..... B i o l o g y
9 Sp~ng~-Vorb~ 19e9
M. Katoh *
Department of Marine Sciences, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Oldnawa 903-01, Japan
Breeding season
I- 15
"1- 10 y : : FEMALE
Fig. 3. Cypraea annulus. Individual shell
growth in laboratory from May to September
1984. Shell length plotted as function of time;
Stage $3 commences at Time 0. *: beginning of
I I I 1 Stage $2; B: brooding
-5 0 5 10
TIME (wk)
Table 1. Cypraea annulus, Growth rates (~, mm wk t) of three snails were dissected and sexed by the presence of penises.
developmental stages in field and in laboratory. N: no. of snails. A N O V A was used for size comparison. Correlation coeffi-
- : no data d e n t s between mating male and female sizes were calcu-
Stage Field Laboratory lated.
~? SD N s SD N
S1 1.0 0.3 13 1.3 9 0.7" 5
S1 -$2 0.7 0.4 10 - - -
S1 -$3 0.3 1 - - Sexual maturity
$2 - - - 0.3 0.1 7
$3 0.1 b 0.1 b 12 0.2 c fit ~ 7r Neither b r o o d i n g nor copulating Stage $1 Cypraea annulus
0.0 d~ 0.0 do 6d
were found during the study periods. However, a few copu-
= Excluding first week of observations lating snails of the late $2 stage were observed in the field.
b mm yr- 1 M o s t copulating snails a n d all b r o o d i n g females were at the
c First 6 wk $3 stage. Snails, therefore, become m a t u r e at the late $2
d Subsequent 4 mo
m m (4 too) 1
males) = (brooding period)/(period o f spawning cycle).
Thus, the average period o f the spawning c y c l e m a y be Cypraea annulus grew very rapidly during the S1 stage in
indirectly estimated from the first three variables. The aver- both the field and the laboratory, but growth declined with
age number o f b r o o d i n g females and total number of $3 increasing stage (Table 1). In the field, 21 of 198 m a r k e d S1
snails were obtained by monthly 15 rain searches in breeding juveniles were recaptured as SI juveniles, 11 as $2 snails, and
season studies. The sex ratio was not significantly different 1 as a $3 adult. Eight o f these S1 juveniles and one $2 snail
from 1 : 1 in the field. H a f t of the total number o f $3 snails displayed unusually thick rims compare to the n o r m a l thin
were considered female. The b r o o d i n g period was measured juvenile shell. Their growth rates were less than 0.3 m m
in the laboratory. wk-X; the nail-poLish m a r k i n g m a y have disturbed shell
growth. These snails were excluded from the calculations. In
the laboratory, the juveniles' growth declined considerably
Male and female size one week before they became $2 snails (Fig. 3), as the labial
edges began to extend t o w a r d the columellae. The m a x i m u m
The size o f male and female snails was measured on mating growth rate of the $1 stage in the l a b o r a t o r y was 3.0 m m
pairs and b r o o d i n g females collected on 17 April 1984 at wk -1 shell length. One S1 juvenile grew from 10.6 to
Coves 3 and 4, m a t i n g pairs on 4 M a y 1984 at Coves 3 and 18.6mm in 4 wk (i.e., 2 . 0 r a m wk-~).
4, and $3 snails collected h a p h a z a r d l y on 26 M a r c h 1986 at $2 snails grew at reduced rates o f 0.1 to 0.5 mm w k - 2,
Cove 2. M a t i n g snails were easily sexed by the presence of and advanced to the $3 stage in a b o u t 2 wk. After growing
a penis which retracted when a male was disturbed. The $3 into $3 adults with rings on their dorsal surfaces, the adults
230 M. Katoh: Life history of Cypraea annulus
m $I 10
f'Is2 5
Aug. 11
"2, O-
t Aug. 28
, I-I,
O" | i
z 5
9 0
10 0
0 35
30 1984
duly 27 ~g. 4. Cypraea annulus. Size-frequency distribu-
I0 25 tions of $1 juveniles and $2 snails from June 1984
5 20 to July 1985 and $3 adults in July 1984 at Cape
0 15 Maeda, Okinawa Island. $2 snails were collected
I051 1985 I0
less extensively on 29 June and 12 July 1984. Site
Jan. 9 sampled on June to August 1984 was approx.
mmm m r~L, 5
150 m away from other site
0~ ~ l~ 15 zb 00 lb 1'~ z'0 2'5
continued to grow at a rate similar to that of $2 snails for one exception on 26 September 1984. Because of continuous
an additional 3 to 6 wk, thickening their shell and increasing juvenile recruitment, growth rates could not be estimated
their width during this period. During the subsequent 4 mo from these histograms. The minimum and maximum shell
observation, these shells did not grow detectably in length, length of S1 juveniles collected were 2.5 and 22.5 ram, re-
width, or height (Table 1). TWo females spawned 4 and 5 wk spectively.
after completion of the rings on their dorsal surfaces
(Fig. 3).
Twelve of 676 tagged $3 adults were recaptured 9 to 21 Breeding season
mo after release in the field. Five had grown 0.2 to 0.4 mm
in shell length, while the other seven had not increased more Brooding females were observed in the field throughout the
than 0.1 mm in size. Eight of the recaptured adults had been study period (Table 2). Each search revealed the presence of
marked more than one year earlier. All recaptured snails both yellow and violet egg masses. Violet egg masses appear
had pale, or pale and irregular dorsal surfaces with fading to be older than yellow ones, since egg-mass color changed
rings (perhaps as a result of erosion). from yellow to violet during the brooding period in the
Fig. 4 shows size-frequency distributions of $1, $2, and laboratory aquaria. Juveniles were collected throughout the
$3 snails from June 1984 to July 1985. The size-frequency of year (Fig. 4). Therefore, the population of Cypraea annulus
S1 juveniles in each sample displayed a similar distribution at Cape Maeda reproduced throughout the year without
pattern without distinct modes throughout the year, with detectable peak periods in its breeding activity.
M. Katoh: Life history of Cypraea annulus 231
Table 2. Cypraea annulus. Number of brooding females found dur- Spawning frequency
ing 15rain search at Cape Maeda from June 1984 to July 1985.
During each search, about 190 snails were examined The average brooding period in the laboratory (7.67 d) was
Date No. used for calculations. The average number of $3 adults
found during a 15 min search for brooding females at Cape
1984 Maeda was 187. With a sex ratio of 1 : 1, half (93.5) would
June 28 6 be females. The mean number of monthly brooding females
July 27 14
August 27 8 was 9.85 excluding the months of December 1984 and Feb-
September 25 9 ruary 1985 (Table 2). Thus, the average spawning-cycle
October 26 15 period = 7.67 x 93.5/9.85 = 72.8 d, and the average spawning
November 23 8 frequency = 365/72.8 = 5 egg masses female- a y r - 1.
December 19 2"
January 9 7 Male and female size
January 20 3
February 8 39
March 27 17 At Cape Maeda, the mean shell lengths of females were
April 23 5 significantly larger than those of males between mating pairs
May 22 9 on 17 April 1984 ( F = 13.75; d f = 1, 52; p<0.001) and on 4
June 18 14 May 1984 ( F = 5.88; d f - 1 , 76; p<0.05), and between hap-
July 2 11
hazardly collected $3 snails on 26 March 1986 (F=4.58;
On these dates, searches lasted less than 15 rain d f = l , 191; p<0.05) with a considerable overlap of the
ranges (Table 3). The mean shell lengths of mating and
brooding females on 17 April 1984 were not significantly
Table 3. Cypraea annulus. Shell length of mating pairs, brooding different ( F = 0.22; d f = 1, 50; p > 0.05).
females, and adults at Cape Maeda, Okinawa Island. N: no. of snails
Correlation between sizes of mating males and females
Snails N Mean SD Range were not significant ( r = - 0 . 0 9 4 , df=25, p>0.05 on 17
length (ram) April 1984; r=0.021, df=37, p > 0 . 0 5 on 4 May 1984).
17 April 1984
Mating males 27 18.3 2.36 14.9-23.8
Mating females 27 20.4 1.81 16.8-24.1
Brooding females 25 20.1 2.17 15.0-23.6 Growth
4 May 1984
Mating males 39 17.9 2.30 14.8-22.2 A juvenile Cypraea spadicea grew rapidly at 3.3 mm wk-1 ill
Mating females 39 19.2 2.31 14.5-22.5 an aquarium, except for no growth during the first 2 wk
26 March 1986 (Darling 1965). This rate is similar to the maximum growth
Males 88 19.6 1.80 15.2-23.0 rate of S1 juvenile C. annulus in the aquaria in the present
Females 105 20.3 2.30 15.4-26.7 study, although the adult size of C. spadicea (shell length
45 ram) is about twice that of C. annulus. Snails may en-
hance their fitness by rapid growth with fragile, thin, juve-
Reproductive behavior and fecundity nile shells or by slow growth with strong, thick, juvenile
shells; C. annulus choose the former.
One female Cypraea annulus spawned single egg capsules In my laboratory observations, the juveniles grew more
successively in August in a laboratory aquarium; complete slowly during the first week after introduction into the aqua-
spawning took ca. 24 h. Within 5 d of spawning, the color of ria than in subsequent weeks. Yamaguchi (1975) noted that
the egg mass changed from yellow to violet, the color change young juveniles of many marine sedentary invertebrates
at the center of the egg mass occurring earlier than that at grow slowly, and fitted their growth to logistic rather than
the periphery; veliger larvae emerged after 8 d. The brood- to yon Bertalanffy growth equations. Both juveniles intro-
ing periods of two other females were 6 and 9 d in October duced into the aquaria were not young (C. spadicea, 30 ram);
and December, respectively. Veligers emerged both in the therefore, both Darling's (1965) and my results may be at-
morning and in the afternoon. The females nipped and tore tributable to differences between laboratory and field condi-
off the egg capsules whilst the veligers emerged and, after tions rather than to slow growth of young juveniles.
emergence, moved away and left the emptied capsules on Frank (1969) remarked that growth of Cypraea annulus
site. The size of veligers was 0.13 mm one day after ceased once they reached their adult shape, except for re-
emergence from the egg capsules. pairs to the shell. His growth comparisons, however, were
Egg masses brooded by three females (shell length: 17.4, based not on shell length but on the distance between notch-
21.3, and 20.1 ram) in the field contained 90 000, 127 000, es at the top and bottom of the aperture. In my field study,
and 133 000 ova, respectively. six out of the twelve recaptured $3 adult cowries had ob-
Table 4. Cypraeidae. Life-history data. - : no data
Species Capsule size Capsules/ Eggs/ Eggs/ Days/n Size at Month(s) of Locafity Source
(ram) egg mass capsule egg mass capsula emergence breeding
Cypraea annulus 0.9 2.0x 233-267 230 603 90000- 6-9 130 b All months* Okinawa Present study
0.7 1.3 133000
20 000 130 O c t . dg Hawaii Ostergaard (1950)
C. caputserpentis 2 100 200
1.1 x 0.9 100-200 200 20 0 0 0 - 18 100-120 All months* Hawaii Kay (1960)
5OO000 14 220 J u l y df Hawaii Ostergaard (1950)
C. carneola 4 1 000 500
C. cinerea 2.0-2.5 • 1 400 200-300 J u n e - July a g Colombia and Bandel (1973)
C. errones 1.45-3.25 • 481 546 20 76 373 Sep.-MaxY India N a t a r a j a n (1957)
(as Erronea errones) 1.40-1.80
C. fimbriata - - M a r . - O c t . "* Hawaii Taylor (1975)
C. helvola 2 1 000 200 200 000 140 July d, Hawaii Ostergaard (1950)
J u n e - J u l y ~* Hawaii Taylor (1975)
C. isabella 1.5 1 500 200 300 000 11 150 July df Hawaii Ostergaard (1950)
All m o n t h s " g Hawaii Taylor (1975)
C. mauritiana 4x 3 300 ~ 1 003 235 ~ June d f Hawaii Ostergaard (1950)
C. moneta 2.20-3.00 34 596 500 17000- 14 145-155 Eniwetok Renaud (1971)
298 000
C. poraria 140 May d* Hawaii Ostergaard (1950)
C. rashleighana - - - June ~* Hawaii Taylor (1975)
C. spurca acicularis 2.6 x 1.6 140 and 290 1 100 154000 and M a y - J u n e af Florida D'Asaro (1970)
C. teres May ** Hawaii Taylor (1975)
C. vitellus 2.5 • 1.5 380 600 228 000 12 190 July d fB Japan Tanaka (1980)
M. Katoh: Life history of Cypraea annulus 233
viously increased in shell length, width, and/or height Island (Nakamura 1984). The brooding period in C. annulus
by>0.1 mm b u t < 0 . 7 mm during a period of about 9 to 21 may therefore vary considerably with season.
mo. These individuals apparently continued to grow as Five females in the aquaria spawned three to four times
adults with dorsal tings. In the laboratory, however, there each between July and November 1984 under ad libitum
was no detectable growth during the last 4 mo of adulthood, food supply, equivalent to seven to ten times per year. High
the $3 stage. It would seem, therefore, that the six $3 adults water-temperature and high food-availability may have
which had increased in shell length when they were recap- caused these high frequencies, which are significantly higher
tured had been tagged within 6 wk after completion of their than the estimated frequency of five times per year in the field.
dorsal rings. Consequently, the growth of C. annulus ap-
pears to be determinate.
Male and female size
Breeding season Although he did not compare the difference statistically, Orr
(1959) showed that shell length of female Cypraea annulus in
Cypraea annulus reproduces all year around at Cape Maeda. Zanzibar was slightly larger than that of males, with a con-
At Heron Island, Frank (1969) found egg masses of C. siderable overlap. On the other hand, in the central Pacific
annulus (as Monetaria annulus) in March, June, and July, (the Ellice Islands to the Marshall Islands) and in the Indian
and juveniles from July through February. Egg masses and Ocean (Mahr, Seychelles), Schilder and Schilder (1961)
juveniles might have been difficult to find at Heron Island found that the shells of female C. annulus were not signifi-
because of the lower population density of snails (0.4 m - 2; cantly larger than those of males (p > 0.2). However, their
Frank 1969). C. annulus at Cape Maeda (32.7m-Z; own data for specimens from these different localities were
personal observation) were about 80 times as dense as at pooled, and may have obscured the actual, regional size-
Heron Island. Judging from the occurrence of egg masses differences, between the two sexes. In the present study, the
mean shell length of females was significantly larger than
throughout the year, Kay (1960) suggested that there was no
pronounced breeding season for C. caputserpentis in that of males, with a wide range of overlap.
Hawaii. Taylor (1975) also found planktonic veligers of C. Schilder and Schilder (1961) reported similar results for
isabella throughout the year in Hawaii. On the other hand, Cypraea moneta (as Monetaria moneta) and C. helvola (as
Natarajan (1957) showed that the breeding season of C. Erosaria helvola). Griffiths (1961b) reported female C.
errones (as Erronea errones) in India was from Sep. to angustata to be significantly larger than the males, while
March. Taylor (1975) noted that the greatest diversity and differences in C. errones were not significant. Gri/tiths
abundance of cypraeid larvae in plankton occurred during (1961 a), however, found that the mean shell length of the
the spring and summer in Hawaii. females was significantly less than that of the males in C.
hesitata (as Umbilia hesitata). It appears, therefore, that in
Cypraeidae females are not always larger than males.
Reproductive behavior and fecundity No correlation was observed between sizes of mating
male and female Cypraea annulus. Pairing in C. annulus
Brooding behavior has been reported for many Cypraea would therefore appear to be random with respect to size. To
species: e.g.C, isabella and C. helvola by Ostergaard (1950), my knowledge, no such observation has previously been
reported for the Gastropoda.
C. errones (as Erronea errones) by Natarajan (1954, 1957),
C. spurca acicularis by D'Asaro (1970), and C. viteltus by
Acknowledgements. I would like to express my appreciation to M.
Tanaka (1980). In the present study, female C. annulus were Yamaguchi and S. Katoh for their support and encouragement
also observed brooding their egg masses. throughout this study and for their helpful comments on the ma-
Table 4 shows that the number of capsules per egg mass nuscript. I am grateful to M. Horikoshi and M. Nishida for their
and number of eggs per capsule in Cypraea annulus, C. helpful discussions. The manuscript has also benefited from reading
by K. M. Brown, D. W. Foltz, J. M. Lawrence, K. J. Lupardus, M.
moneta (Renaud 1971), and C. vitellus (Tanaka 1980) are T. Randall, H. Senou, S.-K. Wu, and two anonymous reviewers.
similar. The period of development within capsules ranged
from 6 to 9 d in C. annulus, the shortest amongst the cy-
praeid species investigated. Veliger size at emergence aver- Literature cited
aged 0.13 ram, similar to that of C. caputserpentis, C. hel-
vola, and C. poraria (Ostergaard 1950). Bandel, K. (1973). Notes on Cypraea cinerea Gmelin and Cyphoma
gibbosum (Linnaeus) from the Caribbean Sea and description of
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fera and Tectarius rnuricatus. Veliger 30:11-23
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vitellus increased by 75% when seawater temperature was cea. Veliger 8: 14-15
D'Asaro, C. N. (1970). Egg capsules of prosobranch mollusks from
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pennaceus in Hawaii. Ecology 64:53-62 Communicated by J. M. Lawrence, Tampa