Sellado Dentinario Inmediato Pre-Endo
Sellado Dentinario Inmediato Pre-Endo
Sellado Dentinario Inmediato Pre-Endo
DOI 10.1007/s10266-014-0174-1
Abstract Endodontic access cavity sealing is conven- Keywords Endodontic treatment Endodontic irrigation
tionally performed after endodontic irrigation, referred to Immediate dentin sealing Sodium hypochlorite Coronal
as delayed endodontic sealing (DES). Evidence shows that leakage
endodontic irrigation with NaOCl decreases dentinal bond
quality and could cause coronal leakage. Access cavity
sealing before endodontic irrigation is a new restorative Introduction
approach, referred to as immediate endodontic sealing
(IES). The primary aim of this in vitro study was to A primary goal of endodontic treatment is to ensure adequate
investigate whether IES improved internal adaptation. The disinfection of the pulp chamber and infected root canal [1].
secondary aim was to investigate the influence of the vis- The choice of irrigant is crucial in achieving this goal [2].
cosity of the composite used to seal the dentine, on the Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is currently the most widely
internal adaptation in both IES and DES groups. Third used irrigant in endodontic practice [3]. Studies of the effect
molars (n = 40) with fully developed apices were used. of NaOCl on dentin permeability and dentin adhesion indi-
The teeth were prepared into standard Class II MO cavities, cate that dentinal bond quality may increase or decrease
and divided in 4 groups according to the approach, and depending on the testing methodology, the composition of
composite viscosity was used for sealing. Group 1: the adhesive, and the concentration and application time of
IES ? low viscosity composite; group 2: IES ? high vis- the NaOCl [4]. It is generally agreed upon, however, that
cosity composite; group 3: DES ? low viscosity compos- high concentrations and long exposure to NaOCl diminish
ite; and group 4: DES ? high viscosity composite. dentinal bond quality due to the proteolyzing and deprotei-
Samples were then sectioned axially for observation using nizing effects of NaOCl, which damage the collagen layer of
scanning electron microscopy. Outcome was evaluated by the dentin [5]. Endodontic irrigation with NaOCl exposes the
determining the internal adaptation of the samples, which dentin to high concentrations of NaOCl.
was judged based on the percentage of a continuous margin Although many studies have demonstrated increased
at the tooth–composite interface. The results were analyzed microleakage and diminished bond strength as conse-
using a two-way analysis of variance and Mann–Whitney quences of endodontic irrigation with NaOCl, NaOCl is
test. IES groups exhibited significantly greater internal likely to remain the primary chemical irrigant in end-
adaptation (p = 0.000) as compared with DES groups. odontics, due mainly to its high bactericidal activity and
Composite viscosity did not significantly affect internal ability to dissolve vital and necrotic tissues, and organic
adaptation in either IES or DES groups (p [ 0.005). matter [4, 6, 7]. Although alternate irrigants have been
studied, none has demonstrated a risk/benefit ratio profile
as favorable as that of NaOCl [8, 9].
L. De Rose (&) I. Krejci T. Bortolotto Rather than using an alternate irrigant [10] or a combi-
Division of Cariology and Endodontology, School of Dentistry,
nation of irrigants [11] with less favorable properties, this
University of Geneva, 11 rue Barthélemy-Menn, 1205 Geneva,
Switzerland study focused on reducing the negative effects of NaOCl
e-mail: while still benefiting from its inherent disinfecting
properties. A modified version of the immediate dentin 4 mm wide bucco-lingually, 4 mm deep occlusally, 2 mm
sealing (IDS) technique was applied within the context of proximal box width in the mesio-distal direction, and 3 mm
endodontic treatment. IDS is a widely documented method wide at the occlusal isthmus. All walls had approximately
used in indirect restoration [12, 13]. IDS technique seals 15° of divergence. The cavities were prepared using a dia-
freshly cut dentin, which reduces microleakage [14, 15] and mond bur under water spray cooling (Cerinlay No. 3080.018
dentin sensitivity [12], protects the pulp chamber complex FG; Intensiv, Lugano, Switzerland) and finished with fine-
[7], allows for a stress-free dentin bond development [16] grain burs (Cerinlay No. 3025.018 FG; Intensiv). The cavity
and leads to better adaptation of the subsequent indirect floors (roofs of the pulp chambers) were then removed with a
restoration [17]. The new restorative technique described in tungsten carbide bur (Endo Access Bur A 0164, Dentsply-
this study was referred to as immediate endodontic sealing Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) using a high-speed
(IES), in contrast to the conventional approach, in which handpiece and the pulp tissue was carefully removed with a
irrigation is performed before cavity sealing, referred to as spoon excavator (N°31W, Hu-Friedy, Chicago, USA). The
delayed endodontic sealing (DES) [18]. High-viscosity walls of the pulp chambers were then cleaned with a tungsten
composite is usually preferred for sealing because it presents carbide bur (Endo-Z E0152, Dentsply-Maillefer). Each bur
lower polymerization shrinkage than low-viscosity com- was replaced after three dental preparations.
posite. However, in cases of narrow and deep cavities such as Catheterism of canals was performed with a K-file
endodontic access cavities, clinical application of low-vis- (N°10, Dentsply-Maillefer) using a lubricant chelating gel
cosity composite is easier. (Glyde File Prep, Dentsply-Maillefer). Working length was
The aim of this in vitro study was to compare the measured by introduction of a K-file (N°10, Dentsply-
effectiveness of sealing with IES and DES and the influ- Maillefer) until it appeared at the apex. This measurement
ence of composite viscosity on the internal adaptation at was then adjusted at 1 mm shorter than the measured
the tooth–resin composite interface (total internal adapta- length. Glide path was confirmed by introduction of a
tion). Internal adaptation was based on the percentage of larger K-file (N°15, Dentsply-Maillefer) until the apical
continuous margin at the interface. It was hypothesized that constriction. A ProTaper Sx instrument (Dentsply-Maille-
internal adaptation would be enhanced by IES combined fer) was then used to relocate the canal orifices away from
with a composite having high viscosity to protect against the furcal concavities and uniformly enlarge the canal
the damaging effects of NaOCl. The effectiveness of orifices. The Sx instrument was used only in the coronal
sealing with IES and DES was also evaluated at the three third of the canal with a rotational speed of 300 rpm. This
regions of the tooth–resin composite interface: enamel, procedure ensured a good opening of the canal orifices and
coronal and cervical dentin regions (regional internal adequate access to the middle and apical canal portions.
adaptation). The null hypothesis was that IES and DES did Each canal was irrigated with 5 mL of sterile saline solu-
not show significantly different internal adaptations. tion for 1 min at each instrument change.
Prepared teeth were then randomly divided in 4 groups
(n = 10): group 1: IES ? low viscosity resin composite;
Methods and materials group 2: IES ? high viscosity resin composite; group 3:
DES ? low viscosity resin composite; group 4:
Forty recently extracted human mandibular molars due to DES ? high viscosity resin composite.
orthodontic or surgical purposes, of nearly identical size Groups 1 and 2 The internal walls and floor of pulp
were selected for the study. Inclusion criteria, which were chambers were cleaned for 5 s with a sterilized cotton
completely developed root apices and two or more canals pellet imbibed with 95 % ethanol and air-dried. Canals
(type II–III), were verified by radiographic examination. A were then dried with 2 % standardized paper points (N°20,
single examiner measured mesio-distal and bucco-lingual Dentsply-Maillefer). Then ProTaper gutta percha points
tooth width by using an orthodontic-style Boley gauge in (F1, Dentsply-Maillefer) were shortened 4 mm from the tip
order to have relatively homogenous samples. The teeth and inserted into the canals to block the canal orifices and
selected were at least 6.0 mm wide bucco-lingually and at protect them from the bonding agent. The cavity access
least 8.0 mm mesio-distally at the enamel–dentine junction. sealing protocol was then applied, followed by the prepa-
The teeth surfaces were debrided with a hand-scaling ration and irrigation protocol and finally the obturation and
instrument, cleaned with a rubber cup and a pumice slurry, provisional restoration protocol.
and then stored in a 0.1 % thymol solution at 4 °C for 72 h, Groups 3 and 4 First, the preparation and irrigation
until the initiation of the experiment. Standardized Class II protocol was applied followed by the cavity access sealing
mesio-occlusal cavities were prepared with proximal margin protocol. Then the internal walls and floor of the pulp
located 1.0 mm below the cement-enamel junction. All chambers were cleaned for 5 s with a sterilized cotton
cavities were prepared with the following characteristics: pellet imbibed with 95 % ethanol and air-dried to remove
excess of sealer (AH plus, Dentsply-Maillefer). Finally, the using an ultrasound instrument (Piezon Master, EMS, Nyon,
obturation and provisional restoration was applied. Switzerland) and each tooth was embedded in a phenolic
ring mold with epoxy resin. Samples were then vertically
Cavity access sealing protocol sectioned through the center of the pulp chamber using a
low-speed diamond saw (Isomet, Buehler Ltd, Lake Bluff,
A self-etching system (Clearfil SE Bond, Kuraray, Japan) Illinois, USA) under water-cooling. A second horizontal cut
was used to seal the entire pulp chamber (dentin and was made 2 mm below the cement-enamel junction. This
enamel). The primer and bonding agents were applied and resulted in two sections for each specimen (mesial and distal
light-cured according to the manufacturer’s recommenda- sections). The external sides of the sections were then
tions. The floors and the internal walls of the cavities were attached to a metal support (used for SEM analysis) with
then covered by a layer of composite of about 0.5 mm cyanoacrylate glue (Quick fix, 3M ESPE AG). The sections
thick. In groups 1 and 3, a low-viscosity resin composite were then polished with aluminum oxide discs (SofLex
was used (Majesty Flow, Kuraray) and in groups 2 and 4 a PopOn, 3M ESPE AG) under copious water spray and
high-viscosity resin composite was used (Majesty Poster- cleaned with a brush and fine pumice under a stereomicro-
ior, Kuraray). A Williams probe was inserted in the middle scope (129 magnification). From each section, an impres-
part of the composite (in parallel and perpendicular posi- sion made out of silicon was performed and poured with
tion) in order to verify and standardize the composite epoxy resin. The obtained replicas were then attached to a
thickness. The composite was light-cured with a poly- support to be gold coated for observation at the SEM. If
merization lamp equipped with a new light-tip (Bluephase artifacts due to impression defects or pouring method were
1,200 mW/cm2, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) present on the replicas, the replicas were repeated.
according to manufacturer’s recommendations. In groups 1 The internal adaptation was measured in microns at the
and 2, the ProTaper gutta percha points (ProTaper, tooth–resin interface of both sections (mesial and distal) by
Dentsply-Maillefer) protecting the canal orifices were then computer-assisted quantitative margin analysis and under a
removed using diamond-tipped tweezers. scanning electron microscope (SEM XL20, Philips; Eind-
hoven, the Netherlands). It was measured at 2009 mag-
Preparation and Irrigation protocol nification. The internal adaptation was expressed in terms
of percentage of continuous margins (%Cm). Analysis was
The root canals were instrumented using nickel titanium performed at the enamel–resin interface, at the coronal
rotary instruments according to manufacturer’s recommen- dentin–resin interface, and at the cervical dentin–resin
dations (ProTaper, Dentsply-Maillefer), to an apical size of interfaces. Measurements for all specimens were blinded.
30/100 (N°F3 ProTaper, Dentsply-Maillefer) using an The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS
EDTA-based chelator (Glyde Gel, Dentsply-Maillefer) as a software, version 17 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).The total
lubricant. Each canal was irrigated with 5 mL of 3 % NaOCl internal adaptation data was normally distributed and
for 1 min at each instrument change. Each canal was then subjected to a two-way ANOVA test. The variables were
irrigated with 2 mL of 17 % EDTA for 1 min followed by the technique (IES/DES) and the material (high/low vis-
2 mL of 3 % NaOCl. The canals were then dried with sterile cosity). The regional internal adaptation data was not
ProTaper paper points (N°F3, Dentsply-Maillefer). normally distributed and therefore subjected to a Mann–
Whitney test. The variable was the technique. The confi-
Obturation and provisional restoration protocol dence level was set to 95 %.
Fig. 3 Representative SEM of IES at the enamel–resin interface: Fig. 5 Representative SEM of DES at the enamel–resin interface:
SEM micrograph (2009) of immediate endodontic sealing (IES) SEM micrograph (2009) of delayed endodontic sealing (DES)
showing a continuous margin at the enamel–resin interface showing internal gap at the enamel–resin interface
Fig. 4 Representative SEM of IES at the dentin–resin interface: SEM Fig. 6 Representative SEM of DES at the dentin–resin interface:
micrograph (2009) of immediate endodontic sealing (IES) showing a SEM micrograph (2009) of delayed endodontic sealing (DES)
continuous margin at the dentin–resin interface showing internal gap at the dentin–resin interface
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