Pham 2019
Pham 2019
Pham 2019
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Properties of rubberized cement-based composites have been investigated and the up-to-date research
Received 18 March 2019 findings have demonstrated the practical feasibility of using the materials for large surface applications.
Received in revised form 10 May 2019 Despite the detrimental effect in some mechanical properties, beneficial characteristics known as
Accepted 1 August 2019
improved strain capacity, low propensity for restrained shrinkage cracking, high freeze-thaw resistance,
better sound insulation, etc. make such composites relatively interesting for pavements such as road ded-
icated for low traffic volume, base or sub-base courses, or overlays. This review paper focuses on advan-
tageous properties of rubberized cement-based materials and potential for pavement applications
Rubber aggregates
Rubberized cement-based composites
including rigid pavements, semi-flexible pavements, block pavers, cement-treated bases/sub-bases, and
Rigid pavements thin bonded overlays. General conclusions and further possible considerations to popularize the use of
Semi-flexible pavements rubber aggregates in pavements as one of the most relevant solutions to recycle end-of-life rubber tires
Block pavers are also presented.
Thin bonded overlays Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cement-treated bases/sub-bases
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183
1.1. Needs to use rubberized-cement based composites in pavements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183
1.2. Roles of RA in the cement-based composite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
1.2.1. Cracking initiation, propagation and opening controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
1.2.2. Strain capacity and post-peak behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
1.2.3. Water capillary absorption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
1.2.4. Freeze-thaw resistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
1.2.5. Noise absorption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of NBE, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
E-mail addresses: (P.N. Pham), (Y. Zhuge), (A. Turatsinze),
(A. Toumi), (R. Siddique).
0950-0618/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.N. Pham et al. / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 1182–1195 1183
1.2. Roles of RA in the cement-based composite 1.2.1. Cracking initiation, propagation and opening controls
RA may firstly act as mini-expansion joints inside rubberized
Adding RA to cementitious mixtures is well-known to result in cement-based composites [39]. Compared to conventional aggre-
reduction in some mechanical properties of the cement composite gates, RA exhibit high ability to absorb much more fracture energy
[9–15]. This behaviour should be accepted largely owing to low and to withstand large tensile deformation. Hence, RA delay the
stiffness of RA [16,17]. On the other side, improving the bonding occurrence of cracking [21] due to restrained and/or plastic shrink-
between RA and cementitious matrix leads to an enhancement age. According to Turatsinze et al. [14], adding 30% RA to mortars as
on durability properties rather than on mechanical properties. a replacement for sand can postpone the crack initiation until
Indeed, the resulting materials demonstrate other valuable proper- 17 days compared to cracking age of 6 days for conventional mortar.
ties for pavements such as improved strain capacity and high post- Then, any micro-crack in rubberized cement-based composites
peak residual strength [1,18–20], low propensity for restrained reaches rubber-cement matrix interface, it will either stop propa-
shrinkage cracking [14,17,18,20,21], higher freeze–thaw resistance gating or change direction of propagation because RA act as holes
[22–29], better sound insulation [30–33], lower water capillary in the materials, reducing the tip sharpness and resulting in stress
absorption [16,34–38], etc. The roles of RA in cement-based com- relaxation. Such phenomena help to slow down the kinetic propa-
posites to make the materials achieving the properties relevant gation of micro-cracks and further to delay micro-cracking coales-
for pavement applications can be summarized as follows. cence in order to create macro-cracks [40].
Compression [42]
Flexion [35]
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Failure patterns of conventional composites (a) and of rubberized cement-based composites (b) at different conditions (adapted from [14,35,42]).
P.N. Pham et al. / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 1182–1195 1185
20%, 30%, 40% volume of fine aggregates. The mix design and basic
mechanical properties of the composites are presented in Table 1.
As reported, RA were water-soaked before mixing. A significant
reduction in average crack widths, lengths, and areas induced by
plastic shrinkage was also observed when adding 20–25% RA into
the cementitious mixtures. Hence, the authors suggested that RA
content should be lower than 25% and 20% in the composites used
for pavements with 0.40 and 0.45 in water/cement (w/c) ratios,
Despite low strengths of rubberized cement-based materials,
Ho et al. [1,45] concluded that Elastic Quality Index (EQI) of rub-
berized concrete, an indicator of pavement layer thickness for a
given traffic loadings and service life, at distinct temperatures of
20 °C, 40 °C and 70 °C remained in the range of values used for
pavement design on soil [45]. In Fig. 6, the letters C and R indicate
Concrete and RA; the numbers following C and R correspond to RA
content and temperature, respectively. For example, C40R70
means that EQI of concrete replacing 40% sand volume by RA
Fig. 5. Effects of RA content and/or silica fume addition on noise reduction
was determined at 70 0C. The EQI of concrete composites incorpo-
coefficient (adapted from [31]).
rating RA was greater than that of control concrete (without RA
incorporation), and also increased with increasing of temperature.
increasing RA content in the composite. With same amount of fly Based on the EQI values, concrete with RA addition up to 40% ful-
ash (F) (15%), sound insulation capability of composites adding sil- filled the requirements of type G4 for design of concrete pave-
ica fume (S) at 5% and 10%, namely S5F15 and S10F15, was reduced ments (Fig. 6) [1].
compared to the one of conventional mix (S0F15), the higher con- Pacheco-Torres at al. [53] investigated fatigue properties of
tent of S, the lower coefficient of noise reduction [31]. It was attrib- composites adding distinct sizes of RA (1–4 mm, 10 mm, and
uted to pozzolanic reaction that helped to densify the 16 mm) at distinct contents of 10%, 20%, and 30%, by cement vol-
microstructure of the composites, especially to reduce pore volume ume, and observed that the composite with 10% RA (size of
at rubber-cement matrix interface. Note that quantities of F and S 10 mm) withstood the largest number of fatigue loadings at a con-
in this case were used as substitutions for cement by volume. stant deformation. The authors concluded rubberized concretes
were sustainable materials for rigid pavements. Kardos et al. [51]
also replaced partial volume of sand by RA (2.36 mm) at different
2. Concrete pavements RA contents (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%). Similarly, the
decreases in split-tensile and compressive strengths, and in modu-
Properties of rubberized cement-based composites used for lus of rupture and of elasticity were noticed as RA content
rigid pavements (conventional concrete pavements, roller- increases. Based on Class P of pavement requirements of Colorado
compacted pavements, and self-compacting concrete pavements) Department of Transportation, they stated that 30% sand replace-
have been investigated by several authors [1,5,21,35,38–40,42, ment by RA (approximately 5.5% volume of the total mixture) pro-
45–52]. In general, incorporation of RA in cement composites duced suitable fresh and hardened properties of composites used
reduces some mechanical properties of rubberized cement-based for concrete pavements [51].
pavements. However, RA content or mix design of the materials As for fiber-reinforced and rubberized concrete, Alsaif et al. [50]
can be adjusted to produce relevant cementitious mixtures for incoporated both fine RA (2–6 mm, 0.5–2 mm and 0–0.5 mm) and
pavements depending on requirements of the criteria for each road the coarse ones (5–10 mm and 10–20 mm) into cementitious mix-
pavement. For example, low traffic volume roadways, pedestrian tures at 30% and 60%-replacements for both fine and coarse aggre-
areas, or side walks can be paved with the cement composites gates volume. Simultaneously, 40 kg/m3 of both recycled tire and
incorporating higher RA content. For pavements that require manufactured steel fibers were used. Workability and flexural
higher technical standards, steel fiber reinforcement or other addi- strengths of obtained composites satisfied BS EN 13877-1 specifi-
tives like silica fume can be solutions to overcome the decrease in cations for pavement design. Strain capacity and post-peak resid-
the properties of the composites in order to satisfy traffic volume ual strength were improved by fiber reinforcement and enhanced
conditions [21,38,49,50,52]. Once the minimum requirements for significantly with RA incorporation. When the composites were
strengths of concrete pavement are targeted, rubberized concrete exposed to 56 cycles of freezing and thawing, no internal damage
pavements will perform better than the conventional ones at the was observed, scaling level was acceptable, and mechanical prop-
similar operating conditions. The characteristics such as improved erties were not affected. Hence, durable flexible concrete pave-
strain capacity, low propensity for cracking owing to restrained ments can be constructed using the composites as a relevant
shrinkage, higher freeze–thaw resistance, and better noise absorp- alternative to bituminous-based materials [49,50].
tion of the composites make rubberized pavements more suitable
for durable applications. Hence, they can behave as flexible con- 2.1.2. Rubberized roller compacted concrete (RRCC)
crete pavement when rubberized cement-based composite is used Meddah et al. [35] investigated the use of RA (3–8 mm) in RRCC
[38,49,50]. pavements at different volume replacement of gravels, namely 5%,
10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (Table 2). Despite reduction in RRCC
2.1. Composites suitable for rigid pavements strengths with RA incorporation, the composites can still be
applied in roads with low traffic volume, rural ways, and pedes-
2.1.1. Rubberized concrete trian areas since they satisfied different technical requirements
Mohammadi et al. [48] designed rubberized concretes to com- for each pavement [35]. Based on failure pattern of specimens after
ply with Australian pavement design specifications by the use of flexural test, the RRCC materials were supposed to be ductile and
RA with size ranging from 0.075 mm to 4.75 mm to replace 10%, more cracking-resistant. The authors also noticed that RA content
P.N. Pham et al. / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 1182–1195 1187
Table 1
Typical mix design and 28-day strengths of rubberized concrete [48].
w/c Cement Coarse aggregates Fine aggregates RA Slump Air contents Compressive Flexural
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (mm) (%) strength (MPa) strength (MPa)
10 mm 20 mm Contents Weights
(%) (kg/m3)
0.40 370 416 746 677 0 0 50 1.9 63.0 6.9
609 10 30 60 2.4 54.1 6.2
541 20 59 60 3.2 44.3 5.6
508 25 74 60 3.7 35.9 5.4
474 30 89 65 4.5 30.9 5.2
406 40 118 65 6.1 22.9 4.6
0.45 370 404 726 658 0 0 55 1.5 55.6 6.0
593 10 29 65 2.1 45.8 5.4
527 20 58 55 3.0 34.9 5.0
461 30 86 55 4.3 23.8 4.1
395 40 115 65 5.6 18.2 3.6
C30R20 C20R40 strengths of RRCC pavements, Fakhri et al. [38] suggested to add
C20R70 silica fume (20 kg/m3) to rubberized mixtures in which sand vol-
C40R20 ume was replaced by RA at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and
G4 35%. As compared in Table 2, silica fume addition helps to recover
compressive and flexural strengths of rubberized concretes, and
C40R70 G3 such properties of the resulting composites can be competitive
with the ones of control concrete. Also, lower water absorption
G2 of RRCC was beneficial by silica addition due to higher densifica-
tion of composites induced by pozzolanic reaction. The authors
0.5 concluded that RRCC materials were likely to be of interest in the
G1 construction of flexible pavements.
2.1.3. Rubberized self-compacting concrete (RSCC)
Hesami et al. [52] designed and carried out some mechanical
tests to access properties of RSCC. As seen from Table 3, there is
a decrease in all strengths (compression, flexion, and tension)
and modulus of elasticity with an increase of RA content. Hence,
polypropylene fibers had been used to strengthen the composite.
2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 As reported by the authors, addition of polypropylene fibers up
3 to 0.12% by volume of concrete helped to recover the decrease in
Modulus of elasticity at 360 days Et (10 MPa)
tensile and flexural strengths and importantly maintained low
Fig. 6. Concrete classifications through EQI values [1]. modulus of elasticity of RSCC. The designed rubberized composites
could be used as paving materials [52].
Table 2
Mix design and 28-day compressive and flexural strengths of RRRC (strengths in case of silica fume addition in bracket) [35,38].
References RA contents Cement Sand Gravel W/C Silica fume Compressive Flexural
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) strength (MPa) strength (MPa)
Medal et al. [35] 0 295 727 1136 Adjusted based on soil mechanicsprocedure 0 27.12 5.82
5 1043.2 25.69 4.42
10 1017.4 21.2 5.3
15 965.6 19.04 4.7
20 908.8 17.42 4.49
25 872 15.3 4.25
30 795.2 13.58 4.0
Fakhri et al. [38] 0 294 815 1145 0.43 20 40.1 (51.5) 5.4 (6.5)
5 774.6 42.9 (53.7) 5.9 (7.0)
10 733.9 43.8 (60.2) 5.3 (6.3)
15 693.1 37.6 (58.1) 5.2 (6.0)
20 652.3 36.1 (52.5) 4.9 (5.6)
25 611.5 35.9 (51.5) 4.5 (5.5)
30 570.7 35.6 (44.7) 4.3 (5.2)
35 530 33.7 (44.4) 4.1 (5.0)
1188 P.N. Pham et al. / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 1182–1195
Table 3
Mix design and some properties of RSCC [52].
2.1.4. Rubber-modified recycled aggregate concrete (RRAC) (30% of sand volume). For this objective, two close pavement seg-
Based on design requirements of concrete used for airport pave- ments were constructed in the area adjacent to the main road lanes
ments, Feng et al. [47] evaluated mechanical behaviour and fatigue in Toulouse, France (Fig. 7-a). The dimensions of each experimental
performance of RRAC composites, in which 10%, 20%, and 30% of pavement segment were 15 m in length, 2.5 m in width, and 0.1 m
sand volume were replaced by RA (0.25 mm). Similar to rubberized in thickness. After paving, the curing compound was sprayed on
concrete, the reduction in modulus of elasticity and in compressive the surface of fresh concrete pavement to prevent the evaporation
and flexural strengths of RRAC were reported with an increase of phenomena of the mixing water, which being the main cause of
RA content. However, ductility-related parameters (deflection at early plastic shrinkage cracking. Eventually, time to cracking, num-
peak load and ultimate strain) and fatigue life of RRAC were ber of cracks, crack shape and their localization on the surface of
enhanced significantly compared to the one of control concrete. each pavement were observed and recorded over a one-year period
Hence, the authors concluded that RRAC with 20% RA incorpora- when these pavements were exposed to climate conditions. As
tion was considered as a suitable material for airport pavement reported, three cracks (A1, A2, and A3) crossing the entire width
[47]. appeared on the control pavement after 21 days of curing
(Fig. 7-b). The rubberized pavement exhibited only a single crack
2.2. Field applications (B) on the 31st day of curing (Fig. 7-c). Hence, it could be concluded
that the control concrete was much more sensitive to crack due to
Rubberized concrete pavement has been early constructed in restrained shrinkage than the rubberized one. Based on these
Kansas, United States, and it was then resurfaced by rubberized results of the field experiments, the authors validated the labora-
asphalt overlay in 1994 [54]. Kaloush et al. [39] reported that sev- tory findings and importantly accentuated that RA incorporation
eral in-situ pavement segments were paved using rubberized con- into cementitious mixtures was a relevant solution to limit the
crete throughout the Arizona state such as a sidewalk in the propensity of cement-based pavements for cracking due to
campus of Arizona State University (February 1999), a parking area restrained shrinkage. They concluded that large surface structures
(May 2001), a wheelchair ramp (June 2001), a patio foundation like jointless pavements can be constructed using rubberized
(March 2002), and other walking areas (March 2003), etc. Espe- cement-based composites.
cially, in 2003, a jointless slab (1.5 m 7.5 m in area and 0.05 m
thick) functioned as a parking space for trucks was constructed 2.2.2. Airport pavements
with rubberized concrete (25% RA addition by volume of the con- As for airport pavements, Ferretti et al. [55,56] investigated
crete mixture), and no failures were observed on this pavement properties and performance of rubberized concrete paving for a
area until 2005 [39]. taxiway at the Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport in Italy. The
experiment had been carried out on an area of 14 m 23 m of
2.2.1. Road pavements the taxiway. The tested space was divided into two portions
In actual conditions of road pavement construction, Turatsinze (7 m 23 m in area and 0.16 m thick each) in which one of them
et al. [5] compared the sensitivity to restrained shrinkage cracking was paved with control concrete and the other one with RA addi-
of rubberized concrete to the one based conventional concrete. The tion (rubber size 1–2.4 mm and 22% sand volume replacement).
difference between both was the incorporation of RA (size 1– The main concern in the experiment was to investigate changes
3.15 mm) as a partial replacement of conventional aggregates in vertical strain using strain gauges embedded in concrete for
Fig. 7. Pavement construction (a), and cracks observed on the control pavement (b) and on rubberized pavement (c) (adapted from [5]).
P.N. Pham et al. / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 1182–1195 1189
2.3.2. Thickness
Based on fatigue tests, Hernández-Olivares et al. [46] estab-
lished the correlation between flexural strength and number of
Fig. 10. Joint opening comparison between rubberized concrete slabs and the
conventional ones (adapted from [57]).
3. Semi-flexible pavements
4. Block pavers
Fig. 12. RA contents versus rejected percentages of rubberized blocks.
Block pavers have been used popularly in road constructions
such as sidewalks, pedestrian areas or low-traffic volume road-
ways [60]. The usage of RA in manufacturing concrete pavers has designed different rubberized mortar and concrete mixes incorpo-
been investigated [31,61–67]. One of the most challenges of this rating different RA contents (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%-sand replace-
application is the occurrence of micro-cracks and the increase in ments by volume) used for a surface layer and a body course of
volume of block pavers thereafter decompression [62], leading rubberized paving blocks, respectively (Table 4). As observed, com-
high quantity of rejected pavers (surface damage or expansion) pressive and flexural strengths of obtained rubberized pavers were
(Fig. 11). It can be explained by the fact that bound stresses appear only higher than the ones of conventional blocks just in a case of a
and concentrate on RA surface under compaction and they then 10%-RA incorporation. The reduction in the mechanical strengths
rebound as unloaded due to high deformation of RA. The rate of was attributed to higher air content in rubberized mixtures [31]
rejected blocks from previous research is summarized in Fig. 12, or to internal micro-cracking development within voids or at
unfortunately, effective solutions to limit the rejection scale have rubber-cement matrix interface when RA returned to the actual
not recommended yet. size after decompression [62]. Hence, Mohammed et al. [31] sug-
gested RA content should be limited at 6.5% and 40.7% to fulfill
4.1. Concrete blocks the requirements of compressive strength for load-bearing paving
blocks and the non-structural ones, respectively. Also, Sodupe-
Similar to characters of rubberized cement-based composites, Ortega et al. [66] and Ling [62] suggested to use RA content lower
there is a decrease in some mechanical strengths of rubberized than 10% in order to avoid failure of rubberized pavers during
pavers compared to the conventional ones [31,62,65–67]. Sukonta- demoulding process in the plant-made method.
sukkul et al. [67] replaced 10% and 20% weight of both fine and Despite some negative effects, the use of RA in pavers can firstly
coarse aggregates by RA in control mixture in which cement: provide lighter rubberized pavers. Sodupe-Ortega et al. [66]
water: coarse aggregates: fine aggregates were designed at a obtained hollow blocks and bricks with density reachable to
weight ratio of 1:0.33:1.5:1.5. As reported, flexural and compres- 1724 kg/m3 when they substituted RA (size 1–4 mm) for fine
sive strengths considerably reduced as RA contents increased. Sim- aggregates from 10% to 40% by volume. Also, rubberized paving
ilarly, Mohammed et al. [31] observed a decrease in compressive blocks exhibit ductile behaviour with higher deflection at peak-
behaviour in composites with RA replacements at 10%, 25%, and load and improved post-peak residual strength (Fig. 13) [62,67].
50% by fine aggregates volume in control pavers (with 1:1:2 in vol- Ling et al. [61] investigated impact resistance of paving blocks
ume ratio of cement: fine aggregates: coarse aggregates). The and concluded that the rubberized pavers behaved well under
authors also added fly ash and/ or silica fume partly replacing dynamic loadings than the control ones. The authors observed
cement volume, but it seemed to be only effective on compressive complete failures of the control blocks at the first drop, whereas
strength of the composites with low RA contents. Ling [62] the ones with 30% RA addition only displayed fine cracks after nine
Fig. 11. Typical failures of rubberized concrete paving blocks (adapted from [62,65]).
P.N. Pham et al. / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 1182–1195 1191
Table 4
Mix design and strengths of rubberized concrete paving blocks (RCPB) [62].
Mix design Mix ratio Cement (kg/m3) w/c RA contents (%) Compressive Flexural
strength (MPa) strength (MPa)
Face (C:FS) Base (C:A:CS) Face Base Face Base Face Base
RCPB-0 1:2.3 1:1.8:3.8 617 328 0.23 0.45 0 0 31.1 4.59
RCPB-10 1:2.1 1:1.8:3.4 585 317 0.23 0.43 8.8 9.7 42.5 5.24
RCPB-20 1:1.9 1:1.8:3.0 604 274 0.29 0.48 21.6 19.4 15.6 3.30
RCPB-30 1:1.7 1:1.8:2.6 574 286 0.26 0.39 30.4 29.0 11.7 2.54
C: Cement, CS: coarse sand, FS: fine sand, A: coarse aggregates
Fig. 13. Comparison of flexural behaviour between control (RCPB-0) and rubber-
ized pavers (10, 20, and 30% sand volume replaced by RA) [62].
Fig. 17. Failures of control cement-treated soil (a) and the rubberized one (b) [77].
7. Conclusions and further considerations length changes (shrinkage or thermal length change) and
to provide better distribution of stress in the pavement
7.1. Conclusions structure under traffic loadings.
(5) Rubberized cementitious slurry can be grouted into semi-
It is now quite clear about the practical interest of using RA flexible pavements in order to obtain the composites with
achieved by grinding waste rubber tires to manufacture rubberized better resistance to cracking under low temperature. Special
cement-based composites for pavement constructions. From attention should be paid on the decrease in rutting resis-
review focused on research findings related to advantageous prop- tance and compressive strength of the pavements.
erties of the materials and their impact in pavement applications (6) Even though reduction in some mechanical properties and
such as rigid pavement, semi-flexible pavements, paving blocks, high rejected percentage of rubberized paving blocks, such
cement treated bases/sub-bases, and thin bonded overlay, some pavers retain an interest because of some properties that
major conclusions can be drawn: reveal themselves useful such as lower density, higher duc-
tility, better impact resistance, and improved insulation
(1) The most important properties of rubberized cement-based properties.
composites making them suitable for pavement structures (7) The use of rubberized cement-based mortars to overlay
are the improved strain capacity, the lower propensity for deteriorated substrate is one of relevant approaches to
cracking owing to restrained shrinkage, the higher freeze– improve the bond between the new material (overlay) and
thaw resistance, and the better sound insulation. Hence, rub- the substrate. Also, the composites help to delay cracking
berized cement pavements perform better and are more formation due to their improved strain capacity and to pre-
durable than the control one. vent debonding phenomenon, the main mechanism limiting
(2) Presence of RA in the cement composite helps to slow down the durability of such applications.
cracking initiation, to control cracking propagation, and to (8) Bases/ sub-bases are not affected by the temperature and do
limit crack mouth opening phenomenon owing to bridging not require high strengths as surface layers. Micro-cracks are
material phenomena, especially when a solution to enhance induced when rubberized cement-based composites are
rubber-cement matrix bond is adopted. Such improved bond subject to elevated temperature. Hence, the use of the mate-
helps to limit the detrimental effect of RA on the strength of rials for bases/ sub-bases seems easier to be considered.
the composite including strain capacity and post-peak Especially, if base/ sub-base is exposed to high underground
residual behaviour. Such properties are important for water, low water capillary absorption of rubberized cement-
cement-based pavements because these structures are treated aggregates/ soils make them more durable than con-
always subject to length changes under different weather ventional layers.
(3) Different rubberized concretes including rubberized roller 7.2. Further considerations
compacted concrete, rubberized self-compacting concrete,
and rubber-modified recycled aggregate concrete have been In order to popularize usage scale of pavements using rubber-
designed for pavement applications. In overall, increasing in ized cement-based composites, further considerations are dis-
RA content appeared to be detrimental on some mechanical cussed as follows:
properties of the composites mainly due to low stiffness of
RA. Despite such a drop in strength, the materials retain an (1) Incorporation of RA in concrete is a suitable method to
interest for some large surface applications depending on lengthen joint spacing or to construct a jointless concrete
criteria to be fulfilled. If required strengths are not achieved, pavement thanks to the composite properties of high strain
silica fume, steel fibers, recycled steel fibers from waste capacity resulting in low propensity for shrinkage cracking.
tires, or propylene fibers could be used as reinforcement in The effect of low coefficient of thermal expansion coefficient
order to compensate, at least partially, strength loss induced is also beneficial. However, maximum length of rubberized
by incorporation of RA. cement-based pavement slabs without risks of cracking or
(4) The rubberized concrete pavement had been used in actual without joints is yet to be determined. Obviously this length
conditions in different applications such as road pavements, is intimately connected with RA content [5].
sidewalks, parking areas, and airport taxiway. All these field (2) For cement-treated bases, owing to high propensity for
tests have confirmed that rubberized cement-based com- cracking, cracks appear and propagate towards the upper
posites are suitable to prevent cracking due to restrained layers and are detrimental to the service life of asphalt layers
1194 P.N. Pham et al. / Construction and Building Materials 223 (2019) 1182–1195
or other thin bonded overlays. Hence, cracking resistance of [9] C. Albano, N. Camacho, J. Reyes, J.L. Feliu, M. Hernández, Influence of scrap
rubber addition to Portland I concrete composites: destructive and non-
such bases incorporating RA to restrained shrinkage is nec-
destructive testing, Compos. Struct. 71 (2005) 439–446,
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