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Now consider an alternative assembly process, one

where the final assembly takes place safely outside the
unit and several fasteners can be engaged in one quick
assembly motion. Imagine the efficiency gains and
THE CHALLENGE cost savings that this would create.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units,

as well as large electrical units are rarely noticed or This scenario is just one of the challenges in need
seen but enrich our lives every day. Although these of an assembly solution the sales and engineering
units have different functions, they all have the community of ARaymond tackle every day.
same basic construction. Their exteriors are usually
a six-sided, metal cabinet consisting of fixed exterior
panels and close-out panels designed to house,
protect, transport, and ultimately allow service to the
working components inside. One of the final steps
in the assembly process is attaching loose exterior
panels to the unit. Each panel may consist of multiple
attachment points, all requiring a time-consuming
assembly action that could potentially cause an
employee injury or potential damage to the interior


With large-scale cabinets or units, several joints or
attachments are needed to securely assemble each
of the exterior panels. The exterior panels are usually
flat and assemble to the cabinet shell. The shell of the
metal cabinet consists of three to four sides (or top and
bottom) formed into a cube from one piece of sheet
metal. Material from the perimeter of the completed
sides will be formed 90º to create a flange. It is onto
the flange that the exterior panels can be attached.
Quick assembly, or snap-fit solutions, are not new in
The number of attachment points required depends
the fastener industry. “Snap-fit designs are certainly
on the size of the unit.
already in the marketplace,” said Taylor. “They are
especially useful in the automotive sector because
they work well with injected molded trim pieces with
multiple attachment points.” (Injection molding is
a process for producing parts by injecting molten
material into a mold, typical of plastics.) “Traditional
snap-fit designs are usually a plastic to plastic or plastic
to metal attachment,” Taylor explained. “However, for
a metal enclosure attachment, as discussed here, it’s
usually a metal to metal attachment.”
“So, for example, let’s just say you need eight
connection points around the perimeter of a side to
secure the panel properly,” shared Bob Taylor, Product
Line Manager with ARaymond. “That means if you
Whenever you consider snap fit
use the traditional nut and bolt assembly method,
or even a specialty nut and bolt, you still have the for a quicker assembly, first do
responsibility of going through eight different
the research. Consult with the
locations in a single assembly. Eight assembly points
equals eight cumbersome employee assembly actions, manufacturer because a good
eight opportunities to cause damage to the unit, and design will be essential to the
eight possibilities of employee injury.”
assembly and an application that
Fortunately, the engineering team at ARaymond
believes there are better solutions that offer quick stands up well over time.”
installation and long-term durability. To that end,
Robert TAYLOR / Product line manager
the global manufacturer has three different “snap- ARaymond Tinnerman Industrial
fit” fastening options that could be considered for
attaching two sheet-metal surfaces, thereby solving
the above-mentioned assembly challenge.


1. The right-angle trim clip. This 1. Assembly – a simple installation process that allows
component clips on to the edge for multiple joints to be fastened at one time - with a
of the exterior panel and into a simple snap of a clip.
hole on the flange. Self-equalized
2. Ergonomics – Snap fit designs have several
retaining legs are formed into
ergonomic benefits. These fasteners are installed
a dart-type configuration for
from the exterior of the unit, creating a safer assembly
easy mounting — and to assure a snug, rattle-free
environment. Awkward body positioning is eliminated
installation. The darts would align to all eight of
and the number of assembly actions are reduced.
the corresponding holes in the flange, and all eight
Usually snap fit fasteners can be designed to meet
fasteners would be assembled at once.
insertion efforts requirements, however, if insertion
2. The edge-mounted stud efforts increase as a result of multiple attachments,
receiver. This fastener has a self- equipment can be used for the final assembly.
aligning feature that snaps into a
3. Finish – generally, these types of attachments
hole onto the flange. A specified
provide a clean surface finish without any exposed
stud is welded or assembled to
screws or holes. Overall, the final assembly is smooth
the exterior panel. During final
and clean looking.
assembly, it’s necessary to align all of the studs with
the retention feature on the edge-mounted clip. Once Ideally, for any application, it’s important to consult
aligned, simply push them all in at once and they will with the manufacturer of the fastener directly
‘bite’ into the stud. In this case, the stud can be smooth and early in the product design stage to ensure
or threaded — either works. the components used are the best ones for the
3. The hole-mounted stud
receiver. Typically used to attach “Too often, we encounter projects where the fastener
trim strips, access plates, or any was considered last, designed or selected incorrectly
application where removability for an application, and then when the fastener fails
is a factor to a panel; the part to work or hold up properly, it tends to get blamed,”
snaps into the panel hole first and Taylor said. “Far too often the design or assembly
then accepts a stud. As with the other options, simply method is the root cause of the issue, not the fastener.”
insert the clips into a hole in the flange, align the stud This is particularly important for snap-fit designs.
properly with the fasteners and push the components
together. A threaded or smooth stud can be used.
Of the three styles, options 1 and 3 can be considered
for more aesthetic panels, while option 2 can be
considered in more structural applications.


ARaymond Industrial, part of the global, ARaymond Network,
has been an expert in plastic and metal assembly solutions for more than 150 years.
The company’s overriding objective is the creation of sustainable value for its customers,
partners and employees. Throughout its history, ARaymond has learned how important it is
to innovate intelligently - working on advanced assembly solutions for tomorrow while
drawing on its vast experience and knowledge.



1060 W. 130th Street - Brunswick, OH 44212 - USA

03/2019 © *A.RAYMOND TINNERMAN INDUSTRIAL, Inc., (Registered N°: 02609G) – Auburn Hills, Michigan (USA), 2600 Auburn Road - 2600 Auburn
Road - Auburn Hills, MI - 48326 - USA has designed this case study.
** “ARaymond Network” means a network of companies which have a license of use of ARAYMOND™. This brochure is provided for information
purposes only and does not constitute an offer or an agreement. A.RAYMOND TINNERMAN INDUSTRIAL, Inc. makes no warranty or representation
whatsoever, express or implied, including but not limited to the accuracy, reliability, novelty, completeness, fit for a particular purpose or
merchantability of the information contained in it. If you need further information, please contact A.RAYMOND TINNERMAN INDUSTRIAL, Inc.

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