Faid Muhlis

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Faid Muhlis

Resource and Development Modelling Geologist(4 thn)

PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama
Telah melamar:20 Apr 2023 diperbarui:3bulan Terakhir aktif:7hari

IDR 13,000,000 Sarjana (S1) Yogyakarta

Mengapa merekrut Saya?

"I have experienced as a Geologist since 2016 (now is Resource and Development Modelling Geologist) for
existing pit and exploration. Validating database, reconciling, updating model, and estimating resource are my
routine. I make drilling plan, monitor exploration activity, and make a report."

Pertanyaan seleksi dari kandidat

Jawaban kandidat untuk pertanyaan Anda

 Experience as a Geologist
More than 5 years

 Notice period
1 month

 Available to travel
● Yes, domestic travel
● Yes, international travel

 Can work outside usual hours when required


 Consents to background check


 Consents to medical check



7 Tahun total pengalaman

Jun 2019-Sekarang Resource and Development Modelling Geologist

3 tahun 11 bulan PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama|Tidak Spesifik

Industri Pertambangan
Spesialisasi Geologi/Geofisika
Bidang Pekerjaan Ahli Geologi
Tingkat Jabatan Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)

My responsibilities are:
- Responsible for geological model of coal in PKP2B for existing pit and exploration area with
geology classified as simple, moderate, and complex (asymmetrical anticline and syncline
- Validating geological database.
- Reconciling model vs actual based on coal continuity by visual monitoring, coal tonnage by
survey calculation, and quality distibution by channel sampling.
- Making drilling plan, monitoring exploration activity, and reporting.
- Estimating coal resources.

Okt 2016-Jun 2019 Geologist

2 tahun 9 bulan PT Nipindo Group|Kalimantan Tengah,Indonesia

Industri Pertambangan
Spesialisasi Geologi/Geofisika
Bidang Pekerjaan Teknisi Pertambangan dan Geologi
Tingkat Jabatan Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)

Oct 2016 - Nov 2016, Management Trainee.

Dec 2016 - Feb 2017, Wellsite Geologist.
Mar 2017 - Jun 2017, Database Geologist.
Jul 2017 - Jun 2019, Modelling Geologist.
- Responsible for geological model of coal in IUP for existing pit and exploration area with
geology classified as simple and moderate.
- Validating geological database and reconciling model vs actual.
- Developing mineable area by block model using resgraphics and making long term design
for open pit mining.
- Making yearly/monthly work plan and budget for drilling activity.
- Estimating coal resources.

Agt 2015-Sep 2015 Geoscientist

2 bulan PT. Agricola Nusantara Baramineral|Kalimantan Barat,Indonesia

Industri Konsultasi (IT, Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknis & Teknikal)

Spesialisasi Geologi/Geofisika
Bidang Pekerjaan Ahli Geofisika
Tingkat Jabatan Lulusan baru/Pengalaman kerja kurang dari 1 tahun

G&G study of hydropower location determination in Riam Manangar (Kalimantan Barat) by

morphology observation, lithology distribution and bedrock identification.

Jul 2015-Agt 2015 Geophysicist (OJT)

2 bulan Chevron Indonesia Company|Kalimantan Timur,Indonesia

Industri Minyak/Gas/Petroleum
Spesialisasi Geologi/Geofisika
Bidang Pekerjaan Ahli Geofisika
Tingkat Jabatan Lulusan baru/Pengalaman kerja kurang dari 1 tahun

Feasibility study of 'SG' field on seismic data and seismic interpretation: seismic well tie,
picking fault-horizon, subsurface map, seismic inversion and attribute.

Feb 2015-Jun 2016 Laboratory Assistant of Geophysical Department

1 tahun 5 bulan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran"

Industri Pendidikan
Spesialisasi Geologi/Geofisika
Bidang Pekerjaan Asisten Lab
Tingkat Jabatan Supervisor/Koordinator

- Geophysics laboratory at Geological Engineering department.

- Seismic refraction laboratory as an Assistant Coordinator.

Jan 2013-Jun 2014 Private Tutor

1 tahun 6 bulan Kursus Privat Talenta|Yogyakarta,Indonesia

Industri Pendidikan
Spesialisasi Pendidikan
Bidang Pekerjaan Penitipan Anak
Tingkat Jabatan Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)


Jul 2016 Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Sarjana (S1)dalamGeologi/Geofisika|Indonesia

Jurusan Geophysical Engineering

IPK 3.62/4

I am a young engineer with geophysical basic who build an interpretation rationally based on
basic geological principles. I can adapt with new environment, work individually or in team,
and handle more than one responsibility. The problem for me is a challenge that must be
solved immediately, not for long time or even ignored.

- Geophysical Methods Module - Instrumentation and Acquisition, UPN: under the name of
Zero Phase Geophysics Adventure, Jan 2017.
- Case study of geothermal prospect area in Java Island using delay time tomography of P
and S waves on the presence of heat source, Bali: Southeast Asian Conference on
Geophysics, ITB and Jakarta: Indonesia International Geothermal Convention & Exhibition,
Aug 2016.
- Relocation of hypocenter using Jacobian's Matrix & Jeffreys-Bullen's velocity, Yogyakarta:
South Asian Geoscience Student Conference, UGM, Aug 2016.
- Integration of MT-CSAMT and log resistivity for determining geothermal reservoir based on
convection thermal energy transfer, Bandung: ITB International Geothermal Workshop, Mar
- Software Module - Steps to Use Hampson-Russell and Petrel, UPN: under the name of
Geophysical Engineering Department, Dec 2015.

- Karya Cendekia, graduate from UPN with award from Rector, Jul 2016.
- 1st Geophysics Smart Competition (EXPLORE), Geophysical Engineering Department at
UPN, Aug 2015.

Organizations and Committees:

- Seismic Refraction Lab (Assistant Coordinator): Director of Seminar, Oct 2015
Create a cooperation with Pertamina Geothermal Energy in Micro Earthquake Application on
Geothermal seminar for geophysics students from UPN, UGM, UNDIP and UNNES.
- Zero Phase Geophysics Adventure (Vice President): Field coordinator of expedition team,
Feb 2015
Lead an expedition of natural tourist at Mt. Kendang - Tegal Panjang - Mt. Papandayan,
Jawa Barat to expose nature’s beauty as a travel destination.
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student Chapter: Logistic coordinator of fieldtrip, Dec
Handle consumption and commuting trip from Yogyakarta to fieldtrip area sponsored by
Geothermal Star Energy at Wayang Windu field.
- Geophysical Engineering Student Association (HMGF): Head of student election
commission, Mar-Aug 2014
Communicate with bureaucracy and college student delegation to manage a head election
activity of HMGF from March to August 2014.

Menengah Adapt with new environment,Work individually or in team ,Handle more than one
responsibility,Problem solving,Fast leaner and think rasionally ,Leadership and
management,Fluent user in speaking and writing

Informasi tambahan
Gaji yang diharapkan IDR 13,000,000

Preferensi Lokasi Kerja Seluruh Indonesia

Tentang Saya
Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki

Umur 29

Rincian kontak  81328897636  faid.muhlis3@gmail.com

Alamat Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

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