed
reporting methods such as standard based
grading, mastery grading and narrative.
When clear learning goals or standards are
established, standard- based grading offers
meaningful information about students’
achievement and performance to students,
parents and to others.
If information is detailed, it can be useful for
diagnostic and prescriptive purposes.
Facilities teaching and learning processes better
than any other grading method.
Takes a lot of effort.
Often too complicated for parents to understand.
May not communicate the appropriateness of
students’ progress.
Standar Focused on high May not reflect student
d- standards for all learning in many areas;
based students,
Pass/ Simple Little
Fail Consiste discriminati
nt with on in
mastery performanc
of e
learning Less
on high