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Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes

Lesson 115

-Basic knowledge of Computer.

Introduction of Computer
Definition:-Computer is an electronic device, which can perform mechanical
calculation as well as logical operations at a very high speed.
{Computer Pp6f ljw'tLo pks/0f xf] . h;df ljleGg lsl;dsf d]sflgsn kf6{k'hf{x? x'G5g\ . h:n] s'g} sfd l56f]
5l/tf] / tfls{s k"0f{?kn] sfd ;DkGg u5{ eg] o;nfO{ Computer elgG5 .}
What is Computer?
The term is derived from the Latin word Computare this means to calculate.
Computeris an advanced or modern electronic device, which gives output result
and stores it for future use. It is a data processing machine, which can process
any kind of numerical and non-numerical operation under the control of
sequential instructions called program.
How many parts of Computer?
There are two parts of computer. They are Hardware, Software.
a)Hardware:-Hardware is physical devices with-in the computer system is
known as hardware computer which can be seen and touched. It is called
hardware. They are Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor C.P.U (central, processing unit)
{Hardware eGgfn] Computer sf] ef}lts z/L/nfO{ a'emfp5 . h:fnfO{ xfdL b]Vg / 5'g ;Sb5f} , h:fsf] lglZrt
cfsf/ k|/sf x'G5 o;nfO{ Hardware elgG5 . o;sf] lglZrt cfsf/ agfj6 xfdLn] kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsb}g o;nfO{
sDKo'6/sf Hardware elgG5 .
b)Software:-Software is a collection of many programs or group of program
.which has physical existence but can't be seen, touched. They are song, data
program, coding etc Software computer can be divided into three group .They are
system software, application software and Utilitiy software.
{Software eGgfn] computer sf k|f]u|fdx? / computer sf 8f6fnfO{ a'emfp5 . h:fnfO{ xfdL b]Vg / 5'g ;Sb}gf}
h;sf] lglZrt cfsf/ k|sf/ x'b}g . xfdLn] b]v] klg cb[Zo ?kdf b]lvG5 o;nfO{g} Software elgG5\ .}
a)System software:-System software is that type of software, which provides an
appropriate working environment area with related tools and facilities. It's
normally made by the authorized manufactures and comes in the CD from that
needs to be installed in our computer system e.g. Windows Xp, windows seven
System software can be divided in two groups. They are Operation system and
Utility software.

Prepared by Dhiraj Giri :- 9866503584 1 Designed by Dhiraj Giri: 9866503584

Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
{System software eGgfn] Computer Hardware / computer software nfO{ hf]8]/ k|of]u stf{nfO{ sfd
ug{sf] nflu pko'Qm lsl;dsf] jftfj/0f lbG5 . h;nfO{ OS klg elgG5 . of] Pp6f sDKo'6/ nfO{ ;+rfng ug]{ Ps
k|sf/sf] Software g} xf] . o;nfO{ -Operating system software_ elgG5 .}
b)Application software:- It is known as the user creation which is created by the
user using the system software e.g. file in arts ms paint etc .It depends upon the
user's ability and skill.
{Application software eGgfn] system software df cfwfl/t /x]/ k|of]u stf{n] l;h{gf u/]sf] Arts -snf_ nfO{
g} Application software elgG5 . of] k|of]ustf{sf] l;k / Ifdtf dfly lge{/ /xG5 .}
c) Utility software:-Utility software means to manage files and folders checking
viruses Keeping PC healthy and system settings these are also the software
tool which helps to user while preparing programs for the example scandisk,
Disk Defragmenter, Norton Antivirus and Language processors etc.
{Utilities software eGgfn] computer nfO{ jrfO{ /fVg] / yk ;'ljwf lbg] Utilities software sf] sfd xf] .}
Computer devices mean mechanical devices of the computer. It is the most
important part of computer .They is input device, processing device, output
device, storage device, peripheral device.
a) Input devices: -The devices which are used to give the commands and
instructions or data are called input devices e.g. Mouse, Keyboard, Light pen,
Joystick, Scanner, Digital Camera etc.
{sDKo'6/ k|of]u stf{n] lbPsf] lgb]{zg kfngf u/L computer sf data / computer sf program x?nfO{ leqlt/
lng] sfo{ nfO Input elgG5 eg] o; sfo{df d2t ug{] pksf/0f nfO{ g} Input device elgG5 .}
b)Processing devices:-The devices which action all the given instructions and
provides the meaningful results in related media e.g. CPU is a micro processing
device .They are CPU, Motherboard,
{Processing eGgfn] k|of]usftf{n] lbPsf] lgb]{zg kfngf u/L ;lx?kdf sfo{ u/fpg] pks/0f nfO{ Processing
device elgG5 . h:t} : MU (Memory Unit)
ALU ( Arithmetic Logical Unit )
CU (Control Unit) }
c)Storage device: -The devices, which are used to store the data or information
permanently, or temporariy is called storage device e.g. Floppy disk, Hard disk
CD, pen drive memory etc in computer system data is stored in the form of
{Storage device eGgfn] computer sf data / computer df program nfO{ e08f/0f ug]{ /fVg] ;fwg nfO{
Storage device elgG5 .}
d) Output devices:-The devices which display or broad cast the result in related
media e.g. monitor printer .speaker
{Output devices sDKo'6/ k|of]u stf{n] lbPsf] lgb]{zg kfngf u/L computer sf data x? / Program x?nfO{
aflx/lt/ ˆ ofSg] pks/0f nfO{ g} Output device elgG5 .}
Process device
Input device Output device
Storage device
Prepared by Dhiraj Giri :- 9866503584 2 Designed by Dhiraj Giri: 9866503584
Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes

It is a computer system of diagram.

e)Peripheral device:-peripheral devices mean those devices which are connected
within motherboard. These all devices are peripheral device.
{Peripheral device eGgfn] db/af]8{;+u k|ToIf?kdf hf]l8Psf Computer all device nfO{ Peripheral device
elgG5 .}
a) Speed and accuracy capabilities: - Computer performs complex calculation
at a very high speed computer take of few milli, micro, nano, pico and Femto
second to execute an operation.
1 Milli second = 1/1000 of a second (10-3)
1 Micro second = 1/1000000 of a second (10-6)
1 Nano second = 1/1000000000 of a second (10-9)
1 Pico second = 1/1000000000000 of a second (10-12)
1 Femto Second =1/1000000000000000 of a second (10-15)
b) Storage:-The storage characteristic of a computer has made it distinct from a
calculator because calculator cannot store the data .It only processes the given
data and process output .But computer store a huge amount of data in its storage
unit for the future use.the storing capacity of computer expressed in bytes .A byte
stores one character
0, 1 = 1 bit
4 bits = 1 nibble
(2 Nibble) 8 bits = 1 character
1024 byte = 1 KB (kilo byte)
1024KB = 1 MB (mega byte)
1024 MB = 1 G.B. (Giga Byte)
1024 G.B = 1 T.B (Tera Byte)
1024 T B = 1 H.B (Haxa Byte)
c) Versatility:-Versatility is an ability to perform various task related to different
fields like science and technology Business Education etc. A computer can
process any kind of data.
{Versatility eGgfn] ljleGg If]qdf sfd ug{ ;Sg] bIf Ifdtf ePsf]nfO{ ljljwtf elgG5 . h:t} Science , medical,
school, Bank etc}
d)Diligence:-Diligence is a capacity of performing repeated operation without
any tiredness and any mistakes .A computer is capable of performing the
required task continuously with the same speed, accuracy and efficiently without
any error computer never gets tried,bored and lazy to do the task.

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Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
{ Computer Pp6f o:tf] oGq xf] @$ 306f Ps}gf;sf] sfd Pp6} ultdf ;Dkg ub{5 / o;n] slxn] l9nf] slxn] l56f]
gu/L cfˆ g} ultdf sfd lg/Gt/ ?kdf ul//xg'nfO{ g} nuglzntf Diligence elgG5 .}
Computer use memory to hold the programs and data in use by the CPU most
computers has several type of memory is to store programs and data so that the
CPU access and process it. There are two types of memory. They are primary
memory (main memory) and Secondary memory (auxiliary memory)
{Computer sf] memory eGgfn] computer sf data / computer sf program x?nfO{ hDdf u/]/ /fVg]
pks/0fnfO{ Computer memory elgG5}
1) Primary memory (main memory)
a) RAM (random access memory) or (read write memory):-It is running
working space of computer .Initially every task is stored in RAM when we save
these information .These are stored in secondary memory .It is also called
volatile memory because the information are erased when the power is switched
off 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB and 2GB, ……are the size of RAM
available in our market.
{RAM eGgfn] Computer sf data / program nfO{ hDdf u/L /fVg] sfd ub{5 / k|of]ustf{sf] rfxfgf /
cfjZostf cg';f/ computer sf data nfO{ kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsG5 jf edit ug{ ;lsG5 .}
b)ROM (Read only memory):- It is programming chips where all of the system
information are kept at the time of manufacture .We can see the information of
ROM at the time of booting the computer .We can only read the information of
ROM .We can't write delete the information available on it. The ROM allows
you to read only the content of that memory at many times as desired .The
contents of this memory cannot be edited by the users .ROM are non volatile and
non destructive.
{Rom eGgfn] k|of]ustf{n] Psk6s data x? store ul/ ;s]kl5 k'g data x?nfO{ edit ug{ g;lsg] memory nfO{
read only memory elgG5 .}
2) Secondary memory (Auxiliary memory):- Secondary storage devices hold
files that are not currently being used for a file to be used it must first be copied
to main memory.After any modification files must be saved to secondary storage.
There are three types of memory devices of computer.
a) Flexible or floppy disks (A: or B: ) :- A flexible or floppy disk is a small
data storage device. It is a flexible or portable type. It has 1.44 MB capacity till
now. Its drives also lie inside that system board.
{Floppy disks eGgfn] computer sf data / computer sf program nfO{ Store u/]/ /fVg] Pp6f aflx/L
optical disk xf]. h:fsf] Capacity -Ifdtf_ 1.44 MB 5 . of] k'/fgf] computer sf] system df k|of]u ul/Psf]
kfOG5 t/ cfhef]lnsf] computer df CD / DVD sf] k|of]u u/]sf] kfOG5 .}

Prepared by Dhiraj Giri :- 9866503584 4 Designed by Dhiraj Giri: 9866503584

Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
b) Hard disks (C: or D: or E):-It is the main storage devices. It consists of the
entire computer's item as well as documents created by using all software. It lies
inside the computer system Board (CPU box)
{Hard disk eGgfn] computer sf] k|d'v e08f/0f (storage) ug]{ ;fwg xf] . h:fdf computer k|of]ustf{n]
agfPsf File, document cflb hDdf x'g] ub{5 . Hard disk ljleGg lsl;dsf size df ahf/df e]l6G5g\ 1 GB
b]lv 1 TB ;Dd kfOg] ub{5g\ .}
c) Optical disk CD DVD (D: or E: or F):-Optical disks are produced using
laser technology and as a result offer much higher density and reliability than
magnet disk. Disks are made of plastic or metal with highly reflective coating,
usually aluminium like magnetic disks.They allow direct access to data.
{CD- eGgfn] compact disk memory xf] . DVD- Digital versatile disk DVD eGgfn] computer sf
data / computer sf Program nfO{ hDdf ug]{ Pp6f storage device xf] . Floppy disks sf] ljsl;t ?k xf] .
of] computer system eGbf aflx/ x'G5 . o;nfO{ Optical disk elgG5 .}
The first computer brought in Nepal was IBM 1401 which was brought by the
Government in leaves for the population census of 1972 or 2028 BS. Later in
1975 2031 BS Yantrik Sariniaran Kendra Electronic Data Processing Center was
established which was later called as National Computer Center NCC. Again
for the population census of 2038 BS ICL 2950/10 Computer having 64
terminals was brought in Nepal by the aid of UNDP. After 2039 B.S .Micro
computers like, Apple Vector, Sirus were introduced in the capita. From that time
computers have been used in different Government sectors like banking,
agriculture, universities etc. Now there are thousands of computer institutes
providing computer education, assembling, maintenance etc.
{lj=;+= @)@* ;fnsf] hgu0fgfsf] data k|zf]wg ug{sf] nflu ef/t ;/sf/ ;flr al; bf];|f] k':tfsf] computer 1401
gfds USA -o"gfO6]8 :6]8 cd]l/sf_ af6 ! jif{ ^ dlxgf !% lbgsf nflu dfq ef8fFdf NofOPsf] lyof] . k|lt dlxgf !
nfv @% xhf/ ?k}ofF lt/]/ NofPsf lyP .}
Depending of the device used system architecture, processing mode and used in
the computer are categorized in the following five generation the development of
different types of memorydevise has given a sequence of development of
{Generation eGgfn] computer sf] k':tf eGg] a'lemG5 . computer nfO{ memory / Prossing sf cfwf/df %
k':tfdf ljlefhg ul/Psf] 5 . h;nfO{ qmdj4?kdf tn lbPsf] 5 .}
First Generation of computers (1946 to 1958):-It is a first generation of
computer in 1946. These computers used vacuum tubes as memory unit. The
computer were made big size but lower capacity the vacuum tubes was
developed by lee deforest in 1908 Univac (universal Automatic Computer) IBM
650 are the computer of first generation used machine language.

Prepared by Dhiraj Giri :- 9866503584 5 Designed by Dhiraj Giri: 9866503584

Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
{!($^ b]lv !(%* ljrsf] ;donfO{ klxnf] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ elgG5 . o;df Vacum tubes memory sf] k|of]u
ul/Psf] x'G5 . klxnf] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ ;j} eGbf 7'nf] Size sf kfOG5g\ t/ hDdf ug]{ Ifdtf sd x'G5 .of] sDKo'6/ Lee
deforest eGg] JoflQmn] jgfPsf lyP .}
Second Generation of computer (1959 to 1964):- It is used a second generation
of computer in 1956. These computers are used to Transistor. Transistor was
made in 1948-1949 by team led by William second generation computer are
smaller in size. They are more reliable and faster than the first generation
{!(%(b]lv !(^$ljrsf] ;do cjlwsf] sDKo'6/nfO{ bf];|f] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ elgG5 . o;df Transister memory sf]
k|of]u ul/Psf] kfOG5 . klxnf] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ eGbf ;fgf cfsf/sf 5g\ t/ e08f/0f ug]{ Ifdtf jl9 5 . of] willion
eGg] JolQmn] agfPsf x'g\ .}
Third Generation of computers (1965 to 1974):- It is a third Generation of
computer in 1965. It is used to IC (integrated chip) the computer designed using
IC are of the third Generation. These computers were smaller in size and high
speed memory capacity. It can be faster than second generation computer .It is
made by jack kilby in 1960.
{!(^% b]lv !(&$ ;Ddsf] ;do cjlwsf] sDKo'6/nfO{ t];|f] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ elgG5 . o;df I.C (Tntergrated
chip)memory sf] k|of]u ul/G5 . bf];|f] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ eGbf e08f/0f ug]{ IFdtf jl9 / cfsf/df ;fgf 5g\ . of] Jack
kiby eGg] JolQmn] !(&) df agfPsf x'g\ .}
Fourth Generation of computer (1975 to 1990):- It is a fourth generation of
computer in 1975 .It is used to VLSI (very large scale integration). The first
microprocessor 8008 was developed by American computer in 1971 and in 1974
another more powerful micro processor 8080 was developed.
{!(&% b]lv !(() ;Ddsf] ;do cjlwsf] sDKo'6/ nfO{ rf}yf] k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ elGg5 . o;df VLSI(Very Large
Scale Integration)memory sf] k|of]u ul/Psf] 5 . o;df Pp6f American sDklgn] 8008 sf] micro
processing agfPsf lyP . km]l/ csf]{ j}1flgsn] 8080 sf] micro processing (1971-1974) ;Dd sf] ;do df
agfPsf lyP . of] ;a} sDKo'6/ eGbf zlQmzfln sDKo'6/ xf] .}
Fifth Generation of computer (1990 to ……….):-It is a fifth generation of
computer in 1990 after a new generation has been under development stage.
ULSI (Ultra large scale integration) It is personal computers were applied in
home, offices computer, school etc. The fifth generation of computer was an
Artificial intelligence with a little thinking capacity.
{!((! b]lv xfn ;Ddsf] ;docjlwsf] sDKo'6/nfO{ kfrf} k':tfsf] sDKo'6/ elgG5 . o;nfO{ P.C.(Persanal
computer) klg elgG5 . of] ljleGg p2]Zosf nflu agfOPsf] 5 . h:t} M 3/, ljb\ofno, d]l8sn, cflb df k|of]u ul/G5
. Artificial intelligence of] computer jx'k|ltefzfln x'G5 . of] Size df xfn;Dd s} ;fgf / e08f/ ug]{ Ifdtf
;j}eGbf al9 ePsf] computer xf] .}
We use different types of computer for the different purposes. Today we can get
various types of computer in the market. We need different types of computer
according to nature of work. For example, the computer we use in printing and
publishing differs from the computers we use in space technology.
Prepared by Dhiraj Giri :- 9866503584 6 Designed by Dhiraj Giri: 9866503584
Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
There are four types of computer. They are on the basis of work, on the basis of
size, on the basis of brand and on the basis of model.
There are many classification of computer in the following chart.

Work Size Brand Model

Analog Super IBMPC XT

computer computer computer

Digital Mainframe IBM AT

computer computer Compatibles computer

Hybrid Mini Apple PS/2

computer computer Macintosh computer


Desktop Laptop Palmtop

1) On the basic of the work

There are three types of computer on the basics of work. They are following.
a) Analog Computer :-An analog computer is one which can measure physical
values such as temperature, pressure, voltage, current etc It is mostly used in
scientific lab to find out accurate measurement of current, voltage, temperature
etc Mercury thermometer is used to measure temperature, speedometer is used to
check speed of car. It is called analog computer.
{Analog computer eGgfn] gDa/ ;DjlGw sfd ug{sf] nflu Analog computer sf] k|of]u ul/G5 . h:t} M k'/fgf
3l8sf] g+a/}
b) Digital Computer:-It is used to binary digits 0 and 1 It performs tasks by
counting digits. The digital computer is mostly used in mathematics and
{Digital computer eGgfn] gofF Advane o'usf] computer xf] o;n] digital g+a/ ;DjlGw sfd ub{5 . h:t} M
Pl6 Pd sf] g+a/, l8lh6n sf6f g+}
c) Hybrid Computer:-The Hybrid computer can do the task of digital as
wellasanalog computer. It is a combined form of the digital and analog

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Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
computer. It is widely used in hospitals to measure heart function, body
temperature and other vital sings. It is also used in aero planes.
{ Hybrid computer eGgfn] Analog computer / digital computer b'j} sf] sfd ug]{ computer nfO{
Hybrid computer elgG5 .}
2) On the basic of size.
a) Supper Computer
It is the most powerful computer. The super computer can process huge amount
of data. This type of computer is specially designed for scientific researches such
as nuclear fissions. Nuclear chain reaction
{ Super computer eGgfn] ;j} eGbf 7'nf] computer elgG5 .}
b) Mainframe Computer:-The mainframe computer is large in size and
powerful than mini computer. It has faster processing speed and larger storage
capacity than the mini computer.
{Mainframe computer ;'k/ sDKo'6/ eGbf ;fgf] / ldgL sDKo'6/ eGbf 7'nf] sDKo'6/ nfO{ mainframe
computer elgG5 .}
c) Mini Computer:-The mini computer is medium in size. That is it is bigger
than micro computer and smaller that the mainframe. Minicomputer is more
powerful than micro computer which is generally used in commercial and
governmental organization.
{Mini computer eGgfn] d]gk|m]d sDKo'6/ eGbf ;fgf] / dfOqmf] sDKo'6/ eGbf 7'nf] sDKo'6/ nfO{{ Mini computer
elgG5 .}
d) Micro Computer:-The micro computer is the smallest computer. It is
commonly found in offices classrooms and homes. It is also called personal
computer (PC) or home computer Moreover, this computer is cheaper in there
other computer. Micro computer has desktop, laptop & palmtop
{Micro computer eGgfn] ;j} sDKo'6/ eGbf ;fgf] sDKo'6/ nfO{ Micro computer elgG5 . b}lgs pkef]u
ug{sfnflu Micro computer sf] k|of]u ul/G5 . cyjf ;fdfGo k|of]hgsf] nflu o;sf] k|of]u ul/G5 .}
3) On the basis of Brand
There are many brands of computers available in the market manufactured by
different companies. In general computer come under these categories of the
following there are three type of on the basis of brand of computer.
a) IBM PC: Those Computers which was developed by IBM Company are
called IBM PC [IBM:International Business Machine]
b) IBM Compatible: Those Computers having similar feature and
functionality of IBM PC are called IBM Compatible PC
c) Apple / Macintosh : Computers Designed by Apple Company are called
Mac. (Macintosh)
4) On the basis of Model:-There are three types of computer on the basic of
model. Some of these computers in the following they are

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Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
a) XT (Extended Technology):-The computer which has 8086 or 8088
Microprocessor and processing speed of 4.77 MHz is known as the XT
computer. This is comparatively slower than other models. XT computers cannot
run latest version of software and programs.
b) AT (Advanced Technology):-The computer which has 80286 Microprocessor
is called AT Computer. AT computers have more storage capacity and faster
than XT computers this computer uses advanced microprocessor as the
memory device.
c) PS / 2(Personal system 2):-Personal system computer is another model of
computer manufactured by IBM Company in 1990. This computer has more
advanced architectural design than AT computer and this computer is very
small size.
Every system has advantages as well as disadvantages. Computers also have its
own advantage as well as disadvantage, which are given below .There are many
advantage and disadvantage.
Advantage of computer
 Computer can work very fast.
 Computer can give accurate results.
 Computer can store large amount of data for future time.
 Computer can get information very fast for the longs distend.
Disadvantage of computer
 Attack on the privacy of people
 Computer is relatively expensive machine. It is not affordable by everyone.
 Computer can make lazy to people.
 Computer can make destroy your skills.
Computer System
-Mouse is an input device of computer. it is also called the pointing device. Using
this device we can select and item on computer window. Mouse have 3 button.
a.Left button (Click)
b. Right Button (Right Click)
c. Scroll Button
Types of Mouse:
a.Optical Mouse
b.Track Ball Mouse
c.Wireless/Bluetooth Mouse
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Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
Types of Cursor
a. I Cursor
b.Arrow Cursor
c. Blinking Cursor
-Keyboard is a typewriter device. We can type any type of commands in the form
of letters, numbers, and different types of signs using this device.
Types of KeyBoard:
a. Standard Keyboard
b. Multimedia Keyboard
c. Wireless/Bluetooth Keyboard
Monitor is an output device of computer. In monitor we can see the output result
in the visulaization form.
Types of Monitor:
a. LED/LCD: Light Emitting Diode/Liquid Crystal Display
b. CRT/VDU: Cathode Ray Tube/ Visual Display Unit

Lesson Two

Introduction of Windows
Windows is operating system software. This software opens every program in a
rectangular box in the following. It is a Graphic User Interface (GUI) software
and Character User Interface (CUI) software.
{Operating system software eGgfn] Computer Hardware / Computer Software nfO{
hf]8]/ k|of]ustf{nfO{ sfd ug{sf] nflu pko'Qm lsl;dsf] jftfj/0f l;h{gf ub{5 eg] o; nfO{ operating
system software elgG5 . Operating systamSoftware aLgf tkfO{sf] sDKo'6/ s'g} klg sfd

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Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
ub}{g d[To' h:t} b]lvG5}
Basic Terms related to windows
1) Desktop: - It is the background area of windows which windows icons menu
and dialog box.
2) Icon: - Icon is the graphical presentation of items .Desktop icon are those
icons which remain on the desktop.
3) Taskbar: - Taskbar is the horizontal line located at the buttom of the desktop
with start button.
4) Start button: - It is used to start button 99 % of the programs it when you click
on the start button you will see menu they are following.
5) All Programs:-It displays a list of program's name and program's group that
can be directly used.
6) Documents:-It is a display a list of files and folders which are recently created
or opened you can easily open this item without opening running.
7) Control Pannel:-It displays a list of system components which lets you to
change the configuration as your requirement.
8) Search: - It is used to find and search an object and it saved your file or folder.
9 Run: It is used to open any program to fast open by browsing and shortcut open
any application program.
10)Help(Help and support):- It is used to provide and we can get any information
related to computer one of this option.
11) Shut down (Turn off computer):-It is used to end of your working finish. We
used to shut down or turn off computer.
12) Log off: - It is used to enable or close the multiple users' personal user's
13) Recycle Bin: - It is used to store of deleting files and folders store in the
recycle Bin. It is container or dustbin of computer.
What is the theme?
A theme is a combination of background, set of sounds, icon and other element
to help you personalize your computer.
 Click on right of mouse button anywhere inside the blank area of the desktop.
 Click on personalize.
 Then after you see the theme.
How to change or apply new (Desktop) wallpaper.
Wallpaper is the backgrounds area of the desktop. Any pattern or picture that
can be stored as a bitmap (bmp) file can be seats a screen background.
 Click on right of mouse button anywhere inside the blank area of the desktop.

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 Click on Personalize.
 Choose the Desktop Background.
 Choose the background & desktop (wallpaper).
 Then after desktop dialog box appears in the following box.

 Choose the any picture from list of desktop.

 Click on apply
 Click on ok.
 If you want to insert any other picture form my computer.
 Click on browse.
 Choose the location and choose any picture.
 Click on open.
 Click on apply
 Click on ok.
How to change screen saver of your computer.
 Click on right of mouse button anywhere inside the blank area of the desktop.
 Click on Personalize.
 Choose the screen saver.
 Then after screen saver dialog box appears in the following box.

 Choose the any screen saver from list.

 If you want to write any text chooses 3D text from list.
 Click on setting.
 Then after the following box appear

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 Choose the your required any text and size color background color etc
 Click on preview
 Click on ok
Control panel:
This is a special panel board, which controls overall activities of the computer.
You can use the icons in control panel to change the appearance and functionality
of windows these icons represent option for configuring your computer.
How to make your personal user account ?
 Click on start button.
 Click on control panel.
 Then after will see the following box appears.

 Click on user account.

 Click on create a new account.
 Type your account name.
 Choose the any picture and password etc, what do you want to do following

 Click on next.
 Click on ok.

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Mouse setting
Mouse is an input device which is especially used to give commands to select
text and object to move curse etc.
 Click on start button.
 Click on setting panel.
 Click on control panel.
 Click on mouse and printer other hardware.
 Click on mouse.
 Then after you will see following box appears.
 Click on pointers ,options and wheel etc.
 What do you want do your required any style.
 Click on apply.
 Click on ok.
Keyboard setting
It is used to write and it is input device this option is used to change control the
reaction of key stroke and adjusting cursor blinking rate.
 Click on start button.
 Click on setting panel.
 Click on control panel.
 Click on mouse and printer other hardware.
 Choose the keyboard.
 Choose the any fast and normal.
 Click on apply.
 Click on ok.
How to arrange of taskbar of your computer?
This option is used to change the properties of the taskbar. Click on right button
of mouse blank area of taskbar.
 Click on the right mouse button anywhere inside the taskbar.
 Click on properties dialog box appear in the following box.

 Choose the taskbar put the tick mark form required options.
Always on top (keep the taskbar on top of other windows)

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It keeps the taskbar on top of other opened windows. It your remove the tick
mark from this option, then you can not see the taskbar, if other windows are
Auto hides the taskbar
It is used to show and hide the start button.If you move the mouse pointer over
the taskbar, if other windows are opened
Show small icon in start menu: It shows the start menu items small in size.
Show clock (show the clock): It shows clock in the taskbar
Lock the taskbar (only on windows):-It locks the taskbar then you cannot
Show quick lunch (only in windows):-It displays some important icons like
desktop explorer, windows media player etc. which can be directly launched.
Hide inactive icons (only in windows): It hides some inactive icons like LAN
massagers anti –virus etc. on the taskbar.
How to arrange the desktop icon
 Click the right mouse button any where inside the black desktop area.
 Choose the arrange
 Choose the required option like (name,type size and modified)
How to arrange of date and time
 Click on start button
 Click on control panel
 Choose the time and date
 Then after open the date and time
How to create a new folder
 Click the right mouse button any where inside the black desktop area.
 Choose the new
 Write the your folder name
 Press Enter Button
 Directly Press Ctrl+Shift+N From Keyboard.

How to change icon of your folder

1.Right click on your required folder
2. Click on properties option
3. Click on customize option
4. Click on change icon

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5. Now choose any icon
6. Click on apply and ok
How to Rename Folder Name.
 Right click on required folder
 Click on Rename option
 Remove old name using backspace button
 Type new folder name
 Press Enter button
 Press F2 Button from Keyboard
How to Delete file and folder
1. Right click on required file and folder
2. Click on delete option
3. Click on yes
1.You can directly press Delete button from keyboard to delete your file or folder
after selecting it.
How to restore deleted file and folder.
1.Go to Recycle bin
2. Choose your file folder
3. Right click on it and click on restore
Customizing the Explorer file Display:
The appearance of the contents window may be customizing to display file and
folder objects in four different views. The different views can be selected views
the view drop down menu or from the file command buttons.
Option and there function
a)Large Icon: Display all objects using large icons
b) Small Icon : Display all objects using small icons
c) List : Display all files in list format split into multiple columns
d) Details: Display all files and associated file details such as name size, type
and last date in a single column.
e) Thumbnails : Display all objects with preview
f) Tiles: Display all objects in tiles (group)form.
How to know Disk space of your computer
 Choose the any local disk in the following
 Click on right mouse button on the required drive
 Choose the properties
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 Then after to show the following dialog box appears.

 Click on ok.
Formatting the drive
This feature enables you to format the specific disk. It helps to delete all items as
well as it creates a new logical trick and sectors on the disk (magnetic field).
 Double click on my computer icon.
 Choose the any drive.
 Click on right of mouse.
 Choose the format.
 Then after open the following dialog box appears.

 Choose the quick format

 Click on start button
 Wait a few minute
 Then after complete
 Click on close.
 Click on ok.
 Switch on electric power supply.
 Press on the CPU.
 Wait a few minute you will see windows appear.
 Now your computer is opened.
 If in your computer has password
 Type password in the box

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 Click on ok.
 Then after open your computer in the following


1. Click on start button.
2. Click on shut down or turn off.
3. Click on ok Or Turn off.
4. Wait a few minute when black screen appear in your computer.
5. Switch off electric power.
How to start (open) of Typeshala?
 Click on start button.
 Click on all program.
 Choose the typeshala.
 Click on start button.
 Click on Search
 Then after open box type the “Typeshala” in the box.
 Click on ok.
 then after you will see the following list of typeshala
 Click on ok.

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 then after you will see the following typeshala appear

Choose the any lesson (home, top ,bottom ,game, All,Free)

Choose the any level (level 1, level 2, and level 3.)
Click on ok.
Choose Nepali flag for Nepali writing; choose English flag for English
How to close Typeshala?
 Click on button at top of Typeshala.
 Alt + F4
How to open TT (Typing Tutor)
 Click on start button
 Click on all program
 Choose the typing tutor
 Click on ok
 Click on start button
 Click on search button
 Then after open the search box appears in the following
 Type the TT in the box
 Click on search or enter
 Click on ok.
 Wait a few minute then after open your typing tutor.
 Then after open the following box appears
 Choose the New user

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Type your name in the box
Again type your password in the box
Press the enter or ok
Choose the level
Click on ok
Choose the any Beginner and expert
If you want to type the first lesson choose the beginner or Expert and last
lesson or final lesson to practice
How to start (open) Calculator?
 Click on start button.
 Click on All program
 Click on Accessories
 Choose the calculator
 Click on start button
 Click on RUN
 Type the calc in the box.
 Then after you will see calculator of your computer.

 What do you want to do in computer use calculator

How to open character map
 Click on start button
 Click on All program
 Click on Accessories
 Choose the system tools
 Choose the character of map click on it
 Click on start button
 Click on RUN
 Type charmap in the box
 Click on ok
 Choose any symbol
 Click on select

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 Click on copy
 Right click on Mouse and click on paste.
 Click on close

Note What do you want to insert or paste open any program.such as I

want to open the Microsoft word
 Click on start button
 Click on Run
 Type the winword in the box
 Click on ok
 Go to home tab
 Click on paste.
 Ctrl + V


The paint is an application program used to create simple or complex
drawings. It always comes with windows operating system. So we needn’t install

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this program separately. These drawings can be either different color. We can save as a bitmap file
format or in gif format.
{Microsoft Paint Pp6f Application Program xf] . of] Program Windows sf]
Operating System df klxn]b]lv g} Install x'G5 . o;sf] k|of]u u/L ;fdfGo b]lv hl6n ;Ddsf
lrqx? sf]g{ ;lsG5 .}
How to open (start) of Ms Paint
 Click on start Button.
 Click on all program.
 Click on Accessories
 Choose the paint click on ok
 Click on start button
 Click on RUN
 Type the mspaint in the box
 Click on ok

File Menu
How to open new page?
 Click on file menu.
 Click on new.
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 Ctrl + N
How to open your document
 Click on file menu.
 Click on open.
 Then after open dialog box choose your file name and location.
 Click on open.
 Ctrl + O
How to save document or text?
 Click on file menu
 Click on save
 Then after open dialog box and choose location.
 Type your file name in the box.
 Click on ok.
 Ctrl +S
How to save as document or text
 Click on file menu
 Click on save as
 Then after open dialog box and choose location.
 Type your file name in the box.
 Click on ok.
How to print document or text
It is used to print the document of output document.
 Click on File menu
 Click on print
 Then after you will see the following box appears.
 Choose your print name.
 Choose page margin of number of page.
 Click on ok
 Ctrl + P
Print preview
It is used to view the preview of our document.
 Click on File menu.
 Click on print preview.

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It is used to close the all our program.
 Go to file menu
 Click on exit.
 Alt +F 4

1. Undo (Ctrl + Z):-This option is use to reverse our last action.
2. Redo (Repeat) (Ctrl + Y):-This option helps us to repeat our last action.
3. Cut : Cut select text or object (ctrl + X)
4. Copy: Copy the select text or object (ctrl +C)
5. Paste : Paste the copy text object (ctrl +V)
1. Select: We used to select a part of picture.(Ctrl+A)
2. Crop: We used to crop the picture.(Ctrl+Shift+X)
3. Resize: Resize and skew the picture or selection (Ctrl+W)
4. Rotate: picture 900, Vertical and Horizontal
1. Pencil: To draw any bitmap with freehand draw, write and picture
2. Fill Color: To fill required color inside the boundary and into the line
3. Text: To write any text.
4. Erase: To erase any objects with background color
5. Picker color: To choose any object color with and fill in the any object
6. Zoom: To show object biggest and smallest.
1. Brushes: It is used to draw picture and different shapes with free hand brushes
2. Shapes: We used to shapes insert readymade shapes such as rectangle and
circles, triangles, arrow, stars and callouts.
3. Outline: It is used to draw line and Line style.
4. Fill: It is used to fill in shapes color.
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1. Fill color: Fill color in side object or into shape.

 Zoom in: Zoom in on the current picture.
 Zoom out: Zoom out on the current picture.
 Actual: It is show actual size 100%.
Show or hide
 Rulers: we used to rulers line up and measure objects in your picture.
 Gridlines: We used to gridlines align object in your picture.
 Status bar: we used status bar at the bottom of the window.
 Full Screen: we used to full screen view the picture in full screen.
Make project work


Microsoft Office Words 2003, 2007, 2010

Microsoft Office Power point 2003, 2007, 2010

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Microsoft Office Excel 2003, 2007, 2010
Microsoft Office Access 2003, 2007, 2010

Microsoft word is powerful word processing program. It is a famous word
processing program developed by Microsoft company of USA. It is used to make
documents. It is used to write different types of symbol. It is a family member of
MS Office group. It is an advanced word processing application program.
{Microsoft Office Word Ps k|sf/sf] Word Processing Application Software xf] . o;
program sf] lasf; cd]/Lsf sf] Microsoft Company n] u/]sf] xf] . o; Program sf] k|of]u
ul/ laleGg k|sf/sf Text ;+u ;DalGwt sfdx? ug{ ;sLg5\.}
How to start (open) Ms Word?
 Click on start button.
 Click on all program.
 Click on Microsoft office.
 Choose the Microsoft word 2007.
 Click on start button.
 Click on RUN.
 Type WinWord in a box.
 Click on ok.
Then after you will see the following box appears. There are seven menu bar
Home, Insert, page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, view and format.

New (Ctrl+N):-This option allows us to add a new blank document in our active

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1. Click on office button.
2. Click on new option.
3. Then new blank document dialog box will appear.
4. Click on blank document.
5. Finally click on create button.
Open (Ctrl +O):-This option use to open our previous saved file.
1. Click on office button.
2. Click on option or press Ctrl +O from Keyboard.
3. Then open dialog box will appear.
4. In this dialog box choose your file or type your file name in the file name line
5. Finally click on open button.
Save (Ctrl +S):-This option helps us to save our file for future use.
1. Make your document
2. Click on office button.
3. Click on save option.
4. In this dialog box type your file name in the line box.
5. Finally click on save button.
Save As (F12) :- This option helps us to saves As file and document.
How to save your file with password
1. Make your document.
2. Click on office button.
3. Click on save option.
4. Then save as dialog box will appear.
5. Type your file name.
6. Choose your location where you want to save.
7. Click on tools button in this dialog box.
8. Then click on general option.
9. Then general option dialog box will appear.
10. Type your password in the password option line box.
11. Click on ok button.
12. Type your first same password.
13. Click on ok button.

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14. Type your second same password.
15. Click on ok button.
16. Finally click on save button.
Print (Ctrl +P):-This option helps us to print our document on paper we can print
our document as our wish.
1. Click on office button.
2. Click on print option or press Ctrl+P from keyboard.
3. Then print dialog box will appear.
4. In this dialog box set printer name number of copies, number of page etc.
5. Finally click on ok button.
Print preview (Ctrl+F2):- It is used to view the preview of our document.
1. Click on office button.
2. Click on print preview.
How to close of your document.(Ctrl+W)
1. Go to office button.
2. Click on close.
Exit (Alt+F4):- It is used to close the all our program
1. Go to office button.
2. Click on exit.

Undo (Ctrl + Z):-This option is use to reverse our last action.

1. Click on undo option from quick access toolbar or press ctrl +Z from
Redo (Repeat) (Ctrl + Y):-This option helps us to repeat our last action.
1. Click on Redo option from quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl + Y from

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Cut (Ctrl +x):-This option allows us to cut or remove our selected text and
1. Type your text.
2. Select the text which you want to cut.
3. Click on home tab.
4. Click on cut option or press Ctrl+x from keyboard.
Copy (ctrl+c):-This option is use to copy our selected text or object.
1. Types your text.
2. Select the text which you want to copy.
3. Click on home tab.
4. Click on copy option or press Ctrl +C from keyboard.
Paste (Ctrl+V):-This option is used to paste our cut or copied text another
1. Types you text.
2. Select the text and cut or copy it.
3. Position you cursor where you want to paste.
4. Click home tab.
5. Click on paste option or press Ctrl +V from keyboard.
Font Change (Ctrl +Shift F, or Ctrl +D):-This option helps us to change font
1. Click on home tab.
2. Click on font option.
3. Then will appear font box.
4. Final click on required font.
Font Size (Ctrl +Shift +P) Or Ctrl +Shift + >or <):-This option helps us to
increase and decrease font size.
1. Click on home tab.
2. Click on font size option.
3. Then font size list will appear.
4. Final click on required font size value.

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Bold (Ctrl + B): This option helps us to bold or text. E.g. DELTA COMPUTER
1. Click on Home tab.
2. Click on Bold (B) Option.
Italic (ctrl+I):-This option helps us to change your text in italic style.E.gDELTA
1. Click on Home tab
2. Click on italic (I) option
Under line (Ctrl+U):-This option helps us to take underline on your words E.g.
1. Click on Home tab.
2. Click on underline (U) option
Strikethrough:-For draw a line through the middle of the selected text
Subscripts (Ctrl + =):-E.g. H2 O
Superscript (Ctrl + shift +=):-E.g. (a2+b2)2
1. Click on home tab
Click on (X 2) for subscript and (X 2) for superscript option.
Change Case:-This option helps us to sentence case, lower case, UPPER CASH.
1. Click on home tab.
2. Click on change case.
Text Highlight color
1. Click on home tab.
2. Click on text highlight option.
Font Color:-It is use to fond color
1. Click on home tab.
2. Click on font color option.
Bullets and Numbering It is used to list you paragraph by number and bullets.
E.g. (Bullets)
 Dhiraj Giri

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 Maya Giri (Karki)
 Krishna Kumar Karki
1. Lok Raj Giri
2. Ram Bdr Thapa
3. Lok Raj Giri
1. Click on home tab.
2. Click on Bullets and Number option.
Text aligns :-( left (Ctrl+L), Center (Ctrl+E), Right (Ctrl+R, Justify
(Ctrl+J):-This option helps us to align your paragraph on left, right, center on
Document E.g.
Computer is an electronic device which Computer is an electronic device which Computer is an electronic device which
can perform machine Computer is an electronic device can perform machine can perform macaniecal calcutaion as as
which can perform machine will at a very hight speed.

Left align Center align Right align Justify align

Line Spacing:-This option helps us to give spaces between paragraphs.
Sort: - It is used to make alphabetical order of word.E.g.
d a
b b
Snhading Color:-It is used to fill paragraph background color E.g.

Border:-This option helps us to give a border to paragraph.

Styles:-It is used to change the word style.E.g. Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3
Dhiraj Giri
Editing Dhiraj Giri
Find (Ctrl+F):-This option helps us to find required word from paragraph.
1. Click on Home Tab.
2. Click on Find option.
3. Then navigation windows will appear on left side of windows.
4. Then type that word that you want to find.
Replace (Ctrl+H): This option helps us to replace old words with new words.
1. Click on Home Tab.
2. Click on Replace option
3. Then Replace dialog box will appear.
4. Then type that old word on Find what box.
5. Then type new word on replace with box.

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6. Finally click on replace all button.
Select All (Ctrl+A):-This options use to select text or object in the document.
1. Click on home tab.
2. Click on select all or select object.

Cover page:-This option helps us to a readymade cover page.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Click on page cover option.
3. Then choose cover type as you needed.
Blank page:-This option helps us to take a new blank page on document.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Click on blank page option.
3. Finally you have a blank page on your document.
Page break:-This command helps use to insert page break from the inside point
insertion point. If we create page break then one page divides into the pages and if
we create column break then text will goes to next column from insertion point.
Steps for create page break.
1. Type your document
2. Position your cursor where from you want to create page break.
3. Click on insert tab.
4. Finally click on page break option.
Table:-This option helps us to create table on our document.
1. Type your document.
2. Position your cursor where from you want to create table.
3. Click on insert tab.
4. Finally click on table option.
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Picture:-This option helps us to insert any image on our document from our
computer drive.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Choose picture then click on from file option.
3. Then insert picture dialog box will appear.
4. In this dialog box choose anyone picture as you need.
5. Finally click on insert button.
Clip Art:-This option helps us to insert any clip art from our library.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Choose picture then click clip art option.
3. Click on organize clips option on the task pane.
4. Then its dialog box will appear.
5. In this dialog box choose any one picture and copy it.
6. Choose the dialog box.
7. Right click on the paste (Ctrl+V)
8. Click on paste option.
Shapes:-This option helps us to insert any shape from our system library.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Click on auto shapes option.
3. Then its toolbar will appear.
4. In this toolbar choose anyone auto shape as you need.
5. Now drag your mouse to draw auto shapes.
Smart Art:-This option helps us to insert readymade shape from system library.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Then click on smart art.
3. Then data sheet dialog box will appear.
4. Choose any graph (organization chart)
5. Finally click on ok button and file your data.
Chart:-This option helps us to insert any type of chart as you needed.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Then click on chart option.
3. Then data sheet dialog box will appear.

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4. In this data sheet type your data.
5. Finally click your mouse outside from data sheet.
Hyperlink:-It is used to create link between two documents.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Click on Hyperlink option.
3. Choose bookmark name.
4. Then Insert Hyperlink dialog box will appear.
5. Then choose file that you want to create link.
6. Finally click on ok button.
Bookmark:-This option is use to insert book mark on the insertion point in our
document so that we can jump one page to another page or one paragraph to
another Paragraph
1. Type your document.
2. Position your cursor where you want to insert book mark.
3. Click on Insert tab.
4. Click on book mark command.
5. Then book mark dialog box will appear.
6. In this dialog box type your bookmark name.
7. Click on add button.
Header& Footer
Header:-This command helps us to add the text in our active document that
appears at the top of every page.
1. Types your document.
2. Click on insert tab.
3. Click on header option.
4. Then header option will appear.
5. Now choose header types.
6. Finally type your header data.
Footer:-This command helps us to add the text in our active document that
appears at the bottom of every page.
1. Types your document.
2. Click on insert tab.

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3. Click on footer option will appears.
4. Then footer option will appear.
5. Now choose footer types.
6. Finally types yours footer data.
Page Number:-This command helps us to add the page number on our active
1. Type your document.
2. Click on insert tab.
3. Click on page number options.
4. Then page number option wills appear.
5. Finally choose page number types.
Text box:-This option helps us to create text box with the help of text box we
can create Id cards.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Click text box.
3. Now drag your mouse to draw text box area.
4. Finally type a word as you needed.
Drop cap:-This option is use to make the first letter larger of our selected
paragraph then other letters. Generally it is use in newspaper.
1. Select any one word.
2. Click on insert tab.
3. Click on drop cap option.
4. Choose anyone drop cap style.
Word art:-It is used to insert decorative text in your document.
1. Click on insert tab.
2. Click on word art option.
3. Then choose any design.
4. Finally types your word and click on ok button.
Object:-This option is use to insert object from another application which are not
available in Ms- Word and using this command we can also create equations.
1. Click on insert tab.

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2. Click on object option.
3. Then object dialog box will appear.
4. In this dialog box choose anyone application as you need such as "Bitmap
5. Click on ok button.
6. Now start to draw your image.
7. Finally click on outside from drawing area.
Equation:-It is used to create any types of equation.
Symbol:-This option is use to insert symbol at the insertion point from of the
font are installed in your computer.
1. Position your cursor where you want to insert symbol.
2. Click on inset tab.
3. Click on symbol.
4. Click more symbol option.
5. Then symbol dialog box will appear.
6. Choose any one symbol as you need.
7. Click on insert button.
8. Click on close.

Theme:-A theme is set of predefined .dosing elements and color dosing. A

theme helps you easily create certified and well- designed document for viewing
in Microsoft word in e-mail or on the web.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on themes option.
3. Then its dialog box will appear.
4. Choose any one style.
Page Steup
Margins:-This option helps us to set margin as we needed.
1. Click on page layout tab.

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2. Click on margins option.
3. Then margins style will appear.
4. Then choose a margins style as you needed.
Orientation:-This option helps as to change you page type (Orientation as you
needed landscape portrait.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on orientations option.
3. Then orientation style will appear.
4. Choose orientation style as you needed.
Size:-This option is used to set page size.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on size option.
3. Then size option will appear.
4. Choose size as you needed.
Columns:-This option is used to columns on page.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on columns option.
3. Then columns option will appear.
4. Choose columns number as you needed.
Break:-This command helps us to insert page break from the insertion point. If
we create page then one page divide into two pages and if Create column break
then text will go to next from insertion point.
1. Type your document.
2. Position you cursor where from you want to crate page break.
3. Click on page layout tab.
4. Finally click on page break option.
Page Background
Watermark:-This option is used to set watermark on page background.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on watermarks option.
3. Then watermarks option will appear.
4. Choose watermark style as you needed.

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5. If you want to set custom watermarks, then click on custom watermark option.
Page color:-This option helps us to set color on page background.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on page color option.
3. Then color option will appear.
4. Choose color as you needed.
Page borders:-This option helps us to sets page borders and art.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on page border option.
3. Then page borders dialog box will appear.
4. Choose page border and art style as you needed.
Indent:-This option is to increase and decrease indent as you needed.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on indent option.
3. Then you will increase and decrease indent as you needed.
Spacing:-This option is used to give the space between lines. (Paragraphs)
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on spacing option.
3. Then you will increase and decrease indent as you need.
Position:-This option is used to change image position on paragraph.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on position option.
3. Then you will change image position on paragraph.
Wrap text:-This option is used to change automatic image on paragraph.
1. Click on page layout tab.
2. Click on wrap text option.
3. Then you will change image position on paragraph.
Bring forward and backward:-This option helps Use to send image back and
front between two objects.

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Start Mail Merge:-This command allows us to create many letters from one
letter so that we can send our letters too many persons in different name and
1. Type your Letter.
2. Click on Mailing tab.
3. Choose start mail, merge then click on mail merge option.
4. Choose "letters" in the task pane.
5. Click on next button.
6. Choose use the current document option.
7. Click on next button.
8. Choose type a new list option.
9. Click on create button or next button.
10. Then new address list dialog box will appear.
11. Click on customize button and remove the all field names.
12. Click on add button.
13. Type you own fields name such as 'Title", 'First Name", "Middle name"
,"Last Name" ,"Address", ,"Phone", "office" etc as you need
14. Click on ok button.
15. Again click ok button.
16. Now star to type your friend's title, Name, Address, Phone etc.
17. Click on "New entry" button.
18. Again fill your friend's title Name address phone etc.
19. In this way go on filling you friend's title, name, address, phone etc how
many friends you want to send letter.
20. Click on close button.
21. Then save dialog box will appear.
22. Type your file name and click on save button.
23. Click on ok button.
24. Then mail merge tools bar will appear.
25. Click on "insert merge fields" button and insert the all fields name in the
particular are.
26. Click on "merge to new document" button.
27. Click on all button.
28. Finally click ok button.

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Spelling and grammar (F7):-It is used to check the spelling and grammar of
1. Type your document.
2. Click on review tab.
3. Click on spelling and grammar command or press (F7) from keyboard.
4. Then its dialog box will appear.
5. Click on check grammar check box.
6. Choose correct word in this dialog box.
7. Finally click on close button.
Word count (Ctrl+Shift+G):-It is used to find out the number of words
characters paragraphs and lines. In The document.
1. Click on review tab.
2. Then click on word count option.
Protect document:-This command allows us to protect our document so that we
cannot able to add text delete. Our document without using passwords.
1. Types your document.
2. Click on review tab.
3. Click on protect document option.
4. Then click on restrict formatting and editing option.
5. Click on "Limit formatting to a selection of style check box.
6. Click on "Allow only this type of editing in the document" check box.
7. Click on "yes, start enforcing protection" button.
8. Then types password in the first box.
9. Again type your same password in the second box.
10. Click on ok button.
Note To unprotect document click on "Stop protection" button form task pane
and type your document password.
Print layout:-This command helps us to show our document in print layout view
that displays your document as it will print.
1. Click on view tab.
2. Then click on print option.

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Web layout:-Displays you document in web layout view that displays document
as it appear on your web browser.
1. Click on view tab.
2. Then click on web layout option.
Ruler:-This option is use to show and hide the ruler. If you remove the tick form
ruler option then computer will not display the ruler and if you tick mark on the
Ruler option then computer will display the ruler.
1. Click on view tab.
2. Then click on ruler option.
Zoom: - zoom command is used to control how small or large the current file
appears on the screen. It helps to see more of the page at a reduced size. It does
not affect printing size.
1. Click on view menu and select zoom command. It will display zoom dialog
box appears.
2. Click any one size (200%.100%, 75%, 50% etc) and click at ok button.

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3. Make a project work Bio-data, logo, ID card, Table, Cover page, question, Certificate&Letter

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Microsoft Word Short Cut Keys

Letter Shortcut key of ms word
Ctrl + A Select all documents once time.
Ctrl + B Bold the select document or text.
Ctrl + C Copy the select text or document but we can't see.
Ctrl + D Change the fonts.
Ctrl + E Center the select text or document.
Ctrl + F Find the any word or letter.
Ctrl + G Go to another page.
Ctrl + H Replace any find word.
Ctrl + I Italic any select word.
Ctrl + J Justify any select text or document.
Ctrl + K Hyper link any document.
Ctrl + L Left side of text or document.
Ctrl + M Tab or indent of increase.
Ctrl + N Open the new page.
Ctrl + O Open the save your document or file.
Ctrl + P Print your document.
Ctrl + Q Resets the indent position.
Ctrl + R Right side your select document or text.
Ctrl + S Save your file or document.
Ctrl +T Tab.
Ctrl +U Under line any select text or document.
Ctrl +V Paste the copy file or document.
Ctrl +W Close your current document.
Ctrl +X Cut the select document or text.
Ctrl +Y Redo any pervious action text or document.
Ctrl +Z Undo any text or document.


1) ALU = Arithmetic-Logical Unit.
2) APL= All programming Language.
3) ARPA = American or Advanced Research Project Agency.
4) ASCII= American standard Code for Information Interchange.
5) AT = Advance Technology.

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6) ATM= Automated Teller Machine.
7) BASIC = Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
8) BCD = Binary Coded Decimal.
9) BIOS = Basic input Output system.
10) BIT = Binary Digit.
11) BMP = Bit Map.
12) CAD = Computer Aided Design.
13) CAI = Computer Aided Instruction.
14) CAL= Computer Aided Learning.
15) CD ROM = Compact Disk Read Only Memory.
16) CGA= Colored Graphics Adapter.
17) C.U = Control Unit.
18) COMPUTER = Commonly Operator Machine Particularly Used Trade
Education Research.
19) I C = Integrated Circuit.
20) VLSI = Very Large Scale Integrated.
21) ULSI = Ultra Large Scale Integrated.
22) CPU= Central Processing Unit.
23) AC = Alternating Current / Air condition.
24) DC = Direct Current.
25) EDVAC = Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.
26) UNIVAC = Universal Automatic Computer.
27) IBM= International Business Machine.
28) OS= Operating System.
29) PDP = Personal Data Processor.
30) VGA = Video Graphic Adaptor.
31) CRT = Cathode Ray Tube.
32) VDU = Visual Display Unit.
33) LCD= Liquid Crystal Display.
34) LED = Light Emitting Diode /Display.
35) USB = Universal Serial Bus.
36) CD = Compact Disk.
37) DVD = Digital Versatile Disk.
38) ROM= Read Only Memory.
39) M.U = Memory Unit.
40) RAM= Random Access Memory or Read write memory.
41) DOS = Disk Operating System.

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:j/ j0f{
c=c c+f = cf shift +o= O shif+o+shif+[= O{ p=p
p+m = pm Shift+c = C shift+p = P shift+p+] = P] c+f+]= cf]
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AoGhg j0f{x?M
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6=6 7= 7 8=8 9=9 0+f = 0f
t= t y= y b= b w=w g=g
k=k k+m = km a=a e=e d=d
o= o ?=/ n= n j=j z=z
i+f = if ;=; x=x shift +i+f = If q=q
!= 1
gf]6 M cfwf cIf/sf] nflu tkfOx?n] Shift ;u+ ToxL cIf/ k|of]u ug'{kb{5 / ;a} df of] nfu' x'b}g h:t}
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4 = 4 Qm = shift+q m ? = shift+,
( = - qm = q m > = shift+>
) = shift+- s[ = s[ ? = shift+?
. = + S{m = s shift +
s\ = s\ SmF = s shift+f
k||= = k shift+\ B = shift+b
Q = shift+q : = Shift +m
2 = 2 , =<

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¡ = ALT+0161 Æ = ALT+0198 ÷ = ALT+0247
¢ = ALT+0162 Ì = ALT+0204 Ú = ALT+0218
£ = ALT+0163 Í = ALT+0205 ˆ = ALT+0136
¥ = ALT+0165 Î = ALT+0206 – = ALT+0150
§ = ALT+0167 Ö = ALT+0214 – = ALT+0151
« = ALT+0171 Ø = ALT+0216 • = ALT+0149
• = ALT+0176 Ù = ALT+0217 … = ALT+0133
+ = ALT+0177 Û = ALT+0219 ‰ = ALT+0137
Ý = ALT+0182 Ü =ALT+0220 ‹ = ALT+0139
¿ = ALT+0191 Ý = ALT+0221 ç = ALT+0231
Å = ALT+0197 ß = ALT+0223 Æ = ALT+0230
Ë = ALT+0203 å = ALT+0229

Microsoft power point is presentation software .It is also a family member of ms
office group .It was developed by Microsoft corporation USA .We can create
different types of slide designing .We can also set different animation transition
and sound effect to the inserted slides.
{Microsoft Office Powerpoint Ps k||sf/sf] Presentation Software xf] . o;sf] lasf;
cd]/Lsf sf] Microsoft Company n] u/]sf] xf] . of] Program cfjZostf cg';f/ laBfno, ;/sf/L
jf u}/;/sf/L ;+3 ;+:yf jf ljeLGg 7fpFx?sf s'g}klg s'/fx? sDKo'6/sf] dfWodaf6 k|:t't ug{sf] nflu
k|of]u u/LG5 .}
How to open Ms PowerPoint?
 Click on start button.
 Click on All program.
 Click on Microsoft office.
 Choose Microsoft power point click it.
 Click on Start button.
 Click on RUN
 Type powerpnt in the box.
 Click on ok.

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 Then after you will see the following box appears. Home, Insert, design,
animation, slid show review view format..

New (Ctrl+N):-This option allows us to add a new blank document in our active
6. Click on office button.
7. Click on new option.
8. Then new blank document dialog box will appear.
9. Click on blank document.
10. Finally click on create button.
Open (Ctrl +O):-This option use to open our previous saved file.
6. Click on office button
7. Click on option or press Ctrl +O from Keyboard.
8. Then open dialog box will appear.
9. In this dialog box choose your file or type your file name in the file name line
10. Finally click on open button.

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Save (Ctrl +S):-This option helps us to save our file for future use.
6. Make your document.
7. Click on office button.
8. Click on save option.
9. In this dialog box type your file name in the line box.
10. Finally click on save button.
Save As (F12) :- This option helps us to saves As file and document.
How to save your file with password
1) Make your document.
2) Click on office button.
3) Click on save option.
4) Then save as dialog box will appear.
5) Type your file name.
6) Choose your location where you want to save.
7) Click on tools button in this dialog box.
8) Then click on general option.
9) Then general option dialog box will appear.
10) Type your password in the password option line box.
11) Click on ok button.
12) Type your first same password.
13) Click on ok button.
14) Type your second same password.
15) Click on ok button.
16) Finally click on save button.
Print (Ctrl +P):-This option helps us to print our document on paper we can print
our document as our wish.
6. Click on office button.
7. Click on print option or press Ctrl+P from keyboard.
8. Then print dialog box will appear.
9. In this dialog box set printer name number of copies, number of page etc.
10. Finally click on ok button.
Print preview (Ctrl+F2):- It is used to view the preview of our document.
3. Click on office button.

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4. Click on print preview.
How to close of your document.(Ctrl+W)
1.Go to office button.
2.Click on close.
Exit (Alt+F4):- It is used to close the all our program
1.Go to office button.
Click on exit

1. Cut: - Cut the selection from the document and put it on the clipboard.
2. Copy: - Copy the selection and put it on the clipboard. (Ctrl+C)
3. Paste: - Paste the contents of the clipboard. (Ctrl+V)
4. Format Painter: - Copy format from one place and apply it to another.
1. New Slides :-Add a slide to the presentation (Ctrl+M)
2. Layout :- Change the layout of the selected slide
3. Reset:-Reset the layout position, size and formatting of the slide placeholders
to their default setting.
4. Delete: - Remove this slide from the presentation.
1. Font:- Chang the font face. (Ctrl + shift +f)
2. Font Size: - Change the font size. (Ctrl + shift +p)
3. Increase font size: - Increase the font size. (Ctrl+Shift + >)
4. Decrease font size: - Decrease the font size. (Ctrl +Shift + <)
5. Bold:-Make the select text bold. (Ctrl + B)
6. Italic: - Italic the selected text. (Ctrl + I)
7. Underline: - underline the selected text. (Ctrl + U)
8. Strikethrough:-Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
9. Text Shadow:-Add a shadow behind the selected text to help it stand out on
the slide
10. Character Spacing :-Adjust the spacing between character.

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11. Change case:- Change all the selected text to UPPERCASE lowercase or
other common capitalizations. (Shift + F3)
12. Font color: - Change the text color.
Paragraph option
1. Align text left:- Align text to the left. (Ctrl+L)
2. Align text Center:-Center text. (Ctrl+E)
3. Align text Right:-Align text right.(Ctrl+R)
4. Justify:-Align text to both the left and right margins, adding extra space
between words as necessary.
5. Bullets:- Start a bullets list click the arrow to choose different bullet styles.
6. Numbering:- Start a number list click the arrow to choose different
numbering formats.
7. Decrease list level:- Decrease the indent level.
8. Increase List level:- Increase the indent level.
9. Line spacing: - Specify the line spacing.
10. Text Direction: - Change the orientation of text to vertical slacked or rotate it
the desired direction.
11. Align text: - Change how text is aligning within the text box.
12. Convert to smart :- Convert text to a smart graphic to visually
13. Columns: - split text into more columns.
1. Drawing: - Insert ready - made shapes such as rectangles and circles and
circles arrows, line, flowchart symbols, and callouts.
2. Arrange :- Arrange object on the slide by changing their order position and
3. Quick Styles :- Choose a visual style for the shape or line
4. Shape fill: - Fill the selected shape with a solid color, gradient, picture or
5. Shape outline: - specify the color with and line. Style for the outline of the
selected shape.
6. Shape effects: - Apply visual effects to the selected shape such a shadow,
glow reflection, or 3- Rotation.
1. Find: - Find text in the document. (Ctrl +F)
2. Replace: - Replace text in the document. (Ctrl +H)
3. Select: - Select text or objects in the document. (Ctrl +A)

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1. Table = Insert or draw a table in to the document.
2. Picture:-Insert the picture from file.
3. Clip Art: - Insert clip art in to the document drawing movies, sounds, or stock
photography to illustrated a specific concept.
4. Photo Album: - Create or edit a presentation based on a set of pictures.
5. Shapes: - Insert ready - made shapes, lines flowchart symbols and callouts.
6. Smart art: - Insert a smart art graphic to visually communicate information.
7. Chart: - Insert a chart illustrates and compares data. Bar pie line area and
surface are some of the available types.
1. Hyperlink: - Create a link to a web page a picture e-mail address or a
program. (Ctrl+K)
2. Action: - Add on action to the selected object to specify what should happen
when you click on it or have over it which your mouse.
1. Text box: - Insert a text box in to the document, or add text to the selected
2. Header and footer: - Edit the header or footer information in the header or
footer will appear at the top or bottom of each printed page.
3. WordArt: - Insert decorative text in your document.
4. Date and time: - Insert the current date or time into the current document.
5. Slide number: - Insert the slide number.
6. Symbol: - Insert characters that are not on your keyboard such as copyright
symbols, trademark symbol, paragraph mark and Unicode characters.
7. Object:-Insert on embedded object.
Media clips
1. Movie From file:-Insert a movie into the presentation.
2. Sound from file:-Insert sound clip or music into the slide.

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Page setup
1. Page setup: - Show the page setup dialog box.
2. Slide orientation: - Switch the slid orientation between portrait and
Themes:-Change the overall design for your slides. Right -click any themes for
more way to apply it.
1. Colors: - Change the colors of the current themes.
2. Fonts:- Change the fonts of the current themes.
3. Effects:- Change the effect of the current themes.
Background styles
1. Background style: - Choose the background styles themes. Right click any
styles for more way to apply it.
2. Hide the background graphics:-Don't show the background graphics in the
themes that you have selected.

1. Animation: - Choose an animation to apply to the object in the slide.
2. Custom animation: - Open the custom animation task pane. So that you can
animate the individual object on the task.
Transition to this slide
1. Transition to this slide:- Choose a special effect during the transition
between the perilous slid and the current slide.
2. Transition sound: - Sound to play during the transition between the perilous
slid and the current slide.
3. Transition speed: - Choose how fast to animate the transition between the
perilous selid and the current slide.
4. Apply to all:-Set the transition between all slides in the presentation to be like
the transition you have set up for the current slide.
5. On mouse click :-Wait until a mouse click to mouse to the next slide
6. Automatically :- Move to the next slide after a certain number of second
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Start slide show (F5)

1. From beginning:- Start a slide to show from the first slide.
2. From current slide: - start the slide show from the current slide.
3. Custom slide: - Create or play a custom slide show .A custom slide display
only the slide.
Set-up show
1. Set up show:-Set up advanced options for the slide show. Such as click
2. Hide slide:-Hide the current slide from the presentation.
3. Record narration:-Record a narration track using the microphone attached to
your computer.
4. Rehearse timing:-Lunches a full -screen slide show in which you can
rehearse your presentation.
5. Use rehearsed timings: - Use the timing you created using rehearse timing to
switch between slides automatically.
1. Resolution:- Choose the screen resolution to use for the full - screen slide
2. Show presentations: - Choose a monitor on which to display full - screen
slide show.
3. Use presentation view:- Show the full screen slide show using presentation
Step-up design slide show Animations etc.
 Type your title.
 Type your sub-title.
 Click on design menu bar.
 Choose your background style.
 Click on animation menu bar.
 Choose your transition to the slide.
 Click on the custom animation.
 Select text or object.
 Click on add effect, entrance, emphasis, exit or motion paths.

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 Click on transition speed (slow, medium, fast).
 Apply to all as you need.
 Then, if you need mouse click, click on mouse click or click on automatically
after to set time.
 Click on slideshow menu bar.
 Then after, click on from beginning, from current slide or custom slide as you
need. (F5)

Microsoft Excel is also family member of Ms Office group. This
software can be used for solving mathematical calculations, accounting,
statistics, finance, management related problems. Microsoft Excel is an
electronic spreadsheet program that enables you to store , manipulate and
chart and numeric data. The rows are numbers from1 to 10,48,576 and
the columns are numbers from 1 to 16,384. Ms Excel creates and
modifies worksheet and chart sheet, Salary sheet, Price sheet & Ledger
sheet etc.
{Microsoft Office Excel Ps Electronic Spreadsheet Program xf] . o;sf] lasf; cd]/Lsf
sf] Microsoft Company n] u/]sf] xf] . o; Program sf] k|of]u laleGg k|sf/sf Mathematical
Problems x? sf] Solution lgsfNg ;lsG5 .}
How to open Microsoft Excel
 Click on start button.
 Click on All program.
 Click On Microsoft Office Group.
 Choose the Microsoft Excel.
 Click on ok.
 Click on start button
 Click on RUN

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 Type the Excel Click on ok

New (Ctrl+N):-This option allows us to add a new blank document in our active
Open (Ctrl +O):-This option is used to open our previous saved file.
Save (Ctrl +S):-This option helps us to save our file for future use.
Save As(F12 ) :- This Option helps us to save as filr or document.
To save your file with password:-
1. Make your document.
2. Click on office button.
3. Click on save option.
4. Then save as dialog box will appear.

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5. Type your file name.
6. Choose you location where you want to save.
7. Click on tools button in this dialog box.
8. Then click on general option.
9. Then general option dialog box will appear.
10. Type your password in the password option line box.
11. Type you modify password in the "password to modify" box.
12. Click on ok button.
13. Finally click on save button.
Print (Ctrl +P):-This option helps us to print our document on paper we can print
our document as our wish.
Print preview (Ctrl+F2):- It is used to view the preview of our document.
Close (Ctrl+W):- It is used to close our curent document.
Exit (AltF4):- It is used to close the all our program.

Undo (Ctrl + Z):-This option is use to reverse our last action.

Redo (Repeat) (Ctrl + Y):-This option helps us to repeat our last action.
Cut (Ctrl +x):-This option allows us to cut or remove our selected text and
Copy (ctrl+c):-This option is use to copy our selected text or object.
Paste (Ctrl+V):-This options use to paste our cut or copied text another location.
Font Change (Ctrl +Shift F):-This option helps us to change font language
Font Size (Ctrl+shift+P):-This option helps us to increase and decrease font size.
Bold (Ctrl + B):-This option helps us to bold or text.
Italic (ctrl+I):-This option helps us to change your text in italic style.
Under line (Ctrl+U):-This option helps us to take underline on your words.
Border: This option can be used to set border around the selected text or cell of
excel sheet.
Fill color:-This option helps us to fill color to all formats (changes) of words.
Font Color: Use this option to change the color of text.
Text aligns (left (Ctrl+L), Center (Ctrl+E), Right (Ctrl+R):-This option helps
us to align your paragraph on left, right, center on Document.
Orientation:- Use this option to rotate your text.
Wrap Text:- Use this option to type multiple lines in same cell.
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Merge Cell:-Use this option to merge Selected two or more then two cell into one
Number Format:- Using this option you can change the format of cell content
like date, number, currency etc.
Conditional Formatting:- You can format your any sheet or selected value using
different conditions using this option.
Format Table:- If you have created a simple table using only simple line and you
are trying to make some extra desiging for your table then you can find this option
very helpful. Using this option you can insert your normal content into a advance
Cell Style:- Use this option to change the apperance of your cell.
Cell Insert:-Use this option to insert cell,row,columns and sheet if needed.
Cell Delete:-Use this option to delete cell,row,colums and sheet.
Cell Format:-Use this option to change the cell size, visibility, Organize sheet
and protection.
Auto Sum (Alt+=):-This is the shortcut way to calculate the sum of certain cell
Fill:- Using this option you can easily copy the cell content towards
.down,left,right and above. You can simply press Ctrl+D to down fill and Ctrl+R
to Right fill but you should manually fill for left and above.
Clear:- Use this option to clear cell content of formattings.
Sort and Filter:-You can arrange your data accending or decending order with
sort option and with the help of filter you can filter your data.
Find (Ctrl+F):-This option helps us to find required word from paragraph.
Replace (Ctrl+H):-This option helps us to replace old words with new words.
Select All (Ctrl+A):-This options us to select text or object in the document.

Table:-This option helps us to create table on our document.

Picture:-This option helps us to insert any image on our document from our
computer drive.
Clip Art:-This option helps us to insert any clip art from our library.
Shape:-This option helps us to insert any shape from our system library.
Smart Art:-This option helps us to insert readymade shape from system library.
Chart:-This option helps us to insert any type of chart as you needed.
Hyperlink:-It is used to create link between two
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Text Box: To insert a text box.
Header and Footer: To insert header and footer into your excel sheet.
Word Art: Use this option to insert specially formated text into your excel sheet.
Object: You can insert objects from another program using this object option.
Symbol:-This option is use to insert symbol at the insertion point from of the font
are installed in your computer.

Theme:-A theme is set of predefined .dosing elements and color dosing. A

theme helps you easily create certified and well- designed document for viewing
in Microsoft word in e-mail or on the web.
Margins:-This option helps us to set margin as we needed.
Orientation: - This option helps as to change you page type (Orientation as you
needed landscape portrait)
Size:-This option is used to set page size
Print Area: This option used to make special is of the sheet for printing
1. Type your document
2. Select this area this you want to print
3. Click on page layout tab.
4. Click on print area option.
5. Then click on set print area option.
Break:-This command helps us to insert page break from the insertion point. If
we create page then one page divies into two pages and if create column break.
Then text will goes to next from insertion point.
Width: - This option used to shrink the width printed out of fit a maximum
numbers of pages.
Height: - This option used to shrink the height printed out of fit a maximum
numbers of pages.
Scale: - This option used to shrink or shrink printed output to processing of its
actual size

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Bill Sheet
Sn Customer Name Particular Rate Qunitity Amount Dis% Vat Net Amount
1 Dhiraj Giri Computer 25000 15
2 Lok raj Giri Laptop 45000 10
3 Bhawan Thapa Mobile 18000 5
4 Krishna Karki Mouse 350 60
5 Biren Budha Keyboard 400 50
Net Amount=Amount-Discount+VAT
Total =Sum(FirstNumberr:Last Number)
Salary Sheet
Sn Name Address Post B.salary Bonus Tax Net salary
1 Dhiraj Giri Skt Manager 45000
2 Krishna Karki Ktm Teacher 25000
3 Maya Giri Dlk Account 18000
4 Bhawana Thapa Jumla Teacher 15000
Bonus =B Salary*Bonus%
Net Salary= B.Salary+Bonus-Tax
Total =Sum(FirstNumber:Last Number)
Ledger Sheet
Ledger Sheet
Sn Neame Eng Math Sci Soc Nep Total Precent Result Division Remarks Rank
1 Lok 65 89 85 57 58

Prepared by Dhiraj Giri :- 9866503584 61 Designed by Dhiraj Giri: 9866503584

Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
2 Ram 69 58 63 86 87
3 Gita 59 96 85 93 84
4 Sita 54 85 48 36 58
5 Dhiraj 75 74 47 85 96
6 Biren 65 12 85 48 78
7 Manay 45 45 96 78 68
Total =Sum(First Number of subject:Last Number of subject)
Percent =Total of Number/Number of Subject
Result = If(And(Eng>=32,Math>=32,Nep>=32,Soci>=32,Sci>=32),
cond","Very good",if(Divi="Third","Good"))))
Rank=Rank(Total number of subject,H$12:Last total number of subject)
SN Name Address Post Basic Salary Bonus Tax Net Salary
1 Dhiraj Skt Teacher 6500
2 Hari Ktm Doctor 8500
3 Krishna Dailekh Teacher 7500
(a) Bonus will be given 12% of salary, if his/ her salary is less and equal
to 6500
(b)Tax will pay 8 % of salary and Bonus,if he/she is from ktm.
(c)Tax will get 5% of salary,if he/ she are not from Ktm.
(1) Bonus = if(B.salary<=6500,B.salary*12%,0)
(2) Tax = If(Address ="ktm",(B salary +Bonus )8 %,0)
(3) Tax = if(address<>"Ktm",B. salary 5%, 0)
(4) Net salary =B salary+Bonus–tax
S N Name Address Post B salary Bonus Tax Net Salary
1 Sita Skt Teacher 6500
2 Maya Ktm Manager 8500
3 Krishna Dailekh M.D 6500
4 Hari Palpa Doctor 8500

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Delta Computer Institute Birendranagar-06, Surkhet Destination for all Level Computer Classes
(1)Bonus will given 12% of B.salary either his post is manager or his
salary is less than and equal to 4500
Tax:Tax will pay 10% or B.Salary and bonus, either he is from ktm or
his post is Accountant.
(a)Bonus =if(or(post="Manager",B salary<= 4500),B.salary12%,0)
(b)Tax= if(or(Address="Ktm",post="Accountant"),(B.Salary+Bonus)
Net Salary =B.Salary +Bonus-Tax
 First select the required data range which you want to show in chart
 Go to insert Tab
 Choose the chart
 Then after chart dialog box with different type style will appears.
 Choose required chart type and sub type
For the example
SN Student class1 class2 class3 class 4 class5 class6
1 Boys 12 34 54 33 33 23
2 Girl 20 45 43 33 33 32
3 Total 32 79 97 66 66 55

Lesson Four

Computer of Networking
The computer networking is the prose of connecting one computer terminal
(connect) with the others multiple nodes of computers which are connected with
each other are called computer network. A communication system that supports
many users can be called a network.
{ Networking : b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf jl9 Computer x?sf] ;~hfnnfO{ computer networking elgG5 . }
The Internet is the largest computer system in the world .It is a global network of
computer millions of computer around the world can share any information at a
time by using this world wide network system.

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{ Internet: ljZj a|df08df /x]sf] Computer sf] system nfO{ Ps ;'qj4 agfpg] system nfO{ g} Internet
elgG5 . }
E-means Electronic .Mail means message .E-mail is the most important process
to send message every where without wireless we can send and message with
people around the world by using E-mail .It is called E-mail.
{ E-mail : E eGgfn] electronic / Mail eGgfn] message eGg] a'lemG5 . s'g} k|of]ustf{n] ljw'lto pks/0f k|of]u
ul/ s'g} Ps7fpF af6 csf]{ 7fpFdf ;Gb]; k7fpFg' nfO{ E-Mail elgG5 .}
a) Website:
Web site is the location of web pages created by any organizations, universities
and Government agencies to provide information regarding them like
Each and every web site has its own address is called internet address.
{ Web site : Web site eGgfn] s'g} klg ;+w ;+:yf jf JoflQmsf] Email address nfO{ Web site elgG5 .}
b) Web page:
Web page is the collection of information that is stored in the website. The
WWW consists of a huge collection of documents with related website called
{ Web page:Web site af6 k7fPsf ;'rgfx? cfP/ j:g] 7fpnfO{ Web page elgG5 .}
c) Home page:
The homepage is the first hypertext document regarding the web address
displayed .When a user connects to any web server.
{ Home page: s'g} Web site k|of]u ubf{ b]lvg] First page nfO{ g} Home page elgG5.}
d) Hyper text markup language (HTML)
HTML is the encoding scheme used to create a web document.
{ HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language)of] Pp6f sf]6 efiff xf] . h:sf] ;xfotfn] jf ;xof]un] web
page agfpgsf] nfuL o;sf] k|of]u ul/G5 .}
Classified of computer networking?
There are three types of computer networking.
(a) Local area network (LAN)
(b) Metropolitan area network (MAN)
(c) Wide area network (WAN)
a) Local area network (LAN)
A local area network (LAN) is that where two or more computers directly linked
within a small well defined area such a room, office, building or acampus. LAN
is the reduction of hardware and software cost because user can share several
computers peripheral devices such as HDD modern and LAN plat from soft
ware another benefit is that the user can share the same data.
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eGgfn] s'g} Pp6f ;fgf] ol/ofnfO{ se/ ug]{ g]6nfO{ LAN elgG5 . h:t} of] Pp6f sf]7fdf l;dLt x'G5 . Pp6f ejgdf
l;dLt x'G5 . SofDk;, sfo{no, :s'n cflb se/ ug]{ g]6nfO{ LAN elgG5 . s'g} lglZrt If]qljq l;ldt /x]/ u/Lg]
computer network nfO{ Nofg elgG5 . h:t} sfo{no SofDk; ljBfno a}+s cflbsf] sf]7f jf 3/leq 7\nf]
ljZjljBfno / SofDk;n] internet sf] ljsf; ug{ klxnf] k6s LAN ;'? u/LPsf] kfOG5 . ;g !(^^ df g]6j{s chse
manaton gfdsf] JolQmn] klxnf] k6s ;~rfng ul/Psf] kfOG5 o;df 8f6f Program :sfofg/ lk|G6/ ;]o/ ul/Psf]
x'G5 . of] cost sf] lx;fan] ;:tf] g]6j{s dflgG5 . of] lgs} l56f] / 5l/tf] ;ls|o x'gfsf] ;fy} Pp6} g]6j{ssf] ?kdf ;'rgf
jf hfgsf/L k7fpgfsf nflu ;'ne / ;:tf] x'g] ub{5 . Nofg, ;'Or, xa, s]an /fp6/ cflbsf] k|of]u u/L Ps cfk;df
;~rf/ k|ljlw x'g'sf] ;fy[} nf]s lk|o 5 . Nofg cGt{ut kz{gn Pl/of g]6j{s xf]d Pl/of g]6j{s df k|of]u ul/G5 .}
b) Metropolitan area networking
A metropolitan area Network is that where more than computers linked within a
big area it covers such as city valley country etc.
MAN- eGgfn] LAN eGbf 7'nf] Pl/ofnfO{ se/ ug]{ g]6 nfO{ MAN elgG5 . h:t} o;n] lhNnf, c~rn, k|fGt, Eofln,
;x/, cfln se/ ug]{ g]6nfO{ MAN elgG5 . of] ljleGg nf]sn Pl/of x?nfO{ ;dfj]z u/L b'a} Ps ;x/ leq jf b]z leq
/x]/ k|of]u ul/g] g]6j{s Dofg xf] . o:tf] k|sf/sf] g]6j{df dfOqmf] joa / /]l8of] joa 4f/f sDKo"6/ nfO{ OG6/sg]S;g u/L
;'rgf / hfgsf/L x? cfbfg k|bfg ul/G5 . o; k|sf/sf] g]6j{s sfo{ Psbd} ltj| x'G5 w]/} Nofg x?sf] sg]S;g MAN xf]
. of] MAN s]an 6]lnlehg , /]8Lof] cfbL x'g . }
c) Wide area network
A wide Networking is a two or more geographically computer linked by
communication facilities such as tale communication or micro wave relays in
other worlds one of the most significant aspects of a wide area networking while
computer it with free local area network it is cover all of the world.
sDKo"6/ sf] ltg j6f g]6j{s dWo] W A N ;a} eGbf dxuf] / 7'nf] g]6j{s xf] ef}uf]lns cfwf/df Ps b]zaf6 csf{] b]zdf
g]6j{s u/L ljZj el/g} sDKo"6/ x?nfO{ OG6/ sg]S;g u/fOG5 eg] Tof] g} WAN xf] . o;k|sf/sf] g]6j{sdf nfut a9L
nfUg] x'gfn] 7'nf 7'nf ;+3 ;:yfx?n] dfq k|of]u ub{5g . WAN sf] k|of]u ljz]ifu/L ;+3 ;:yf pBf]dL Aoj;fo ;/sf/L
of]hgf tyf s'g klg ljz]ifn] cfkmgf] JolQmut k|of]hgfsf] nflu WAN sf] dfWoaf6 ljZjsf] va/ s'g} klg 7fpaf6 x]g{
;lsG5 obL pQm 7fpdf ;~rf/sf] dfWod x'g kb{5 .}
Some favorite websites
How to open out looks express?
 Click on start button.
 Click on all program.
 Choose outlook Express click on it.

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 If you are using outlook Express for the first time then following dialog box
 Type the display name in the box click on next.
 Write your E-mail name address in the box click on next button.
 Type of your POP3 and SMTP given by ISP.
 Click on next button.
 Type your user name and password.
 At last click on finish.
How to starting of network?
 Choose the network icon from the desktop.
 Create new connection inside the left panel.
 Click on next
 Choose setup my connection manually option.
 Choose connect using a dialog modern
 Click on next.
 Type ISP name of computer
 Click on next
 Type phone number given by ISP it connects you to the ISP though
telephone line
 Click on next.
 Type user name and password.
 Click on next
 To create a connection short cut to desktop put the tick mark on add a short
cut to desktop.
 Click on finish.
How to Create Gmail OR E-Mail Account
1. Open your Browser
2. Click on create your Google account.
3. Enter your first and last name in the name section.
4. Type you desired username under choose your name …
5. Enter a password for your Gmail account under both creates a password
and confirm your password.
6. Click on next
7. You are asked to verify your phone number
8. Type your phone number
9. Click on next

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10. Types your verify code
11. Click on next
12. Click on I agree
13. Click on ok.
How to open E-mail
 Double click inbox or internet mail or outlook express icon from desktop.
How to read your message?
 Click on in box folder.
 Your message appears in a closed envelop icon.
 Double click on mail list.
 Choose any list of message.
How to view the list of underlined.
 Click on out box folder.
 Click on any listed mail.
How to send your messages?
 Click on send and Receive button.
 Click on connect.
 Type your password <Enter>

Prepared by Dhiraj Giri :- 9866503584 67 Designed by Dhiraj Giri: 9866503584

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