Mast Explorer OWNER'S MANUAL
Mast Explorer OWNER'S MANUAL
Mast Explorer OWNER'S MANUAL
1.- General Information................................................................................................................ Pag. 03
2.- Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………….. Pag. 03
2.1.- Technical information: introduction ..………………….……………………………………… Pag. 04
2.2.- Allowable load per model....................………………………………………………………. Pag. 26
2.3.- Residual Capacity per model...........………………………………………………………….. Pag. 28
2.4.- Description………………………………………………………………………………………. Pag. 29
2.5.- Security Devices..............……………………………………………………………………… Pag. 30
3.- Controls. Manoeuvre Elements .………………………………………………………………….. Pag. 32
3.1.- Key Positions.............…………………………………………………………………………... Pag. 33
3.2.- Levers & Indicators........……………………………………………………………………….. Pag. 33
3.2.1.- Controls………………………………………………………………………………. Pag. 35
3.3.- Work Hydraulic System...............................................…………………………………….. Pag. 38
3.4.- Electrical system………………………………………………………………………………... Pag. 39
4.- Planned Use Conditions. Counter-indications..................…................................................... Pag. 41
4.1.- Safety recommendations………………………………………………………………............ Pag. 41
4.1.1.- Specific rules for internal combustion engine forklifts…........…………………. Pag. 42
4.1.2.- Before getting started...................………………………………………………… Pag. 42
4.1.3.- At work...............…………………………………………………………………… Pag. 43
4.1.4.- At the end of the working day.....................…………………………………….. Pag. 47
4.1.5.- Personal Protection..……………………………………………………………….. Pag. 47
5.- Moving. Assembly dismounting. Adjustment Setting............................................................ Pag. 49
6.- Work positions........................................................................................................................ Pag. 51
7.- Use......................................................................................................................................... Pag. 53
7.1.- Previous Considerations …..…………..……………………………………………………… Pag. 53
7.2.- Loads Operation…............…………………………………………………………………….. Pag. 54
7.3.- Driving on ramps........………………………………………………………………………….. Pag. 55
7.4.- Loads stability................………………………………………………………………………. Pag. 56
7.5.- Forklift Compatibility............................………………………………………………………. Pag. 56
7.6.- Premises………………………………………………………………………………………… Pag. 56
7.7.- Grounds……...…………………………………………………………………………………. Pag. 57
7.8.-Driving Aisles ...........…………………………………………………………………………... Pag. 57
7.9 Doors and other fixed obstacles.………………………………………………………………. Pag. 57
7.10.- General traffic & driving rules.. ..................……………………………………………. Pag. 58
7.11.- Use in cas e of brakedown.………...………………………………………………………… Pag. 59
8.- Service/Maintenance.............................................................................................................. Pag. 60
8.1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. Pag. 60
8.2.- Maintenance & Lubrication Planning…………………………………………………………. Pag. 64
8.3.-Brake equipment...........………………………………………………………………………... Pag. 72
8.4 Electrical Installation……………………………………………………………………………. Pag. 75
9.- Noise. Lighting....…................................................................................................................ Pag. 78
10.- Additional Information. Residual Risks...........………………………………………………… Pag. 79
ATTACHED II. CE Conformity Pag. 82
Ctra. Villanueva, Km. 1 P.O.Box. 84
TELEPHONE: +34-902200300
FAX: +34-968670901
MODELS: 2HD (DRIVE 2X4): H15D, H20DL, H25D, H25DA, H30DA, H33DA.
4HD (DRIVE 4×4):: H15D, H20DL, H25DA, H30DA, H33DA.
MACHINE: Self-propelled rough terrain industrial forklift truck with the following lifting
nominal capacity:
Nominal Capacity
• 1500 kg. • A
• 2000 kg. • B
• 2500 kg. • C
• 3000 kg. • D
• 3300 kg. • E
They have been designed for the purpose of transporting and lifting loads vertically. The
forklift is an autonomous device able to carry lifted loads.
MECANO-REJA, S.A. has developed several rough terrain forklift models with different
capacities and characteristics.
Each forklift will be identified through a serial code inscribed on the CE Mark plate, located
on the machine.
A 15
2HD 4×2
B 20
X1 X2X3X4 C - CE 25
4HD 4×4 D 30
E 33
The maximum load to be lifted by each forklift at a mast lifting height of 3300mm will vary
depending on the forklift model:
Kg 1500
H 20 DL
Kg 2000
H 25 D, H25 DA
Kg 2500
H30 DA
Kg 3000
For a height over 3300 mm, load charts will be used. These can
be found on the fork lift (at the right side of driver’s seat)
Mast Height
X: Gravity Center
Y: Weight of
the Load
To improve security when using the forklift trucks, we recommend you to use the following
formula in case you need to lift loads with front dimensions over the standard, according to the
manufacturing companies that is generally established in 1000mm (gravity centre of 500mm).
X = (S×N)/L
X = residual capacity of the truck with bulky load.
S = distance between the vertical axle of the front wheels and the gravity centre of nominal
load (500 mm).
N = nominal capacity of the forklift truck (being stated by the manufacturer)
L = distance between the vertical axle of the front wheel and gravity centre of the load to be
Security Cabin
Gear Shift
Lifting Mast
Driver Seat
Forks Carriage
For the design of our forklift trucks we have taken into account any possible risks, for which
we have placed sheets and plates in their place protecting the driver from the risks that may
arise during the machine’s performance like, for example, being trapped between the
engines and moving elements belonging to the transmission, electric system, etc.
This forklift truck has an emergency stop button placed very close to the hydraulic control
and the corresponding risk signals.
In case these sheets and plates are left out or pulled out, which should be only authorized
in the case described in the maintenance section and under the conditions shown there.
• Security Cabin: is a hard-wearing element that protects the driver against any
possible load’s fall and forklift truck upset.
• Forks Carriage: is a rigid element located at the front part of the lifting mast that
moves together with the load platform. It widens the load surface preventing this one
from falling over the driver.
• Bonnet: protects the engine from any non-authorized manipulation.
• Chassis: the forklift is totally protected to avoid contact with electrical circuit, tyres,
• Emergency Stop: the emergency stop is placed at the right side of the driver, next to
the working hydraulic system. And it produces the sudden stop of the engine in case of
emergency or anomalous situation.
Devices 1 PAGINA 30/82
Beacon Light
• Beacon Light: light signal indicating that the fork lift is operating.
• Reverse Buzzer Warning: when the fork lift is reversing, this acoustic signal warns we
are driving backwards.
• Safety Belt: placed on the seat for a better fastening of the driver.
• Key: device for blocking the forkl lift, limiting part of its use by non-authorized
• Informative Plates: the following plates have been placed on the fork lift:
• CE Mark Plate. Manufacturer Details.
• Load Chart and Load Loss Plates.
The forklifts have been conceived, designed and developed taking into account the latest
technological concepts concerning safety, ergonomics and functionality. Principles of Security
Integration, reducing and, as far as possible, eliminating risks from their origin itself, adopting the
necessary security devices and informing by means of this manual or the one shown on the forklift
The operator manoeuvre is thought to be reduced to the maximum in all their possible
functions (installation, getting started, regulation, maintenance, repair and transport), to achieve
the utmost efficiency of the fork lift. Despite all this, it is indispensable for this purpose to comply
with the whole of the directions shown in the present instruction manual.
The forklift is driven and operated from the driving place, which is located at the front part of
the forklift truck.
Working Hydraulic
Adjusting Lever
Adjustable Part
Driver’s seat
On/Off Start
To get started, insert the key and put it in the “On/Off” position, following to this turn the key
towards the “Heat” position, once the warm-up light is switched off, turn the key to position “Start”
to directly start the engine.
1. Dashboard.
2. Gear and Speed Shift.
3. Indicators and lights control.
4. Continously-operated Button for models with differential-lock 25 & 30 DA.
5. Back Working Lights Switch.
6. Horn Switch.
1. Hours Counter.
2. Sidelights.
3. Fuel.
5. Oil Pressure.
6. Battery.
7. Warm-up.
8. Water Terperature.
9. Indicators.
10. Full-beam headlights.
0. Neutral Position.
1. Forward drive.
2. Reverse drive.
3. Slow gear.
4. Fast gear.
5. Of no use.
1. Lights control.
2. Indicators.
3. Horn.
4. Windscreen wiper (optional).
Brake Pedal
Pedals, through the set of pedals we are able to start and brake the forklift truck as we
Parking Brake, this is the brake system that allows the forklift truck to remain stationary
while carrying its maximum admissible load.
Brake, pedal conceived for braking the forklift truck when it is in motion.
Accelerator, pedal with which a faster movement of the forklift truck is feasible, up to the
maximum speed limit allowed.
Emergency Stop
Sideshift Lever
Gear Disconnection
Sideshift Lever
The hydraulic system has the following functions in each of its accessories:
Emergency Stop, If the emergency stop is in use for any reason, the forklift will totally stop
in a sudden way, this being due to the fuel cut produced by this device.
Once the incident is solved, if we require to operate with the forklift truck again, we will have
to put the emergency stop button in its original, disconnected position.
Sideshift Lever, the operation of this device produces the side movement of the forks.
Multifunctional Joystick, through which we are able to operate the lifting mast. It has got
the following functions and movements:
• The electrical supply is given by a direct current battery placed on the lower part of the
driver’s seat. Its charcteristics are the following:
• The fuses box is placed beside the engine at the rear part of the fork lift truck. And it is
shown in the following figure:
Use only fuses of the above specified amp, due to fire or damage risk in the PCB (Printable
Circuit Board) or Integrated Circuit.
You can access the fuse case by means of lifting the bonnet placed at the rear part of the
forklift truck. The access to this will be carried out according to what is estated in the Maintenance
Section of this owner’s manual.
The electrical installation must comply with the R.D. 444/1994 and 1950/1995 which
transposes the guidelines about the Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336/CEE modified by the
guidelines 91/263/CEE, 92/31/CEE, 93/68/CEE Y 93/97/CEE and the regulation UNE-EN 1175-1-
2-3, Safety of Use of Forklifts. Electrical requirements.
The forklift trucks have been designed and manufactured for lifting loads vertically, of a
maximum weight and height shown on the CE Mark Plate that has been placed in each forklift
truck model:
The driver of the industrial, self-propelled forklift trucks must be at least 18 years old and
must be expressly appointed by the company. Furthermore, the latter must make sure that new
operators are duly controlled, trained and assisted by the expert and qualified staff in the use,
maintenance, forklift truck control, handling, driving of loads, and in the driving at working places
and areas where people are operating simultaneously. Anyone who does not meet this
requirements should not handle an industrial, self-propelled forklift truck.
The driver has to be aware of the fact that, apart from the accidents that can directly affect
him/her, the equipment that he/she handles can injure other people if the Safety Rules are not
thoroughly observed.
The self-propelled forklift trucks are less dangerous themselves than the use of them made
by people. With the use of this kind of equipment we can find risks similar to those we find with the
traffic in general, crashes, run-over, overturns, trappings, etc.
The driver should perfectly know the characteristics, possibilities, limits and manoeuvrability
of your forklift.
• Verify the good condition of the tyres as well as their correct pressure.
• Make sure of the efficiency and correct operation of:
o The parking brake and service brake.
o The steering wheel.
o The lifting and tilting system.
o The horn or acoustic warning.
• Check fuel, water and oil levels of the internal combustion engines. Smoke is
forbidden during this activities.
• Check that the battery is properly charged and connected.
• Any anomaly that could be observed should be immediately communicated to the
closest person in charge.
4.1.3. AT WORK
• The simultaneous use of two forklift trucks to move very heavy or bulky loads is a
rather dangerous operation that requires very special precautions. This should only be
carried out exceptionally and in the presence of the technician responsible for the
• To lift a load safely, the forks should be completely introduced underneath the load,
following to that, it will be lightly lifted, and immediately afterwards the lifting mast will
be tilted backwards.
• Before carrying out any manoeuvre, you must check out that no one else is standing
nearby, especially when we go in reverse.
• To operate with self-propelled forklift trucks, the following general rules are to be
• Do not distract one’s attention from
• Always look at the same direction as
we drive, keeping a good visibility at
any time.
• Always drive at a reasonable speed.
• Try to aviod sudden starts, turnings
and stops.
• Please, turn at low speed, always
warning by means of the horn.
• Tell well in advance the maneouvres we
are going to carry out. If the forklift truck
does not have light indicators, directions
shall be shown with the arm, as well as
the stops and speed lowering.
• Always warn by sounding the horn
before driving through bridges, crosses,
• When driving with no load at all, the forks should be at about 15cm over the floor.
• Do not push other vehicles. If it is necessary to tow them, you will do it by means
of a solid bar and, of course, at a very reasonable speed.
• When you drive behind another vehicle, you have to keep a minimum safety
distance of about three times the length of the forklift truck we are operating with,
as simply braking suddenly could even provoke a violent crash.
• When you drive through narrow places,
please, be aware of the fact that either
you head, legs or arms must not jut out
the vehicle’s width.
• When tilting the forks forwards, stability
conditions are drastically reduced. When
you need to deposit a load by using these
mechanisms, do not lift it more than
necessary, and when lowering it, do it
• Attention must be paid to the
load when we drive through
bridges and doors.
• The load must be piled up
safely and in an orderly way. If
the piles are round, watch out
the possible risk of rolling
along. Be careful where to
• Tinplates and sheet metall packages can melt and hurl their sheets towards any
workmate. Sudden brakings and startings will be avoided, as well as turning at
high speed.
• If during working hours we have to stop at any time, we shall stop the engine. If the
stop is going to be brief, we are allowed to let the engine on.
The forklift truck has not been designed to work with dangerous equipment such as
explosives, toxins, flammable or harmful stuff, either within an explosive atmosphere or out in the
open. For this reason it is currenty forbidden to drive into atmospheres where flammable or
explosive equipment is exposed.
The useful life of the forklift truck is estimated in 6 years, period after which you must either
get rid of it or ask for a complete checkup by MECANO-REJA, S.A. to get it ready to operate again.
MECANO-REJA S.A. will not commit to any responsibility in case of IMPROPER USE of
any nature or origin of the forklift truck.
The forklift truck will be moved directly on the box or platform of the suitable lorry for the
forklift truck’s dimensions, up to the customer’s facilities, duly fixed and secured to prevent it from
being moved during the transport.
At the reception of the forklift truck, check that the machine has not suffered any damage
during transportation. Verify that the supply corresponds to the order’s specifications. In case you
find damages or missing parts, please inform the haulier and the manufacturer immediately and in
a very detailed way.
The forklift truck should be unloaded from the lorry being lifted, paying attention especially
to the gravity centre, which is approximately in the geometrical centre.
Check out as well that all the components or parts agreed in the contract are present at the
moment of reception of the machine.
Make a first cleaning of the forklift truck, getting rid of the dust and other foreign bodies.
The addressee will be responsible for the disposal of all packaging material, who should, at
the same time, get rid of it according to the current regulations in force in the corresponding
Before using the forklift truck a free space must be appointed for parking and keeping all its
parts. The additional necessary room for load and maintenance operations of the forklift truck must
be also taken into account.
The ground where the forklift truck is kept should be able to, at least, support the machine’s
weight and to be horizontally levelled.
The light of the environment when the forklift turck is parked must comply with what is
established in the RD 486/1997, concretely in the Attach IV “Light at the working areas”.
The forklift truck has been designed and manufactured for its use by an operative from the
position studied for driving and operating the machine, located at the front part of the forklift truck
and following the instructions of use. You mustn’t carry out any work directly on the truck or on any
mobile part or piece of the machine.
From the operative place you can activate all the necessary elements for driving, as well as
for handling the upright lifting system of loads.
The driver shall regulate the seat’s distance to operate all the controls and manoeuvre
elements of the forklift truck in a safe way.
The seat’s adjustment is to be performed through the lever located behind the seat, at the
right side.
Battery Switch
Seat Belt
Adjusting Lever
The driver shall verify the Battery Switch position. In its horizontal position, the battery is
connected to the electric circuits of the forklift truck, when it is in upright position, the battery is
disconnected from any electric circuit in the forklift truck.
The driver should fasten the seat belt before executing any operation with the forklift truck.
While we are operating with the machine no one else should be near the forklift truck,
except the person driving it, of course.
We should control at any time the surroundings of the machine from the working area. In
case we observe that someone could get within the operative radious of the forklift truck (within 10
metres around the machine) we should stop it until such possibility had finished.
• Do not drive the forklift truck if you are ill, feel tired or have drunk alcohol or medicine
that may produce simptons of sleepiness.
• Step onto and out of the forklift truck in a safe way.
• Step onto and get out of the forklift truck in a very safe way, do not jump.
• Fasten the seat belt before putting the truck in motion.
• Do not accept the presence of anyone within the working area of the forklift truck.
• Delimit the forklift truck movement rooms in case of using it on public road.
• Do not carry out modifications, addings or any other changes in the forklift truck that
could influence its safety without the manufacturer’s authorisation.
7.- USE
The forklift truck has been conceived according to the most up-to-date criteria concerning
safety and ergonomics. However, we must always bear in mind the fact that any mobile part takes
its risk, for which we must never handle them or operate them ourselves directly, with the
exception of meintenance operations and further conditions explained in the corresponding chart.
With the aim of attracting the driver’s attention constantly and as an extra precaution, there
are some warning stickers located in the crresponding parts with potential or residual risks.
Do not try to start the forklift truck if you do not understand perfectly how it works. If, once
you have carefully read this manual, there are doubts about the control of the forklift truck at
diverse operation stages, please ask the assistance service of Mecano Reja, S.A.
Do not start the forklift truck if the plates and covers are not in their correct position. Check
out every day the proper operation of all the switches and safety devices.
Before beginning the working day, the driver has to perform a complete inspection of the
machine taking into consideration the following points:
• Wheels (pressure, rubbing area, etc.).
• Fixing and condition of fork’s arms.
• Absence of leaks in the hydraulic circuit.
• Different Oils’ levels.
• Service controls.
• Safety Devices and Protections.
• Hand and foot brakes.
In case of taking notice of any defect, you should tell the maintenance staff and do not use
the forklift truck until it had been perfectly repaired.
All forklift trucks with defect or faulty operation shan’t be obviously in use, being this warned
by means of proper warning signs. Such measure has to be of special importance when the
company has established the system of shiftworks.
The manipulation of loads might be always done respecting the relation given by the
manufacturer between maximum load and the height at which this should be lifted and unloaded,
according to the following criteria at the different stages of the transportation: (See Fig. 15, Stages
a, b, c, d, e and f).
• Place the forklift truck just in front of the place where you are going to leave the
load and in the position required for it.
• Lift the load up to the necessary height keeping the forklift truck with the brakes
on. For heights over 4 metres, programm the load and unload height with an
automated system that compensates the visual limit produced at high
• Move forwards with the forklift truck until the load is over the unloading place.
• Place the forks in horizontal position and deposit the load, reversing afterwards
• The same operations will be performed in reverse order in case of dismounting.
• With no load being carried, we must drive with the forks close to the ground.
If the slope of the ground is less than the maximum of the fork (a< ß) you will be able to
drive forwards when sloping down, taking precautions and put the mast in its maximum tilting
If the slope of the ground is more than the maximum of the fork (a< ß), you have to do the
same but necessarily in reverse.
Driving up the slope must be always forwards.
The stability or balance of the forklift truck is conditioned by the position of the gravity
centre, which will vary according to the diversity of works and to several volumes to be handled.
The forklift truck values are fixed, as the load’s weight and its distance to the axle on the
front wheels are variable. These had to be known prior to the execution of movements, if we want
to be certain of the balance.
The forklift truck has to fit the premises where it is going to operate in and at the same time
the design of the surroundings where it is going to move around must be suitable as well for such
items’ characteristics. So, in this way, we have to take into account the following measures, in each
We have to use a suitable forklift truck for the premises where it has to operate in. In this
way, it depends if we have to operate in open-air spaces or, under covered premises, but well
ventilated areas or even in closed areas with limited ventilation, we will choose the driving force of
the forklift truck and exhaust fumes purifier. Furthermore and according to this, the forklift truck
should have –its own lighting, unless it operates only in open-air permises and during daytime only.
It is necessary to assign a place to store the forklift trucks in advance, as well as for the
maintenance operations.
The grounds have to be resistant to the forklift trucks passing through in case of maximum
load and anti-skidding as for the type of tyre or wheel we use.
All kinds of holes, special attached parts or any other obstacle should be removed
when driving through areas where other forklift trucks are allowed to drive, too.
When driving one way only, the aisles’ width should not be less than the vehicle’s own
width or the load’s width plus 1 metre.
When driving permanently in both ways, the width of the aisles should not be less than
twice the vehicles’ or loads’ width plus 1’40 metres.
The doors should comply to the indicated in the section about aisles. They should be higher
than 50cm over the highest part of the forklift truck or its load, whatever be higher. The use of
folding doors will make necessary the use of a transparent window, letting us, in this way, have a
proper visibility.
Moreover, they should take into consideration the existence of frameworks, air-
canalizations, etc. where the forklift trucks are frequently used.
When the driver leaves the forklift truck, he or she has to make sure all levers are in neutral
position, the engine stopped, brakes on, ignition key out and battery switch out of its place too. If
the forklift truck is parked in a sloping place, we should put a wedge under the wheels.
Do not operate or change, by any means, the moving parts of the forklift truck so as to
avoid traffic jams of any origin or type. Consequently, pay attention to the exposed maintenance
instructions of this manual.
Keep the ground around the operation area free of objects and water pools. Due to the
innate characteristics of the process, always use non-skid and insulating footwear.
Pay paramount attention to all the warning, precaution or risk signals applied on the forklift
The operator and maintenance staff should not use any watches, rings, chains, bracelets or
other objects that may make it hard to move.
No objects should overhang from the work clothes’ pockets, likem for example, rags or tools
that could represent any potential risk for the operator.
Clothes belonging to the forklift truck’s operators or the staff performing any work on it
should meet all the safety requirements remarked in the RD 773/1997, of May 30th, for which the
“minimum health and safety arrangements relating to the use by workers of individual protection
equipments” are established (by which the arrangements remarked in the European Guidelines
89/656/CEE are transposed and taken up by the legal Spanish system).
General Considerations:
The maintenance and neat care (as well as the immediate elimination of failures that may
arise) are the best guarantee for steady availability and a minimum need for repair.
Before any maintenance or repair service the forklift truck has to be parked on flat ground,
the working device on a flat surface over the ground and the hydraulic system has to be with no
pressure at all, say, the engine being off and the working hydraulic levers should be pulled from
neutral position to “lift-lower” – “tilt backwards-forwards”.
• Take the key off the switch to avoid unwanted startings on the forklift truck.
• Push the park brake and put a wedge under the tyres.
• During the maintenance services under the lifting devices of the forklift truck lifted, this has to
be safely secured against its unexpected dropping.
• By assembly, maintenance and repair services, the forklift truck’s securely attachment must be
• Use tools only in impeccable condition. Before carrying out the maintenance services, you
have to be sure of the application of the corresponding tools.
• Do not use loose objects or jewelery when working on the forklift truck. Always use protective
helmet, glasses and gloves or any other protective equipment necessary if the job requires it.
• When changing spare parts, be aware of using only original parts. Do not use spare parts of
inferior quality.
• Be aware of the fact that the walking zone, maintenance sector and handles should be free of
oil and dirt.
• Cleaning is decisive for the service security of the whole of the forklift truck. For this reason,
the maintenance area should be kept always clean.
• The forklift truck cleaning with high pressure cleaning device (only with the engine off).
The negative cable (-) of the battery should be disconnected before getting started with the
cleaning. It is not sufficient if we disconnect the battery switch.
If you need to clean the inside of the cabin frame with water or with water-soluble products,
please proceed to the cleaning with special care, so as not to damage the electric system. Only use
authorised solvents. Avoid breathing vapours with diluted liquids.
After cleaning, please take greater care over all the electric components’ dry condition
before switching the battery on.
• Carry out all oil level checkings with the forklift truck in horizontal position.
• The corresponding amount of filling together with the kind of oil can be found in the lubrication
planning. Rods for the oil level checking or for the oil level peephole are decisive.
• Lubrication points, lubrication intervals and the lubricating grease are to be found in the
maintenance and lubrication planning or in the lubrication chart.
• All the hinge, fork heads and other articulations showing no grease lubrication, should be oiled
according to their requirements.
• Check out on a regular basis the tighten par of the screws on a firm surface.
• Tighten the bolts of the tyres daily during the first week of service daily.
• Change immediately the seat belt if it is worn out, damaged or broken by an accident.
• Do not let any tool or loose objects lay on the forklift truck.
• Before turning on the engine, put all protective covers and plates in their corresponding place.
• Make sure there is enough ventilation when turning on the engine in closed areas.
At the slightest hint of the beginning of a fire you should follow the instructions below as
precaution if it is, of course, possible without running any risk for your individual safety:
Carry out a daily checking of the forklift truck and the equipment, such as, for example, that
the protective plates are at their place and free of oil and dirt. With this action, the risk of fire is
reduced and it is even easier to find loosen or faulty elements.
The forklift truck is to be kept especially clean in working areas with a higher risk of fire, like
in sawmills, rubbish dumps or the like. In these working areas, appropriate protective equipments
should be installed (for example sound deadening protection, cyclonic filter, etc.).
Check out frequently if the fuel pipes, hydraulic oil and brakes pipes have leaks or damages
can easily be recognized; if necesary, remove them for new ones.
The electric drivers have to be protected against their wearing away and have to be
checked out with res pect to possible damages, if necessary, change them for new ones. The non-
protected electric drivers should not lean against oil or brake fluids pipes.
It is especially important to keep the area around the battery and the electric equipment
free of oil and grease. Make sure that the battery poles are protected with isolating tops and that
the cables isolation is not damaged.
Every day : you have to overhaul the engine oil level every day. This has to be in a
completely horizontal position and with the engine off.
Oil Change: every 300 working hours of the engine, you shall proceed to the engine oil
change. Oil filters and empty oil cans should not be disposed of through domestic rubbish.
The oil change has to be performed by an authorised workshop. If this operation is not
carried out in an authorised workshop, it will have to be performed according to the legal
rules with regard to the used oils disposal. The oil should be 15 W 40.
Filters Replacement: with the oil filters listed below, please follow the service operations
as follows:
Diesel-oil Filter
The primary air filter cleaning should be performed by an air gun of air pressure, and in the way
shown in the following figure:
Fig. 19: Filters position Detail Fig. 20: Filter Cleaning Detail
Lubrication Points:
Every 500 hours you should grease the bearings and articulations of the forklift truck, on the
grease points appointed for this reason in the machine. Have a look at the following figures:
Fig. 23: View of brake fluid tank position Fig. 24: Brake fluid tank
Driving Belt Checking: it has to be checked out every 500 working hours. The
transmission belt has to be replaced after 2000 working hours or when a remarkable wearing could
be observed.
Chains Checking: a complete chains checking is recommended every 90 days, above all
on the points ranging from 1 to 7. In case of anomaly REPLACE for original spare part.
Fig. 26: Detail of the parts likely to brake Fig. 27: Detail of the chain
Working Forks: a complete chains check is recommended every 90 days, above all on the
points ranging from 1 to 7. In case of anomaly REPLACE for original spare part.
• See in your service sheet the authorised sizes for the wheels and tyres.
• Check tyres’ air pressure every 50 hours, correct it if necessary.
• To check the pressure of the tyres the forklift truck has to be free of any load.
Always stand at the side of the forklift truck where the corresponding tyre is, place yourself
in a position protected by the machine against sudden explosions.
When inflating a tyre with a rim composed of several parts, we have to make sure the loose
parts of the rings are exactly in their proper position between them, in case of ring jumping, this
may cause deadly injuries.
Use a self-adhesive plug with a hosepipe long enough so as to be able to stand by the
truck without risk while inflating the tyre.
Do never fit parts of different sizes to the rim and do not use damaged or faulty parts either.
Take the air off the tyre before removing any foreign body from the tyre profile.
Install the protective hoods over the valve after having checked out or inflated the tyres.
For special service issues (sand, for example), the air pressure can be modified after
having consulted it with the after sales service or with the tyre manufacturer.
To observe the prescribed air pressure has a decisive influence in the useful life of the tyre.
Driving the forklift truck with a very low air pressure in the tyres, means the following
for the tyres:
• Greater flexion work,
Greater warming
• Excessive effort of the material,
• Stronger dents on the side walls.
Tighten daily the bolts of the tyres during the first week of service, after each 50 hours of
work the tightening par is 450 Nm.
After each tyre replacement, the nuts of the tyre should be tightened daily as well during the
the first week of work.
The brake equipment is composed of the service brake system and the park brake system.
All maintenance and repair operations should be carried out only by an authorised
The out-of-use pressure storages have to be handed out to the authorised workshop for its
proper disposal.
The brake lining check should be carried out every 500 hours of work with regard to its
The brake disks should be checked out every 1000 hours of work with regard to its wearing.
With the drive operation disconnected and the forks empty, the park brake is supposed to
keep the forklift truck stationary with a slope of 20%.
Running-in Prescriptions:
Tighten daily all the bolts of the tyres during the first week, afterwards every 50 running
hours (tighten par of 450Nm).
After each tyre replacement the tyre’s screws should be daily tightened as well during the
first week of work.
Safety Regulations
The electricity system jobs should be performed only by specialised personnel and with the
prescribed work and verifying means.
Before starting handling with the electricity system, stop the engine and unplugged the
battery terminals.
If the engine has to be on and the battery is connected for necessary testing operations,
please adopt the special safety regulations to avoid endangering other people.
Before battery mounting and unmounting all the electric uses should be disconnected. First
disconnect the battery terminal to earth by unmounting and connect the terminal to the positive
Mark the cables and plugs before disconnecting them and make sure these pieces do not
get in touch with metallic parts, for example, covering or isolating them.
Electricity system installation defects as, for example, faulty or broken isolations, have to be
immediately repaired.
• The battery reload and/or replacement operations will be performed only by authorised
• While reloading do not take off the vent tops.
• When refilling do only use demineralized water.
• Charge the battery in a clean and ventilated atmosphere, lift the cover or take off the battery of
the forklift truck.
• Do not carry out any anomalous or provisional electrical connections.
• Keep the terminals safely tightened and with no inlays. Cables should have their isolating
parts in good condition.
• Keep the battery clean and dry. Do not use oxidation products, instead do use antistatic rags.
• Do not lean tools or other metallic objects.
• Make sure the electrolite level is over the paraxial of 5-7 mm approximately.
• Avoid the contact of the acid with the skin.
• Split Circuit braker of the battery (A) has to be disconnected in case of complete forklift truck
stop for, at least, a long period of time or by carrying out repair jobs with the electric intallation.
• Do not interrupt, by any account, the battery standard cables.
9.1.- NOISE
Currently the level of the guaranteed acoustic power such as it is demanded by the R.D.
212/2002 is to be studied and analysed. This R.D. is the one ruling the environmental
acoustic emis sions caused by certain machines of outdoor use, by which the drilling
equipments are subject to acoustic emissions marking.
As soon as the corresponding study and analysis are finished, it will be attached to the
instructions manual.
The place where the forklift truck is used will be duly lit in a way that the dashboard and the
working area are clearly distinguised. To carry out the ordinary maintenance it is necessary that
the lighting is good enough for us to perform the necessary operations with safety.
The lighting of the place where the forklift is set, should comply with what is detailled in the
R.D. 486/1997, in particular in its Enclosure IV “Lighting of the Working Areas”. For other countries
attention must be paid to the corresponding legislation in force.
the mobile parts such as gear assemblies, chains and other similar mechanisms have been
limited to the maximum to avoid mechanical risks. Fixed or mobile protective covers have been
placed on the parts where there could be any hint of mechanical risks, as for example, chains for
certain movements. Such protective covers should never be removed from their original place,
except for maintenance operations, through which they will be removed.
For the indication of the residual risks we have arranged the signposting, according to the
corresponding laws, on the forklift that should be in perfect condition, in case of the contrary they
should be replaced for identical ones, being able to request them to MECANO-REJA S.A.
All the maintenance operations should be carried out with the forktruck’s battery
disconnected and the emergency button pushed. Once finished such operations, the protective
covers will be placed back to their original position.
• OPERATOR: Person in charge only of the handling of the forklift truck during the productive
cycle and exclusively with this aim. They have to be qualified personnel for the handling of
forklift trucks according to the laws in force in the country where it is employed.
For the design and manufacturing of the forklift truck the current legislation in Spain has
been duly applied at the moment of the manufacture process, European Rules
6.-YEAR: 2.004