Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
2. Do you agree with your friend’s view? Why/Why not? Use these sentence openers to
state your reason of agreement/disagreement. Say it in front of the class.
Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: Yes, because
country has given us what we have and we should do something in return.
3. Here are several examples of universal citizenship core values and attitudes and the
core competencies. Match them up.
No A B
1. Communication c. Engage actively and collaborate on intercultural talks.
2. Identity and sense e. Proud to be a citizen of a country, loyal and have constant
of belonging commitment to uphold the good name of the country.
3. Service b. Participate in and support local, national and international
4. Ethical action d. Have moral concepts that control a person’s or groups’
5. Global issues g. Address global issues through social and environmental
6. Diversity a. Appreciate and adapt to people’s different views, cultures,
customs and languages.
7. Empathy f. Emotionally understand what other people feel and see things
from other’s point of view.
4. Listen to some talks about what it means to be a good citizen. Then, complete the
sentences by inserting the following verbs.
1) Share
2) Join
3) Donate
4) Help
5) Prepare
6) Builds
7) Evacuate
8) Entertain
9) Have
6. Listen to the recording again. Who had the idea? Write the names based on the talks
that you have heard.
Sparked the ideas Finita
to entertain the refugee of the natural
disaster in the shelter.
Suggested to donate money to help the Cecil
humanity organization to rebuild the homes.
Performed some Javanese dances to Finita
entertain the refugees.
Offered the idea to help a public kitchen Hamdan
team to prepare meals in
the victims’ shelter.
Tough Challenge
7. Answer these questions.
1) To make them feel safe.
2) Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: Yes. It can be
from online platform such as kitabisa.com. It is a platform where people can donate
easily only by online transfer.
3) Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: It is because for
Hamdan, a good citizen can make someone else stay safe and healthy.
4) Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: Yes. Because she
already gave everything that they can to people in need.
8. What can you do as a good citizen during the COVID-19 pandemic? Tell your
ideas/experiences. An example has been done for you.
Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: As good citizen, I
rarely go outside during the COVID-19 pandemic. I don’t interact with people directly to
prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus. I also always follow the health protocol in order to
keep myself safe and healthy, and people around me too. I want to make everyone feel safe
and healthy around me.
Speaking 1
Mentioning and Reasoning fluently in persuasive speaking activity using a BOARD GAME
9. Do the following task to play the BOARD GAME.
Speaking 2
Expressions used to persuade, encourage, and hope
10. In pairs, practice the dialogue with your friend.
12. Create a dialogue based on the following situations. Choose one that you like.
Answer may vary depending on student’s discussion. For example:
Rina : Wow, Widya! How shiny your hair is! It is also thick and black.
Widya : Thank you, Rina.
Rina : What hair prducts do you use, Widya?
Widya : I use Orang-Aring, an Indonesian product. It is a good chice to treat your hair.
Rina : Uh, I don’t believe on Indonesian product.
Widya : Come on! Think about it. Indonesian product is as good as import product. You see, my
Rina : Yeah, but as long as I know, the quality of Indonesian product is not that good.
Widya : Give it a shot, Rina!
Rina : Okay.
Widya : I hope your hair will be as shiny as mine.
Rina : I hope so.
Critical Thinking
Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: It’s because we
are used to import products, not local products. Besides, we always think the technology
of another country is better that Indonesia, so the quality of others is better than
Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: I will persuade
them by proving that local product is as good as import products. I will also tell them
that we have to love our country, and it can be done as simple as buying local products.
15. Complete the sentences with the words you have learnt.
1) rights; duties
2) patriotic; spirit
3) representative
4) commitment; instilled
5) vote
6) defend
7) act
16. Observe these competition posters and do the task.
1) Answer the following questions.
a) Competition 1 and Competition 4
b) Competition 2
c) Competition 3
18. In pairs, analyze the text in Task 17. Is the text organization appropriate with the
argumentative essay structure?
Introductory paragraph
Some achievements have proven that Indonesian students’ academic abilities are not inferior
to those of the students from foreign countries.
Thesis statement
B. The student winners have applied the country defense concept in everyday lives.
Body paragraph
1) 7 paragraphs.
2) Main idea of par. 1: Some achievements have proven that Indonesian students’ academic
abilities are not inferior to those of the students from foreign countries.
Supporting evidence: “In 2021, 15 International Science Olympiad medals in
mathematics, biology and physics have gone to Indonesian students’ hands.”
3) Main idea of par. 2: The Indonesian students, who won international championships,
have carried out their duties as qualified Indonesian citizens
Supporting evidence: “I personally believe the Indonesian students, who won
international championships, have carried out their duties as qualified Indonesian citizens
in realizing Article 27 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, which clearly states that
"every citizen has the right and is obligated to participate in the state's protection."”
1) Phrases used to express counterargument: However.
2) Supporting evidence: “This situation, however, does not dampen the enthusiasm for
learning among Indonesian students.”
1) Does the conclusion restate the thesis statement? What is it?
Yes. “State defense can also be done by students, for example by participating in
international competitions that can elevate the dignity of the Indonesians out there.”
2) Is there an invitation phrase to participate in the competition? What is it?
Yes. “Therefore, my beloved Indonesian students, let’s make state defense into reality in
everyday life practices by participating in international competitions and winning them.”
19. State whether these statements are True (T) or False (F).
No. Statements True/False
1. In paragraph 1, the writer stated two contrary True
2. The writer used the linker “however” to express the True
contrary situations.
3. In paragraph 2, the writer states his/her opinion that True
the winners have applied the state defense concept in
everyday lives.
4. After the National Anthem of the winner’s country True
was played, the winner was mentioned where they
came from.
5. In paragraph 6, the writer expresses his/her False
agreement to the people who think pessimistically
about Indonesian students.
21. Match the words in the left column with their synonyms in the right column.
No Words Synonym
1. affected e. influenced
2. dampen c. decrease
3. managed d. administered
4. hone a. sharpen
5. dignity b. prestige
24. Read the text and compare it with the text in Task 17.
25. Find the similarities of the text in Task 17 and the text in Task 24.
1) argumentative essay
2) structure
3) to practice state defense
4) supporting evidences
26. Find the differences of text in Task 17 and text in Task 24.
Text 1 Text 2
Topic The practice of state defense The practice of state defense
by participating in by loving, consuming, and
international competitions promoting local products.
and winning them.
Targeted Audience Students. Indonesian’s people
Suggestion Let’s make state defense Let's instill a love for local
into reality in everyday life products by buying, using
practices by participating in and promoting domestic
international competitions products as a form of love
and winning them. for the homeland and
defending the country.
27. Answer the following questions based on the text in Task 24.
1) People that are also unconsciously influenced to admire imported products through
various means, including social media.
2) Yet.
3) To persuade the reader to love local products as a practice of state defense.
4) Most of people prefer to buy foreign products to local products.
5) Paragraph 6.
6) Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: I will tell them
that we have to be proud of our local products. Using foreign products is good, but local
products is better.
28. Write your experience using domestic products. Describe the product in detail. Observe
the following example. Include a photo of you wearing the product.
Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: Last month, I bought
a table from e-commerce. It is made from Jepara, that is well-known for its furniture. The
table is aesthetic and have a good quality. It has modern model. The color is white and
brown, and it is so strong that I could put many things there. The price is reasonable too. I
like my table very much.
Before You Watch
29. Look at these pictures. Which of them belong to the mutual assistance activities? Put a
tick in the circles provided.
Mutual assistance for flood victims.
Mutual assistance to build a building.
Mutual assistance in neighborhood.
32. Complete this table with the information you’ve heard on the video.
No Place of Origin Term of Mutual Assistance
1. Java Gotong Royong
2. Bali Ngayah
3. Batak Marsiadapari
4. Kalimantan Dayak Belale
5. Minahasa Mapalus
33. Fill in the blanks with the information you’ve found in the video.
1) the third
2) equality; kinship; solidarity
3) nine
Tough Challenge
34. Discuss with your partner to answer these questions.
36. Observe this paragraph carefully. Then discuss the questions with your friend.
Question to discuss:
1. Answer may be vary depending on student’s discussion. For example: Yes. The first
sentence is about the assumption of Indonesian products which doesn’t have a good
quality, while the second sentence states a contrary sentence that local product is also
2. “The assumption that Indonesian products are not as good quality as foreign products in
terms of materials, packaging, promotion, price, and others is not entirely true.”
3. The rest of paragraph show the supporting evidence of the counterargument.
4. To show that local products are no less attractive than foreign products.
37. Imagine you were a skeptical reader. Complete the following sentences with the skeptic
point of view. Then make a counterargument about it. One has been done for you as an
1. Many people may think that all economic sectors collapsed during the COVID-19
pandemic, however, I find that the online trade sector experienced a rapid increase.
2. Answer may be vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: I understand
you might feel differently about using local products, but I think local product is as good
as foreign products.
3. Answer may be vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: Yet some
readers may challenge the view that smartphone has several positive impacts.
Nevertheless, I believe that smartphone also has many negative impacts.
4. Answer may be vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: After all, many
believe that mutual assistance in neighborhood is not important. On the contrary, I think
it has many advantages for the neighborhood.
5. Answer may be vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: Of course,
many will probably disagree with this assertion that Indonesian’s students are inferior
than another country’s student, but in my point of view there are some data which show
that Indonesian’ students have already won many international competitions.
38. Observe this paragraph carefully. Then discuss the questions with your friend.
Question to discuss:
1) Wilken, a British journalist
2) Answer may vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: To strengthen the
opinion by giving an expert’s statement.
3) B) Body paragraph.
39. Find some examples of text citations from books or journals and write them here.
This short story consists of 12 pages that is divided into three parts and was published
in 1839 in Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine in Philadelphia (Nagel, 2008).
It is regarded as a reaction to the unarguable logic of “enlightenment” (Platzner &
Hume, 1971).
It depicts the storyline as it unfolds through supernatural events (Iqbal, 2017).
Mental illness or anxiety suffered by Roderick can be categorized as schizophrenic
symptoms (Langhoff, 2009).
2. Match the words in the left column with the synonym in the right column.
No. Words Synonym
1. preserved b. protected
2. comfort a. enjoyment
3. deliberation c. discussion