TRM255 Use of Stainless Steel Reinforcement

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TRM 255


MANUAL Date 06/08

Civil & Structural
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Corrosion-resistant stainless steel reinforcement can greatly reduce the life-cycle costs of important
reinforced concrete structures. It provides particular benefits for structures subject to attack by
chlorides and other chemicals. Stainless steel reinforcement has been used in the construction of
new bridges and in the repair of bridge decks and barrier walls for over 20 years.

Stainless steel reinforcement has been used in the construction of car parks, sea walls, marine
facilities and tunnels and for applications requiring non-magnetic reinforcement.

Further guidance on design using stainless steel reinforcement can be found in Concrete Society
Technical Report TR 51.


Table 1 gives the nominal alloy compositions of stainless steel that have been used. Alloys that
contain molybdenum (Mo) are known to have better corrosion resistance to the chlorides which are
present in road de-icing salt and in sea water. The Pitting Resistance Equivalence Number (PREN)
indicates the relative resistance of a particular alloy to chloride pitting attack; the higher the PREN
value, the more resistant the alloy.

Table 2 gives typical mechanical properties of stainless steels. The modulus of elasticity for
stainless steel is very similar to that of structural carbon steel. Figure 1 compares the stress-strain
curve of a typical carbon steel reinforcement with a typical curve for stainless steel reinforcement. It
can be seen that stainless steel reinforcement possesses good strength and ductility.

Table 1 - Chemical compositions of stainless steel reinforcement

Nominal compositions (weight %), balance iron

Alloy UNS Cr Ni Mo Cmax N PREN*

304 S30400 18 8 - 0.08 - 18
316 S31600 17 11 2.5 0.08 - 25
316LN S31653 17 11 2.5 0.03 0.13 27
2205 S32205 5 5 3.0 0.03 0.14 34

*PREN = Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number = %Cr + 3.3x% Mo + 16x%N

Table 2 – Mechanical properties of stainless steel reinforcement

Alloy Young’s Modulus 0.2% Tensile Stress Elongation

Proof Stress (%)

2205 200 29 510 73.9 750 109 35

316 200 29 280 40.6 570 82.6 55

Note: exact values can differ with material, thickness, thermo-mechanical treatment, etc

WSP Group
TRM 255

MANUAL Date 06/08

Civil & Structural
Page 2 of 3

Stress Stress
Max tensile
strength Max tensile
proof stress Yield stress

Strain Strain

(a) Stainless steel (b) Carbon steel

Figure 1 – Comparison of stress-strain curves for (a) stainless steel and (b) carbon steel

The benefits of using stainless steel reinforcement are summarised below:

Excellent corrosion resistance – resistance to chlorides (de-icing salt, sea water).

Durable reinforced concrete structures can be built with low life-cycle costs.
No reinforcement coatings are required, so no coatings to crack, chip or deteriorate,
damage to repair or cut ends to coat.
No cathodic protection for the reinforcement is required.
No concrete sealers or membranes are required.
No corrosion inhibitors need to be added to the concrete.
Concrete cover can be reduced.
High performance concrete is not required.
Stainless steel reinforcement has good strength, ductility and toughness.
It has a modulus of elasticity very similar to structural carbon steel.
It is easy to cut and bend (3D bends can be easily made).
It is produced in accordance with standards BS 6744 and ASTM A995.
Stainless steel tie-wire, threaded reinforcement couplers, dowels and welded-wire mesh
are also available. Mesh is also available.
Some stainless steels are non-magnetic (useful for MRI facilities, laboratories, etc).


When comparing the initial material cost of reinforcement, it is not surprising to find that stainless
steel will cost more than carbon steel. The price differential varies, but the material cost of stainless
steel is generally around seven times that of carbon steel. However, when new highway bridges, for
example, are required to last many decades with minimum maintenance, two more important costs
must be taken into account, namely life-cycle cost (LCC) and total project cost.

The use of stainless steel reinforcement can significantly reduce future maintenance and restoration
work and, therefore, reduce the overall LCC of a bridge.

In order to determine the full economic impact, an LCC analysis should include the ‘disruption costs’
caused by future repair or replacement work. Traffic-related costs could include:
reduced productivity caused by the late delivery of vehicular freight
fuel wasted by vehicles stuck in traffic jams
fuel wasted by vehicles forced to take lengthy detours
loss of revenue from toll bridges and tunnels.

WSP Group
TRM 255

MANUAL Date 06/08

Civil & Structural
Page 3 of 3

For car parks, repair work to ramps and floors has a very direct effect on reducing daily revenue.

Stainless steel reinforcement need only be substituted for carbon steel reinforcement in critical parts
of the structure that will experience corrosive conditions. Experience now indicates that for bridges
the total project cost will increase by 1-10%, depending on the size and complexity of the bridge.


Due to the higher material cost, stainless steel should only be used instead of carbon steel when it
will provide benefits to the project. In many situations with less severe exposure conditions, carbon
steel will perform quite satisfactorily.

In addition to bridges, underpasses and car parks, stainless steel reinforcement has been used in
the following:
tunnels: entrance structures and tunnel walls
sea walls
piers, jetties and mooring
hospital MRI facilities and laboratories (non-magnetic reinforcement, eg, Type 316LN).


Future maintenance, energy savings and environmental concerns have focused more attention on
life-cycle costs during the initial design stage of public structures. This has led to the requirement
for strong and long-lasting construction materials. The combination of properties offered by
stainless steels can provide significant benefits in corrosive conditions and situations when non-
magnetic reinforcement is required.


Guidance on the use of stainless steel reinforcement, Concrete Society Report No 51, Concrete
Society 1998.

BS 6744:2001 Stainless steel bars for the reinforcement of and use in concrete – Requirements and
test methods


Reinforcement, stainless steel, non-magnetic, corrosion

Author: Ron Slade, WSP Cantor Seinuk, London Holborn

Sponsor: Group Technical Centre
Revision record:
06/08 First issue (rev 1)

WSP Group

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