Time & Work (A, B, Pipes) by Anupam Singh Sir
Time & Work (A, B, Pipes) by Anupam Singh Sir
Time & Work (A, B, Pipes) by Anupam Singh Sir
Q52. A can do one fourth of a work in 10 D. B can Q59. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B
do one third of the work in 20 D. In how many D and C can do it in 20 days. If A is twice as good a
can both A and B together do the work? workman as C, then in what time will B alone do
a)24 D b) 25 D c) 30 D d) 32 D it?
a) 40 b) 80 c) 60 d)20
Q53. A can do two third of a work in 10 D while B Q60. A & B can do a piece of work in 80D. B & C
can do three fourth of the same work in 15 D. In can do same work in 50D and C & A can do same
work in 60D. Find in how many D they all together
how many D will they finishes three fifth of the
can complete that work?
work, if they work together A) 40 (40/59) B) 60 (40/59)
a)5 1/7 b) 6 1/7 c) 9 1/7 d) 8 4/7 C) 36 (40/59) D) 25 (40/59)
Q54. A does half part of a work in 5 D, B does 3/5 Q61. A and B working together can earn ₹ 3600 in
part of the work in 9 D and C does two third part 18 D. B and C working together can earn ₹ 2600 in
of the same work in 8 D. Working together in how 20 D. A and c can earn ₹ 4250 in 25 D. If A, B and
many D will they take to complete the work?
C work for 4, 5, 6D respectively then what will be
a) 3 b) 5 c) 4.5 d) 4
the amount they will earn?
a)480 & 400 & 300 b) 400 & 320 & 220
Q55. P can complete three-fifth of the work in 6 D
Q63. A can do a job in 10 D and B in 15 D. They do Q72. A, B, and C can do a work in 18, 30, and 45 D
the work alternatively if A begins the work, in how respectively. If they start work with A works the
many D will the work be finish? first day, C the second day and B the third and
a)12 D b) 25 D c) 10 D d) 15 D fourth day. If this process continues than find in
how many D they will complete the work?
Q64. Two pipes X and Y can fill a tank in 6 hr and A) 26 2/3 D B) 28 D C) 27 2/3 D D) 27 D
9 hr respectively. If they are turned on
alternately for one hr each starting with X, then Q73. An empty tank whose capacity is 50 litres.
what is the time taken to fill the tank? There is an inlet pipe which fills at 7 L/min and
a. 6.25 hr b. 5.66 hr c. 7 hr d. 8 hr there is an outlet pipe which empties at 6L/min.
Both the pipes function alternately for 1 minute.
Q65. A can do a work in 12 days and B can do it in The inlet pipe is the first one to function, how
15 days. They do the work alternatively. If A much time will it take for the tank to be filled up to
begins the work, in how many days will the work its capacity?
finish? A) 95 B) 100 C) 87 D) 110
a)13.2 b) 14 2/3 c) 13.25 d) 13.5
Q66. A can do a piece of work in 40 days and B Q74. A can finish a work in 10 D, B in 15 D. B
can do it in 15 days. They do the work started working alone and are assisted by a on
alternatively. If a begins the work, in how many every alternate D. After completion they received
days will the work finish ₹ 800. Find A's share?
a) b) c) d) a) 240 b) 480 c) 360 d) 320
Q78. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 10 Q85. A tap can fill a tank in 6 hr. After half the tank
hr. After working at it together for 3 hr, C is closed is filled, three more similar taps are opened. What
and A and B can fill the remaining part in 14 hr. is the total time taken to fill the tank completely ?
How much time taken by C to fill the tank alone? a. 3 hrs 15 min b. 3 hrs 45 min
a) 18 hr b) 20 hr c) 24 hr d) 22hr
c. 4 hrs d. 4 hrs 15 min
Q79. A and B undertake to complete a piece of
Q86. Two inlet pipes can fill an empty tank in 15
work for Rs. 1800. A can do it in 10 days, B can do
and 18 hr and one outlet pipe can empty the tank
it in 15 days and with the help of C they complete in 20 hr. If all the pipes opened simultaneously,
then how many hr required fill the full tank?
the work in 5 days. Find the share of C?
a. 11 8/11 hr b. 12 5/7 hr
a) Rs. 360 b) Rs. 300 c) Rs. 390 d) Rs. 430
c. 13 11/13 hr d. 9 5/9 hr
Q80. A and B undertake to complete a piece of
work for Rs. 3240. A can do it in 12 days, B can do Q87. Two inlet pipes can fill an empty tank in 12
it in 18 days and with the help of C they complete and 15 hr and one outlet pipe can empty the tank
the work in 6 days. Find the share of C? in 20 hr. In how many hr required filling the full
tank if all the pipes opened simultaneously?
a) Rs. 620 b) Rs. 480 c) Rs. 500 d) Rs. 540 a. 6 b. 14 c. 10 d. 12
Q81. Ganga and Jothi can do a piece of work in 12
days and 20 days respectively. They started the Q88. Three pipes can fill an empty tank in 4 hr. If
work, after 3 days Santhosh joined them, who can there is leakage in the tank it takes 1 hr more, then
find the no of hr required to empty the full tank
complete the same work in 5 days. What is the by leakage pipe alone
total number of days in which they had completed a) 12 b) 15 c) 24 d) 20
the work?
Q89. Pipes P, Q and R releases three different
a. 5 ¾ D b. 7 ½ D c). 4 4/5 D d. 6 2/3 D solution Hno2, hcland HI. And these three pipes
fill the empty tank in 25min, 30min and 40 min
respectively. If all the pipes are opened, what is
Q82. P alone can do a piece of work in x days. Q the ratio of HI in that mixed solution in tank after 5
alone can do the same work in 3 days more than min?
P. R alone can do the same work in 20 days.
They all started working together and completed a. 15/59 b. 5/21 c. 7/19 d. 6/21
the work in 5 days. Find the value of ‘x’?
a. 16 D b. 8 D c. 10 D d. 12 D
Q90. Two taps can separately fill a tank in 12
min and15 min. The first tap was replaced with a
Q83. Moni can do a piece of work in 18 days, Moni tap of double the radius and the second tap was
and Jack together can do in 9 days. If Jack does replaced with a tap of half the radius. Now in
the work only for half a day daily then in how what time will the tank get filled?
many days the work will be completed?
a. 16 D b. 9 D c. 18 D d. 12 D a. 2(6/7) min b. 2(5/7) min
Q107. A and B undertake to do a piece of work for Q116. A and B working together can earn ₹ 1000
₹ 4500. A alone could do it in 8 D and B alone in in 20 days, B and C working together can earn ₹
12 D. With the assistance of C they finished the 1050 in 15 days. A can earn ₹ 720 in 12 days. If a,
work in 4 D. Then C's share of the money? b and c together work for 12 days, how much
a)2250 b) 1500 c) 750 d) 375 amount will they earn?
a)1000 b) 1200 d) 1060 d) 1080
Q108. A and B were assigned to do a job for an
amount of ₹ 1200. Alone can do it in 15 D, while B
can do it in 12 D. With the help of C, they can
finish in 5 D. The share of amount that C earns is?
a)₹ 300 b) ₹ 400 c)₹ 500 d) ₹ 600 Q117. A, B and C can all together do piece of work
in 20 D, in which B takes twice as long as A and C
Q109. A can alone do a job in 6 days, B alone in 8 together do the work and C takes twice as long as
days. A and B undertook to do it for Rs 3200. With A and B together take to do the work. In how
the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. many days B can alone do the work?
How much is to be paid to C? A) 40 B) 35 C) 60 D) 45
a)₹ 375 b) ₹ 400 c) ₹ 600 d) ₹ 800
Q118. A and B can finish a job in 12 D and 15 D
Q110. Two men undertook a job for ₹ 1400. One of respectively. Together they started a piece of
them alone can do it in 7 D and other in 8 D. With work and after some D B left the job. After how
the assistance of a boy that together complete the many D will B left the job if A finishes the
work in 3 D. How much money will the boy get? remaining work in 3 D?
a)₹ 300 b)₹ 325 c) ₹ 275 d) ₹ 250 a)8 D b) 2 D c)5 D d) 22 D
Q111. A, B and C together earn ₹ 150 per day. Q119. A, B and C can finish a piece of work in 12
While A and C together can ₹ 74, B and C together D, 15 D and 20 D respectively. They start the work
on ₹ 96. The daily earning of C is? together, but A left the job after 2 D of starting and
a)₹ 56 b) ₹ 20 c) ₹ 34 d) ₹ 75 C left the job 2 D before completion of the work. In
how many D the total work was finished?
Q112. A, B, C complete a work in 15, 20 and 30 D . a)9 D b) 12 D c) 15 D d) 8 D
They work together for sometime after which C
left. A total of 18000 rs is paid for the work and B Q120. A, B and C can mow field in 36 D, 54 D and
gets 6000 rs more than C.For how many D did A 72 D respectively. They start working together but
work ? 8 D before completion of the work a left and b left
A) 8 D B) 10 D C) 12 D D) 7 D . the job 12 D before completion of the work. In how
many days the work is completed?
Q113. B takes twice time as A to complete a work a)30 D b) 24 D c) 15 D d) 25 D
and C takes thrice time as B to complete a work. If
Rs6000 is given to them to complete a work Q121. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in
together then B gets how much amount? 10, 12 and 15 D resp.A left the work 5 D before the
A) Rs1800 B) Rs3600 completion of the work B left two D after A had left
C) Rs600 D) Rs3000 the work. Find the number of D required to
complete the work?
A) 7 D B) 5 D C)10 D D) 12 D