Health Education Week 5

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Damagan, Rexer Justine C.

Week 5

Rexer Justine C. Damagan

Union Christian College

Damagan, Rexer Justine C.

Understanding the Ways to Assess Learning Styles

Learning styles are the various ways in which individuals absorb, process, and retain

information. Different people learn in different ways and for this reason, it is important to understand

the different learning styles and how to assess them. This essay will discuss the various ways to assess

the learning styles and how to use information to facilitate learning.

Here are the different ways to understand the ways to assess learning styles:

1. Interpersonal skills

2. Interest

3. Trial and error

4. Activities

5. Assessments

The VARK (Visual, Aural, Read-Write, and Kinesthetic) questionnaire is the most used assessment

instrument for determining learning styles. This quiz assists in determining an individual's preferred

learning styles. Individuals frequently have a combination of learning styles, so it is critical to analyze

all the styles. There are different techniques to measure learning styles besides utilizing an assessment

tool. One method is to observe. Watching how a student interacts in a classroom environment can

reveal information about their learning style. For example, a student who is more visual may be more

likely to absorb information through diagrams and images, whereas a student who is more aural may

be more likely to absorb information through lectures and conversations. Interviews are another

method for assessing learning styles. Interviews can reveal information on how students learn best and

how they want to be taught. Interviews can also reveal how students react to various methods of

education, such as lectures, group work, or independent study.

The primary purpose of any teacher is to transmit knowledge to their students and ensure that the

knowledge is retained. Each child is now a mash-up of various personalities, attributes, and points of

view. Because each child is unique, so are their understanding and interests. As a result, you must

choose the most effective method of imparting knowledge to them. It is possible that two students have

the same learning style. Students with comparable learning styles might be grouped together. As a

result, it will be easier for you to teach them in a method that they will understand.

It is critical to evaluate learning styles within the context of the individual student's surroundings. A

student's home environment, school, and other circumstances can all have an impact on how he or she

learns. Knowing how these characteristics influence a student's learning style might aid in tailoring

education to match their specific needs. Finally, to support learning, it is critical to recognize and assess

learning types. To assess learning styles, assessment instruments such as the VARK questionnaire,

observation, and interviews can all be employed. Understanding the impact of the environment on

learning styles can also help in personalizing education to better fit the needs of a learner. Teachers can

build learning environments that are tailored to the needs of each student by knowing and assessing

learning styles.
Damagan, Rexer Justine C.

Identifying the components of determinants of learning

A determinant of learning is a factor which influences how a student learn. To maximize

learning, it is necessary to determine the determinants of learning and to build a learning-friendly

atmosphere. It is also critical to aid where necessary to ensure that the student has access to the

information and develops adequate cognitive and psychological abilities. A learner can be better

prepared to learn and succeed if they go through this process.

The three determinants of learning that require assessment are:

1. The needs of the learner

2. The state of readiness to learn.

3. The preferred learning styles for processing information.

In conclusion, the components of the determinants of learning are the needs of the learner, the state

of readiness to learn, and the preferred learning styles for processing information. Each component

affects the learning process in different ways. For example, the learner’s motivation and level of

engagement with the learning material is an important factor in determining the success of the learning

experience. In addition, the teaching and assessment methods used can have a significant impact on the

learning outcomes. Finally, the social and cultural context of the learner and the learning environment

can shape the learning experience. By understanding the components of the determinants of learning,

educators and learners can work together to create the best possible learning experience.
Damagan, Rexer Justine C.

Discussing the Factors that Need to be Assessed in each of the Types of Readiness to Learn

The nurse must both identify the information learners need and consider their readiness to learn and

their styles of learning. Following the identification of learning needs by the educator, the learner's

readiness to accept information is determined. Readiness to learn is described as the period when a

learner expresses an interest in learning the information required to maintain optimal health or to

improve one's job skills. Educators have frequently observed that when a patient or staff member asks a

question, the situation is ripe for learning. When a student is ready to learn, he or she is receptive,

willing, and able to participate in the learning process. It is the educator's role to determine whether

patients or staff are ready to learn, what they need or desire to learn, and how to tailor the curriculum to

match everyone.

To assess learner readiness, the educator must first understand what needs to be taught, then collect

and validate that information before applying the same methods previously used to assess learning

needs, such as making observations, conducting interviews, gathering information from the learner as

well as other healthcare team members, and reviewing documentation. These chores must be

completed by the educator prior to the time when actual learning will take place. Readiness to learn is

based on current practice demands and must keep up with the ever-changing landscape of health care.

Adults, whether patients, family members, nursing staff, or students, are eager to learn when the

subject matter is relevant and relatable to their daily issues.

Before beginning to educate, the educator must first take a PEEK (Lichtenthal, 1990) at the four

categories of learning preparation—physical readiness, emotional readiness, experiential readiness, and

knowledge ready. These four forms of preparedness to learn can either be barriers or facilitators of

P- Physical Readiness

E- Emotional Readiness

E- Experience Readiness

K- Knowledge Readiness

Physical Readiness determine the degree or extent to which learning occurs, the educator must

examine five primary components of physical readiness: ability measurements, task complexity,

environmental effects, health state, and gender.

Emotional Readiness learners should be emotionally prepared to learn. Emotional preparedness, like

physical readiness, encompasses several aspects that must be evaluated. Anxiety level, support system,

motivation, risk-taking behavior, state of mind, and developmental stage are among these influences.

Experience Readiness refers to the learner's prior learning experiences. Before beginning to teach, the

educator must evaluate whether prior learning experiences were beneficial or detrimental in

overcoming problems achieving new tasks. Someone who has experienced bad learning experiences is

unlikely to be motivated or willing to take a risk in attempting to modify or acquire new behaviors.

Knowledge Readiness refers to the learner's current knowledge base, level of learning capability, and

readiness to learn favored manner of learning. These components must be evaluated in order to

determine willingness to learn and teaching effectiveness should be planned in advance.

Damagan, Rexer Justine C.

Assessment and Rationale

Individuals' learning styles are the methods in which they learn and process information. While

each person has their own distinct preferences, there are numerous techniques and strategies for

analyzing learning styles. A questionnaire can be used to assess learning styles. This can contain

questions about learning preferences, such as whether the individual prefers to learn in a group or

alone, and whether they prefer tangible or abstract concepts. The responses to these questions can aid

in determining the individual's primary learning style. Observing the individual's behavior is another

technique to determine learning styles. This can be accomplished by monitoring how the person

interacts with others, how they process new information, and how they solve difficulties. Watching

behavior can reveal the types of learning tactics that are most effective for the individual. Finally,

learning styles can be assessed through interviews or discussions. This method can be used to acquire a

better understanding of how people learn and process information. During the interview, the subject

may be asked to share their preferred ways for learning new information or solving difficulties. This

can provide useful information about the individual's learning style. There are numerous techniques to

measuring learning styles in general. It is critical to employ a variety of strategies to obtain a full grasp

of the individual's learning style. Assessing learning styles can be accomplished using a questionnaire,

monitoring behavior, and conducting interviews.

An important problem in the world of education is for defining the components of dominants of

learning. To effectively create learning experiences and assess students' progress, instructors and

educators must first grasp the components of dominants that contribute to learning. Instructors and

educators must examine and comprehend the components of dominants of learning in order to properly

construct learning experiences and measure students' progress. Understanding the components of

dominants of learning allows educators to establish a learning environment and provide students with

the skills and resources they need to succeed.

The rationale for outlining the characteristics that must be considered in each of these categories of

learning readiness is twofold. To begin, educators must grasp the many forms of learning readiness and

how to assess them. This is because the evaluation process is critical to ensuring that children receive

the resources and skills they need to achieve academically. Second, assessing these indicators can assist

educators in identifying and addressing any areas of concern before they become serious concerns.

Finally, assessing the various forms of preparedness to learn is critical for educators. Educators can

ensure that kids have the resources and abilities they need to achieve academically by measuring

physical, emotional, experience, and knowledge preparation. Furthermore, by outlining the

components that must be assessed in each category of learning readiness, educators can detect and

address any areas of concern before they become big concerns.

Damagan, Rexer Justine C.


How to Assess a Student’s Learning Styles. (n.d.).


Themes, U. (2016, September 9). Determinants of Learning. Nurse

Key. of learning/#:~:text=The%20three%20determinants%20of


Take time to take a PEEK at the four types of readiness to learn P = PHYSICAL READINESS. (n.d.).

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