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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Nowadays students' lateness to school is one of the

challenges faced by teachers and faculties. It was revealed

that the factors responsible for students’ lateness to school are

poor preparation for school, sleeping late, the distance of the

school from home, high level of poverty, peer pressure, and

single parenting among others (University of Ilorin, 2019).

Punctuality is the key to any goal-driven organization such

as a school. Punctuality is the state of being prompt. Being

punctual is one of the key personal characteristics that is

taught to everyone since childhood. Being punctual is a concern

that is common to all levels of schooling— primary, secondary,

and tertiary (Polytechnic University of the Philippines, 2016)

Being on time is essential for achieving academic

achievement, especially for upper school students. Being on time

not only exemplifies courtesy and accountability, but it also

enables students to effectively prioritize their time and

accomplish academic goals. However, an abundance of upper school

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 2

kids have trouble for a period of time, which may negatively

impact both their academic achievement and overall well-being.

Upper School students face challenges that affect their

punctuality in class. These challenges may include but are not

limited to, poor preparation for school, sleeping late, waking up

late, no interest in the subject, distance of the school from

home, high level of poverty, peer pressure, and single parenting

among others.

Upper school students often have trouble being late, which

may adversely impact both their academic performance and general

wellbeing. Being on time not only demonstrates respect and

accountability, but it also enables students to effectively

organize their time and succeed intellectually. However, a lot of

upper-level students have trouble being on time, which can have a

detrimental impact on their academic performance, stress levels,

and other aspects.

The success of the school in carrying out its primary charge

of educating and socializing students is contingent on students'

punctuality in attending the school regularly. In recognition of

the importance of regular school attendance to quality education,

attendance became a priority goal ( At-risk Youth in Crisis

Handbook, 1993) Upper school students have long emphasized the

importance of class punctuality.

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 3

In addition, lateness generally refers to a situation in

which a person arrives at a place at a time later than the

stipulated time. It is the inability of an individual to be at a

place at an agreed time. According to Lauby (2009), lateness in

the school context is when a student gets to school at the time

that exceeds the official time. Literarily, lateness to school

refers to a situation whereby a student gets to school when the

appropriate time for such as elapsed.

A lot of things can have a bearing on upper school pupils'

promptness. Lack of sleep is one of the most significant

problems. Most high school pupils have trouble getting enough

sleep, based on studies, which may trigger lethargy and render it

difficult for them to get up in the morning. As a result of this,

students could miss major classes or assignments and be late to

class (Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998).

Transportation is another component that could have an

impact on punctuality. For the purpose of getting to school, many

high school students use public transportation or carpooling,

which can be unexpected and vulnerable to delays. The likelihood

of arriving late can rise in some situations where kids must

drive an extensive distance in order to get to school (Ingram,

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 4

Another crucial element that might impact punctuality is

organization and time management. Students who struggle to keep

track of their schedule and assignments may be late or miss

critical deadlines (Schunk & Ertmer, 2000). This is especially

true if they lack time management skills or are unorganized.

Another factor that affects promptness and is prevalent

among high school students is procrastination. Students who put

off accomplishing their tasks until the last minute may find it

difficult to meet due dates and may end up being late for class

as a result (Ferrari, Johnson, & McCown, 1995).

Moreover, according to Koprey (2019) Nakpodia and Dafiaghor

attribute lateness or tardiness to a lot of factors or causes.

Going late to bed and waking up late the next morning are the

most common. The authors added film- watching late at night as a

cause for tardiness. The student may forget that he/she needs to

be in school the next day. The distance between the student’s

home and school or solely the school’s location is also

considered by Nakpodia and Dafiaghor as a possible cause for

tardiness. Not just because it takes more time to get to school,

but according to the authors, the student is susceptible to more

distractions and hindrances along the way. Parent’s untimely

tasks and commands are also reasons that students come late to

school. Habitual tardiness can also be learned from other members

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 5

of the family, especially from the older ones. Lack of a firm and

consistent policy on punctuality also encourages students to come

late at school since there are no consequences attached to

lateness or tardiness. These causes of tardiness will lead to

serious effects.

Factors affecting the punctuality of the upper school

students can be viewed as a form of etiquette that motivates the

people involved to keep promises about being on time. This study

is significant to the community, especially students who are

having trouble getting to class in time. It is also important

because it can help students can help identify the underlying

causes of tardiness and absenteeism

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Most common problem of students is the inability to go to

school on time because of several reasons. Punctuality of

students is affected by many factors. Facing numerous obstacles

that can impact the students' punctuality that can also affect

his/her educational performance is the worst. The researchers

advocate the respondents to have Self-Determination Theory (SDT)

to ensure that a student can go to school without having

additional hassle and difficulties. This theory suggests the

behavior is driven by autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In

case of punctuality, this theory suggests that students maybe

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 6

more likely to arrive on time if they feel that they have control

over their schedule, are competent at managing their time, and

have positive relationships with their teachers and peers. The

study entitled “Factors affecting the punctuality of upper school

students” was formulated by the researchers to enlighten us with

the potential use of being organized and systematic with our

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 7

Research Paradigm


To determine the A quantitative
demographic of Identified:
the upper school analysis of Demographic
students in responses gathered profile of the
terms of their from the survey respondents in
sex, age and questionnaires on: terms of their
grade level Demographic sex and grade
profile of the level.
To determine the respondents in The factors
factors terms of their affecting the
affecting sex and grade punctuality of
students' level Upper School
punctuality Students
The factors Significant
To determine the affecting the difference in the
significant punctuality of factors affecting
difference in upper school the students’
the factors students punctuality to
affecting the Significant their demographic
students' difference profile
punctuality to between the Expected Outcome:
their factors affecting Strategies to
demographic the students’ enhance the time
profile punctuality to management of
their demographic Upperschool students
To determine the profile
measures that
can be proposed
to further
enhance the
factors that can
affect the

Statement of the Problem

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 8

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the

punctuality of upper school students.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the upper school students

in terms of their:

a. Sex

b. Grade level

2. What are the factors affecting students' punctuality?

3. Is there a significant difference in the factors affecting

the students’ punctuality to their demographic profile?

4. What measures can be proposed to further enhance the factors

that can affect the respondents punctuality?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in the problems encountered by

the respondents in being punctual between the student’s sex, age,

and grade level in being punctual.

Chapter 2
Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 9


This chapter discussed the procedures that the researchers

used to solve the problems that stated in this study. This

chapter presents the research design, population and locale,

data gathering tools, data gathering procedures and treatment of


Research Design

In this study, the researchers used a descriptive research

method to analyze the factors affecting the punctuality of the

upper school students. This study will help determine the factors

affecting the punctuality of upper school students. The

researchers decided to conduct a descriptive study in order to

understand things, people and objects. According to Shona

McCombes (2019) The aim of descriptive study is to correctly and

thoroughly describe a population, situation or phenomena. It can

provide answers to what, where, when, and how.

The researchers used surveys,focus groups and observations to

study the factors affecting the punctuality of upper school

students . The researchers chose this study since punctuality is

crucial to both academic success and general success. The

researchers decided to investigate the variables influencing the

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 10

punctuality of the upper school students. Being on time indicates

responsibility, discipline, and respect.

Population and Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Panpacific University -

Tayug Campus, a private school offering elementary education up

to college education. It is located at Lopez Jaena St. Tayug,

Pangasinan. This study’s population would be upper school

students conducting a science investigatory project. Students in

grades 7-10, are often referred to as upper school students.

Therefore, this study’s population would be reduced to the upper

school students to identify what are the factors that affect

their punctuality.

Table 1:

Factors affecting the punctuality of upper school students in

terms of their demographic profile.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Female 35 61%

Male 22 39%

Total 57 100%
Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 11

Grade level Frequency Percentage

Grade 7 25 39%

Grade 8 17 30%

Grade 9 11 19%

Grade 10 7 11%

Total 57 100%

Data Gathering Tools

The instrument that the researcher chooses for this research

study is a survey questionnaire which is determined by the

researcher to be the most effective method that ensures

efficiency in the gathering of data from the Upper School

students that focuses on the factors affecting the punctuality of

the upper school students.

The researchers provided a survey questionnaire that

determines the factors that affect the upper school students'

punctuality. Moreover, allowing the participants to express their

thoughts. As a result, it provides a wide range of opinions and

perspectives on the factors that affect their punctuality.

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 12

Rate Description Interpretation

4 Always The respondents consistently encountered

distractions that affected their ability to
focus on things that needed to be done.

3 Often The respondents frequently encountered

distractions that affected their ability to
focus on things that needed to be done.

2 Sometimes The respondents occasionally encountered

distractions that affected their ability to
focus on things that needed to be done.

1 Never The respondents rarely encountered distractions

that affected their ability to focus on things
that needed to be done.

The first section of the questionnaire focuses on the

demographic profile of the participants, such as sex and grade

level. The second section of the questionnaire focuses on the

participants’ factors affecting their punctuality.

Data Gathering Procedures

In conducting this study, the researchers first asked

permission from Dr. Quiming, Principal of the school of basic

education, The researcher also asked permission from Mr. Jonathan

M. Mensalvas, Deputy Headmaster of the school of Basic Education

to conduct a study at the campus. Moreover, after receiving the

approval from the deputy headmaster, the researcher proceeded in

emailing the respondents through unstructured google form

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 13

surveys. Furthermore the respondents were given enough time to

answer the questionnaire. The confidentiality of those responses

was assured by the researchers. After gathering the surveys, the

researchers organized the data using google forms. The data was

then analyzed using data analysis in Microsoft excel.

Treatment of Data

To come out with reliable and valid results and

interpretation of data, the appropriate statistical method will

be employed.

To answer the demographic profile of the upper school

students in Panpacific University – Tayug Campus, the researcher

will apply Frequency counts.

Additionally, to answer the factors affecting the students'

punctuality of the upper school students; the researcher will use

the Average Weighted Mean Formula; the data gathered will be

tabulated, processed, and analyzed.

In one question on the instrument, four-point rating scales

will be utilized; each category has a descriptive equivalent and

corresponding arbitrary weight, as indicated:

Arbitrary Statistical Limit Descriptive Equivalent

4 3.26 - 4.00 Always

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 14

3 2.51 - 3.25 Often

2 1.76 - 2.50 Sometimes

1 1.00 - 1.75 Never

Statistical Limit Interpretation

3.26 - 4.00 The respondents consistently encountered

distractions that affected their ability to
focus on things that needed to be done.

2.51 - 3.25 The respondents frequently encountered

distractions that affected their ability to
focus on things that needed to be done.

1.76 - 2.50 The respondents occasionally encountered

distractions that affected their ability to
focus on things that needed to be done.

1.00 - 1.75 The respondents rarely encountered

distractions that affected their ability to
focus on things that needed to be done.

The item is described as always if the respondents

consistently encountered distractions that affected their ability

to focus on things that needed to be done.

Moreover, it is described as often if the respondents

frequently encountered distractions that affected their ability

to focus on things that needed to be done.

Alternatively, it is described as sometimes if the

respondents occasionally encountered distractions that affected

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 15

their ability to focus on things that needed to be done. Also, it

is described as never if the respondents rarely encountered

distractions that affected their ability to focus on things that

needed to be done.

Furthermore, to determine the significant difference between

the factors affecting the students’ punctuality to their

demographic profile in terms of the sex and grade level of the

respondents, the researchers will use Anova Formula.

According to Will Kenton (2023), analysis of variance

(ANOVA) is an analytical tool that splits an observed total

variance observed within a data set into two parts: systematic

components and random factors.



Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 16

Table 1. Demographic Profile


A. Grade level:

The percentage shown for Grade 7 is 39%;Grade 8 is 30%;Grade 9

is 19%; and the,
Grade 10 is

B. Sex:

The percentage shown for females is 61%; while,

males are

The most numbered students in the Upper School are the

Grade 7 students, followed by the Grade 8 students, then the
grade 9 students, and least of all students are Grade 10.
The Upper School students are mainly composed of Grade 7
with Grade 9, the least students of all.
The Upper School students mainly consist of females by 61%
while males are around 39%.
In Upper School, female students are more than male

According to Osikhotsali Momoh (2023)a population is the

pool of individuals from which a statistical sample is drawn for
a study. Thus, any selection of individuals grouped by a common
feature can be said to be a population.

Being Punctual in School is one of the responsibilities as a

student both male and female. There is no significant difference
in being punctual. It is important for all stakeholders in
education to consider students coming to school late as a major
variable or factor for the success of quality education. (Bashir,

Table 2. Factors Affecting the Punctuality of Upperschool

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 17

Item Mean Descriptive


11. I attend all my classes on 3.53 Always


5. I arrange all the important 3.32 Always

items the night before.

15. I feel comfortable to go to 3.25 Often

school on time.

1. I arrive at school on time. 3.05 Often

2. I sleep early every night. 3.04 Often

6. I do all my assignments at 2.93 Often


10. I leave our house on time. 2.89 Often

3. I wake up early in the morning. 2.75 Often

7. I can manage my time properly. 2.75 Often

8. I have problems with how far my 2.54 Often

house is from our school.

12. I am slow in getting ready for 2.47 Often


9. I make a list of all tasks that 2.39 Often

I have to get done in the morning.

4. I quickly do all my routines in 2.26 Sometimes

the morning.

13. I have problems with commuting 2.05 Sometimes

or with transportations to get to

14. I am not interested in our 1.72 Never

first period.

Overall Mean 2.73 Often

“I attend all my classes on time” scores with the

highest mean of 3.53 thus a descriptive equivalence of

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 18

“Always” together with “I arrange all the important items

the night before.” This implies that students of the upper

school at all times are ready to go to school and they

always attend their classes on time. The findings conform to

a study by Domingo (2019) thatStudies have revealed that

those students with “perfect or near-perfect attendance”

have good grades compared to those students who miss classes

often and late-comers. 

“I am not interested in our first period.” has the

lowest mean among the other items, with a mean of 1.72 It

has a descriptive equivalence of “Never”. This implies

that students go to school in time because they are

interested in their first period.  

The study by Ong (2020) states that students are

interested in their first period and it is not the cause

of them being punctual to school.  

The overall mean of table no. 2 reveals that the

respondents’ level of participation during online classes

is 2.73 with the descriptive equivalence of “Often”. 

This means that respondents frequently or often attend

their classes on time.

This finding conforms to a study by Domingo (2019)

that the success of the school in carrying out its

primary charge of educating and socializing students is

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 19

contingent on students attending school regularly. In

recognition of the importance of regular school

attendance to quality education, attendance becomes a

priority goal.



Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 20

1. The results gathered to show that students participate

most during online classes when they are in a class group

activity. The results gathered showed that students frequently

participate in online classes.

2. Additionally, the findings show that most students are

punctual, the results show that students frequently go to school

on time.


1. The researchers recommend increasing awareness and

communication; School administrators should frequently remind

students and parents of the value of being on time.

2. Researchers advise to establish explicit norms,

expectations, and consequences for punctuality, including start

times for lessons, assemblies, and other school activities.

Explain in detail the repercussions of arriving late, such as

missing class time or disciplinary action.

Sources and References

Domingo, Jan Maverick (August 2019) Students late in classes

Factors affecting the punctuality of Upper School Students | 21


Kabir Adewale Adegunju (May 2019) Factors Responsible for

Students’ Lateness to School as Expressed by Nigerian Teachers in

Elementary Schools






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