CJR 1 2014 Law Paper II

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Time: 10.00 AM to1.00 PM Max.Marks — 100
ao.00 Dot .taRicit 0.00 riot rtOeulti uctirlth - coo

Date: 13th September, 2015

amct:ce tonnt Loom

Option is given to the candidates to write answers either in
English or in Kannada
5'415 eSM uortr, zint_tel ero4„0-1)*ci a. eztittprrtei

if there is any discrepancy in the questions in English

language and in Kannada language, the questions as framed
in English language would prevail.
2.401:3) eecY r' ispoon orj, zt.,,4 t3-4, tqtcl va4 elze
reiodmaodc, e:90Tie, ge4o.t.)

Frame necessary and proper issues on the basis of the

pleadings i.e., plaint and written statement.
-5arb alAztz:Jeayisi (t9orid rad rartia 4Buata16,10)
ozda:10) 0
evatici dDed ettit 0--sattra tOott oric tadcupb.

Write a considered judgement on the basis of oral and

documentary evidence by giving valid and cogent reasons.
tfattia trait =me/ avic/ ertndri rii)ed tt.)ot crartsa ttrzact
et2 betralt z3tI0t)0.
:2: 4


0.S. c).77SS/ 2006 .

Plaintiff Sri. S. Jayaram

S/o Late Patel Shettappa
Aged about 62 years
Residing at Tippu Sultan Road
Devanahalli Town
Bang lore Rural District

V/ s

Defendants 1. Smt. B. Parvathamma

W/o M. Krishnappa
Aged about 52 years

Smt. Bhavani
D/o M. Krishnappa
Aged about 28 years

Sri. Gopi
S/o M. Krishnappa
Aged about 26 years

Sri. Prabhakara
S/o M. Krishnappa
Aged about 25 years

All are residing at Gurrappanamata

Vijaydpura Town
Devanahalli Taluk
Bangalore Rural District



The plaintiff named abo e states as follows:

1. That the address of the plaintiff for the purpose of service of

notice, summons from this on'ble Court is as stated in the cause
title and also through their Counsel Sri. John Mathews, Advocate,
No.143, Rangswamy Temple Road, Bangalore-53.
That the address of the defendants for the purpose of service of
notice, summons from this Hon'ble Court is as stated in the cause.

The plaintiff submits that the defendant No.1 is the absolute

owner of the property bearing old Sy.No.159/16 and new No. 159/P14
measuring 2 acres of Vijayapura Vijayapura Hobli,
Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore Rural District, which is more fully
described in the schedule hereunder and hereinafter called the
SCHEDULE PROPERTY and the same was purchased by the
defendant No.1 under a registered sale deed dated 09/11/1990
registered as Document No.422/90-91, pages 9 to 12, volume 1387,
Book I in the office of the Sub Registrar, Devanahalli. Consequent
upon the said purchase the mutation was effected in the name of the
defendant No.1 in M.R.No.24/90-91 and all the revenue records were
mutated in the name of the defendant.

The plaintiff submits that the defendants had agreed to sell the
schedule property at ,the rate of Rs.11,60,000/- per acre, the total sale
consideration of Rs.23,20,000/- and the plaintiff agreed to purchase
the schedule property and in this regard the defendants executed a
sale agreement dated 05/11/2005 in favour of the plaintiff and a copy
of the sale agreement is herewith produced and marked as

The plaintiff submits that the suit property was purchased by

the 1st defendant under a registered sale deed from M.
Narayanaswamy and Lakshminaraya and the said property constitute
self acquired property of the 1st defendant . and as such defendants
No.2 to 4 have no right, title over the said property and the defendants
Nos.2 to 4 are formal parties to the suit. It is submitted that the RTC
records pertaining to the suit property stands in the name of the 1st

defendant alone and hence it is obligatory in pai-t of the 1st defendant

to execute the sale deed in favn-ar of the plaintiff.

The plaintiff submits that on 05/11/2005 the plaintiff has paid

a sum of Rs.10,00,000/- to the defendant No.1 as advance amount.
He has received and acknowledged the receipt of the advance amount
and executed the aforementioned sale agreement dated 5/11/2005.
As per the terms and conditions of this agreement, the transaction
was to be completed within 90 DAYS from the date of agreement i.e.,
05.11.2005, even though the plaintiff was always ready and willing to
get the sale deed registered in his name by paying the balance sale
consideration of Rs.13,20,000/- but the defendants failed to come
forward to execute the sale deed and also failed to produce the original
documents of the schedule property. Therefore, under the
circumstances, the plaintiff demanded the defendants to execute the
sale deed since the transaction could not be completed and
subsequently the plaintiff issued a legal notice to the defendant No.1
on 23/01/2006 requesting him to receive the balance sale
consideration amount and execute the sale deed in favour of the
plaintiff and had also despatched a draft sale deed along with the legal
notice. A copy of the legal notice and UCP are herewith produced and
marked as ANNEXURES B and C. The defendant No.1 received the
notice and given unwarranted reply to the said notice. A copy of the
reply notice is herewith produced as ANNEXURE-D.

The plaintiff submits that the defendants failed to execute sale

deed in favour of the plaintiff even after several oral requests and the
defendant No.1 is postponing the same, even though the plaintiff is
ready and willing to perform his part of the contract. It is submitted
that the plaintiff demanded the defendant No.1 to execute the sale
deed in favour of the plaintiff and receive the balance sale
consideration, but the defendant No.1 intending to alienate the
schedule property to the third parties and create third party interest
.4 : 5:

in the schedule property in order to deprive the lawful rights of the

plaintiff in respect of the suit schedule property.

The plaintiff submits that after lapse of a month the

defendants herein have not shown any inclination to execute the sale
deed in favour of the plaintiff in respect of the schedule property and
therefore the plaintiff having no other option is approaching this
Hon'ble Court for the relief of specific performance and hence, this
suit for specific performance of agreement dated 5/ 11/2005.

The cause of action for the suit arose on 05-11-2005 and

subsequently after issuance of legal notice dated 23/0 1/ 2006 and
thereafter within the jurisdiction of this Hon'ble Court and this
Hon'ble Court has got jurisdiction to try and dispose the above matter.

The prescribed Court fee is paid on the plaint as per the

separate valuation slip.

No other suit/ s filed in the same cause of action before any

other Court of Law.

WHEREFORE, the plaintiff most respectfully prays that this

Hon'ble Court be pleased to pass a Judgment and Decree in favour of
the plaintiff against the defendants.

For specific performance of the agreement to sell dated

05.11.2005 by directing the defendant No.1 to execute the sale
deed in favour of the plaintiff in respect of the schedule property
by receiving the balance sale consideration under the agreement
dated 05/ 1 1/2005 and consequently deliver vacant possession
of the schedule property to the plaintiff

In the event the defendant No.1 failing to execute the

registered sale deed in terms of the decree in favour of the
plaintiff, then this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to appoint the

Court Commissioner to execute the sale deed conveying the

schedule property in favour of the plaintiff.

For permanent injUnction restraining the defendants from

alienating, encumbering, transferring or creating charges in any
manner in respect of th suit property in favour of any person
other than the plaintiff.

For cost of this suit.


All that part and parcel of the agricultural land bearing old
Sy.No.159/16 and New No.159/P14 measuring 2 acres of Vijayapura,
Vijayapura Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore Rural District and
bounded on the:

East by: M. Goal's land •

West by: M. Chikkanna's land
North by: T. Thirbmaiah's land
South by: Mandilbele gadi and M. Krishnappa's land

Sd/- Sd/-
Advocate for Plaintiff Plaintiff


I, the Plaintiff do hereby verify and declare that what is stated above is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Bangalore Sd/-
Date: 17/4/2006 Plaintiff



Plaintiff Sri S. Jayaram

V/ s

Defendants : Smt. B. Parvathamma and others


I, S. Jayaram, S/o Late. Patel Shettappa, aged about 62 years,

residing at Tippu Sultan Road, Devanahalli Town, Bangalore Rural
District, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows:

I submit that I am the plaintiff in the above case and as such I

am fully conversant with the facts of the case, hence, I swear
this affidavit. I submit that I have filed a suit for specific
performance against the defendants.

I submit that the averments made in accompanying plaint are

true and correct to the best of my knowledge information and

I declare that what is stated above is true and correct.

Identified by me
Sd/- Sd/-
Advocate Deponent

Date: 17-04-2006

Lbat ALve tmocz ' zperldtt micitzoczt

t3orlOad..) rer.s ne.1,4 tiorIciact

estez mt. tog a 7788/2006

0 C.ts cr6t_Ts n7€ CeEse tdce.se tqdricj

>je car.6
tatt.al Li) ttzE, E E.34),Jt.D11,76
tet ctoVer, etCD, zioriecizct ribeaxm nee;

8 Lthci

elaMnliert 8o. 29.mtrttl T12 eo cao.4)-tmti

3c5 t.

S. 49et)a 2.t7i7 oacAttpi

tatt.)4 .”5 t4E.

. )) c r2 e&. 2Z 76' car) .4)58


V. 4713-Aik 2976 cZO.tertrat,),J

3D3 tFE.

eZe.),,,d2 tet, thrit)!F t>cl, Zz7iattici

abra, det oteL?) noaclo , •
ziori vbad.), n?)e..9.)em nct;

&Ler t063e OF05 tnie&& oi o

.)Qcsteeit tg)ciJ
- a) tcatotot actaVs

o.rdiut,376' omria tzbrzh mnot Lentg dxe cteeptot

tact,-5".„c1. Rtd rit-Dh eitri to tn-Dricip nt7,7

t8eoth 4o4 ova, d orie-me.ia93 €2ot riDecre, 23ori eis± — att


3. ts rttotz aim t gnDei.3-76 -cEartz tt.DK-64'riei tzbriDh

gambriei Latt) tpeef teQcsoat.


a. tzte..)-ct 4amino.it tc'tot: tt..apectc, c9rc,ottjd

e..3=zt.)gt ctozac., tmtJztett, .ntxrDS), 2:301ee,fDt0nec aWn ebt ttr

i,,€EZE 3 cZ8:1'd
'0.0D8r/C:t. atzt toa; (-)..,9w/eioc c9, (e‘Q.)ez.

lit)tpc 75115_, cZOCt lidate)---attjt) ant tnSe-d;nfict‘2,,t. efir.')-c;

tiatc.) amnot..) OF.00.0EFO. dont tetc-,Itic,

emit eomrstp-Trobrici telfebateD, cna.)ef toat 08'33/FO-ro ijta r bot as

togu Oae.82 gt_ot a dot -4..zo,..tre Tg)oip t ;it an od beZthfi.

otri t.).)6t2eta-c tfDtuo..1.) gamnat tete)*Dc„ ao.e5c76...5c/ro-ro

dot eiFidag„ Qe.71, tomat tna.)eiTici.D gambol) 3:1,710*Dc, tifictt_ot.

abt) tzot»

ee . gamOrleat tutze.)-6' mnrta atdri oo,Lo,000

dazzaThleiot 2.A.3.23 td CifD.3k,30,000 tiferrOCWrient mbr1 Vp.ttnte..t

m-t)ot.) g)att ottotez t..)t)_„ -sgaztt

tonottg, aQ.

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gptt tuzbt uqcre a aota c-rit_vaZA ttlienht aont t-ga

tade.) 4amoat.) tx, c5 tect ao.mznatm ,--9101) t)t)..„

veotznatra dtbot l„
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dtdarlePTI t.)eci °int beaat -Ott% arpar1.2 racttpc.), t.)t.)„,

46=3s bot dtd.poi znbt gne-nZartee50 tntenfit. tzt

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tiDcle) gameaalt p)atttj' mnr? .,zatrats..)

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t.).) oritmn ratit &Sot m-ita t)ec5 atecPt


cd, et-O-aat:JD 4PIT.-“-D„FP) p)o.f.i.pd -dr@b7,1
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05;.00.300M z,ein-el ritholn5e635,. oalmeta.5, eroczt Vat

tizzzent ci,;D (-)a.,Lo,c,co drorici t ecte)..) -07art2 ct

Ettbrl pjczbat4

rid btu) g4amr'a cdmrio edd r?)),B=kriect gp_tuit

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7.7a)a.t.) diDzte) gaz-abri Trat.fp.) nct estOri troci,ri p)o_tri

tzwuritpct addt. piatc-74ritDot 34 tied t.)-zatratez Q9c)8,Zit.sDorE,

t3)ri ttit.) zr.bbattpatset3Zjobr1 5tS) zort

anitzrth& rc r1.Dot m=t)tnte)--ohri t.)35, esgrici;t e.0-6;)

czoci) rbSretemht. dlDrivF5 gaat.) ..rDeL3,7V ot After%

utozact erot,d ct 4Am-a3o_t en)c1 SeE3,9,

t).2ot eMyr a act) mcbtptenrat, od '


z. raboit eje Wt ebtrith tnncni-t2t mbri

tn1tc2tal t.tocirattraoct t2tz--t n-DSod..) ctqL Mtt tat.)Ott

trjEtitt./t 2,1M0aD2C.4) taiscrohcbrsiA. oi .)a=tacti)t..),t emePri oi

ts62,De.n1t..It tdri.D )(3:).51-33) tnnrsui tzrio

-mnat.) taiDrie ettei„rigrl tLt.s6c6'J

gac, oitztex t335_„

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7.-)Dthat 2ixt 771.yleo t tAatez eforlEb-94)31,A, Qaot.) mnott


C:5. z.odD aorlei,) • eJr:iciA Imnriert =anal) ctoz:Or tLtDte.s-s•

g)ratc.t4 atzt atj* je d Oo , O nh.)

tbalme) S30=15-VI "Eits rr@cim-DQ,3 mat@oatrim3ct

t.,--Drirzoop arii
7i)..3ediAr.ste2„tti". b"Cricpat Sii.00.3,00.Y.otri nre.tz tbmuttnth


F. -&3OK.00....V0091 E3 ts oo.00 Fizet3egit os'd

mo.i.) tit% di m2sainucitt upnd =3342„at 2,eari enxtzAtt at di

riDdm- st -cnzateDocitg etifticzttzt Lz.ndusa t.ma Lete tntez espnd

94, ctsonctaLtt.

no. 2CStOUittlt zztr4Araonrc etteniltat 4etzzl:1/2

25 2.3eMatt.)
a enia
-0 to-eat.

on. di csztat te4tinoi.:6„ tied atmt7taii-oc.)catri t...votat.) tied

rsatt)ct CIPadatjneL.

(a) eitotDori s om.ao.3oom d 2.4ocit gnct Oct.26c6' 71


doriv 48mno•tr emeni githt dinporit. ,22.1S0A

daratuF p)att6tt.D4 sas om.no..soom d z.ntotri 0_)nd

mOcti) ettbrc t5@Ebta3i3 ttate..76 mtgl ttt3 3


(29) 24 0Cttee,Y 4),Bamnatt emnat Ettort ..rDotte

• tnatiuto.3 teb,jaleR„ rf-k:tzt r9soisoucitg teetTer teZpeatiois

tarDot giatt6 tnnA tctiD,e.75. moot ott6rt tr@nAttiDdelpg

(A) apm-g:)Tith dt2te.76'zt cizrpt:1, a.tm21.md, try-ortd t.)- Eztot

e3tgm atrzttot mbali easodt.) o_twi rdzimricda2 tektriot zrot,t


(a) tensr antrrieflItri

' drsDn rr r1cc.tti3tomh

25 -Doccbtor, 7.ThiEtat) t5t2sOt
e ‘thth n"Dritz.„-th' c-ziDati


tord.) rrfptnott neril tcb tet tett:, inex&th 0..tccbtict

Fsenep et..)t), c.t=.1.4id rtth)t.)t c-r0Q9 ttr to.omFlot. Ect2t tugs

omr/ebl ov 3 catd ite4 qtt 2.1to nob,

tratrt s ao.rt2cmc.76-dtd zrttea)

tkt.)t s 3.28z4Attd zpisa.9

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mnat td terevd)


mEtail-Nt tazeit tbbeCIA, taDealtbt)teotd thee., tecit

esotriecit cavc,tio cv
Mrt.2 trnoactt) t.)e art


Zobal.) ft.zus
norlact rripazper.-g)ts,e5„-

tits.) mzt' to4 g 7788/2006


g Lcbct g

4antnrigot s nntritt)e,

aibbeot gitneatzej

ziorath rs?)tizoati net, dettSe•PQ b9t-6' tsqt.),11,76. dct

ratn-glcbt t3 trait trot() eek.3-6 tdec.76- t..)rlmt ze-4.6..tio_tozo

mt) 4tsratesi4 mrts ttottaA gtnrsr.ina -rif03 tOtoctot ateeitt_ce.

o. tzt) mt'at mboinilz3.13 rztoi)trg,Lmotrici nrIn t.,"-D806

racbt_„cl, eectbot aEr.:43tm r4)'tt.),zt mt.) 45

9 maxDActtetot.D
rntatt),4 3reTti3 temutrmhzr.}Bmnrici rix:1

3. ee.,Pcbt uotritttot t.mega mrt2 tont ard)nd

-orti"@ ett6MFICicit.

a.txe.Y 3-3e€2d3t sotilertti mrt.ro tbalithriatorb dawt

. 4t_TNIttr
Frot.) rt..)SFAzzlcct


a) 2 02..0e0.300t
: 14:



0.5. No.7736/2006

Plaintiff Sri.S.Jayaram,

V/ s

Defendants Smt. B.Parvathamma and others


OF CIVIL PROCEDURE:- The first defendant is filing the written
statement as hereunder:-

1. The averments and claims made in para 3 of the plaint that

the defendant No.1 s an absolute owner of the property
bearing old survey No.159/16 and New No.159/P14,
measuring 2 acres o Vijayapura village, Vijayapura Hobli,
Devanahalli taluk which is fully described as schedule
property is not correct. The suit schedule property is a joint
family property. Defendants No.2 to 4 are also got right title
and interest purporting to suit property.

The averments and claims made in para 4 of the plaint are

not correct.

The averments and claims made in para 5 of the plaint are

not correct. Suit property is the joint family property and the
acquisitions of the said property is by accretion of joint
nucleus and by the joint efforts of the family as such the suit
property is a joint family property. Defendant No.1 has no
exclusive right and title against the suit property and as
such the obligation of the first defendant to execute the sale
deed in favour of plaintiff does not arise.
: 15 :

The averments and claims made in para 6 of the plaint are

not correct. There is no readiness and willingness on the
. part of plaintiff.

The averments and claims made in para 7 and 8 are not

correct. There is defect in the issue of notice by the plaintiff

That the suit is not maintainable under law as well as on


The suit of the plaintiff is not maintainable under law as well

as facts as an alternate plea to the return of alleged
advanced amount is not sought. The true facts of the case
are as hereunder:-

That this defendant has no exclusive right title and

ownership in respect of the suit land. Further more she has
no exclusive right to execute the agreement of sale dated
5-11-2005 in favour of plaintiff. Further more the co-owners
namely Bhavani and Gopi and daughter and son of this
defendants have not signed to the agreement. The notice
issued by the plaintiff is defective and further more revenue
documents purports to joint family property and the joint
family interest subsists and involves as such the first
defendant has no right to execute the sale deed purporting to
suit property.

WHEREFORE, the first defendant prays that this Hon'ble Court

be pleased to dismiss the above suit with exemplary costs, in the
interest of justice and equity and law.

Sd/- Sd/-
Advocate for 1st defendant 1st defendant
: 16 :


I, Parvathamma, the firstidefendant in the above case do hereby

declare that what is stated above is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief.

Devanahalli, Sd/-
Date : 10.4.2007 1st defendant
: 17:



0.5. No.7738/ 2006

Plaintiff Sri.S.Jayaram,

V/ s

Defendants Smt.B.Parvathamma and others


I, Parvathamma, W/o.Krishnappa, aged about 49 years,

residing at Gurappannamat, Vijayapura town, Devanahalli Taluk, do
hereby solemnly affirm state on oath as follows:

I submit that I am the defendant No.1 in the above case

and I know the facts of the case.

The averments made in written statement para 1 to 8 are

all true and correct.

What is stated above is true and correct.

Identified by me:

Sd/- Sd/-
Advocate Deponent

Date: 10.04.2006
18 :

&Oat AZre o7Dnettdd mo..twat

7e7 "ef:tePQ

utez rtOai B 7788/2006

mo 08 ))e 8a -76. th)crat.76'

4amnrIct 8 4
. 9e7)6 2-9.77F-dt.1 7..),1), c.addct

Ae,9cre 415)0.13 olDe ealet 8 natt.) 1 d e:95ateD„ dacie.)e487-)anat

GDOd eePt8-

treitozto -43mnala) tqL O&Dd teenoi.).)4 neins'ap.

1. teat ott mdfac,d) e9=1.t4d 70e ttr 0.159/16

33.271 F o .159/ eiI 4 2 catld R146_,,r1 ,rarie.) 467-anat.) &sax' 7:DEA

0t0Z3 ect
C7M-D eCt.tDepe ReLttl, Leaz).3 th€.3)a)ri
467-an 2 Cca 4 drcr S z4tiract,6_ 4 ,7.

7-at 76.)ti montatt„ eqd.)7 uotticg.)

oot t„

riZt d mdFflemontateDC, tect,d.7 esotrIct tbate.L. a7-a

5t)tapoz3d z:rnric &mat djt)nori

tcznntotht. 18:97pot tnt.) 2Leai3 c)e.3 thea.)ond tstte.)
467-an cdrcatis tacim aid61 7875.5,* d7.22se.75' 7.Dee.5 e.17pot
7..edee 46mno.t) mnri p)o:;.2)td) tratters....)7 7-at t
: 19 :

6te -503ecntt totri boi.De. maati

S.) 1:50F.,Th t01-DiMh egteXis

Mtct4t 7 tJkSb...,, 8te &)pato.i..)tio„ ofee;cipt esotrtgi.) rtbate.ig

z.ntbo_t) eag.-13t traet3,P4teD,„ t.faereiLcbt_ot.

utm e.mt,motTlei guxt Entat) Aorts.)to,

tznof)..) Ento.t.) tfiati etEe..) mri„mottleii tAzd

ntocid at.) zx dtnt=rItt z-IdEzt t mt;

teek.L. tboirat me7,1motrith teJtote rat.

gazzrt czsz ntr-tmtls Ldtt, ttoiutm

tnOeria eacbtpe3, fet71 5.11.2005d trnEt..),* mtg.?

nriattcetez Erdt).6 ratiptioc.,. wit t..7D,Detti..) esotd

rtaei,) t.)&, t.mith t.)t thgSmnat t,N1 gjatt o--Deat RI&

tntieL. mEZga.t.) eDriot tsDeL3r-t r32eareirdsDbatrit. tYZ

mmerici gnci (:)t3 t.)Lipozaci ;tai,,hcbitztat ok.3 t.n.3.)o23t

Zonett,oin raditt utpot t2tot tjamnrc td.z6e.7€

mdt.Dt2tc..t aaoccacttpe.)tg

eitcpotrfcE5 voi oo..1) c.MTIJD tekca)ot

t-znat Oic-roztv, tottzonri tt,z t3-ott5etrozth t2ericnht.

;1 r-t80/-
t2riut tjamnat teeuct tstut EnC)
H 20:

eocid t';'ekct.) 7c1:\2tucte r.:2),Bematri MeTirtti)

ta.szut 7.-pv-obAt4icteitotcY ofiNt)t) toriSrIct Ct ant ri-5(SDa

c)z..9to_13 gb-Dri -07:@rt2 tbast76,Fictalo t.

detatett et80/-
in 8 10.04.2007 dfDttUt gaMtr.
: 21 :

6013tha AQ.5e.,Tc Frecattorii..)


utvz cnt toe 6s TM/ 2006



48mnrIct g 49et.it .mtratpt cwitdcb


t et te.;:)) a9=.1.Dtjd tLe3.3 2t, rtzit,p

metriztt 49 t 0.t7sbitt FS tan ttkti et 7z.) todtzh

:gtnts tnel 44s fldt rt_i/Bmal,tzte.

mt.) oiJhc ttmximotr10.) ae;bct


e&., Etteenat motit 1 bot 8 clq, tejq tuts


tpec.1 c—cleccttst t@rtab.

rtri.)&80attcts t80/-
7480/- tjtrarkitrcb

t (NI cia (I)

2 10.04.2006

O.S. No.7788/2006

Plaintiff Sri.S.Jayaram,

V/ s

Defendants Smt.B. Parvathamma and others



The defendants 2 and 3 submit as follows :-

That the averments and claims made in para 3 of the plaint that
the 1st defendant is absolute owner of the property bearing Sy.
No.159/16 and new No.159/P14 measuring 2 acre situated at
Vijayapura, Devanahalli Taluk, is more fully described in the schedule
property is not correct and denied as false. The averments made in
the same para the suit schedule property is Hindu joint family
property. The defendants 1 to 4 are also own right title or interest
over the suit schedule property the 1st defendant she is not at all own
independent funds purchase the suit property, she is house wife of by
profession and also wife of the M.Krishnappa. The said M.Krishnappa
is kartha of the joint family. The defendants 3 and 4 are also in joint
possession in the suit schedule property. There is no partition
between the M.Krishnappa and 1st defendant other family members.

The averments and claims made in para 4 of the plaint are not
correct is false and denied. The defendants No.2 and 3 not at all
aware the transaction of the agreement dated 05.11.2005 and sale
The averments and claims made in para 5 of the plaint are not
correct. The suit property is joint family property and the acquisition
of the said property is in accretion at joint nucleus and by the joint
efforts of the family. As such the suit property is joint family property,
the 1st defendant has no exclusive right and title interest over the suit
property and as such the obligation of the 1st defendant to execute the
sale deed in favour of plaintiff does not arise.

That the averments and claims made in para 6 of the plaint are
not correct. This defendants not at all aware the para 6 averments of
the plaint is totally denied and false.

That the averments and claims made in paras 7 and 8 of the

plaint are not correct is totally false and denied.

That the suit is not maintainable either in law has baseless

facts. The 3rd defendant issued the legal notice to the plaintiff on
dated 27/01/2006. The plaintiff refused the legal notice on dated
03/02/2006 the copy of legal notice is also produced herewith for
kind perusal of this Hon'ble Court. That the defendants 2 to 4's father
namely M.Krishnappa spend the money for purchased the suit
schedule 'property, today the above property is Hindu joint family
property. That the above said M.Krishnappa is. kartha of the joint
family, the defendants 2 to 4 are the members of the joint family,
there is no partition took place between the M.Krishnappa and
defendants. The 1st defendant is not at all have own right to alienate
the suit schedule property independently. The plaintiff agreement
dated 05.11.2005 is not at all maintainable either in law or on facts of

the case.
Wherefore the defendant Nos. 2 and 3 prays that this Hon'ble Court
may be pleased to dismiss the suit of the plaintiff with costs, in the
interest of justice and, equity.

Sd/- 2. Sd/-
Advocate for the 3. Sd/-
Defendant Nos. 2 and 3 Defendants


We, the defendant No.2 and 3 above named, do hereby verify

that what is stated above is true and correct to the best of our
knowledge, information and belief.

Devanahalli, Sd/-
Date : 12/7/2007 Defendant No.2 and 3
: 25 :



O.S. No.1569/ 2006

Plaintiff Sri.S.Jayaram,

V/ s

Defendants Smt.B.Parvathamma and others


I, Bhavani, W/o. B.V.Chandrashekar, aged about 30 years,

residing at Bijawara village, Vijayapura Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, do
hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows:

I am the 2nd defendant in the above case and I know the

facts of the case. The 3rd defendant is my younger
brother. Hence, I am swearing to this affidavit on behalf of
him also.

I submit that the averments made in the paras 1 to 06 of

the written statement are all true and correct.

What is stated above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,

belief and information.

Identified by me:

Sd/- Sd/-
Advocate Deponent

Date: 12/7/2007
: 2.6 :

keicrr cridtd ta,i6o:d@vat

urte) mt tog E 7788/2005

• .))€
giBmt3riest s :4)) et)a ot.ntrtt.pe, tisb.„ tat:1W

at eoat 710E4 edet 8 3ci.)t) / d e:5124.134, Ott l eePts-

gaMet 2 t..)-40 3 dtd.) -tlestotot

tr'.."2,s e.76' fttl, uodd tettott tn.valt Za.134.4 nax,t1r

(:).159/16 t.)&„ Farat 0.159/e..)1.4 2 catdzegamOrt 4e0ttha
soot) uttt)al 3e motoi.pq; =bolt c-tee;tot uot tdate3,
Eits%e76' Zoota eL7.1.1t 7:13upoz.zi tcp_ohdc5. 1 Oot 4
ct2Amnrieiip tt.pe, 2.43e et:tate-76 t.xeiuso_poodaald.
Ttraot .t.rackttod 7.1.pt ton tdtnt tfulue
4smnr1 egcbtjae..) utnt» rtaorgczootetipp (tot& tc:lb
czo4tairip tht.3)onal ttrmildiri 3 tDt.D, 4Citth 4S tce,22se.76'
712t,,tot.37tEpctttepn-s),.,d. cbo.q)ctA d
rd eoupozat to:1,46d tt.Dt c..92.1nrIg uhcbtinc.L.

Mt et.>al 44e moatatte„ uotrIth „to% rts

tOote..?...s 2 t3t3 3e Z.2jaTranTith 05.11.2005 d ecrto esc;im
ttstmdt nrt, oiDt tmayht t,zornt.) Sqnvc4
: 27 :

5ete oti.o uotrict, eL-747

cz -0 zs-ioLSu)ond nflc±c‘aciF.; atoL3 tpe..3.)ozat bod

tomote.)--tht. brth tC) o3 napond it2teyiS
,t?)3-ant:3r1 ot5.5.6 ed Lt-5.ztet mcm 44&t.)et,tact.)4.peL.
utcpozt gSmalat. 46mbri -si at S6 tna,t2t.
,..)t etp-z5se

afld tt 6e a)otc:Ltte, acActt uoti-10i) tbote.). a

41z-Dbrie;rt et4ri 6ete moatcthq, e ,dot esotriei zzrI tiz808

t)ti, 4Eib esotrici.

Mt ri4t 7 ta.), seMattatte" cto ecript esoerlea.) .J6MF

4titruzl rtoei.Dej mrmii ututeciatennzt.

cszto:-.) 5-eyeJa unatel eaciaetpoe, ntzlomotricoci

tatiraid. 3e7-2)1SmEiclit emOrt 27.01.2006 tiOt.) 7:7..fa tact

eacta-1,d. z3ric, .JDeL3rtDct 3.2.2006

dot) actcr%ciNgicd. atrzbet rPc3m, 9cdmucatt
Obee..)rtsmcttLttemPirS. &tiers' rtta, Zood2 esLza riDuDozat

7542 e0c;) 2 t)ti, 4t'C 72)1Smoriqi tat cao.itarippFtzt tctsv.ye tr,b

“a) Cit

zbebtet tiott mz.trtnactald. Rldbcao.toctipcj =k3 dn.:tont

4Amn 2 bot 4 dart IDE3 uponci

4cit,soznci0. ao:doelpci awt@ 48=71%1 eapriazhctgEbe.L.

tiattei t.:9'Smn ntrrot.D6 z..4 Rponei, d t„otmth ttsoue

r-eLt at t.)-zctt attt.)4 Sobc.L. EZ)mot 05.11.2005ri mnat totzt

unatc, 0--suta m),47„mott esnosteD„
: 28 :

tsn'abot rPtam t-e,i , rtz ttzst 7.;Ac309.)0d


mte.J.Dr; 25,3ct.) 7.10-alt rtzteg matre) .—4.7e)72,2.5elotz 2 C.t.D72.1, 3RIC

ried.) 79)LPE 7t.) alpri

2",)80/- 2..t80/-
adt) reS_„ 3.7180/-
48=0_1: tieuth B-2.56mnrleot


23e r.256=)rleart t.).2eA tbbee.) tne%

-0-fieei.)*Etcocida&xi teeni eotreri.D tn808 anrtz

c) 2.9 tatQT:1')nci MTt.2 to hrit_ott.

ztetete,„, 7)483/-
n 8 12.07.2007 EFIAME:f 2 t.)35..„ 3
: 29 :

An.5e.76 noc.npettitc1 cmcanc.n.th

me toe 8 7788/2006

mt) ez.-76.o_tcr@tie
tjaz-anrtg) 8 etha nratrtt)6 ratrith

tObee.) --6 4t.stratt)

ne)..rea , tcid tjanor,, zd TT,."6.M.Xt Mg.) 30
tr tatetmi tuDeo 2.3.e.t.zSo*temue et al6zgi
tottaR) !Ayr@ tna •th teitoo eette_oe

th te de RIEiT"43 rc9eA
oTW tn,Soa cathtipt. taiDrie gamtb qt tt.)e etpot
mt) efit tcittricth 43 titnra rig.)t ot tnactl.

gamt tr6t &DOM I bot 6 c:16„ ScAtht 8.9otrlei3 omri2


tDee.5 otect oriarith tc.L tiDv tyaoaat gut

mrt2 ft oinh

rtzta380=itcip tizo/-
t Mud.)

tet tq?e),
?Jul ce1.2th
ns 12.07.2007
: 30: •



O.S. No.7785/2006

Plaintiff Sri.S.Jayaram,

V/ s

Defendants Smt.B.Parvathamma and others


Name Sri.S.Jayaram P.W.1

Son of S/ o.late Patel Shettappa

Age 66 years

Occupation Agriculturist

Address R/ at Tippu Sultan Road, Devanahalli

Town, Bangalore Rural District

I, S.Jayaram, S/o. late Patel Shettappa, major, residing at Tippu

Sultan Road, Devanahalli Town, Bangalore Rural District, do hereby
solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows:

I submit that, I am he Plaintiff in the above case and I am

fully conversant with the facts of the case, hence, I am
swearing to this affidavit.

I submit that, the Defendant No.1 is the absolute owner of

the property bearing old Sy.No.159/ 16 and new No.159/ P14
measuring 2 acres situated at Vijayapura village, Vijayapura
hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore Rural District and the
same was purchas d by the Defendant No.1 under a
registered sale de d dated 09/11/1990 registered as
document No.422/90-91, pages 9 to 12, volume 1387
book-I, in the office of the Sub-Registrar, Devanahalli,

consequent upon the said purchase the mutation was

effected in the name of the Defendant No.1 in M.R.
No.24/90-91 and all the revenue records were mutated in
the name of the Defendant.

I submit that, the Defendants had agreed to sell the schedule

property at the rate of Rs. 11,60,000/- per acre, the total sale
consideration of Rs.23,20,000/- and I agreed to purchase the
schedule property and in this regard the Defendant executed
a sale agreement dated 05/11/2005 in my favour.

I submit that, the suit property was purchased by the 1st

Defendant under a registered sale deed from
M.Narayanaswamy and Lakshminarayana and the said
property constitute self acquired property of the 1st
Defendant and as such Defendants No.2 to 4 have no right,
title over the said property and the Defendant No.2 to 4 are
formal parties to the suit. I submit that, the R.T.C. records
pertaining to the suit property stands in the name of the 1st
Defendant alone and hence, it is obligatory on part of the 1st
Defendant to execute the sale deed in my favour.

I submit that, on 05/11/2005, I paid a sum of

Rs. 10,00,000/- to the Defendant No.1 as advance amount
and the Defendant No.1 has received the same and
acknowledged the receipt of the advance amount and
executed the aforementioned sale agreement dated
05/11/2005. As per the terms and conditions of this
agreement the transaction was to be completed within 90
days from the date of agreement i.e., 05/11/2005, even
though I was always ready and willing to get the sale deed
registered in my name by paying the balance sale
consideration of Rs. 13,20,000/- but the Defendants failed to
come forward to execute the sale deed and also failed to
produce the original documents of the schedule property-.
Therefore, under the circumstances? I demanded the
Defendants to execute. the sale deed, since the transaction
could not be completed and subsequently I issued a legal
notice to the Defendant No.1 on 23/01/2006 requesting the
Defendant No.1 to receive the balance sale consideration
amount and execute the sale deed in my favour and had also
dispatch a draft sale deed along with the legal notice. The
Defendant No.1 received the notice and given unwanted reply
to the said notice.

I submit that, the Defendants failed to execute the sale deed

in my favour even after several oral requests and the
Defendant No.1 is postponing the same, even though I was
ready and willing to perform my part of contract. I submit
that, I demanded the , Defendant No.1 to execute the sale
deed in my favour and receive the balance sale consideration,
but the Defendant No.1 intending to alienate the schedule
property to the third parties and create third party interest in
the schedule property in order to deprive the lawful rights in
me in request of the suit schedule property.

I submit that, after lapse of a month the Defendants herein

has not shown any inclination to execute the sale deed in my
favour in respect of the schedule property and therefore I
having no other option is approaching this Hon'ble Court for
the relief of specific performance of agreement dated


Wherefore, I pray that this Hon'ble Court be pleased to pass

judgment and decree against the Defendants in the interest
of justice and equity.
I, deponent herein do hereby declare that this is my name
and signature, the contents of this affidavit •are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge, belief and information.

Identified by me

Advocate Sd/-
Devanahalli Deponent
Date: 11/01/2010 Sworn to before me

Witness called, duly sworned on 11.01.2010

Further examination-in-chief by Sri. P.S. Advocate.

I am the plaintiff in this suit, I know the defendants. I am

conversant with the facts of the suit. Today, I have produced my
affidavit by way of examination in chief What all is stated in the
affidavit are true.

I have produced the documents relating to the suit.

Ex.P1 is the original agreement of sale dated 05.11.2005. Ex.P2

is the copy of the legal notice dated 23.01.2006. Ex.P3 is the postal
acknowledgement. Ex.P4 is the reply dated 27.01.2006.

Cross-Examination - Sri. B.M.E. Advocate

(At this stage, as the Advocate requested for time, the case is

(Dictated and typed in the open Court)

R.O.I. 86A.C.

Senior Civil Judge 86
Witness recalled, duly sworn ell 24.02.2010:

Cross-examination by Sri.E.M.B. Advocate for defendants 1 and 2

I am an agriculturist by profession. I do not know the 1st

defendant. I have deposed that defendant No.1 has executed
Ex.P1 - agreement. Before the execution of Ex.P1, I have not
met him. It is not correct to state that I am carrying on the
profession of money lending. The suit schedule property in
Sy. No.159/P-14 measures 2 acres. I have not seen the
schedule property. I have not seen the original documents
and title of the schedule property. Except stating that the 1st
defendant has purchased the schedule property, I do not
have full information regarding how she acquired it.

I am unable to say how many daughters and sons the 1st

defendant has. I cannot say how many members are there in
her family. The 21 d defendant may be the daughter of the 1st
defendant. Defendants 3 and 4 are the sons of the 1st
defendant. It is true that all the defendants are residing at
Vijayapura as 'members of the Joint Family. I cannot say
what rights defendants- -2 and 4 have in the schedule
property. May be that the schedule property is a Joint family
property of the 1st defendant and her children. The 1st
defendant declined to answer the suggestion that the 1st
defendant did not have absolute right to execute an
agreement of sale in respect of the schedule property as per
Ex.P1. However, she states that the 1st defendant has
executed the agreement of sale.

1st defendant received a sum of Rs. 10 lakhs as advance at

the time of executing the agreement as per Ex.P1. I do not

know what was the market value of the agricultural lands at
Vijayapura at the time of execution of Ex.P1. The 1 st
defendant has stated that she would execute the sale deed in
respect of the schedule property within 90 days from the date
of Ex.P1. Two months after the execution of Ex.P1, I met the
1st defendant and requested •her to execute the sale deed. I
am unable to say the specific date on which I had gone there
requesting her to execute the sale deed. I alone had gone to
her. Nobody else had come along with me. When I asked the
1st defendant to exeeute the sale deed, her husband
KrishnaPpa also was present. It is not true to say that I did
not meet the 1st defendant within 90 days from execution of
Ex.P1 and requested her to execute the sale deed and that I
am deposing falsely.

14) • Venkatareddy, Tirumala Narayana, Krishnappa have signed

as witnesses to Ex.P1 - agreement. Venkata Reddy and
Tirumala Reddy are the residents of Vijayapura. One Anwar
is the scribe of Ex.P1. I do not know whether he has licence
as a document writer. Rs.23,20,000/- is the total
consideration agreed upon for the schedule property. In my
day to day transactions, I have 3 to 4 agreements of sale as
Ex.P1 are done by him. In I:I-lose 3 - 4 transactions, the I i
total extent of land involved is only 4 acres. It is not correct
to suggest that the schedule property does not exclusively
belong to the lst defendant and I have got a false document
as Ex.P1 executed by the defendant and I am deposing
falsely. It is not true to suggest that with the intention of
knocking of the property, I got issued Ex.P2 notice. I may be
that the defendants and 1st defendant's husband are all joint
owners and are in joint possession of the schedule property
and I do not know in this regard.

/ 15) As the Advocate for defendants 3 and 4 were absent, their

cross-examination is taken as Nil.

No re-examination.

(Dictated and typed in the open Court)

R.O.I. & A.C.

Senior Civil Judge 86
: 37:

&Doi) abC.76. mot-abeedd

c matzvat

ee.ntiez m-s ;tog 7788/2006

. ) e carTe.atozt..76

e.9tht 9

)1 6marlth - s
ar..) :1)Ca-t1 2..t.mtnst..)6 acattict


z eceAztat

tat; 66 tar


c.Wma L34ebe.)--5'
rEettosi) 76'
siorldszt rtz)tnotd net

ziorlei-rath 7-1-3Mnotd nee, tetteir, kSz76', citatc,

mtmhd3t a,75' rostort..)-6 ±ecs-6' ,7176 dee.31' t.See.76'

*D.D )1 tra-@ tnn 49 te.11-4otoe tesotte.

7:146 anr12 cApmh zrz)

I. tEZ) 43 ambainnt.Da 4.faMF mt,motrice eDbLt.

uricpot ams gt..)-Dm ri%1 t.Dot gtd-zr4V0,758_,,c3/.

2. t3or1ci.2th nottizterictctoe,„ rsteiz,t3, zcidct.runc,

riDt.)rite, atecie ttr 0.159/16 0.159/ii34 cite,

.3 :

2et.dzie)F,$) Qt2)6z- noiaD e..1.767Th 17.3;.MITic-71Zht.:7)9 . e-Stct.)

tte) tstRbct 9.11.1990 doLt .,r•-oo(ttcO' tit) 5

.:,)t.D too; 422/90-91 Ff3e3

9 bo 12 .7tog3 1387 tirt,ti dot ttt' tic) esot.)c-rtzeotimp-e-@bilei

terttbai.DeDc., taeotre t.-tht thioap-ootd adDelbAdar.,9,

mraa cs@merle.t ao.ticre. o 25 24/90-91d 0 t hd)t_ot

46z-znrleot ttz,se.76' 71,,4 r.adr1 11,60,000 ctrarleii gt-mot

gjat ti'M 23,20,000 d2rle0V1 gptt trzok.1) 8.)b€eite...1J

7•6.) o,i.tJjot. intoi)tc, ,tam-zei 5.11.2005 dont M.1 'tja)O-1.)2:1 C1E:13

23driy&faqict,sig aocto ten,-4-3ot_bet.

etir eacieite gamocth) aO.MCRO-I.DES sThea)

eat emmatto aozo.)tbot :-e9) att .mbe3A,ciptl,ta tt.rop

tioriee 46m-Dnoi.) -toinnrt Rinr1±3LC3. 2 dot 4.0 4.1M-a:/rlet,71

taws' t)ec5 cte rot; ec:Scpot

etthrici.Dcz Etz..5--&bt 0.16z-ofirlci7V1 tmte.)-ett. tda,sue ,t2Lt

tacie.) gam-otxto F05-7)136,., radat_ott, isolobot g)attt)

' t ct

M•1t...7grdsteiD gambal...t ;matt eroeiQ aoci.D

5. 5.11.2005 do t.D 7e).D da 10,00,000 to-irk gamEOrt t_torld

otramh tpti, gaz-ao.t.).) utd AQ...jetErBo.t.),*

pjoi OdE 5.11.2005d0ct Indtot5,1@e„.1dytiA. do-g3

4)ind ttricx
-7Ddtj 90 nctrlei z,cht to)ho.to.leirtp_o. Ombet ,E3nocd

ei0d 05.11.2005 00t. 01).-Ejt.1, efl)CPt tzzoort 13,20,000

ciicDrie ct 74)atats5cit:),Q. tt-cb
- tizciozt 24, &r tOi:DC.

e.:5 CidQt.)
) a MLi Cot et.C.
75. L&ji T.15.ZU MI4Diericirk -9Th
) d..) u=g)
Elt,z6e76' Qtata) ctariumricbal,d. e5tbor..)'
rbtesatipattc, Ettnoiot ndrz T.2)'17-aDOric2rti t.,--&atuDtei.)
Fdozsed ns 23.01.2006 CSOCi) eistue 4p5=r1
- tmcD tort t..3.737.5 eroe;d 5jatt t2z3vrIt..lt Re o
tnatstex Q,936.1,,e7sod.) ..(DeL3,qt torlt gyitzre4ci tcidD
dzrie) argAmb F8.2eartr; dLt..)-azott.D
utd tieloncl emt_cdt; encf.),-LV caoct 4e.

C)MC:iJ t..fZtt euzeOtriei rz tnncicis tit tate.) 46r,-)6no.t.)

.tt ) t.That2dex gamt:Wtot ZOvcratittui,,d dazte)

43mbatD t•-).)0Z:1,2d)4,,CiD31A. MZJ tc,L mteD zaLottri tretist.)4

Act uarta toii-Nnhctite. mt.) g)atci erockt tatouri t

rirtt.raocto tqt br1 oi trg) tizaettadez 2,11,ait =zntri ie

g8n-obat.) 3e çt0rw tar 1A,t

7-- 6,3 9 •t•
er4e)"13eq V"'

erodsbActi70. .54Mtdc.rd tar,t),A.4 tpee., Fc;t4 nr.kr'6c-anta ctep.)4

teE4o.i.)ez entsb,?4thuig ac;±

Sorith teit'crecit,fr gambrict -czisart etste..76'

.mare72zzki.) aingr3e tactleFoes tialpot uct.mrtre.te.),,p

mt.D -a-zs 05.11.2005 dz,t,jorsizt tor.-)0.) t007@drin th

72soi5Dvoiptt.Dct rteapea),4cipt€F3.

utcpoci 9o.i.pqabol)oci txti aegr -0Tato ej)(:11).Dct

m2sainvatti antzietoct tenze,itte.

7.1)ee5 ct egt gr..15- cats- 49etzsexti cit:ze&,74.5:,14eocld

,atx cirice tett.: ±=mnt..),,,49 7.ba-,tmn Tityci u rict Z.-76 tont

Fartro 80acal) ri)15zdem-th -


rbargcltd) ma83/-
tio/- gt.mt•Itr
ticut). t=c3 4t.mrantennt
det -co't,

M8 11.01.2010

tclk gti-offeettuneut) C:imods 11.01.2010

_13otzbttlezi tnal et,zsatirt s b.$) ez-Tr.eeoboci

8)c7-),) et2A=rie,i.) rt2,t,mod. ezzl'oio

seand. altot -tra:),3 Landra9 6t)„L

ms,-.3d.)-eriEtArt. e5td_q, ctee.Pot Q.9tiatrtct ritomh.

.3 maxtritt.,54
mtrl tozoo1

10) eV, 5.11.2005 d oi .d).J.1, 23.1.2006 d

c-,3Le3e•2z' tzSeD 4)8 -
erioe - ALL) dP4e, u02.3
.c9-1.4, 27.1.2006 d e cacti.) rtxtarteno1/41)t.D.
:41 :

mt.3e. 7.1cme.2) titeoDo

tottq, emtse teeurt iner

ezint t..robtcpot
tzenttme een=z5.5)

(erotx,5mctett)4 grit mtsaimuatzttc, zidciztti

L.b-soe.te.t.a.Lt e.7@ht

&Doi.) Ae..9e.7€ rgeu, 53


r-r)atroilgitmededOrlemoaisi.) bunts 24.02.2010

mt3e ft Mv e. tt.Q0.ZZ. 6eeJDOCI - 4taZat3 1 t.D4 2 Citl

11) at.: coj citnt)teiegamoat tentot

thdt.)4/3e),,. tmcb t4)t.)ot 1c gamn

zadttAr@Lbri.Dtdoct cteePt.),,, at4)t,Dot ndt,:tartgric

zpt.3tnathgEve, atD to,t,atte,

QØE afar c. 159/ei-14 ucid

LgioeraF 2 atd. azm At Mt =marl cnm

ftApt tarau ZertiM&..)eirlg 7)54 c7MtJ .Jaentiag E)e),4 MZM ;5. _„t.Drat
eTAME3 att ElizotUtzot).) Ettecd4itt..) ntadde emit'? ei

noatzaptd 7304Prar e,tridd

:4,2 :

12) 1EcIAr1 czeti3 trawbtct, czatd Z ric)da

datgdadd02:...)Cid 2.DIt cteei ''Ejart Sc) p.'yeaaozatt„

z,Lzad adad altetoexmodo=zad nil, Et Se ddri rtizZ,o„. 2e

Q.72)'Zdataie rteciocidradzadigtota ctecctu.- d.

die‘min 3 t.DZ:3 4 dritarith ide 0){.M-a=ia rlodotatpodd b.

dAdarle,9 e..)rdsa Q.9aiadidtc, ese.92,it_o PaL3a0Zatec, d'ate9cacdocid

O. C7M--6 We/ TijigEMn 2 bad 4 dtdarigri Etat; dada, zendst

cad dozzadd nit &Oct cam tLtda_,

gadan ci us9d7:1, dataaozard 7-riitodd ,wact

titala dati

radzar'9)docia tec,Pciasi„d. csam rt2t, ppiad tozda uodd

zaddlat2tuaiegadaEart 7:1040MF ctoct4ineLOCid

es 237in ot-adide erotd PlatfLe.), utd ie4az-a,natae ejpAiat

tuadtact zaddatsak3p-tdota decdaai,d.

13) 1e :dAzaL) p)att tozziact Lark/A.2E1j todzgrcitc,

diz.io atrad-o; taaorldzah tddatiaoElmg. idacz zadd

totzlircit, g..9=1Dgdztee, dst7aoiat axtsadatdei zie

czett_coza3rici 23/, eoeciczEJT rtrae..)„. 2.1 tact zarklatia.3,3

90 tarici tAinfl dadra 7-3A,4 zaddatisr.15ateota

lite reiAmtb ddri ziseP

, dazia. zaddatzEad 2 Sot/ cldri

E:3 ie -3-aatdact zItet3d.)-ae6 cram

gS. p)oiat

zaddatsdoda teenig end qottde La-Dottot:

trio.) af,frehdlozta deczioa Fitri utoztatact PcVoa

-ca•-6(tzza,e ciperido dqt e.?Jat zfed 230ndObt, CSaM tA,4

zaddhatsa ac)da ra-aaiedAdanala4 tzekuari

et0(174Fri "Om Pt d&t iR0:13 ?let "te)Ct.to
tj C.Qte 1•

zadt)tnli go o-71,7.-i24eirsh c7M7-@7.QS

-0 Hte ci

rapLLitztv-let Lt-Dm, C‘) 0:4•Det !

,5 Z.DCf0t1/4Z ZO-c.a5 5Dec,;cbge.)„

-07DitrDe zarin tcct).) ci1deodd afbateL.

14) .Q9..).1 — 1oixtmeni totud%, arttpv F.MOZO-trZ, "tetesect)j

cZOLttztrlert TAttriee- h,t8o treat:nip. tottadEL ad3t)v

MCRO:bM dtd) Ltso...tgdci mArith. g)o.ixt tozdt4z

'zoda-dmdzi tdz-- Ft
e3t7 aotatr\t zadbV. uttri tti

Rdolze e4mt cao,grae -cteeita urt*E3e)„. azm

cindri ,tocittirtet, da.23,20,000/-

t-2))att t2s - p)o..tzt

tf&eis erVot3 gstrizzlet,2.i dot

--Fait.)4 ettntt 3-4 gst&--Ddrici ct .)---@aalcs

p)catt cto et 3-4

--7-&dcitc, 24k3jj esatugicbt e..9.)e,o 4 atd

crio rozm ,trseLto,

rz)))=a3o.:).5 7.1o4pror troeettpicDc,oe, mrtz tito3.)ot

dot ,t)q tows.) t)t)tt.)ct zadAtsto qt ft.)voted Pris

.)itto.t.D.B_AgF3orid tbaste.)„. to-om 7-ricdt,t.pct utmoa)rtzt

eroztgdnot .e.).2 dot n-teot,) tc,24345 tocd.)oc,.

ZD 'amtat riod cnm


tmttt, omrtsa ot3-7p3erieDep--tdocid ar)Dute radna-4)cloto -epee;

anria zar?, ttr.) rtai.te.)„toct -oteeki)tld.

: 44:

mt.3e TriMe.:08

15) t2)aa-3?n 3 “t..,7b, 4 Ecie)k.Z t5t7titi et6eVri.) rprprzzb tzcin

edSomtoii mL3e Itt eM= "U-9, cZ Drip t),Y&L ecte..)CLDI.-4D

txt Lo.,-
- Dcht oao,,

(erot_tcfesetict tit 7%0i-watt:IL official t_5- tr..:70)

L.78e.te.t.ca.ozi eJ-znd

&bat RiLers'
: 45 :




Plaintiff Sri S. Jayaram

V/ s

Defendants : Smt. B. Parvathamma and others


Name Tirumalanarayana P.W.2

Father's Name Late Narayanaswamy

Age About 45 Years

Occupation Agriculturist/ business

Address Ramadevara Beedi, Vijayapura Town

Devanahalli Taluk

I, Tirumalanarayana, son of late Narayanaswamy, aged about

45 years, residing at Ramadevera Beedi, Vijayapura Town,
Devanahalli Taluk, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as

1. I know the plaintiff and defendants and that on 05/11/2005 the

1st defendant executed a sale agreement in respect of the
property bearing Sy.No.159/P-14 situated at Vijayapura,
Devanahalli Taluk, measuring 2 acres for a sum of
Rs.23,20,000/- and that on that day Mr. Jayaram paid a sum of
Rs. 10,00,000/- in cash to Pavathamma before her husband was
also present and the said PanTathamma affixed her signature
on the stamp paper and after her signature her son Prabahakar

also affixed a signature and her husband Krishnappa witnessed

the signature and later:on B.N. Venkata Reddy affixed a
signature and as a 4th witness I affixed my signature.

2. I submit that, aforesaid agreement was typed at Devenahalli

Taluk Office and transaction took place at Devanahalli Taluk

I the deponent, do hereby 'declare that what is stated above are

true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief

Identified by me

Sd/- Sd/-
Advocate Deponent

Devanahalli Sworn to before me

Date: 04/06/2010

Witness recalled, duly sworn on 04.06.2010

Further examination-in-Chief Sri. P.S. Advocate

I know the plaintiff and defendants. I know the facts of the

suit. Today, I have produced the affidavit of examination-in-
chief All that is stated there is true.

As witness identified his signature in Ex.P1 - agreement, it is

marked as Ex.P1(a).
: 47 :

Cross-examination by Sri. E.M.B. Advocate.

5) Plaintiff - Jayaram is my relative. I have seen the schedule

property. It is situated on the Vijayapura Road at Mandibele.
I do not know the boundaries of the schedule property. The
talks in respect of the schedule property took place is 1st
defendant's husband Krishnappa's house. At the time of
talk, Gowda, B.N.Venkata Reddy, residents of Vijayapura
and myself were present. During the talk, the documents
pertaining to schedule property were examined by us.t The
1st defendant, has two sons and a daughter. Only the
signature of the 4th defendant - Prabhakar is taken to Ex.P1.
The lst defendant and Krishnappa undertook to get the
signatures of the others. There was no difficulty to get the
signatures of defendants 2 and 3 to the agreement. However,
orally, it was stated that their signatures could be obtained.
One week after the agreement, we requested the Pt
defendant to get the signature of others.

I am a B.A. Graduate. It is not correct to suggest that as the

schedule property was the joint family property of the
defendants, 1st defendant had no absolute right to transfer
the same. It is not correct to say that I did not participate in
the tax relating to agreement and I do not know anything
about the schedule property and deposing falsely.

7) I do not know the value of the stamp of Ex.P1. One Anwar of

Devanahalli is the scribe of Ex.P1. The said Anwar is a
document writer. The stamp paper for Ex.P1 was purchased
in the name of the 1st defendant. It is not true to suggest
that in 2006, in and around Vijayapura, the market value of
48 :

a land was about Rs:30-35 lakhs and that in my presence,

no document as Ex.R1 was executed and still I.am deposing

Re-examination - Nil

(Dictated and typed in the open Court)

: 49:

;Dbat R;crc cmconericitt catzvoi)

4.4 • Q...) (4 *to

e:54E2.) Me.) ZOE; g 7788/2006

1).je ca7-76


tAmnrIth s ectoS 2.9 .mtrtS, t.D35.„ .ratrith

tntwat cira&it ,Ta5t (-mea) xat)

t411- .) cbtx)7-anoi.xs

totat zrsotct elekEt MCThat kitia

at0i.); 45 'erait

35,5d„ toait/Mrd

neat Entptet d nen

tet Fitt 3-oext-0)

noscp , ') tidnya ,

01 met) det d nen at Or,

mttatitpt 45 ateraliF tOiD7beit Cie&3 6 MO-Datm,--9?.9.) dtri t.)T1

Sctt)e)mo- a..1.pc; et 7E,i) ta:s c-isutz ztepn gtnieteg,

tcMotorg cteeatte

1. ritrl 4aminrIc3 Ti2. 5.11.2005 clot) d.rDte)

tjSmnatn, ?Jet c..tert, ;R.:1).kt) neattici TTDript ttE 0.159/e514

Mott 2 catd ZIXctt.pct 23,20,000 Ci.10.9)ricPrI gAtteict..z.

notts-oviit.D n) eatott.)-6 ctraMn 10.000

)003.)TWFilt ctat dattc,

CilDr." -7@euzaatc,
rjr1 titct riot c
1 :.
-0 •

Elmatnnt-it“tee ecct
utei gald-a5t ±.27_,.)Q.-72F.tct 7.C-Dat utiat riot totA

-ofl d.)=Q-7L- at±th ozitt

ss ot-3da dn-nets@aci.

eme.),5 1 e othto=e.

2. g)att5trat t et rgOuroto udf?' e.AeD„ ziclei to-odenoapt...)

testo—sociti tettatcPc) me.).2„-do -Afebaloc0„EicOt aoto


qtyrtent mmi 43 toloStsae4,-7,5 tit eotri toeci teefli

Cl e3otrietio (;)2.9t toetti mrts


rtarAZitcb tz0/-
teTeucio ctqL t.).)0C3 gty@roti-octenFld

38 04.06.2010

evatat &IA ggraceed07,10-aoa)to 1::,m0 V 8 04.06.2010

tanczbdci th)&.15 Zzs@drS kt, tireobot

ti.1 1 aro Or
t2) rt.r4tuY, tom Ltzcio ae,,E3t.
tc,t 7.1.y&is “925-Nict 4d1 r -m estclq,
tee;tht Zeto:brieio rts:itorst.
ivta-.1,00 &L1 toRdo tc.'4)titt,ciot st4 itctaAricpot
est.).L .Q9J.1(cz) uot re.xta4C7D0aDta.
M.L.3E eteM=2, i:11,.• Zit .(ZO rTheobot

5) C...
7 - =.t:A5 Cr& 7:176 ttrz tonopol)-Drfte,erob, t,a5.:_otact cmt)

-ceDenricEr,P.). es zciqd rb1Qiar.boiLtaiei ritt,os tact. zimt

tocA„t tpo rtç mmt t_TD.3.5te

gambat nod ±ctatic, .uhrt,tzi. tnt)tri ertt

tortzgteD„ Lo:bgritem,g) rPt, n.ca76. to-ducg

t_T•at)tt:)..i.D totzeirrieDo, azm eiri

tbbee.)ct=tairig.ie4AmCW-1 esp.) t..kb mrtra

L2.1th t.prlett 4Ama)

gzintaettri tem t.3-4) troet,ciri tZorleit-lt

gamn Cron tetcpptCt merAtzt.teteoteVict.

4),Bmb 2 t.)t) 3 cltd i&TW E t tOZZ:b tVe tdatex

at-4alerg2ocir3 qrieDei, estd e.itct te&rieit.lt

omerpatctetoat t54Dtmri ztee,,tct. tcnct t6mt tort

mdzi totd ie gam=...t ct enenttri ettocr/t.).1 0-"cif%


7-6.) ttZezirimhc3g ts7:3_„ oid ese..92440

r-tupozat 7-laiohtcpoci gambri ct-tripoatitd 04PMF

t13,5 eddOel, uockY tbateicg tmrt apti tnt.)-TfttcD, 7z.)

zpri:3) 80AricDe.), trA mC)o..t taebtat tDedr1 to-Dcbt615 tao

mattj5 eiotr3 eibate?,.mam ,- 1A„tzar r1 aingde

Lzrad rt2 tQcia tycte) Prat t.D n..ty) te ot d tbate,.

tott) et4t 713 (Dei atreis ea-ebott.) ttri cS

t.),t tettztijoi.) tiEsc.',76 ezst.),Qtttri.) 2adod..),-51,d. tribe es tp-6

tAo..130, rd,!•;3c1ctrIzricrontb-
3 sci.
z-i eptm nrittt.)4
1€ rfj)6MeJo:b ..;iDoaratd. 2006Q, 0.9z-zatcl)dt

745Dt.Yeate.3 tie uom-zz.-z cziddri dj. 30-35

qp,. rttci. etzt).)t-it)g$J.1tog oingte

qtads zit) ,---tbq etotd

(extelw.)eitt.) tit -D,so.1.)--@ext.tteD„ zidei

0.8, No.7788/ 2006


Sri. S. Jayaram Plaintiff


Smt. Parvathamma 86 Others Defendants



I, M. Krishnaplpa, son of late A.V. Munishamappa, aged about

60 years, residing at Gurappana Mutt, Vijayapura Town, Devanahalli
Taluk, Bangalore Rural District, do hereby solemnly affirm and state
on oath as follows:

I submit that, I am the duly constituted power of attorney of

Defendant No.1 as per Notary Special Power of Attorney dated
14/06/2010 notarized on 17/06/2010.

I submit that, I am the husband of 1st Defendant and as such I

am conversant with the facts of the case.

I submit that, that 1st Defendant has no exclusive right, title

and ownership in respect of the suit schedule land. I further
submit that, the 1st Defendant has no exclusive right to execute
the agreement of sale dated 05.11.2005 purporting to the suit
land in favour of plaintiff.

I submit that, the co-owners namely Bhavani i.e., my daughter

and Gopi my son have not signed to the agreement. The notice
issued by the plaintiff is defective.

I submit that, the joint family interest and co-ownership

subsists in the suit schedule property and as such the 1st
: 54 :

defendant has no exclusive right to execute the sale deed

purporting to suit property.

Therefore, this Hon'ble High Court be pleased to dismiss the

above suit, in the interest of justice, equity and law.

That is stated above is true and correct to the best of my

knowledge, belief and information.

Identified by me

Date: 24.06.2010

No. of corrections

Witness recalled and duly sworn on 24.06.2010

Further examination-in-chief Sri.B.M.B. Advocate

6) I have obtained a Special Power of Attorney from the Pt

defendant. I have produced the said Power of Attorney as Ex.PD1. I
know the facts of the suit. Today, I have produced the affidavit
contained in my examination-in-chief. All that is stated is true.

Cross-examination - At the request of Sri.P.N. Advocate


(Dictated and typed in the open Court)

R.O.I. 86 A.C.

Civil Judge (Sr.Dn.)
: 55 :

Witness recalled, duly sworn on 30.07.20/0

Cross-examination by Sti.P.A. Advocate

It is true that the 1st defendant Parvathamma is my wife. The

1st defendant purchased the schedule property from my elder borther
Narayanaswamy in the year 1990 for a sum ,of Rs. 16,000/- Witness
was shown the sale deed dated 21.07.1991. The witness was shown a
certified copy of this sale deed dated 21.7.1991. The witness admits
that is the sale deed in favour of the lst defendant. It is marked as
Ex.P6. After execution of the sale deed — Ex.P6, the name of the 1st
defendant is entered in the Pahani. It is true that the 1st defendant's
name is entered in the Pahani. As the witness admits the Pahani, it
was marked as Ex.P7. As the witness was shown Ex.P1 and he
admits his signature therein, the same is marked as Ex.P1(b).

I have not produced any documents to show that the schedule

properties were Joint Family Properties. It is not true to suggest that
the schedule property is the self-acquired property of the 1st
defendant. Witness volunteers that it is the joint family property. I
have signed Ex.P1 after reading the same. It is true that he was the

President of Vijayapura Muncipality.

Cross-examination by Sri.D.M.K. Advocate

It is true that defendants 2 to 4 are the children of 1st

defendant. It is true that the 1st defendant purchased the schedule
property on behalf of the joint family. It is true that the 1st defendant
has no profitable estate. It is true that the Pt defendant is a
housewife. The 1st defendant did not get any money from her paternal
: 56 :

house. It is true that defendants 1 to 4 are in a joint family. Apart

from the schedule property, our family owns other properties. It is
true that no partition has taken place in our joint family. It is true

that on 27.01.2000, 3rd defendant had issued a notice to him. It is

true that defendants 2 and 3 have a right in the schedule property .
May be that the 1st defendant has no absolute right to sell the

schedule property.

(At this stage, the Advocate for the defendant sought permission to
further cross-examination and permission granted)

Further cross-examination by Sri.V.A. Advocate

10) There are no document to show that the schedule property is

the joint family property. It is not true to suggest that myself , my
wife and my children have conspired and to knock off the schedule
property we are deposing falsely. It is true that we had agreed to
executed a sale deed within 90 days from the date of agreement. The
plaintiff had issued a notice to the 1st, defendant. It is true that the
plaintiff had issued a notice to the 1st defendant.

Re-examination - Nil

(Dictated and typed in the open Court)

R.O.I. & A.C.

Senior Civil Judge &
57 :

&bat AnieJere arv6old-tpuridtt richinoci,

utel) etio4 s 7788/2006

MC.) k))e ca7-71.etioncrot..75'


4jamtY-let,t) s A cattith
n.c.mtrtt.)e, Q721.)-

dade.) 4jamto.1.) ttizaft elt aicre tics'

Sr iae7 ,4, -7S

sionciact nDtBotti net tetrictt ;new*, a.to..134ci 076.

rtriptcj Mcitt, metmiritt 60 rietar atft q.eac.V.-4,113 2.976'

ca.e.t.ty)z-aMtcj aph Mrla todMrt 4M-rdtt5g)

tIciodoe c-atec:tte.

14 .06.2010inbeZt t e..76 tett:Ts' t576 e.$ Lin M33,

,.rzeubcitri t.nor3 Fise).)F.riniAt m. 17.06.2010 CiOt Qtateit

gamno_13 rid eritAFt nto Teites6 e.ler Escapoi5X17E act°


M3 trutue gamt3o..i.) ararti-) teA) Met,MOtTlei

Enatit)t ot cl.2c)C4F,f) aotz dot.) tta,se.76' to23c4M3dot to±750-rtm

nist,-)DM25 'Etc
-9:Atzt elm& zadrip tatez Matuct

: 58 :

4. 1 cilmtn-N-) 7.)L-6- act at)ee tot

et2(17i(De =2)

e.4M et."Zrc.DeittFibcz Etto=54.)tn),.

RictetD0€5'Cnt riqt ttc, t471.7i2ece..) ttct g)o:bt

tit:Rm rt,83 atnave,. mOatt :toeJ3ttSeEir.d

totc; ,Akttnt.-

edaz3C.76 :40-ter4)t..) athDtC.).) 7..12CiOe

9 :2)SMiri etOt ctot06

qZ;(4.)ne.),, tte) xitz.s5, theaDon uteLD alr@o=titt te

tcto tiztettt z,eictL3 ctsa raicg;t


urtOot rfortazt mtsoi.)421.4) moo..t 0-fl

cztetal)oci tntzieto.

etee ctee2t e.5otrIth 7toe oz omr1a traosat t)ezirl

mtte toCliTegtg_i,t.

rbarAttct etzci-
t gt.Threttr
teeent FLtet t=c5 -4t.)-zraatmcdozttict

23°7'1 ci.mt
Mg 24.06.2010

O.S. No. 7788/2006, DW.1

t'clA t..)-at'e-rg)ate.mcZ:t3. eaOS 24.06.2010

tapo.)..)tcYci ri3.)&36w92.2cPet - a.ao.n tT!Teobot

6) mt.) 2,Jode Lter;° tindt ) tatitmhzttc.

toeZtecti anzzsci3Q7W6Aripc, toe -

0 •

.ud. 1 c:07,± rotADLteThvot3. yctczzlat nit F.3,1t

atnot Q.3zy&det tEdRri. c1-7@d.)c-fatZ),,c(t). ctecpt.)t
Zctgatn'ct rtAQ.-nrit.

mt3 tmex - akT) ahcaRic. teevd eciebtal.) dpedr? -tnot,2tmo.1),-s5

(uniten)737..J9t tdd ab-

- voeD, zithi213,3 rip-rk.J—eit=t))

&Doi) ALe.7'

clet Meeat

azir at eldhi ttsardetWrienoartl.) 1;) -00#2, 30.07.2010

ra3e ,tmez - Ett, C., AZ . 6evdo

4,)6Me) - MtFtt.)e, rim'ct tots cactid et b. e a 7.

CYZM t tot Utaro MCDC):5EZera.:?..9.)CItOOt 1990C11%
thz.16,000-oo ri/r1 tiziortt2oatfoa-0. -Tafirt n.21-7-1991 dot.)
fit P)attgit cie4etot c7terethcit -e2e0,71e.mh esct e gSmno.i.)
-c750-,-tb*Se„ eltotroe p)atErig) cao± 2,42.potIciobot, e3tt..).L
thrt8tencwt.). otc:1 edo ie
gSabatattbrit, •iroirt ctiV zact,tA ,zoried 76-aZ oi
tbbsat9t Lec420artoot caot.)
Mt:tato-D=35. rt.rubte.)-- h ucitt),,c1..) 480 tqt
7480 czoct 2.,a2itt2otittbot, e5d9L thcbtte.)7o1),-s3.
50 :

8) ‘...)ezommo zazo rcoozat e.:5)Z,r1ciozth 7.-9../oeete)..) met

ot-oct,j)te zuor-,:icttAcbt,_pc3,. 7.-wc 3-6 ti,zi„ 1 e

ctc6Q2:- 5 - usotrztatlei tisoi)-onre -71?-1,htog„t esotri tbate),.

tay tapotztentesc.),5 tuz)ond ttairid.)3,,r3

1 uot

eettro}1. 2j.1tpct tzt).5 LO et«) uotd ttO. tm6tD

C-tcrbtjd Cfo.) . t3o:).5 ciitsatzn uodd o.

0.8. No. 7788/2006, DIAT.1.

mt.3 tozez - b.$) o.8.Z8ee.)09t:i

9) gaz-otO 2 Oat 4 dd obtptegonctal,r3 Uodd

a. mot A e3
totioond rim-of1/2 ite gamL)

tc1 o o ct r5 uocid lte Ert tied o_tm4ide

qrttine.) tiocid b. ite 4.Bmn

tizto,„d e5orid a. ite ttcl..) t.)toaDoci o.J.74).)zte

DeZoio tont temoi.) zpoCtgne)„. gazon 1 Oct 4 ritto

2.4-1.23 dn..3.)ozatcpoS &cad :710 uom 20,thtng,


-rbtapotoet tied e,?2, eat. \\tt.1 aQuii eouneoteD, out r5rt.rz

atogrie c-tvorl esocid tb. n. 27-1-2000 dot.) se

g8e.-mt.) er1 zet-ieti -42 qictocb e5orid t O. aj'Amn to.

2 toto_D 3 dtOrl cnttatt cteiS e..iotd a. csommo tAtpct

rboomout.)--attlx) ite gaLtiri tncrautntez to4fficar

cto Ap) uorid caciz3c-ojto.

(49 alotte, z-o) etri 7'x/1)w ctztt amL3e tmOnh ea

Et2eDqpot est..)t),6 ede)--Do.tt.))
: 61 :

i - tfieoDot

10) Ma7D eak.3 j es.)&3)OZ3t uoct t2e0-te1D crintsic

mapeirie?v,,. tt4 ctotS cao„d2 tee to?..t tnai cnm

clioctffytizekt esoctle=t to% ,m13, ri..)Ltoi.14„qE

eioddaoie RA,t3ot -timbot nttt LAirszh

p)c.1..ya->t atzzt...ade..t z&e.2jtaotIrtg esotd o.

ir'2.Jot.) 1124.3 a1,513 eotd a.

txt a.92,5ald -

(zr4„e5e,apt ri, totoflooit tictchtt, _7@cte.noa)e3)


&bat ALet. =F6,

OiXi Estr&d.) td)

ttr -AToe.tdci optre cutL, toiono-6 Sorlth =no.)

oxidwa, (05-11-2000) torceiscb frs?jt.d-Dodd nettettctot k343
Rbe:i)„,te dtoteDc, mett)Dricbt e.le/..3 ntec76' eqjtjttd t)ri
7).5t.D-o± 62et etiF tatRIOCt kej czkr,6 (3_,tcnt..1-ecite)rt

toilet/act n?)tnotd net& riet znex0.) Q..9o_13t3d Lfots'

rbdtjt t)dteD„ tattoritht bf) cao.q)QtAttd tact 745 tp-od.) 52 ttir
tCtht..4 kejt)a n.utret.Dtgzci t.)tentie
.-tpt.D-od.) 28 tatIF tat,te,t24, 2te to 26E tat59S)
rtzea.), 3tePtt..)-N1) 25 ttrtO.i.),rti.5
i e,)
ct..))23-al e3d ajrWcccd.2
ntt_co-gi teD Leici wd=igtauci d.Drt gio.fot thnto taJ)zt

um-ort, dettc-tt a-Dea@th 41=1..i.4)d Fs,fre2aQ, atgd 77-)t)t


ttr cto. 159/16 tOeoiomilt.Do t•aciti 43ri.•-tr o. 159/&14

d e.Sa9 2.00 cardde..9.Dett.4 a.mtret.va-Dri 80or3
Q.9=Lttid tft-eto,R) t)tittd t.m-1 a0.tztreccbcoe.9.)
titt trMot tettc-te? emttizeottl teigebatte, C:onei
9.11.1990 dodo I te taped4, 1387ë otitat 4.A3 ;--;,04
' 9 dot 12
t.zotrl tog 422/90-91 dot\ t2otr0t--aricbt dptc, p)attitt
t_vae..rd e_batti grltDek2onti, estdot rt)Ldb gp.I.N.t6t tomet.)ed ttct
Ettbri co./..3. to. 24/90-91 doe fl‘n 7jq tatot
-AThpeemt.N.pttqcobt tAcrt mtfl e eat)tt 5Lr1ste-7DF-d-t tomt.)
Ftsrc aoj&r at_Te,Lt trik.13 rip ts' t

tirec tsusteD, Ltdmn Fit..).faWodat ac..zetet.Dct ragrict a LJ Fltin'ea

.&.3ozat etSCt,c1T1 ct it Uttite equbt twIt

71)e %at catd i C1.2.11:60,000-00 (rdt.Stor..1) uat ticitga,

me-td r1efiot ef 7-1r..h.ct,PQeso 6e;efDr, tot 2.00 atd

di. 23,20,000-00(qF.tt t..).2tt e.)5 7-ALci

att t.stezzL77i)attrk
cilazzo3D)rleOn *at; pi clitE-t.anezd tjatt
gat tmt affse cmgti) EZ)t tth oi.)t tuzti) et415 et 60

7)Dtperi tt.parz d2. o ,00,000
..j0i,JCI trt-Cod
esm-iizt ctc@trap rinan iritrt tsoadatc. rat-tilt 5

d2 .13,20 ,000-00 (at t- th2 7C.C6e9Ci tiaM0a)) riefi ct


c'QOOttl 90 ETi LkTfl t)t=t 76tt.Det z3zio9.),94 rttb

tAtr4t taeotcdost ,--t= at tte, mtS

eat) oc-.J 90 =71%1 2ATTelcr tact tdricts Fragrit

oint beSat k,:3 ) a.tt nen t Est hp,,t Q.9.1ot

tractrlect tiztrt .t2-)

ttt.)-rIzo± utdot etR6e.76 FJtgric,t ttbruteDe utm

et,) -4.2z.3Aittri tte tj .)m--et !bat F4) t t;t


trt.260-6" 7-ogr1ect rle.)„r3 ted alsOrtz oint beaat

toto3rtei ct tm=bgnod ttbe tozaotud mrt2

recetht seottE-gri et ono tot q.3 to

mmerarlei ritElArbt

ut Qat Leirmh 2.ith",,tractt totramr m-•az.rt0 t.Dedrier,Ite

e e.a)Mc-t t.)ecY Lto

-7,-& 7.-tue Arnt) t-ocitztvici.)

eathgne.L. Timb*St, ,9
Fit3.25-94cbto1 74)7-lett tdt.) tact=

zatcpcmhcbtoet ittb e cap t..) trianta,, ea moa r1er ncbgnei;

: 54:

qcm,,o&) rtetal unobtjaye,. itatb at,e.tDee°:).s.-: thee

almt &lot tezbrie./.D, amo5-6 6erig3.,

.73,y Moric'? qtptjne,.
ttbe Q.t.)e;)t thee al.-=jrTh beaci) tod atmtprIct c'dt)tjale.L.

-07-&ftraothtecae be if1/4-9 119'cLtzt thneo' ettatccbmh

taporiecmdcth tut tto-Dctrlei.) Loric eid; mg714e =mon c:It.D

ttheried tcpt mazzo0o3.5oci aribatbArtathhtetot.D c,--r@*TIct tSrleri

att.). ..raecnno.t.)orie..va trtieta, toaraetnotos zado9.),PAL9.3

Q.9.)e tort p)attzo ut

\ ‘) Qt.!).

a's .ra ept ti Q=c1

zioriciath, n-.. t_motci net, tFettudt me.)St), 0.9 =.i.)tyi SenV,
riD4Dci ter ont.,.) 1591/ 16 e.,leatmliziod tatic tsFi at
ettr tont) 159/e14 d Q.3,22„em 2-00 atd (adte.D a-fid) tfrer

Q.9.)erl v.3--dpi

4fit Ft 0 ao. ribromodtd

8 0Z o. 12.3
tk5t4 i Esmttri
trot,dt 0• k.3. g±oi.Dttd 0.93et.)
ttpc 0 6
thoazie rla nil t.)oazic 5 at
ao. tc
vi m eittd Q9DeR>.5

toi tptils rad)t 4rot?-- 2-00 atd adct atid e..9.)e.) -di tpeeipt
rota p)O.tri id C2th r.)47645 LAI ri 4.3 thitd . \

La24, tec, 7-5t.)5/ rit„ t4 t.)67-1eri rt=rieit.)


Z3Ckt &ID git Et= zadAtizottd ct=

01Thtlicot :-
: 65 :


V. ANAND B. Corn, LL.B., Off: No.84, Kilari Road

Advocate Bangalore-560 053
Residence: No.11 •
Palace Road, Bangalore-52
Phone-22269695, 2254723

To Date: 23/01/2006

Smt. B. Parvathamma
W/o Sri. M. Krishnappa
Aged about 53 years
Residing at Gurrappana Mata
Vijayapura Town
Devanahalli Taluk
Bangalore Rural District


Under instructions from my client Sri. S. Jayaram, son of late

Patel Shettappa, aged about 62 years, residing at Tippu Sultan Raod,
Devenahalli Town Rural District.

You are aware that, by an agreement dated 05/11/2005 you

had agreed to sell the property bearing survey No.159/16 new
No.159/P14 situated at Vijayapura, Kasaba Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk,
Bangalore Rural Distrit, measuring 2 acres for a total sale
consideration of Rs.23,20,000/- in favour of my client and that on the
date of execution of the said agreement, my client paid a sum of
Rs.10,00,000/- as an advance amount and the balance was payable
within 90 days from the date of agreement.

My client states that, my client is ready to pay the balance sale

consideration of Rs.13,20,000/- and my client requested you to
furnish revenue documents pertaining to the schedule property and
that my client is herewith furnishing a draft sale deed for your kind
approval and that my client intends to get the sale deed registered on
or before 28th January, 2006 and kindly intimate to me or to my client
with regard to the approval of the draft sale deed.

Therefore, I request your good self to kindly intimate the place

and date for registration of the sale deed.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully

End: Draft sale deed

: 66 :




B. Parvathamma
W/o Sri. M. Krishnappa
R/o Gurppana mata
Vijayapura Town
Devanahalli (Tq)
Bangalore Rural District


V. Anand
No.8/1, Kilari Road
Post office seal
: 67 :


India post



Received registered letter/parcel —

No.620 Dated 24/01/2006

Insured for Rupees

Addressed to
B. Parvathamma
W/o Sri. M. Krishnappa
R/o Gurappana mata
Vijaapura Town
Devanahalli Taluk
Bangalore Rural District

Date stamp of office of delivery 2501/06

Sd/- B. Parvathamma
Signature and name

On postal service

Name- stamp of office of posting V. Anand

No.8/1, Kilari Road
Bangalore -53
: 68 :

B.M. BYREGOWDA, Ph. 7645258

Advocate Mobile-9845486769
Via Venkatagirikote
Devanahalli Taluk

Ref. No. R.P.A. Date: 23/01/2006


Sri. V. Anand
No.84, Kilari Road


Your notice dated 23/01/2006 issued to my client Smt. B.

Parvathamma, wife of Sri. M. Krishnappa, aged about 53 years,
residing at Gurappa Matta, Vijayapura Town, Devanahalli Taluk,
reached this day to my hands and I hereby instructed to give reply to
your notice as hereunder:

At the outset my client instruct me that she has no exclusive

right, title and ownership in respect of the land, measuring 2 acres
bearing Sy.No.159/16 and New No.159 /P14, situated at Vijayapura
Kasaba hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, and as suchshe has no exclusive
right to execute the agreement of sale dated 05/11/2005, in favour of
your client Sri Jayaram, son of late Patel Shettappa, Devanahalli
Town. It is instructed from my client the other co-owners namely
Bhavani and Gopi and daughter and sons have not signed to the
agreement of sale. Further, more the said property is a joint family
property the other co-parcener are not ready to execute the sale deed.
Further more it is instructed that an alleged draft sale deed is
annexed with your notice as per the averments made in your notice
for approval of sale deed and as such my client is not ready to hand

: 69:

over revenue documents as you offered in your •notice since the joint
family interest subsists my client has no right to execute the sale

In the said circumstances, your notice is defective. My client is

ready to return 10 lakhs to your client which she received by virtue of
agreement dated 05/11/2005.

Thanking you
(S.M. Byre Gowda)
: 70 : •


The Sub-Registrar, Devanahalli, Registered as Document

No.482/1990-91, Page 9-12, Volume 1.387 of Book-I dated 09.11.1990

eW Col) e t t ttc:, tra) at t ct)


Lod z.otj2d teontLoEte eate.9

tette2e) othLuattpt Ls'z rodt ittri t_mit we;
arAtetctt t.t3-
1 cP
5 •Dt d ao.ilitag.tcptd ttrtikt bDt.),5 z.

cate ne..xrat.) Zuotticit rtriretri =dal zac
mtmFictt a.Q.9.t.).)7st.)tptd t.pri ao. mcRo.J.)Ez7) eltd
Late t.pri ac7s. utec-acmoiaro tt-e t 7-4)riedi) zad1ertaka
e.3 a.t4le
i Et notti
Q fl

ctS tnzatlo 3ienrtmt te ei .Dct : 11.11.76

aprir10,:t et.)- 5tcaot.) es urr@o.9).t.poto.sz ttT@Fdt toa-Datt ot
tgitsDot mtezofl 2,500:157).54 catapelsot. tt zg a.174,51_,,cipt
dette,t t-De.)ap ctualptici tett 77?)±-15 4e3 r zoot.)..zd
mttilont_Ae teiv esEirato arit atriri tend =act damn)
tem tctt ao. ttct t 7140r? a °AS 8/90-91
d t.)ed ant 65WIJD tatgritt et,..pMF axr1eiebpot:-

ti-ot Ft rZo. rtraeme.)dci

tkiEL.5 a Q. 2.5W)tri
erot_ocic 8 _3. at.Do_ttri
tra tpounie Fin zarT t.ponte
o. tetietcptri
: 71 :

q cpb ;'‘') e h

aleb R)e.t..v1 .ao.md-zoi.Dmm.L.Dc.Vi.C7DOZOLttrZct

et.)FJOarifrFCh Mt) rif&•73n-In 7.1/2tRiCi,L 51437i.),Z:b4y7iCi &)22,5FFIQ77Dn
4th ---
,..nerwej dewrci:
)nd ni - oaD 2.16,000/- c-rdeo-t.r-t—rk9d
cirDunlvicrl thr.1, It' at 7.35ta V.ixt tanurtz gotr C:J‘t211.4

-65tethttd rmArt0 t.2e51, Firth trttyttzot -toe tslotDoi 49 &Fite

thed etztrtrtaAd.4„et. t..tot toe ;gni ete totjacr

colthimdtmh 44a_ort tzdzienal mnrb ton-zatt ct mtBtnat2o±
toe ettr.52„.)4 et,ft tacwi zzd pj0.1)2:7Dther atzertmh
rtzwboal e:9,nr1Q..120tTsotp zatttirt. f7J,.ct Q.9MP
trstdz.ndt..)-zttcbg t.tott eat d Zz.ndziroirt atzt
çtsttot.1 ttozcip watt, 7'oe t.)e, ;to d an8Ftoci
t:1,:-95t,Z)d.rat)tet. 49 ribatz t)ee..1 &.Izt tardc• t.1# ttert
eade.)--Drio ezAddead.ptit)e)c,. 49 ,--TIA„ td&T-6,7,1)roM rierd
eerid4Oe.?". escrr.. 132 caeio-6'n o.76 14.03.79d etztz_tecti
a3dzerte.L. 49 g)o..talzerict,ja 23z=Dmdde.ut indm zric)
oz..Dd.: 15 t.:41 14 zAr tna tonoz#atgitOrl *DJ, t.)71
bnteith tJaa.Eanzd th4„t. mme ea ea% tonocitud
tazotvlect tomoizt ribca ttri toM cZO.CTDO.:trartMe., a7r.
eiteF2crooLipra =.De tett tru.iii
todgfersqi tzt -_€TAttct
cao.mozainmd.t.) eam-r. ottemdzatm

r:. c73,riects

cao.z.ivyalisr.be aoijd,tedat,s,toiyi
ntex bf.; e7m,-trivar, Q:ca.-bajd
cae.76. (:).59/80-81.
: 72:





wife of M. Krishnappa, aged about 56 years, agriculturist, residing at
Gurrappanamutt, Vijayapura Town, Devanahalli Taluk, Banalore
Rural District, do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my
husband Sri. M. Krishnappa, son of late Munishamapopa, aged about
60 years, Agriculturist, residing at Gurrappanamutt, Vijayapura
Town, Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore Rural District, as my lawful
attorney in my name and on my behalf to do following acts, deeds and


To represent me before the court of Hon'ble Senior Civil Judge,

at Devanahalli for all intents and purposes in connection with the suit
in 0.S.No.1569/2006, in which I am the 1st Defendant. As I have
been suffering heart disease and has undergone heart surgery and as
such I am not in a position to attend before this Hon'ble Court to

appear in 0.S.No.169/2006.

To appear for and prosecute and defend all actions and

proceedings to sign and verify all plaints, written statements and other
pleadings, applications, petitions or documents to the court, to
deposit, withdraw and receive documents and any money or moneys
from the Court or from the opposite party, either in execution of the
decree or otherwise and on receipt of payment thereof, to sign and
deliver for me proper receipts and discharges for the same.

To file any appeal, revision or review petition or writ petition in

respect of any order or decree that may be passed in the said suit and
to represent me in the said proceedings before any Court.
\: 74 :

To enter into compromise,i execute compromise petition and to

withdraw the suit on my behalf \either at the original state or at the
appellate stage. I

To engage and appoint any solicitor, advocate or advocates to
act and plead and otherwise conduct the said case whenever said
'attorney thinks proper to do so. \

To do all other lawful acts and things in connection with the

case as effectually as I could do the same if were personally present
and all and wherever my said atncney shall lawfully do, I do hereby
agree to ratify and confirm.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I signed this deed on this the 14th day
of June, 2010 at Devanahalli.

Execution admitted by me Sd/- B. Parvathamma


Identified by me

B.M. Byre Gowda


Date: 14-06-2010

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