Agr Visual 2021 05 06

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AGR-VISUAL-2021-05-06 Visual grading assignments Date of issue: 6 May 2021


This report is supplemental to EN 1912:2012 incorporating corrigendum August 2013

It contains revised and/or additional assignments that will be included in the next version of EN 1912

Clause 6 of EN 1912:2012 contains the following paragraph:

“The accepted assignments to strength classes given in this European Standard are based on initial type testing (ITT)
and initial type calculation (ITC). The ITT and ITC documentation from the manufacturers has been evaluated by
CEN/TC124/WG2/TG1 and the accepted values given in an ITT report. This report is the basis for the attestation of
conformity by the Notified Body conducting the certification of the producer’s factory production control (FPC). Further
ITT reports may be used as documentation before the information they contain becomes available in an amendment
or revision of this European Standard, EN 1912.”

Note that the term ITT was changed to AGR in 2016. Clause 5.1.2 of EN 14081-1:2016+A1:2019 contains the following

“If the grade and species or species combination have been assigned to a strength class by EN 1912, the characteristic
values for the properties shall be those given for the assigned strength class in EN 338. Assignments according to EN 384
to be included in EN 1912 should be reported and evaluated by CEN/TC124. Accepted reports shall be documented in
Approved Grading Reports (AGR).”

This AGR is a document to which the above paragraphs refers and may therefore be used to support visual grading
prior to a further revision of EN 1912. This includes also grading to EN 14081-1:2005+A1:2011.

The assignments listed in the following tables, which are the subjects of the research report listed in the table have
been assessed by CEN TC124/WG2/TG1 and are approved for use in the production of structural timber to EN 14081-
1 from the date of this report. This document is superseded by any later dated versions of this AGR-VISUAL or later
dated version of EN 1912.

On behalf of CEN TC124/WG2/TG1

[Signature of the convener]

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AGR-VISUAL-2021-05-06 Visual grading assignments Date of issue: 6 May 2021


Strength class Grading standard Visual grade Species / species combination Timber source Approved report Comments
(EN 338)
T22 OENORM DIN 4074- LS10 & better Beech Austria TG1/201910/29rev1
T22 OENORM DIN 4074- S13 Larch (European) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/20
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, Italy
(North) and
T22 OENORM DIN 4074- S13 Scots pine (European redwood) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/21
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, and
Poland (South

T21 OENORM DIN 4074- S13 Douglas fir Austria, Belgium & TG1/202005/22
1:2012 Germany

T16 OENORM DIN 4074- S10 & better Larch (European) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/20
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, Italy
(North) and

T15 OENORM DIN 4074- S10 Larch (European) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/20
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, Italy
(North) and
T15 OENORM DIN 4074- S10 & better Scots pine (European redwood) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/21
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, and

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Poland (South

T14 OENORM DIN 4074- S10 Scots pine (European redwood) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/21
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, and
Poland (South

T13 OENORM DIN 4074- S10 & better Douglas fir Austria, Belgium & TG1/202005/22
1:2012 Germany

T12 OENORM DIN 4074- S10 Douglas fir Austria, Belgium & TG1/202005/22
1:2012 Germany
T12 OENORM DIN 4074- LS7 Beech Austria TG1/201910/29rev1

T9 OENORM DIN 4074- S7 Douglas fir Austria, Belgium & TG1/202005/22

1:2012 Germany
T9 OENORM DIN 4074- S7 Larch (European) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/20
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, Italy
(North) and
T9 OENORM DIN 4074- S7 Scots pine (European redwood) Austria, Czech TG1/202005/21
1:2012 Republic,
Germany, and
Poland (South

D75 EN 16737:2016 STH Alep (Banga, Omang) Congo Republic TG1/201804/21rev

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D70 EN 16737:2016 STH Eveuss (Eves, Kuma-kuma, Ngon) Congo Republic TG1/201804/19rev
D70 EN 16737:2016 STH Monghinza (Adzacon-aboga) Congo Republic TG1/201804/20rev
D70 EN 16737:2016 STH Mukulungu Congo Republic TG1/201903/21rev1
D70 NEN 5493:2010 C3 STH Mukulungu Congo Republic TG1/201903/21rev1
D70 NF B 52 001-1:2018 HS ST I Balata Franc (Massaranduba) French Guyana TG1/201903/25rev

D65 NF B 52 001-1:2018 HS ST I Ipé (Ebene Verte) French Guyana TG1/201903/24rev2

D55 NF B 52 001-1:2018 HS ST I Amarante (Purpleheart) French Guyana TG1/201903/23rev

D50 EN 16737:2016 STH Lati Congo Republic TG1/201903/18rev1

D50 NEN 5493:2010 C3 STH Lati Congo Republic TG1/201903/18rev1
D50 EN 16737:2016 STH Longhi Congo Republic TG1/201903/20rev1
D50 NEN 5493:2010 C3 STH Longhi Congo Republic TG1/201903/20rev1

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D50 EN 16737:2016 STH Osanga (Koframiré) Congo Republic TG1/201804/22rev


D45 NF B 52 001-1:2018 HS ST I Cupiúba French Guyana TG1/201903/26rev2

D40 NF B 52 001-1:2018 H1 (in H1/H3 Beech Belgium, France TG1/201804/24rev Former

grading) AGR/6/FR/119
D40 EN 16737:2016 STH Missanda (Tali) Congo Republic TG1/201903/22rev1
D40 NEN 5493:2010 C3 STH Missanda (Tali) Congo Republic TG1/201903/22rev1
D40 EN 16737:2016 STH Okan (Denya) Cameroon TG1/201804/23rev

D35 NF B 52 001-1:2018 H2 (in H2/H4 Beech Belgium, France TG1/201804/24rev Former

grading) AGR/6/FR/119
D35 EN 16737:2016 STH Limbali Congo Republic TG1/201903/19rev1
D35 NEN 5493:2010 C3 STH Limbali Congo Republic TG1/201903/19rev1
D30 EN 16737:2016 STH Kanda Congo Republic TG1/201903/17rev1
D30 NEN 5493:2010 C3 STH Kanda Congo Republic TG1/201903/17rev1
D30 NF B 52 001-1:2018 1 Oak (European) Belgium, France TG1/201510/08 Former
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D27 UNE 56546:2013 MEF Sweet chestnut Spain TG1/201410/43rev

D24 NF B 52 001-1:2018 H3 (in H1/H3 Beech Belgium, France TG1/201804/24rev Former

grading) AGR/6/FR/119
D24 UNE 56546:2013 MEF-G Sweet chestnut Spain TG1/201410/43rev
D24 UNI 11035-1/-2:2010 S Sweet chestnut Italy TG1/0510/06rev, Removed size
TG1/202104/16 limit to current
D24 NF B 52 001-1:2018 2 Oak (European) Belgium, France TG1/201510/08 Former

D18 NF B 52 001-1:2018 H4 (in H2/H4 Beech Belgium, France TG1/201804/24rev Former

grading) AGR/6/FR/119
D18 EN 16737:2016 STH Ossoko (Sorro) Gabon TG1/201804/18rev
D18 NF B 52 001-1:2018 3 Oak (European) Belgium, France TG1/201510/08 Former

C35 TS 1265- 2012 Class 1 Anatolian black pine Turkey TG1/202104/08rev1

C30 UNI 11035-1/-2:2010 S1 Spruce & fir whitewood Italy TG1/0510/06rev,

C30 UNI 11035-1/-2:2010 S Sweet chestnut Italy TG1/202104/16

C24 NF B 52 001-1:2018 STII Sitka spruce France TG1/0312/11rev

C24 NF B 52 001-1:2018 STII Sweet chestnut France TG1/201603/09rev Former
C24 TS 1265- 2012 Class 1 Caucasian and taurus fir Turkey TG1/202104/08rev1
C24 TS 1265- 2012 Class 2 Caucasian and taurus fir Turkey TG1/202104/08rev1
C24 TS 1265- 2012 Class 2 Anatolian black pine Turkey TG1/202104/08rev1

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C24 UNI 11035-1/-2:2010 S2 Spruce & fir whitewood Italy TG1/0510/06rev, Replaces “S2
TG1/202104/14 and better”
C24 UNI 11035-1/-2:2010 S2 & better Douglas fir Italy TG1/202104/15

C20 UNE 56544: 2011 MEG Radiata pine Spain TG1/201410/42rev

C18 TS 1265- 2012 Class 3 Caucasian and taurus fir Turkey TG1/202104/08rev1
C18 TS 1265- 2012 Class 3 Anatolian black pine Turkey TG1/202104/08rev1
C18 OENORM DIN 4074- S7 Larch (European) Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
1:2012 TG1/1011/05 AGR/04/AT/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 OENORM DIN 4074- S7K Larch (European) Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
1:2012 TG1/1011/05 AGR/04/AT/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 OENORM DIN 4074- S7 Silver fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
1:2012 TG1/1011/05 AGR/04/AT/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 OENORM DIN 4074- S7K Silver fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
1:2012 TG1/1011/05 AGR/04/AT/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 OENORM DIN 4074- S7 Douglas fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
1:2012 TG1/1011/05 AGR/04/AT/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 OENORM DIN 4074- S7K Douglas fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
1:2012 TG1/1011/05 AGR/04/AT/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 DIN 4074-1:2012 S7 Larch (European) Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
TG1/1011/05 AGR/05/DE/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 DIN 4074-1:2012 S7K Larch (European) Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
TG1/1011/05 AGR/05/DE/1-
Appendix 15-54

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C18 DIN 4074-1:2012 S7 Silver fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former

TG1/1011/05 AGR/05/DE/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 DIN 4074-1:2012 S7K Silver fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
TG1/1011/05 AGR/05/DE/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 DIN 4074-1:2012 S7 Douglas fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
TG1/1011/05 AGR/05/DE/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 DIN 4074-1:2012 S7K Douglas fir Austria, Germany TG1/1011/05, Former
TG1/1011/05 AGR/05/DE/1-
Appendix 15-54
C18 NF B 52 001-1:2018 STIII Sitka spruce France TG1/0312/11rev
C18 NF B 52 001-1:2018 STIII Sugi (Japanese cedar) Réunion TG1/0312/10rev
C18 NF B 52 001-1:2018 STIII Sweet chestnut France TG1/201603/09rev Former

C14 NF B 52 001-1:2018 STIV Sugi (Japanese cedar) Réunion TG1/0312/10rev

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Species / species combination Botanical names Synonyms EN 13556 marking code
Alep (Banga, Omang) Desbordesia glaucescens Van Tiegh.
Amarante (Purpleheart) Peltogyne spp. Vogel, 1837
Balata Franc (Massaranduba) Manilkara huberi (Ducke) A.Chev. MNXX
Manilkara bidentate (A.DC.) A.Chev. MNXX
Beech Fagus sylvatica L. FASY
Caucasian and taurus fir Abies nordmanniana (Steven) Spach
Abies cilicica (Antoine & Kotschy) Carriere
Anatolian black pine Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe)
Cupiúba Goupia glabra Aubl. GPGL
Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, 1950 PSMN
Eveuss (Eves, Kuma-kuma, Ngon) Klainedoxa gabonensis Pierre
Ipé (Ebene Verte) Handroanthus spp. Mattos, 1970 Tabebuia spp. TBXX
Kanda Beilschmiedia spp. Nees, 1831 BIXX
Larch (European) Larix decidua Mill. LADC
Lati Amphimas pterocarpoides Harms APPT
Limbali Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (De Wild.) J.Leonard GBDW
Longhi Chrysophyllum spp. L. Gambeya spp. GAXX
Missanda (Tali) Erythrophleum ivorense A.Chev. EYXX
Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan EYXX
Monghinza (Adzacon-aboga) Manilkara mabokeensis Aubrev.
Mukulungu Autranella congolensis (De Wild.) A.Chev.
Oak (European) Quercus robur L QCXE
Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. QCXE
Okan (Denya) Cylicodiscus gabunensis Harms, 1897 CKGB
Osanga (Koframiré) Pteleopsis hylodendron Mildbr.
Ossoko (Sorro) Scyphocephalium mannii Warb.
Radiata pine Pinus radiata D.Don PNRD
Scots pine (European redwood) Pinus sylvestris L. PNSY
Silver fir Abies alba Mill. ABAL
Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis Trautv. & G.Mey. PCST
Sugi (Japanese cedar) Cryptomeria japonica (Thunb. ex L.f.) D.Don CYJP
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Sweet chestnut Castanea sativa Mill. CTST


Timber source Description
Austria The Republic of Austria (AT)
Austria & Germany The Republic of Austria (AT), The Federal Republic of Germany (DE)
Austria, Belgium & Germany The Republic of Austria (AT), The Kingdom of Belgium (BE), The Federal Republic of Germany (DE)
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, and The Republic of Austria (AT), The Czech Republic (CZ), The Federal Republic of Germany (DE), The Republic of Poland (PL)
Poland (South West) South-western region
Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy The Republic of Austria (AT) , The Czech Republic (CZ), The Federal Republic of Germany (DE), The Italian Republic (IT),
(North) and Switzerland Northern mountainous region, The Swiss Confederation (CH)
Cameroon The Republic of Cameroon (CM)
Congo Republic (Brazaville) The Republic of the Congo (CG)
Congo Republic (Brazaville) & Cameroon The Republic of the Congo (CG), The Republic of Cameroon (CM)
France The French Republic (FR)
France & Belgium The French Republic (FR), The Kingdom of Belgium (BE)
French Guyana Guyane (GF)
Gabon The Gabonese Republic (GA)
Italy The Italian Republic (IT)
Réunion Réunion (RE)
Spain The Kingdom of Spain (ES)
Turkey The Republic of Turkey (TR)


Grading standard Full reference
DIN 4074-1:2012 Austrian Standard OENORM DIN 4074–1:2012 (sortiert als Kantholz) (graded as joist)
Sortierung von Holz nach der Tragfähigkeit,-Teil 1: Nadelschnittholz
EN 16737:2016 EN 16737:2016 Structural timber. Visual strength grading of tropical hardwood
NEN 5493:2010 Netherlands Standard NEN 5493:2010 Quality requirements for hardwoods in civil engineering works and other structural applications
NF B 52 001-1:2018 NF B 52 001-1:2018 Visual strength grading of French sawn timber - Softwoods and hardwoods Part 1 : Solid wood
OENORM DIN 4074-1:2012 Austrian Standard OENORM DIN 4074–1:2012 (sortiert als Kantholz) (graded as joist)
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Sortierung von Holz nach der Tragfähigkeit,-Teil 1: Nadelschnittholz

OENORM DIN 4074-5:2009 Strength grading of wood - Part 5: Sawn hard wood
TS 1265- 2012 Turkish Standard TS 1265- 2012 Sawn timber (Coniferous) - For building construction
Kereste - İğne yapraklı ağaç keresteleri - Yapılarda kullanım için
UNE 56544: 2011 UNE 56544: 2011 Visual grading for structural sawn timber. Softwood timber.
UNE 56544: 2011 Clasificación visual de la madera aserrada para uso estructural. Madera de coníferas.
UNE 56546:2013 UNE 56546:2013 Visual grading for structural sawn timber. Hardwood timber.
UNE 56546:2013 Clasificación visual de la madera aserrada para uso estructural. Madera de frondosas.
UNI 11035-1/-2:2010 Italian Standard UNI 11035-1/-2:2010
Legno strutturale – Classificazione a vista di legnami italiani secondo la resistenza meccanica
Structural timber - Visual strength grading for structural timbers

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