Report Environment
Report Environment
Report Environment
Team members:
1. Chhaing Kimhor ID:2120820
2. Chhem Moniroth ID:2224229
3. Vuthy Seyha ID:2223900
4. Rin Sathya ID:2223861
5. Rin Seavty ID:1913749
6. Sear Hoklay ID:0111059
7. Chhum Mengchhung ID:2223962
8. Yim Kimleng ID: 2224064
I. Introduction
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing the
world today. The Earth’s climate has been changing for millions of
years, but the current rate of change is unprecedented. This is due to
human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, which release
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat,
causing the planet to warm. The impacts of climate change are
already being felt around the world. These impacts include more
extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, floods, and
wildfires. Climate change is also causing sea levels to rise, which is
threatening coastal communities. The environment is also being
affected by climate change. Forests are being destroyed, coral reefs
are bleaching, and glaciers are melting. These changes are having a
devastating impact on biodiversity. Climate change is a serious threat
to the planet and its inhabitants. We need to take action now to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate
The benefits of Case Study Project
Case study research involves an in-depth investigation of a
contemporary, real-life phenomenon in its context. A case study can
focus on one person, a group, an organization, or an event. Case
study research is used in many disciplines, including social sciences,
education, health, business, law, and other disciplines. Case study
research can be used to develop new theories, expand on existing
theories, challenge traditional theories, and conduct pilot research.
Case study research is good for understanding complex issues in
their real-life settings, and it is often used to understand the
perspective of participants in those settings.
Case study research is commonly described as a form of
qualitative research. Qualitative case study research differs from
quantitative research, which focuses on numerical data and uses
statistics to answer a research question. In qualitative research,
researchers use non-numerical data, such as answers to interview
questions, to answer a research question. Case study research also
differs from research conducted through experiments. In case study
research, the conditions of the setting and context are integral to the
research, and the researcher does not exclude or control for those
factors, as in experimental research. There are several advantages of
case study research. Benefits of case study research include :
-Ability to see a relationship between phenomena, context, and
-Flexibility to collect data through various means.
-Ability to capture the context and lived reality of participants.
-Flexibility to be used at various points in a research project,
including pilot research.
-Ability to explore deeper causes of phenomena.
-Ease of explaining results to a non-specialist audience.
II. Problems of Causes
Causes of Climate Change
are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the poorest
50% of the population as a whole.
III. Solutions
There are various environmental issues and the main thing is
how to manage environmental issues, let’s discuss the most effective
solution for environmental issues.
Climate Change Issues Solutions
Green innovation has the potential to be the most significant
environmental solution. People all across the world are developing
new technology and solutions that have the potential to change the
way we think about energy and waste. We haven’t even begun to
touch the surface of how humanity will handle these challenges. But
there is no time to waste, and governments and businesses must
invest in research and development.
There are various types of clean and renewable energy.
Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, and hydroelectricity.
Nuclear energy is an example of clean energy since it is a
nonrenewable source of energy that has no impact on climate
Many methods exist to prevent, control and reduce air
pollution, in particular by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels,
and limiting industry emission and waste. If you plan to buy a car,
consider going electric, with more and cheaper models coming on
the market. In many countries, electric cars help reduce air pollution
and cause significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than gas or
diesel-powered vehicles. But many electric cars still run on electricity
produced from fossil fuels, and the batteries and engines require
rare minerals which often come with high environmental and social
costs. Switching from a gasoline or diesel-powered car to an electric
vehicle can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2 tons of CO2e per
The simplest solution to reduce waste is to adapt our
production methods to our consumption patterns. The recycling
process must also be taken into account in our consumption habits.
IV. Conclusion
We must actively work to halt climate change and other
aspects of global warming. Future increases in earth’s temperature
would cause all life on the planet to become extinct owing to the
extreme conditions. This globe would be cooler and our current high
temperatures would decline if humanity helped to slow down global
warming. This planet would be a safer place to live in if everyone
together took a stance and attempted to stop the majority of the
climatic changes that are taking today.
V. Reference
The benefits of case study project
Problems of Causes