Ch.5 Transistor Biasing

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 Operating point of a transistor

Transistors can be operated in the three regions:

Transistor Biasing?

 What is Transistor Biasing?

 Transistors are one of the largely used semiconductor devices which
are used for wide variety of applications including amplification and
switching. However to achieve these functions satisfactorily, transistor
has to be supplied with certain amount of current and/or voltage. The
process of setting these conditions for a transistor circuit is referred to
as Transistor Biasing.
 Without appropriate transistor biasing, the transistor may not function at
all or amplify very poorly, such as produce clipping of the signal or
produce too low of gain. Therefore, it's very important that a transistor is
biased correctly for it to produce the intended output effect.

Proper biasing a transistor provides faithful amplifications as follows:

 increase in magnitude of a signal given to the input and
 without any change in shape at output.
To get faithful amplifications, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
i. Proper zero signal collector current
ii. Minimum proper base-emitter voltage (VBE) at any instant
(Base-emitter junction always properly forward biased)
iii. Minimum proper collector-emitter (VCE) at any instant.
(Base-collector Junction always properly reverse biased)

i. Proper zero signal collector current

II. Minimum proper VBE at any instant iii. Minimum proper VCE at any instant

Hence, transistor biasing is very essential for the proper operation of

transistor in any circuit.
In addition, unfaithful amplification may occurs due to following reasons:

 Collector current changes rapidly

 Temperatures changes
 Transistor is replaced by another of same type (due to
inherent variations of transistor parameters such as , VBE)

 Operating point may change

However, for faithful amplification, the operating point should be remain

fixed or stabilized.

The process of making operating point independent of temperature changes or
variations in transistor parameters is known as stabilization.

Stabilization of the orating point is necessary due to the following reasons:

i. Temperature dependence of IC
ii. Individual variations
iii. Thermal runaway
Need for transistor biasing
i. Establish the operating point in the centre of load line, so that when we
apply input signal the operating point does not move either in saturation or
cutoff region.
ii. Make Q-point independent of device parameters variation so that it does
not shift.
iii. Stabilize the collector current against temperature variations.
Different Methods for Transistor Biasing

The biasing in transistor circuits is done by using two DC sources VBB and
VCC. It is economical to minimize the DC source to one supply instead of two
which also makes the circuit simple.

The commonly used methods of transistor biasing are:

 Base bias or Fixed bias circuit
 Collector to base bias circuit
 Voltage-divider bias or self bias circuit

All of these methods have the same basic principle of obtaining the required
value of IB and IC from VCC in the zero signal conditions.
 Base bias or Fixed bias circuit
Vcc Vcc



Fig. (a) Fixed bias circuit Fig. (b) DC equivalent of fixed bias circuit
Base circuit: Collector circuit:
Applying KVL, Applying KVL,

From Eq.(2), we have


IB is controlled by the value of RB, and IC=IB. The magnitude of IC is not a function of Rc.
Therefore, changing Rc will not affect the level of IB and IC. However, the change in Rc will
change the value of VCE.
Advantage of fixed bias circuit:

Disadvantage of fixed bias circuit:

Stability factor, S
In fixed bias
circuit, IB is
of IC.
Problem: In the following figure, a silicon transistor with = 100 is biased by
fixed bias method. Draw the d.c. load line and determine the operating point.
What is the stability factor?
 Collector to base bias circuit

RB or IB= ??
S = ??

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