History Taking Checklist Modified
History Taking Checklist Modified
History Taking Checklist Modified
Summarize briefly
General Data 2. Check accuracy
Chief Complaint/Reason for Seeking Care 3. Check if the patient is ready for the next step.
History of Present Illness (HPI)
Past Health History (PHH) Step 5: Transition to the Doctor-Centered Process (30
Family History (FH) seconds)
Personal and Social History (PSH) The interviewer uses this step to close the patient
Menstrual and Obstetrical History centered portion of the interview and open the doctor-
Review of Systems (ROS) centered process to obtain the details needed to
complete the patient's history.
Introduce yourself. 1. Summarize briefly
Never forget patient names This summary should not be more than 2 or 3
Greet patient appropriately in a friendly relaxed way sentences,
Confidentiality and respect patient privacy "So you have a bad headache with nausea that is
aggravated by your concerns about increased
responsibility at work and at home."
THE PROCESS 2. Check accuracy "Is that the gist of it?"
STEP 1: SETTING THE STAGE FOR THE INTERVIEW 3. Indicate that both content and style "Is it okay if I
1. Welcome the patient shift gears and ask some more specific questions about
2. Use the patient's name your of inquiry will change if the patient headache?" If
3. Introduce yourself and identity. this is not done, the controlling style of the doctor
4. Ensure patient readiness centered is ready process may confuse the patient.
5. Remove barriers to communication
6. Ensure comfort
-Start the patient’s narrative by saying: "Tell me about your problem from the very beginning up to the time you were
admitted to the hospital."
-The questions should be phrased properly so that the patient provides the information rather than simply answering
yes or no.
- Allow the patient to recount his own story spontaneously without unnecessary interruption.
Chief Complaint (Unsa ang rason nga nagpa-admit?) / What brings you to the hospital? / Tell me about your problem
- Patient’s own words or phrases, Precise medical language, Symptom (if not symptom: a physical finding, lab finding,
continuing treatment: chemo or dialysis)
- Type of Symptom/Quantity
- Sharp, lancinating, pressing, throbbing, colicky, crampy, burning, gnawing, dull, feeling of heaviness, etc.
Location and radiation (Asa dapit? Diha ra nabati or apil ang lain nga part sa lawas?) / Point the exact anatomic region
dugaya? Gapadayon or putol-putol? Kalit lang or hinayhinay? Nagka grabe ang sakit or nagkawala?):
- How long does the symptom last? Frequency: continuous/intermittent (ex: pain is continuous for 10 hours, pain lasts for
2-3 hours, occurring 3 times daily
- Usually stated as number of hours, days, weeks, months, years before admission/consultation
- Enumerate symptoms as they appear PTA prior to admission (ex: 1 month PTA, 1 week PTA, 1 day PTA)
- Duration of symptom, periodicity of symptom, course of symptom: short term or long term
Setting (Under what circumstances does it take place) (Unsa man imong gibuhat usa ni sakit? Or kada kanus-a man mu
sakit?): - factors that triggered symptom, if no trigger use term “spontaneous” prior to symptom
Associated Factors / Symptoms associated (Unsay lain nga symptomas nga nabati?):
- Inquire about relevant non-symptom data (in Px w/ more than 1 problem, inquiry in multiple systems required)
Severity/Quantity: pain scale, how it affects daily activity, wakes him up at night (Unsa ka sakit? 1-10?
- Intensity or severity, Impairment or disability, Numeric description (pain scale, number of events, size? Volume?)
- Patient’s Perception: patient’s interpretation of his symptom & how it affects daily activities, lifestyle, personal and
interpersonal relationships; ex: Px feels his pain is life-threatening
- (Intensity) MILD – little or no effect to daily activities; MODERATE – there is limitation to daily activities; SEVERE –
unable to perform daily activities
Past experience with symptom(s) (Nakasulay na ug bati aning mga symptomas sauna?)
a. Prior treatment? Response? Data from past charts? (Unsa may gi tambal or gihimo? Naayo ba?)
(. Start with open-ended questions (eg, "How was your health as a child?") and then focus as needed with closed-ended
questions to establish details (eg, "Did you have chicken pox? Measles?")
Psychiatric: history of violence, suicidal attempts, drug overdose, and substance abuse
“Age of menarche, cycle length, length of menstrual flow, number of tampons/pads used per day
“Number of pregnancies, complications; number of live births, spontaneous vaginal deliveries/ cesarean sections;
number of spontaneous and therapeutic abortions
“Age of menopause
“Ask specifically about over-the-counter medicines, alternative remedies, contraceptives, vitamins, laxatives
Review allergies
“Ensure that medication "allergies" are not actually expected side effects or nonallergic adverse reactions
Blood Transfusion/
Type Age Type Age
Diphtheria Hepatitis
Pertussis Mumps
Tetanus Measles
Rubella Influenza
Polio Others
1. Inquire about age and health (or cause or death) of grandparents, parents, siblings, and children
2. Ask specifically about family history of:
Kidney diseases, etc., Communicable diseases: Tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections (STI), etc.
FAMILY HISTORY (If present x if cause of death (indicate age and year of death)
Grandparents Father’s side Mother’s side
Children: Age: : : : : : : : :
Sex: : : : : : : : :
Occupational history (nature of work, number of hours of exposure to hazards, safety measures used)
Coping styles (Unsa ang ginahimo kung maguol or ma stress para mahuwasan?):
Dietary supplements/restrictions (Gi inom nga tambal/maintenance or mga gi bawal? Drug reactions/allergies):
Safety measures:
Alternative health care practices (Unsay lain ginahimo para sa panglawas?):
Premature: Abortions:
Sexual history (exposure and history of STIs, number and variety of partners)
( ) Masses (Bukol) ( ) Pain ( ) Others
( ) Discharge ( ) Trauma
( ) Recent weight change (Pagbag-o sa timbang) ( ) Overall weakness (Kaluya) ( ) Fever, Chills and Sweats
( ) Sleep disturbance ( ) Fatigue/ Malaise (Gil-as/Kabudalay) ( ) clothing that fits more tightly or loosely than before
( ) Itching (katol-katol) ( ) Moles (alom) ( ) Skin Color change ( ) Lumps (bukol) ( ) Rash
( ) Pigmentation ( ) Vasomotor changes ( ) dryness ( ) Photosensitivity ( ) Hair ( ) Nails
( ) Spots in visual fields ( ) Flashing lights ( ) Transient vision loss
( ) Double/blurred vision ( ) Blind spot ( ) Red, Painful eyes
( ) Itching and tearing ( ) glasses/contact lenses ( ) Cataract/ Glaucoma
( ) Cough ( ) hemoptysis ( ) pleurisy ( ) SOB ( ) Sputum (color,quantity)
( ) wheezing (kutas) ( ) chest tightness ( ) asthma ( ) pneumonia
( ) bronchitis ( ) emphysema ( ) exercise intolerance
( ) heart trouble ( ) palpitations ( ) edema
( ) high blood pressure ( ) dyspnea (w/ or w/ exertion) ( ) ECG tests
( ) rheumatic fever ( ) orthopnea ( ) CV tests
( ) chest pain/discomfort ( ) paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
( ) dysphagia ( ) bowel movements ( ) rectal bleeding
( ) indigestion/heartburn ( ) stool color/size ( ) constipation/diarrhea
( ) appetite/weight loss ( ) change in bowel habits ( ) abdominal pain
( ) nausea,vomiting,hematemesis ( ) pain with defecation ( ) food intolerance
( ) excessive belching/flatulence ( ) jaundice ( ) hepatitis
Peripheral Vascular
( ) intermittent claudication ( ) leg cramps ( ) varicose veins
( ) swelling with tenderness/redness ( ) change in fingertips/toes
( ) frequency of urination ( ) polyuria/oliguria ( ) nocturia
( ) urgency ( ) dysuria (onset) ( ) flank pain
( ) hematuria ( ) kidney stone ( ) suprapubic pain
( ) incontinence ( ) hesitancy /dribbling
( ) hernia ( ) discharge/sores ( ) sexual habits
( ) birth control ( ) condom use ( ) age of menarche
( ) regularity ( ) duration ( ) amount
( ) bleeding during intercourse ( ) LMP ( ) itching and abnormal discharge
( ) Joint stiffness () Low back pain ( ) Muscle pain
( ) Cramps ( ) Weakness ( ) Difficulty moving or walking
( ) Able to climb up and down stairs ( ) Trauma ( ) Swelling ( ) Restriction of movement/fx
( ) Thyroid trouble ( ) Salt cravings ( ) hirsutism/alopecia
( ) Heat/cold intolerance ( ) Excessive thirst/hunger ( ) quality of hair
( ) Loss of sexual drive ( ) Excessive sweating
( ) Abnormal bleeding ( ) Pica ( ) Easy Bruising ( ) Frequent infection ( ) Anemia
( ) Swelling/Lumps/Bumps
( ) Fainting or passing out ( ) Loss of sensation (numbness) ( ) Memory disorder ( ) Seizures
( ) tingling (“pins and needles”) ( ) Headaches ( ) Weakness on one or both ( ) Dizziness
( ) Blackouts sides of the body ( ) Loss of balance/Lack of coordination ( ) Tremors
( ) Nervousness/Anxiety ( ) Intrusive thoughts ( ) Auditory hallucinations
( ) Depression ( ) Loss of good judgment or insight
( ) Mania ( ) Visual hallucinations