Triathlon Magazine Canada Buyers Guide 2023
Triathlon Magazine Canada Buyers Guide 2023
Triathlon Magazine Canada Buyers Guide 2023
Lessons Travel with From Pro Go from Beginner to
Swimming with the Pack
Learned Your Bike Triathlete Power Meter 101:
Safely and to Oscar Tips on What to Buy
(Sort of) Cheaply
Winner? Are Your Running Shoes Legal?
Wetsuit Technology Explained 14
How Laura Siddall Turned Her
Swim Around 16
4 Melanie McQuaid TRAINING
Power Meter 101 20
Leo Roy at the Montreal
LISTENS Arena Games using Zwift
Podcasts for Triathletes 55 for the run and bike legs
Oscar Nominee Lesley Paterson 56
Finisherpix, Uncredited, Matt Stetson, Jesse Peters, Kevin Mackinnon
Felt IA Advanced Ultegra
Di2 (See the bike buyer’s
guide on p.22 for this
and other great rides)
LESSONS FROM ships with Altis. They are really known for
their sprint coaching. They work with Andre
approached my swim training. I put it more in initely leaving some performance on the table. Kevin Heinz is a regular contributor to
line with how I train for running and biking. I have also been educating myself on the Triathlon Magazine.
4 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
Race morning
PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT What you eat on race morning matters and should be prac-
tised and planned so that even if you’re travelling you can
BY ALEXIS WILLIAMS replicate the meal wherever you are. It’s a balance between
feeling energized and not feeling like you have food sitting
s the weather warms up and we’re gearing up for our
A early season races, it’s the perfect time to practise
your race nutrition plans.
in your stomach. One to four hours before the event, aim to
consume a meal with 1 to 4 g/kg carbohydrates—for exam-
ple, a bagel with peanut butter and banana slices. Then,
about 30 minutes prior to the race start, have a small car-
Practising your nutrition plan early in the season is a smart strategy to help you bohydrate top-up, such as a gel, fruit pouch or fruit, like a
test and tweak things prior to the busy race season. Even if you have a well-honed banana. While everyone’s gut reacts differently, it’s best to
strategy from previous race seasons, it can be a good idea to re-test, as our bodies avoid spicy, gassy or very high-fibre foods on race morning.
can change from season to season.
You can test out your nutrition plans in tempo training sessions, but it’s also a During the race
good idea to test them in race simulation workouts, or less important races. Our GI The focus of your race fuelling plan should be on carbohy-
system can react differently when we combine the excitement and nerves of race drates, fluids and sodium.
day. You should also research what products are served on course and the weather
conditions expected for race day, as these will affect your needs and can be incor- Carbohydrates
porated into your training. After about 90 minutes of continuous activity, we deplete
So, what are the basics of a race nutrition plan? Let’s break it down into our body’s stored carbohydrates. This means that if we
three parts: want to continue to have a steady stream of blood sugar
1. The days prior to a race (glucose), we need to take in carbohydrates. If we don’t,
2. The morning of the race we may experience fatigue and fogginess, which is often
3. During the race referred to as “bonking.” For events lasting one to two and
a half hours, such as sprint- or Olympic-distance races,
30 to 60 g of carbohydrate per hour is recommended. For
events longer than 2.5 hours, 60 to 90 g/hour is recom-
mended. You need to train your gut to be able to handle
carbohydrates while exercising, so start with the lower
end of the ranges and work your way up.
You can use a combination of sport supplement products
(sport drinks, gels and bars) and real carbohydrate foods,
like bananas. Keep in mind when you are racing or training
harder, liquid and gel options may be easier to absorb than
solid foods that require more digestion. You’ll want to go
easy on fibre-, fat- and protein-rich foods when racing as
they will be slower to digest.
When it comes to hydration, our fluid needs vary based
on your sweat rate, race temperature and other factors. A
good starting point is aiming to consume 400 to 800 ml
per hour, but you could need less or more than this. Next
issue’s article will include more detail on sweat rate testing.
In addition to water for hydration, we need to consider
that we lose sodium in our sweat. The amount of sodium
we lose in sweat is also personal. If you have a high sweat
1 to 3 days prior to the race rate or are a salty sweater, chances are you’ll need to add
If your event will last longer than 90 minutes, you may benefit from carbohydrate sodium to your training fuel plan, especially if you are
loading. From a triathlon perspective, focus on using this strategy for half- and full- training or racing for more than two hours. Start with
distance races. aiming to consume 300 to 600 mg of sodium per hour,
Carbohydrate loading consists of consuming a very high amount of carbohydrates and adjust as needed. You can do this through electrolyte
(10 to 12 g per kg of body weight) for the one to two days prior to your event, with drinks, sodium tablets or high-sodium gels and foods. Next
the goal of loading your muscle glycogen stores. To break this down for a 68 kg issue’s article will include more detail on how to dial in
(150 lbs.) person, this is about 675 g. Some things to note about carbohydrate loading: your sodium needs.
1. You’ll want to drink plenty of water and fluids to aid with the digestion of the
increased carb intake. Getting started on refining your race nutrition plan early
2. For generally healthy eating, we encourage high-fibre foods and whole grains, in the season will pay off when you arrive on the starting
but during carbohydrate loading, you’ll want to look for lower-fibre, white food line well fuelled and prepared.
options. If you try to load with high-fibre foods, you’ll likely experience bloating
and gas due to excessive fibre intake. Alexis Williams is a registered dietician from
3. Protein and fat can be consumed in moderate amounts as part of regular meals, Burlington, Ont. (;
but should not be the main nutrients of focus during this period. Instagram: @fuel.your.endurance).
6 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
Named Sport Isotonic Athletic Greens AG1 Runner’s Protein Xact Nutrition
Hydra Zero Tablets Energy Fruit Bars
THE FOURTH EVENT Zero tablets are a favourite of immune system, provides energy swims and bike rides, too). Each
Pauline Alix
Alix with her
HE NEW FACE of Ironman in Mont-Tremblant, Que. competitive racing, a career, being a good partner and a parent.
T approaches triathlon as a team sport.
“No one gets to the finish line on their own,” shares Pauline
“Even as a very young adult, Pauline embraced a balanced path
of equal measures of experience, learning and fun,” says Kurz.
Alix. “Community, volunteers and athletes—race day is a “Popo has always run her own race, with great integrity.”
team effort.” Alix does not measure success by the size of her paycheque.
As the first young mother to serve as an Ironman race director Instead, she measures it by the quality of her life. Finding a
leading a three series event in Canada, Alix knows that sur- balance between pursuing a passion for event management
rounding yourself with a supportive team is critical in triathlon,and being the best partner and mother she can be is important
regardless what side of the finish line you are on. to her.
In her rookie year as the race director, Alix is taking on what is
“Women should not have to choose between a career and being
expected to be the race’s largest field ever. The 5i50 and Ironmana good partner and mother,” she says.
70.3 Mont-Tremblant in June will host upward of 4,500 athletes, Dave Christen, the senior regional director for Ironman Group
while Ironman Mont-Tremblant in August looks like it will be a concurs.
sold-out event as well. “We work very hard at Ironman, and within the triathlon indus-
She is looking forward to the challenge. “Strong does not mean try, to create a culture that fiercely protects our colleagues and
you have to do something by yourself,” relates Alix. “Strong is supports their family and personal endeavours,” Christen says.
acknowledging that we are stronger together.” It is this unequivocal support for family that drew Alix to
Surrounding herself with strong women—and men who believe the race director role at Ironman. She was not asked to choose
that women can succeed—has been a driving force for Alix. between her family and her career. Ironman made it clear: family
always comes first.
Family comes first “Anything is possible,” has long been the manta of Ironman.
Courtesy Ironman
Alix worked as a nanny in Australia for triathlete Sascha Kurz, Alix believes that anything is possible, when you believe in
who is a keen supporter of Alix’s new undertaking and under- yourself and surround yourself with a strong and positive sup-
stands the delicate balance needed to walk the fine line between port group.
8 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
The journey to leadership New fingerprints
own, working for a decade in every aspect of triathlon. As adorable young daughter. He supports her tremendous work ethic,
Alix honed her management skills, Rausa saw her mature admires her passion for event management and respects that she also
into a strong leader and take her place at the table among makes work-life balance a priority.
other strong and passionate leaders on the Ironman team. “I watched Pauline race to the finish line at Ironman 70.3 Lake Placid
“She learned the event from the ground up, just as we all in 2017, and I see that same fierce determination as she works toward
did,” says Rausa. a different kind of finish line this year as the race director for the
Christen echoes the same sentiment. Ironman Mont-Tremblant series,” Lambert says.
“Every person in a leadership role at Ironman followed The event series is set against the backdrop of the beautiful four-
a similar path that Pauline traveled,” says Christen. “We season resort in the eastern townships, and the region knows how to
learned by doing. Pauline is a rising star in Ironman and surpass the expected. Managing an event series that is a consistent ath-
we are delighted to have her at the helm of the Mont- lete favourite, Alix also knows how to exceed expectations. Building on
Tremblant race series.” a solid foundation and supported by a tremendous team that is forging a
Just as important as knowing every phase of managing new path for Ironman Mont-Tremblant, Alix is keeping her eye on that
an event the size and caliber of an Ironman series, a calm finish line, while always making time for hugs and cuddles with her
demeanor, the ability to handle stress and deal with every baby daughter, Charlotte.
type of personality is key to serving in a triathlon leader- Professional triathlete Chelsea Sodaro showed us last year that
ship role. young mothers can take the top podium spot at the Ironman World
“Pauline knows what she brings to the table,” says Lily Championship. Pauline Alix is showing us that young mothers can win
Nucera Rausa, the former race director for Ironman 70.3 on the other side of the finish line as well.
Maine. “She speaks with purpose and intention.”
Alix credits her strong sense of self from a lifetime of Cathy Bergman has worked on both sides of the finish line as a six-time
strong female mentors, from her mother to her sisters, to Ironman 70.3 finisher and a devoted volunteer when she is not racing.
Michel Allaire
weeks later, then raced Timberman a couple of weeks after that. She wrapped up Canary Islands in March. Getting there is a snap if you’re
the season in early December, flying to Orlando for Ironman 70.3 Florida. in Europe, but from Canada it involves flying on at least
10 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
two airlines. That means more oversized PACK YOUR BABY IN STYLE
Extra springy UA HOVR™ cushioning A simplified heel design An extra tough sole means
in the toes is the conditioning-day provides structure and reliability and durability no
cheat code you need. support where you need it. matter the distance.
NEOPRENE Different thicknesses and grades of neoprene are place in strategic parts of the suit do
provide the optimal combination of buoyancy, flexibility and durability in each area
PRIMER of the suit. Thick panels help with buoyancy, while thinner panels are more flexibility.
That’s why you want suits with thinner rubber around the shoulders and arms.
UST CALL HER the “Queen of Neoprene.” When it What are the best materials?
J comes to information on wetsuits, it’s hard to find
someone more knowledgeable that Karen Sing. She bought
“The best tri wetsuits are made with smoothskin rubber on the outside,” Sing says.
“This is the top layer of the neoprene when it comes off the line in a big sheet. Since
her first triathlon wetsuit from the man who created the there’s only one top layer, it’s the most expensive part. It’s waterproof and flexible.”
category, Dan Empfield, in 1987. A few years later she was “With the exception of a few small panels, most wetsuit brands use smoothskin rub-
working for him, helping to develop the Quintana Roo ber with a smooth hydrodynamic coating on it,” Sing continues. “This coating reduces
brand into the dominant triathlon wetsuit company of the friction as the suit moves through the water. Yamamoto’s SCS coating is widely
early days of the sport. accepted as the most advanced, and of course, the most expensive, in the industry.”
After her time at Quintana Roo, she helped Zoot develop According to Sing, suits that feature that high-end Yamamoto rubber (#38, #39
their wetsuits, then did the same for Profile-Design. One and #40) will provide the best performance and durability—if you can, it’s worth
of her crowning achievements, though, is hardly remem- spending the extra money to get one.
bered by all but the most ardent triathlon fans—we can
thank her for the latest developments we’ve seen in wet- Is a sleeveless suit an option?
suit technology over the last 15 years. At the end of 2007 It certainly is. While full suits are two to three seconds faster per 100 m, and are
Sing was the woman behind the Zoot Zenith wetsuit. The warmer, to get the best performance your suit has to fit well and not feel restrictive
design came to her when she was watching a Batman movie. in the arms, shoulders and neck. Sleeveless suits can be very comfortable, and are a
The suit was by far the most expensive on the market at the great choice for rookie triathletes training and racing in warmer water.
time, and featured a new design in which the front of the
suit was “cut up” and featured different panels, with thick, There aren’t a lot of stores that sell suits—I am probably going to get one
5-mm panels of neoprene down the sides. Many of the suits online. How do I know what size to get?
we see on the market now are an offshoot of that suit. Companies with better sizing charts will ask for height, waist and chest measure-
So, when it comes time to buy a wetsuit, what does all ments, Sing says. Ideally, when you’re buying a suit, the person selling it to you will
the technology mean? We asked Sing to explain. ask about your torso length, arm length and your sport background.
“When you’re looking at the sizing charts, if you’re anywhere near the top of the
What’s the most important factor when it comes to weight category, go up a size,” Sing says.
buying a suit? You can also ask your friends and training partners to get a feel for what size peo-
Fit is everything, according to Sing. “If the suit doesn’t pleof a similar size wear. Sing is a huge fan of wetsuit demo days, where you’ll have
fit, it’s no good to you,” she says. “Too small, and your a chance to really dial in the correct style and fit. If you’re in the hunt for your first
neck, shoulders, arms and breathing will feel constricted suit, it doesn’t hurt to rent one, either.—KM
while swimming. Too big, and water, which is heavy, will
build up inside the suit, especially in the arms, and slow
you down.”
In the same way that you might find shoes from a cer-
tain company work best for you, certain wetsuit brands
might work best for you, too. “Different companies tend to
have a certain ‘fit block,’” she says.
the water better than two big chunky five- Sarah Kim Bonner is a pro triathlete and freelance journalist based in
in Kona kilometre swims.” Lanzarote, Spain.
TRIATHLONMAGAZINE.CA Triathlon Magazine 17
s we explained in our wetsuit primer (p.14), wetsuit
A technology has seen some big changes over the last
15 years. These days it’s hard to find a suit that’s not
going to make you faster, as long as it fits you properly.
As you spend more money, you’ll get more “bells and
whistles” that will drop a few more seconds from your
time, and the suit will likely last a bit longer, too.
Aquasphere Pursuit V3
$450/US$350 The combination of Yamamoto #39 and #40
rubber, along with Bio Stretch zones in the Pursuit V3
maximize the buoyancy and flexibility. You’ll get out of
the suit in a flash once you get to T1, thanks to the quick
release panels in the legs. Those hitting colder water will
appreciate the Thermo-Guard technology in the upper
body designed to help you retain body heat. There’s also a
comfortable double-layered collar to prevent chaffing.
Huub Araya
$350/US$349 It’s hard to beat the features you’re
getting for this price—flexibile neoprene com-
bined with Huub’s Arms Neutral positioning
technology that helps you maintain your regu-
lar swim stroke while wearing the suit. There’s
a breakaway zipper to help you fly through T1,
nylon faced neoprene cuffs to keep water out,
and Huub’s specially designed buoyancy pro-
file to help you stay in the optimal position in
the water.
consistent measurements, then you’re going to be able to switch your power meter from one bike to another—if that’s the case, a
be able to gauge your efforts accordingly. pedal-based option is a no-brainer.—KM
20 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
hile many tri bikes now come with integrated cockpits, those
W looking to optimize their aero position and comfort might
want to tinker with that set up with some different extensions.
For those who are setting up a bike that doesn’t come with an
integrated bar, adding one of these aero setups will help you hit
some speedy bike splits this season.
€3,999 You’ll see some of the sport’s biggest names using these bars and you
can get some, too, if you’re ready to open your check book. These bars support
your arms over their entire length and are available in both custom-made and
tailor-made options. The “custom-made” option requires close-up pictures and
measurements to design extensions designed specifically for your position. The
“tailor-made” option involves a plaster cast of your arms and elbows. Both will
include your choice of bottle and computer mounts to ensure you’re dialling in
your perfect setup.—KM
The flagship groupset for Shimano is it’s electronic 12-speed Dura Ace
Di2 R9200. Next in line is the Ultegra Di2 R8100, another 12-speed
electronic gruppo. There are two versions of the 105 gruppo—the
electronic 12-speed 105 Di2 R7150 and the 11-speed 105 R7000. You’re
not likely to see many tri bikes equipped with the lower end Tiagra, Sora
or Claris groupsets.
At the top of the line-up for SRAM is its Red eTap AXS 12-speed wireless
electronic gruppo. There are two other levels of the Red groupset—the
Red eTap 11-speed and the Red 11-speed. The next level for SRAM is
its Force components, including the Force eTap AXS, another 12-speed
wireless electronic gruppo, along with the Force 11-speed offering.
Continuing to move down in price, we get the Rival eTap AXS 12-speed
wireless electronic groupset, and the Rival 11-speed. Finally there’s
Apex 1, an 11-speed groupset, along with the 10-speed Apex.
Ceepo Katana
FROM $6,000/US$4,899; FRAME $4,500/
Ceepo Katana
US$3,600 Named after the Japanese
short sword, the Katana is Ceepo’s
most versatile triathlon frame—
light (just 1,195 g), practical and
aerody na mic. That mea ns it
will serve you well on the hilli-
est courses, or when you have to
push the pace in an aero tuck on
a super-flat course thanks to the
NACA 0021 truncated airfoil tube
shapes. The geometry of the frame
is also designed so you can dial in
an aggressive forward position for
the ultimate in aero performance.
hen it comes to improving your bike split,
W an aero set of wheels is a critical part of
the equation. Of course it all starts with train-
ing and your fitness, but after that the most
important factors when it comes to biking fast
are your position on the bike (read: it needs
to fit you well) and your wheels will get
you the best bang for your buck. If your
bike didn’t come with a race-ready
wheel option, here are a few worthy
upgrades to help you nail a fast
bike split this season.
Hunt 60 Limitless UD
Carbon Spoke Disc
Hunt 60 Limitless UD Carbon Spoke Disc Shimano Dura Ace C60 Zipp 404 Firecrest
FROM $2,650/US$2,014 These 60-mm deep wheels $2,750/US$2,200 In addition to the versatile US$976–1,050 The ultimate all-rounder, the
offer the best in all-around performance—a light- 60-mm rim depth that provides a nice 58-mm-deep rims were game-changers when
weight, aero wheel that’s not too deep for those crazy balance between aerodynamics with- they were first launched, somehow provid-
crosswind days. You get the best of all worlds—aero- out being too deep, Shimano’s flagship ing the aero properties of a much deeper rim.
dynamics and responsiveness in a wheel that you’ll wheelset offers outstanding performance There’s a reason you’ll see so many 404 rims
happily take up the steepest climbs. We’ve raved and durability. The C60 has a specific used on the Big Island for the Ironman World
about the Aerodynamicist profile rims in the past, front hub design that enhances lateral Championship—you get amazing perfor-
and you get that along with UD Carbon Spokes that rigidity, which is coupled with the stiffer mance without being blown off the Queen K.
provide six per cent more lateral stiffness than steel spokes to ensure you’ll get premium per- The latest version features a 23-mm rim pro-
spoked wheels but are much lighter. While Hunt’s formance at high speeds and when you’re file that is hookless tire compatible, while the
standard hubs are incredibly smooth and fast, you really pushing hard on the pedals. new German-designed ZR1 DB hub is more
can get even more performance by upgrading to the durable and responsive than previous editions.
Ceramic Speed hubset.
26 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
Bontrager Aeolus RSL 75
Bontrager Aeolus RSL 75 DT-Swiss ARC 1100 Dicut Disc Profile Design GMR 50/65 Carbon
FRONT $1,750/US$1,300; REAR $1,900/US$1,400 Using $3,780/US$3,037 When it comes to the fastest Tubeless Disc-Brake Wheelset
Bontrager’s three-dimensional modelling possible bike performance, a rear disc wheel $2,450/US$1,652 While optimized for triathlon
design process, this deep-rim wonder delivers is what you want. (There’s a reason the pros use, this wheelset will be popular with road-
impressive aerodynamics without sacrificing use them whenever they can.) At just over 1 kg, ies, too, making it a great choice for those who
stability and performance. The 75-mm rim The ARC 1100 Dicut disc wheel won’t be a bur- combine a bit of bike racing with their tri habit.
profile ensures you’ll cut time from your next den even on hilly courses while helping you to There’s a 50-mm front rim combined with a
bike split, while the RSL OCLV Carbon keeps a quick split. The full-carbon disc is optimized 65-mm rear wheel to optimize aerodynamics
the weight down. Add in the lightweight DT for wider tires to reduce rolling resistance and and stability. These hand-built wheels offer an
Swiss 240s internal hub components and improve comfort. You also get the 180 Dicut extra-stiff hub combined with Sapim CX-Ray
you have a smooth-riding wheelset sure to hub that uses the Ratchet EXP System and spokes for excellent lateral stiffness to get
enhance your race performances. SINC ceramic bearings for top-notch perfor- you the most performance when climbing or
mance and a silky-smooth ride. sprinting.—KM
Smith Jetstream TT
$490/US$380 If every second counts the Jetstream TT helmet
will get you through your race in a hurry. The lightweight
aero design ensures you’ll get maximal performance, while
the Zonal Koroyd coverage provides both impact protec-
tion and ventilation. The VaporFit dial adjustment system
means you can literally dial in the perfect fit on the fly,
Ekoi AR16
while the magnetic visor comes with both Smith’s high-
end ChromaPop and clear lens. While aerodynamics is the
name of the game with the Jetstream, there are still five
vents for airflow.
HIGH-TECH LIDS Tempor your way, we’ll stick with this compact aero road
helmet that’s is specially designed to provide excellent
aerodynamics in a variety of head positions. The rear of
ou can’t race without one, and you shouldn’t be train-
Y ing without one, either. These days there’s no excuses,
either—most helmets you’ll find these days are both light-
the Cerebral Raceday is made of soft EVA covered in aero
fabric to ensure you get the most in comfort and aerody-
namics. Add to that the visor specially designed by Zeiss
to enhance your vision of the road surface ahead and you
weight and offer lots of ventilation. Aerodynamics is the have a very speedy helmet that pulls out all the stops.
name of the game when it comes to triathlon bike racing,
of course, and you’ll find lots of speedy helmets in our
guide sure to help you shave some time off your next
triathlon bike ride.
Smith Jetstream TT
ven if you don’t live in a spot with tough
E winters, indoor bike training is likely a part
of your regular routine. Biking on a trainer is
efficient and, thanks to programs like Zwift and
Rouvy, can be lots of fun. For those who are
simply looking for an efficient workout that
doesn’t require online connectivity, we’ve also
thrown in a couple of trainers sure to get your
heart pounding and your legs asking for a break.
Dare2Ride Fuego
$750/US$550 You get a lot of premium features for the price with this
trainer—±2 per cent accuracy, a sound-level output of just 52 dB, an
Dare2Ride Fuego
incline of 20 per cent and resistance of up to 2,500 watts. The ANT+
and Bluetooth connectivity allows you to connect to third-party soft-
ware to get the most out of your next online training session. You’ll also
appreciate how simple it is to set up right out of the box—you’ll go from
delivery to workout in no time.
Elite Turno
$814 While many will be drawn to Elite’s interactive trainers like the
new flagship Justo or the Direto XR-T, those looking to save a bit of
money, but still get a tough workout might want to look at the Turno,
a “smart” trainer that’s very quiet and powerful. You’ll still be able to
use this on platforms like Zwift thanks to its ANT+ and Bluetooth con-
nectivity, but it won’t give that feeling of gradient changes and it can’t
be run in ERG mode. It is, however, a direct-drive fluid trainer, making
Elite Turno
it quite unique in the world of bike trainers. For those who like to use
cadence, speed and power data to drive their workouts, the Turno is a
dream, offering a smooth, quiet ride that folds up easily to take up very
little space. You’re apartment neighbours will love you.
s you’ll see in this year’s guide, some power
A meters have become considerably more
affordable. While they’re not a “must-have” when
it comes to your cycling needs, being able to
monitor your power output during training and
Garmin Rally RS200
racing can be helpful when it comes to gauging
and monitoring your performance. Here’s a look
at a few different options you’ll see at your local
bike store this season.
4iiii Precision 3
Dont worry if you recently
baught a pair of these,
they are still legal!
Matt Stetson
Calling all Triathletes!
Register now and
ride for free with
ROUVY is one of the world‘s leading indoor cycling apps,
combining sport and technology to provide an immersive a 14 day free trial.
experience for cyclists and triathletes of all levels.
Kick off your triathlon season with ROUVY and join the
Virtual Triathlon Training Camp. There are workouts,
challenges, prizes to be won, a Group Ride led by Frederic
Funk and a climactic race!
he running shoe revolution spurred
T on by the addition of carbon-plate
technology to racing shoes seems to Asics Gel-Nimbus 25
HE AVAILABILITY OF gear for triathlon triathlete build distance and endurance in a Run
T is endless. For “gear-heads” who live for
the latest gadgets and technology, it’s a dream
pool by eliminating turns at the wall. The lat-
est tech in swim goggles allows swimmers to
Gear for the run goes beyond a good pair
of shoes and weather-appropriate cloth-
come true. But for those new to the sport, it view their metrics without having to check ing. Training with a multisport GPS watch
can be confusing. Let’s break it down from a their watch. is essential regardless of the type of workout
coach’s perspective. Wetsuits for open-water training are a must and using it properly is key for your coach to
First and foremost—the best gear in the for colder temperatures and can be supple- analyze your run—so use that lap button. Shoe
world will not make up for not doing the train- mented with neoprene booties, gloves and choice is personal, but should be appropriate
ing. It’s also important to note that the needs caps. For warm-water races, triathletes look- for both run mechanics and distance. Some
of a high-performance athlete with race expe- ing to increase their speed may opt to wear triathletes rotate shoes depending on the
rience will be considerably different from an a swimskin over their trisuit. A well fitted nature of the training session (short/intense/
age grouper going after their bucket list race trisuit is a good basic choice to wear for racing racing vs long training runs). Also important
distance. Gear should suit an athlete’s abilities and should be worn for a few training sessions is an appropriate hydration system for longer
and training goals as well as their wallet. to be sure it’s comfortable. training runs to help stick to a nutrition plan.
The most useful piece of gear for training is Out of the pool, tension bands are effec- Treadmills have their place to get those
a sport watch with heart rate, GPS and multi- tive ways of building strength by doing dry brick runs done in inclement weather. A heart-
sport functionality. Capturing time, distance, land swim work for a progressing swimmer, rate monitor is important to ensure you stay in
pace and heart rate of workout efforts is key without investing in an ergometer trainer that your prescribed zones since the machines can
to a successful training program for both ath- would be suited for a competitive swimmer. report different metrics for pace and distance.
lete and coach. The extra functions available Gear that helps make treadmill running more
can enhance training, assuming the athlete Bike effective includes earbuds, a stride pod to
understands how to use them. Extra features, Cycling is the most gear-intense part of triath- measure cadence or using an online program
though, can be detrimental if the athlete gets lon, and it bears repeating that the best gear such as Zwift.
too focused on numbers at the expense of get- won’t make up for lack of training. However, it
ting the workout done. can enhance progression and comfort, which Strength, Stretch & Recovery
are both vitally important. Aside from that, a Functional strength and proactive soft tissue
Swim bike that fits properly is key. work are important for triathletes to avoid
The minimalist or new swimmer’s gear needs The basics of cycling can range from a injury and recover from training efforts. Gear
are simple. A swimsuit, bathing cap, well-fit- hybrid to investing in a “starter” road bike. A can be as simple as some tension bands, a few
ting goggles and watch that can record metrics bike helmet that is CSA approved is manda- free weights and a yoga mat. Upgrades for get-
in a training session. A wetsuit can be bor- tory for all races. Clipless pedals and cycling ting it done might include a Swiss ball or TRX
rowed or rented for open water swimming and shoes are worth the cost for pedalling effi- suspension system if the gym isn’t convenient.
racing to get a feel for one that works best. ciency, while shorts with a chamois add Gear for recovery starts with a foam roller
As a triathlete progresses, adding a kick comfort. Sunglasses for sun and wind protec- and can include a lacrosse ball or any number
board, pull buoy, fins and paddles can help tion and two bottle cages for hydration will get of tools for working out the knots in legs, glutes
build strength and practise stroke correction you started. and shoulders. Upgrades might include a per-
in drills. The downside to using these tools is Progressing on the bike is where things cussion therapy gun or compression boots.
becoming reliant on them instead of working get more complicated and confusing. An
on becoming more efficient through stroke indoor trainer is the next key piece of gear As with all gear, it doesn’t count unless it’s
correction. Advanced swimmers may add for training. Few triathletes can get outdoors being used properly.
tools to focus on certain parts of their stroke. consistently three times a week and execute
A tempo trainer (metronome) helps to increase their workout due to time, traffic or weather. A Sandie Orlando is a multisport coach with CL
stroke rate, a snorkel enables focus on perfect “dumb” trainer (without Bluetooth connectiv- Performance Training, co-race director of the
form without turning to breathe, while bands ity) is sufficient to start. It requires the athlete Georgina Spring Fling and Georgina Marathon
help to dial in stroke efficiency and strength to train by heart rate and perceived effort. with Endurance Event Productions and
by eliminating the kick. A tether can help a Adding cadence and speed sensors will elevate age-group athlete.
38 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
Un événement de
Série Amérique du Nord
THERE’S SO MUCH Just like picking a watch, you’ll have to answer a simple question when
buying a bike computer: what do you expect to get out of this machine?
SELECTION WHEN There are very basic bike computers that can tell you how long and how
fast you rode. For some people, that will be enough, but others will
TRIATHLON TECH, has to be its GPS functions. Again, make sure that the brand and spe-
cific model you buy is well-known for its GPS system so that you don’t
BUT WHAT ARE find yourself mid-ride searching for a signal. On the topic of GPS, navi-
gation may be important to you. Some units can guide you through your
THE BEST OPTIONS entire ride, similar to the GPS system you’d see in your car, ensuring
that you’ll never get lost, no matter where you’re riding.
FOR YOU? Next up are the computer’s cycling-specific functions. You’ll have
your speed and your distance, but some computers will track elevation,
cadence and power. The latter two metrics will require additional
HEN IT COMES to technology like GPS watches and bike com- sensors, which will add to the cost of the computer. Cadence and
W puters, there’s a lot of variety out there. This wide array of power are two key pieces of data that can help transform your train-
products can present you, the buyer, with the paradox of choice, that ing, because, as many triathletes know, the more information, the
can be both exciting and overwhelming, thanks to all the options avail- better. Another piece of data you might want to see is heart rate,
able. Well, don’t stress too much, because we’re here to help you pick which many bike computers can track, although you’ll need to pair a
the right product for your needs. chest strap or wrist sensor with the computer to get those numbers on
screen during your rides.
Which tech do you need? At the end of the day, whether you’re buying a GPS watch, a bike com-
The first question is pretty simple: do you need a GPS watch, a bike puter or both, it all comes down to what you think you need in your
computer or both? This decision of what to buy really comes down to tech. Figure out what metrics you want tracked in training, and do
your budget. If you can only afford one of these options, the GPS watch your research. The right watch and the right bike computer are both
is the way to go. Many of the top watches can do the same things as out there. Finding them is just a matter of looking in the right place.—
bike computers, but also cover you for your other training. As any tri- BS-M
athlete knows, you need to focus equally on the swim, bike and run, not
just one of the three legs. However, if you can afford to buy both pieces
of tech, you’ll certainly see the benefit of having a mounted computer
during your rides to help give you live stats and navigation.
US$12 PER MONTH Featuring ultra-realistic, real-world routes,
you can choose from more than 25,000 km of roads from
around the world on the Rouvy platform, making indoor
training a chance to explore some of the world’s most
exciting cycling. The interactive courses allows you to
really enjoy the scenery of each ride. Just like Zwift, you
can also take part in races and even set up your own. It’s
easy to join in with friends to enjoy all the routes, too, and
you can also use the app’s workouts and testing protocols
to get the most out of your training.
atches don’t just tell us the time
W anymore—for triathletes they’ve
become an important training tool that
helps track our workouts, but also help
monitor all the other stress that’s hap-
pening in our lives. Here’s a look at
some of the computing wonders that
can help you be at your best in racing
and training.
hen it comes to keeping
Polar Vantage V2
$725/US$500 Polar’s Vantage lineup of GPS
W track of your cycling data
on the fly, it sure is nice to have
watches has always been a hit among tri-
athletes, and the V2 will help continue that all the info easily available right
trend. The Vantage V2 is a slick, cool watch in front of you rather than looking
that was built specifically to help you and down at your watch. Bike comput-
anyone who wears it improve as an endur-
ers continue to get more powerful
ance athlete. Whether it’s monitoring your
heart rate, recording your power, counting these days—the two we’ve looked
your caloric and energy output or track- at below can provide you with all
ing your sleep, it will be working to help the training and mapping data
you 24/7. The Vantage V2 has a coaching
you could ever dream of.
system that will monitor all your workouts
and cross-reference them with your sleep
and recovery records. If you’re overdoing Garmin Edge 1040 Solar
it in training, or not getting enough rest $1,010/US$750 With 45 hours of battery life (and up
and sleep, the V2 will alert you and suggest to 100 hours in battery saver mode), the Edge 1040
you take it easy. This will not only help you Solar will go for days and up to weeks between
recover in the moment, but it could help charges. All the basics and a lot more are covered
prevent you from overtraining and getting here—speed, distance and power measurement
injured. The watch is also equipped with a (as long as you have a power meter, of course)—
Garmin Edge
stellar GPS system that will not only track but the 1040 does so much more thanks to its
1040 Solar
where you’ve gone in your workout, but barometric altimeter and mutli-band GNSS to
guide you the rest of the way in times when provide the ultimate in positional accuracy and
you’re running or riding in unfamiliar ter- coverage no matter how far your ride takes you.
ritory. The V2 is an all-around amazing The 1040 is smart enough to recommend power
watch, and all triathletes who try it will fall targets to get you through a course, and can even
for it immediately. give you stamina insights to let you know when
it might be a good time to call it a day. There
Coros Apex 2 Pro are extensive maps that are easy to read on the
$699/US$499 The Coros Apex 2 Pro is spe- 3.5-inch touchscreen, along with lots of ride and
cifically billed as an “outdoor watch” that is training apps (it would take a while to list them
designed for athletes “who train hard and all) to help you get the most out of your training
move fast.” Sounds like the ideal watch for a and racing. The 1040 can even help keep you safe
triathlete. Coros designed the Apex 2 Pro to on the roads thanks to its Varia rearview radar
thrive wherever you take it, whether that’s compatibility and ability to communicate with
in the ocean, in the woods, on the open road emergency contacts should anything happen to
or anywhere else. The watch has a tremen- you. On top of all that you can easily track smart
dous battery that can last 30 days on one notifications, control music, send ride updates to
charge if you’re using it in regular mode, friends and family and connect to a smart trainer.
or 75 straight hours in GPS mode. That’s When it comes to bike computers, there’s not
an 88 per cent increase in battery power really anything the Garmin 1040 doesn’t do.
compared to the original Apex Pro. Coros
also endeavoured to build a strong, durable Wahoo Elemnt Roam
watch that would match the strength and $600/US$400 With a 2.7-inch, 64-colour dis-
durability of the athletes who will wear it. play, the Elemnt Roam offers all the GPS and
Thanks to this design, the Apex 2 Pro can power measurements you could want, coupled
withstand temperatures anywhere from with smart-navigation features to keep you on
-20 C all the way up to 50 C, so no matter track for your next cycling adventure. The lat-
when or where you’re training, it will give est version of Wahoo’s flagship computer offers
you accurate and dependable readings. dual-band GPS for accurate tracking along with
Finally, the Apex 2 Pro was designed to help Summit Segment capabilities and public route
even the most adventurous of athletes, and sharing. There’s even integration with the
Wahoo Elemnt Roam
so it is fully decked out with the best GPS Supersapiens Continuous Glucose Monitor for
system available. It will keep you on-course those who want to see their blood-glucose levels
no matter where you are, and for days at a in real time. All this comes in a lightweight unit
time if necessary.—BS-M (94 g) that offers 17 hours of battery life.—KM
TRIATHLONMAGAZINE.CA Triathlon Magazine 43
Marti Milla
Courtesy PTO
Sarah Kim Bonner is a pro triathlete and regular contributor to Triathlon Magazine.
TRIATHLONMAGAZINE.CA Triathlon Magazine 49
Eric Min
By 2013, Jon Mayfield had developed his own sophisticated solution still collect coins and points in the game.
for indoor training. Teaching himself to code, he gradually improved After Min reached out, Mayfield hosted Min and co-founder Scott
his CRBike Coach software. He was the only user. Barger in that same spare room to demonstrate his project. His heart
Mayfield had created the graphics for video games for years, with was racing, finally getting to show his passion project to potential part-
credits on games such as Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure, ners. He’d accidently left his heart rate monitor on, so Min and Barger
Dreamworks Kartz, and Phineas and Ferb. His cycling program began were able to see just how nervous he was, with his HR graphed on the
as a little project over a Christmas vacation, where he wrote his first display screen while they spoke.
few lines of code in his home’s guest bedroom. He iterated on his side
project for years, adding the ability to capture cycling data through a The World of Zwift
power meter and evolving the visuals. The very first virtual bike for the With a unified vision and the funding to match, the new company
program was based on his own cherry-red Roubaix. ramped up quickly, and by late 2014 was in beta testing. It officially
He began posting about his software on triathlon forums like launched to the public in October 2015, with a choice of two rid-
Slowtwitch, looking for a partner or investor. He thought about cre- ing environments, the fantastical “Watopia” and the more realistic
ating a Kickstarter to try to find funding to make CRBike Coach into Richmond, Va.
a real consumer product. Eric Min saw one of those forum posts and It’s a little disappointing that the company’s name wasn’t the result
connected with Mayfield. By early 2014, they were co-founders of a yet- of a half-asleep, in-the-shower eureka, but rather, evolved out of ses-
to-be-named project. sions with a marketing agency. Even so, it’s apt, meant to suggest both
motion and fun.
Gamer + Trainer What started as a way to make cycling less boring has evolved into
As Mayfield tinkered in his spare room, he drafted features that are a powerhouse across cycling and triathlon. For around $15 per month
still at the core of Zwift: that at its heart, it’s a video game. and a compatible bike trainer, anyone ride one of Zwift’s nine virtual
In an interview with Slowtwitch, Mayfield said, “I often get asked ‘Is worlds, and users can make it as much of a game as they want. You can
Zwift a game or a training tool?’ It’s an odd question because training, customize your avatar by switching out gear and clothing. The longer
to me, has always been a game. Whether I was trying to optimize my you use the program, the points you rack up, which allows you to “buy”
CdA in aerolab, trying to best my current FTP, or trying to move up a upgrades within the game.
few percent on the local Strava segment, it’s always been gamified in Just as with any video game, players reach levels (there are 50 levels
my mind.” currently), and receive badges and awards. But one of the most loved
His first version of his “game” merely collected and graphed data aspects of Zwift is the social integration. At any point, you’ll see a list of
from the bike on a screen. By 2011, he had developed a joystick that riders on the course with you, and they’re not AI—they’re actual people
could be used to “steer” in the game to collect coins while riding. From from around the world.
there, he figured out how to pause and return to the game, and he Through the Zwift companion app, you can text other riders, or give
started using ANT+ wireless connectivity to communicate with the them a “thumbs up.” The companion app also makes group rides pos-
bike sensors. sible. You can organize a meetup with friends or teammates, attend
Then came better graphics and some AI “riders” to ride against. He “celebrity” rides with pro cyclists and triathletes and join pace groups.
made an Android app that could connect to the software over his WiFi The Zwift platform hosts dozens of races every week, including the
network so a phone could be used as a display and input device. Zwift Racing League.
Courtesy Zwift
By early 2014, he had added what he called “pain portals” that repre- The exact number of subscribers around the world isn’t pub-
sented the start and end of an interval. Zwift users today will recognize licly available, but it’s believed that there are around 500,000 users
those “portal” entries; most now look like inflated archways, and riders worldwide.
TRIATHLONMAGAZINE.CA Triathlon Magazine 51
Zwift eRacing Arena Games Montreal 2023
It has been reported that subscribers nearly doubled during the pan- on trainers through Zwift’s virtual world, then a treadmill run, also
demic. With no live events and everyone stuck at home, Zwift was the through the fantasy environment of Zwift. It’s fast-paced, with athletes
perfect companion. The countries with the highest number of Zwift switching disciplines multiple times, all displayed for spectators on
users included Spain and Italy, countries hard-hit by lockdowns. massive screens with pumping music and commentary.
According to Richard Melik, sports marketing lead for Zwift, the Along with the PTO and Challenge/Clash, part of Zwift’s aim is to
pandemic accelerated some plans Zwift had already been discussing. turn triathlon into a prime-time watchable sport with professional ath-
Namely, a series of races featuring the world’s best triathletes. That letes and a legion of fans to follow them. The next events in the series,
became the Z PRO Race Series, which featured triathletes in their which began in Montreal, include events in Switzerland and Singapore.
home pain caves competing for significant prize money. Spectators can watch in person or choose to stream the event, and the
Says Melik, “It was surreal to see athletes of the calibre of Gustav spectacle opens a new revenue stream for pros.
Iden, Kristian Blummenfelt, the Brownlee brothers, Flora Duffy, Says Melik, “We know that shorter formats of triathlon appeal to a
Georgia Taylor-Brown and Chelsea Sodaro all mixing it up on the roads wider broadcast audience. The mixed team relay at the Olympics have
of Watopia.” been the gold standard in attracting a non-endemic audience to the
sport and there are elements of Arena Games that mean it is well placed
What’s Next: Live Racing to do the same.”
Just as eSports evolved to live events where an audience watches elite For an age-group triathlete using Zwift at home, watching the pros
gamers play World of Warcraft and other games in a auditoriums and riding on Zwift is a thrill. Another level-up moment you won’t easily
arenas, Zwift has followed suit. forget? Seeing Lionel Sanders or Lucy Charles-Barclay pass you while
What started as a race series in triathletes living rooms has morphed you’re riding one of the Zwift courses.
into an entirely new type of event: a hybrid live/virtual triathlon. New to Zwift? The company offers a seven-day free trial to check it
Dubbed the Super League Arena Games, this year’s series of three out. But we’ll warn you: it’s easy to find yourself addicted.
events features a live audience watching pro triathletes compete in
a hybrid environment. A pool swim is followed by live bike racing Christine Frietchen is a regular contributor to Triathlon Magazine.
PTO Steps up in 2023 … sort of events, with each offering US$600,000 (vs the $1 million offered last
When the Professional Triathletes Organisation (PTO) stepped up in year at the Open events). The $2 million year-end bonus will now also
2020 to help pro triathletes with its first US$2 million bonus, it was a be distributed to the top 50 in the world rankings—in previous years it
game-changer for those trying to make their living in the sport. That went out to the top 100. (In previous years, athletes finishing 21 to 50 in
year the PTO also organized the biggest pro triathlon event of the the rankings earned $5,000, while those who finished 51 to 100 in the
year—the PTO 2020 Championship held in conjunction with Challenge rankings earned $2,000 in the year-end bonus.)
Daytona. A year later the organization put on the inaugural Collins Cup, The winner’s check at each of the Open events will remain at
and followed that up in 2022 with three events—the PTO Canadian and US$100,000, with second earning $50,000 (vs $75,000 last year) and
US Open, along with the second running of the organization’s flagship third taking home $35,000 (vs $50,000 last year).
event, the Collins Cup. “Establishing a more regular consistency of ‘world championship
In 2023 things were to expand again with two more “Open” events, level’ events is imperative to grow the sport through TV audiences,
bringing the organization’s number of races to five. In the end that media coverage and sponsor opportunities for our athletes,” said PTO
won’t happen—while the PTO has announced the PTO European CEO Sam Renouf. “So, we needed to think carefully about how we kept
Open in Ibiza (in conjunction with the World Triathlon Multisport the momentum of the first season going as we simultaneously work on
Championships) in May and the PTO Asian Open in Singapore in plans to establish more of a season-long schedule and narrative for the
August, one of last year’s Open events won’t be happening this year. Tour in 2024 and beyond. We believe the steps we are taking in 2023
While the PTO US Open will take place in Milwaukee, Wis., alongside to increase the number of races and spotlight the very best athletes,
the USA Triathlon national championships, the Canadian Open won’t whilst balancing prize funds, will help ensure we continue to grow in
be happening this year due to budget issues in Edmonton that meant a sustainable way.
that Do North, the group that organizes that race, weren’t going to be “Looking back at how the PTO Tour races panned out last year and
guaranteed the funding to be able to host the world’s top endurance then our post-season discussions with athletes, broadcasters and other
triathletes again this year. key stakeholders, it was clear that the best athletes going head-to-
The other big news for pro triathletes looking to cash in on the head creates the most compelling race narratives,” Renouf continued.
largesse of the PTO is that the group will be limiting the number of “Whether that was Gustav [Iden] and Kristian [Blummenfelt] at the
athletes who can compete at events, and also decreasing the number of men’s PTO Canadian Open or Ashleigh Gentle, Paula Findlay and
athletes who will be eligible to receive any of the year-end bonus. Chelsea Sodaro in the women’s race. Those athletes were all in the top
This year the PTO European and US Opens will included the top 20 of the rankings. A similar picture emerged in Dallas at the PTO US
Bartlomiej Zborowski
30 women and men in the PTO World Rankings (as opposed to the 40 Open with Ashleigh pipping Taylor [Knibb] and Lucy [Charles-Barclay].
who were eligible last year), while the PTO Asian Open, set just a week Even if some were surprised by the success of Collin Chartier over
before the Ironman 70.3 World Championship, will include the top 20 Magnus and Sam [Long], he was still number 28 in the PTO World
in the rankings. There will also be a reduction in the prize purses at the Rankings going into the race.”—KM
54 Triathlon Magazine BUYER’S GUIDE 2023
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LESLEY PATERSON IS 16 years did we think, ‘This film isn’t going to happen,’ but we kept
on going.”
IN THE RUNNING TO One of the driving forces that kept Paterson committed to this project
was the story’s message, which she says is still important today, more
ADD AN ACADEMY than 90 years after it was first published. Unlike most books and films
on the World Wars, All Quiet on the Western Front follows the stories of
AWARD TO HER ALREADY German soldiers and their struggles at war. It was never meant as a pro-
Germany or anti-Allies story, but instead one of anti-war sentiments.
IMPRESSIVE RESUME “It’s such a powerful novel,” Paterson says. “It’s an absolute piece of
art. The way it’s written, the message it’s held and it being about the
other side. It’s such a unique anti-war message, because we’re used to
COUPLE OF YEARS before Scotland’s Lesley Paterson began hearing stories told from the Allied side, the winning side.”
A making a name for herself in the off-road triathlon scene, she From 2006 to the day Netflix gave her and her team the green light to
made a decision that has been the focus of her life in the 16 years since.
make the film, Paterson amassed many accolades in triathlon, includ-
This decision had nothing to do with triathlon but, instead, with the
ing those Xterra world titles in 2011, 2012 and 2018 and the World
completely unrelated world of Hollywood. Paterson and her writing Triathlon titles in 2012 and 2018, along with many other podiums and
partner, Ian Stokell, purchased the rights to the World War I novel All
top-10 results at events around the world. Paterson basically completed
Quiet on the Western Front, and they began adapting it into a screenplay.
an entire triathlon career—and an impressive one, at that—between the
It took Paterson and Stokell 14 years before anyone gave them, time she started her journey with All Quiet on the Western Front and
and their script, a chance, but now, 16 years since they originally today, as she prepares for the Academy Awards.
optioned the rights, All Quiet on the Western Front is a top film on As someone who knows what it’s like to win, Paterson says she’s
Netflix and nominated for nine Oscars, including Best Picture and focusing on enjoying where she is right now. “When I won my first
Best Adapted Screenplay. world title, the next year I came back as the favourite with all these
It’s easy to look at Paterson’s two identities—world champion triath-
expectations. I thought, ‘This is the worst.’ I felt like a fraud.”
lete (she has won three Xterra world titles and two ITU Cross-TriathlonShe ended up defending her title, and in the process, she learned an
crowns) and screenwriter—and dismiss them as completely unrelated, important lesson: “I was living for the future too much and not in the
but she says that’s not the case, noting that her time in triathlon has
moment,” she says. Today, she’s living in the moment and loving the
taught her extreme perseverance, both in her athletic pursuits and ride, and if all goes well, she’ll have yet another piece of hardware to
everyday life. add to her trophy case after the Academy Awards on March 12.—BEN
“I gained this relentlessness, the idea of never giving up, that sport SNYDER-MCGRATH
Paterson at the 2022 Xterra
USA Championship at Beaver
Creek Resort in Avon, Colo.
Jesse Peters