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The old name is an ethnic term, evidently to be

is also the central share market of Australia, for West

is an interesting survival of the earliest form of social

been followed, the schemes of the usurper would have proved

than by using a ladle. Before loading, a piece of the

ABODE (from ``abide,'' to dwell, properly ``to wait for'', to

poetic work was not only due, we may be sure, to his native

Soon after the deathpf Baldwin (October 13, 1213), William de

some time he appeared almost disposed to be as reactionary

greater purchasing power. J.R. Dodge, in ``Farm Labour in the

or their heirs between whom it is in abeyance. The question

from the base of which new attachment organs have already

under the very branches: if I burn one of them alive, the

background, the second red figures on a black ground. The

and black bass. At the head of Lake Placid stands Whiteface

Hamburg-and-Bremen, but for all North German and Baltic lands

battle at Karkar (perhaps Apamea), where Shalmaneser II. of

36.3 per cent of the farms were in 1900 managed by the

air. When in clouds at 4 m. high, a railway train was heard;

1611), undertaken by the orders of Pope Innocent IV. and

schedule of the 1905 exhibition the classes for each breed

Darmstadt was upon the side of the Austrians; Prince Louis

being some broken alabaster vases, pottery and charcoal.

consumption (home produce plus imports) 566,441 tons, the

of stewards. It owed its fertility to the Nile, which,

reached the mainland of South America at the mouth of the

that science had succeeded to superstition as the source of

monoxide, which, however, does not burn with its proper purple

will make the process clearer. The weight to he carried

and liked his literary compositions to be veiled in a certain

He died at Boulogne on the 30th of August 1856 of typhus fever.

societies. The Hackney Horse Society and the Hunters'

Ferrara. In 1903 he was named vice-chancellor of the Roman Church.

renewal of the war. In 1715 the Morea was taken from the

next year the Restoration was effusively hailed, and prelacy

and the Ucayali lies the famous ``Pampa del Sacramento,''

AUTHORITIES. - O. Hamann, O. Jen. Zeitschr. xxv., 1891,

surface of the upper trunnion. The movable circuit CC thus

advancement; thus payment of a son's debts of honour has been

food of the natives. The grasses are killed by the frosts in

Grossen Adolf von Nassau zum Romischen Konig; B. Gebhardt,

See Choiseul-Gouffier, Voyage dans l'empire ottoman (Paris, 1842).

C. Chairman.

that the American monthly magazine goes to all parts of the

ships, and all other matters and contracts which relate to

is attached the military territory of the Niger, embracing

angle between the March and September positions, being 40".

trans., 1892 and 1905); L. Purtscheller and H. Hess, Der

one-horse and two-horse mowing-machines, hay-making machines,

a vowel before another, and in surgery especially for abscission

which the finest was the ``Fredegonda'' of 1878 (exhibited in

Marshal Saint Arnaud in Little Kabylia, where the tribes rose

visible. But whichever of these two summits was the acropolis

conveys an idea of their being cultivated in the fields.

administered, quantities not exceeding half a gramme (7 1/2

he and his father were taken ill with fever. The occurrence
eleventh oecumenical council; its acts embody several of the

states. A rapid march through Thrace and Macedonia brought

(problematic in its motive and details) to the oracle of Zeus

follow the advice of that government in regard to external

of ancient descent, though the poets, whom they paid largely,

referred by Herodotus to the year before Marathon, viz. the

Mexico. Amber is recorded also from the Dominican Republic.

of things is known only to thought, it appears absurd that

galleries. The nodules from the ``blue earth'' have to

Food and Drugs Act came into force, prescribing a penalty

by treating algebra as concerned with functions, and Comte

an inch in diameter. Into each of these holes is thrust a

Molemba, alleging that they had been in her possession since

port of entry in Novia Scotia, Canada, at the head of

reached the temperature soon begins to fall again, and as the

a victory there over Isaac Comnenus in 1191. The rich

commence their solidification by the crystallization of lead;

town, no hostile results ensued. An excellent understanding

admirers. The work became immediately popular and was

Novara was decisive of the war, and Radetzky named d'Aspre,

to vibrate freely like a balance, but at the same time very

question, but there can be no doubt that Bruce actually saw

representing gy, dy was pronounced in some districts zh

of February 1771. See R. Nisbet Bain, Gustavus III. and

While it cannot be said that the full significance of this

Casaubon to have been a contemporary of Xenophon and identical

career, still retained the great disparities which originally

thrown into a series of complex folds, so that in numerous

Two obvious methods of experiment have been tried. The first,

used ever since the 4th century to indicate these sacrificial

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