Amplifying Laudato Si' With The Science of Epigenetics

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Amplifying Laudato Si’ With the Science of Epigenetics

Ferdinand D. Dagmang¨

Abstract: This paper illustrates how a trans-disciplinary research

may broaden the thought horizons of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’.
Judging from the way epigenetics has challenged the long-standing
assumptions held by genetics and the medical sciences, this article
will show that the findings of epigenetics have important implications
for the way environmental ethics (including bioethical principles) and
the language of sustainable development will be formulated in the
coming years. Epigenetics showing the effects of environmental
impingements on humans, especially on the middle-class/wealthy,
provides some evidences that we may have to surrender our central
position in the ecosystem because to give due admiration and respect
to the ecosystem is really for the benefit of humans and not just of the
planet. As it also expands judgment, the science of epigenetics could
make us more aware of the limits of development branded as

Keywords: epigenetics, Laudato Si’, environmental ethics, sustainable

development, interior ecology, impingements


It is not the first time that the official Catholic Church

has spoken about environmental problems,1 but the
theme of the cry of the poor being inextricably linked to

¨ Dr. Ferdinand D. Dagmang is a Professorial Lecturer at Ateneo de

Manila University, De La Salle University, and Maryhill School of
Theology. His current researches deal with Basic Ecclesial
Communities, popular religion, ethics, sexuality, and the effects of
structures/systems on theories and practices. His book/final report on
Basic Ecclesial Communities: An Evaluation of the Implementation of
PCP II in Ten Parishes was released in 2015.
1 See, Natasha Geiling, “The Pope’s Encyclical Isn’t the First Time

the Catholic Church has Spoken Out on the Environment,” (June 17,
6d03888/ [accessed 16 January 2020]

MST Review 21 no. 2 (2019): 1-20

2 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

the cry of the earth is an unprecendented Vatican

preoccupation in Laudato Si’’. The “cry of the earth and
the cry of the poor” has become Pope Francis’ rallying cry:

Today,…we have to realize that a true ecological

approach always becomes a social approach; it must
integrate questions of justice in debates on the
environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and
the cry of the poor. (LS 49)

Pope Francis, however, is not the first to speak out

regarding this connection between environmental
destruction and poverty. In 1996, Leonardo Boff
published his book, Ecología: grito do Terro, grito dos
pobres.2 Obviously, it is in Boff, with his liberation
theology background, where one could get the early
academic theological treatment of the tandem ‘cry’.
Some of the early non-theological voices are in this
1994 book: At Risk: Natural Hazards, People’s
Vulnerability and Disasters.3 Goldberg cites the most
vulnerable based on a UN report4 on poverty and

Leonardo Boff, Ecología: grito do Terro, grito dos pobres
(Madrid: Editorial Trolla, S.A, 1996); English: Cry of the Earth, Cry of
the Poor, trans. Phillip Berryman (New York: Orbis Books, 1997).
Ben Wisner, Piers Blaikie, Terry Cannon and Ian Davis, At Risk:
Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability and Disasters, 2nd ed. (New
York: Routledge, 2003 [1st ed. 1994]).
See also, Lucy Scott, “Chronic Poverty and the Environment: a
Vulnerability Perspective,” Chronic Poverty Research Centre Paper
62 (London: Overseas Development Institute, 2006; L.C. Gray, and
W.G. Moseley, “A Geographical Perspective on Poverty- Environment
Interactions,” The Geographical Journal 171/1 (2005): 9-23; Anup
Shah, “Poverty and the Environment,” Global Issues, (February 12,
2005), http://www. 425/poverty-and-the-
environment [accessed 16 January 2020]; the United Nations
Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Global Land
Outlook, 1st ed. (2017) has been written based on previous
reports/publications that predate Laudato Si’.
Cf. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 3


Pensioners left on their own during a heatwave in

industrialised countries. Single mothers in rural areas.
Workers who spend most of their days outdoors. Slum
dwellers in the megacities of the developing world.5

The UN report further claims that although the poor

are the ones who did the least to produce climate change,6
they are first in the line of fire. Some guru-
representatives of the wealthy nations, however, would
insist on a “global energy poverty”7 and for them the
proper thing to do is to focus efforts to alleviate energy
poverty. Despite its disastrous impact on the poor,
especially on those who are living in the sub-Saharan
regions of the world, this “global energy poverty”
perspective also highlights the sustainable paradigm
approach of industrialized nations even if sustainability
of resources, in the long run, is really problematic. As
people become more aware of the disastrous effects of the
human beings’ built environments, environmental
thought has become more critical and suspicious of any
project or pursuit that still serves human progress or

(UNCCD), Global Land Outlook, 1st ed. (2017).

5 Suzanne Goldenberg, “Climate change: the poor will suffer

most,” The Guardian (March 31, 2014) https://www.theguardian.

report [accessed 16 January 2020]
6 “The drivers of food waste vary: in poor countries, this is

primarily due to lack of capacity to store and transport food early in

the process, while in wealthy nations, it is caused mainly by retail
marketing decisions, consumer profligacy, and the inefficiencies of
mass production towards the end of the food supply chain.” (Global
Land Outlook, 127).
7 Energy poverty refers to the lack of access to modern energy

services. See, Suzanne Goldenberg, “Jeb Bush joins Republican

backlash against pope on climate change,” The Guardian (June 17,
2015), [accessed 16 January 2020];
4 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

development which also “tended to blame the poor for

environmental degradation, ignoring the role of other
processes and actors at various scales in causing
environmental degradation.”8 Eventually, the language
of sustainable development has been seen to justify and
mask the perpetration of the historically pathological
modern project of progress.9
Sustainable development and its fight against global
energy poverty have pushed the whole world into these

…global material use has tripled over the past four

decades, with annual global extraction of materials
growing from 22 billion tonnes (1970) to 70 billion
tonnes (2010).10

Instead of riding on the sustainability paradigm, Pope

Francis has criticized one of the main drivers of the

8 L.C. Gray, and W.G. Moseley, “A Geographical Perspective on

Poverty- Environment Interactions.”
9 See, Vandana Shiva, Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, and

Development in India (London: Zed Books, 1988); Paul Kennedy,

Preparing for the Twenty-First Century (New York: Random House,
In the years of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Typhoon Ondoy, the
deep ecological, biocentrist, or ecocentrist perspectives became the
ultimate positions that insisted on the idea of the ecosystem as a
functional unit (Eileen Crist and H. Bruce Rinker, eds. Gaia in
Turmoil: Climate Change, Biodepletion, and Earth Ethics in an Age
of Crisis (London/Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 2010). Following
this logic, later environmental ethics has upheld the ecosystem’s
centrality. Humans have to finally recognize their position in the
fringes of the whole autonomous living ecosystem.
10 United Nations Environment Programme, Global Material

Flows and Resource Productivity: Assessment Report for the UNEP

International Resource Panel (2016),
ort_english.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y [accessed 19 January
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 5

wealthy nations’ habitual pursuit of products:


People may well have a growing ecological sensitivity

but it has not succeeded in changing their harmful
habits of consumption which, rather than decreasing,
appear to be growing all the more. A simple example is
the increasing use and power of air-conditioning. The
markets, which immediately benefit from sales,
stimulate ever greater demand. An outsider looking at
our world would be amazed at such behaviour, which
at times appears self-destructive. (LS 55; italics

The UN report has this to add:

In many developed countries, consumer and retail food
waste is exacerbated by the rejection of misshapen or
blemished but perfectly edible fruit and vegetables,
short sell-by dates, and bulk offers that encourage over-
purchasing. In the United States, about 70 million tons
of edible food is wasted every year. With almost 1
billion people now categorized as obese, the excess
consumption of food is now considered by some as a
form of food waste. (GLO, p.128)

Nevertheless, the sustainable development paradigm

and Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ have just been looking at
the biospheric or eco-systemic picture. They have not
paid attention to something that also requires due
consideration: the biopsychological dimension of the
problem. Many of the depleting and degrading pressures
exerted on the planet’s biosphere are observable today

11 Cf. Pope Francis where he untiringly bemoans the world’s

proclivity to hedonism and consumerism in Gaudete et exsultate.

Apostolic Exhortation on the Call to Holiness in Today’s World.
Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2018; see also, John Paul II,
Centesimus annus. Encyclical letter On the Hundreth Anniversary of
Rerum novarum (Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1991), 36.
6 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

and the way these depletions and degradations have

turned against humans (whether rich or poor) and other
living beings have been documented on broadsheets and
projected into our TV screens. As early as 1962, Rachel
Carson already argued that pesticides have detrimental
effects on the environment and on humans. Her work,
however, did not have the cellular-level evidences
provided by the science of epigenetics.12
It is easy to say that these problems will be solved if
we cease treating the biosphere like the way industry,
commerce, and consumers do. But human behavior does
not always pay heed to advice—even one coming from
Laudato Si’—for as long as there are still remaining
sources of energy that support households and
industries.13 In the meantime, investors will look for
more innovative managers and entrepreneurs who will
be able to maximize the use of what remains of fossil fuels
under the earth and the seabed.14 It is only when the
breaking point of energy source is felt by motorists, by
homemakers preparing for lunch, by elderly people
turning on the heaters, etc., that the message is finally
It is thus necessary to question the directions of
humanity’s economic and industrial programs that
constantly bombard the biosphere and humans
themselves. Environmental ethics have done this but not
enough to point out how impingements are seen by the
science of epigenetics.
This article will argue that in the light of the science

12Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1962;

New York: Mariner Books, 2002).
13 See, Ferdinand D. Dagmang, “Praxis and Theory of

Environmental Marxism,” Journal of Dharma 39/4 (October-

December 2014): 319-334.
14 See, Peter Tertzakian, A Thousand Barrels a Second: The

Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy

Dependent World (New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2007).
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 7

of epigenetics, sustainability ethics and Laudato Si’s

moral position may have to be challenged and, thus,
rethought in the spirit of “consilience”—“a ‘jumping
together’ of knowledge by the linking of facts and fact-
based theory across disciplines to create a common
groundwork of explanation.”15 This presupposes that “the
basic assumptions of any particular science should be
consistent with the basic body of knowledge understood
by other sciences.”16
That is why there is a need to enlighten ourselves
about the findings of epigenetics: Because it is in its
findings that one may show the evidences and putative
solutions to the pathological links between the
environment and the body’s reaction (especially in its
deepest interior ecology) and adaptation to it. Through
epigenetics’ light, Laudato Si’s point may have more
appeal on the wealthy’s ears since their interior ecologies
are probably the ones most affected by the industrial
development’s ‘gains’.

Impingements on the Rich and the Poor—on the Richest

and the Poorest

Human activities involve the exploitation and

utilization of the natural environment; not to mention the
unnecessary destruction in times of war. When people
work and build things, nature is impinged upon and
altered; when people consume things, nature is drawn in
and transformed; when people interact with one another,
nature is in many ways implicated. Somehow, nature is
always impinged upon when humans efficiently exploit
or adapt themselves to their environment. Cultures

15 Edward O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (New

York: Vintage Books, 1999), 8.
16 Kozo Mayumi, The Origins of Ecological Economics: The

Bioeconomics of Georgescu-Roegen (London: Routledge, 2001), 2.

8 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

around the world and the sciences of the many modern

and post-modern areas of the world have been shaped by
humans interacting with themselves and their
Humans, in their adaptive and exploitative activities,
have habitually interacted with their natural environ-
ment on unequal terms. They have treated it mainly as
the storehouse of resources and the dumping space of
wastes; as such, nature is treated as man’s extension and
utility. From this way of treating nature as source and
sink, the primary issues of depletion and degradation
have come about. Such issues were eventually addressed
by people who were part of what became a movement that
generated a body of environmental thought and practices
that either mitigated or challenged the habitual source-
sink treatment of nature.17 Thus, both practice and
theory were born out of people’s confrontation with the
twin problems of depletion and degradation. Green
activism and green theorizing developed and evolved as
people preoccupied themselves with issues arising from
the complex relations between social organizations and
activities, on the one hand, and the natural environment,
on the other hand.
The awareness about the injurious impact of today’s
industry and commerce on the natural environment has
expanded into an awareness that puts the ecosystem at
the center of discussions.18 This concern for the natural
environment’s destruction is, however, not evenly

17 See, Charles T. Rubin, The Green Crusade: Rethinking the

Roots of Environmentalism (New York/Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield

Publishers, Inc., 1994); Roderick Nash, The Rights of Nature: A
History of Environmental Ethics, History of American Thought and
Culture (Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989).
18 See Arne Næss, Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of

an Ecosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989); Cf. Bill

Devall and George Sessions, Deep Ecology (Layton, Utah: Gibbs
Smith, 2001).
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 9

balanced by an awareness of the deeper and invisible

injuries that economic practices (which bring havoc to the
environment) have inflicted on human bodies. In other
words, agents hardly acknowledge (while doing their ‘job’
or eating their samgyeopsal [삼겹살] or sending text
messages or listening to Spotify) that work and consump-
tion could really boomerang on their bodies. Never-
theless, we have our everyday words which are work-
related: stress, fatigue, burnout, overwork, karoshi (過労
死), literally “overwork death” in Japanese. Not everyone,
however, would realize the intimate connection of their
activities (including ‘fun-related activities’ that put
pressure on both the natural and bio-psychic
environments) with their biopsychological ailments.
As we shall see, people’s perceptions and interests are
more focused on 1) the benefits gained through their
efforts in, for example, building environments and 2) the
costs that the natural environment had to ‘sacrifice’ for
such efforts. Computable costs and benefits preoccupy
people’s consciousness as they treat nature as source of
means and sink for their trash. Although the costs
imposed on nature by industry and commerce are too
visible and numerically computable to ignore, the more
invisible and hidden biopsychological costs are not
accounted for simply because these are hidden or less
visible; if observable symptoms arise, they are not
properly linked to costs of human work and consumption

Epigenetics and its Evidences

The sustainability argument will always be disturbed

by its own practices: the ecosystem being consistently
treated as both a source and a sink both by industries and
households. All sustainability arguments cannot escape
this source-and-sink problematic as it relies on the
10 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

ecosystem. Our assumption is that the biopsychological

environment is, in effect, treated by industry, commerce,
and consumers as the inner-worldly source-and-sink.
This is an issue; a bio-psychological issue that must be
given enough attention. The science of epigenetics, with
its findings, will help to show how the human body reacts
when it is also being treated like a source-and-sink.
Genetics has relied on the theory propounded by
Darwin and associates. It has gained much success in
explaining things such as heredity and evolution.
However, it has failed to explain some things that cannot
be answered by genetics’ assumptions. How come
chimpanzees and humans who have essentially the same
DNA sequence differ so widely from each other? How
come bees who are fed with royal jelly grow differently
(and become queens) from those who are fed with
beebread (and become workers)?19 Obviously, it is not just
about DNA sequence that account for differences among
species. There is something else: epigenetics.
Epigenetics also relies on molecular approaches to
study the relationships and interactions between human
genes and the environment. Its research focuses on the
activities on and ‘above’ the genetic level. Environ-mental
ethics today may have to catch up with the findings of
epigenetics to make its language more integrative or
Epigenetics has been called the “Ghost in our genes”
by Rothstein, et al.20 They describe how genetic and

19 R. Kucharski, Maleszka, J., Foret, S., and Maleszka, R.

“Nutritional control of reproductive status in honeybees via DNA

methylation,” Science 319 (2008): 1827–1830, cited in Sang-Woon
Choi and Simonetta Friso, eds., Nutrients and Epigenetics (Boca
Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2009), 167.
20 M.A. Rothstein, Cai, Y., and Marchant, G.E., “The Ghost in
our Genes: Legal and Ethical Implications of Epigenetics,” Health
Matrix Cleveland 19/1 (2009 Winter): 1–62; available at pmc/articles/PMC3034450/ [accessed
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 11

environmental factors affect the well-being of individuals

and their offspring. The concept originated from Conrad
Waddington who, in 1942, referred to it as “the
interaction of genes with the environment, which brings
the phenotype into being.” It has been understood to be
an amalgam of both stable and changing DNA structures.
Epigenetics today is better understood as trans-
formations or alterations in genetic expressions and not
the modification of the DNA itself. Adrian Bird proposed
a revised definition that embodies contemporary usage of
epigenetics: “the structural adaptation of chromosomal
regions so as to register, signal or perpetuate altered
activity states.”21
In biology, the term refers to gene expression
(observable appearance) produced by mechanisms other
than changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetic activities
(epi = over; above) are shown in cell differentiations
during early fetal development. Some heritable processes
where chemical clusters attach to the genes (methylation,
phosphorylation, acetylation, etc.) are responsible for the
regulation of the DNA’s standard expressions. In most
cases, these chemical attachments in ideal amounts
regulate by mitigating DNA expressions. Other
epigenetic mechanisms are histone (protein) modifica-
tions and chromatin remodeling. The way DNA wind
around proteins determine the expression of genetic
characteristics; DNA accessibility also depends on the
way chromatin is packed. Changes in the chromatin
packaging affect DNA accessibility and the normal
expressions of its essential functions.
The appropriate methylation process, for example,
will produce the proper characteristic common to humans
even if humans share the same number of chromosomes

20 January 2020].
21 Cited in Moncel Zouali, ed., The Epigenetics of Autoimmune

Diseases (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009], xiii.

12 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

with chimpanzees.22 In other words, the desirable human

characteristics produced as typical DNA expressions are
well regulated through various epigenetic processes.
Moreover, in cell divisions happening during the remain-
der of an organ’s life, epigenetic activities continue to
take place. If nothing disturbs this process, the typical
DNA expressions would continue. The organism’s
‘normal’ development depends on those typical gene
expressions. However, some cases of decreased or
increased methylation happen because of environmental
factors. This ‘abnormal’ methylation process would
produce negative effects. Methylations within gene
regulatory elements such as promoters, enhancers,
insulators, and repressors generally suppress the
function of the gene. These methylations, which com-
promise the structure and integrity of chromosomes,
have negative effects which used to be referred to (in fact,
still referred to by some) as either effects of DNA
mutations (which are not reversible) or inherited DNA
abnormalities. Today, current research has accurately
identified such negative or unhealthy expressions as
epigenetic expressions which are reversible and
modifiable by some newly-manufactured drugs or
nutrients associated with healthy lifestyles.
The normal processes of methylation, phosphor-
rylation, acetylation, could produce modifications either
by their reduction or hyper-activation and give chance to
unexpected alterations on the level of the cell, bringing
about untypical processes and expressions. Environ-
mental factors that impinge on the body, up to their
molecular components, disturb some DNA structural
processes responsible for the enduring expressions of
what is considered as typical human characteristics.
There are both positive and negative implications of

22 See W. Doerfler and P. Böhm, eds., DNA Methylation: Basic

Mechanisms (Heidelberg: Springer, 2006).
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 13

epigenetics for humans. Although adaptive reactions and

responses to the environment serve an organism’s
development, some reactions produce epigenetic trans-
formations which are aberrant. Much of what results
from these negative genetic expressions are the still less
understood ailments of today.
The DNA condensed with basic proteins (histones) to
form chromatin is disturbed by some environmental
factors. These undermine the proper bundling of the
genes around the histones. Yes, there is proper
bundling—proper tightness along areas that should not
be expressed or proper looseness along areas that need to
be expressed or decoded. If there is over-tight twining
around areas that should have bundled loosely this
results in the prevention of the proper reading of codes;
if there is loose twining around areas which are supposed
to be tight, there will be more ‘free’ expressions of codes
which ought to be more concealed or silenced. Due to
‘abnormal’ coiling around histones, the ‘normal’ reading
of codes is no longer possible because of the impinged and
impeded function of the reader regulators of codes.
Epigenetics covers chromatin (DNA and associated
proteins) modifications that do not entail a change in the
DNA sequence, resulting in changes in gene expression.
These modifications, of course, produce further negative
Some of the commonly observed negative effects of
epigenetic activities are the abnormal expressions like
tumor, cancer, diabetes, obesity, allergic reactions like
lupus, arthritis, psoriasis and other system-dependent
(epigenetic-induced) diseases. Aging is another factor
promoting epigenetic alterations that speed up for-
mations of ailments.23

23 See Alexander G. Haslberger, ed. and Sabine Gressler, co-ed.

Epigenetics and Human Health (Weinheim, WILEY-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co., 2010); Jörg Tost, ed., Epigenetics (Poole, UK: Caister
14 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

Ecological factors which include diet, lifestyle, toxic

substances, stress, and other environmental factors
associated with work and consumption in the age of
capitalism have mobilized the scientific community to
better understand the relationship between and
interaction of the different determinants of epigenetic
expressions in disease.
Social-environmental factors that produce epigenetic
transformations are abundant in stress-producing
places, like war zones, workplaces that require higher
outputs, and relationships like marriages not founded on
mutual love but on pragmatic or economic considerations.
Environments would include the body (like the uterus or
an acidic body), the home, neighborhood, workplace,
school, church, hospital, public places like streets and
malls, state institutions, and the internet.
Fetuses deprived of healthy food have been found to
be future victims of hypertension and diabetes. Those
still in the womb who are exposed to smoking by their
mothers are most likely to develop asthma and other
allergic reactions like eczema. Some reactions to stress or
maladaptive behavior like smoking also bring about
changes in the smoker’s body-environment which alter
genetic behavior-expressions. Lung cancer is a case of
epigenetic alteration caused by various mechanisms from
a multilayered ecologies. It is provoked by smoking, a
practice triggered by stress, a feeling induced by
economic production, a process impelled by profit, an end
maintained by the ideology of capitalist progress.24
It has been reported that in developed (i.e., affluent)
countries, 1 out of 3 persons will most likely suffer from

Academic Press, 2008); Zouali, ed., The Epigenetics of Autoimmune

24 See, Ferdinand D. Dagmang, Predicaments of Intimacy and

Solidarity: Capitalism and Impingements (Quezon City: Central

Books, 2010), 4ff.
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 15

a certain form of cancer. Of these cases, 30% are

preventable since these are cases exposed to known risk
factors that could be avoided. Those risk factors known to
pressure people are connected to the normalized ways
and requirements of industry and commerce. If modern
industry and commerce would be able to pursue
sustainability in terms of natural environment and
agents’ health, the following risk factors could be avoided:
tobacco, obesity, low fruit and vegetable intake, physical
inactivity, alcohol, sexually transmitted infection, air
pollution, loneliness and depression; plus some
occupational risk factors like asbestos fibers, tobacco
smoke, and benzene. Such risk factors impinge upon the
body, altering a person’s biopsychological environment to
bring about aberrant epigenetic expressions.
Let me illustrate further this process of epigenesis
through the case of carcinogenesis or the formation of
cancer in humans.
Cancer is not just a disease. It is also a sign of
modernity’s pathology-producing environment; it is also
an evidence of modernity’s inability to deal with realities
by means of its model of development centered around
domination and control (of the natural environment or
built environments). Much of what science knows about
cancer two decades ago is based on assumptions about
diseases as either caused by bacteria or virus or
misbehavior of the bodily system or organs. The latter
reason would actually translate like this: Our knowledge
is not adequate to explain the cause of cancer; therefore,
we cannot treat it. Thus, we can only provide a therapy
based on what we know. We can only excise those
abnormally growing tissues; pump chemicals into the
body and hope for the best, and for the worst, including
the exorbitant medical fees. Unfortunately, modern
science’s assumptions are wrong; and most of the
therapies adopted today are mere measures to postpone
16 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

sure death or to prolong suffering until another form of

science could find the right answers.25
There are control regions in the DNA structure. If this
structure is disturbed because of alterations brought
about by social-environmental factors, the appropriate
gene activities (like controlling transcription, replication,
recombination and repair) become unreliable or totally
aberrant. The hypo- and hyper-methylation or de-
acetylation processes produce this kind of aberration and
it is brought about by the built and socially-produced
social environments of humans. Humans have built
things or environments with the intention of improving
culture or enhancing human life. Many of these built
environments have altered the natural environment. The
way humans behaved and interacted among themselves
have been transformed because of the built environments
which have also impinged negatively on the natural
environment and the biopsychological environment.
These series of impingements have clearly impacted on
human nature; negatively, in many instances.
Nutrition is another modulator of genetic
expressions. We are not just talking about the effects of
clearly toxic substances on living organisms, producing
abnormalities. I am referring to what many of us have
considered as part of normal consumption and its
connection with some diseases are not yet clearly
established. Some ailments like cancer, arthritis,
psoriasis, and lupus are yet to be adequately explained
by current scientific models to make way for some cures.
The current and mainstream models, however, are
clearly inappropriate to provide explanations since these
cannot yet establish the mechanisms and cures of those
diseases. Some alternative models provide answers that

25 Stephen B. Baylin and Peter A. Jones, “Epigenetic Deter-

minants of Cancer,” Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 8/9

(2016 Sep); a019505. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a019505
Ferdinand D. Dagmang ● 17

are still approximations of mechanisms. In the mean-

time, millions of humans are subjected to irreparable
Some drugs developed with epigenetics in mind have
been tested to patients, like Dacogen (decitabine),
approved in 2006 to treat myelodysplastic syndromes. It’s
part of a class of drugs known as demethylating agents
that work on the concept of epigenetics by stripping the
methylation patterns in the genome, preferentially
affecting cancer cells. We have the following case:

Stanley took the drug for two years. “I improved almost

immediately,” she says. Her side effects were negligible
during the months on the drug. She has resumed her
normal life in south Texas, where she is writing a
murder mystery and spending time with her
grandchildren and great grandchildren. Dacogen,
along with an epigenetic therapy approved in 2004
called Vidaza (azacitidine), works by preventing
methylation. (Vidaza is also approved for myelodys-
plastic syndromes.) Freed from the excess methylation,
tumor-suppressing genes can function again. Clinical
trials have found that about 20 percent of patients
respond to the drugs, with a drop in white blood cells
reported as the most common serious side effect.26


The position of Laudato Si’ and other theological

treatment on the “cry of the poor, cry of the earth” will be

26 Laura Beil, “Medicine's New Epicenter? Epigenetics,”
articleid/949; [accessed 20 February 2010]; see also, F.P.
Santos, Kantarjian H., Garcia-Manero G., Issa J.P., Ravandi F.,
“Decitabine in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes,”
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 3/5 (2007 Oct): 807–817; [accessed
16 January 2020]
18 ● Amplifying Laudato Si’ with the Science of Epigenetics

better strengthened if we supplement them with the

discoveries of epigenetics—about human beings’ deep
interior ecologies being bombarded by injurious elements
coming from industry and households which habitually
treat the earth as source and sink.
Some appropriate and profound alterations of
humanity’s plans and its built environment to prevent
epigenetic impingements should be part of every ethical
consideration. The proper course of action, the right
attitude and character of agents, and the life-promoting
character of the environment must be taken into account
in all considerations about what is good for humans and
the ecosystem.
The sustainable development view(s) must listen to
what epigenetics is saying: that it cannot continue to
reduce people into injured agents while relying on them
to work for extrinsic benefits that continue to destroy the
ecosystem. One cannot speak of sustainable development
when those who should benefit from it are actually being
harmed in the process.


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