Resume Template - 2022-1
Resume Template - 2022-1
Resume Template - 2022-1
Educational Qualification
Year Degree/Examination Institution/Board CGPA/Percentage
Academic Achievements
Stood among the top 1.5% of KVS students in AISSCE 2017.
Secured Rank 4 in National Cyber Olympiad in the School level conducted by Science Olympiad
Foundation in 2015 and 2017.
Was among the top 10% of the candidates in the inter level screening test conducted by The
Association of Mathematics Teachers of India.
Internship Experience
Summer Internship training at Integral Coach Factory: Jun 2019 - Jul 2019
Underwent an Internship training program at Integral Coach Factory in Chennai. The training
involved visiting various shops of the factory and sites of manufacturing of rail coaches. The training
involved understanding of new technologies opted by the railways for protection and making
railways as an efficient way of transportation.
Spam classifier using Support Vector Machines: May 2019
In this project, a Spam Classifier is built using Support Vector Machines. A classifier is developed by
training of that classifier using the dataset which is a subset of the SpamAssassin Public Corpus. Here
the classifier is trained to classify whether a given mail is spam (output = 0) or non-spam (output = 1).
The entire programming is done in Octave environment.
Treasure Trove: April 2017
In this project, we have developed three games. The first one named as Treasure Trove is a quiz
game like a famous Indian Television game show. The second one is a basic shooter game where the
user can shoot a target using the mouse pointer which is moving horizontally. The third game
involves a vertically moving ball which must be carried to the maximum level avoiding obstacles
which is moving horizontally. This whole game was developed using C++ and was coded in Turbo C+
Positions of Responsibility