Ancient and Medieval India 1000+ MCQ Ebook 2nd Edition
Ancient and Medieval India 1000+ MCQ Ebook 2nd Edition
Ancient and Medieval India 1000+ MCQ Ebook 2nd Edition
2. VEDIC CIVILIZATION ……………………… 14-24
3. BUDDHISM & JAINISM ……………………… 25-35
4. 16 MAHAJANAPADA ……………………….. 36-38
5. MAYURAN EMPIRE …………………………. 39-50
6. GUPTA & POST GUPTA PERIOD ……………. 51-57
7. SOUTH INDIAN DYNASTIES ……………….. 58-69
9. SULTANATE PERIOD ………………………... 82-98
10. MUGHAL PERIOD …………………………… 99-103
11. BHAKTI MOVEMENT ……………………….. 104-120
13. WBCS PRELIMS PYQ ON …………………….. 133-149
14. WBCS MAINS PYQ ON ………………………. 150-170
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1.The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation is 3. Which was the only Indus site with an artificial
found at brick dockyard?
A. Harappa A. Lothal
B. Mohenjo-Daro B. Kalibangan
C. Ropar C. Harappa
D. Kalibangan D. Mohenjo Daro
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58.The harappan economy was
primarily__________ in nature Answer: Option A
A. Rural Solution:
B. Industrial The town-planning of Harappan culture is one of
C. Urban its most impressive aspects, as though it was
D. Capitalist the handiwork of a genius of an architect.
Immaculate was the arrangement of the city. In
Answer: Option C every aspect like roads, houses, drainage, bath,
Solution: granary, the Harappan people have left an
It is generally believed that economy of the imprint of originality and brilliance.
Harappan people was mainly based on external
trade. It is true to the extent that the Harappan 62.How many layers of Mohenjo-daro were
urban centres were supported by the external found?
trade but actually agriculture was the backbone A. 6
of the civilization. B. 7
C. 8
59.Which of the following has not been found in D. 9
the excavation in Terracotta of Indus Valley
sites? Answer: Option B
A. Buffalo Solution:
B. Sheep 7 layers of Mohenjo-daro were found.
C. Cow
D. Pig 63.The Harappan Civilisation declined as a
result of
Answer: Option C A. Aryan invasion
Solution: B. Decline in foreign trade
Cow has not been found in the excavation in C. Ecological factors
Terracotta of Indus Valley sites. Cow was D. Not definitely known factors
related to vedic culture not from Indus
civilization. 64.After the partition of India, the largest number
of Harappan towns and settlements have been
60.The Harappan site that had a dock is found In
A. Alamgirpur A. Punjab
B. Harappa B. Haryana
C. Lothal C. Gujarat
D. Mohenjo-Daro D. Uttar Pradesh
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1.'Ayurveda' has its origin in suggest that the Rajan was elected and re-
elected by the Samiti.
A. Rig Veda
3. The Rigvedic Aryans were governed by a
B. Sama Veda
A. Tribal republic
C. Yajur Veda
B. Form of democracy
D. Atharva Veda
C. Monarchical government
D. Rule by elders
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C
The fundamentals on which the Ayurvedic
system is based are essentially true for all times
Monarchy was the normal form of Government.
and do not change from are to age. These are
Kingship was hereditary. But there was a sort of
based on human actors, on intrinsic causes. The
hierarchy in some states, several members of
origin of Ayurveda is attributed to Atharva Veda
the royal family exercising the power in
where mention is made several diseases with
common. There were references of democratic
their treatments.
form of government and their chiefs were
elected by the assembled people.
2. Two popular Assemblies of the Vedic period
4.In the early Vedic-period, Varna system was
based on
A. Sabha and Mahasabha
A. Education
B. Mahasabha and Ganasabha
B. Birth
C. Sabha and Samiti
C. Occupation
D. Ur and Kula
D. Talent
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C
The term Sabha denotes both the assembly (in
The terms varna (theoretical classification
early Rig-Vedic) and the assembly hall (Later
based on occupation). The classical authors
Rig-Vedic). Women who were called Sabhavati
scarcely speak of anything other than the
also attended this assembly. It was basically a
varnas. 'Varna' defines the hereditary roots of a
kin-based assembly and the practice of women
newborn, it indicates the colour, type, order or
attending it was stopped in later-Vedic times.
class of people.
The references to samiti come from the latest
books of the Rig-Veda showing that it assumed
5.The ritualistic precepts pertaining to the
importance only towards the end of the Rig-
hymns of the Vedas are known as the
Vedic period. Samiti was a folk assembly in
A. Samhitas
which people of the tribe gathered for
B. Aranyakas
transacting tribal business. It discussed
C. Brahmanas
philosophical issues and was concerned with
D. Upanishads
religious ceremonies and prayers. References
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basis of human personality and its ever
Answer: Option C renewing vitalizing power.
The Brahmanas are chiefly religious documents, 9. Which one of the following Vedas contains
including ritualistic precepts and sacrificial sacrificial formula?
duties. A. Sama Veda
B. Rig Veda
6.The name of the Indian Astronomer (who C. Yajur Veda
knew five astronomical systems), who lived in D. Atharva Veda
the 6th century was
A. Varahamihira Answer: Option C
B. Bhandarkar Solution:
C. Pujyapada Yajurveda is a compound Sanskrit word,
D. Prasastapada composed of yajus and veda. Michael Witzel
interprets Yajurveda to mean a "knowledge text
Answer: Option A of prose mantras" used in Vedic rituals. Ralph
Solution: Griffith interprets the name to mean "knowledge
Vārāhamihira (c. early 6th-century), also called of sacrifice or sacrificial texts and formulas".
Vārāha or Mihira, was a Hindu polymath who
lived in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh, India). He was 10.Name the temple in Combodia where scenes
born in the Avanti region, roughly corresponding from Ramayana and Mahabharatha are
to modern-day Malwa, to Adityadasa, who was depicted
himself an astronomer. A. Borobudur
B. Kailashnath
7.Who among the following was the pioneer of C. Angkor Wat
Yoga? D. Brihadeshwara
A. Patanjali
B. Banabhatta Answer: Option C
C. Atreya Solution:
D. Vrudukanta Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia
and one of the largest religious monuments in
Answer: Option A the world, on a site measuring 162.6 hectares
Solution: (1,626,000 m2; 402 acres). Its gallery bear a
The compiler of the Yoga sūtras, a text on Yoga series of large-scale scenes mainly depicting
theory and practice, and a notable scholar of episodes from the Hindu epics the Ramayana
Samkhya school of Hindu philosophy. There is and the Mahabharata.
a fourth Hindu scholar also named Patanjali,
who likely lived in 8th-century CE and wrote a 11.The most important craftsman in the Vedic
commentary on Charaka Samhita and this text period was the
is called Carakavarttika. A. blacksmith
B. goldsmith
8. The philosophical essence, The world is but C. carpenter
God manifest and God is my own soul may be D. barber
traced to the
A. Vedas Answer: Option C
B. Upanishadas Solution:
C. Puranas Carpenter was the most celebrated craftsman in
D. Manusmriti the Vedic age.
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Answer: Option C medieval India. Earlier mathematicians had
Solution: taught that x/o=x, but Bhaskara proved that it
In India Aryans first settled in the Land of Seven was infinity.
Rivers then known as Saptasindhva.
Saptasindhva is the region of modern Punjab. 42.Which of the following Vedas is rendered
39.The first to invade India were the A. Rig Veda
A. Aryans B. Yajur Veda
B. Greeks C. Sama Veda
C. Persians D. Atharva Veda
D. Arabs
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A Solution:
Solution: It consists hymns of the Rigveda put to a musical
In the later 20th century, ideas were refined measure. Hence the text of the Sama Veda is an
along with data accrual, and migration and alternative version of the Rig Veda. Its secret is
acculturation were seen as the methods in its musical annotation and rendering.
whereby Indo-Aryans and their language and
culture spread into northwest India around 1500 43.This Vedic God was 'a breaker of the forts'
BCE. The term "invasion" is only being used and also a 'war god'
nowadays by opponents of the Indo-Aryan A. Indra
Migration theory. B. Yama
C. Marut
40.The Hindu social sacraments such as D. Varuna
marriage etc. are performed on the basis of the
rituals described in the Answer: Option A
A. Rigveda Solution:
B. Yajurveda Indra a war god, breaker of forts (Purandra).
C. Grihyasutras Indra was the most important divinity and was
D. Upanishad lord of war. He destroyed the forts of Dasyus, so
also known as Purandhar.
Answer: Option C
Solution: 44.Which of the following School challenges the
The Grihya Sutras are sacred Hindu texts authority of the Vedas as well as the hegemony
containing information regarding Vedic domestic the Brahman priests?
rites and rituals meant for the householders. The A. Charvaka Philosophy of Materialism
Grihya Sutras as their name suggests deal with B. Ajivika School
domestic rituals such as conception, birth, C. Purva Mimamsa
initiation (upanayanam), marriage, death etc. D. Vedanta
48.The term used to denote a group of families 52.Subject matter which Manu Smriti deals with
in the vedic society was is related to
A. Vish A. Economics
B. Jana B. Politics
C. Grama C. Law
D. Gotra D. Arts
Answer: Option B
Solution: Answer: Option C
In the Vedic Society, the term used to denote a Solution:
group of families was: Jana. The Manusmṛti also spelled as Manusmriti, is an
ancient legal text among the many
49.The first one, among the following, to deal Dharmaśāstras of Hinduism. It was one of the
with music was first Sanskrit texts to have been translated into
A. Rig Veda English in 1776, by Sir William Jones, and was
B. Yajur Veda used to formulate the Hindu law by the British
C. Sama Veda colonial government.
D. Atharva Veda
53.In the Rigvedic period, after the king the next
Answer: Option C most important functionary of the state was the
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A. Senani
B. Revenue collector 57.The ramous Vedic river which had long ago
C. Magician-doctor become extinct and now supposed to be flowing
D. Purohita underground in Rajasthan is
A. Sindhu
Answer: Option D B. Sabastu
Solution: C. Shatudri
In the Rigvedic period, after the king the next D. Saraswati
most Important functionary of the State was the
Purohita. Answer: Option D
54.The origins of Indian music could be traced Scientists say new evidence could unearth the
to Saraswati. The legend of the mighty Saraswati
A. Rigvedic Samhita river has lived on in India since time immemorial.
B. Yajurvedic Samhita Ancient Hindu scriptures called the Vedas,
C. Samavedic Samhita recorded thousands of years ago, are full of
D. Atharvavedic Samhita tantalizing hymns about it being the life-stream
of the people.
Answer: Option C
Solution: 58.The first grammarian of the Sanskrit
Samaveda samhita is not meant to be read as a language was
text, it is like a musical score sheet that must be A. Kalhana
heard. B. Maitreyi
C. Kalidasa
55.After the growth of the Vedic religion the most D. Panini
important development in the history of the so-
called Hinduism was the development of Answer: Option D
A. Shaivism Solution:
B. Saktism Pāṇini (fl. 4th century BCE or "6th to 5th century
C. Bhagavatism BCE") was an ancient Sanskrit philologist,
D. Tantricism grammarian, and a revered scholar in ancient
Answer: Option C
Solution: 59.The normal form of government during the
After the growth of the Vedic religion the most Vedic period was
important development in the history of the so- A. democracy
called Hinduism was the development of B. republics
bhagavatism. C. oligarchy
D. monarchy
56.Which of the following is the oldest of the
Vedas? Answer: Option D
A. Sama Veda Solution:
B. Atharva Veda A monarch, such as a king or queen, rules a
C. Yajur Veda kingdom or empire. In a constitutional
D. Rig Veda monarchy, the monarch's power is limited by a
constitution. But in an absolute monarchy, the
Answer: Option D monarch has unlimited power.
The Rigveda is the oldest work, which Witzel 60.The philosophy propounded in the
states are probably from the period of 1900 to Upanishads is known as
1100 BCE. Witzel, also notes that it is the Vedic A. Advaita
period itself, where incipient lists divide the B. Vedanta
Vedic texts into three (trayī) or four branches: C. Yoga
Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva. D. Samkhya
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Ramayana happened 5114 BC i.e; in Tretayuga.
Answer: Option B According to Hindu belief a Kalpa is the half day
Solution: (excluding night) of Brahma, the god of creation.
The Upanishads are commonly referred to as As per various Puranas Lord Rama was born in
Vedanta. The Upanishads alone are widely Treta Yuga.
known and among the most important literature
in the history of Indian religions and culture and 64.Two highest gods in the Vedic religion were
their central ideas are at the spiritual core of A. Agni and Savitri
Hindus. The upanishads are a part of the Vedas B. Vishnu and Mitra
and are ancient Sanskrit texts that contain some C. Indra and Varuna
of the central philosophical concepts and ideas D. Surya and Pushan
of Hinduism, some of which are shared with
Buddhism, and Jainism. Answer: Option C
61.A 'Sabha' in the Vedic period was a/an In early Hinduism, Varuna Sanskrit (meaning "to
A. Institution of professional men in villages surround") was a Vedic solar god who, in Hindu
B. Royal Court mythology, presided over the celestial ocean
C. Mantri Parishad surrounding the earth. In ancient India, he
D. National Assembly of all Citizens of the State. enjoyed supremacy over the Vedic pantheon as
the god of the universal law/moral order (rta),
Answer: Option D though he was eventually usurped by Indra, the
Solution: god of storms.
The term Sabha denotes both the assembly (in
early Rig-Vedic) and the assembly hall (Later 65.I. This school eventually merged because of
Rig-Vedic). Women who were called Sabhavati their closely related metaphysical theories
also attended this assembly. It was basically a (although Vaisheshika only accepted perception
kin-based assembly and the practice of women and inference as sources of valid knowledge).
attending it was stopped in later-Vedic times. II. Mimamsa accept the logical and philosophical
teachings of the other schools, they insist that
62.The tax which the kings used to collect from salvation can only be attained by acting in
the people in the Vedic period was called accordance with the prescriptions of the Vedas.
A. Bali Which of the statement(s) given above is/are
B. Vidatha correct related to the Purva Mimamsa?
C. Varman A. I only
D. Kara B. II only
C. Both I and II
Answer: Option A D. Neither I nor II
In Vedic age the king used to collect Bali from Answer: Option B
the people which is an offering made to king or Solution:
God. It was voluntarily paid in Rig-Vedic Period The Mimamsa accept the logical and
but later it was made compulsory. philosophical teachings of the other schools,
they insist that salvation can only be attained by
63.The Ramayana narrates events believed to acting in accordance with the prescriptions of
have taken place in the __________ Yuga or the Vedas. It says that the essence of the Vedas
age is dharma. By the execution of dharma one
A. Sat earns merit which leads one to heaven after
B. Dwapar death. If one does not follow one's dharma or
C. Kal prescribed duties, then one incurs sin and as a
D. Treta consequence suffers in hell.
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centres of learning in India during the Pala
Empire, along with Nalanda. Vikramashila was 9.Vardhamana Mahavira the 24 th Tirthankar of
one of the largest Buddhist universities, Jainism was born at __________ and died at
6.Which of the Kushana ruler patronised A. Vaishali and Rajagriha
Buddhism? B. Kusinara and Pava
A. Ashoka C. Kundagrama and Pava
B. Vikramaditya D. Kashi and Champa
C. Kanishka
D. Kautilya Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C Mahavira, (Sanskrit: “Great Hero”) also known
Solution: as Vardhamana, (born c. 599 bce traditional
Kanishka patronised Buddhism that played an dating, Kshatriyakundagrama, India—died 527
important role in the development of the Silk traditional dating, Pavapuri), Epithet of
Road, and in the transmission of Mahayana Vardhamana, the last of the 24 Tirthankaras
Buddhism from Gandhara across the (“Ford-makers,” i.e., saviours who promulgated
Karakoram range to China. Jainism), and the reformer of the Jain monastic.
7.In which descent Abhinandannath Tirthankar 10.During whose reign did the Gandhara School
was born? of Art blossom?
A. Ikswakshu Vansh A. Harsha
B. Nand Vansh B. Ashok
C. Gulam Vansh C. Kanishka
D. Duguwa Vansh D. Chandragupta-II
22.Buddha means
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The meaning of Kaivalya Gyan (enlightenment) C. Warriors and Traders
received by Abhinandannath Tirthankar was D. Women and Sudras
brahma Vidya.
Answer: Option D
26.The greatest Buddhist commentator of the Solution:
Buddhist canonical literature has been Shudra is the fourth varna, or one of the four
A. Nagarjuna social categories found in the texts of Hinduism.
B. Ashvaghosha Buddha considered the caste system unjust. He
C. Vasumitra asserted that morality and deed should be
D. Buddhaghosha determined the cast of a person instead of birth.
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D. Pataliputra, Rajagriha, Kashmir or which may have been either in what is present
Jullandhar, Vaishali day Tilaurakot, Nepal or Piprahwa, India.
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1.Which area of India was known as Avantika in
ancient times? Answer: Option C
A. Avadh Solution:
B. Ruhelkhand At the time when Alexander had come to invade
C. Bundelkhand India, the most powerful kingdom was Magadha,
D. Malwa under the rule of Nanda dynasty. This king
maintained a huge force of 200,000 infantry,
Answer: Option D 80,000 cavalry, 8000 chariots and 6000 war
Solution: elephants.
An ancient city situated on the eastern bank of
the Kshipra River, Ujjain was the most 4.Which ruler murdered his father, Bimbisara to
prominent city on the Malwa plateau of central ascend the throne?
India for much of its history. It emerged as the A. Ashoka
political centre of central India around 600 BCE. B. Ajatshatru
C. Kanishka
2.Name the kingdom which first used elephants D. Simukha
in wars
A. Kosala Answer: Option B
B. Magadha Solution:
C. Champa Bimbisara was the first ruler of Haryanka
D. Avanti dynasty of the Magadha (Capital Rajgriha). His
son Ajatshatru imprisoned him and killed him to
Answer: Option B ascend the throne.
If we read the ancient indian history then we will 5.Nalanda Mahavira site is in
found king Porus used elephants against the A. Rajasthan
Alexander in battle of hydaspas. Chandragupta B. Assam
maurya did used elephants in his conquest of C. Bihar
whole India. Elephants were part of Ashoka's D. Gujrat
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6.Which one of the following scholar, challenged 9.The last great ruling dynasty of Magadha was
Invincible Yajnavalkya for debate? A. Sunga
A. Ghosha B. Kanva
B. Apala C. Kusana
C. Maitreyi D. Gupta
D. Gargi
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D Solution:
Solution: The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire
Gargi, as one of the disputants in the debate, existing from the mid-to-late 3rd century CE to
questioned Yajnavalkya on his claim of 590 CE. The ruling dynasty of the empire was
superiority among the scholars. She held founded by the king Sri Gupta; the most notable
repeated arguments with him. Gargi and rulers of the dynasty.
Yajnavalkya's exchange centered on the
ultimate "warp" of reality ("warp" means "the 10.Which of the following ruler was responsible
basic foundation or material of a structure or for the rise of Magadha?
entity). Her initial dialogue with Yajnavalkya A. Bindusara
tended to be too metaphysical, such as B. Ajatshatru
unending status of the soul, away from practical C. Bimbisara
situations. She then changed her approach and D. Vasudeva
asked him pointed questions related to the
environment existing in the world, the question Answer: Option C
of the very origin of all existence. Solution:
Bimbisara, (born c. 543—died 491 bce), one of
7.Alexander and the army of Porus camped on the early kings of the Indian kingdom of
the opposite bank of which river? Magadha. Bimbisara built the city of Rajagriha,
A. Ravi famous in Buddhist writings. He was succeeded
B. Jhelum on the throne by his son Ajatashatru, who
C. Sutlej murdered his father to obtain power.
D. Chenab
agadha Kingdom?
Answer: Option B A. Satavahana
Solution: B. Sunga
The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought in 326 C. Nanda
BC between Alexander the Great and King D. Kanva
Porus of the Paurava kingdom on the banks of
the river Jhelum (known to the Greeks as
Hydaspes) in the Punjab region of the Indian Answer: Option B
subcontinent (modern-day Punjab, Pakistan). Solution:
After the Mauryan rule Pushyamitra, the founder
8.King Kharvela was the greatest ruler of the of the Sunga dynasty established his rule. The
Chedi Dynasty of Sungas ruled for over a hundred years. The
A. Cholamandalam extent of the Sunga kingdom under Pushyamitra
B. Kalinga extended from Punjab and extended to the
C. Kannauj southern regions of the Narmada. The Sunga
D. Purushpur dynasty had a line of ten rulers. The last of the
Sunga king was Devabhuti.
Answer: Option B
Solution: 12.The 'Ajivikas' were
Kharavela was a king of Kalinga in present-day A. Sect contemporary to the Buddha
Odisha, India. He ruled somewhere around first B. Breakaway branch of the Buddhists
or second century BCE. His name is also C. Sect founded by Charvaka
transliterated as Khārabēḷa. D. Sect founded by Shankaracharya
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Answer: Option A and one of the principal mahājanapadas of
Solution: Ancient India. The area they ruled constitutes
Ajivika (IAST: Ājīvika) is one of the nāstika or the region of Mithila in northern Bihar and their
"heterodox" schools of Indian philosophy. capital was the city of Vaishali.
Purportedly founded in the 5th century BCE by
Makkhali Gosala, it was a śramaṇa movement 15.During Kanishka's reign, the centre of
and a major rival of vedic religion, early political activity shifted from Magadha to
Buddhism and Jainism. A. Delhi
B. Ayodhya
13.Whose army did Alexander the Greek ruler C. Kannauj
confront on the banks of the river Jhelum? D. Purushapura (Peshawar)
A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. Ambi Answer: Option D
C. Ohanananda Solution:
D. Porus During Kanishka's reign, the centre of political
activity shifted from Magadha to Purushapura
Answer: Option D (Peshawar).
The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought in 326 16.The last Nanda ruler of Magadha who was
BC between Alexander the Great and King overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya with the
Porus of the Paurava kingdom on the banks of help of Chanakya was
the river Jhelum (known to the Greeks as A. Mahapadmananda
Hydaspes) in the Punjab region of the Indian B. Dhanananda
subcontinent (modern-day Punjab, Pakistan). C. Navananda
D. Not known
14.Name of Republic which was a confederacy
to tribes in the 6th century B.C Answer: Option B
A. Gandhara Solution:
B. Vajji Sakatala found Chanakya to take his revenge
C. Koushal from Dhana Nanda by ending his rule. Shaktar
D. Avanti (395–319 BC) was the Prime minister of Dhana
Nanda - the last king of the Nanda Dynasty,
Answer: Option B which originated from the region of Magadha in
Solution: ancient India during the 5th and 4th centuries
Vajji (Sanskrit: Vṛji) or Vrijji was a confederacy BC.
of neighbouring clans including the Licchavis
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1.Which dynasty ruled over 'Magadha' after 3.The decline of the Nandas at the hands of
Mauryan Dynasty? Kautilya and Chandragupta Maurya has been
A. Satavahan vividly portrayed in the Sanskrit play written by
B. Shunga Kalidasa
C. Nanda A. Mudrarakshas
D. Kanva B. Devichandragupta
C. Malavikagnimitram
Answer: Option B D. Mrichhakatika
The Shunga dynasty was a Brahmin dynasty, Answer: Option C
established in 185 BCE, about 50 years after Solution:
Ashoka's death, when the emperor Brihadratha The Mālavikāgnimitram is a Sanskrit play by
Maurya, the last ruler of the Maurya Empire, was Kālidāsa. It is his first play. The play tells the
assassinated by his Senānī or commander-in- story of the love of Agnimitra, the Shunga
chief, Pushyamitra Shunga, while he was Emperor at Vidisha, for the beautiful lun-maiden
reviewing the Guard of Honour of his forces. of his chief queen. He falls in love with the
picture of an exiled servant girl named Mālavikā.
2.With which of the following centres of learning,
Chanakya the famous teacher of Chandragupta 4.Who is called as the 'second Ashoka' ?
Maurya, was associated? A. Samudra Gupta
A. Taxila B. Chandra Gupta Maurya
B. Nalanda C. Kanishka
C. Vikramshila D. Harshavardhana
D. Vaishali
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A Solution:
Solution: Kushana king Kanishka is also called "Second
Taxila had great influence on Hindu culture and Ashoka". Like Ashoka, Kanishka also became a
the Sanskrit language. It is perhaps best known convert to Buddhism. Kanishka I (कनिष्क), or
for its association with Chanakya, also known as Kanishka the Great, was the emperor of the
Kautilya, the strategist who guided Kushan dynasty in the second century (c. 127–
Chandragupta Maurya and assisted in the 150 CE). He is famous for his military, political,
founding of the Mauryan empire. and spiritual achievements.
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5.Who was the author of the Kadambari, a great C. Kautilya's Arthshastra
romantic play? D. Vishnu Purana
A. Banabhatta
B. Harshavardhana Answer: Option B
C. Baskarvardhana Solution:
D. Bindusara Indica is the book written by Megasthenes, the
Greek ambassador to India around 300 Be. The
Answer: Option A division of Maurya society into seven classes
Solution: was particularly mentioned in the 'Indica' of
Kādambari is a romantic novel in Sanskrit. It was Megasthenes. The Indians generally were
substantially composed by Bāṇabhaṭṭa in the divided into seven categories, the wise men
first half of the 7th century CE, who did not (Brahmins), farmers, herdsmen, artisans,
survive to see it through completion. The novel soldiers, over lookers and government officials
was completed by Banabhatta's son including army and navy officers.
Bhushanabhatta, according to the plan laid out
by his late father. It is conventionally divided into 9.Who, among the following, was not a part of
Purvabhaga (earlier part) written by Banabhatta, the Mauryan dynasty?
and Uttarabhaga (latter part) by A. Ajatsatru
Bhushanabhatta. (An alternate tradition gives B. Bindusara
the son's name as Pulindabhatta.) C. Chandragupta Maurya
D. None of these
6.The greatest development in the Kushana
period was in the field of Answer: Option A
A. Religion Solution:
B. Art Ajatshatru was born in 492 BC that is approx
C. Literature 200 years before Maurya. Ajatshatru was the
D. Architecture king of Haryanka dynasty of Magadh having his
capital as Rajgir.
Answer: Option B
Solution: 10.Kalinga's ruler Kharavela gave his protection
The art and culture of Gandhara, at the to
crossroads of the Kushan hegemony, continued A. Hinduism
the traditions of Greco-Buddhist art and are the B. Shaivism
best known expressions of Kushan influences to C. Buddhism
Westerners. D. Jainism
20.Which one of the following was not a 23.Satvahanas minted their coins predominantly
characteristic of society in Mauryan times? in
A. Slavery A. Lead
B. Rigidity of Caste B. Silver
C. Prostitution C. Gold
D. Widow remarriage D. Copper
28.Who started the Saka Era which is still used 30.Which of the following is the correct
by the Government of India? chronological sequence of the ruling dynasties
A. Kanishka of northern India, from the decline of the
B. Vikramaditya Mauryas to the rise of the imperial Guptas?
C. Samudra Gupta
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A. Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Kushans, Sakas and Solution:
Guptas Thanesar to Kannauj
B. Sungas, Kushans, Parthians, Sakas and
Guptas 34.The Greatest Kushan leader who got
C. Sungas, Kanvas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, converted to Buddhism was
Parthians and Guptas A. Kujala
D. Kanvas, Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, B. Virna
Parthians and Guptas C. Kanishka
D. Kadphises
Answer: Option C
Solution: Answer: Option C
Sungas, Kanvas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Solution:
Parthians and Guptas is the correct Kanishka was a great patron of the Buddhist
chronological sequence of the ruling dynasties faith; Buddhism spread to Central Asia and the
of northern India, from the decline of the Far East across Bactria and Sogdia, where his
Mauryas to the rise of the imperial Guptas. empire met the Han Empire of China. King
Kanishka was greatly influenced by the
31.The great silk-route to the Indians was knowledge, teachings and personality of the
opened by Buddhist scholar Asvaghosha so, he decided to
A. Kanishka embrace Buddhism in later days of his life. He
B. Ashoka even accepted the Mahayana sect of Buddhism
C. Harsha as his state religion.
D. Fa-Hien
35.The official language of the Mauryan Court
Answer: Option A was
Solution: A. Magadhi
The great silk-route to the Indians was opened B. Prakrit
by Kaniskha. Silk Route was established during C. Mythili
the reign of Han Dynasty of China. It connects D. Sanskrit
China with East Europe Mediterranean
countries and Central Asia, passing through Answer: Option A
India. Solution:
It is believed to be the language spoken by
32.Under Mauryas each province was placed Gautama Buddha. It was the official language of
under a__________ the Mauryan court, in which the edicts of Ashoka
A. Prince were composed. The name Magahi is directly
B. Commander derived from the name Magadhi Prakrit, and
C. Council educated speakers of Magahi prefer to call it
D. Minister "Magadhi" rather than "Magahi".
Answer: Option A
Solution: 36.The Greek ambassador sent to
The empire was divided into four provinces, Chandragupta Maurya's Court was
each under a prince or member of the royal A. Kautilya
family (Kumara and Aryaputra). B. Seleucus Nicator
C. Megasthenes
33.Harshavardhana moved his capital from D. Justin
__________ to __________
A. Thanesar, Kannauj Answer: Option C
B. Delhi, Deogiri Solution:
C. Kamboj, Kannauj Seleucus dispatched an ambassador,
D. Valabhi, Delhi Megasthenes, to Chandragupta, and later
Antiochos sent Deimakos to his son Bindusara,
Answer: Option A
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at the Maurya court at Pataliputra (modern the Greek kings Antiochus, Ptolemy, Antigonus,
Patna in Bihar state). Magas and Alexander rule.
37.Chandragupta Maurya was born in 40.The Greeks were driven out of India by
A. 340 BC A. Chandragupta Maurya
B. 563 BC B. Chandragupta Vikramaditya
C. 189 BC C. Ashoka
D. 99 BC D. Bindusara
46.The capital of the Mauryan kingdom was 49.The best specimens of Mauryan art are
located at represented by their
A. Pataliputra A. Stupas
B. Vaishali B. Pillars
C. Lumbini C. Chaityas
D. Gaya D. Caves
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Answer: Option B A. Kara
Solution: B. Bhaga
It represented an important transition in Indian C. Pranaya
art from use of wood to stone. It was a royal art D. Hiranya
patronized by Mauryan kings especially Ashoka.
Pillars are the most prominent examples. Answer: Option C
50.Chandragupta Maurya was__________ Pranaya literally meaning a gift of affection,
A. A benevolent despot pranaya was a levy imposed by the state during
B. Autocrat emergency periods. Though first mentioned by
C. Democrat Panini, it was elaborated upon for the first time
D. A pious ruler in Arthashastra. Pranaya amounted to one¬third
or one-fourth of the produce according to the
Answer: Option A nature of the soil.
The Maurya king was an absolute ruler. He was 54.Which Mauryan king holds the title of
at the apex of administration. His ideal of Amitraghata?
kingship was benevolent despotism. The main A. Bimbisar
principle of administration was welfare of the B. Chandragupta Maurya
people. C. Bindusara
D. Ashoka
51.Who took the throne after Chandra Gupta
Maurya? Answer: Option C
A. Bimbisara Solution:
B. Ashoka Bindusara is also known as Amitraghata
C. Bindusara (amitra-enemy, ghata-slayer) in Sanskrit
D. Vishnugupta Literature. Strabo has named him Amitrochates
or Allitrochades which are greek version of the
Answer: Option C name Amitraghata.
In 298 BCE, Chandragupta voluntarily abdicated 55.Chandragupta Maurya with the help of
the throne in favour of his son Bindusara, who Chanakya decided to overthrow the Nandas
became the new Mauryan emperor. What we because
know after this point seems closer to legend A. Chanakya had been humiliated by the
than an actual historical account. It is said that Nandas
Chandragupta turned into an ascetic and B. the Nandas were low-born
follower of Jainism. C. the Nandas had accumulated a great deal of
wealth by extortion and oppression of the people
52.In Mauryan dynasty Kalinga war took place D. Chanakya wanted to restore the ideal of
in the year Kshatriya rule
A. 260 BC
B. 261 BC Answer: Option C
C. 126 BC Solution:
D. 232 BC Chandragupta Maurya with the help of
Chanakya decided to overthrow the Nandas
Answer: Option B because the Nandas accumulated a great deal
Solution: of wealth by extortion and oppression of the
Ashoka lead a huge army against Kalinga. This people.
took place in 261 B.C., the freedom loving
people of Kalinga offered a stiff resistance to the 56.Who were the immediate successors of the
Mauryan army. Mauryas in Magadha?
A. Pandyas
53.Which one of the following item was collected B. Sungas
only in cash under the Mauryas? C. Kushanas
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D. Satvahanas
Answer: Option A
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: After the death of Alexander in June 323 BC,
The Shunga Empire was an ancient Indian Seleucus initially supported Perdiccas, the
dynasty from Magadha that controlled areas of regent of Alexander's empire, and was
the central and eastern Indian subcontinent from appointed Commander of the Companions and
around 187 to 78 BCE. The dynasty was chiliarch at the Partition of Babylon in 323 BC.
established by Pushyamitra Shunga, after the Seleucus ruled not only Babylonia, but the entire
fall of the Maurya Empire. enormous eastern part of Alexander's empire.
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C. Sangama is compilation of poems by group C. Four
of poets of different times patronised by many D. Two
chiefs and kings
D. Both B & C Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B The bronze coins of Natraja or Dancing Shiva
Solution: during the Chola period invariably depicted the
The Sangam literature does not describes many deity with six arms.
kings and dynasties of North India.
60.The Hoyasala's capital was
56.The achievements of Samudragupta have A. Warangal
been chronicled in the B. Devagiri
A. Hathigumpha inscription C. Dwarasamudra
B. Sarnath inscription D. Krishnagiri
C. Girnar inscription
D. Allahabad pillar inscription Answer: Option C
Answer: Option D “Dwarasamudra” capital of Hoysala dynasty
Solution: who ruled the Karnataka area of south India
The Allahabad Pillar Inscriptions of Samudra between 10 and 14th centuries. Initially its
Gupta provide information regarding the capital was bellur and later it was moved to
achievements of the ruler. Halebidu (Dwarasamudra).
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1.In India, Ancient Iron Age is attached with
A. Gray pottery Answer: Option A
B. Black and Red Pottery Solution:
C. Ocher Coloured Pottery The Maurya Empire was a geographically-
D. Northern Black Polish Pottery extensive Iron Age historical power based in
Magadha and founded by Chandragupta
Answer: Option A Maurya which dominated ancient India between
Solution: 321 and 187 BCE.
The Painted Grey Ware culture (PGW) is an Iron
Age Indian culture of the western Gangetic plain 4.Which among the following book based on the
and the Ghaggar-Hakra valley on the Indian exploits of Yasovarman of Kanauj?
subcontinent, lasting from roughly 1200 BCE to A. Rajatarangini
600 BCE. B. Gaudavaho
C. Malavikagnimitram
2.Ashoka sent missionaries to D. All of the above
A. China and Kashmir
B. Tibet and Ceylon Answer: Option B
C. Tibet and China Solution:
D. Kashmir and Ceylon Yashovarman was king of Kannauj in the early
part of the eighth century. Vakpati wrote
Answer: Option B Gaudavaho, based on the exploits of
Solution: Yasovarman of Kanauj.
In order to propagate the Dhamma and the
teachings of the Buddha, he sent nine 5.Who was the founder of the Kanva dynasty?
missionaries. Each missionary was consisting of A. Suserman
five theories in order that the Upasampada, the B. Vishnusarma
Ordination Ceremony, could be performed. C. Vassudeva
These missionaries may have travelled along D. Vasumitra
trades that spanned from the Far East to the
West. Answer: Option C
3.Which among the following is the oldest Vasudeva Kanva was the founder of the Kanva
dynasty? dynasty. Vasudeva Kanva was a Brahmin king.
A. Maurya He was originally an Amatya (minister) of last
B. Gupta Shunga ruler Devabhuti.
C. Kushan
D. Kanva 6.Who was the founder of Vikramshila Vihar?
A. Dharmapala
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B. Gopala C. Hora Shastra
C. Nagpala D. Brahma Siddhanta
D. Mahipala
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A Solution:
Solution: Maharishi Parasara was the first to use this term
Vikramashila was founded by Pāla king in his monumental classic “Brihat Parasara Hora
Dharmapala in the late 8th or early 9th century. Shastra” (BPHS) showing that this scientific
It prospered for about four centuries before it basis of Astrology was at different stages of
was destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khilji along with the development and that the rules and principles
other major centres of Buddhism in India around had not been fully revealed.
10.Which Veda deals with magical hymn or
7.Bagh painting of Gupta Empire was found in charms of spell?
which of the following Indian states? A. Rigveda
A. Bihar B. Samveda
B. Madhya Pradesh C. Atharvaveda
C. Chattisgarh D. Yajurveda
D. Maharashtra
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: Atharvaveda the Veda of Magic formulas, it is a
The Bagh Caves are a group of nine rock-cut mixture of hymns, chants, spells, and prayers.
monuments, situated among the southern
slopes of the Vindhyas in Bagh town of Dhar 11.Harihara Raya I who ruled the Vijaynagara
district in Madhya Pradesh state in central India. Empire for the period 1336-1356 belonged to
These rock cut caves posses the most amazing which dynasty?
paintings known to be made by ancient man. A. Sangama Dynasty
These are renowned for mural paintings by B. Saluva Dynasty
master painters of ancient India. C. Tuluva Dynasty
D. Aravidu Dynasty
8.Which emperor wrote the play 'Nagananda' in
Sanskrit language? Answer: Option A
A. Prabhakara vardhana Solution:
B. Harshavardhana Harihara I (1336–1356 CE), also called Hakka
C. Chandragupta II and Vira Harihara I, was the founder of the
D. Bindusara Vijayanagara empire. He was Bhavana
Sangama's eldest son and was founder of the
Answer: Option B Sangama dynasty, the first among the four
Solution: dynasties that ruled Vijayanagara.
Nagananda is among the most acclaimed
Sanskrit dramas. Through five acts, it tells the 12.Tuluva Narasa who ruled the Vijaynagara
popular story of Jimutavahana's self-sacrifice to Empire for the period 1491-1503 belonged to
save the Nagas. The unique characteristic of which dynasty?
this drama is the invocation to lord Buddha in the A. Sangama Dynasty
Nandi verse, which is considered as one of the B. Saluva Dynasty
best examples of the dramatic compositions. C. Tuluva Dynasty
Harshavardhana was the great scholar of D. Aravidu Dynasty
Sanskrit and he had written this play.
Answer: Option C
9.Which of the following books is based on Solution:
Astrology? This was the third dynasty to rule Vijayanagar
A. Romak Siddhanta Empire. The most famous ruler of the
B. Aryabhattiya Vijayanagar kingdom, Krishna Deva Raya
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belonged to this dynasty. Tuluva Narasa Solution:
Nayaka (1491-1503 AD). He was the The Ashoka Chakra is a depiction of the
commander of the Vijayanagar army under the Buddhist Dharmachakra, represented with 24
rule of Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya and spokes. It is so called because it appears on a
became the de-factor ruler of the kingdom after number of edicts of Ashoka, most prominent
the death of Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya. among which is the Lion Capital of Sarnath
which has been adopted as the National
13.The famous dialogue between Nachiketa Emblem of the Republic of India.
and Yama is mentioned in the
A. Chhandogyopanishad 16.Champa was the capital of which one of the
B. Mundakopanishad following Mahajanapadas in Ancient India?
C. Kathopanishad A. Anga
D. Kenopanishad B. Magadha
C. Vajji
Answer: Option C D. Kasi
The Kathopanishad is considered as a major Answer: Option A
Upanishad (out of a total of 108), and its Solution:
importance can be gauged by the fact that many Anga and other Mahajanapadas in the Post
of its verses are found in the Bhagavad Gita, Vedic period - Anga was an ancient Indian
which was composed later, around 1500 BC. kingdom that flourished on the eastern Indian
subcontinent and one of the sixteen
14.Which of the following statement is correct mahajanapadas ("large state"). It lay to the east
about South-Indian Literature? of its neighbour and rival, Magadha, and was
A. In Southern India, the ancient Indian writings separated from it by the river Champa.
were written in four Dravidian languages which
developed their own script and literature, these 17.Satavahana dynasty originated from?
are, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,Malayalam A. South of Arawali
B. Tamil is the oldest with literature dating back B. South of Vindhya
to early centuries of Christian era. This C. South of Satpura
developed during the three D. South of Satmola
Sangams(assemblies of poets and writers) held
during different times Answer: Option B
C. Both A & B Solution:
D. None of the above The use of the name "Andhra" in the Puranas
has led some scholars to believe that the
Answer: Option C dynasty originated in the eastern Deccan region
Solution: (the historic Andhra region, present-day Andhra
South India has a literary tradition reaching back Pradesh and Telangana).
over two thousand years. The first known
literature of South India are the poetic Sangams, 18.The Ajanta Paintings belong to the
which were written in Tamil around two to one A. Harappan period
and a half thousand years ago. In South Indian B. Mauryan period
literature and philosophy, women are C. Buddhist period
considered very powerful. D. Gupta period
32.Who wrote the famous Kural which in verse 35.The system of philosophy with which the
deals with many aspects of life and religion? name of Kapila is prominently associated is
A. Bhartrihari A. Purva Mimamsa
B. Bana B. Sankhya
C. Magha C. Nyaya
D. Thiruvalluvar D. Uttara Mimamsa
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III. Mihir bhoja was the devotee of Lord Buddha. Bimbisara built the city of Rajagriha,
KRISHNA famous in Buddhist writings. He was succeeded
A. Only I, II on the throne by his son Ajatashatru, who
B. Only I, III murdered his father to obtain power.
C. Only II
D. All of the above 41.Which of the following statement is/are
Answer: Option C I. Panini's Ashtadhyayi, book on grammar in
Solution: eight chapters is the final culmination of this
Mihira Bhoja or Bhoja I was a ruler of the excellent art of writing in sutra (precepts) in
Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty of India. He which every chapter is precisely interwoven.
succeeded his father Ramabhadra. Bhoja was a II. The Brahmanas elaborates vedic caste
devotee of Vishnu and adopted the title of system of the society
Adivaraha which is inscribed on some of his A. Only I
coins. B. Only II
C. Both I & II
38.Who was the founder of Pataliputra? D. None of the above
A. Bimbisara
B. Ajatashatru Answer: Option B
C. Udayin Solution:
D. Kanishka The system of classification, Varna is a system
that existed in the Vedic Society that divided the
Answer: Option C society into four classes Brahmins (priests),
Solution: Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (skilled traders,
Udayin was a king of Magadha in ancient India. merchants), and Shudras (unskilled workers).
According to the Buddhist and Jain accounts, he
was the son and successor of the Haryanka king 42.Chola Empire was divided into
Ajatashatru. Udayin laid the foundation of the A. Mandalams, Nadu, Kurram & Valanadu
city of Pataliputra at the confluence of two rivers, B. Mandalams, Nadu, Malkhand & Avanti
the Son and the Ganges. C. Mandalams, Bhoomi, Avanti &Valanadu
D. Mandalams, Nadu, Kurram & Malkhand
39.Taxila University was located between which
two rivers? Answer: Option A
A. Indus and Jhelum Solution:
B. Jhelum and Ravi The whole empire was divided into mandalams
C. Beas and Indus or provinces. Sometimes princes of the royal
D. Satluj and Indus family were appointed governors of the
provinces. Further they were divided into
Answer: Option A valanadus (divisions), nadus (districts) and
Solution: kurrams (villages). Village was the basic unit of
River Indus and Hydaspes, river Hydaspes is administration.
now known as river Jhelum it is a tributary of
river Indus. 43.Which is known as book of Melody?
A. Rigveda
40.Bimbisara was succeeded by B. Samveda
A. Ashoka C. Atharvaveda
B. Ajatashatru D. Yajurveda
C. Vasudeva
D. Chandragupta Maurya Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B The Samaveda is the Veda of melodies and
Solution: chants. It is an ancient Vedic Sanskrit text, and
He is also known for his cultural achievements part of the scriptures of Hinduism. One of the
and was a great friend and protector of the four Vedas, it is a liturgical text which consists of
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1,549 verses. All but 75 verses have been taken II. Brahmanas are contains detailed explanation
from the Rigveda. about Vedic literature and instructions
A. Only I
44.The Veda, which is partly a prose work, is B. Only II
A. Atharvaveda C. Both I & II
B. Samaveda D. Neither I nor II
C. Yajurveda
D. Rigveda Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C The Brahmanas are prose texts. It describes
Solution: about the meaning of Vedic hymns, their
The Yajurveda is the Veda primarily of prose applications, and stories of their origins in
mantras for worship rituals. An ancient Vedic details. Besides, it also explains the details
Sanskrit text, it is a compilation of ritual offering about rituals and philosophies. Aranyakas and
formulas that were said by a priest while an Upanishads exemplify philosophical meditations
individual performed ritual actions such as those of the hermits and ascetics on soul, god, world,
before the yajna fire. etc. These are partly included in the Brahmanas
or attached, and partly exist as separate works.
45.Which symbol shows renunciation of Gautam They, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, and the
Buddha? Upanishads are attached to one or the other of
A. Lotus the four Vedas.
B. Bull
C. Elephant 48.Which museum houses the largest collection
D. Horse Kushan sculptures?
A. Mathura Museum
Answer: Option D B. Bombay Museum
Solution: C. Madras Museum
Bodhi Tree is the symbol of nirvana of Gautama D. Delhi Museum
Buddha. On the other hand, Stupa represents
the symbol of death of Gautama Buddha. Answer: Option A
Further, The symbol ‘Horse’ signifies the Solution:
renunciation of Buddha’s life. The Mathura Museum has a great collection of
sculptures which belong to Mathura School of
46.The famous rock-cut temple of Kailasa is at Art. Dating from 3rd century to 12th century. It
A. Ajanta has artifacts of the Gupta and Kushan Kingdoms
B. Badami as they were prominent in this region and
C. Ellora districs of Mathura.
D. Elephanta
49.On which of the following systems of Hindu
Answer: Option C Philosophy , Shankaracharya wrote
Solution: commentary in 9th century AD?
The Kailasa temple (Cave 16) is one of the 34 A. Sankhya
cave temples and monasteries known B. Vaisheshika
collectively as the Ellora Caves. Its construction C. Yoga
is generally attributed to the eighth century D. Uttarmimansa
Rashtrakuta king Krishna I ( r . c. 756 – 773).
The temple architecture shows traces of Pallava Answer: Option D
and Chalukya styles. Solution:
Uttar Mimamsa is the Vedanta, one of the most
47.Which statement (s) is/are correct about significant of all Indian philosophies. As
Ancient Indian literature? compared to other systems, its advent and
I. Brahmanas and Aryankas followed by growth is recent. Still it is the most influential
philosophical doctrines of Upanishads orthodox philosophical systems of India.
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50.Which of the following is true regarding the B. Chandragupta Maurya
Aryan Economy? C. Ashoka
I. Aryans, crossed the nomadic stage. D. Kanishka
II. Lion, elephants, & Boar were not known to
them. Answer: Option A
III. Coins were known to them Solution:
A. Only I Samudragupta performed the Ashvamedha
B. II, III sacrifice to prove his imperial sovereignty, and
C. I, III according to his coins, remained undefeated.
D. All of the above His gold coins and inscriptions suggest that he
was an accomplished poet, and also played
Answer: Option A music. His expansionist policy was continued by
Solution: his son Chandragupta II. Samudra Gupta is
"Aryan" is a term that was used as a self- known as father of Inscriptions.
designation by Indo-Iranian people. The word
was used by the Indic people of the Vedic period 53.Who was the founder of the Satavahana
in India as an ethnic label for themselves and to dynasty?
refer to the noble class as well as the geographic A. Sri Satakarni
region known as Āryāvarta, where Indo-Aryan B. Simuka
culture is based. C. Pulumayi-I
D. Yajnasri Satakarni
51.Which of the following statement (S) is/are
correct related to the Ancient Indian Literature? Answer: Option B
I. Vedas, Puranas, Kautilya's Arthashastra, and Solution:
other literature besides foreign accounts are Simuka was the founder of the Satavahana
only available literary sources that restructure Dynasty and he is believed to have destroyed
the Ancient Indian History the Shunga Power. He did so with the aid of the
II. The archaeological sources like epigraphic, Rathikas and Bhojakas. He reigned for around
numismatic and architectural remains besides 23 years and was beheaded by his brother
archaeological explorations and excavations Kanha, who succeeded him.
also help in restructuring Ancient Indian History
A. Only I 54.Name the Muslim Invader who destroyed
B. Only II Nalanda University?
C. Both I and II A. Allaudin Khalji
D. Neither I nor II B. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq
C. Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar
Answer: Option C D. Muhammad Bin Qasim
Kautilya’s Arthashastra, a book on statecraft Answer: Option C
was written in the Mauryan period not in Gupta Solution:
period. The text is divided into 15 chapters Nalanda was very likely ransacked and
known as books. Different books deal with destroyed by an army of the Mamluk Dynasty of
different subject matter concerning polity, the Delhi Sultanate under Bakhtiyar Khilji in c.
economy and society. It appears that even 1200 CE. Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji was
before the final version of Arthashastra was the military general of Qutb-ud-Din Aibak. He
written in the fourth century B.C. by Kautilya, burned Nalanda University and Vikramshila
there appeared a tradition of writing on and University in 1193.
teaching of statecrafts because Kautilya
acknowledges his debt to his predecessors in 55.During the reign of which dynasty was the
the field. Great Wall of China constructed?
A. Sung
52.Which one of the following famous ruler is B. Tang
called as 'Father of Inscriptions'? C. Han
A. Samudra Gupta D. China
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Teacher- Taught relation. The Upanishads are
Answer: Option D the cream of the Vedas. The Upanishads
Solution: contain the essence of the Vedas. They are the
The history of the Great Wall of China began source of the Vedanta philosophy.
when fortifications built by various states during
the Spring and Autumn (771–476 BC)[1] and 59.In which of the following sects was Bindusara
Warring States periods (475–221 BC) were interested?
connected by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi A. Buddhism
Huang, to protect his newly founded Qin dynasty B. Jainism
(221–206 BC) against incursions by nomads C. Ajivakas
from Inner Asia. The Great Wall of China was D. Lokayata
built during the reign of the China (Qin) Dynasty.
Answer: Option C
56.With reference to the invaders in ancient Solution:
India which one of the following is the correct Ajivika is one of the nāstika or "heterodox"
chronological order? schools of Indian philosophy. Ājīvika philosophy
A. Greeks-Sakas-Kushanas reached the height of its popularity during the
B. Greeks-Kushanas-Sakas rule of the Mauryan emperor Bindusara, around
C. Sakas-Greeks-Kushanas the 4th century BCE. Bindusara had interest in
D. Sakas-Kushanas-Greeks it.
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1.The first muslim woman who ruled Northern B. Second Battle of Tarain
India was C. Battle of Khanwa
A. Razia Sultana D. First Battle of Panipat
B. Nurjahan
C. Mumtaz Answer: Option B
D. None of the above Solution:
The Battles of Tarain, also known as the Battles
Answer: Option A of Taraori, were fought in 1191 and 1192 near
Solution: the town of Tarain (Taraori), near Thanesar in
Razia, the Only Muslim Woman Ruler of India. present-day Haryana, approximately 150
She was Born on October 1205 in Budaun, kilometres north of Delhi, India, between a
Mughal empress Razia Sultana was given the Ghurid force led by Mu'izz al-Din and a Chauhan
name Raziyya al-Din upon birth. She became Rajput army led by Prithviraj Chauhan.
the only women ruler of Delhi Sultanate in
Mughal era to make such history. 4.To take care of the conquered lands,
Muhmmad Ghori left behind his trusted General
2.The silver coin 'tanka' was introduced by A. Nasiruddin
A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak B. Iltutmish
B. Iltutmish C. Qutub-din-Aibak
C. Balban D. Malik Kafur
D. Bairam Khan
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: Ghori treated his slaves very nicely and
Iltutmish introduced Silver Tanka and Copper sometimes with as much affection as a father
Jital, the two coins of the Delhi Sultanate. The would have for his son. One of his slaves was
coins prior to Iltutmish were introduced by the Qutb-ud-din Aibak. With the time, he rose
invaders which bear the Sanskrit characters and through the ranks to become the most trusted
even Bull and Shivalinga. Iltutmish was the first general of Ghori. His greatest military successes
to introduce a “Pure Arabic Coin” in India. occurred while working directly under Ghori's
leadership. He was left with independent charge
3.Which battle did open the Delhi area to of Indian campaigns and thus became the first
Muhammad Ghori? Muslim emperor of Northern India. He also
A. First Battle of Tarain
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established Turkish rule in India and made Delhi and further beautified by Iltutmish of Delhi in
and Lahore his capital cities. 1213 CE.
5.The first Sultan who requested and obtained 8.Iltutmish established a centre of learning at
letters of investiture from the Caliph (Khalifa) A. Multan
was B. Calcutta
A. Iltutmish C. Alwar
B. Balban D. Delhi
C. Firoz Tughlaq
D. Alauddin Khalji Answer: Option D
Answer: Option A Iltutmish was the prominent ruler of slave
Solution: dynasty of Delhi Sultanate. During his reign
The first Sultan who requested and obtained Delhi became an important centre of learning
letters of investiture from the Khalifa was and culture in the East.
Iltutmish. The government established by the
Turks was a compromise between Islamic 9.Who defeated whom in the second Battle of
Political Ideas and institutions on the one hand Tarain (AD 1192)?
and the existing Rajput System of Government A. Prithviraj defeated Muhammad Ghori
on the other. B. Mahmud Ghazni defeated Prithviraj
6.Muhammad Ghori laid the foundation of the C. Prithviraj defeated Mahmud Ghazni
Turkish Empire in India by defeating D. Muhammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj
A. Prithviraj Chauhan in Second Battle of Tarain
B. Jayachanda in the Battle of Chandawar Answer: Option D
C. The Chandelas Solution:
D. Both (a) and (b) above The Second Battle of Tarain (Taraori) was again
fought between Ghurid army of Mohammed
Answer: Option D Ghori and Rajput army of Prithviraj Chauhan.
Solution: The battle took place in 1192 A.D near Tarain.
Muhammad Ghori laid the foundation of the In this battle, Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated
Turkish Empire in India by defeating Prithviraj by Mohammed Ghori.
Chauhan in Second Battle of Tarain and
Jayachanda in the Battle of Chandawar. 10.The culmination of the series of the uprisings
Mahmud of Ghazni also failed to set up a Muslim was the Mappila revolt of
empire in India and the only permanent effect of A. 1921
his invasions was the annexation of Punjab. It B. 1895
was left to Muhammad Ghori to build up a C. 1821
Muslim empire in India on a secure footing in D. 1721
1173 A.D.
Answer: Option A
7.Where had Qutub-ud-din Aibak got Solution:
constructed the Adhai-din-ka Jhonpra (Hut of Mappila Riots or Mappila Outbreaks refers to a
Two-and-a-half- Days)? series of riots by the Mappila (Moplah) Muslims
A. Agra of Malabar, South India in the 19th century and
B. Ajmer the early 20th century (c.1836–1921) against
C. Delhi native Hindus and the state. The Malabar
D. Fatehpur Sikri Rebellion of 1921 is often considered as the
culmination of Mappila riots.
Answer: Option B
Solution: 11.The battle that led to the foundation of
Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra is a mosque in the Ajmer Muslim power in India was
city of Rajasthan, India. It was commissioned by A. The first battle of Tarain
Qutb-ud-Din-Aibak, on orders of Muhammad B. The second battle of Tarain
Ghori, in 1192 CE. It was completed in 1199 CE, C. The first battle of Panipat
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D. The second battle of Panipat Sultanate. According to them, Aibak was the
ruler for four years only.
Answer: Option B
Solution: 15.The Delhi Sultan who fell to his death while
The second battle of Tarain was fought near playing polo was
Thaneswar (Haryana) in 1192 A.D., between the A. Qutb-din-Aibak
Rajput Army under Prithviraj Chauhan and the B. Alauddin Khalji
army of Muhammad Ghori. Prithviraj Chauhan C. Feroz Shah Tughlaq
was defeated by Ghori in this battle and this D. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
paved the way of Muslim Rule in India.
Answer: Option A
12.When the rule of the Delhi sultanate began? Solution:
A. 1106 A.D. Qutb-ud-din Aibak died in an accident while he
B. 1206 A.D. was playing polo. He fell from a horse and was
C. 1306 A.D. severely injured. He was buried in Lahore near
D. 1406 A.D. the Anarkali Bazaar.
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Muhammad bin Bhaktiyar was the military public. However, Ziauddin Barani (c. 1357)
general of Qutb-din-Abak. He destroyed the states that the Sultan's objective was to
Vikramshila and Nalanda University. NU was subjugate the Hindus and to maintain an
once one of the greatest universities in the world unprecedentedly large army (the low prices
before it was destroyed by Turkish leader would make low salaries acceptable for the
Bakhtiyar Khilji. Known for the great library and soldiers). Alauddin fixed the prices for a wide
strong construction which took over three range of goods, including grains, cloth, slaves
months to burn down, Nalanda University is and animals. He banned hoarding and regrating,
once again ready to train scholars from across appointed supervisors and spies to ensure
the world. compliance with the regulations, and severely
punished the violators. The reforms were
25.The two principal monuments of Alauddin implemented in the capital Delhi, and possibly,
Khalji reign – the Alai Darwaza and Jama Masjid other areas of the Sultanate. They were revoked
at Khana – were constructed at shortly after Alauddin's death, by his son
A. Agra Qutbuddin Mubarak Shah.
B. Delhi
C. Fatehpur Sikri 28.Assertion (A): Alauddin Khalji imposed price
D. Gulbarga control in Delhi.
Reason (R): He wanted to pay lower wages to
Answer: Option B artisans building his palaces in Delhi.
Solution: A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct
The Alai Darwaza is the main gateway from explanation of A
southern side of the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque. B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
It was built by the second Khalji Sultan of Delhi, explanation of A
Ala-ud-din Khalji in 1311 AD, who also added a C. A is true but R is false
court to the pillared to the eastern side. D. A is false but R is true
38.Which is the correct chronological sequence 40.What was the religion of Malik Kafur before
of the following Sayyid rulers of Delhi? he entered the service of Alauddin?
I. Muhammad Shah A. Zoroastrianism
II. Alauddin Alam Shah B. Hinduism
III. Mubarak Shah C. Buddhism
IV. Khizr Khan D. Jainism
B. IV,III,I,II Answer: Option B
C. IV,I,II,III Solution:
D. IV,II,III,I Malik Kafur (died 1316), also known as Taj al-
Din Izz al-Dawla, was a prominent eunuch
Answer: Option B slave-general of the Delhi Sultanate ruler
Solution: Alauddin Khalji. He was captured by Alauddin's
The correct chronological sequence of the general Nusrat Khan during the 1299 invasion of
following Sayyid rulers of Delhi was Khizr Khan, Gujarat, and rose to prominence in the 1300s.
Mubarak Shah, Muhammad Shah, Alauddin The religion of Malik Kafur before he entered the
Alam Shah. Sayyid Khizr Khan ibn Malik service of Alauddin was Hinduism.
Sulaiman (reigned 28 May 1414 – 20 May 1421)
was the founder of the Sayyid dynasty, the ruling 41.Who among the following Sultans of Delhi
dynasty of the Delhi sultanate, in northern India has been described by the historians as the
soon after the invasion of Timur and the fall of 'mixture of opposites'?
the Tughlaq dynasty. Qutb-ud-din Mubarak A. Balban
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B. Alauddin Khalji D. Balban
C. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
D. Ibrahim Lodi Answer: Option A
Answer: Option C Firoz Shah Tughlaq established an employment
Solution: bureau, a charity bureau and a charitable
Historians have used various epithets while hospital.
estimating Muhammad Tughlaq. Barani and Ibn-
Batuta, his contemporaries found him a 45.Arrange the following Tughlaqs in the
‘complex person’, a ‘mixture of opposites.’ He chronological sequence:
had virtues and vices of extreme intensity. While I. Firuz Tughlaq
he was generous, humble and kind, He was very II. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
narrow- minded, stubborn and most cruel. He III. Abu Bakr
gave gifts to all those whom he liked, he put to IV. Nasiruddin Mahmud
death who opposed him. V. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
42.Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq was proficient in B. I,II,V,IV,III
B. Music D. IV,II,I,V,III
C. Calligraphy
D. Philosophy Answer: Option A
Answer: Option D Tughlaqs in the chronological sequence:
Solution: Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, Muhammad bin Tughlaq,
Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq was the Turkish Sultan Firuz Tughlaq, Abu Bakr, Nasiruddin Mahmud.
of Delhi. He was known as a 'MAN of knowledge' Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq, Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq,
as he had a great interest in different subjects or Ghazi Malik, was the founder of the Tughluq
like, philosphy, mathematics, religion and dynasty in India, who reigned over the Sultanate
poetry. of Delhi from 1320 to 1325. Muhammad bin
Tughluq was the Sultan of Delhi from 1325 to
43.Which of the following Sultans of Tughlaq 1351. He was the eldest son of Ghiyas -ud -Din
dynasty issued copper coins instead of silver -Tughlaq, the Turko-Indian founder of the
ones? Tughluq dynasty. Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq
A. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq was a Turkic Muslim ruler of the Tughlaq
B. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq Dynasty, who reigned over the Sultanate of
C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq Delhi from 1351 to 1388. Abū Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddīq
D. Mahmud Tughlaq ‘Abdallāh bin Abī Quḥāfah (c. 573 CE – 23
August 634 CE), popularly known as Abu Bakr,
Answer: Option B was a companion and—through his daughter
Solution: Aisha—a father-in-law of the Islamic prophet
Tughlaq’s silver coin was named Adi. However, Muhammad. Nasir ud din Mahmud, Nasir ud din
it was difficult to maintain the supply of gold and Firuz Shah (reigned: 1246–1266) was the eighth
silver coins on a large scale. So, Tughlaq sultan of the Mamluk Sultanate (Slave dynasty).
replaced those coins and started the circulation
of copper and brass coins as the token currency 46.Assertion (A): Firuz Shah Tughlaq did not
which had the same value of gold or silver coins leavy jizya tax.
in 1330-32 CE. Reason (R): His influential minister Khan-i-
Jahan Maqbul was a converted Hindu.
44.Which Sultan of Delhi established an A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct
employment bureau, a charity bureau and a explanation of A
charitable hospital? B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct
A. Firoz Tughlaq explanation of A
B. Mohammad Tughlaq C. A is true but R is false
C. Alauddin Khalji D. A is false but R is true
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Tughlaq’s silver coin was named Adi. However,
it was difficult to maintain the supply of gold and
Answer: Option D silver coins on a large scale. So, Tughlaq
Solution: replaced those coins and started the circulation
Malik Maqbul or Khan-i-Jahan Maqbul was the of copper and brass coins as the token currency
Wazir or Prime Minister of the Delhi Sultanate, which had the same value of gold or silver coins
in the government of Feroz Shah Tughlaq. in 1330-32 CE.
Yugandhar was converted to Islam and given
the name Malik Maqbul. 49.Muhammad BinTughlaq transferred his
capital from
47.Assertion (A): Sultan Muhammad bin A. Delhi to Warangal
Tughlaq issued currency of copper coins and B. Delhi to Devagiri
declared them as legal tender. C. Delhi to Madurai
Reason (R): Sultan's treasury was empty D. Delhi to Vijayanagar
because of his short-sighted projects.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct Answer: Option B
explanation of A Solution:
B. Both A and R are true but R is not a correct Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the second ruler of
explanation of A Tughlaq dynasty who ruled from 1324–1351.He
C. A is true but R is false shifted the capital from Delhi to Devagiri,
D. A is false but R is true because it was difficult for him to control South
India from there. When the capital was shifted,
Answer: Option A he now found it difficult to control the North India
Solution: and went back to Delhi. This step led to nothing
Muhammad bin Tughlaq issued token currency; but declared him wise fool king in the history.
that is coins of brass and copper were minted
whose value was equal to that of gold and silver 50.Where did the traveller Ibn Batuta come
coins. Historian Ziauddin Barani felt that this from?
step was taken by Tughluq as he wanted to A. Morocco
annex all the inhabited areas of the world for B. Persia
which a treasury was required to pay the army. C. Turkey
Barani had also written that the sultan's treasury D. Central Asia
had been exhausted by his action of giving
rewards and gifts in gold. This experiment failed, Answer: Option A
because, as said by Barani, "the house of every Solution:
Hindu became a mint". During his time, most of Ibn Batuta was a Muslim Moroccan traveller. All
the Hindu citizens were goldsmiths and hence that is known about Ibn Battuta's life comes from
they knew how to make coins. In the rural areas, the autobiographical information included in the
officials like the muqaddams paid the revenue in account of his travels, which records that he was
brass and copper coins and also used the same of Berber descent, born into a family of Islamic
coins to purchase arms and horses. As a result, legal scholars in Tangier, Morocco, on 24
the value of coins decreased and, as said by February 1304, during the reign of the Marinid
Satish Chandra, the coins became "as worthless dynasty.
as stones".
51.Presently Daulatabad where Muhammad-
48.Who issued a token currency in copper coins bin-Tughlaq had transferred the capital from
between AD 1329 and 1330? Delhi is situated near
A. Alauddin Khilzi A. Mysore
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq B. Nizamabad
C. Muhammad bin Tughlaq C. Aurangabad
D. Feroz Tughlaq D. Bhopal
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1.Babur was born in the year was descended from the Turco-Mongol
A. 1483 conqueror Timur (the founder of the Timurid
B. 1583 Empire) on his father's side and from Chagatai,
C. 1693 the second son of the Mongol ruler Genghis
D. 1783 Khan, on his mother's side.
15.Where did Babur die? 19.Humayun (1530-1540 AD) was the ruler of
A. Agra which dynasty?
B. Kabul A. Nanda
C. Lahore B. Mughal
D. Delhi C. Maurya
D. Haryanka
Answer: Option A
Solution: Answer: Option B
Babur died in 1530 in Agra and was succeeded Solution:
by Humayun. He was first buried in Agra but, as Nasir-ud-Din Muḥammad, better known by his
per his wishes, his mortal remains were moved regional name, Humayun, was the second
to Kabul reburied. emperor of the Mughal Empire, who ruled over
territory in what is now Afghanistan, Pakistan,
16.When Chittor was captured by Akbar (1558), Northern India and Bangladesh from 1530–1540
the Rana of Mewar was and again from 1555–1556.
A. Rana Udai Singh
B. Rana Pratap
C. Rana Kumbha
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20.Defeated Humayun in the Battle of Kannauj B. Akbar
(1540) also constructed the Purana Qila of New C. Abul Fazl
Delhi D. Gulbadan Begum
A. Adil Shah
B. Malik Kafur Answer: Option D
C. Bin-Kasim Solution:
D. Sher Shah Suri The History of Humayun: Humayun Nama was
written by Gul-badan Begam, Humayun' s sister.
Answer: Option D Gul-Badan Begum (1523 - 1603), was daughter
Solution: of Zaheruddin Muhammad Babur of India. She
On 26 June 1539, Sher Khan faced Humayun in wrote Humayun nama at the behest of her
the Battle of Chausa and defeated him. nephew and at the emperor of India Jalal-ud-din
Assuming the title Farīd al-Dīn Shēr Shah, he Muhammad Akbar.
defeated Humayun once again at Kannauj in
May 1540 and forced him out of India. He also 24.When Humayun was in exile Koh-i-noor
constructed the Purana Qila of New Delhi. Diamond was with
A. The Raja Bikramajid
21.Humayun was born in the year B. Shah Tahmasp of Persia
A. 1508 C. Sultan of Bijapur
B. 1608 D. Sher Shah
C. 1708
D. 1808 Answer: Option B
Answer: Option A When Humayun was in exile Koh-i-noor
Solution: Diamond was with Shah Tahmasp of Persia.
Humayun was born on 17 March 1508, in Kabul,
Mughal Empire (present-day Afghanistan), to 25.Who defeated Humayun in the battle of
Babur, the founder of the Mughal dynasty and Chausa?
his wife Maham Begum. A. Muhammad Adil Shah
B. Firoz Shah Suri
22.Humayun died in the year C. Sikandar Shah Suri
A. 1536 D. Sher Shah Suri
B. 1546
C. 1556 Answer: Option D
D. 1566 Solution:
The Battle of Chausa (25 June 1539) took place
Answer: Option C between Mughal Emperor Humayun and Sher
Solution: Shah Suri (Sher Khan). In this battle Humayun
On the evening of 21 Jan 1556, Humayun was got defeated.
walking in the terrace of his library at Sher
Mandal in Delhi. While descending the steps, he 26.Who constructed Humayun's tomb in Delhi?
heard the announcement for the evening prayer. A. Babur
He stood still upon the occasion and sat down B. Akbar
on the second step till the proclamation was C. Haji Begum
ended. When he was going to rise, he supported D. Humayun
himself on a staff, which unfortunately slipped
upon the marble, and he fell headlong from the
top to the bottom of the stair. He was taken up Answer: Option C
insensible and laid upon his bed. He died on 24 Solution:
Jan, at the age of fifty-one, after a reign of The tomb of Humayun was built by the orders of
twenty-five years, in Kabul and India. Humayun's first wife and chief consort, Empress
Bega Begum (also known as Haji Begum). The
23.Humayun Nama was written by construction began in 1565, nine years after his
A. Humayun
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death, and completed in 1572 AD at a cost of
1.5 million ruppees at the time. 31.Akbar's nurse-in-chief was
A. Mumtaj
27.Humayun had to run away from India after he B. Hamida Begum
was defeated in the battle of C. Jahanara
A. Panipat D. Maham Anaga
B. Ghagra
C. Khanwa
D. Kannauj Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D Maham Anga was Akbar's chief nurse prior to
Solution: his enthronement at age thirteen as Mughal
Humayun was defeated in the battle of kannauj emperor in 1556.
by Shershah Suri (1540). After this battle Sher
Shah Suri forced him out of India. 32.The main outlet for foreign trade during
Akbar's reign was the port of
28.Whom did Akbar defeat in the 2nd battle of A. Karachi
Panipat in 1556? B. Calcutta
A. Genghis Khan C. Surat
B. Nadir Shah D. Bombay
C. Hemu Vikramaditya
D. Bajirao-I Answer: Option C
Answer: Option C During his reign they were the most powerful at
Solution: sea. Trade at Surat, the main port of Mughal
The Second Battle of Panipat was fought on India. Gujarat that emerged as the leading outlet
November 5, 1556, between the forces of Hem at a given time.
Chandra Vikramaditya, the king at Delhi and
forces of Emperor Akbar. 33.Akbar's teacher was
A. Abul Fazl
29.Akbar suppressed the rebellion of Abdullah B. Bairam Khan
Khan, the Governor of C. Abdul Latif
A. Mewar D. Kabir
B. Malwa
C. Meerut Answer: Option C
D. Mankat Solution:
Akbar was very tolerant in his religious views. In
Answer: Option B his childhood he was impressed by the liberal
Solution: religious ideas of his teacher, Abdul Latif.
Akbar appointed Abdullah Khan as the governor
of Malwa with his headquarters at Mandu. Akbar 34.The original name of Tansen, the greatest
suppressed the rebellion of Abdullah Khan, the musician of the court of Akbar, was
Governor of Malwa. A. Makaranda Pandey
B. Ramatanu Pande
30.Akbar married a bride from C. Haridas
A. Bikaner D. Lal Kalawant
B. Jaisalmer
C. Jaipur Answer: Option B
D. Udaipur Solution:
Tansen (c. 1500 – 1586), also referred to as Tan
Sen or Ramtanu Pandey, was a prominent
Answer: Option D figure of North Indian (Hindustani) classical
Solution: music. Born in a Hindu family, he learned and
Akbar married a bride from Udaipur.
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perfected his art in the northwest region of The Second Battle of Panipat was fought on
modern Madhya Pradesh. November 5, 1556, between the forces of
Hemu, the Hindu general and Chief Minister of
35.Akbar (1556-1605 AD) was the ruler of which Adil Shah Suri, and the army of the Mughal
dynasty? emperor, Akbar.
A. Nanda
B. Maurya 39.Mansabdari System was founded by Akbar.
C. Mughal The Mansabdars were
D. Haryanka A. military commanders
B. provincial governors
Answer: Option C C. high civil and military officers
Solution: D. all of the above
Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar
(October 1542– 27 October 1605), popularly Answer: Option D
known as Akbar I, also as Akbar the Great Solution:
(Akbar-i-azam), was the third Mughal emperor, Appointment to the ranks of mansabdars was
who reigned from 1556 to 1605. made by the emperor, usually on the
recommendation of military leaders, provincial
36.Of the following, with whom Akbar did not governors, or court officials.
come into contact?
A. Jains 40.Akbar had constructed several forts, which
B. Parsis did not include the one of
C. Buddhists A. Lahore
D. Christians B. Agra
C. Allahabad
Answer: Option C D. Red Fort
Akbar did not come into contact with Buddhist. Answer: Option D
37.In the year 1582, Akbar took the momentous The fort is called Red Fort or Lal QiIa because it
step of is made of red sandstone. The history of forts
A. Banning Sati indicates that it was built between the year
B. Removing Jaziya 1639-1648 by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan
C. Forming an army of jackals in old Delhi.
D. Propounding a new religion Din-i-Ilahi
41.I. Akbar's Gold Mohur bore the figures of Sita
Answer: Option D and Ram
Solution: II. Akbar's Gold Mohur bore the image of
The Dīn-i Ilāhī (lit. "Religion of God") was a Prophet Mohammad
syncretic religion propounded by the Mughal
emperor Akbar in 1582 CE, intending to merge Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct
some of the elements of the religions of his related to the Akbar reign?
empire, and thereby reconcile the differences A. Only I
that divided his subjects. B. Only II
C. Both I and II
38.Hemu, whom Akbar defeated In the Second D. Neither I nor II
Battle of Panipat (1556), was
A. Minister of Sikandar Shah Suri Answer: Option A
B. Minister of Muhammad Adil Shah Solution:
C. Ruler of Rewari The Ram Siya coin issued by Mughal Emperor
D. Prime Minister of Rana Udai Singh of Mewar Akbar in 1604-05. It has the image of Ram and
Sita on one side with the word Ram and Siya
Answer: Option B written above in Devnagri script. Ram is shown
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holding a bow and arrow while Sita has lotus in
both her hands. Answer: Option A
42.To whom did Akbar gave the title Miyan? One of Akbar's most unusual ideas regarding
A. Raja Todar Mal religion was Din-i-Ilahi (“Godism” in English),
B. Man Singh-I which was an eclectic mix of Hinduism, Islam,
C. Birbal and Christianity.
D. Tansen
46.The designation 'amil' during Akbar's reign
Answer: Option D denoted a
Solution: A. Policeman
Akbar considered him as a Navaratnas (nine B. Retail trader
jewels), and gave him the title Mian, an honorific, C. Postman
meaning learned man. Tansen was a composer, D. Revenue official
musician and vocalist, to whom a large number
of compositions have been attributed in northern Answer: Option D
regions of the Indian subcontinent. Solution:
The designation 'amil' during Akbar's reign
43.The Mansabdari system introduced by Akbar denoted a Revenue official.
was borrowed from the system prevalent in
A. Persia 47.Akbar'a son and successor Salim, on
B. Mongolia becoming the emperor, assumed the name of
C. Afghanistan A. Jahangir
D. Turkey B. Jahangir Alampanah
C. Jahangir Alamgir
Answer: Option B D. Nuruddin Muhammad Jahangir
Mansabdar implies the generic term for the
military-kind grading of all royal functionaries of Answer: Option D
the Mughal Empire. The Mansabdari system Solution:
introduced by Akbar was borrowed from the Akbar'a son and successor Salim, on becoming
system followed in Mongolia. the emperor, assumed the name of Nuruddin
Muhammad Jahangir.
44.During Akbar's reign the Mahabharat was
translated into Persian and is known as 48.Akbar defeated Durgawati and captured
A. Iqbal Nama A. Bijapur
B. Razm Nama B. Jhansi
C. Akbar Nama C. Gondwana
D. Sakinat-ul-Auliya D. Surat
57.Who was the master of imperial mint at Delhi 61.In 1542 Akbar was born at
during the reign of Akbar? A. Agra
A. Khwaza Abdus Samad B. Herat
B. Mansur C. Umarkot
C. Mir Sayyid Ali D. Kabul
D. Jehangir
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option A Solution:
Solution: Akbar (Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad
Khwaza Abdus Samad was the master of Akbar, 15 October 1542 – 1605) was the 3rd
imperial mint at Delhi during the reign of Akbar. Mughal Emperor. He was born in Umerkot,(now
Pakistan). He was the son of 2nd Mughal
58.The architectural raw material generally used Emperor Humayun. Akbar became the king in
in Akbar's period was 1556 at the age of 13 when his father died.
A. Marble
B. Brick 62.Which of the following was built by Akbar to
C. Limestone commemorate his conquest of Khandesh in
D. Redstone Gujarat?
A. Bada Imambara
Answer: Option D B. Buland Darwaza
Solution: C. Jama Masjid
The architectural raw material generally used in D. Siddi Bashir
Akbar's period was Redstone.
Answer: Option B
59.Who was the trusted General of the Mughal Solution:
emperor Akbar? Buland Darwaza (The Gate of Magnificience)
A. Raja Todar Mal was built by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1601 at
B. Man Singh I Fatehpur Sikri (U.P.). It was built by Akbar to
C. Birbal commemorate his victory over Khandesh in
D. Tansen Gujarat.
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regent at the court of the Mughal Emperors, C. A centralized administrative structure with
Humayun and Akbar. ministers appointed to regional provinces
D. Education and basic rights for Indian women
64.What was the age of Akbar at the time of his
coronation at Kalanaur? Answer: Option D
A. Thirteen Solution:
B. Fifteen Education and basic rights for Indian women is
C. Eighteen not related to the Akbar's reign.
D. Twenty
68.To bring Hindu-Muslim unity, Akbar
Answer: Option A A. encouraged cow-killing
Solution: B. prohibited cow-killing
Mughal Emperor Akbar aseended the throne at C. taxed cow-killing
the age of thirteen in the year 1556 A.D. D. remained silent to cow-killing
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1.In which century Bhakti movement began? Kabir, (Arabic: “Great”) (born 1440, Varanasi,
A. 6th century Jaunpur, India—died 1518, Maghar),
B. 7th century iconoclastic Indian poet-saint revered by
C. 8th century Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs. The birth of Kabir
D. 9th century remains shrouded in mystery and legend.
34.What is meant by a 'Pir' in the Sufi tradition? 38.Sri Ramanuja Acharya was an Indian
A. The Supreme God philosopher and is recognized as the most
B. The Guru of the Sufis important saint of
C. The greatest of all Sufi saints A. Sri Vaishnavism
D. The orthodox teacher who contests the Sufi B. Sri Vaishavism
beliefs C. Nirguna
D. Sikkhism
Answer: Option B
Solution: Answer: Option A
Pir or Peer ('elder') is a title for a Sufi master or Solution:
spiritual guide. They are also referred to as a Sri Ramanuja Acharya was an Indian
Hazrat or Shaikh, which is Arabic for Old Man. philosopher and is recognized as the most
important saint of Sri Vaishnavism. His
35.Which of the following is/are the philosophical foundations for devotionalism
compositions of Kabir? were influential to the Bhakti movement.
A. Bijak & Sakhi Granth
B. Kabir Granthawali& Anurag Sagar 39.Which of the following concept the Bhakti
C. Only B movement of Hinduism saw two ways of
D. All of the above imaging the nature of the divine (Brahman)?
A. Nirguna and Saguna
Answer: Option D B. Shaivism
Solution: C. Sikkhism
Literary works with compositions attributed to D. Jainism
Kabir include Kabir Bijak, Kabir Parachai, Sakhi
Granth, Adi Granth (Sikh), and Kabir Answer: Option A
Granthawali (Rajasthan). Solution:
The Bhakti movement of Hinduism saw two
36.The Sufi Saint, contemporary of Prithviraj ways of imaging the nature of the divine
Chauhan, was (Brahman) – Nirguna and Saguna. Nirguna
A. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti Brahman was the concept of the Ultimate
B. Sheikh Salim Chisti Reality as formless, without attributes or quality.
C. Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya
D. Baba Farid 40.The Sufi saint who maintained that
devotional music was one way of moving closer
Answer: Option A to God was
Solution: A. Muin-ud-din-Chisti
Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti is regarded as B. Baba Farid
foremost preacher of Sufism among Sufis of C. Saiyid Mummed
India. Akbar, the Mughal emperor believed that D. Shah Alam Bukhari
it was his blessings which lead him a son and
the heir for the Mughal throne. Answer: Option B
37.Who wrote Shiksha Ashtak which was called Baba Farid also knows as Khwaja Fariduddin
as the cream of the Shastras? was a sufi preacher and poet of 12th century. He
A. Mirabai is considered as the first poet of Punjabi
B. Tulsidas Language. He found that "music is the way of
C. Kabir reaching God".
D. Chaitanya
41.Which Bhakti saint believes that through love
Answer: Option D and devotion, song and dance, a devotee can
Solution: feel the presence of God?
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A. Gnanadev D. All of the above
B. Chaitanya
C. Namadeva Answer: Option D
D. Ekanatha Solution:
Bhakti Reformers influenced by the preaching of
Answer: Option B Sufi teachers were Ramananda, Kabir, Nanak.
The greatest saint of the Bhakti movement was 45.Who among the following was the first Bhakti
Shri Chaitanya, popularly known as Gouranga saint to use Hindi for the propagation of his
Mahaprabhu. He was born in 1486 A.D. at message?
Navadweep in West Bengal in a Brahmin family. A. Dadu
His childhood name was Nimai or Biswambhar B. Kabir
Mishra. He was a promising student and C. Ramananda
mastered all branches of Sanskrit learning. After D. Tulsidas
formal education he married Lakshmi Devi. But
gradually he developed a sense of detachment Answer: Option C
towards worldly affairs. Solution:
Ramananda was the first Bhakti saint to use
42.Which of the following statement (s) is/are Hindi for the propagation of his message. He
correct related to the Bhakti Saint Chaitanya? was known for communicating in vernacular
I. He popularised the Krishna Cult in Bengal. Hindi, and accepting disciples of all castes.
II. He believes that through love and devotion,
song and dance, a devotee can feel the 46.Who wrote Vedanta-Parijatasourabha, a
presence of God? commentary on the Brahma Sutra, in simple
A. Only I language?
B. Only II A. Nimbarka
C. Both I & II B. Ramanuja
D. Neither I nor II C. Madhva
D. Vallabhacharya
Answer: Option C
Solution: Answer: Option A
Chaitanya is said to have travelled all over India Solution:
in spreading the Krishna Cult. He spent most of Nimbarka's commentary on the Brahma-Sutras
his time in Puri, Orissa on the feet of Lord known as the Vedanta-Parijata-Saurabha, and
Jagannath. He believes that through love and that of his immediate disciple Srinivasa styled
devotion, song and dance, a devotee can feel the Vedanta-Kaustubha are the chief works of
the presence of God. the school of philosophy associated with the
name of Nimbarka. The latter is not, however, a
43.Who was the disciple of Vallabhacharya? mere commentary on the former, as is
A. Tulsidas sometimes wrongly supposed, but a full
B. Surdas exposition of the views expressed I the Vedanta-
C. Tukaram Parijata-Saurabha which is very terse and
D. Ramanuja concise and is not always clear. Both the
treatises are therefore essential for the proper
Answer: Option B understanding of the doctrine of Nimbarka.
Surdas was the disciple of Vallabhacharya and 47.Bhakti Saint who was contemporary of
he popularized Krishna cult in north India. Sivaji?
A. Namadev
44.Which of the following Bhakti Reformers B. Ekanatha
influenced by the preaching of Sufi teachers? C. Tukaram
A. Ramananda D. Gnanadeva
B. Kabir
C. Nanak Answer: Option C
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Solution: 51.Which of the following Bhakti sect founded by
Tukaram, also referred to as Sant Tukaram, Birbhan and their religious granth is revered like
Bhakta Tukaram, Tukaram Maharaj, Tukoba the Granth of the Sikhs?
and Tukobaraya, was a 17th-century Hindu poet A. Pothi
and sant of the Bhakti movement in B. Satnamis
Maharashtra, India. He was part of the C. Vaishanavism
egalitarian, personalized Varkari devotionalism D. Shaivism
Answer: Option B
48.Kabir was a disciple of Solution:
A. Ramananda The sect founded by Birbhan is known as
B. Ramanujana Satnamis and their religious granth is known as
C. Shakracharya Pothi, which is revered like the Granth of the
D. None of the above Sikhs.
52.Select the incorrect statement (s) about
Answer: Option A Bhakti Saint Ramananda.
Solution: I. He advocated prabattimarga or path of self-
Kabir is widely believed to have become the first surrender to God.
disciple of the Bhakti poet-saint Swami II. He propagated 'Dvaita or dualism of Jivatma
Ramananda in Varanasi, known for devotional and Paramatma'.
Vaishnavism with a strong bent to monist A. Only I
Advaita philosophy teaching that God was B. Only II
inside every person, everything. C. Both I & II
D. Neither I nor II
49.Kabir was contemporary of
A. Guru Nanak Answer: Option D
B. Sultan Sikandar Lodi Solution:
C. Both (a) and (b) above Ramananda was a 14th-century Vaishnava
D. Babur devotional poet sant, in the Ganges river region
of Northern India. The Hindu tradition
Answer: Option C recognizes him as the founder of the
Solution: Ramanandi Sampradaya, the largest monastic
Kabir was contemporary of both Guru Nanak Hindu renunciant community in modern times.
and Sultan Sikandar Lodi.
53.Who among the following propagated Dvaita
50.Which Bhakti Saints writings influenced or dualism of Jivatma and Paramatma?
Hinduism's Bhakti movement and his verses are A. Vallabhacharya
found in Sikhism's scripture Adi Granth? B. Madhava
A. Ramananda C. Merabai
B. Kabir D. Nimbarka
C. Mirabai
D. Tukaram Answer: Option B
Answer: Option B Madhava propagated Dvaita or dualism of
Solution: Jivatma and Paramatma. According to his
Kabir was a 15th-century Indian mystic poet and philosophy, the world is not an illusion but a
saint, whose writings influenced Hinduism's reality. God, soul, matter are unique in nature.
Bhakti movement and his verses are found in
Sikhism's scripture Adi Granth. His early life was 54.Rudra Sampradaya School was founded by
in a Muslim family, but he was strongly A. Ramananda
influenced by his teacher, the Hindu bhakti B. Vallabhacharya
leader Ramananda. C. Narasi
D. Chaitanya
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Answer: Option B Answer: Option A
Solution: Solution:
Rudra Sampradaya School was founded by The Gaudiya Sampradaya is an intensely
Vallabhacharya. emotional form of Hinduism which flourished
from the sixteenth century, mainly in Bengal and
55.Who among the following Bhakti Saint eastern Orissa.
emphasised the essential oneness of all religion
by describing Hindus and Muslims 'as pots of 58.Which Bhakti Saints venerated in Sikhism, as
the same clay'? well as Hindu warrior-ascetic traditions such as
A. Kabir the Dadupanthis and the Niranjani Sampraday
B. Tulsidas that emerged in north India during the Islamic
C. Ramananda rule?
D. Raidasa A. Ramananda
B. Eknath
Answer: Option A C. Mirabai
Solution: D. Namdeva
Kabir emphasised the essential oneness of all
religions by describing Hindus and Muslims ‘as Answer: Option D
pots of the same clay’. To him Rama and Allah, Solution:
temple and mosque were the same. He Namdeva
regarded devotion to god as an effective means
of salvation and urged that to achieve this one 59.Who among the following propagated Dvaita
must have a pure heart, free from cruelty, or dualism of Jivatma and Pramatma in
dishonesty, hypocrisy and insincerity. He is Kannada region?
regarded as the greatest of the mystic saints and A. Mirabai
his followers are called Kabirpanthis. B. Nimbarka
C. Vallabhacharya
56.Who wrote a commentary on the Brahma D. Madhav
sutras refuted Shari Kara and offered an
interpretation based on the theistic ideas? Answer: Option D
A. Nimbarka Solution:
B. Ramanuja Madhav propagated Dvaita or dualism of
C. Madhva Jivatma and Paramatma. According to his
D. Vallabhacharya philosophy, the world is not an illusion but a
reality. God, soul, matter are unique in nature.
Answer: Option B
Solution: 60.Which of the following sect is emphasised on
Ramanuja gave a philosophic basis to the nirguni Bhakti - devotion to a divine without
teachings of Vaishnavism. He wrote a Gunas (qualities or form), but it accepts both
commentary on the Brahma sutras, refuted nirguni and saguni forms of the divine?
Shari Kara and offered his own interpretation A. Sikhism
based on the theistic ideas. His commentaries B. Shaivism
on Brahma sutras are popularly known as Sri C. Vaishanvism
Bhasya. D. All of the above
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61.Who among the following Bhakti Saints was II. He is the founder of the International Society
responsible for founding many punyakshetras for Krishna Consciousness or ISKCON,
along the length and breadth of India, by taming commonly called the "Hare Krishnas"
avatars of Parvati and imprisoning her essence A. Only I
in Sri Chakras? B. Only II
A. Shankaracharya C. Both I & II
B. Ramanada Saraswati D. Neither I nor II
C. Tulsidas
D. Valmiki Answer: Option A
Answer: Option A In spite of Vallabha's stress on self-control and
Solution: renunciation, his doctrine came to be known as
Shankaracharya Bhakti Saints was responsible “Pushti Marga” for his successors laid stress on
for founding many punyakshetram along the the physical side of Krishna's sports so that the
length and breadth of India, by taming avatars of creed came to be called as the “Epicureanism of
Parvati and imprisoning her essence in Sri the East“.
64.Which Bhakti Saint did not believe in the
62.Find out the correct statement (s) related to qualified monism of Ramanuja and emphasised
the features of Bhakti Movement? the doctrine of duality, based mainly upon the
I. Its proponents preached the 'unity of the god- Bhagavata Purana?
head' and emphasized that 'devotion to God' A. Madhava
and faith in him led to salvation. B. Ramananda
II. It laid stress on equality of all human beings C. Vallabhacharya
and universal brotherhood D. Chaitnaya
A. Only I
B. Only II Answer: Option A
C. Both I & II Solution:
D. Neither I nor II Madhava did not believe in the qualified monism
of Ramanuja and emphasised the doctrine of
Answer: Option C duality, based mainly upon the Bhagavata
Solution: Purana.
According to Bhakti Movement, God is one, He
alone should be worshipped. By following the 65.Who was the founder of the Bhakti
path of true devotion (Bhakti) one can find Movement in Maharashtra in 13th Century?
salvation or (nijat, mukti). A true guru is A. Namadev
indispensable for realizing God or attaining B. Ekanatha
salvation. All men are equal and there is no C. Tukaram
question of superiority or inferiority among men. D. Gnanadeva
There is brotherhood of mankind. The image
worship and caste distinctions and class hatred Answer: Option D
were the worst enemies of man. They strongly Solution:
denounced useless ceremonies and rituals and Gnanadevawas the founder of the Bhakti
rites must be given up. They are unnecessary Movement in Maharashtra in the thirteenth
and do not help persons to attain salvation. Only century. It was called Maharashtradharma. He
the good actions of man can help him to attain wrote a commentary of Bhagavat Gita called
salvation. Gnaneswari.
63.Select the correct statement (s) related to the 66.Which of the following statement is not
Vallabhacharya: correct about Andal?
I. His doctrine came to be known as "Pushti A. Andal was a woman Alvar, the most striking
Marga" for his successors laid stress on the features of her compositions were widely sung
physical side of Krishna's sports. (and continue to be sung to date)
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B. Andal was a woman Nayanar, she Mirabai was a great Bhakti saint, Hindu mystic
incorporated the prevailing caste system in the poet and a devotee of the Lord Krishna. Born in
society the late fifteenth century into a royal family of
C. Andal saw herself as the beloved of Vishnu; Rajasthan, Mira, from her childhood was a great
her verses express her love for the deity devotee of Lord Krishna and wrote many
D. Andal saw herself as the beloved of Krishna; beautiful poems in praise of her Lord.
her verses express her love for the deity
69.Consider the following statement (s) is/are
Answer: Option B correct related to the impact of Bhakti
Solution: Movement?
Andal was a woman Alvar, the most striking I. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge in Hindu
features of her compositions were widely sung literature in regional / vernacular languages
(and continue to be sung to date), Andal saw mainly in the form of devotional poems and
herself as the beloved of Vishnu and Krishna; music.
her verses express her love for the deity, II. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge in
Buddhist text in regional / vernacular languages
67.Which of the following statement (s) is/are mainly in the form of devotional poems and
correct related to the Bhakti Movement? music
I. Originated as a reaction against caste division, A. Only I
untouchability and ritualism in India. B. Only II
II. Devotion was the pivotal point in the Bhakti C. Both I & II
cult in uniting human soul with god D. Neither I nor II
A. I only
B. II only Answer: Option A
C. Both I and II Solution:
D. Neither I nor II Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge in Hindu
literature in regional / vernacular languages
Answer: Option C mainly in the form of devotional poems and
Solution: music. II. Bhakti Movement resulted in a surge
The Bhakti movement originated as a reaction in Buddhist text in regional / vernacular
against caste division, untouchability and languages mainly in the form of devotional
ritualism in India. Devotion was the pivotal point poems and music.
in the Bhakti cult in uniting human soul with god.
The basic concepts of the Bhakti cult though 70.Which of the following statement (s) is/are
present in the Vedas, the Gita and Vishnupuran correct related to the features of Bhakti
were not practiced by the masses until the Movement?
appearances of Vaishnava Alwar and Shaiva I. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind
Nayanar saints of South India in the seventh and faith
twelfth centuries. II. Rejection of idol worship by many saints
A. I only
68.Who among the following was born into a B. II only
Rathore royal family of Kudki district of Pali, C. Both I and II
Rajasthan and was a 16th-century Hindu mystic D. Neither I nor II
poet and devotee of Krishna?
A. Ramananda Answer: Option C
B. Mirabai Solution:
C. Tukaram The features of Bhakti Movement are
D. Kabir Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind
faith and Rejection of idol worship by many
Answer: Option B saints.
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14.The foreign traveller who visited India during 18.Who was the founder of the Sena dynasty?
Vijayanagara period was A. Ballal Sena
A. Megasthenes B. Hemanta Sen
B. Yuan Chawng C. Lakshman Sen
C. Fa-Hien D. Vijay Sen
D. Nicolo Conti
Answer: Option B
Answer: Option D Solution:
Solution: The dynasty's founder was Samanta Sena. After
Nicolo Conti, an Italian, was at Vijayanagar in him came Hemanta Sena who usurped power
about 1420, just after the accession of Devaraya and styled himself king in 1095 AD. His
I. The first known foreign traveller, he mentions successor Vijaya Sena (ruled from 1096 AD to
that the fortifications of the city and the 1159 AD) helped lay the foundations of the
thousands of men employed in the army of the dynasty, and had an unusually long reign of over
rulers. 60 years.
15.Who was the first Indian ruler to organize Haj 19.Which of the following revolts during
pilgrimage at the expense of the state? Aurangzeb's period had a peasant agrarian
A. Alauddin Khalji background?
B. Feroz Tughlaq A. Rajputs
C. Akbar B. Jats and Satnamis
D. Aurangzeb C. Marathas
D. Sikhs
Answer: Option C
Solution: Answer: Option B
Akbar was the first Indian ruler to organize Haj Solution:
pilgrimage at the expense of the state. Satnamis, who were actually Hindus rebelled
against Aurangzeb in 1672. Their leader was
16.Which one of the following sequences Birbhan. Satnamis lived in the region around
represents the correct chronological order? Delhi. Satnamis fought with courage but they
A. Shahji, Shivaji, Rajaram, Sambhaji were defeated by the imperial army of Mughals
B. Shahji, Shivaji, Sambhaji, Rajaram and crushed to death. Jats also rebelled against
C. Shahji, Sambhaji, Shivaji, Rajaram Aurangzeb under the leadership of local
D. Sambhaji, Shivaji, Shahji, Rajaram Zamindar Gokala. They were never subdued
completely and continued to resist the Mughal
Answer: Option B rule and when Aurangzeb died, they succeeded
Solution: in establishing an independent Jat kingdom in
Shahji, Shivaji, Sambhaji, Rajaram sequences Bharatpur.
represents the correct chronological order.
20.Chandragiri Fort is a historical fort, built in the
17.The Assam State derives its name from that 11th century. It is located in
of a tribe that conquered the region. Where did A. Karnataka
the tribesmen come from? B. Maharashtra
A. Tibet C. Madhya Pradesh
B. Mongolia D. Andhra Pradesh
C. Burma (Now Myarnmar)
D. Siam (now Thailand) Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D Chandragiri Fort is a historical fort, built in the
Solution: 11th century located in Chandragiri, Tirupati in
Andhra Pradesh, India. Though mostly
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associated with Vijayanagara Kings it was built B. Persian invader Nadir Shah
much earlier in 11th century by Yadava Naidu C. Mongol invader Chengiz Khan
kings. D. British East India Company
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before he ascended the throne ?
(A) Qutub-ud-din Aibak
(B) Iltutmish
(C) Alauddin Khilji
(D) Balban
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(A) Rajaraja Chola
91. Khutba was (B) Harshavardhana
(A) a sermon read in the name of (C) Deva Raya
the ruler at Friday prayers. (D) Krishnadeva Raya
(B) a royal order.
(C) a religious decree. 169. The Nayankara system is
(D) a tax. associated with (military feudalism)
(A) The Bahmani Kingdom
115. Khajuraho,’the City of the Gods’ (B) The Chola Empire
a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the (C) The Maratha Kingdom
name of which was first referred in the (D) The Vijayanagara Empire
11th century CE by
(A) Ibn Battuta
(B) Ibn Sina
(C) Abu Rihan Alberuni
(D) Omar Khayyam
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(A) A. L. Basham
(B) Alison Bashford 8. Who wrote Rajatarangini?
(C) R. C. Majumder (12th century, Kashmir)
(D) Satish Chandra (A) Megasthenes
(B) Kalhana
4. What were the two assemblies (C) Al-beruni
during the early Vedic period ? (D) Herodotus
(A) Samiti
(B) Sabha 9. When was the first battle of Tarain
(C) Samiti and Sangam fought?
(D) Both (A) and (B) (A) 1175 A.D.
(B) 1191 A.D.
5. Which of the following is a correct (C) 1192 A.D.
statement about Indus Valley (D) 1206 AD.
civilization ?
(A) Both Harappa and Mohenjodaro 10. In reference to Mughal period's
are located on the banks of river Ravi revenue collection system, Zabti'
(Irabati). means
(B) Both Chanhudaro and Kalibangan (1580, Raja Todar Mal)
were located within the boundaries of (A) Estimate
present day Rajasthan. (B) Yield per unit area
(C) Both Surkotada and Dholavira (C) Based on Yield of crops
are located in the Kutchh region of (D) 1/3rd of total Yield
(D) Lothal site was located on the 11. Which of the followings clearly
bank of Narmada river. define 'Mitakshara?
(A) A work on astronomy
6. Who among the following built the (B) A treatise on ancient hindu law
Alai Darwaza? of Inheritance
(1311, red sandstone, Qutb Minar) (C) A text on aquaculture.
(A) Alauddin Khilji (D) A compendium on medicine
(B) Akbar
(C) Muhammad bin Tughlaq 12. The commander of Alauddin
(D) Jahangir Khilji's forces during his Deccan
campaigns was
7. Which among the following was the (A) Aniul Mulk Multani
single biggest Item of import to the (B) Nusrat Khan
Vijayanagar empire (C) Malik Kafur
(A) Pearl (D) Ulugh Khan
(B) Precious stones
(C) Horses 13. In which of the following years
(D) Silk Akbar built Ibadat Khana ?
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(A) 1575 A.D. 4. The inscriptions of Ashoka and the
(B) 8 AD Brahmi scripts were deciphered by
(C) 1571 A.D. (1838)
(D) 1562 A.D. (A) Alexander Cunningham
(B) James Princep
14. Kabuliyat and Patta as (C) Max Muller
instruments of settlement were (D) Mortimer Wheeler
introduced by
(A) Sher Shah 5. Which among the following places
(B) Ghiyasuddin Mahmud Shah have given the earliest evidence of
(C) Bahiul Khan Lodi agriculture in Indian sub-continent ?
(D) Humayun (A) Pratapgarh
(B) Mehrgarh
(C) Quetta
(D) Kalat
(D) Bhas
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(d) Panini 7. Which Gupta ruler repulsed Huna
2. Which among the following (a) Samudragupta
Harappan sites is not located in (b) Chandragupta II
Gujrat? (c) Skandagupta
(Haryana) (d) Kumaragupta
(a) Surkotada
(b) Lothal 8. Who was the author of
(c) Dholavira "Brihatsamhita
(d) Banwali (chandragupta II)
(a) Aryabhatta
3. Which kingdom covered the (b) Varahamihira
modern Patna and Gaya districts of (C) Amarasimha
Bihar? (d) Brahmagupta
(a) Anga
(b) Kosala 9. Which historian is famous for his
(c) Magadha research on Ancient Indian History?
(d) Avanti (Secular historian)
(a) Sathis Chandra
4. Who came to India during the time (b) Bipan Chandra
of Chandragupta Maurya? (c) Ram Sharan Sharma
(a) Faxian (Fa Hien) (d) Amalesh Tripathi
(b) Xuanzang (Hiuen Tsang)
(c) Megasthenes 10. Which Rajput ruler was not a
(d) Strabo contemporary of Akbar?
(a) Man Singh
5. Where did Gautama Buddha (b) Amar Singh
deliver his first sermon? (C) Udai Singh
(a) Bodh Gaya (d) Jaswant Singh
(c) Sarnath 11. Who assumed the title of
(d) Vaishali 'Haindava Dharmoddharak [Protector
of the Hindu faith)?
6. Who was referred to as (1670)
'Sandrocottus' in the writings of the (a) Guru Ramdas
Greeks? (b) Shivaji
(a) Asoka (c) Baji Rao
(b) Bindusara (d) Balaji Baji Rao
(c) Chandragupta Maurya
(d) Dhanananda 12. Who founded the 'Khalsa?
(a) Guru Tegh Bahadur
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(b) Guru Nanak (b) Shah Jahan
(c) Guru Govind Singh (c) Akbar
(d) Guru Hargovind (d) Aurangzeb
13. Who wrote Kitab-ul-Hind? 19. Who completed the Qutab Minar?
(a) Al-Masudi (a) Qutab-ud-Din Bakhtiyar Kaki
(b) Al-Biruni (b) Nasiruddin Qubacha
(c) Sulaiman (c) Iltutmish
(d) Firdausi (d) Qutbuddin Aibak
(b) Rajaraja
(c) Rajadhiraja 1
(d) Kulotunga
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4. The famous physician during (C) Shah Jahan
Budhha's time was (D) Aurangazeb
(Ayurveda Physician)
(A) Kautilya 10. Sulh-i-Kul was a policy introduced
(B) Nachiketa by
(C) Charaka (universal peace)
(D) Jivaka (A) Akbar
(B) Aurangazeb
5. The author of 'Kadambari' was (C) Jahandar Shah
(Harshacharita) (D) Mohammed Shah
(A) Kshemendra
(B) Kalhana 11. Rana Pratap belonged to the
(C) Bhababhuti Rajput Dynasty of
(D) Banabhatta (Mewar, Rajasthan)
(A) Kachwa
6. The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang (B) Sisodiya
came to India during the reign of (C) Solanki
(630-645 AD) (D) Paramara
(A) Samudra Gupta
(B) Ashoka 12. Ashtadiggajas" were patronised
(C) Harshavardhan by
(D) Kulotunga (A) Deva Raya
(B) Deva Raya II
7. The delhi Sultan who transferred (C) Vira Narasimha
the capital from delhi to Daulatabad (D) Krishna Deva Raya
(Devagiri) was
(A) Qutubuddin Aibak 13. The Sikh Guru executed by the
(B) Iltutmish Mughal emperor Auranagazeb was
(C) Muhammad bin Tughlaq (1675)
(D) Firoz Shah Tughlaq (A) Tegh Bahadur
(B) Nanak
8. Which historian is famous for his (C) Govind Singh
research on Mughal History? (D) Arjun Dev
(A) Sumit sarkar
(B) Jadunath Sarkar 14. The Satnami rebellion took place
(C) Subhobhan Chandra Sarkar during the reign of Mughal emperor
(D) S. Gopal (1672, Haryana)
(A) Akbar
9. Which Mughal emperor wrote his (B) Jahangir
own autobiography ? (C) Shah Jahan
(A) Babur (D) Aurangazeb
(B) Akbar
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15. Razmnama' was a persian 3. The most famous Indo-Greek ruler
translation of of India was:
(Persian language) (A) Demetrius
(A) Upanishad (B) Antiochus
(B) Ramayana (C) Menander
(C) Geeta (D) None of the above
(D) Mahabharata
4. Rice cultivation is associated with
16. The author of 'Ain-i-Akbari' was the Harappan site of:
(A) Badayuni (A) Kalibangan
(B) Abul fazal (B) Lothal
(C) Shaikh Mubarak (C) Kot Diji
(D) Faizi (D) Ropar
(A) 600 BC
(B) 800 BC
(C) 1000 BC
(D) 1600-600 BC
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(B) Turkish invasions of the eleventh- (C) Tansen
twelfth centuries (D) Raja Birbal
(C) Arab merchants of Malabar
coast 14. What was 'Taccavi ?
(D) Sufi saints and Arab travellers (Muhammad bin Tughluq)
(A) Loans to the Peasants
9. The first Muslim incursions on (B) A fertile category of land
Deccan occurred during the reign of (C) A tax on the Hindus
(Yadava dynasty) (D) Barren land
(A) Balban
(B) Raziya 15. The official language of the
(C) Jalaluddin Khalji Mughal empire was-
(D) Firoz Tughluq (A) Urdu
(B) Persian
10. The remains of the Vijayanagar (C) Persian and the local language
Empire can be found in (D) Turkish
(1336–1646, Karnataka)
(A) Bijapur 16. Who introduced the Duh-Aspah
(B) Golconda Sih-Aspah system?
(C) Hampi (A) Shah Jahan
(D) Baroda (B) Akbar
(C) Jahangir
11. Which King founded the (D) Aurangzeb
Vikramaslla University ?
(A) Dharmapala 17. Todarmal is associated with the
(B) Dhruva Revenue system known as -
(C) Devapala (A) Nasaq
(D) Ballal Sen (B) Ghalla Bakshi
(C) Zabti
12. Who were the participants in the (D) Kankut
tripartite struggle in northern India
from the 8th to the 10th Century ?
(A) Palas, Cholas, Pallavas
(B) Palas, Pratiharas, Rashtrakutas
(C) Cholas, Pratiharas, Rashtrakutas
(D) Palas, Cholas, Rashtrakutas
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(B) Kalhana
(C) Bhababhuti
(D) Banabhatta
2. Which was the ancient port of Indus
Civilization ?(Gujarat)
(A) Harappa
(B) Lothal 1. Which ruler was contemporary of
(C) Dholavira both Buddha and Mahavira ?
(D) Surkotada (A) Bimbisara
(B) Chandragupta
3. Which of the following was not a (C) Pradyot
Buddhist genealogical text? (D) Ajatasatru
(history of Sri Lanka)
(A) Suttapitaka 2. Which was a major port of the Indus
(B) Vinayapitaka valley?
(C) Abhidharnmapitaka (Ahmedabad district, Gujarat)
(D) Dipavansa (A) Lothal
(B) Kalibangan
4. Identify the Mughal painter not (C) Chanhudaro
mentioned by Abul Fazl ? (D) Mehargarh
(A) Farooq
(B) Mushkin 3. Chandragupta Maurya was
(C) Mansur succeeded by
(D) Mukund (A) Bindusara
(B) Ajatasatru
5. Which among the following sultans (C) Ashoka
of the Slave dynasty was not a slave (D) Harsha
(1236-40) 4. What was the policy of
(A) Qutb-ud-din Aibak Samudragupta in the south
(B) Iitutmish (A) Conquest
(C) Raziya (B) Dharma Vijaya
(D) Balban (C) Digvijay
(D) None of the above
6. During whose rule was the Zabti
system of revenue settlement 5. The oldest Veda is
introduced ? (A) Atharvaveda
(Todar Mal) (B) Rigveda
(A) Ala-ud-din Khilji (C) Yajurveda
(B) Sher Shah (D) Samveda
(C) Akbar
(D) Shah Jahan 6. Sasanka belonged to the
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(590 - 625 AD)
(A) Pal dynasty 12. Sufism reached India in the
(B) Sen dynasty (A) Eleventh century
(C) Gauda dynasty (B) Twelfth century
(D) Kamrup dynasty (C) Fourteenth century
(D) Thirteen century
7. Alexander fought against Perus on
the Banks of the river 13. In which year the second battle of
(A) Indus Panipat was fought ?
(B) Jhelum (A) 1605 AD
(C) Ravi (B) 1707 AD
(D) Iravati (C) 1757 AD
(D) 1556 AD
8. Who is the author of 'Indica'?
(A) Herodotus 14. Who was the founder of the Delhi
(B) Megastenes Sultanate'?
(C) Strabo (1206)
(D) Plutarch (A) Muhammad Ghori
(B) Qutubuddin Aibak
9. Taxila was the famous site of (C) litutmish
(Punjab, Pakistan) (D) Ghiyasuddin Balban
(A) Early Vedic Age
(B) Gandhara Art 15. Where is the tomb of Jahangir
(C) Gupta Art situated ?
(D) Mauryan Art (A) Agra
(B) Delhi
10. The Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan (C) Lahore
died in (D) Srinagar
(22 Jan, Agra Fort)
(A) 1658 A.D. 16. Name the Maratha leader who put
(B) 1659 A.D. forward the idea of founding Hindu
(C) 1666 A.D. Empire before the Marathas
(D) 1670 A.D. (Hindu Pad Padshahi)
(A) Shivaji
11. Who was the founder of the (B) Balaji Viswanath
Bahmani dynasty? (C) Baji Rao
(1347, Gulbarga) (D) Baji Rao II
(A) Ala-ud-din Hasan Bahman
(B) Muhammad Shah
(C) Firoz Shah
(D) Ahmad Shah
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6. In his inscriptions, Ashoka calls
(13th Major Rock Edict)
(A) Priyadarshi
(B) Dhammasoka
(C) Daivaputra
(D) Devanampriya Priyadarsin
1. The great Bath was found in- 7. Which of the following Gupta rulers
(A) Lothal was known as Vikramaditya ?
(B) Harappa (A) Chandragupta-1
(C) Mohen-jo-daro (B) Samudragupta
(D) Kalibangan (C) Chandragupta-11
(D) Skandagupta
2. Who composed 'Ai-hole prasasti ?
(Pulakeshin II, Kannada script) 8. In which year did Muhammad-bin-
(A) Kautilya Qasim conquer Sind ?
(B) Rabikirti (Battle of Aror)
(C) Harisena (A) 712 AD
(D) Nayanikar (B) 715 AD
(C) 718 AD
3. Buddha was born in - (D) 721 AD
(A) 523 B.C.
(B) 563 B.C. 9. How many times did Sultan
(C) 623 B.C. Mahmud of Ghazni (1002-1030)
(D) 602 B.C invade India ?
(A) 12
4. The first permanent home of the (B) 17
Aryans in India was -(1600 - 1500 BC) (C) 5
(A) Punjab (D) 20
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Sindh 10. Who introduced Kaulinya system
(D) Gujarat in Bengal?
(1160 - 79)
5. Who of the following put up a stiff (A) Gopala
resistance against Alexander ? (B) Ballal Sen
(Battle of Hydaspes - 326 BC) (C) Lakshana sen
(A) Ambhi (D) Dharmapala
(B) Mahapadma
(C) Porus 11. Who was the founder of the Slave
(D) All of the above dynasty ?
(A) Itutmish
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(B) Balban
(C) Nasiruddin 17. When did Siraj-ud-daullah ascend
(D) Qutab-ud-din Aibak the throne ?
(A) 1707
12. Who was Jalaluddin Mangabarni (B) 1739
? (C) 1756
(1220 - 1231) (D) 1757
(A) Ruler of Afghanistan
(B) Ruler of Persia
(C) Ruler of Mongolia
(D) Ruler of Khwarizm or Khiba
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4. Who was the Kaivartta chief who (Sufi poet - Persian)
rebelled against the Pala ruler (A) A Sultan of the Khilji dynasty
Mahipala Il of Bengal ? (B) A Sufi Saint
(1075 to 1082, Mahipala II) (C) A minister of Giyasuddin Balban
(A) Dhekata (D) Amilitary officer in Alauddin Khilji's
(B) Gandhata army
(C) Divya
(D) Mayuraddhwaja 10. Who was the Babar's main
adversary in the battle of Khanwa ?
5. The Khalimpur Copper Plate inform (1526)
us about the military exploit of Pala (A) Mahmud lodi
ruler (B) Himu
(A) Devapala (C) Rana Sanga
(B) Rampala (D) None of them
(C) Dharampala
(D) Mahipala 11. Who among the following visited
Jahangir's Court?
6. Who was the author of the book (1615-19)
'Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi'? (A) Nicclo Conti
(Balban to Firuz Shah) (B) Francois Bernier
(A) Abdul Fazi (C) Sir Thomas Roe
(B) Minhaj-us-Siraj (D) Athanasius Nikitin
(C) Ziauddin Barani
(D) Al Biruni 12. Which Mughal Emperor
transferred the Mughal capital from
7. Who was Todar Mal ? Agra to Delhi ?
(Zabti & Dahshala system) (1638)
(A) A Minister of Sher Shah (A) Jahangir
(B) A revenue expert in Akbar's (B) Aurangzeb
court (C) Shah Jahan
(C) A Prince of Mawar (D) Bahadur Shah
(D) An officer in Jahangir's army
13. Who was the Mughal Empepor
8. Who was the last ruler of Delhi during whose reign Nadir Shah
Sultanate ? invaded India ?
(1517-26) (1739)
(A) Alauddin Alam Shah (A) Farrukhsiyar
(B) Ibrahim Lodi (B) Bahadur Shah
(C) Bahlul Lodi (C) Muhummad Shah
(D) Sikander Lodi (D) Shah Alam
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6. Who issued the Nasik Prasasti
(A) Gautamiputra Satakarni
(B) Samudragupta
(C) Harshavardhan
(D) Dharmapala
1. The first metal discovered by man 7. The Lion capital of currency notes
was was discovered from
(northern Iraq, 8700 B.C.) (A) Bharut
(A) Iron (B) Sanchi
(B) Aluminium (C) Bodh Gaya
(C) Zinc (D) Sarnath
(D) Copper
8. 'Baburnama' was written by
2. The main Buddhist religious texts
(A) Abul Fazal
are written in
(B) Firdousi
(A) Prakrit
(C) Afif
(B) Sanskrit
(D) Babur
(C) Pali
(D) Ardha magadhi
9. Who introduced "Din-i-llahi"?
3. Alexander stayed in India for
(A) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
(A) 16 months
(B) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
(B) 19 months
(C) Kabir
(C) 20 months
(D) Akbar
(D) 24 months
10. Who wrote Tahqiq-i-Hind?
4. An important port the time of
(Kitabul-Hind, 1017-31)
(A) Al beruni
(A) Sopara
(B) Al Biladari
(B) Tamralipta
(C) Sulaiman
(C) Calicut
(D) Al Masudi
(D) Cochin
11. Who was the last independent
5. Who was known as Amitraghata?
Sultan of Bengal ?
(A) Bimbisara
(B) Bindusara
(A) Husain Shah
(C) Ashoka
(B) Ghiyasuddin Mahmud Shah
(D) Kalasoka
(C) Nusrat Shah
(D) Iliyas Shah
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12. Which of the following Delhi 17. Who started to build Qutb Minar in
Sultans had set up a separate Delhi ?
department of Slaves? (1192)
(diwan-i-bandgani) (A) Qutbuddin Aibak
(A) Itutmish (B) Itutmish
(B) Balban (C) Balban
(C) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq (D) Alauddin Khilji
(D) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
18. To which place did Murshid Quli
13. During the reign of which Sultan, Khan transfer his capital from Dacca
Chinghiz Khan invaded India ? ?
(Battle of Indus, 1221) (A) Monghyr
(A) lltutmish (B) Murshidabad
(B) Alauddin Khilji (C) Gour
(C) Ghiyasuddin Balban (D) Pandua
(D) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
19. Gopal was the founder of
14. During the reign of which ruler Ibn (750–1174)
Batuta came to India ? (A) Pala dynasty
(1333-42) (B) Pallava dynasty
(A) Akbar (C) Pratihara dynasty
(B) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq (D) Chalukya dynasty
(C) Ilutmish
(D) Alauddin Khilji 20. During whose reign the East India
Company established their first
15. Which of the following Indian factory in India ?
States that Akbar could not annex ? (Surat, 1613)
(A) Kashmir (A) Jahangir
(B) Bengal (B) Shahjahan
(C) Bihar (C) Aurangzeb
(D) Assam (D) Bahadur Shah-1
16. The Bahmani Kingdom and 21. Which Sultan of Delhi brought one
Vijaynagar Empire clashed frequently Asokan Pillar to Delhi?
over the territory of (A) Itutmish
(Krishna and Tungabhadra) (B) Alauddin Khilji
(A) Madurai (C) Md. Bin Tughlaq
(B) Warangal (D) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
(C) Malabar
(D) Raichur Doab 22. Which Muslim invader conquered
Bengal during the time of
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(A) Muhammad Ghori
(B) Bakhtiyar Khilji
(C) Qutbuddin Aibak
(D) tutmish
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1. What is the meaning of the word 4. The learned lady who is said to
‘Sangam’ in the Sangam Age? have debated with the famous
(A) Royal Court lawgiver Yajnavalkya was (9th – 7th
(B) Assembly of Poets century BCE)
(C) Assembly of religious teachers (A) Gargi
(D) Meeting of rivers (B) Maitreyi
(C) Kamala
2. Who composed the Sanskrit kavya (D) Kalindi
‘Saundarananda’? (spiritual adviser
of Kanishka) 5. The river Chenab was known in the
(A) Asvaghosa Vedic period by the name of
(B) Kalidasa (A) Asikni
(C) Nagarjuna (B) Purushni
(D) Visnu Sharma (C) Vitasta
(D) Shutudri
3. Rulers of which dynasty patronised
Jainism? (6th – 12th century) 6. What was the ‘Araghatta’?
(A) Chalukya (A) A machine to break forts
(B) Pallava (B) An irrigation canal
(C) Rashtrakuta (C) A device to lift water
(D) Chauhan (D) A type of cloth
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7. Which of the following statements (C) Kalibangan
is incorrect about the position of (D) Rakhigarhi
women during the age of Buddha?
(A) The position of women generally 13. The river most mentioned in the
deteriorated Rigveda is
(B) There were several instances of (A) Sindhu
child marriages. (B) Shutudri
(C) Polygamy was gradually growing (C) Saraswati
among the ruling classed. (D) Gandaki
(D) Education was denied to
women. 14. “The most unique feature of this
site is its dockyard; the world’s first
8. Which of the following was the tidal port, which served as a main
basic unit of Vedic society? seaport for the Indus people”.
(A) Jana The above statement holds true for
(B) Vidatha which site?
(C) Parivar (A) Ropar
(D) Sangh (B) Lothal
(C) Rakhigarhi
9. Who was the most important God (D) Banawali
in the Rigveda?
(A) Agni 15. The word ‘Veda’, derived from
(B) Indra ‘Vid’ refers to
(C) Varun (A) Knowledge
(D) Vishnu (B) Energy
(C) Truth
10. Who among the following scholars (D) Karma
declared that the ‘Saptsindhava’
region was the homeland of the 16. Which dynasty ruled over
Aryans? Magadha after the Mauryan dynasty?
(A) Dr. A. C. Das (A) Satavahana
(B) Prof. Max Muller (B) Sunga
(C) Prof. Karl Penta (C) Nanda
(D) Dr. K. K. Sharma (D) Kanva
11. The Nayanar group of saints in 17. Which particular city became the
North India were devotees of Lord nodal point for trade routes running
(A) Vishnu from north to south and east to west
(B) Shiva in the pre-Gupta and Gupta periods?
(C) Krishna (A) Taxila
(D) Buddha (B) Mathura
(C) Ujjain
12. Which of the following is the (D) Vidisa
biggest Harappan civilization site?
(A) Ropar 18. Vedic literature is also known as
(B) Lothal (A) Shruti
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(B) Smriti (A) Purana Kassapa
(C) Sanhita (B) Pakuddha Kaccayana
(D) Vedanga (C) Makkali Gosala
(D) Alita Keshakambalm
19. The Indian who was involved in
the excavations of Harppa and 3. The spies during the Sangam age
Mohenjodaro is was known as
(1922) (A) Spasas
(A) S.D. Rathore (B) Dutas
(B) K.K. Menon (C) Orrars
(C) R.D. Banerjee (D) Sanjayans
(D) R.D. Sharma
4. Lands, during the post-Gupta
20. Kalibangan is located at period, were classified on the basis of
(A) Gujarat (A) Being cultivated and uncultivated
(B) Rajasthan (B) Being irrigated and unirrigated
(C) Himachal Pradesh (C) Crops being grown on the lands
(D) Punjab (D) All of the above
was created by
(A) Iltutmish
(B) Alauddin Khilji
(C) Muhammad Bin Tughlug
(D) Sikandar Lodi
10. The Nawab of Awadh who was 5. The theory of the emergence of
appointed the Wazir of the Mughal feudalism in the post Gupta period is
empire was disputed on the ground that
(A) Sadat Khan a) all the lands donated were not
(B) Safdar Jang secular land grants.
(C) Asaf ud daula b) the status of the peasants was not
(D) Nasiruddin that of serfs.
c) the brahmin donees did not
always belong to the ruling class.
d) All of the three above
(B) Pakudha Kaccayana
(C) Makkaii Gosala
(D) Ajit Kesakambalin
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33. The dynasty which (D) Vikramaditya II
Harshavardhan belonged to was
(A) Varmans 39. Which one of the following was
(B) Maukharis not situated in the Ganga plain?
(C) Pushyamitras (A) Kosala Kingdom
(D) Pushyabhutis (B) Asmaka Kingdom
(C) Vatsya Kingdom
34. By whom was the kulinism (D) Magadha Kingdom
(system of nobility among Brahmins
and kayasthas) in Bengal started ? 40. Which of the following pairs is not
(A) Gopal matched correctly ?
(B) Dharmapal (Chand Bardai – Prithvirajacharita)
(C) Vijayasena (A) Sandhyakar nandi – Ramacharita
(D) Ballalasena (B) Jaysimha – Kumarapalacharita
(C) Gaudavaho – Vakpati
35. By whom and when the Gupta era (D) Bilhana – Prithvirajacharita
was started ?
(A) Kumargupta I in 324 CE 41. Who was popularly known as
(B) Srigupta in 309-10 CE . Nana Saheb ?
(C) Chandragupta l in 319-320 CE (A) Baji Rao I
(D) Samudragupta in 324 CE (B) Balaji Baji Rao
(C) Balaji Biswanath
36. Who among the following was the (D) Sawai Madhav Rao
first to describe Sudras as a class of
agriculturists ? 42. Which Mughal building is said to
(A) Manu possess the unique feature of being
(B) Fa Hien exactly equal in length and breadth ?
(C) Hiuen Tsang (A) Red fort
(D) Narad (B) Agra fort
(C) Taj Mahal
37. Which of the following Gupta (D) Buland Darwaja
rulers is said to have embraced
Buddhism towards the end of his life 43. Which Mughal ruler conferred the
and also founded the Nalanda title of ‘Raja’ on Ram Mohan Roy and
University ? requested him to go to England to
(A) Skandagupta plead for a hike in the Emperor’s
(B) Buddhagupta pension ?
(C) Purugupta (A) Saha Alam ll
(D) Kumaragupta l (B) Akbar II
(C) Bahadur Shah II
38. Which Chalukya ruler is credited (D) None of the above
with repelling the Arab invasion of
South Gujarat ? 44. How many Mughal provinces
(A) Vikramaditya I were there under Akbar and
(B) Pulakesin I Aurangzeb respectively ?
(C) Pulakesin ll (A) 15 and 21
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(B) 17 and 19 41. Who was known as ‘Lakh Baksh’
(C) 14 and 20 ?
(D) 16 and 19 (A) Qutbuddin Aibak
(B) Iltutmish
45. An elite body formed by the slave (C) Balban
officers of which Delhi Sultan is (D) Raziya
popularly known in history as “Crop of
Forty” (Chahalgani / Chihalgani) ? 42. Muhammad bin Tughlaq lived in a
(A) Qutbuddin Aibak camp called ‘Svargadvari’ for 2½
(B) Iltutmish years on the bank of which river was
(C) Raziya this camp located ?
(D) Balban (A) Sutlej
(B) Indus
46. Which Mughal emperor for the (C) Yamuna
first time divided the empire into (D) Ganges
provinces ?
(A) Babur 43. During the reign of which Delhi
(B) Humayun sultan was ‘Jizya’ collected even from
(C) Jahangir Brahmins
(D) Akbar (A) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq
(B) Balban
38. The royal ritual of ‘Jharokha (C) Muhammad-bin Tughlaq
Darshan’ was introduced by the (D) Firuz Tughlaq
Mughal emperor
(A) Akbar 44. Policemen of Vijayanagar were
(B) Shajahan paid out of taxes collected from
(C) Aurangzeb (A) Wine shops
(D) Bahadur Shah (B) Land revenue
(C) Taxes on goods
39. The ‘Jagir’ of the Mughals is equal (D) Prostitutes
to which of the following units of
Sultanate period ? 45. Jayadev’s “Gita Govinda” deals
(A) Waqf with the cult of
(B) Khalisa (A) Rama
(C) Inam (B) Shiva
(D) Iqta (C) Krishna
(D) Shakti
40. The type of painting which made
remarkable progress during the reign 46. The Iqtadars during the Sultanate
of Jahangir was period were also known as
(A) Fresco painting (A) maliks
(B) Battle scenes (B) muqtis
(C) Portrait painting (C) mamlatdars
(D) Miniature painting (D) munhias
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47. The 96 years old man who was 53. According to a legend, whom did
captured and behaded at Talikota Sikandar Lodi, the Sultan of Delhi, try
(Bannihatti) in 1565 was to kill by various means ?
(A) Rama Raya (A) Nanak
(B) Krishna Deva Raya (B) Mirabai
(C) Bukkal (C) Kabir
(D) Saluva Narsimha (C) Chaitanya
48. The term ‘Malaimandalam’ refers 54. The Delhi Sultan who styled
to himself “The Second Alexander”
(A) Coromandal coast (Sikandar-i-Sani) was
(B) Malabar coast (A) Balban
(C) Pandya coast (B) Alauddin Khilji
(D) Konkan coast (C) Sikandar Lodi
(D) Sikandar Khan
49. Which Bahamani ruler shifted the
capital from Gulbarga to Bidar ?
(A) Ala-ud-din ll
(B) Ahmad Shah Wali
(C) Muhammad Shah I
(D) Muhammad III
50. Who among the following was 1. Who was the ruler of Taxila when
greatly influenced by Islam ? Alexander’s army crossed the Indus
(A) Namadeva in 326 BC ?
(B) Chaitanya (A) Porus (Puru)
(C) Ramananda (B) Ambhi
(D) Ramanuja (C) Abhisara
(D) None of these
51. Which Mughal is credited with
prohibiting ‘Sati’ unless the widow 2. Who tells us that ‘India’ (Indus
herself, on her own free will, Valley) was the 20th and most
persistently desired it ? prosperous satrapy (province) of the
(A) Babur Persian empire ?
(B) Humayun (A) Herodotus
(C) Akbar (B) Megasthenese
(D) Aurangzeb (C) Fa Hien
(D) Yijing
52. During the reign of which Mughal
was tobacco introduced in India ? 3. On the basis of evidences
(A) Aurangzeb emerging from the site of Kodumanal
(B) Jahangir the beginning of urbanization in Tamil
(C) Akbar Nadu goes back to –
(D) Shahjahan (A) 800 BCE
(B) 500-400 BCE
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(C) 300 BCE-200 CE 9. Who was the founder of the
(D) 200 CE Chalukyas of Badami ?
(A) Vikramaditya I
4. Name of which Indian ruler is (B) Pulkesin I
inseparably associated with the first (C) Kirtivarman I
known International treaty made in (D) Vijayaditya
Indian history ?
(A) Mahapadma Nanda 10. Which of the following kingdoms
(B) Chandragupta Maurya was referred to as ‘Ruhma’ by the
(C) Bindusara Arab merchant Sulaiman ?
(D) Asoka (A) Rashtrakuta
(B) Chola
5. Name the historians who have (C) Pala
rejected the idea of a marriage (D) Pratihara
alliance between Chandragupta
Maurya and Seleucus – 11. Which of the following is / are the
(A) Vincent Smith well-known ancient geographical
(B) H.C. Roychoudhury epithets of India ?
(C) H P. Shastri (A) Saptadvipa
(D) B.N.Mukherjee and Romila (B) Bharatvarsha
Thapar (C) Jambudvipa
(D) Both (A) and (B)
6. Which of the following pairs is not
correctly matched ? 12. The earliest use of the term
(A) Diodorus Siculus – Bibliotheca ‘Hindustan’ appears in which
Historica inscription of Sasanid ruler Shahpur I
(B) Strabo – Geography ?
(C) Anrian – lndica (A) Naqsh-e-Rustam
(D) Claudius Aelianus – Naturalis (B) Persepolis
Historica (C) Behistun
(D) Hamadan
7. Which of the following major rock
edicts of Asoka are in Prakrit 13. Which period of Indian history has
language and Kharosthi scrips ? been designated by Romila Thapar as
(A) Manshera ‘Threshold Times’ ?
(B) Shabbazgarbi (A) BCE 200 – 300 CE
(C) Both (A) and (B) (B) CE 300 – CE 600
(D) Dhauli (C) CE 300 – CE 800
(D) CE 600 – CE 1300
8. Haribhadra, the famous Buddhist
author was at the court of – 14. Which civilization was
(A) Gopala undoubtedly the largest in extent
(B) Mahipala among the Bronze age civilizations ?
(C) Devapala (A) The Harappan civilization
(D) Dharmapala (B) Egyptian civilization
(C) Mesopotamian civilization
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(D) Roman civilization (A) Augustus
(B) Claudius
15. Which archaeologist has recently (C) Trajan
contested the identification of (D) Nero
impressive brick-built structure at
Harappa as a ‘Granary’ ? 21. Who considered the Harappan
(A) R.E.M. Wheeler crafts “technically the peer of the rest”
(B) Bridget Allchin among products of the Bronze Age ?
(C) Raymond Allchin (A) Gordon Childe
(D) J.M. Kenoyer (B) Shereen Ratnagar
(C) R.S. Bisht
16. Which of the following was not a (D) Asco Parpola
regional headquarters in the Maurya
empire ? 22. By whom was the most significant
(A) Ujjaiyini commentary on the Rigveda
(B) Taxila composed in the medieval Period in
(C) Tosali the Vijayanagar realm ?
(D) Tambaparini A) Chakrapanidatta
(B) Sayana
17. To whom was the Lomas Rishi (C) Kannada
cave in the Barabar hills (near Gaya) (D) Sagarnandin
donated by Asoka ?
(A) Ajivika monks 23. Name the chief of the Rigvedic
(B) Jain monks Bharata tribe who fought against a
(C) Brahmnas confederacy of ten tribes (in the battle
(D) Shri Lankan Buddhist monks of 10 kings)
(A) Sudas
18. The history of ancient Indian trade (B) Divodasa
rightly begins from the ____ period. (C) Atri
(A) Harappan (D) Gritsamada
(B) Later Vedic
(C) Maurya 24. Which Rigvedic river is known as
(D) Kushana Ravi and also as Iravati ?
(A) Vitasta
19. At which of the following Ports (B) Asikni
have a sizable Roman settlement and (C) Parushni
a Roman factory have been (D) Sutudri
discovered ?
(A) Tamralipti 25. The earliest reference to the
(B) Muziris or Mushri division of society into four strata
(C) Arikamedu occurs in which of the following texts
(D) Kaveripattanam ?
(A) The Purusha-sukta of the Rig
20. Seaborne trade between India Veda Samhita
and Rome received great impetus (B) Yajur Veda Samhita
during the reign of Roman Emperor – (C) Katbopanishada
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(D) Manu smriti 31. Mandasor pillar inscription of the
early 6th Century CE belongs to
26. Which of the following were the (A) Anantavarman
most prominent monarchical (B) Mihirkula
mahajanapadas during the age of the (C) Yasodharman
Buddha ? (D) Toramana
(A) Vajjis or Vrijis
(B) Kosal and Vatsa 32. Which of the following statements
(C) Avanti and Magadha is not correct ?
(D) All listed in (B) and (C) (A) The Rigveda consists of 1028
hymns (Suktas)
27. During the post-Maurya times, (B) The Rigveda is divided into ten
elaborate vedic sacrificial rituals like books (mandalas) of unequal sizes.
the Vajapeya, Rajasuya and (C) The Rigveda is a monolithic text.
Aswamedha were regularly (D) The Rigveda is, not a
performed by the rulers of monolithic text and consists of
(A) North India several literary layers.
(B) The Deccan
(C) Both North India and 33. Which of the following areas were
Deccan viewed by the later Vedic authors as
(D) Chola dynasty impure and far away from the
heartland of the Vedic culture ?
28. Which school of Art flourished in (A) Anga (Eastern Bihar)
the region between the lower valleys (B) Magadha (Southern Bihar)
of Krishna and Godavari during 2nd (C) Vanga (in the Ganga delta)
Century BCE – 3rd Century CE ? (D) All of the above
(A) Gandhara School
(B) Mathura School 34. Which Magadhan ruler launched
(C) Nagarjuna School final military assault on the Gana
(D) Amaravati School rajyas of Kasi-Kosal with the help of
new weapons like rathamushala and
29. Navanityakam of the Gupta period mahasilakantaka ?
was a book on (A) Bimbisara
(A) Medicine (B) Ajatasatru
(B) Metallurgy (C) Prasenjit
(C) Mathematics (D) Sisunaga
(D) Astronomy
35. Which of the following pairs is not
30. Who among the following matched correctly ?
dynasties were the first to transfer all (A) Firuz Tughluq – Futuhat-i-Firuz-
sources of revenue to the Brahmins ? Shahi
(A) Vakatakas (B) Zia-ud-din Barani – Kitab-ul-
(B) Guptas Rahala
(C) Pallavas (C) Zia-ud-din-Barani – Tarikh-i-Firuz
(D) Chalukyas Shahi
(D) Minhaj-us-Siraj – Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
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41. Which revenue system among the
36. “The success of Muizzudin following is also known as the
Muhammad Ghori in India was the ‘bandobast’ system ?
consummation of a process which (A) Zabti
extended over the whole of 12th (B) Dahsala
Century”. By whom this observation (C) Nasaq
has been made ? (D) Kankut
(A) A.B.M. Habibullah
(B) Satish Chandra 42. During the reign of which Mughal
(C) Irfan Habib was tobacco introduced in India ?
(D) A.K. Nizami (A) Akbar
(B) Aurangzeb
37. During the reign of which Sultan of (C) Jahangir
Delhi did the Chahalgani or Chalisa (D) Shahjahan
come into existence ?
(A) Balban 43. Which Mughal is credited with
(B) Raziya prohibiting Sati unless the widow
(C) Iltutmish herself, of her own free will,
(D) Ala-ud-din Khilji persistently desired it ?
(A) Babur
38. Three types of the coins of the (B) Akbar
Delhi Sultanate tanka, shashgani and (C) Humayan
jital – were made respectively of – (D) Jahangir
(A) Silver, Silver, Copper
(B) Gold, Silver, Copper 44. The only type of Jagir which could
(C) Silver, Bronze, Copper not be transferred was the –
(D) Gold, Bronze, Copper (A) Khidmati jagir
(B) Watan Jagir
39. Nicolo de Conti, an Italian visitor, (C) Milkiyat Jagir
came to Vjjaynagar during the reign of (D) Tan Jagir
(A) Harihara I 45. Who among the following Mughal
(B) Bukka I rulers were half Rajput (born of a
(C) Deva Raya II Rajput mother) ?
(D) Deva Raya I (A) Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb
(B) Akbar and Jahangir
40. According to Abdur Razzaq, the (C) Jahangir and Shahjahan
policeman of Vijayanagar were paid (D) Jahangir and Humayan
out of taxes collected from
(A) Wine shops 46. Who was the first Englishman to
(B) Brothels (prostitutes) visit Jahangir’s court ?
(C) Land revenue (A) William Edwards
(D) Taxes on goods (B) Red Dragon
(C) Thomas Roe
(D) Hawkins
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47. A new technique of painting, Select the answer from the codes
known as Siyahi qalam, became below
fashionable during the reign of – (A) ii, iii and v
(A) Akbar (B) i, iii and iv
(B) Aurangzeb (C) i, ii, iv and v
(C) Jahangir (D) All of them
(D) Shahjahan
5. Who among the following
archaeologist has been claiming that
he was successfully deciphered the
Indus script, though others have not
accepted the claim ?
(A) MEM Wheeler
(B) Gordon Childe
(C) K. M. Srivastava
1. Which of the following Rig Vedic (D) S. R. Rao
Gods is said to be the upholder of the
Rita or Cosmic Order ? 6. According to the latest
(A) Indra excavations, Manda is the ______
(B) Agni site of the Indus civilization ?
(C) Varuna (A) Northern most
(D) Soma (B) Southernmost
(C) Eastern most
2. Which one of the following tribal (D) Western most
assemblies has normally involved in
the election of the tribal chief ? 7. Which one of the following types
(A) Samiti of Harappan pottery is said to be the
(B) Sabha earliest example of its kind in the
(C) Gora world ?
(D) Vidata (A) Polychrome
(B) Glazed
3. ‘House burials’ are reported from (C) Perforated
: (D) Knobbed
(A) Gufral in Kashmir
(B) Ghaligal – in the northeast 8. The Harappan bricks were mainly
(C) Uleri in Almora (A) Sawn with the help of a saw-like
(D) Balathal in Rajasthan instrument
(B) Made in an open mouId
4. Which of the following were the (C) Hand-made
main items of export of the Indus (D) Cut with the help of a chisel
people ?
(i) Gold and Silver 9. Where do we find the three
(ii) Cotton goods phases, viz. Paleolithic, Mesolithic
(iii) Terra cottas and Neolithic Cultures in sequence ?
(iv) Seals (A) Bolan Valley
(v) Pottery (B) Krishna Valley
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(C) Godavari Valley (A) Development of Science and
(D) Kashmir Valley technology
(B) Development of Arts and crafts
10. Which of the following is not a (C) Growth of Trade and
principal tool of the Early Stone Age ? commerce
(A) Scraper (D) Increase in Agrarian surplus
(B) Handaxe
(C) Cleaver 15. Which one of the following has
(D) Chopper not been mentioned as ‘asineva’ in
Ashokan inscriptions
11. When were the Silkworms (A) Greed and passion
introduced into the Byzantine empire (B) Cruelty and anger
from China, adversely affecting (C) Pride and fury
India’s already declining foreign trade (D) Envy and revenge
(A) 451 AD 16. Who was the Bacterian King that
(B) 551 AD invaded India in about 182 BC and
(C) 615 AD wrested a considerable part of the
(D) 351 AD North West ?
(A) Demetrius
12. Kalidasa’s work include (B) Antigonus
(i) Abhigyana Sakuntalam (C) Philadelphus
(ii) Meghadootam (D) Gondophernes
(iii) Raghuvamsa
(iv) Malavikagnimitram 17. Who among the following started
(v) Ritusamhara the general use of stone for
(vi) Kumara Sambhava monuments ?
Select the answer from the codes (A) Chandra Gupta Maurya
below – (B) Bimbisara
(A) All of them (C) Bindusara
(B) i, ii, iii and iv (D) Asoka
(C) i, ii, iv, v and vi
(D) i, iii, iv and v 18. ‘Just as for my children, I desire
that they should enjoy all happiness
13. Which one of the following was and prosperity both in this world and
the meeting ground for the the next. So for all men I desire the
Brahmanical and devotional religious like happiness and prosperity’. This is
levels ? stated in –
(A) Maths (A) Barabar Cave Inscriptions
(B) Temples (B) Minor Rock Edicts
(C) Ghatikas (C) Tarai Pillars
(D) Samas (D) Kallinga Inscriptions
21. Which of the following sources 27. Who among the following got the
describe the Mauryas as belonged to title of ‘Sena Karte‘ ?
the Sudhra Varna ? (A) Balaji Biswanath
(A) Puranas (B) Balaji Baji Rao
(B) Jatakas (C) Rajaram
(C) Purvas (D) Baji Rao – I
(D) European Classical Writers
28. Which one of the following
22. Which one of the following Mughal emperors is credited with the
sources states that Srinagar was built composition of many Hindi Songs ?
by Ashoka ? (A) Humayun
(A) Kalahana’s Rajtarangini (B) Babur
(B) Divyavandana (C) Akbar
(C) Taranatha’s History of Tibet (D) Jahangir
(D) Mahavamsa
29. Which of the following
23. Who among the following was not manuscripts, containing miniature
a Greek Ambassador staying at the paintings, reveals a sense of realism
Mauryan Court ? and authenticity witnessed or
(A) Megasthenes experienced by the painters
(B) Diodorus themselves
(C) Deimachus (A) Timur Namah
(D) Dionisius (B) Akbar Namah
(C) Jamiut-Tawarikh
24. Kontakasodhanas of the (D) Tarikh-i Alfi
Mauryan period were
(A) Royal treasuries 30. The subject matter of
(B) Civil courts Hamzanamah is
(C) Criminal courts (A) Architecture
(D) Police stations (B) Painting
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(C) Music (A) Harihara – I
(D) Philosophy (B) Krishna Deva Raya
(C) Bukka – I
31. The only type of Jagir which could (D) Saluva Narasimha
not be transferred was –
(A) Khidmati Jagir 37. ‘Every pearl in the royal crown is
(B) Watan Jagir but the crystallized drops of blood
(C) MiIkiyat Jagir fallen from the tearful eyes of the poor
(D) Tan Jagir peasant’. Who made this statement ?
(A) Amir Khusrau
32. During the reign of which great (B) Barauni
Mughal was tobacco introduced in (C) Ibn-Batutah
India ? (D) Al-Beruni
(A) Jahangir
(B) Akbar 38. Who introduced the famous
(C) Shahjahan Persian festival of Nauroz ?
(D) Aurangzeb (A) Alauddin Khalji
(B) Iltutmish
33. Which of the following mosques (C) Balban
of the Mughals is also known as the (D) Firuz Tughlaq
‘pearl-mosque‘ ?
(A) Jamia Masjid at Delhi 39. The famous Jaina temples at
(B) Jamia Masjid at Fatehpur Dilwara were built by
(C) Moti Masjid at Agra (A) Paramaras
(D) Aurangzeb’s personal mosque in (B) Chandellas
the Red Fort (C) Solankis
(D) Chauhans
34. Who among the following Mughal
Minister was the ‘pay master-general’ 40. With which one of the following
as well ? are the later foreign immigrants like
(A) Diwan Hunas, who came after the fall of
(B) Mir Bakshi Imperial Guptas, identified ?
(C) Khan-i-Saman (A) Kshatriyas
(D) Vakil (B) Fallen Kshatriyas
(C) Rajputs
35. Who among the following nobles (D) Mlechchas
of Akbar was killed by the Afgan
rebels in one of the Mughal 41. Who among the following Rajputs
campaigns to suppress them ? were the first to voluntarily submit to
(A) Man Singh Akbar ?
(B) Todar Mal (A) Hedas
(C) Birbal (B) Sisodias
(D) Bhagwan Das (C) Rathors
(D) Kachchhawahas
36. Which Vijayanagara ruler sent an
embassy to China ?
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42. Who among the following 48. What is ‘Asthavana’
Englishmen was given the title ‘Khan’ (Vijayanagara Empire)
by Jahangir ? (A) Land revenue department
(A) Thomas Roe (B) A type of rice
(B) Ralph Fitch (C) One-third of the produce of the
(C) Hawkins land
(D) Newbery (D) House-tax
43. Who was the founder of ‘Gajapati 49. City of Nagalapura was built by –
Dynasty’ of Orissa ? (A) Bukka – II
(A) Purushottam (B) Deva Raya- I
(B) Kapilendra (C) Krishnadevaraya
(C) Prataparudra (D) Virupaksha
(D) Vidyadhara
50. During whose reign did
44. Who was the founder of Vijayanagara come into conflict with
Sultanate of Madurai ? Orissa for the first time ?
(A) Jalaluddin Ahsan (A) Bukka – II
(B) Hussain Shah (B) Devaraya – I
(C) Nusrat Shah (C) Devaraya – II
(D) Dilwar Khan (D) Virupaksha – II
Bijapur famous for the world’s second
largest dome and the whispering
gallery ?
(A) Mahmud Gawan
(B) Yusuf Adil Shah
(C) Ismail Adil Shah
(D) Muhammed Adil Shah
1. At which of the following places
46. Which Sufi Saint adopted Yogic has the largest belt of painted rock
breathing exercises and was called shelter of pre-historic period been
Sidh or perfect ? found ?
(A) Nizamuddin Auliya (A) Bhaja
(B) Farid (B) Bhimbetka
(C) Salim Chisti (C) Bagor
(D) Muhammed Jilani (D) Ajanta
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