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Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Compressor Mounting Bracket in


Article  in  International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME) · January 2018

DOI: 10.15866/ireme.v12i1.13270


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3 authors, including:

Sunil Shamrao Sarawade Shravan H. Gawande

Modern Education Society's College of Engineering M.E.Societys College of Engineering, Pune-411001


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International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 12, N. 1
ISSN 1970 - 8734 January 2018
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Compressor

Mounting Bracket in Automobiles

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

Abstract – The Compressor mounting bracket in automobiles is used to safely support the AC
compressor of a car in every condition. Since it is very difficult to modify the mounting positions
and support types after the compressor and the engine are built, the mounting brackets must be
verified in the design stage. The energy absorption characteristics of the compressor mount are
mainly affected by two variables: material and design. Hence, the design of the compressor mount
becomes a critical aspect in terms of vehicle crashworthiness. The present work deals with FEA
analysis of compressor mounting brackets. It includes the modeling of the compressor mounting
bracket in CATIA V5. The structural analysis of the compressor mounting bracket is carried out
using ANSYS. The compressor mounting bracket is then optimized to reduce weight by 64% and
also to reduce material use. The optimized model is analyzed to withstand compressor load and
design safety. Testing is performed to validate the numerical and experimental results. Copyright
© 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.

Keywords: Automobile, Compressor Mounting Bracket, CATIA V5, Hypermesh, ANSYS

Nomenclature The study of topology optimization is done as per the

requirement of bracket design. Sonawane et al. [2]
Ansys Engineering Simulation Software factors for mounting bracket failure and the effect of
Optistruct Optimization Software optimization using various analyses. Simulation plays a
Hyper mesh Meshing Software very important role in automotive industries for its higher
CAE Computer-Aided Engineering levels of quality, better cost effectiveness and quick
FEA Finite Element Analysis market response. In Sebastian et al. [3], the dynamics
FEM Finite Element Method analysis technique is used for the simulation of
compressor mounting bracket for various vibration
I. Introduction
The standard testing conditions were used for testing
The compressor mounting bracket is used to safely compressor mounting brackets. Doundkar, et al. [4]
support the car AC compressor. Mounting locations and showed that resonance in dynamic analysis is the major
types of support are very difficult to change after the cause of failure of the compressor mounting bracket.
compressor is built. The compressor is connected to the Under static analysis and under the same magnitude of
engine body. If the stiffness of the mounting bracket is load, resonance cannot be predicted. Thus, the dynamic
not appropriate, it can create vibration and noise. analysis gives the best results for the design validation of
Due to these factors, it is necessary that compressor compressor mounting brackets. The main aim of the
mounting brackets have enough stiffness and strength. analysis is to minimize the weight of mounting brackets.
To verify bracket properties early in the design stage, Manjunatha, et al. [5] reduced the overall weight of
the strength analysis needs to be performed. It measures vehicle’s engine mounting bracket using different types
the magnitude of load from the mass of the compressor, of materials. The main parameter considered for bracket
including safety and applies this load to the compressor behavior variation is material variation.
mounting bracket. The stress analysis is performed with The optimization of engine mounting brackets is
these boundary conditions and the analyst verifies the achieved by applying some changes in its design and
results. shape. In Singh et al. [6], after the comparison of the
Parameters like cost of the vehicle and fuel efficiency results obtained from the analysis performed, it is
are mostly influenced by the weight of the vehicle in concluded that optimization is successful. The
automotive industries. As per the safety standards, it is automotive engine mounting systems are very important
very important to design light weight components. due to various aspects of vehicle performance.
Pawade et al. [1] studied the optimized design of an Air- For Nag et al. [7], vibration plays a vital role in
Conditioner compressor mounting bracket. Engine components, especially in supporting brackets.
Deshmukh et al. [8] argued that the applied force

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved https://doi.org/10.15866/ireme.v12i1.13270

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

accounts for the high impact forces acting on structure II. Problem Formulations and Objective
during durability tests. The results showed the high
magnitude of stresses and strain energy at weld location. The existing compressor mounting brackets are
The analysis of the design suggests that the bracket heavier than the required for the compressor to mount.
was acting as a cantilever beam with one-plane welding There are no failures in current compressor mounting
mounted on the engine cradle. brackets, but one can reduce the material use and weight
In Ghorpade et al. [9], the main objective is to select of the compressor mounting bracket using FEA. This
the best material from the obtained result under work should be performed without affecting the strength
prescribed conditions. As vibration and strength play an of the compressor mounting bracket.
important role in the design of engine mount brackets, so It is proposed to perform the static and vibrational
special attention has been given to the selection of analysis on the compressor mounting bracket. The results
suitable material for engine mount bracket for it to are then validated with the experimental analysis through
withstand high strength and vibrations. Jadhav et al. [10] UTM testing and FFT analysis for the mode shapes of
determined the natural frequency and mode shapes of brackets.
compressor mounting brackets.
Subbiah et al. [11] studied the failure analysis of
III. Numerical Analysis
muffler mounting brackets of three-wheeler vehicles
observed during the durability test. Cracks at the weld The Design and Analysis of compressor mounting
location between the engine cradle and brackets were brackets include the study of existing compressor
observed in all the vehicles at an average distance of mounting brackets of Maruti Suzuki Alto.
10,000 km. The dimensions of the existing compressor mounting
Chang et al. [12] discussed the implementation of bracket have been extracted through reverse engineering
MSC.ADAMS-based vibration analysis program and the and the CAD model of a compressor mounting bracket
design optimization for the engine mount system. In the has been prepared in CATIA V5.
present study, the application procedure of the vibration The finite element analysis is carried out by using
analysis program is explained and the design Hypermesh and ANSYS as post-processor.
optimization is explored for the engine mount system of
a passenger vehicle using that program.
Ramnath et al. [13] dealt with the optimization of the III.1. CAD Model of the Bracket
gating system due to which various casting defects and The Design of the compressor mounting bracket
the manufacturing lead time were significantly reduced. includes the study of the dimensions of the existing
In Maski et al. [14], the main objective was to select compressor mounting bracket of Maruti Suzuki Alto,
the best material from the obtained results under which was used for CAD modeling.
prescribed conditions. Dandavate et al. [15] analyzed the 3D data is necessary for calculating boundary
natural frequency and static state deflection of a conditions, hence the model is prepared in CATIA V5.
compressor mounting plate using FEA software, Ansys. As shown in Figs. 1, the dimensions of the existing
As per Brar, et al. [16], the compressor mounting plate mounting bracket have been measured and a CAD model
is attached to the compressor, which is then attached to of a bracket is created in CATIA V5.
the refrigerator body.
As compressor is a dynamic component, it also exerts
harmonic exiting forces on the mounting plate. Kiran, et
al. [17] observed that vibration and strength play an
important role in the design of engine mount bracket,
thus, in this paper, special attention has been given to the
selection of suitable material for engine mount bracket so
that it can withstand high strength and vibrations.
In Panchgade et al. [18], the quality of the casting was
reduced as the density decreases proportionally to the
amount of porosity leading to higher rejection rates.
Ghatekar et al. [19] considered the process parameters
like metal temperature, fill velocity and filling time for
the optimization process.
Quality assessment of die casting parts was performed
using microstructure analysis. Rauch, et al. [20]
contributed to the development of a new material for
engine mounting brackets.
The results obtained for the static structural and modal
analysis have shown that magnesium is better than Fig. 1(a). CAD Model of the Existing Bracket

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

compressor has not a proper shape, calculating the

accurate Centre of Gravity (CG) of the compressor is a
tedious task, therefore the CG of the compressor is
determined from the CAD model of the compressor and
loads are distributed according to the CG from CAD
data. Fig. 2 shows the load distribution in red colour. The
loads are applied to the mounting locations.

Fig 1(b). Actual model of the Existing Bracket

III.2. Finite Element Analysis of the Existing Bracket

Bracket analysis is carried out in three steps. The first
is pre-processing, which includes element property
definition, geometric clean up, modeling and meshing.
The second step is solution, which includes the
application of the boundary conditions as loads on the
mounting bracket model and the final step is running the
The last is post-processing, that includes results
analysis and plotting various parameters such as
deformation and stress. Fig. 2. Boundary condition applied to the Existing Bracket
A structure or component consists of an infinite
number of particles or points, hence they must be divided
III.4. Force Calculation
in a finite number of parts. Meshing includes the
discretization of these components into finite number The force acting on the compressor mounting bracket
elements. of a car will be determined by the weight of the
Discretization helps to carry out calculations on the compressor assembly.
meshed part. The component is divided by nodes and Weight of Alto AC Compressor = WCompressor = 8 kg
elements. Meshing will be done using the solid 45 Hence, force acting on the Compressor Mounting
elements. Material properties are shown in Table I. Bracket:
F = WCompressor × g
F = 8 × 9.81 = 78.48 N
As the bracket is designed to carry the compressor
Young’s modulus, E 205 GPa load, the point of application of load is determined by
Poisson’s Ratio, Ν 0.30 calculating the CG (center of gravity) of the compressor
Density, Ρ 7860kg/m3 on Hypermesh.
Yield Stress, ΣYIELD 370 MPa Meshed and boundary condition applied model is
Ultimate Tensile Stress, ΣUTS 440 MPa
imported in the solver. Analysis process starts after
applying run in the solver software. The software first
III.3. Loading and Boundary Conditions calculates deflection with respect to the boundary
conditions applied. Then, on the basis of deflection, it
After meshing is completed, the boundary conditions calculates strain. Once the strain is calculated, the
are applied. These boundary conditions are the reference modulus of elasticity is obtained, then the stress values
points for calculating the results of the analysis. Different can be calculated. Results are viewed and, accordingly,
load steps are created to be applied during analysis. The modifications are suggested. Modifications are suggested
surrounding effect is taken into consideration while according to the high stress regions obtained. If stresses
applying loads. Elements are defined by their properties. are beyond the permissible limits, then changes such as
Material properties such as density, elasticity change in material, change in thickness of component or
modulus, Poisson’s ratio etc. are assigned to the the addition of ribs etc. are made according to suitability.
elements. To run the analysis in solver software Proper The calculation of stress depends on the failure theory
arrangements are done. After the completion of the suitable for the analysis.
process, the model is exported in the solver. As the

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

III.5. Von-Mises Stress and Displacement Weight reduction is performed using Topology
optimization by meeting strength and safety factor
As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the Stress value is 0.85059
targets. The corresponding weight reduction is analyzed.
MPa and displacement is 0.18 × 10-3 mm, which is way
It uses highly advanced optimization algorithms, such as
too lower than the critical value. Hence, design is safe.
'Optistruct', to solve the most difficult optimization
The stress and deformations in the existing bracket are
problems with infinite design variables in a short period
very low. Hence, the scope is to optimize the bracket
of time.
design. In the next section, topology optimization of the
'Optistruct', an advanced optimization engine, allows
bracket is explained in details.
users to combine topology, topography, size and shape
optimization to create better and more alternative design
proposals leading to structurally sound and lightweight
Manufacturing requirements can also be defined as
input to simulation to create design proposals which are
easier to interpret and to manufacture.
To start with topology optimization, the optimization
of compressor mounting brackets must be performed
using the Optistruct solver. The results are shown below.
The red portion in Fig. 5 is non-design portion from
where the material is not supposed to be removed,
because it is the region which plays the key role in
mounting and holding the AC compressor.
The blue region is the design region which less
stressed. Hence, material can be removed from the blue
non-design region.
Fig. 3. Analysis Result

Fig. 5. Optistruct Results

Fig. 4. Displacement Result

IV. Topology Optimization of Compressor V. Design and FEA of Optimized Bracket

Mounting Bracket with the Reference of Optistruct output
The topology optimization process gives the optimum V.1. Design of the Optimized Bracket
material layout according to design space and loading To compensate the cost, the shape of the bracket will
conditions. It is an advanced process of shape be completely optimized based on the FEA results in the
optimization, in which a design region is defined and a existing bracket. The mounting locations are kept as it is.
pattern of shape variable will generate the reinforcement. In this design, the thickness of the bracket is 3 mm
Weight reduction is performed using the optimization and the excess material is removed whereas stress
software Optistruct. concentration is very low.

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

V.3. Finite Element Analysis of the Optimized Bracket

Figs. 8 and 9 show the results of the optimized bracket
against actual loading conditions. Stress and
displacement values for the optimized bracket are
2.38569MPa and 0.542 × 10-3 mm, which is well below
the critical values mentioned in Table I. Since the
optimized design sustains the loading conditions, hence
the design is safe.

Fig. 6(a). CAD Model of the Optimized Bracket

Fig. 8. Von-Mises Stress

Fig. 6(b). Actual Optimized Bracket

V.2. Finite Element Analysis of the Optimized Bracket

Loading and boundary conditions are applied to the
optimized design as mentioned in Table I to verify the
sustainability of bracket under actual loading conditions
and to validate the bracket. Meshing and boundary
conditions are applied to the modified bracket.

Fig. 9. Displacement

VI. Modal Analysis of the Optimized

To study the vibrational behavior of the optimized
mounting brackets for considered loads and boundary
conditions during operating conditions, modal analysis
has been performed through which it will also be
possible to know about its vibrating modes with
respective frequencies and amplitudes.

VI.1. Mode Shapes

In finite element analysis, the infinite degrees of
Fig. 7. Boundary Conditions applied to the Optimized Bracket freedom of a Continuum are restricted to 6 degrees of

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

freedom, that is 3 translations and 3 rotations with Mode 3: Z translation Freq. is 3711.71 Hz
respect to global X, Y and Z axis. In this modal analysis,
the mode/shape of vibration of the given component with
respect to these 6 degrees of freedom is obtained.

Fig. 13. 3rd mode shape

Mode 4: X rotation Freq. 4228.55 Hz

Fig. 10. Meshed model of the optimized mounting bracket

Mode 1: X translation Freq. 2076.66 Hz.

Fig. 14. 4th mode shape

Fig. 11. 1st mode shape Mode 5: Y rotation Freq. 54220.48 Hz

Mode 2: Y translation Freq. is 2938.49 Hz

Fig 15: 5th mode shape

Fig. 12. 2nd mode shape

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

Mode 6: Z rotation Freq. 34.581 Hz VII.2. Vibrational Analysis of the Bracket

To identify the dynamic properties, VIBER X3
portable FFT analyzer was used for this study as shown
in Fig. 17. Table IV shows the frequency range for the
VIBER X3 portable FFT analyzer.
The optimized structure has been excited by an impact
The Probe of the FFT analyzer was kept on X-
direction, Y-direction and Z-direction.
The Experimentation vibration analysis was
performed at the Star balancing Lab, Pune.

Compressor Mounting
Bracket loaded on UTM

Fig. 16. 6th mode shape

From Figs. 11-16, the modes of vibration of mounting Deformation value

bracket with respect to X, Y, Z translations and rotations
and their respective frequencies can be observed.
By using the numerical analytical approach, the
natural frequencies for various positions can be easily
found out.
Table II shows frequency variation for various flange
locations. Monitor to record
MODE SHAPE NATURAL FREQUENCY (HZ) Fig. 17. Experimental Setup
1 2076.66
2 2938.49 TABLE IV
5 54220.48 (HZ) (HZ)
6 34.581 2-400 2-400
6-1600 6-1600
11-3200 11-2000
VII. Experimental Validations 10-1000 10-1000

VII.1. Static Condition

VIII. Results and Discussions
The experimental validation is carried out for the
deformation of brackets as per actual loading conditions. VIII.1. Static Analysis Results
The compression testing is carried out using the
From Table V it is seen that the stress in optimized
Universal Testing Machine STS-248; machine
brackets is 2.39MPa whereas in the existing bracket it is
specifications are indicated below.
0.85MPa, which means it is slightly higher than in the
The optimized bracket is mounted against a fixture
existing bracket but in an acceptable range; the
which is the same as that of vehicle mounting.
deformation in optimized brackets is 0.54 × 10-3mm ,
Compressive load acts on the upper flange of the
whereas, in existing brackets, it is 0.18 × 10-3mm, which
bracket and, to distribute load, a rod is placed in the
is also acceptable.
region where the actual compressor is assembled. TABLE V
UTM SPECIFICATION Sr. Iteration Thickness Stress Deformation Weight
No No. (mm) (Mpa) (mm) (kg)
Parameters Values
1 Existing 5 0.85059 0.18 × 10-3 0.800
Load Capacity 100000 N 2 Optimized 3 2.38569 0.54 × 10-3 0.285
Cross head speed (Min) 3 mm/min
Cross head speed (Max) 500 mm/min
Test speed accuracy 0.1 mm Fig. 18 shows the deformation Plot obtained through
the experimentation.

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

Fig. 20. Frequency response for mode 2

Fig. 18. Deformation Plot

VIII.2. Comparison Between FEA Static Analysis and

Experimental Tests Fig. 21. Frequency response for mode 3

From Tables VI and VII, it is clear that the The frequency response for mode 1 is observed at
deformation obtained through experimentation and 2000 Hz, as shown in Fig. 19. The frequency response
numerical analysis shows a very much close match; the for mode 2 is observed at 3100Hz, as shown in Fig. 20.
error in the numerical analysis and actual testing is The frequency response for mode 3 is observed at
4.24%. The results are well within the acceptance 3700Hz, as shown in Fig. 21. The FEA and experimental
criteria. analysis of results are summarized as shown in Table
The percentage error between the numerical (FEA)
Sr.No. Tests Deformation Error(%)
1 Experimental 0.566E-03 method and the experimental method is allowed up to 5%
4.24 - 7%.
2 FEA 0.542E-03

NUMBER OF ITERATIONS VIII.4. Comparison of Vibrational and Modal Analysis
Sr. Iteration Thickness Stress Deformation Weight
No. No. (mm) (MPa) (mm) (kg) Table VIII presents the frequency response obtained
1 Existing 5 0.85059 0.18 × 10-3 0.800 using the numerical analysis and experimental study.
2 Iteration1 4 1.57025 0.225 × 10-3 0.633 From Table VIII, the frequency response is 2076.7Hz
3 Iteration2 4 1.57522 0.243 × 10-3 0.585 minimum and 3711.7Hz maximum, obtained by
4 Iteration3 4 1.75568 0.269 × 10-3 0.550
5 Iteration4 3 2.38569 0.542 × 10-3 0.285
numerical approach, whereas it is 2000Hz minimum and
3700Hz maximum by experimental study.
The percentage error shown in Table VII is lower than
VIII.3. Vibrational Analysis Results 5%, which confirms the good agreement with the results
of the dynamic properties of the FE model.
Initially, nodes are marked on the optimized bracket
structure and Impact by the hammer is given on TABLE VIII
respective nodes. After hammer impact is striked, VIBRATIONAL VERSUS MODAL ANALYSIS RESULTS
excitation is generated in the optimized bracket structure. FEA Frequency FFT Experimental
Modes % Error
(Hz) Frequency (Hz)
After this study, Frequency Reponses are graphically
MODE 1 2076.7 2000 3.6
plotted as shown in Figures 19, 20 and 21. MODE 2 2938.5 3100 5.2
MODE 3 3711.7 3700 0.3

VIII.5. Discussion
From the above results it is seen that numerical
analysis and experimental validation results are
matching. The Static and experimental analysis using
UTS results are very close to each other. Moreover, the
modal analysis and the practical vibrational analysis
Fig. 19. Frequency response for mode 1 results are also very close to each other, so that it can be

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

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[1] V. D. Pawade, P. D. Sonawane, Study of Design and Analysis of Authors’ information
Air Conditioner Compressor Mounting Bracket, International
Department of Mechanical Engineering, M.E.S. College of
Journal of Science and Research, ISSN (Online): 2319-7064.
Engineering, Pune, S.P.Pune University, Pune, India.
[2] V. D. Pawade, P. D. Sonawane, Dynamic Analysis of Air
E-mails: bhat.ph@gmail.com
Conditioner Compressor Mounting Bracket, International
Engineering Research Journal, ISSN 2395-1621.
[3] C S Sebastian, B. Shibin and A. Tony, Design and Optimization
of Engine Mount Bracket, International Journal of Application or
P. H. Bhat is working at Adient Automotive
Innovation in Engineering & Management, Volume 5, Issue 2,
Ltd. as Design Engineer. Currently he is
February 2016, ISSN 2319 – 4847.
pursuing the M.E. (Mechanical-Design) at
[4] V. Doundkar, D. Ghatage, M. Madkaikar, A. Kulkarni, Topology
M.E.S. College of Engineering, Pune, under
Optimization for Engine Mounting Arm with Fatigue, HTC 2011.
University of Pune. India. He obtained the B.E.
[5] Dr. Y. Basavaraj, Manjunatha T.H., Design Optimization of
(Mechanical Engg.) at S.S.V.P.S. College of
Automotive Engine Mount System, International Journal of
Engg., Dhule, in 2012. His areas of interest and
Engineering Science Invention, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013,
research areas are the design and analysis of
PP.48-53, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734.
various mechanical components, design engineering. He has more than
[6] R SINGH, Dynamic design of automotive systems: Engine
4 years of industrial experience.
mounts and structural joints, Sadhana, Vol. 25, Part 3, June 2000,
pp. 319±330.
S. S. Sarawade was born in Solapur district,
[7] M.V. Aditya Nag, Material Selection and Computational Analysis
Maharashtra state, India. He completed the
on DOHC V16 Engine’s Mounting Bracket Using COMSOL
bachelor’s degree in Mechanical engineering
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from Shivaji University in 1984 and the
COMSOL Conference in Bangalore.
master’s degree in Mechanical engineering in
[8] M. Deshmukh, Prof. K R Sontakke, Analysis and Optimization of
1986 at IIT Bombay. He completed the PhD in
Engine Mounting Bracket, International Journal of Scientific
Mechanical engineering at IIT Bombay in 2004.
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Now he is working as Professor of Mechanical
[9] U. S. Ghorpade, D. S. Chavan, V. Patil & M. Gaikwad, Finite
engineering at M. E. Society’s College of Engineering, Pune-411001,
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Engine Bracket, International Journal of Mechanical and
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Product life cycle, Automobile engineering, Fracture mechanics.
[10] P. D. Jadhav, Ramakrishna, Finite Element Analysis of Engine
Mount Bracket, International Journal of Advancement in
Engineering Technology, Management & Applied Sciences,
Volume 1, Issue 8, 4 September 2014, ISSN:2349-3224.

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"

P. H. Bhat, S. S. Sarawade, S. H. Gawande

S. H. Gawande was born in a small village,

Deori, Tq. Akot, Dist. Akola, Maharashtra state,
India. He completed Bachelo,rs degree in
mechanical engineering at Amravati University,
Amravati in May 2001 and the Master’s degree
in Mechanical Engineering with design
engineering as specialization in December 2002
at the University of Pune. He completed the PhD
in Mechanical Engineering at the Government College of Engineering,
Pune, (COEP), under University of Pune, in September 2012. Now he
is working as professor of Mechanical engineering at M. E. Society’s
College of Engineering, Pune-411001, India, since 2004. He published
more than 50 research papers in international journals and conferences.
He is a recognized PhD guide in mechanical engineering of Pune
University, Under his guidance, 5 PhD scholars are working. He has
more than 14 years of teaching and industrial experience. His areas of
interest are internal combustion engines, design engineering, tribology
and vibration control. He is a permanent member of ISTE Indian
society since 2005, IACSIT Singapore since 2009, ACSE and SAE
since 2008.

Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 12, N. 1
Special Section on "ICMESCoE-2017"


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