Super Top-Up Medicare Policy Prospectus
Super Top-Up Medicare Policy Prospectus
Super Top-Up Medicare Policy Prospectus
Base Cover
In-Patient Hospitalisation Expenses
Day Care Treatments
Pre-Hospitalisation & Post Hospitalisation Expenses
Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha/ Homeopathic Treatment Expenses
Home Care Treatment Expenses
Organ Donor Expenses
Road Ambulance Expenses
Named Modern Treatment Methods & Advancement in Technology
Optional Cover
Daily Cash Allowance on Hospitalisation
The Policy provides cover on an Individual basis or Family Floater basis. A separate Sum Insured and threshold limit for each
Insured Person is provided under Individual basis while under Family Floater basis, the Sum Insured limit and threshold limit is
shared by the whole family of the Insured and Our total liability for the family cannot exceed the Sum Insured in a Policy period.
The cover type basis shall be as specified in the Policy Schedule.
a. Any person aged between 18 years and 65 years can take this insurance for himself/herself and his/her family consisting of:
i. Self, Spouse, Dependent Children, Parents and Parents-in-law on Individual Sum Insured basis or
ii. Self, Spouse and Dependent Children on Family Floater basis.
b. Dependent children between the age of 91 days and 18 years shall be covered provided either or both parents are covered
concurrently. Children above 18 years will continue to be covered along with parents till they complete 26 years and provided
they are unmarried/unemployed and dependent. In the event of children becoming independent, employed, or getting
married, a separate policy can be taken on the expiry of the current policy for which continuity benefits will be provided. The
upper age limit will not apply to mentally challenged children.
c. Midterm inclusion of family members is allowed at pro-rata premium only in case of:
i. Newly married spouse within 60 (sixty) days of marriage.
ii. Parents of Newly married spouse within 60 (sixty) days of marriage.
iii. New born baby, between the ages of 91 days to 180 days, born to mother insured under the policy or the adopted
child between the ages of 91 days to 18 years within 60 (sixty) days of date of adoption.
One Year. Renewable annually.
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
The various Sum Insured options available under the policy for fresh proposals are as follows:
2 Lacs 3 Lacs, 5 Lacs
3 Lacs 3 Lacs, 5 Lacs, 7 Lacs
5 Lacs 5 Lacs, 10 Lacs, 15 Lacs, 20 Lacs, 45 Lacs, 70 Lacs, 95 Lacs
10 Lacs 10 Lacs, 15 Lacs, 20 Lacs, 40 Lacs, 65 Lacs, 90 Lacs
15 Lacs 15 Lacs, 35 Lacs, 60 Lacs, 85 Lacs
20 Lacs 20 Lacs, 30 Lacs, 55 Lacs, 80 Lacs
25 Lacs 25 Lacs, 50 Lacs, 75 Lacs
The coverages available under this policy are classified as Base Cover and Optional Cover. Base Cover refers to the coverage
available as default under Super Top-Up Medicare Policy whereas Optional Cover is available only upon payment of additional
The Policy provides base coverage as described below in this section:
6.1 In-Patient Hospitalisation Expenses Cover
We will pay the Reasonable and Customary Charges for the following Medical Expenses of an Insured Person in case of
Hospitalisation provided that the admission date of the Hospitalisation due to Illness or Injury is within the Policy Period:
a. Room, Boarding and Nursing expenses (all-inclusive) incurred as provided by the Hospital/Nursing Home.
These expenses will include nursing care, RMO charges, IV Fluids/Blood transfusion/injection administration charges and
similar expenses.
b. Charges for accommodation in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/ Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU)
c. The fees charged by the Medical Practitioner, Surgeon, Specialists and anaesthetists treating the Insured Person;
d. Anaesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges, surgical appliances, implants, prosthetic devices implanted during
surgical procedure, medicines and drugs, costs towards diagnostics, diagnostic imaging modalities and such similar other
a. Pre-hospitalisation Medical Expenses incurred due to an Illness or Injury during the period subject to following limits:
Threshold Limit
<10 Lacs Upto 30 days immediately prior to hospitalisation
10 Lacs and above Upto 60 days immediately prior to hospitalisation
b. Post- hospitalisation Medical Expenses incurred due to an Illness or Injury during the period subject to following limits:
Threshold Limit
<10 Lacs Upto 60 days immediately after the discharge from the hospital
10 Lacs and above Upto 90 days immediately after the discharge from the hospital
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
Provided that:
i. We have accepted a claim for primary In-patient Hospitalization under Section 6.1 above;
ii. The Pre-hospitalisation and/or Post-hospitalisation Medical Expenses are related to the same Illness or Injury.
iii. Home Care Treatment also will be deemed as hospitalisation for this cover.
Home Care Treatment means Treatment availed by the Insured Person at home for any epidemic/ pandemic on positive diagnosis
of the epidemic/ pandemic in a Government authorised diagnostic Centre, which in normal course would require care and
treatment at a hospital but is actually taken at home maximum up to 14 days per incident provided that:
i. the Medical Practitioner advises the Insured Person to undergo treatment at home;
ii. there is a continuous active line of treatment with monitoring of the health status by a medical practitioner for each day
throughout the duration of the home care treatment;
iii. daily monitoring chart including records of treatment administered duly signed by the treating doctor is maintained;
iv. in case the insured intends to avail the services of a non-network provider, claim shall be subject to reimbursement, a
prior approval from the Insurer needs to be taken before availing such services.
In this benefit, the following shall be covered if prescribed by the treating Medical Practitioner and is related to treatment of
epidemic/ pandemic,
a. Diagnostic tests undergone at home or at diagnostics centre;
b. Medicines prescribed in writing;
c. Consultation charges of the medical practitioner;
d. Nursing charges related to medical staff;
e. Medical procedures limited to the parenteral administration of medicines;
f. Cost of Pulse oximeter, Nebulizer and Rental cost for Oxygen cylinder, oxygen concentrator, if needed.
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
L Stem Cell Therapy: Hematopoietic stem cells for Upto 75% of Sum Insured subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 Lacs per
bone marrow transplant for haematological policy period
conditions to be covered only
6.8 Daily Cash Allowance on Hospitalisation
We will pay Daily Cash Allowance to the insured person for every continuous and completed period of 24 hours of Hospitalisation,
subject to the hospitalisation claim being admissible under the policy, as per the table below:
Threshold Limit (Rs.) per day
< Rs. 5 Lacs Rs. 500 per day subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000 per policy period
Rs. 5 Lacs Rs. 1000 per day subject to a maximum of Rs. 10000 per policy period
> Rs. 5 Lacs Rs. 2000 per day subject to a maximum of Rs. 20000 per policy period
The aggregate of Daily Cash Allowance during the policy period shall not exceed ‘per policy period limits’ as mentioned in the table
Daily Cash Allowance will not be payable for Day Care Procedure claims where the hospitalisation is less than 24 hours. A
deductible equivalent to Daily Cash Allowance for the first 24-hours of Hospitalization will be levied on each Hospitalisation during
the Policy Period.
B.1 Standard Permanent Exclusions
The Company shall not be liable to make any payment under the policy, in respect of any expenses incurred in connection with
or in respect of:
2. Investigation & Evaluation (Code-Excl04):
i. Expenses related to any admission primarily for diagnostics and evaluation purposes only are excluded;
ii. Any diagnostic expenses which are not related or not incidental to the current diagnosis and treatment are
3. Rest Cure, Rehabilitation and Respite Care (Code-Excl05): Expenses related to any admission primarily for enforced bed rest
and not for receiving treatment. This also includes:
i. custodial care either at home or in a nursing facility for personal care such as help with activities of daily living
such as bathing, dressing, moving around either by skilled nurses or assistant or non-skilled persons.
ii. any services for people who are terminally ill to address physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs.
4. Obesity/ Weight Control (Code-Excl06): Expenses related to the surgical treatment of obesity that does not fulfil all the below
i. Surgery to be conducted is upon the advice of the Doctor
ii. The surgery/Procedure conducted should be supported by clinical protocols
iii. The member has to be 18 years of age or older and
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
19. Stem cell implantation/Surgery, harvesting, storage or any kind of treatment using stem cells except as provided for in clause
6.7 (L) above; growth hormone therapy.
20. Congenital external diseases or defects or anomalies.
21. a) Routine eye-examination expenses, cost of spectacles, contact lenses; b) Cost of hearing-aids;
22. Intentional self-inflicted injury; attempted suicide.
23. Treatments other than Allopathic and Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathic branches of medicine.
24. Treatments including Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR), External Counter Pulsation (ECP), Enhanced
External Counter Pulsation (EECP).
25. Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless necessitated by disease or accident and requiring hospitalisation
26. Artificial life maintenance including life support machine use, from the date of confirmation by the treating doctor that the
patient is in a vegetative state
27. Any item(s) or treatment specified in ‘List of Non-Medical Expenses– Payable/Non-Payable’ as per Annexure – 1 of the policy
and available on Company web site also, unless specifically covered under the Policy.
28. Any expenses incurred on OPD (Out-Patient) Treatment
29. Vaccination or inoculation of any kind unless it is post animal bite.
a. Full premium must be paid before the commencement of risk for this Policy to come into effect.
b. Premium payable – As per Premium Table attached.
i. Premium can be paid online for both, new policy and renewals.
ii. PAN details must be submitted by the insured. In case PAN is not available, Form 60 or Form 61 must be submitted.
iii. Underwriting Loading for Pre-existing Conditions: We may apply a risk loading on the premium payable (excluding
statutory levies & taxes) based on your health status, if accepted at the time of underwriting. Loadings will be applied
from the Inception Date of the first Policy including subsequent renewal(s).
The loadings are applicable to individual ailments only. In case of loading on two ailments, the loadings shall apply in
conjunction on additive basis. In case of floater policies, where more than one individual have applicable loading for
pre-existing condition, the highest of the total loading of the individuals irrespective of age, shall be applied.
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
We shall inform You about the applicable risk loading through a counter offer letter or through an electronic mode, as
the case may be and You would need to revert with consent and additional premium (if any), within the duration
specified in the counter offer.
In case, You neither accept the counter offer nor revert to Us within the specified duration, We shall not accept your
proposal and will return the amount received, if any. Your Policy will not be issued unless We receive Your consent.
Note: The application of loading does not mean that the illness/ condition, for which loading has been applied, would
be covered from inception. Waiting period as mentioned in Section 7.A.1 above shall be applied on illness/condition, as
iv. Discounts:
i. Family Discount: A discount of 5% is offered on the total premium only if the policy is taken on individual Sum
Insured basis and covers the Policyholder and any one or more of the following:
a. Spouse
b. Dependent Children
c. Parent(s)/ Parent(s)-in-law
ii. Online Discount: A discount of 10% will be applicable for fresh policies purchased online through the Company’s
website. For renewals, the same discount of 10% shall be offered provided the original policy was purchased either
directly from our office without any intermediary or online through the Company’s website and all subsequent
renewals are only made through the Company’s website.
iii. Staff Discount: A Discount of 15% is applicable for fresh and renewal policies purchased directly from office for
all the employees and retired employees of United India Insurance Co. Ltd.
i. The Policyholder may cancel this policy by giving 15 days’ written notice and in such an event, the Company shall refund
premium for the unexpired Policy Period as detailed in the table below:
Cancellation after Period on Risk Rate of Premium to be refunded
Up to One Month 75% of Annual Premium
> 1 Month and Up to 3 Months 50% of Annual Premium
> 3 Month and Up to 6 Months 25% of Annual Premium
Exceeding 6 Months No Refund
ii. The Company may cancel the policy at any time on grounds of misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts, fraud by
the Insured Person, by giving 15 days’ written notice. There would be no refund of premium on cancellation on grounds of
misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts or fraud.
The policy shall ordinarily be renewable except on grounds of fraud, misrepresentation, non-disclosure of material facts by the
Insured Person.
i. The Company shall endeavour to give notice for renewal. However, the Company is not under obligation to give any notice
for renewal.
ii. Renewal shall not be denied on the ground that the Insured Person had made a claim or claims in the preceding policy
iii. Request for renewal along with requisite premium shall be received by the Company before the end of the policy period.
iv. At the end of the policy period, the policy shall terminate and can be renewed within the Grace Period of 30 days to
maintain continuity of benefits without break in policy. Coverage is not available during the grace period.
v. No loading shall apply on renewals based on individual claims experience.
The Insured Person will have the option to port the policy to other Insurers by applying to such Insurer to port the entire policy
along with all the members of the family, if any, at least 45 days before, but not earlier than 60 days from the policy renewal date
as per IRDAI guidelines related to portability. If such person is presently covered and has been continuously covered without any
lapses under any health insurance policy with an Indian General/Health Insurer, the proposed Insured Person will get the accrued
continuity benefits in waiting periods as per IRDAI guidelines on portability. For Detailed Guidelines on Portability, kindly refer the
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
The Policyholder is required at the inception of the policy to make a nomination for the purpose of payment of claims under the
policy in the event of death of the Policyholder. Any change of nomination shall be communicated to the company in writing and
such change shall be effective only when an endorsement on the policy is made. ln the event of death of the Policyholder, the
Company will pay the nominee {as named in the Policy Schedule/Policy Certificate/Endorsement (if any)} and in case there is no
subsisting nominee, to the legal heirs or legal representatives of the policyholder whose discharge shall be treated as full and final
discharge of its liability under the policy.
A. Notification of Claim
Upon the happening of any event which may give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured Person/Insured Person’s
representative shall notify the TPA in writing providing all relevant information relating to claim including plan of treatment, policy
number etc. within the prescribed time limit
as under:
i. Within 24 hours from the date of emergency hospitalization required or before the Insured Person’s discharge from
Hospital, whichever is earlier.
ii. At least 48 hours before admission in Hospital in case of a planned Hospitalization.
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
i. In non-network hospitals payment must be made up-front and for reimbursement of claims the Insured Person may submit
the necessary documents to TPA within the prescribed time limit.
ii. Claims for Pre and Post-Hospitalization will be settled on reimbursement basis on production of relevant claim papers and
cash receipts within the prescribed time limit.
D. Supporting Documents
The claim is to be supported with the following original documents and submitted within the prescribed time limit.
i. Duly completed claim form
ii. Photo Identity proof of the patient
iii. Attending medical practitioner’s / surgeon’s certificate regarding diagnosis/ nature of operation performed or Operation
Theatre (OT) Notes, along with the date of diagnosis, advice for admission, investigation/test-reports etc. supported by
the prescription from attending medical practitioner.
iv. Medical history of the patient as recorded, Hospital bills (including break up of charges) and payment receipts duly
supported by the prescription from attending medical practitioner.
v. Discharge certificate/ summary from the hospital.
vi. Cash-memo/ bills/ invoices from the Diagnostic Centre(s)/ hospital(s)/ chemist(s) supported by proper prescription.
vii. Payment receipts from doctors, surgeons and anaesthetist.
viii. Bills, receipt, Sticker of the Implants.
ix. MLR (Medico-Legal Report copy if carried out and FIR (First Information Report) if registered, wherever applicable)
x. NEFT Details (to enable direct credit of claim amount in bank account) and cancelled cheque
xi. KYC (Identity proof with Address) of the proposer, where claim liability is above Rs. 1 Lac as per AML Guidelines
xii. Any other document required by company/ TPA
i. The Insured shall preserve and submit all original documents and/ or certified copies of documents related to all
hospitalisation(s) during the policy period to enable the Company to calculate the cumulative medical expenses and
threshold, for determining admissibility and payment of claims.
ii. In the event of a claim lodged as per Settlement under multiple policies clause and the original documents having been
submitted to the other insurer, the company may accept the duly certified documents listed under condition 19.D and
claim settlement advice duly certified by the other Insurer subject to satisfaction of the Company. In all such cases, any
amount payable under this Policy for any covered expense shall be reduced by any amount paid/ payable by the other
insurer for the same expense during the same hospitalisation.
F. Claim Assessment
We will assess all admissible indemnity claims under the Policy in the following progressive order:
i. Limit/ Sub Limit on Medical Expenses as applicable under the policy
ii. Opted Threshold Amount
G. Basis of Payment
i. Any claim under this policy shall be payable by the Company only if
a. it is in respect of Covered Expenses specified in this Policy and
b. the aggregate of Covered Expenses in respect of hospitalisation/s of insured person in case of Individual Policy or all
insured persons in case of Family Policy exceeds the Threshold Level
ii. The claim payable under this Policy will be the amount:
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
by which the aggregate of such Covered Expenses in respect of hospitalisations with dates of admission falling within
the policy period exceeds the Threshold Level opted for the Insured Person/Family as applicable and stated in the
after deducting any amount above threshold received/receivable under any/all Health Insurance Policies (whether
or not issued by the Company)/ Reimbursement Scheme and including any amount paid earlier under this policy
covering the Insured Person/Family as applicable for such covered expenses.
iii. Each claim, if more than one, during the period of this policy shall be separately subject to the above Basis of Payment.
iv. In no case shall the Company be liable to pay any sum in excess of the Sum Insured in aggregate of all claims during the
period of this Policy.
The Company, with prior approval of IRDAI, may revise or modify the terms of the policy including the premium rates. The Insured
Person shall be notified three months before the changes are effected.
i. In the likelihood of this product being withdrawn in future, the Company will intimate the Policyholders about the same 90
days prior to the date of withdrawal of the product.
ii. Insured Person will have the option to migrate to similar health insurance product available with the Company at the time
of renewal with all the accrued continuity benefits such as cumulative bonus, waiver of the waiting period as per IRDAI
guidelines, provided the policy has been maintained without a break.
Toll-free: 1800 425 333 33
Courier: Customer Care Department, Head Office, United India Insurance Co. Ltd., 19, IV Lane, Nungambakkam
High Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600034
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
Insured Person may also approach the grievance cell at any of the Company's branches with the details of grievance. If Insured
Person is not satisfied with the redressal of grievance through one of the above methods, Insured Person may contact the
grievance officer at
For updated details of grievance officer, kindly refer the link
If Insured Person is not satisfied with the redressal of grievance through above methods, the Insured Person may also approach
the office of Insurance Ombudsman of the respective area/region for redressal of grievance as per Insurance Ombudsman Rules
2017. The contact details of the Insurance Ombudsman offices have been provided as Annexure – 3 of the Policy Wordings.
The grievance may also be lodged at IRDAI Integrated Grievance Management System:
This policy is subject to Provisions of Insurance Act, 1938, IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 and IRDAI (Protection of
Policyholders’ Interest) Regulations, 2017 as amended from time to time.
Insurance is the subject matter of Solicitation.
Super Top-Up Medicare Prospectus
UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122
United India Insurance Company Limited
Corporate Identity Number: U93090TN1938GOI000108
Registered Office: 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014
Please note that the premium rates specified in the illustrations below are standard premium rates exclusive of any
loadings and GST.
Illustration 1: Self, Spouse and 2 Dependent Children
Coverage opted on
Coverage opted on Individual basis covering
Individual basis covering Coverage opted on family floater basis with
multiple members of the family under a single
each member of the overall Sum Insured (Only one Sum Insured is
policy (Sum Insured is available for each member
family separately (at a available for the entire family)
Age of of the family)
single point in time)
Premium or
Member Premiu
Sum Premium Sum consolidated Floater Sum
Premium Premium Discount, m after
Insured after Insured premium for Discoun Insured
(Rs.) (Rs.) if any discoun
(Rs.) discount (Rs.) all members t if any (Rs.)
t (Rs.)
of family (Rs.)
45 1,471 3,00,000 1,471 5% 1,397.45 3,00,000
40 1,471 3,00,000 1,471 5% 1,397.45 3,00,000
5,252 44% 2,940 3,00,000
21 1,155 3,00,000 1,155 5% 1,097.25 3,00,000
18 1,155 3,00,000 1,155 5% 1,097.25 3,00,000
Total Premium for all members of the
Total Premium for all members of the family is Rs. Total Premium when policy is opted on floater
family is Rs. 5,252, when each member
4,989, when they are covered under a single policy. basis is Rs. 2,940.
is covered separately.
Sum Insured available for each Sum Insured of Rs. 3,00,000 is available for the
Sum Insured available for each individual is Rs.
individual is Rs. 3,00,000 with a entire family with a threshold level of Rs.
3,00,000 with a threshold level of Rs. 2,00,000/-
threshold level of Rs. 2,00,000/- 2,00,000/-
Sum Insured available for each Sum Insured of Rs. 3,00,000 is available for the
Sum Insured available for each individual is Rs.
individual is Rs. 3,00,000 with a entire family with a threshold level of Rs.
3,00,000 with a threshold level of Rs. 3,00,000/-
threshold level of Rs. 3,00,000/- 3,00,000/-
Sum Insured available for each Sum Insured of Rs. 95,00,000 is available for the
Sum Insured available for each individual is Rs.
individual is Rs. 95,00,000 with a entire family with a threshold level of Rs.
95,00,000 with a threshold level of Rs. 5,00,000/-
threshold level of Rs. 5,00,000/- 5,00,000/-