Intelligent O-RAN For Beyond 5G and 6G Wireless Networks
Intelligent O-RAN For Beyond 5G and 6G Wireless Networks
Intelligent O-RAN For Beyond 5G and 6G Wireless Networks
Abstract—Building on the principles of openness and intelli- concepts of virtualization, flexibility, and intelligence. Natu-
gence, there has been a concerted global effort from the operators rally, over the last few years, multiple independent alliances
towards enhancing the radio access network (RAN) architecture. and forums have initiated research on accelerating this trans-
The objective is to build an operator-defined RAN architecture
(and associated interfaces) on open hardware that provides formation of RAN by increasing infrastructure virtualization,
intelligent radio control for beyond fifth generation (5G) as well combined with embedded intelligence to deliver more agile
as future sixth generation (6G) wireless networks. Specifically, services and advanced capabilities to end users.
the open-radio access network (O-RAN) alliance has been formed One such effort is known as OpenRAN, a project group
by merging xRAN forum and C-RAN alliance to formally define within the Telecom Infra Project (TIP), that focuses on
the requirements that would help achieve this objective. Owing
to the importance of O-RAN in the current wireless landscape, building RAN solution based on software-defined technology
this article provides an introduction to the concepts, principles, and open and general-purpose hardware [3]. Another separate
and requirements of the Open RAN as specified by the O-RAN effort is xRAN forum that has been formed to promote an open
alliance. In order to illustrate the role of intelligence in O-RAN, alternative to traditionally vendor-based RAN architecture.
we propose an intelligent radio resource management scheme The xRAN effort is focused towards advancing RAN in three
to handle traffic congestion and demonstrate its efficacy on a
real-world dataset obtained from a large operator. A high-level areas including separation of user and control planes, open
architecture of this deployment scenario that is compliant with interfaces, and modular RAN software stack on commercial
the O-RAN requirements is also discussed. The article concludes off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware [4]. On February 2018, open-
with key technical challenges and open problems for future radio access network (O-RAN) was conceived by merging
research and development. xRAN forum and C-RAN alliance to drive new levels of
Index Terms—Open RAN, 6G, beyond 5G, radio resource openness in the radio access network that would support the
management, machine learning, intelligent controller. evolution towards beyond 5G and 6G wireless. The main
objective of O-RAN is to enhance the RAN performance
I. I NTRODUCTION through virtualized network elements and open interfaces that
The fifth generation (5G) cellular network has been stan- incorporate intelligence in RAN. Openness and intelligence
are the two core pillars of the efforts pursued by the O-RAN
dardized to meet diverse demands that are classified into
three broad categories, including enhanced mobile broad- alliance, which is a global force consisting of more than 160
band (eMBB), ultra-reliable and low-latency communica- contributors from large vendors, small and medium companies,
network operators, start-ups and academic institutions [5].
tions (uRLLC), and massive machine type communications
(mMTC). However, the existing 5G wireless architecture lacks Openness aims to eliminate vendor lock-in and proprietary
implementation of hardware and software by establishing open
sufficient flexibility and intelligence to efficiently handle these
demands [1], [2]. As a result, the evolution towards beyond standard RF interfaces, which help in increasing operational
5G and sixth generation (6G) wireless calls for an architectural savings already provided by virtual RAN (vRAN) and cloud
RAN (C-RAN). This will enable the deployment of remote
transformation required to support service heterogeneity, co-
ordination of multi-connectivity technologies, and on-demand radio heads (RRHs) and baseband units (BBUs) from dif-
service deployment. Open radio access network (RAN) is an ferent vendors to build flexible and scalable RAN networks.
Besides flexibility, openness of RAN components accelerates
emerging idea that enables such a transformation using the
the delivery of new features and services where services can
S. Niknam, H. S. Dhillon, and J. H. Reed are with Wire- be dynamically introduced to users.
less@VT, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vir- Intelligence is quickly becoming a necessity for the de-
ginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (email: {slmzniknam, hdhillon, ployment, optimization, and operation of wireless networks
reedjh} A. Roy is with MediaTek, San Jose, CA (email: This work was done when he was beyond 5G [6], [7]. This is primarily because of the increasing
with Samsung Electronics, Suwon, South Korea. S. Singh, and R. Banerji complexity of 5G wireless networks and beyond, in response
are with Samsung R&D, Bangalore, India (email: {sukh.sandhu, to the need to handle demanding service requirements [8],
r.banerji} N. Saxena is with the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea [9]. Therefore, “O-RAN alliance strives to leverage emerging
(email: S. Yoon is with Samsung Electronics, learning techniques to embed intelligence in every layer of
Suwon, South Korea (email: the RAN architecture. Embedded intelligence, applied at both
This work is supported in part by the U.S. NSF (Grants CNS-1564148,
CNS-1814477), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Grant 4000170832), and component and network levels, enables dynamic local radio re-
Commonwealth Cyber Initiative. source allocation and optimizes network-wide efficiency” [5].
Proprietary Open
provide a timely and accessible introduction to the general Interfaces Interfaces
concept and core principles of O-RAN, so that these concepts
can benefit from inputs from the broader community (and not COTS hardware, COTS hardware,
just the current stakeholders, which are mostly the operators). BBU proprietary proprietary
software with software with
Keeping this rather ambitious goal in mind, we take a two- virtualized virtualized
pronged approach in this article. We first provide a brief functions functions
introduction to O-RAN to educate readers about the general
concept, while providing pointers for more advanced reading Fig. 1. Comparison of O-RAN and vRAN approaches in terms of openness.
(which is necessary because of the space constraints). We then The major difference is in RRU hardware and the RRU-BBU interface.
focus specifically on illustrating the role of intelligence in O-
RAN, which we believe will be an essential factor moving
forward. For this, we propose an intelligent traffic prediction been developed to simplify the deployment and management
and radio resource management scheme that is cognizant of the of the RAN nodes and make the platform readily available for
O-RAN architectural requirements. This scheme is described multitude of dynamically changing service requirements.
next. Although quite cost-effective, these architectures still host
We utilize long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural propriety software, hardware and interfaces. In fact, lack
network (RNN) to learn and predict the traffic pattern of a of openness has been identified as a major bottleneck in
real-world cellular network in a densely populated area of maximally utilizing virtualization [10]. Please refer to Fig. 1
Mumbai, India, in order to identify potential congested cells. for the vRAN architecture.
The LSTM model is trained at non-real-time radio intelligence In order to overcome the limitations of C-RAN and vRAN,
controller (non-RT RIC) in the O-RAN architecture, using long O-RAN is emerging as a new RAN architecture that uses well-
term data gathered from RAN. The trained model is then sent defined open interfaces between the elements implemented
to near-real-time radio intelligence controller (near-RT RIC) on general-purpose hardware. It also allows RRU and BBU
of the O-RAN for inference. Upon the inference outcome, hardware and software from different vendors (see Fig. 1).
cell splitting is applied to the congested cells to improve the Disaggregation is a key factor based on which operators can
related key performance indicators (KPIs). Traffic prediction select RAN components from different vendors individually. In
and the corresponding congestion treatments are continuously addition, open interfaces between decoupled RAN components
applied until the target KPI values are met. In order to show the provide efficient multi-vendor interoperability. Another major
compliance of the overall scheme with O-RAN requirements, tenet of O-RAN architecture is RAN virtualization. Enhancing
we also discuss how the proposed mechanism is mapped into virtualization supports more efficient splits over the protocol
the O-RAN control loops, specify the location of the machine stack for network slicing purpose. To further reduce the RAN
learning (ML) training and inference modules, and provide a expenditure, O-RAN fosters self-organizing networks, that
high-level architecture of deployment scenarios and the end-to- reduces conventional labor intensive means of network deploy-
end flow. To the best of our knowledge, this article makes the ment, operation and optimization. In addition to cost reduction,
first attempt to demonstrate a concrete O-RAN based practical intelligent RAN can handle the growing network complexity
example with embedded intelligence. and improve the efficiency and accuracy by reducing the
human-machine interaction. Radio intelligent controllers, non-
RT RIC and near-RT RIC, are two main modules introduced
II. P RELIMINARIES A ND OVERVIEW in O-RAN architecture that enhance the traditional network
The cost involved in the deployment, optimization and functions with embedded intelligence (see Fig. 2). The near-
operation of the RAN components generally accounts for RT RIC is further interfaced with centralized unit control
approximately 70% of the total network cost [3]. This is one plane (CU-CP) and centralized unit user plane (CU-UP), which
of the main reasons behind considering RAN as the most are responsible for signaling and configuration messages, and
appealing candidate by operators for decreasing the network data transmission, respectively. Distributed unit (DU) access
expenditure. One of the primary RAN architectures introduced to centralized units and provide services for users through
to enable cost saving on expensive baseband resources has RRHs. O-RAN alliance strives to steer the industry towards the
been the C-RAN architecture, in which the baseband units are development of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled RICs [11].
shared in a centralized baseband pool. Therefore, the comput- There are several key steps that need to be taken in any ML/AI-
ing resources can be utilized optimally based on the demand. assisted solution, based on the O-RAN requirements [12].
This architecture has opened up an opportunity for RAN • The first step is model capability query that is performed
virtualization that further reduces cost. As a result, vRAN has by the service management and orchestration (SMO),
Orchestration and Automation CU, DU, RU, and near-RT RIC depending on the use
RAN Intelligent Controller cases [13] which is beyond the scope of this article.
Design Inventory Policy Config. O1
non real-time • Finally, upon monitoring the performance of the model,
O1 A1 the inference host feeds back the model performance to
ORAN Control Layer
E2 E2
namic handover management for vehicle-to-everything (V2X)
Control Unit Control Unit communication, quality of experience (QoE) optimization, and
flight path-based dynamic unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
RRC E1 SDAP RRC E1 SDAP resource allocation, to demonstrate the practical applicability
ORAN Functions
PDCP-C PDCP-U PDCP-C PDCP-U of O-RAN architecture. Interested readers are referred to [13]
for additional use cases.
F1 F1
• The next step is model selection and training, where the AND
ML training host initiates the model training and sends • The average downlink physical resource block (DL-PRB)
the trained model back to the non-RT RIC in SMO for utilization > 80%;
deployment. DL-PRB utilization percentage provides the usage (in per-
• The ML inference host is then configured with the model centage) of PRBs on the downlink for user plane traffic. In
description file, and the online data shall be used for addition, the user-perceived IP throughput is measured in terms
inference. The inference outcome is sent to near-RT RIC, of the packets transmitted between the evolved node-B (eNB)
from where the policy is generated to take corrective and users [14]. It is worth mentioning that the above metrics to
actions. identify the congestion event and the corresponding thresholds
• Depending on the outcome of the model inference, the are defined based on the operator service level agreement
corresponding actions are taken using the related actors. (SLA) and can be re-configured by the operator based on their
Based on the location of the ML inference and the actors hardware or software requirements. Following these metrics,
and type of actions, different interfaces (O1, A1 and E2) network parameters such as PRB utilization rate and user's
are utilized. A1 interface is an open logical interface to downlink data rate are continuously monitored across all cells
enable the non-RT RIC to provide policy-based guidance, of the eNBs in the network. Using RNN, the temporal pattern
ML model management, and enrichment information to of the mentioned parameters are learned through the current
the near-RT RIC function for RAN optimization. values to predict future values and the potential congested
E2 is the interface between near-RT RIC, the centralized cells. Subsequently, the network alarms are set to trigger if
unit (CU) protocol stack and the underlying RAN DU. the cells are likely to get congested. It is worth noting that
This provides a standard interface between the near-RT different triggering criteria could be considered based on the
RIC and CU/DU in the context of O-RAN architecture. target KPIs. Upon identifying the congested cells, solutions,
The role of O1 interface is to provide operation and man- such as enabling dual connectivity, and cell splitting can be
agement of CU, DU, radio unit (RU), and near-RT RIC applied as remedies. Finally, if the prediction is erroneous, the
(such as fault management, performance management and weights of the RNN model are updated based on the actual
Fig. 3. User-perceived IP throughput and PRB utilization prediction for a cell of a selected eNB in the network.
Parameter Value
No. of eNB 17
No. of cell in each eNB 18
% of the cell splitting (R) [60,75]
LSTM layer 2
No. of LSTM unit in each layer 12
Batch size 16
No. of epoch 150
Activation function tanh
Optimizer Adam
is 92.64%.
Fig. 4. User-perceived IP throughput performance for different order of cell As a congestion relief solution, we utilize cell splitting
splitting. approach. Here, cell splitting refers to the general idea of
splitting the coverage footprint of congested cells into two
or more cell sites. For the purpose of this discussion, one
value of the parameter to reflect the changes and improve the can achieve cell splitting by activating eNBs (especially, small
performance until the target KPI conditions are met. cells) that may be put into sleep mode during highly loaded
The parameters of an RNN model that include 2 layers of 12 periods to save energy. Since power consumption is one of
LSTM units, are learned to predict the future traffic for the next the biggest costs for the operators, strategies that are “green”
hour. This can be configured by operators as per the available are of strategic importance to them. Another economically
data and its periodicity. The RNN training is carried out over viable way of doing this is through infrastructure sharing. For
a real-world mobile traffic dataset from a cellular network in instance, instead of operators building their own systems to ac-
Mumbai, India. The dataset contains network measurements commodate peak traffic activity, they can rely on infrastructure
in terms of user-perceived IP throughput, downlink PRB sharing to access additional cells or offload their additional
utilization, collected from 17 LTE eNBs (18 cells in each traffic to base stations operating in unlicensed spectrum, such
eNB), over a duration of 25 days, August 1 to August 25, as citizens broadband radio service (CBRS). This strategy
2019. Simulation parameters are summarized in Table I. The complements emerging business models of both network and
RNN model is implemented using Keras, the open-source spectrum sharing to increase network capacity.
high-level TensorFlow application programming interface. The That said, since our focus is on demonstrating how in-
model training is carried out on a server with dual Xeon Gold telligence can be embedded in O-RAN, the exact choice of
CPU (44 threads/CPU) along with 512 GB RAM. In order the congestion solution is immaterial; because of which we
to illustrate the performance of the ML model prediction, selected a simple scheme that is easy to describe on a real
Fig. 3 represents the performance of the RNN model in terms network. As a result of cell splitting, a fraction of users in the
of user-perceived IP throughput and percentage of DL-PRB original cell are moved to the splitted cells. Therefore, in order
utilization. In this figure, both actual and predicted values for to emulate such an effect in our simulation, a random number
user-perceived IP throughput (left y-axis) and percentage of R ∈ [60, 75] is generated in each round of split. Subsequently,
DL-PRB utilization (right y-axis) of a cell in a selected eNB in R% of the users are assumed to move to the new cell, while
the network are shown. The average accuracy of the prediction the remaining users stay in the original cell. For higher cell
Fig. 5. High-level structure of deploying the proposed intelligent congestion prediction and radio resource management scheme in the O-RAN architecture.
splitting factors, i.e. 4 or 8, the same process is repeated for the architecture. It is worth noting that assuming DCAE,
splitted cells in each round. Fig. 4 demonstrates the network some data preprocessing such as adding virtual network
performance in terms of user-perceived IP throughput. Each function (VNF) names and IDs and converting counters
bar in the histogram represents the number of hours that the into KPIs are carried out by open-source cask data
user-perceived IP throughput of the given cell is within a application platform (CDAP).
certain interval, specified by the range of the bar on the IP 2 The collected data at the SMO is shared with non-RT RIC
throughput-axis. As evident from the result, the preemptive deployed in the SMO using a data bus, such as Kafka.
cell splitting of the congested cells in the network significantly 3 The related ML/AI model, hosted in the AI server inside
improves the performance. Although, as seen in the figure, one the SMO, is queried by non-RT RIC. We have utilized
can achieve a higher network capacity by more aggressive cell Acumos AI to deploy the training module. One can of
splitting (due to denser frequency reuse), it can stress some course build other AI platforms inside DCAE.
other factors, such as increasing the complexity of channel 4 After training the model in the AI server, the inference
assignment and increasing the occurrence of handovers, to is sent back to non-RT RIC.
name a few. Therefore, cell splitting should be implemented in 5 Subsequently, the inference results and policies are for-
moderation to ensure that the cell congestion is avoided with warded to congestion prediction and mitigation (CPM)
minimal degradation in the aforementioned factors. xAPP in near-RT RIC over the A1 interface of the O-
RAN. xAPPs are applications that are specific to radio-
function to make the RAN components programmable.
B. Deployment Architecture
Fig. 5 provides details of the ML training and inference
In this section, we explain how the proposed scheme is im- host locations (non-RT RIC and near-RT RIC, respec-
plemented in the O-RAN architecture. The high-level structure tively) in our proposed architecture. This is based on the
of deployment scenarios and end-to-end flow of the proposed second set of deployment scenarios1 specified by the O-
solution in the O-RAN architecture are illustrated in Fig. 5. RAN alliance in technical report [12].
1 The related RAN counters from control and distributed 6 The congestion relief solution is configured once the
units are collected in the data collector located in the congestion occurrence is predicted.
SMO. Depending on the SMO platform, different en- 7 Finally, the corresponding solution is applied to CU or
tity would be responsible for data collection [12]. For DU through E2 interface.
instance, if open network automation platform (ONAP)
is considered as the SMO, virtual event streaming (VES)
collectors of data collection, analytics and events (DCAE) 1 Depending on the training and inference locations, there are three dif-
subsystem in the ONAP is used to collect the data. This ferent deployment scenarios specified by O-RAN alliance. Interested readers
step is carried out over O1 interface of the O-RAN are referred to [12].
IV. C HALLENGES AND O PEN P ROBLEMS Therefore, backup strategies for distinct use case scenarios
should be in place.
In an actual wireless network, a group of cells may have Another challenge associated with open architectures that
specific performance patterns and infrastructural requirements incorporate multi-vendor elements is interoperability. In fact,
that would depend on their locations within the network to maintain the stability and reliability of the operation in O-
and subsequently the statistics of the load they are serving. RAN, multi-vendor products must interoperate. Furthermore,
Information about these specific requirements will help to risk mitigation strategies should be in place, in case implemen-
increase the efficacy of models for self-estimation and self- tations do not work with each other successfully. Therefore,
healing of congestion. This includes analysis of busy-hour it is crucial to identify the risks of incompatibilities between
traffic patterns and the associated atmospheric conditions the radio and control products from different vendors [10].
across ultra-dense cells in major metropolitan cities. Typically
with increasing traffic requirements, as the PRB usage exceeds V. S UMMARY AND C ONCLUDING R EMARKS
a certain threshold, the wireless network operator either adds The O-RAN alliance is a world-wide effort conceived by
more cells or introduces additional carriers. Our system should merging xRAN forum and C-RAN alliance to drive new levels
be capable enough to create a model that is adaptable for of openness and intelligence in the radio access network of
such dynamic cell and carrier additions. Interestingly, as O- next generation wireless systems. In this article, we started
RAN introduces the concept of openness, an operator can have off by providing an accessible introduction to the general
different equipment from different vendors. All the operators concept of O-RAN and its two core principles of openness
and vendors have different naming conventions for counters and intelligence. In order to provide a concrete O-RAN based
and KPIs. Thus, the model needs to be flexible enough to dy- practical example, the temporal pattern of a real-world data
namically adapt to different metadata from different operators traffic from a dense urban cellular network in Mumbai, India,
and vendors. Moreover, difference in hardware and software was learned by utilizing LSTM neural network to predict the
performance often results in operators and vendors having possible congestion with high accuracy. In order to prevent an
different SLAs to measure cell congestion. In such scenarios, upcoming congestion, we discussed a cell-splitting based radio
we expect the vendors and operators to either cooperate resource management scheme along with its corresponding
in agreeing on common SLAs or improve our models to high-level architecture (as well as the end-to-end flow) that
dynamically adapt based on different SLAs. Keeping inference is cognizant of the O-RAN requirements. Since our real
models for thousands of cells in near-RT RIC is quite complex. objective in this article was to discuss architectural subtleties
Such complex models are generally not efficient for execution of embedding intelligence in O-RAN, we limited our attention
in existing high performance CPUs and might require GPUs to a specific congestion solution that is easy to describe in an
to take care of this complexity, which in turn, might involve actual network. We conclude this discussion with the hope
higher capital and operating expenditures. that this article will convey the essence of O-RAN to the
Since O-RAN stems from the key principle of RAN virtual- broader community to actively engage them in this exciting
ization, it inherits deployment-specific security challenges at- new area, which clearly has important implications for future
tributed by virtualization and software defined network (SDN). communications and network research. In order to help the
These security challenges include authentication and autho- uninitiated, we have also provided pointers to several open
rization of virtual machine (VM) migration, VM instantiation, research questions.
hypervisor security, orchestration security, and SDN controller
security [15]. In addition, the shared BBU pool in the O-RAN R EFERENCES
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