Phonics Joy TM2 Eng
Phonics Joy TM2 Eng
Phonics Joy TM2 Eng
Motivation Components
• This series shows a new way to learn of phonics comparing to an old style of
phonics which is in alphabet order.
• This series is to reinforce student’s phonics skill by showing the combination
vowels and consonants.
• This series does not emphasize the repetition and memorization of same
• When students compl ete this series, they can understand from vowels and
consonants to even sentences.
Order Contents
1 To distinguish the blended sound of consonants
2 To say the word with the long vowels
3 To read the word with double consonants and long vowels
To read the words with short vowels and single consonants from the previous
4 Pictures Card (On-line 제공)
To read the sentences with short vowels, single consonants, long vowels, double
sound of vowels and consonants, and sight words
6 To spell the words with short vowels, single consonants, long vowels, double
sound of vowels and consonants
7 To understand the words from Book 1 and Book 2
Sentences Card (On-line 제공)
8 To make a dialog by learning Chant and correct intonation
9 To find the picture by listening to the story
Unit Format
Sentences Card (On-line 제공)
1 Learning Part
• Students learn the sound of blended consonants and double vowels on pages
4, 7, 16, 28, 31, 40, 52, 55, 64, 76, 79, and 88.
2 I can Read
• Students can read the sentences with short vowels, single consonants,
Pictures & Words Card (On-line 제공)
double vowels and long vowels.
• Students can review the previous lessons and Book 1 and improve their
reading skill.
3 I can Write
• Students can spell and write the word with short vowels, single consonants,
double vowels and long vowels.
4 Word Practice
• Students can improve the level of vocabulary.
5 Chant
• Students can learn the word and the basic dialog by chanting.
6 Story
• Students can learn and understand by reading the story and doing the
comprehension checkups.
Learning page
Teacher Tip
• Make
sure that students should look at the double consonants
when they listen.
• Cheer
up students who cannot make the sound of double
consonants. Do not let the student repeat to make the sound
of double consonants.
• Write
the double consonants on a post-it. And place them
onto the student’s hand and have students rise their hand
what they have heard the double consonants.
Teacher Tip
• For
correct pronunciation, teachers should emphasize the
shape of lips and tongue.
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Unit Consonants Exercise Page
Exercise Page
Teacher Tip
• Writethe double consonants on the paper. Place them on the
table, and have two students come up front. Have them pick
up the paper of the word what they have just heard.
• Make sure that students do the listening practice by listening.
• - Formore practice, say the word of the picture and point to
it in the student book after listening practice. Or point to the
picture and have students say the word of the picture. For
this game, divide the class into two teams and play the game.
• Makethe class fun by using some of the games mentioned
Teacher Tip
• Say
the word, and have students draw the picture on the
maze in the student book after the listening practice.
• Students can draw over the picture in the student book.
Unit 2,4,6,8 Vowel Learning Page
Learning page
Teacher Tip
• Write“Long” and “Short” on a piece of paper and make two
sign boards with the paper. Give the board to students. Say
the words with short vowels and long vowels randomly.
Then have students show the correct board with the vowel
they have heard.
• Write
the words with long vowels and have students read
them. Then Say the words with short vowels and long
vowels randomly, and have students repeat.
• Play the audio CD and have students distinguish the long and
short vowels.
• Have students color the words with long vowels while they
Teacher Tip
• Say
the word with long and short vowels without playing the
audio CD in order to find either long or short vowels.
• Cutthe pictures of each unit on the back side of the student
book. Show the pictures to students and have students say
the word with long or short vowels.
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Long Vowel Listening Exercise 2 (pp. 19, 43, 67, 91)
• Have students do the listening practice for long vowels.
• Make sure that students can read the words in the student
book. If not, read the words and have students repeat.
• Play the audio CD and say, “What letters make up the long
vowels sound?” for every single question.
Teacher Tip
• Drawa rectangle on a piece of paper to cover the picture of
the listening practice and cut the rectangle. Hand out the
paper to each student.
• Have students read the words without looking the pictures.
• Then
have students cover the words and say what it is by
looking at the pictures.
Exercise Page
Teacher Tip
• Draw a rectangle on a piece of paper to cover the picture of
the listening practice and cut the rectangle. Hand out the
paper to each student.
• Have students read the words without looking at the pictures.
• Thenhave students cover the words and say what it is by
looking the pictures.
• Make a sentence with the words that students read.
• Point
the pictures and ask students, “What is it?” and “What
are they doing?” Then have students answer the questions.
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1~8 Review, Chant, and Story
Review (pp. 10, 12, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94)
• This practice is to review what students have learned before.
• The practice questions at for Listening and Reading, enabling
students to check whether they can read and distinguish the
word’s sound.
• Have students solve the problems by themselves.
• Explain the questions and play the audio CD. Adjust the audio
CD depending on the class. Check whether students fully
understand or not.
I Can Read (pp. 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96)
• This practice is to improve students’ writing skills and to
remember the spelling.
• Have student spell out the words that they have already
• Have students read the words by focusing the sound of each
syllable. Do not let students memorize and read the words all
at once.
Teacher Tip
• Read
the words without playing the audio CD if students have
a hard time spelling out the word. Read the words by saying
each syllable, for example, /dish/ /d/ /i/ /sh/ /di/ /sh/ /dish/.
• For more practice, use other words not in the student book.
Word Practice (pp. 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97)
• This practice is to enhance for the vocabulary level of students
so they can read and understand the reading passage from
the comprehension checkups.
• Play the audio CD and have students find the picture.
Teacher Tip
• Say the words and have students point to the pictures.
• Use Flash Cards with only pictures.
• Preparepicture cards and words cards separately using from
websites or the back side of student book. Say one word.
Then have students match the picture cards and word cards.
• Make a sentence by showing the picture and using the word
of the picture.
• If students don’t understand, use some word pattern.
Chant (pp. 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98)
• This is to help to make a statement for basic dialog by chanting.
• Play the audio CD. Then have students chant by themselves
without listening.
• Have students do the role play.
• Use sentence pattern with other words in order to improve
student’s reading skill.
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Story (pp. 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, 99)
• Play the audio CD for the whole story. As time goes by, have
students read the story without listening.
• Play and stop the audio CD for each sentence. Then have
students find the picture for the sentence, or vice versa.
• For more practice, use the picture for making a hidden picture
game to find the word of the picture.
• Write the word from the picture and have students place the
sticker onto the picture.
• Read the sentence slowly and have students draw the picture
as much as they can. Have student present their work and say
the sentence.
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