MOOD-JUICE - Shyness and Soc...
MOOD-JUICE - Shyness and Soc...
MOOD-JUICE - Shyness and Soc...
and Social
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
"I dread going to places where I may have to talk to people. Before I set off I just
think I'm going to do or say something stupid, and that people will think I'm an
idiot. No one else seems to be like this and I really feel there is something wrong
with me. The only way I can face people is if my girlfriend is with me. It's not
fair, she is full of confidence ..."
"If I have to talk in a meeting I just can't cope. My legs go wobbly, I flush up and
I feel quite sick. I feel everyone is watching me closely. I know it is silly and
other people don't seem to have the same difficulty. I keep thinking afterwards
that they must feel I'm not really up to the job ..."
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
These are the thoughts of two people who have a problem with shyness and social
anxiety. This is a surprisingly common problem though people may not often talk about
it. This booklet aims to help you to:
recognise whether you may have a problems with shyness or social anxiety;
understand what is it, what can cause it, and what can help keep it going;
looking at ways you can help yourself to overcome shyness or social anxiety.
Shyness and social anxiety are common problems that affect both men and women.
Most of us feel shy or anxious in social situations at some point in our lives. This can be
a much more serious problem for some people however, who find that their lives are
made very difficult by their problem.
In order to check whether you may be suffering from social anxiety place a tick next to
those symptoms you experience regularly.
You feel a strong feeling of fear in social situations that won't go away.
You think you may act in a way that will be embarrassing in front of others.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
What you do
Sometimes you go into social situations that you find difficult but find this very
distressing and become very anxious.
You avoid going into social situations that you find difficult, even if this is
inconvenient to yourself. For example, going out to buy sandwiches rather than having
to go into the busy staff canteen.
Avoid talking on the telephone.
Do things to help yourself in difficult social situations, such as rehearsing what you
are going to say, offering to help in social situations so that you can keep busy, talking
fora short time but then moving on to another location.
Cannot relax in social situations, drink more, smoke more, talk quickly, keep on the
move ....
If you have ticked many of the boxes then you may be experiencing social anxiety
or shyness.
People who suffer from shyness or social anxiety often believe that other people will
think badly of them or that people will be judging them. They think that they are being
closely observed by other people and they would like to give a good impression. At the
same time they may fear that they are not as good as other people and can't 'come
up to the mark'.
They suffer symptoms of anxiety such as tension, rapid heart beat and light-
headedness when they are in social situations. They may blush or stammer or be
unable to speak.
Certain situations may seem to be more difficult than others. People may feel quite at
ease speaking to people they know but feel very anxious with strangers. Eating or
speaking in front of others can be very difficult, as can crowded places such as
canteens, pubs, shops or queues.
Some people will begin to avoid difficult situations, often leading to great inconvenience,
loss of social life or even career prospects. Other people will find ways of avoiding
making a fool of themselves by carrying out 'safety behaviours'. This can include not
looking people in the eye so as not to draw attention to themselves, sitting down,
holding on to something, staying close to someone they know, talking slowly and
deliberately, keeping busy, moving quickly from conversation to conversation.
In summary - People who experience social anxiety fear that other people will think
badly of them and believe that they are not as good as others. This makes social
situations very difficult or impossible for them.
Social anxiety is something that very many people experience in a mild form but some
people find themselves more seriously affected by it. It is not a sign of any more
serious physical or mental illness, but can be extremely distressing.
It is often related to 'low self esteem' or a poor opinion of yourself, which may have
begun in childhood. Some people seem to be naturally more anxious and have learned
to worry. Others may have had stressful life events that have led them to feel like this.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
2. Avoidance of social situations keeps the person from becoming more used to social
occasions. This stops them from learning that they can cope and feel fine. If a situation
is avoided it feels even more difficult the next time they try and go into it. Sometimes
people have safety behaviours that don't let them learn that they can cope. For
example always sticking with a friend.
3. The person with social anxiety often holds an unpleasant image of how they look
to others, in their mind. When mixing with others the anxiety tends to make them focus
on themselves more. They think of this image, feel anxious and believe that they look
terrible to others. They rarely look to see how the other person is really
responding to them. They make negative guesses about what the other person is
thinking and therefore never challenge their negative, unpleasant image of themselves.
4. 'Fear of fear' will sometimes take over so that the person will predict that they will
be anxious in certain situations and expect certain symptoms, "I know I will go bright
red when I speak", "I won't be able to get my words out" or "what if people notice my
hands shaking?".
These thoughts increase anxiety even before they go into the feared situation.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
5. A vicious circle of social anxiety can begin which will look something like this:
In summary - social anxiety is linked to low self esteem and continues because
people hold long term beliefs that they are 'no good in social situations'. These beliefs
are never challenged because of avoidance safety behaviours and self focusing when
faced with social situations.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
There are a number of ways that you can begin to help yourself to overcome anxiety.
The approaches we will be using will be under the following headings:
over the last month then try and understand in more detail what was happening. It may
help to try and draw out your own vicious cycle of social anxiety - think of a recent
social situation you found difficult.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
ii. If you can't get a clear picture of your difficulties by thinking back, then it may help to
keep a social anxiety diary. For one or two weeks keep a diary of when you feel
anxious and what was going on at the time Keep a note each time of thoughts,
physical symptoms, avoidance or safety behaviours, what you did and what your
thoughts were afterwards.
Once you have a much clearer view of your own problems then you can begin to tackle
the various parts of it and break the vicious circle of anxiety.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
We have seen the role that thoughts have in keeping going the vicious circle of social
anxiety. Thoughts can be words or they can be pictures in your mind. The following
examples may help you to identify your own thoughts and pictures. Examples:
Negative Automatic Thoughts
Image of self as small mousy
" I don't know what to say - people
will think that I'm stupid."
"Image of self looking wobbly and
Everyone will look at me when I
others smirking."
walk in and I will shake."
Image of self flushed and sweating
"I will stammer and not find my
look of pity on faces of others.
Image of self with high squeaky
"I sounded really pathetic when I
voice, others looking strong and
asked a question."
It may help to write down your own negative thoughts and images:
Thoughts Images
Once you know what they are you can Once you know what they are you can begin
to fight back and break the vicious circle.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
In particular ask yourself if you are making the following thinking errors
1. Am I mind-reading ? eg "he/she thinks I'm boring" In this case you don't tend to
find out or look to see what the other person really thinks. You believe your own
negative views and blame it on them!, eg "he doesn't like me". This is a very
common problem for socially anxious people who assume their own negative
view of themselves, is also held by others.
3. Am I personalising this? eg, "they are all laughing, they must be talking about
me" or "he looks tense its probably because he thinks he's got to sit with me".
4. Am I focusing only on the bad things eg, "I really clammed up when I tried to
speak to Jane" (ignoring that you had been able to speak easily to other people
that day).
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
Write down some of your thoughts now and write as many answers or balanced
thoughts as you can. Look out for thinking errors. This question might also help, "what
would you say to a friend who was thinking that way?"
The aim is to get faster at catching these anxious thoughts and answering back almost
instantly. It takes a lot of practice, but really does work.
me? Research has shown that people with social anxiety tend to show an increase in
'self processing' in situations where they feel anxious. This means that:
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
They concentrate a lot on their own body especially looking for the symptoms
of anxiety, eg shaking, sweating, red face, difficulties in speaking.
They focus on their own thoughts with the negative images and views of
themselves mentioned in the previous section.
They have a strong negative image of how they look to others.
The image is not the way they appear to others.
They feel that they are the centre of attention and all this attention is critical
and negative.
Try out some of these ideas and see if they work for you. Begin to challenge some of
your long term beliefs that you are no good in social situations.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
Changing what you do is probably the most helpful way to overcome social anxiety. We
have already talked of how avoidance and safety behaviours keep social anxiety going.
It will help to be clear which behaviours you need to tackle. The following example may
help you to pinpoint your own avoidance and safety behaviours.
Avoidance Avoidance
(write your own list
Not going to places where you will meet people. here)
Asking other people to do things for you when you would
have to meet people.
Not talking to someone you would like to talk to.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
All of these types of avoidance and safety behaviours keep the problem going. It is
important to:
gradually reduce the avoidance and begin to face the things you fear.
Begin by making a list of all the avoidance and safety behaviours that you aim to
prevent. Next make an 'anxiety ladder' where those targets easiest to achieve
are at the bottom and your most difficult situations are at the top. It may help to
look at this example.
John will begin with step 1 and gradually work towards step 6. He will gradually reduce
his safety behaviours and make sure not to take on new ones!
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
You will need to practise regularly to manage thoughts and physical symptoms of
anxiety using the skills you have learned in the other sections. You will gradually learn
that you can cope and feel comfortable in social situations. It is worth remembering that
many other people feel anxious in social situations too, it just doesn't show. You are not
the only one.
How can I reduce my physical symptoms?
Once you have noticed early signs of tension you can prevent anxiety becoming too
severe by using relaxation techniques". Some people can relax through exercise,
listening to music, watching TV, or reading a book.
For others it is more helpful to have a set of exercises to follow. Some people might
find relaxation or yoga classes most helpful, others find tapes useful. You can obtain a
relaxation tape from your GP, and there are also a wide number of relaxation tapes
available in the shops.
Relaxation is a skill like any other which needs to be learned, and takes time. The
following exercise teaches deep muscle relaxation, and many people find it very helpful
in reducing overall levels of tension and anxiety.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
Study the tension for a few seconds and then relax your hand. Notice the difference
between the tension and the relaxation. You might feel a slight tingling. This is the
relaxation beginning to develop.
Each time you relax a group of muscles think how they feel when they're relaxed. Don't
try to relax, just let go of the tension. Allow your muscles to relax as much as you can.
Think about the difference in the way they feel when they're relaxed and when they're
tense. Now do the same for the other muscles of your body. Each time tense them for
a few seconds and then relax. Study the way they feel and then let go of the tension in
It is useful to stick to the same order as you work through the muscle groups:
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
Face - there are several muscles here, but it is enough to think about your
forehead and jaw. First lower your eyebrows in a frown. Relax your forehead.
You can also raise your eyebrows, and then relax. Now, clench your jaw, notice
the difference when you relax.
Chest - take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, notice the tension, then
relax. Let your breathing return to normal.
Stomach - tense your stomach muscles as tight as you can and relax.
Buttocks - squeeze your buttocks together, and relax.
Legs - straighten your legs and bend your feet towards your face. Finish by
wiggling your toes.
You may find it helpful to get a friend to read the instructions to you.
Don't try too hard, just let it happen.
Practise daily.
Start to use relaxation in everyday situations.
Learn to relax without having to tense muscles.
Use parts of the relaxation to help in difficult situations, e.g. breathing slowly.
Develop a more relaxed lifestyle.
This relaxation exercise is available on tape from your GP. Remember relaxation is a
skill like any other and takes time to learn. Keep a note of how anxious you feel before
and after relaxation, rating your anxiety 1-10.
Controlled Breathing
Over-breathing: it is very common when someone becomes anxious for changes to
occur in their breathing. They can begin to gulp air, thinking that they are going to
suffocate, or can begin to breathe really quickly. This has the effect of making them feel
dizzy and therefore more anxious.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
Try to recognise if you are doing this and slow your breathing down. Getting into a
regular rhythm of in two-three and out two-three will soon return your breathing to
normal. Some people find it helpful to use the second hand of a watch to time their
It takes at least three minutes of slow breathing for your breathing to return to normal.
If you take your mind off your symptoms you will find that the symptoms often
disappear. Try to look around you. Study things in detail, registration numbers, what
sort of shoes people are wearing, conversations. Again, you need to distract yourself
for at least three minutes before symptoms will begin to reduce.
Whilst relaxation, breathing exercises and distraction techniques can help reduce
anxiety it is vitally important to realise that anxiety is not harmful or dangerous. Even if
we did not use these techniques, nothing awful would happen. Anxiety cannot harm us,
but it can be uncomfortable. These techniques can help reduce this discomfort.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
We hope you will find this guide helpful. In order to get the maximum benefit, it is best
to continue the exercises described here over a period of several weeks, as problems
usually take some time to overcome. These approaches are tried and tested and most
people find them beneficial if they persist. You are learning new, healthy habits which
will stand you in good stead for the future. It is a good idea to keep this guide handy so
that you can keep referring to it from time to time.
If, after a few weeks, you feel you are making little progress, then seek help in
overcoming your problem. Your GP is the best person to talk to first. Your GP may
suggest a talking treatment or tablets or both. He or she may suggest you see a mental
health worker who can offer expert help with your problems.
If you feel so distressed that you have thoughts of harming yourself or you feel
you are at risk of harming others, then visit your doctor as soon as possible and
explain to him or her how you are feeling.
Moodjuice Forth Valley is a web site designed to offer information and advice to those
experiencing troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions. From the site you are able to
print off other self-help guides covering conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress,
panic and sleep problems. In the site you can explore various aspects of you life that
may be causing you some distress and obtain information on organisations, services
and other self-help materials, that can offer you support and information which will allow
you to help yourself.
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
The Samaritans
Samaritans provides confidential emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are
experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.
You don't have to be suicidal to call us. We are here for you if you're worried about
something, feel upset or confused, or you just want to talk to someone.
Phone: 08457 90 90 90
Address: P O Box 9090 , Stirling
Web Site:
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MOODJUICE - Shyness and Social Phobia - Self-help Guide
Written by Lesley Maunder and Lorna Cameron with contributions from healthcare staff
and service users in Northumberland
© 2003, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust
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